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Monday, January 25, 2021


What is Deep Paleo? | Hilary Bromberg

so I've been in this paleo space for a long time now and I see an important distinction that we need to make deep paleo versus shallow paleo shallow paleo says it's all about me I want to look good feel good be lean healthy strong if I eat paleo wear my blue blockers swing my kettlebells I am all set sustainability regenerative agriculture whatever I look awesome and I can lift a ton of weight so I'm not saying it's shallow to care about this stuff right it's healthy to want to look good and feel good it's just shallow to stop their deep paleo says it's not just about me in fact it's hardly about me at all we need D paleo right now we're at a low point in human history our physical and mental health are in bad shape the health of the planet is no better we're witnessing a massive extinction of species on the planet and of the wild human soul and we're totally disconnected as we stay our climate catastrophe in the face we are staring into our smartphones hoping for likes so I see a deep alien movement as a new ecological movement a successor to Deep Ecology but incorporating everything we know about ancestral health .

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Are you egocentric or ECOcentric? Hilary Bromberg of Barefoot Provisions explains the difference between shallow Paleo and deep Paleo, and why we need to take a big-picture approach to health. Filmed live at Paleo f(x) Austin 2016.

So I have been in this Paleo space for a long time now.

And I’ve seen important distinction that we need to make, Deep Paleo vs. Shallow Paleo.

Shallow Paleo says it’s all about me, I wanna look good, feel good, be lean, healthy, strong, if I eat Paleo, wear my blue blockers, swing my kettlebells, I am all set.

Sustainability? Regenerative agriculture? Whatever, I look awesome and I can lift shit ton of weight.

So I am not saying it’s shallow to care about this stuff, right, it’s healthy you want to look good and feel good. It’s just shallow to stop there.

Deep paleo says it’s not just about me. In fact, it’s hardly about me at all.

We need Deep Paleo right now. We are a low point in human history.

Our physical and mental health are in bad shape. The health of the planet is no better.

We are witnessing a massive extinction, of species on the planet and of the wild human soul and we are totally disconnected.

As we stare climate catastrophe in the face, we are staring into our smartphones hoping for likes.

So I see a Deep Paleo movement is as a new ecological movement, a successor to deep ecology but incorporating everything we know about ancestral health.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


Sarah Fragoso - How to Undo the Paleo Diet


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Sarah Fragoso explains why the paleo "diet" alone does not work and how to free oneself from "diet dogma". Filmed live at Paleo f(x) Austin.

Monday, November 9, 2020


Dr Lauren Noel Sexy Superfoods How to Supercharge Your Paleo Diet

I don't know who your favorite paleo EFS speaker is but you're about to trade up because coming to the stage right now is the beautiful the lovely the talented dr. Lauren Noel give up for Lauren Noel please thank you school hi everyone so good to be here I'm really excited to be on the prescript assist stage I use this all the time in my practice so it's very appropriate I think given that I'm on this stage and I really wanted to come in and just do a quick talk I'll have a few minutes at the end of this to answer some questions if you guys have any new questions after this so we are talking all about food is medicine how many of you guys believe food is medicine that's otherwise we wouldn't be here and as a naturopathic doctor that's my training I really believe that every single plate of food can be healing not only for your body but also for your mind your body your soul food is extremely it's an intimate kind of experience right we sit down to have meals together it's a way for us to be connected and so I really believe that it's extremely powerful and I think sometimes with the Paleo diet what happens is we take someone who has kind of a standard sort of a healthier version of American diet and remove foods from it so remove grains remove dairy and remove legumes and what's left is kind of just the scraps oh you have a few foods left behind yes you have meats fruits and vegetables but I think oftentimes we don't really focus on how can we really elevate your diet and make it as healthy as it can be versus just taking out the bad stuff so that's what my philosophy is is adding in the foods that are extremely nutritious that's why I wanted to talk to you today about sexy superfoods so things that you can add in to really elevate your Paleo diet so my clinic shine natural medicine as I said I'm a naturopathic doctor I practice in San Diego anyone from San Diego here know just me so if you guys were down in the area definitely come by and say hi I love to see you at the practice we've been open about a year and a half and it's it's pretty pretty awesome place this is one of my favorite quotes health is a state of complete harmony of the body mind and spirit when one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions the gates of the soul open I love that I think that you know I think that that like I said food it can be an experience that it connects us to who we are and it's it's a way to love us I really believe that the way you eat oftentimes is a reflection of how you respect yourself and how do you love yourself how you guys know that when you're not feeling so good you want some comfort foods right you want some sugar and some donuts something like that to make you feel better when you're feeling empowered you're really loving yourself oftentimes it's easier to reach for foods that are nutritious and I experienced this for myself this is about ten years ago I was about 30 pounds heavier I had depression anxiety just brain fog I was just sick tired fat and depressed and I had a thyroid condition and just wasn't feeling very good and it wasn't until I learned about the power of food I removed grains from my diet I added in some of these superfoods and so many amazing benefits came from that so I think in the paleo world we think that there's one particular superfood and that is bacon but I don't really think superfood is a bacon maybe I think I might get into a wrestle match after if and it's just talk great sense some of you guys beliefs but this is actually at my Halloween party this last October I was bacon because I love bacon but I think there's some other foods that could be a little bit more healing than that I think I won the best costume although I think Sean's afro is pretty good so looking at super foods what does it mean to be a superfood I see it as a food that is nutrient dense so taking the most amount of nutrients per serving and getting the maximization of those particular nutrients and that food also what I see as a superfood is is a food that has a unique nutrient profile so taking a food that has the most of let's say vitamin C pairing that with other super foods that have you know maybe the most zinc for example and adding those into your diets to get them maximized kind of super food actual diet this was a study that was done about five years ago looking at nutrient density so taking all these different foods and rating them to see what would be the most nutrient-dense and it might be a little bit hard to see but what they did is they they rated these foods and also took into account things like saturated fat and sugar and sodium and really in the Paleo world we know that saturated fat and sodium isn't necessarily bad for you so what if we actually keep some of those values in the mix and saw which foods were going to be the healthiest what they found where that shellfish was actually at the top of the list in addition to organ meats so shellfish were given a score of 643 and organ meats were up there at 7:54 compare that to whole grains whole grains were actually at 83 so it's a big difference 753 versus 83 we're gonna meats versus grains other foods that they also tested so vegetables were at 352 so actually organ meats and shellfish were found to be healthier than vegetables when it came to nutrient density and then you take something like dried fruit we think dried fruits so good for you it was actually at 85 so not as healthy as what you know one might actually think so the healthiest ones shellfish organ meats also fatty fish was at 6:22 so that was also really high up there as well as lean fish and those were the kind of the rock stars for that particular study so again looking at what is the criteria for a superfood it's something has a high nutrient density but also having a unique nutrient profile that makes it kind of unique to other types of foods so I'm gonna go over my favorite top seven sexy super foods that I think you adding them into your Paleo diet are going to give you a very unique kind of addition to specific nutrients and extra healing benefits so food number one is liver so liver is nature's multivitamin it is loaded with vitamins minerals antioxidants how many you guys actually like liver Wow that's unique to this group I think we're like 50% of people actually like liver if you go to the maybe general population I think there'd be like maybe three or four percent usually when I prescribe this for patients they look at me with a scrunch face and so you've got to be kidding me I'm not gonna eat liver but as they eat it it's kind of a I think it's an acquired taste so one of the arguments for liver people say as well doesn't it filter toxins doesn't actually store toxins I probably shouldn't eat it in actuality liver doesn't really store toxins it's a filter for toxins so but quality is very very important getting obviously grass-fed organic you know free-range animals that are happy and healthy rather than you know being tortured for their life and fed pesticides also liver actually does store some items which would be nutrients so it stores vitamin A vitamin K vitamin E and vitamin D also copper Zink and an iron it's loaded with iron so this is something I'll use for patients who have anemia for example if a woman has a you know very heavy period and she is becoming pretty anemic I will oftentimes prescribe liver for her to eat so if you have anemic or anemia definitely liver is amazing if you have thyroid conditions liver is an amazing addition to your food because for people with thyroid conditions often times you can't convert your beta-carotene into vitamin A so you're eating lots of you know greens or maybe carrots but you can't convert it into a vitamin A and that's where liver comes in because it's loaded it's just so load of the vitamin A next food is camu camu how many of you guys have actually heard of camu camu few people so ca
mera camo is I think that should just called camel cuz it's kind of redundant but it is a berry that is found in the Amazon and it is loaded with vitamin C it's the highest food plant food that we can see with vitamin C it's ten times higher than orange so to get the same amount of vitamin C and 1 teaspoon of camo camo you actually have to eat 10 oranges and you would obviously get a ton of sugar so it's really really packed with vitamin C and as I was looking into this I was thinking okay is it just the vitamin C that makes it great well there's actually studies to show that camu camu has very unique properties to it that are a bit different than just vitamin C so it's not just the vitamin C content that makes it really healthy there's a couple of studies that were done on camel camel one in particular that I thought was really interesting was looking at smoking men so they did a study with 20 smoking men and was for just seven days they compared two different groups one group was given juice of camu camu and the other group was given a placebo or actually was given vitamin C and after seven days they found that the group that had taken the the cama cama juice had reduced amount of react reactive oxygen species which is an oxidative marker testing free radical damage also reduced CRP which is inflammation of the body and also reduced TNF alpha which is also a marker of inflammation and they found that in the vitamin C group they didn't see the same results so it's pretty interesting to actually compare that it's not just the vitamin C there's there's very unique properties to this particular berry that we don't really know about just yet next one is blue-green algae so blue-green algae is a particular kind of bacteria that has been around for longer than we've been around and it is loaded with chlorophyll which is the basically punched green sunshine so what you get from the Sun it's what fish eat so fish eat this food and that's why they have essential fatty acids well why don't we just eat the food that fish eat we can all PC eat the fish but what about what they eat it's obviously very healthy blue-green algae has been studied in reducing inflammation so similar to camera camo also reducing cancer risk modulating the immune system there's been some anecdotal evidence of using it for autism treatment and and also just really helping brain power helping to deliver that oxygen to your brain and increasing you know cognition function so blue-green algae is an amazing thing to add into your to your diet the the source of where you get it is actually at the klamath lake in Oregon is where it's found I actually went to school in Portland so we would go over there it's that particular Lake and a very specific way that it's harvested so so that's another really amazing benefit or another amazing superfood to add into your diet as well nettles is number four who here has heard of Nettles nettles is amazing I could freak out about the benefits of Nettles when I was in naturopathic school we harvested our own plants and this is one that we went out and collected how many of you guys have actually been touched by nettles before like Ron atolls it's not very comfortable so nettles has little pokers in the plant that have chemicals in it that induce redness and pain and has actually anti histamine properties so there's a few different benefits of using Nettles one in particular is for allergies so hay fever rhinitis chronic rhinitis amazing for that so if you find that you have allergies you can start to take this maybe you know a few months before the allergy season kicks in and you'll find that your allergies would probably not be so much of a problem the other is that nettles is loaded with nutrients with minerals with vitamins with antioxidants I always said that if I would be on a deserted island and I had one food I would have metals as my food nettles and liver wouldn't be probably a very tasty experience but tons of nutrition nettles has also been used for actual chronic pain like shoulder pain skin pain using it to actually I know it sounds really painful but hating it on your skin can help to induce chemicals that reduce pain actually on the receptors of your skin and then also you can make it into food so if you boil it down it actually it takes off the the pain aspect of it and you can eat it so you can make a nettles pesto it's been amazing you can make Nettles soup so adding it to bone broth is an amazing way to have that as well and so it's a really a food as medicine it's really like the kind of this the when I think of food as medicine I think of nettles is the main one it's just so incredibly nutritious and it tastes pretty good too number five is reishi so reishi is a kind of mushroom dr. Justin told me it's been used for over 10,000 years actually so it's been around for a long long time this mushroom it looks small this is that mushrooms about this big it's humongous I was looking at some videos on YouTube about reishi and one woman was was holding this big huge mushroom is so big she had to go to Home Depot to have it sawed in half to actually show the inside of because it's really Hardy and really really dense and reishi if you look back at old arts and history books it's been used in paintings it's been used in crown designs different if you look at different kinds of sculptures holy men will will be holding reishi because it's been regarded as a holy food it's actually a spirit food and in ancient times they would say that if you would find reishi you should keep it as a secret and not tell anyone because it's it's so incredibly healing medicinal it's just so so powerful the the healing benefits of reishi are pretty endless but in a few of the different ways that it does help with healing as immune modulation so for autoimmune diseases they can up to balance out the branches of the immune system and and what happens in autoimmune is you have one that's higher or the other that's high and so it helps to balance it out as immune modulation also reishi has been studied in cancer so helping to prevent angiogenesis angiogenesis is the delivery of blood to cancer cells and creation of basically blood vessels and so it prevents angiogenesis and then also it's been studied to induce apoptosis so apoptosis is just a fancy name for cell death so it basically tell cancer cells to kill themself is what Rishi has been studied to do so incredibly powerful in its anti-cancer effects and you can make it as a soup you can get it as a tincture you make it as a tea there's lots of ways to take it and it's great especially before a cold and flu season if you find that you know you're getting sick it's it's very powerful for that as well number six is oysters who likes oysters yes my favorite food I love oysters I love going to the farmers market and just getting like a whole plate of raw oysters usually gross people out that I'm with but I think they're so so good boisterous are loaded with a particular mineral does anyone know what the mineral is zinc yes so it's ten times higher in zinc than any other food ten times higher than any other food and the second one would be pumpkin seeds which is you know a very very far away's number two Easter's is amazing for helping to boost sex drive that's why it's an aphrodisiac it's also immune booster that's why zinc is so great during you know the cold and flu season it helps to boost your immune system and for skin hair nails if you have any kind of skin issues hair nail issues adding in oysters is such an amazing superfood for that so I prescribe this all the time in my practice for women who have hormonal issues or maybe a man who is a low sex drive I'll say add in some zinc into your diet and just watch what happens it really will help to boost things and then number seven of the sexy superfoods is bone marrow I love me some bone marrow so incredibly good and i
ncluded in bone marrow would be bone broth so bone marrow who here loves bone marrow yeah do they have bone broth here they have to have it somewhere right do they have it so bone marrow loaded and minerals loaded in collagen it helps to boost elastin healing if I have patients in my practice who have ligament or soft tissue damage I'm always telling and have a copper to a bone broth it's just loaded with some of these nutrients and really helps to you know increase healing for that for those particular conditions alright so those are the seven sexy super foods and last thing is if you guys aren't familiar with my podcast dr. Loe radio who here has heard of my podcast dr. Loe radio so i do my radio show every week so a few of the guests I've had on and been doing it for about four and a half years now it's it's been a lot of fun and and similar to some of the other podcasts we have a lot of these amazing paleo type of guests but also adding into naturopathic treatments to it so herbal medicine nutrition what are some things you can maybe make it home as medicine to help to boost your health so please check it out and yeah so thank you I appreciate it thanks so much for for watching we probably have a couple minutes for questions if anyone would like to ask any questions if not I will be available to answer questions individually I I am new to trying to like oysters for years they've grossed me out and recently I tried oystamato is actually pretty good but for somebody that doesn't like oysters do you have any tips for how to prepare it like if you prepare it or cook it does it actually change the nutritional value contents the question is oysters if you don't like the taste of and how can you eat up you don't have to eat them raw I just personally like them raw but you can eat the oysters rockefeller rockefeller or you can make them at home and and zinc doesn't change if it's heated because it's a mineral so it's fine either way if you're gonna do it raw or cooked and camu camu where we get that camera camera you can get it at health food stores i know they have in powdered content they have them at Whole Foods so you can get yeah any kind of health food store if they have that yeah just a question with the kettle does the do the nutritional properties change when you heat it up or when you boil it the nettles change for Nettles if you heat it up if it's an antioxidant it would it would change a bit the mineral content wouldn't really change but it's loaded in so much that heating it up there's still going to be a good amount that's left over yeah yeah awesome talk doc what's your favorite breakfast superfood my favorite breakfast superfood well if dave is watching I would say bulletproof coffee but I'm kind of eggs and kale the veggie scramble kind of girl you know that's when I'll probably allow the bacon to be a superfood awesome green tea also yeah um I find I'm always low in potassium and I don't like bananas do you have any recommendations of foods that would be high at all that's a good option yeah how do you prepare bone marrow how do you prepare bone marrow in the oven yeah here's a really great way to prepare a bone marrow yeah okay right here two two rows behind you she is a good way to do it yeah it's pretty easy in the oven you just pop it in there for a while and it doesn't take long what like 20 minutes 10 to 20 minutes yeah cookies she just throw it in there pretty easy yeah right here but Oh for the bone it has to be also great feed for the start you said these have to be great graduates yeah yeah yeah so anytime we're doing any kind of animal products you always want it to be a good source right you want to get organic free-range because if you think about it if you're eating an animal that's having just pesticides and you know in different kinds of toxins in their diet it's going to be compounded in their meat and you're going to get that into your body so if you had to decide organic fruits and vegetables versus meat I mean definitely if you're gonna have one organic you'd want to have the meat over the fruits and vegetables so really yeah good question but toxins are stored in the bones so toxins are stored in the fats if you're going to be eating those fatty you know bones and and those tissues that the good quality is super important and what about algae spirulina spirulina yeah what about that yes really must be a good a good choice - I like spirulina or blue-green algae they're they're nutrient profile is pretty similar so that would be a good option as well yeah yeah where do you get Nettles where do you get Nettles I found it at the farmers market it depends on where you live so I know up in Oregon when I lived there they had tons of nettles in San Diego they had it too so check farmer's markets they grow here in the South do they grow it do they grow in this out I don't know bigger in this I think they do does anyone from the south it was have metal screws in the cell yeah Oh Asian food markets yeah you get all kinds of cool stuff in the Asian food markets yeah yeah yeah so yeah you can get at the South it sounds like what about turmeric turmeric yeah yeah so turmeric is an amazing anti-inflammatory it was one actually considered to have on this list I try to find things that are maybe not talked about as much I definitely consider goji berries pomegranate I mean there's so many amazing superfoods but turmeric is one that is absolutely you know and then top ten I would say anti-tumor anti pack anti viral anti-inflammatory it's anti everything you know it's tons of antioxidants so turmeric is amazing yeah turmeric the only thing about turmeric is the delivery so the absorption is not so great if you're wanting to do it at therapeutic doses so if you find a supplement turmeric with with black pepper that increases the absorption about ten times black pepper yeah one more question one more question oh thank you so much you .

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Sunday, October 4, 2020


Paleo f(x)™ 2020 Event Trailer

hi we're Michelle and Keith Norris the founders of paleo FX we believe in empowering people to think differently and critically about health than their own well-being that's why we created paleo FX our annual live event that gathers health enthusiasts with the experts at the cutting edge of science in a place where you can learn to apply it in a practical way to enhance your life this is not your ordinary conference it's a full-on immersion weekend that lets you try out the latest foods gadgets workouts and more you and your family were born to be healthy and together we are nurturing the destiny of our planet and that's why we have picked nurture destiny is our theme for 2020 it's amazing what has happened in the nine years since we came up with this crazy idea we've seen local startup food brands go national and paleo keto and ancestral health principles get into the mainstream and we love love paleo FX right this community is so thriving so curious so open minded the energy is just palpable and it's so positive and excitement you know we have to constantly be on the lookout for this the default status quo paradigm and challenge that and defy the dogma around these things it's wonderful to to connect with a lot of the other speakers that are here and also just you know the fans and people who come to get you know real information .

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