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Thursday, January 28, 2021


The Paleo Way - Chicken Bone Broth with Anthia Koullouros

as a hopeless I know that additional value so we're actually adding in medicine food as medicine Anthea Caloris is a naturopath and herbalist the owner of Ivo organics are the heir champions food as the ultimate medicine and is passionate about educating and inspiring people to take care of their minds and bodies with natural sustainable solutions Thank You jokey nice to have a little herb garden smell oh yeah today after you and I will be making her classic healthy chicken soup - the whole thing I've taken the liberty of actually making a chicken stock and boiling a chicken so we've done a bit of the hard work which it's not really hard to work in oh it's so easy when we make a good chicken stock I usually keep all the kitchen scraps tops of celery on your carrots these are the basic vegetables and remembering our bone stock we put garlic which is good for a cold and flu yeah with lots of girl like in there the other thing to mention when we make a bone stock if we put some apple cider vinegar and salt which I did what you did perfect that extracts all the minerals and nutrients put in bones chicken carcasses or whole chicken and we let that simmer 4 to 6 hours some people use a slow food cooker and then we've basically strained it separated the chicken from the whole shook where you can turn this into any number of meals when it's back into a chicken soup or whether it's a chicken salad or pop it into a curry exactly I think everyone should know how to make a good basic stock a soup okay what's first so we bring this up to the simmer our lovely stock which is full of good nutrition and we will finally dice one carrot nice and small nice and small and we're keeping the skin on for extra nutrition normally you'd be peeling the exterior part which might contain a pesticide fertilizer etc so as long as we're starting off with good organic produce we don't need to really peel so much so we're gonna keep all this goodness and all that goodness continues from the stalks of celery and silverbeet right up into the leaves do you eat soup or broths all the time pretty much I don't take supplements and so I see it as my multivitamin essentially into a soup that's half a zucchini honey does keep the skin on keep the skins on the zucchini keep the skins on the pumpkin do you see a pattern here so we're going to use parsley and I have a feeling you go this stands in all of it oh that nothing goes to waste nothing we've got sage with some time for me thinking chicken soup we're thinking cold flu so sage and thyme are antiseptic I know you're gonna use the stalks and the stems yes I like this type of cooking nothing to waste nothing waste if no so we got over there you're some ginger we've got some ginger which actually encourages circulation to all the extremities it's anti-inflammatory that's going to work so well with our lemon that we'll be using at the very very end I guess we're ready to see them yeah we can put a little bit the salt now perfect and this is great because this gelatin is the gold in bone stock so anti-inflammatory and healing and it's good for musculoskeletal health that's the stuff that we want that's the jelly that's the jelly the gelatin beautiful so put some of that into the falls I'm loving this recipe it's so simple that's so fresh look at the colors in there it's great to cook with a naturopath because it got so much information about every ingredient I know I could keep talking but alright so we'll add some lemon zest lemon zest have lovely antioxidant properties antibacterial and it's the essential oils that yield better the lemon zest so you can smell that to start and then lemon juice because ginger lemon and garlic always go so well together and with the addition of sage and thyme you've got such a good medicinal soup so what else those sales rid of their whole food I love it but it's real food it's not a tablets not a potion it is just a good honest - I assure you you've got the big girl thanks Peter well are you I like eating good food lots of it he loved this everybody would love this .

Video Description:

Pete Evans is in the kitchen with Anthia Koullouros of Ovvio Organics, making her classic healthy chicken soup.

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