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Friday, January 1, 2021


How to Do Plie Squats + Mistakes & Variations

begin standing with your legs open past hip distance just about shoulder-width apart turn your feet out diagonally and place hands on hips for balance with your shoulders staying directly over your hips start to bend your knees keep your knees and toes in the same alignment as you lower down into a squat without letting your knees fall inward make sure your spine stays as flat as possible like you're pressed up against a wall and your chest is open and core is tight once you've lower down it's almost a 90 degree angle pause at the bottom then squeeze your gluts while slowly lifting back up into the first start position a wood injury to your back in these by keeping your hips aligned under your shoulders many squats require you to push your hips behind your shoulders but it's important to remember plie squats are different by having your hips and feet place at an angle it changes how your body responds to lowering and lifting through your legs you'll want to keep your entire spine long and lifted so try to maintain a strong back starting from the base of your neck all the way down to your tailbone this also allows you to use more of your core and strengthen your back muscles a very common mistake is let your knees sink inward during the squat motion be careful to keep your knees in the olders same alignment while you're lowering and lifting and to not let them fall in past your big toe be sure you don't let your knees fall forward past your big toe during the lowering into the squat keeping your knees back towards your heels will help maintain the focus of this exercise and also reduce potential mainstream failed plie spots can be made easier by limiting the range of motions and concentrating on form begin the correct position with heels in toes out in a diagonal and slowly start to lower hips down just a few inches pause at the bottom making sure your knees are still properly tracking over your heels then repeat advanced releve looking to increase the strength in your task and test your balance keep your heels lifted off the ground while holding the releve position during the entire squat by balancing your weight on the balls of your feet it will challenge more muscles in your calves inner thighs and core hand weight if you want to work additional muscles in your upper body while challenging your lower body just add a pair of hand weights start off with something small like a two or a three pound weight in each hand during the lowering of the plie squat extend arms out and around into a Treehugger move then open arms back out and wide upon the list back to start position .

Video Description:

Remember to keep your core tight and squeeze your glutes as you lower down!


