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Sunday, November 29, 2020


Slow Cooker Pork Belly Tacos - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

up next guys we've got a slow cooker recipe that's sure to be at the top of your list so come right back for my pork belly tacos with a Vietnamese twins fit paleo okay guys pork belly right here slice maybe an inch inch and a quarter thick will drop this into a bowl and then I've got some mighty taco taco mix dump that on there toss this up nicely make sure coats fully drop this into our slow cooker and we're going to add apple cider vinegar some water just like that we're going to hit this on low for six hours all right guys the new day I got a fresh new shirt on and we're going to make a quick pickle this is going to go on top of our pork belly the portability is done we'll show you how to handle that in a minute but first I've got some onions julienned carrots kind of shredded or julienne a little bit of minced garlic and then I'm going to show you how to work with the jalapeno so we're going to cut it in half and then I'll start here and just see this this will help control the heat we provide some heat and give us a nice green color to our pickle but basically these are all the same shape right that julienne or shredded shape then we'll take some vinegar got red wine vinegar honey and then I'm going to throw my garlic in there and salt whisk this up and you want to do this maybe an hour before you're going to eat the pork belly or the hour before you're going to serve it this isn't something you'd want to do a day ahead of time because the vinegar will do but kind of go too far soften the veggies too much the heat from the jalapeno would probably be too strong so that's what we're calling it the quick pickle there we go there veggies in there okay there we go guys we're going to let that rest while we work with our pork belly all right guys the pork belly is done I'll show you here it looks like a big thick slice of bacon but it pulls apart pretty easily right so we'll go in for that little slices like that so we're going to sear this baby off give it a little more flavor right now I'm just going to do three pieces three tacos and those are about right side as far as the cooking agent goes we're just going to use the fat that's already in here I'm not going to use any oil butter any of that stuff just set this we go good hot pan now while it's searing here we can start to set our plate I'm going to find three release of green leaf lettuce and say give these berries a quick turn oh yeah all right then we're pretty much ready to plate we've got our hoist in right we've already seen the recipe for that our pickle lettuce Bay so let's make this baby happen there we have it guys it's our paleo pork-belly bond me a pretty simple what I would do is take this now and portion it out into containers you can freeze it or just eat it within a couple days so remember whenever we're using the slow cooker it's not gourmet it just tastes that way get in the kitchen give this one a try and at every opportunity do your best to keep it paleo .

Video Description:

This is the first recipe of 2017, and we went big! Slow cooked, seared pork belly, your new favorite Paleo hoisin sauce and a tasty little number we're calling the quick pickle - this is serious stuff. Nick's showing you the way, right here, right now.
