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Thursday, December 3, 2020


Nick's Ahi Poke - World's Greatest Snack? - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

hey paleo Nick here I was walking by this tray of tuna the other day while at Costco and I just couldn't pass it up so we're gonna take this opportunity to do tuna two ways the first way is gonna be an ahi poke a right kind of Hawaiian style kind of Japanese e either way it's gonna be a lot of fishy fun so stick around for this one all right so I'm going to start with this first piece let's set this aside and what I'm doing poke a I'll come and cut what once the these are little sleeves and I like to call these sleeve dividers so once the sleeve dividers over here get really fat or thicker I'll cut those away just cause they're chewy you can see that there's even one more there so I'll cut that kind of set this aside and then we're going to cut this into good sized chunks looks good huh just come across that'll be our start we've got a bowl here I'll just toss that in the bowl so next up are two cloves of garlic just cut the little stem ends off there just like that and then I'll scratch these with the edge of my knife kind of cut it up and then I'm gonna use some salt here maybe you seen this before maybe not but we'll just use that of some grit make a little garlic paste then we're not getting any chunks in there it'll be like some chunk of raw garlic okay so our little bit a little bit garlic paste in there tuna into that I'm gonna add some sesame oil call that a tablespoon spoon here I'll just kind of start the flavor out while we prep the rest of the stuff I'm going to get this in the fridge here we've got some seaweed salad it's kind of fluorescent green I just picked this up at the Asian market there's got to be some sort of chemical in here that makes it this green I think it's called green number seven or some like that but I'm not too worried this stuff tastes good what about that much I would say volume that's about a half of a cup sesame seeds and now I'm just going to cut through this one more this way and then this is a masago or smelt bro tiny little orange eggs all right then I've got a mini bundle of cilantro I'll do a I'm going to call a ship a nod the fine little rag like cut pull my tuna back out Swede salad let's go to scoops Zog electro this is where I love to get spicy boom there we go probably a tablespoon and a half of sambal I'm a little tamari nothing over the top this one's reduced-sodium tamari wheat free soy sauce already got our sesame oil in there so just mix this out for the heat wait for the heat God's there but I like mine is spicy a little bit more caught too strong tablespoons you have it's a triple stay tuned I'll show you how to plate this out I so to plate this up you guys I've got some little sheets of nori and I just bought these ones pre-roasted I think they have some seasoning in them I'm not worried about it what's in there right there's probably a little bit of sugar maybe some wine or I don't know do there's some rice wine in there let's make a this is the Rising Sun because I think Japan is called the Land of the Rising Sun right put a little bit of this in the center hi let's hard turb it up carry it out to the table good luck not spilling that one but I think if we give her one final little want to find a little drizzle we started with sesame oil we'll finish with it okay - you just to see what it tastes like how do we do this little fork little spoon mmm like that pop her in mmm doesn't get much better than that I Petiot Nick showing you guys how to handle some tuna if you want to know what the second way in the tune of two ways is enough just stay tuned for next episode in the meantime keep it paleo .

Video Description:

I fell in love with Poké while working in Alaska. While it is a long way from Hawaii, there are many Hawaiian transplants living there. My man, Roy Hoomanavanui Ua, for example has a family farm on The Big Island, but is raising his family in Anchorage to take advantage of the Permanent Fund Dividend. Aside from working with Hawaiians, my Chef Mentor, Al Levinsohn, spent a lot of time in Hawaii. He is friends with Sam Choy, who one could call the "Poké Master". In 1991, Choy founded the Poké Festival and Recipe Contest. His secret ingredient is peanut butter, which I left out of this one. But keep it quiet, because it's a secret.
