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Wednesday, December 30, 2020


How To Spatchcock A Chicken: Part 2 (Periscope Video)

so what I have here is a spatchcock or butterfly chicken if you look at my previous book so those of you who don't know me I am a shelf hammer down on helium and my previous scope I showed how to remove the backbone and a chicken which is the way I like to roast my chicken all the time and I salt it and I dry brine it and you can actually keep this in your fridge loosely covered with some plastic wrap for up to three days so this I actually did it yesterday because Henry anything is like hiding behind the corner and I are working on a new blog post because after I showed this on periscope a lot of people were like oh I don't really know how to do this can you do a step by step recipe on your blog so I said sure because this is how I make my chicken all the time and so this chicken has already had backbone removed and I've already loosened the skin in between you know the chicken in the skin and I've applied salt all over and under the skin and this has been hanging out for 24 hours in the fridge loosely covered with plastic wrap and so now I'm going to put a flavored butter under the skin and this just you know flavors it and give it you know ask Henry and they can you help me open this my hands are all chickeny and so basically what I have here is I have a quarter cup of butter if you guys don't do better you can do you can do softened and you have it fat in like you can even use olive oil whatever so I like butter so I have a quarter cup of softened butter in here salt before after 24 hours stop before because you wanted to that's the whole that's the whole purpose of dry brining it is you want um you want the salt to make it to do its thing and make it super flavorful and it actually makes your chicken juicier it doesn't make it prior um and so you can so you don't even have to butterfly it but the salty part is really important and I learned this from Judy Rogers and Zuni cafe and she was super well known for saltating Oliver meats ahead of time especially her famous chicken and bread salad in Zuni Cafe and she would always salt it up to three days in advance here so you don't have to butterfly but you should definitely salt it ahead of time uh oh and add in a haircut but and before it is all in his face but now he has this new his father so anyway so I went and here is I have the softened butter so if you were to do this on a weekday so you can totally butterfly it and salt it up to three days in advance and so it'll be ready for you whenever you want to cook but I always like to put a flavor of butter right before I roast it so I've created the oven to 400 degrees convection roast if you don't have a convection oven you can just do 425 or 400 um in terms of the total cooking time it takes about 45 minutes but that all depends on the size of your chicken like I was cooking a three and a half pound chicken the other day and it only took like 30 minutes and so you really do need to check the temperature of your chicken and so you gotta stab it in the thickest part of the breast and that should be about 150 I know a lot of books say 160 165 but 150 is perfect in fact when I soo needed I do 140 and it's just fine so the breast is 150 it's almost guarantee that the thighs will be 165 which is perfect and the reason why I butterflying it is so great is because the breast meat which has a tendency to overcook is almost kind of inflated and because it's in the middle and so it'll be perfectly fine so here I am with my herb butter again henna can you I'm sorry can you help me to pop the top huh my hands are kicking me he has a carrot because we're gonna say can you help me pride a tablespoon so what I do is I do about a quarter cup of them yeah you pour it into the neck here thank you yes and so what I have here is one like just a random seasoning blend from NZ's this one's actually called pasta sprinkle but I don't eat pasta but it's um it's basically just a dried herb blend it has basil oregano thyme and garlic which I think he's great in chicken so I'm gonna just sorry this is how it works normally I cook and then Henry takes picture and I slip degrees and everything we make we actually eat and so my one save about what type of herbs to put under you know to make your herb butter it can be whatever you can make you can use fresh herbs just in my cookbook and I'm on paleo food for humans you have a foodie and chicken where we use fresh herbs um you know but in this case I just use my favorite dry herb blend I normally use a salt free blend because I already have salted the whole thing but if you don't have time and I've done this before I will you know salt a little bit like I probably don't go as hard under or as much under the skin as I normally do and then I'll use a flavored seasoning blend that has salt and then I will mix that with the butter Oh can't wait it's funny you should say that we just recorded a pumpkin yesterday right honey we did and this one we talk about our favorite crushes of the week which because it's already fall we talked about her favorite fall produce and then them then the main course of the podcast is about my time at cute nerd Fitness which was a lot of fun and then we talked about our question of the week we talked that on this TV we like to watch um and we also answer a question about feeding your preschooler or what you do what to do if your kid goes to a non paleo preschool class or you don't so as I said before this is a quarter cup of butter with fine a tablespoon of dried herbs and spices and so a quarter cup is four tablespoons but where is the podcast the podcast is on hi Kunz did you just look up Naaman on paleo wherever you listen to your podcast and we have 15 that you can listen to we're working on 16 plan dispatch turkeyneck sorry you totally should in fact my Thanksgiving guys that I emailed to all of my newsletter subscribers describes how to make a butterfly turkey in fact the reason why we're doing this post on how to butterfly a chicken is so people who aren't sure how to do it and they they just want to kind of do a practice run this chicken is the perfect way to do it so because as I said before this is a quarter cup of four tablespoons like I ground about like 1/4 of it and I put one under the skin and the butter should be really soft you see how it's like really soft I literally will leave this out my plate if I'm doing this for a weeknight dinner I will take it out in the morning and weave it out all day the butter so this I'm going to put another like tablespoon so if you look at the blog we literally do like I'm just and normally Henry's telling me to freeze mother because we're on periscope and then this one I stick on top of this by so basically you divide this flavored butter into fourths and you just so once you put a blob under the skin then you can work it you can just push on the skin to kind of move it all the way down yeah so look if you have nice soft butter you can hold the skin down and push down and the herb butter goes all the way down you see that here you can but you can see that the herb butter goes all the way down the chicken breast so I have some on the leg and then I actually try to push that down to the drumstick as well and if you look at my previous periscope and I'll also describe it in my blog post by how I do this I loosen the skin everywhere on the chicken I'm sorry um so let me see some questions that's going to be amazing any herbs yes so I the wanna use here it changes every time and I'll talk about that when I post it in my blog post but if you leave me whatever I have and normally I don't have fresh herbs to make kind of weeknight chicken and so this one I have is a no salt blend from 10 Z's called pasta sprinkle and I don't I don't need pasta but I like that this blend has like basil oregano thyme and garlic which I think it's just a perfect one for chicken this day I'm still pulling my Kirkman bag is what I have right here best thing ever and so so now that the butter is underneath the skin and I've kind of worked it everywhere I'm going to rearrange it to have it ready for the oven I kind of pull the skin so that it covers every part because they told you guys before I loosened it everywhere so now I just have to make sure that it goes back in place I like when there's extra skin and I find there's extra skin at the top of it yeah because then I can fold it over and then I took the win place and that's it I'm gonna pop this in the oven now 400 degrees convection rose juice for 25 regular it'll be about 45 minutes but I'm gonna check the temperature I'm not just gonna go by time I do 20 minutes and then I flip sorry I'm gonna die and then I just flip it around see I've been halfway through so I go like 20 minutes and then I add another 20 minutes and then I start checking the temperature when it's about so this is a 4 and a half pound bird so I know for sure this takes about 40 45 minutes but if I had a 3 pound chicken which a lot of the pastured birds are smaller that would be 3 30 minutes and so I you know stab it in the thickest part of the breast and if it's 150 then I know that it's done I do have a previous scope about cleaning the rack I will link to that when I put this up too but I think in all my other postive oh my love and rest chicken posts that I just put on my blog not on paleo I do link to my periscope on how I clean this rack I'm and it's really easy and that's what you guys should do so this is ready to be popped in the oven we're gonna have for lunch and then hopefully there will be enough light so that we can take pictures for a blog post later this week and that's about it my hands are super a chickadee I want to wash them and then I'll answer some quick questions you guys have if you have questions about you know Thanksgiving prep thank you when hidden all the mess like on the ground that you guys can't see these seasons skin yes I put salt on the skin I don't like to put I used to put a bunch of other stuff on the skin but it burns so I just put salt and sometimes I'll brush a little bit of fat on the top but I found that it doesn't make a huge difference however tell us is my first time joining scopes have your acid it's great thank you we actually are working on our iPhone version of the app and that should be out later this year if you already have the iPod app the iPhone version is free because it'll be a universal app and I missed those questions that just came up at the bottom so if you guys have any other questions I'm happy to answer them I just made some magic baking powder best seasoning in the world you can totally use that within an herb butter but then I wouldn't use as much salt under the skin so if your crep like your fear pressed for time and you cannot like dry brine it ahead of time just you know salt the top and then make an herb butter with the magic mushroom powder and and that will be perfect because the magic mushroom powder use it like a seasoning salt and use it as a salt replacement as opposed to just like a dry rub and wondering why I have to turn the chicken well I I don't actually flip the chicken I just turn the rock and it's because my oven like most ovens is not perfectly even so I just flip it 180 degrees to make sure that it cooks evenly all right I think that is oh I tried magic mushroom powder but couldn't get it pretty powdering that so that is why you need a either a high-powered blender or a cheap coffee grinder works really well I have like a twenty twenty dollar coffee grinder that I almost use exclusively for magic mushroom powder and it totally pulverizes it another issue is that your mushrooms may be too big or your mushrooms may be little too like soggy because they are dried and if you live in a humid environment it won't pulverize same process for turkey I do do the same process for turkey in fact if you go to my site nom nom de Leo calm I have a butterflied Big Bird rusty and it's also in the e-book that I send to all of my news letter subscribers and I think it's the perfect way to make Turkey the only issue is you really can't go above a 12 pound turkey at least I can't because I don't have a giant oven but otherwise it is the best way to make turkey and it'll be done in about 90 minutes okay I think I hope you guys have a good Sunday hope this was helpful I will put this all up on the blog there is a version of it in my cookbook my Peruvian chicken recipe but this is gonna be a super pumpkin subscribe now and get news letter yes if you go to my site and subscribe on the Thank You page there is a link to the free Thanksgiving evoke along with it anyway that's it um you know there's a lot of commotion happening in background I hope you guys have a great day I always people .

Video Description:

Watch how I make an herb butter and slather it on a spatchcocked chicken, all while I answer viewers' questions on a Periscope video.

Here's my recipe for Spatchcocked Chicken with Herb Butter:

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Video by Michelle Tam & Henry Fong
