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Monday, March 22, 2021


3 Key Lessons for Cleaning Up Your Diet or Going Paleo

what's up everybody hey with the I saw Jolene pop it pop up there I saw Jenny Hewlett I think urban poser some very familiar names what's up health coach Gary how's everybody doing tonight it's almost said it was Tuesday with Stephanie Katherine hey what's up good first name I like that what's up everybody whole foodie rny Jen clean 84 Jenny Marra 73 what's up yeah you thought it was fri I'd like my days are all messed up oh thanks q Frey thank you it's actually um yeah it's my way of dealing with my crazy hair hair hey from Texas hey what's up what's up T pop some very familiar names and I'm super glad that you're all jumping on periscope so I yesterday i started a new periscope series about paleo and that's obviously stupid easy paleo is my business and it is the way I live my life um oh thanks to anything through the hearts everybody and so um I've decided that kind of the next few days will be a paleo theme because I know a lot of people have questions about it oh hey what's up your from Bonnie scope I love Bonnie she taught me all about the sticky notes so she's super knowledgeable and I know she's gluten free so hey what's up I am so I'm going to be sharing some periscopes about paleo with you and I asked you to kind of keep an open mind yesterday we had some interesting questions i'll call them Matt about paleo but some really great questions as well and so I'm here to kind of go through some of the let's call it knowledge that I've acquired in the last five and a half years and i'm going to be sharing some of that with you because ultimately knowledge is power and once you have information you can move on and make some yeah bustin some paleo myths I think I'm cuter than the guys on Mythbusters but uh maybe I need a cool hat I don't know so we'll see what happens thanks chilli and you're so sweet I want to let you know that in case you miss any any of my periscopes you can get them all on YouTube Oh amazing right so here it is take a screenshot or as bonnie says take a screen grab so screenshot this and you can get it for later this is where all of my youtube videos are and I've developed some playlists just for periscope so all periscopes are in YouTube and then I've also broken them down by segments so if I awesome harder to kills my new motto I love it I've broken them down by series so I had the series 10 tips for getting healthy happy and harder to kill I had a series of four things on how or four videos on how to get started with strength training so lots of lots of great series coming your way yesterday I shared a little bit about hold on to the questions guys so I'll ask I'll answer some questions at the end but yesterday I shared a little bit about paleo and what is it show the YouTube address again ok make sure you get ready to take a screenshot ready there it is if you go to youtube and you type in stupid easy paleo you can find it and by the way my name is steph Gaudreau and i am the boss lady at stupid easy paleo calm so I'm talking today about and somebody on Instagram asked me why can you talk about why you went paleo and so I thought that's great but I also want to tell you some lessons that I learned along the way like everybody has those mistakes that you make thanks a lot ms Malia you're awesome for typing that in there I I want to pass on three lessons that I've learned there are many lessons trust me but three lessons that I've learned along the way that I think are really important and can help you no matter if you want to start paleo or you're just trying to eat healthier so like let's just say hey I'm going to try to clean up my diet a little bit you can use these tips as well thanks for the hearts I appreciate that it always lets me know that I'm kind of on the right track with what I'm going to talk about so I'm just good things Ashley here so sweet believe it or not I'm 36 and I not wearing any makeup so that kind of tells you yeah my skin is pretty good when I was a kid it wasn't and I had acne like crazy so I'm gonna tell you why I went paleo and this is kind of a long story but I'll make it short so in 2009 way back in 2009 friends of mine that I was mountain biking with because they used to be a mountain biker before I was a weightlifter told me they were going to try something called a paleo diet and I was like I've never heard of this thing this is weird I had a friend named james james walsh who I knew was gluten-free so I kind of like a new gluten-free was kind of a thing but this is before a lot of people talked about paleo and so I picked up a copy of the Paleo diet for athletes by Loren Cordain and Joe friel and I decided hey I'm I'll read it what the heck so kind of backup when I was growing up I had a lot of interesting health issues i'll call them and nothing that made me sick and debilitated like i know some people go through some very very tough very very tough hey Wonder Randy what's going on some people go through some very tough times with their health I was relatively healthy like into the point that I wasn't sick or bedridden or dealing with a serious disease but you know you how do you kind of go through life and you're like I just don't feel great but that's just the way it is yeah and you kind of shrug and so I kind of accepted the fact that I would always be dealing with certain things like digestive problems I had stomach aches on and off since I was a kid I would get really bloated after i ate like the food baby thing but all the time I come to find out and I wasn't diagnosed and ty was later until much later on until I was in my early 30s he astok of being tired is so true i was diagnosed with endometriosis which had been suspected since I was about 10 11 years old and so I was always dealing with lady problems really serious lady problems it was very sick and so I just kind of thought that's my lot in life you know I had bad skin my energy and my moods were terrible when I was growing up my nickname was Stephie bear and it wasn't because I was like cute and cuddly it's because I had such a bad temper and I was really always like super Moody and so this is kind of what I was dealing with but I never ever thought that it was the food that i was eating that could have an impact on any of these things he has such an unfortunate nickname luckily all that stuff has resolved itself hangry totally hangry yeah upper stomach bloating that's definitely one of the signs that perhaps what you're eating could be causing some of those issues so anyway I knew I had all these problems but i thought you know not sick I'm not sick per se and yeah primal dish similar symptoms and oh it's um it's one of those things a lot of people deal with so I thought well I'm not really sick I'm still okay but I thought what the heck so fast forward to 2009 what the heck i'm going to try this paleo diet thing and at the time I thought i was eating healthy a lot of the things that i ate were would be considered quote healthy so lots of whole grains lots of low-fat lots of soy products you guys know the drill and lots of kind of like process stuff like fake butter and the butter spray and all that stuff so in 2009 late 2009 i read the book and then i thought i am glad it was right i'm going to do paleo starting in january so i made a date on the calendar I had my holiday Thun I like indulged at Thanksgiving and I did my Christmas thing and then i set the date it was January 10 2010 so i decided i was going to start and so i did and i cleaned out my pantry and my fridge and I just chose that date and I started and at first it was hard because you go from eating a certain way like you know bagel and juice in the morning and sandwiches at lunch and pasta dinner and you kind of have to change all that so I'm going to share three lessons that I learned with you along the way so that if you're thinking of switching or you're just trying to get you know make some changes in your diet you can implement these lessons that I learned all right you're ready and thanks i see so many of you that are like yes that's me i'm dealing with that stuff too and i see all those comments they could scroll so fast but i know that you're on board so the first lesson I learned is you need to decide if you're the type of person that's going to rip off the band-aid or take it slowly there's no one right or wrong answer I am a rip off the band-aid sort of person 60-day days of paleo awesome good job I i decided i was going to set that date and I was going to start no matter what happened I was gonna clean out my pantry it was gonna like get some recipes i bought some books so you might be a rip off the band-aid type of person or you might be the type of person that needs to take it slowly there is no right or wrong answer in this case it's whatever works the best for you so I want to make that really clear and I actually wrote a blog post about this on stupid easy paleo which is my website about like you know do you have to go toke old turkey or can you take it slowly I read a really great book recently called a happiness project and I talked abouts actually happier at home it's by Gretchen Rubin and she talks about abstainers versus moderators awesome you're on whole 30 that's fantastic definitely a whole 30 fan over here um so I you know some people can take it slowly and some people have to just say nope no more after this day I'm done and so yeah some people learn ms Malia saying like you know hey I learned if I take it slowly it sticks better you totally have to know what it is what is the whole 3d Ashley it's a actually talked about the whole 30 yesterday in my periscope but it's a 30 day elimination program where you take certain things out of your diet for a month and then at the end you reintroduce them and these are foods that are known to be problematic for some folks it's kind of like a strict paleo for 30 days just so you can get some information about which foods work well for your body in which foods don't so it's all like self-experimentation and just kind of learning what works best for you it's a really great program so three lessons less than number one decide if you're going to rip off the band-aid or you're going to take it slow and this applies to pretty much everything you know you can have you can have burgers just no cheese I don't really know what that question was for so that's the first tip the or the first lesson the second lesson that I think is really important to pass on is you need to develop some systems yeah and Jenny's mentioned mentioning retraining yourself to learn new habit so you need to develop systems for making things like cooking easier because if you want to eat healthier whether it's paleo or not or you're going to try a whole 30 or you're just going to try to clean up your diet or you're going to count your macros did my skin get better it absolutely did I'm not wearing any makeup right now samata 1991 is asking yeah so I don't I'm not wearing any makeup this is just my skin I'm 36 so I got like a pimple and once and every once awhile and out but my skin is pretty good so the second rule is or the second lesson is to develop some systems for example I talk about food prep and I there's a periscope that I did last week or the week before thanks guys you're so sweet I talked about food prep and so having two days a week where you do some food prepping and they are going to make some meals that are going to take you through the week right develop some systems some habits that you can then rely on to keep you on the straight and narrow and sunday or saturday probably saturday i'm going to post a recipe that we call emergency meatballs and they're not anything super special but they're the way that we make sure we have some protein always on hand like stashed in the freezer and thanks Julie yeah systems are really important and getting bored of the same food is definitely you know it can be an issue so there's nothing wrong with like trying to get a handle on meal time at first and say hey I'm not going to pick three breakfasts and three lunches and three dinners and I'm going to rotate those in until I feel comfortable and then I'm going to add like add a new sauce or I'm going to try a new recipe it'll be on Instagram absolutely whole foodie it will be there trust in the trust in the Instagram select my favorite social media besides periscope now so yeah develop systems that work for you just because somebody else does it one way doesn't mean you have to do it that way find something that works so we like to keep food in the freezer that's already cooked so things like stew or soup or frozen meatballs those things all defrost really well they all keep really well they don't get smushy like some other types of foods egg muffins also keep really well so you know find those things that you can do like if you have a crock-pot always have something going in the crock pot you know put some meat in there get some nice shredded pork you can put that on eggs like it can mix it into hash there are all sorts of things that you can do to develop those systems and the third lesson that I'd like to share with you about try to clean up your diet is that perfection is not the goal and my friends paleo chimay Leo talk about progress not perfection and I think that's so important when you're starting out and you're thinking I want to try to eat healthier or I'm going to do a whole 30 year i'm going to try paleo or I'm going to move towards a real food diet it's really easy to look out into the world and think oh my god first of all everybody else is doing it perfectly and I am a failure and that you have to be one hundred percent all the time all the time now certainly there are certain things that certain people need to avoid all the time and that's that's personal to them for example if you are a celiac you're going to avoid gluten at all costs if you are allergic to pineapples you're not going to eat pineapple like so you know those things are definitely kind of there and you know that if you ate those foods there would be consequences but for a lot of us expecting perfection only sets us up for failure because real life happens and you're out at an event and you need to make a food choice and it's probably not what you would choose that home but you're going to have to eat something you know those sorts of situations come up the other thing that happens a lot is that we beat ourselves up for making less than ideal food choices and that is you know putting guilt and shame around food is how a lot of us got to this point in the first place and so you know giving yourself a break every once in a while and I wrote an email about this not too long ago to my list but it was it was a point that like hey you give everybody else a break you wouldn't say this to a friend you wouldn't beat them up because they made a choice and sometimes we need to give ourselves a little bit more leeway and we need to be a bit more kind and realizing that making a majority of good choices a majority of the time it's going to move us forward toward better health perfection isn't the answer and a lot of us try super hard to stick to perfection and then we're just like this isn't sustainable right and so then we fall off that wagon again we feel bad about ourselves we're like we're such a failure what's wrong with us we're just like hey f it i'm going to go eat pizza and cake and doughnuts and drink a bottle wine and you know so you kind of get stuck in that cycle I don't know a lot about the Mediterranean diet I think you know it's focusing more on real foods Whole Foods less processed foods so I think in that way it's really good ms Malia so I'm not one hundred percent sure I haven't seen that sort of stuff a non-diabetic hypoglycemia with paleo I'm weightlifting 40 minutes a day I don't know what your values are so I'm not going to make a recommendation on that but I can tell you that a lot of people who have blood sugar regulation issues your case you're doing with hypoglycemia a lot of people that have blood sugar regulation issues because there's some kind of metabolic issue going on their hormonal dysregulation a lot of people have definitely have benefited from eating a cleaner diet so yeah health coach here is a great example check for stress levels wine isn't paleo either you know it's so funny people like to argue about what's paleo and what's not you just have to kind of notice at the end of the day that like wine is in the health promoting um thanks for jumping in there Jolene yeah it's great but you know what like if you're if you're out and you're like hey I'm gonna have a glass of wine being a doll it's okay you know that sort of stuff just know that if alcohol is a problem for you it may be something that you want to avoid so yeah it's all about knowing yourself and kind of taking that taking that approach and I talked about that yesterday like personalizing your diet or personalizing your Paleo and knowing what works for you thanks Bonnie hey what's going on we're talking about eating gluten-free and stuff right now so so I'll ask others are some questions here you can't lose weight unless you calorie strict really low below 1,000 calories totally not healthy now I'm not into that a thousand calorie BS you've got to eat enough calories to keep your metabolism and your your adrenals and your thyroid supported and for a lot of people eating that little like sure in the short term you're going to lose weight because you're probably losing muscle mass but in the long term it's really going to screw up your your hormones and you can look look up somebody like dr. Brighton she's a naturopath she's got some really great she's got some really great information about hormones does this mean no carbs it doesn't mean no carbs so a lot of times paleo is pinned as a low carb or zero carb diet and there is a wide range of carbohydrate intake within a paleo or reveal food real food approach to eating some people eat more some people eat less depending on activity level but it's really a myth that paleo was supposed to be extremely low carb yeah so if you're exercising and I've talked about this if you go to youtube and you look at the top 10 tips for getting healthy happy harder to kill series there's a video on carbs and I think we talked for like a half an hour about carbs but you you know you can do things like if you're working out have some carbs post workout that's going to help your body to replenish kitchen that's in your that you've used up from your muscles if you're doing high intensity if you're doing endurance type stuff where where the i'm not sure if you're asking where the videos are so we'll take a break and i'll show you the youtube channel take a screenshot or as bonnie says take a screen grab she's so smart she taught me this so take a screen grab these were these are where all the videos are all the videos and they're broken down by playlists any other suggestions besides coconut cream is the only thing I miss ya butter is an okay choice but again I you know I think I've tested that stuff out of in and out of my diet about three or four times it doesn't for me cream does not affect me negatively cheese does haha butters okay for me milk is not and a lot of it has to do with the concentration of dairy proteins that are in those sorts of things there's a lot more dairy protein in milk than there is in butter and so I've done that experimentation on myself and you know that sort of stuff I know so I don't avoid cream but I do avoid cheese and I do avoid milk and I do avoid those other sorts of things so you kind of have to know yourself do those experiments and see what you can tolerate I'm not really a big fan of avoiding a food just because you know I think you have to have a good reason for it and it has to feel better you have to you know know that you feel better and to know that there's a reason does paleo meaning only bananas no Carrie goal is okay cheeses no go for me how much fat is too much I'd have to look it depends from person to person you can definitely build tons of muscle and eat fat you need fat it's a very essential part of your diet and you can go find that video I've made a video just on fats it was awesome that is on that's on youtube as well that's a really good point health coach Carrie so if you can't eat butter because you're either really super sensitive to dairy protein or dairy carbohydrate you can try something like a cultured ghee which is the its head the carbohydrates culture it out and it's also had the proteins removed and so for a lot it is pure fat and it tastes like butter in a smells like victory so a lot of people like to eat that stuff because they yep OMG is another great man brand 10 * foods you can Mickey yourself I've got tutorials think it's a Faton or New Year's effective as calorie counting all I can tell you knew mostly is that you've got an experiment and I know that when I eat the foods that I eat I feel amazing I just had a DEXA scan done and I've been eating paleo for five and a half years my bone mass or my bone mineral content my bone density is off the charts for my agents in my gender I feel amazing I'm stronger than I've ever been my body composition is extremely lean yeah and eating a whole food diet I don't know why that's a fad so you know I know people have questions and don't understand but I encourage you to get gather some knowledge and do some reading about that sort of stuff and for me the proof is in the N equals 1 experimentation I know when I ate certain foods before maybe you missed my previous story at the beginning I didn't feel good on the foods that i was eating so i changed my diet and now i feel amazing that's all the proof I need you know I'm super healthy the numbers are there the date is there I've had the tests and the scans and all this other stuff so if you're not a believer that's okay you don't have to believe in it but you you know if people do and they feel great I don't know how you can necessarily argue with that sort of stuff good books on paleo I have paleo solution I really like it starts with food and I mentioned this one yesterday it's not necessarily it's not called paleo take a screenshot of this one it goes through all the explanation about certain foods and how they help us so take a screenshot of that yeah thanks Jolene performance paleo this is my cookbook shameless plug but you know if you're doing macros for some reason there is macro break down on each recipe so you can see that sort of stuff somebody mentioned macros macros are definitely important it's important to get a good mix of macronutrients but calories aren't the only thing that matters and that's been proven by physiological studies and over and over again we know that calories are the only component of food that can affect us so its energy and that's certainly important we've got micronutrients we've got macronutrients food is much more complicated than just a unit of energy so it's a it's a way to start yeah I can show my book again you know what check on Amazon because yesterday it was $11 which is half price I don't know if it was just the prime day thing or if it was coincidence but it still might be on sale so yeah cool so yeah I will show you the YouTube again training for a half marathon I've got some stuff in my book Cole foodie for sure on my site so yeah go get the videos on YouTube take a screenshot for sure there you go all the videos will be there this video will be there if you have more questions whole foodie pop onto my facebook page performance paleo and we can see let's see my core to see the results I've got pictures on my blog I just posted an Instagram video of me so you can definitely see what I look like go look on my Instagram stupid easy paleo so yeah I'm going to head off I know there's still so many more questions but I can't answer them all now so for sure check back tomorrow I'll be back with another video check on my Instagram see what's going on catch me on all the socials and and i'll be there and i'll help answer some of your questions too okay thank you guys so much i really appreciate you tuning in thanks for all the love and yeah you you .

Video Description:

In this Periscope broadcast, I'm sharing my personal story of how / why I went Paleo and passion on 3 key lessons for cleaning up your diet (even if you aren't planning to try paleo). See more paleo advice and get my recipes at: .

Get my free ebook here:

Follow me on Periscope at @stupideasypaleo

For more recipes and healthy eating tips, head to

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Origins and Evolution of the Western Diet - The Paleo Diet - Part 2

well I've been interested in this Paleo diet concept for a long long time I I first read boy Deaton's paper in the New England Journal of Medicine it was published in 85 and I read it in 87 and I thought it was just about the best idea I had ever heard on how can we optimize human nutrition and so that's really where my lifelong journey started was reading the cross references to that first paper and of course anybody who reads scientific literature you realizes that every article that you read has other cross references and so there was this incredible spiderweb of papers and so I ended up having tens of thousands of papers in those days we didn't have PDF files so my entire office was filled with all this you know I'd killed so many trees but that's kind of how the whole thing started and I have graduate students because I'm a professor to Division one Research Institute and we make our living by getting grants and writing scientific papers so this was kind of my hobby that ended up becoming my not just avocation it became my passion and that's how the whole thing happened and early on in the game I took a couple of my PhD students and I said hey if we're gonna eliminate two food groups and processed foods what in the hell are we got left what is it the diet going to look like are we going to end up being deficient and that's kind of how the my books came about is I found out not only are we not deficient is that we are absolutely sufficient we are incredibly rich diets by eliminating these foods so this is kind of what this talk is all about and that's how it evolved and you've seen this slide before is that these foods comprise 70% of the energy in the u.s. diet but they were rarely or never consumed by our hunter-gatherer ancestors and so it was never my intent and the the press the popular press got this wrong and because I was at Ground Zero and this concept people that read about it they don't they don't go back and read our original papers what we were trying to do we were never trying to replicate a hunter-gatherer diet precisely all we were trying to do was to emulate with foods that you could basically go down and get the supermarket or Whole Foods or you know your your grass produced meat folk or so that's what we were trying to do and you can see here that these are the foods that I'm suggesting was there anything in Stone Age times that look like that no carrots were not big and orange there were tiny little things the size of your finger they were white or purple and you didn't get much out of them and same way there was no such thing that looked like this the meat looked a little bit like this and the wild fish looked a lot like that there was nothing here but when you eat these foods it does a tremendous amount of good for our bodies and so there's no real absolute Paleo diet this is a rule of thumb so you practitioners just take this with a I don't want to say grain of salt but realize it is a little bit of wiggle room here so this is usually what we see in hunter-gatherers on average is a little bit more than half their energy from animal foods and the balance from plant foods they didn't eat grains and they didn't really process their foods and so the typical macronutrient breakdown then is very high protein tends to be lower in carb and fat tends to be sometimes lower but mainly it was higher and so we really can't eat wild plant foods like this Coon woman showing us her guru of berries in Tama melons and we can't eat unprocessed fruits and we'll talk about the difference between the two is that the wild plant foods are typically smaller more fiber less sugar so the amount of fructose that you get in an apple or in grapes you don't really see that very often and people with the metabolic syndrome should stay they should watch their intake of this until they get their body weight reduced in their insulin sensitivity normalized now there's slightly greater minerals because we don't harvest the wild plants you're in and you're out and then take the entire plan away from the field so the nutrients the minerals go back into the soil for the next generation of plants whereas in a modern field we take the plants away and we gradually deplete the minerals vitamins are determined genetically so they're about the same there's some variation here if you look species to species these are the 20 most commonly consumed vegetables in the u.s. diet so any vegetable is fair game particularly ethnic markets and whatever the only ones that aren't potatoes maintain glycemic responses that are very non paleo light and they also are very high sources of anti nutrients they contain a variety of alkaloids and lectins that Pedro Bustos may talk to you about sweet corn is a grain so it's eliminated and beans green beans are also eliminated because in their native state most legumes are in digestibility nutrient content those are the 20 most commonly consumed fruits as I mentioned you need a little bit careful with some of these fruits if you go to my website I actually have a listing of the fructose content of all commonly consumed fruits so you can advise your patients which are the low sugar fruits dry fruits you need to be careful with because they can elicit high glycemic responses athletes and people that have exquisite insulin sensitivity it doesn't seem to be much of a problem particularly in training these are the 20 most commonly consumed seafood we are depleting the world's ocean of wild fish so there are sustainability issues here that really transcend the the Paleo diet one of the things that I would be careful with our farm fish because it reduces the long-chain omega-3s and increases omega-6 is frequently there Fred fed cereal grains so we can't most of us don't have the luxury of eating wild game meat and many of us if you've ever tried it you say it tastes gamy you don't like it but we can get grasped reduced domestic meats and that's a good second choice so if if you look at wild meat as I mentioned earlier wild game is very very lean and in Colorado we have a lot of game and so we've done human interventions with wild game and doing nothing else and it seems to improve blood lipid profiles so you can get domestically produced grass and past your meats that are fairly similar to wild meats and you can see one of the reasons why they're much more expensive but by the whole carcass and so my wife and I that we live in Colorado and that's how we do it would buy half a side of grass produce bison or a half a side of beef get it processed cut up and we've got a couple of freezers that we put it in now that two of the boys are out of the house and in college not so much anymore but we were eating a ton of meat at the time um so what are other strategies to enrich the omega-3 fatty acid content of a contemporary Paleo diet let me just go back here is that the amounts of omega threes milligrams per 100 grams of beef is relatively low so you you won't if you were to eat only grass produce beef you can see here here's the total omega-3 even though you get almost 100 milligrams 100 milligrams isn't going to cut it and so let me show you what you really need to do and you need to take a couple of dietary strategies when you're on a contemporary or modern Paleo diet again grasp reduced meats they taste better healthier typically less exogenously alit into them hormones and and pesticides and whatever fatty fish salmon is a really good way to go eat a couple times a week or mackerel and you're in good shape supplement with fish oil I don't recommend cod liver oil because cod liver oil is a mixture of vitamin D and a and it turns out that that mixture may not be so good so if you're going to get fish oil get it from the flesh of fish omega-3 enriched eggs or better yet get free-ranging eggs they taste better so if we look at the recommended omega-3 fatty acid intake these are the long-chain epa and DHA you can see we have four categories here we have the current north american intake which is significantly which is way too low and you can see what the American Heart Association recommends for the coronary patients and so the the difference the gap can be as much as 770 milligrams per day yet you can see here that by simply consuming a quarter pound of Atlantic salmon you can get as much as you need for the cardiovascular protective effects and it tastes good so these are the ten most commonly consumed nuts and seeds in the US diet you can see those and this next table shows you the fatty acid composition and you can see that most nuts are very high in linoleic acid and six fatty acids and they have virtually no long chain fatty acids and very few of them have alpha linolenic acid or eighteen 3n3 which is an omega-3 but that has to be chain elongated in the liver to the longer fatty acids to really have biological effects so the point here is is that you can derail contemporary Paleo diet by eating a ton of nuts and dried fruit and whatever and thinking you're having a healthy diet but actually you're having a high glycemic load high linoleic acid diet so this is not a good strategy use them in salads use a handful occasionally but don't eat it the hell out of them every single day so here's some healthful oils and their characteristics or what are thought to be healthful hunter-gatherers never ate any oils so there could always be an argument saying that you shouldn't do it but as far as I know there are no really adverse health effects of any of these well flaxseed there's some papers some epidemiologic papers suggesting there's a link with prostate cancer but the experimental studies in animals don't show it so all the rest of these seem to be fairly helpful including coconut and as I mentioned coconut oil ends up being helpful because even though it may elevate blood cholesterol it doesn't seem to increase the risk for heart disease and it seems to lower inflammation because it contains high amounts of lauric acid or 12 : zero okay so when I decided that let's let's check this out let's see what happens if we try to eat a contemporary diet based on the food groups that our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate but foods that we could get at the supermarket and so I had a graduate student Lynn tewi she ended up getting her PhD and has become fairly well known in in the health industry she ran about three or four hundred of these computerised dietary analyses for me I said let's do everything we can possibly do so we got a stack of papers and it takes you a little while to key it all in and then to analyze and whatever so this is a representative daily meal plan for somebody eating paleo and you can see so she starts off and this 25 year old female who's eating 2200 kilocalories starts off eating cantaloupe broiled salmon for breakfast lunch great big salad pork chops dinner is another huge salad steamed broccoli and lean beef and for dessert just a big bowl of strawberries and she can snack pretty much all day long with these carrot celery sticks and oranges so we made up all kinds of plans so this is was fairly representative of what we saw and we wanted to contrast that to the USDA recommended diet and so the USDA changed from being a food pyramid to being my plate in 2011 and so that's what we're going to do is I'm going to show you what the nutrient characteristics of a contemporary Paleo diet looked like and we're going to contrast those to the food pyramid or the food plate so the food plate replaced the pyramid in 2011 and really there was not a whole lot of difference other than taking if you look here the little diagram taking the kind of they still recommend exercise but they've just taken the stair steps out of it because they thought this was too confusing and this was easier for the average person to get that's why it was done but the no real substantive changes so what are the goals of the pyramid the plate they want a diet that's adequate and protein vitamins minerals there's no DRI for fiber they suggest that they should eat twenty to thirty five grams a day and obviously all these other things calories fat this is this is a horrible recommendation right here because it's not based on good science so it's not a quantitative issue it's a qualitative issue yeah let's get the trans fats out of the diet let's get some of the the unhealthy fats out of the diet some of the isomers that are made with food production saturated fat doesn't seem to be an issue anymore the meta-analyses out of the Harvard School of Public Health in the last four or five years tell us that saturated fat really it wasn't the boogieman we once thought it was I'll show you a cholesterol has virtually no effect on the diet this one is kind of misleading so for those of you that are out there with your pen and pencil on that slide multiply sodium by 2.5 4 and that tells you how many grams of salt are in the diet so this looks kind of like a low number but when you multiply it by two point five four you can still see the recommend recommended values for salt are way too high so if we compare the USDA recommendations to what we actually consume in the u.s. diet you'll notice then that we ate too much sugar we don't get enough fiber compared to what the pyramid recommends we're pretty close to the fat recommendations but we're fatter than we've ever been so it doesn't seem that fat per se has a much of an effect on obesity and it may not have much in effect on cardiovascular disease or cancer either and maybe dietary factors that promote inflammation are more important okay and so you can see we've been good little boys and girls and we've gotten our cholesterol values down below recommended but I'll show you here it doesn't matter it really doesn't matter and we still eating way too much salt so if we look at the these were our das our DA's were changed dris in the last ten years or so and the Centers for Disease Control in the USDA hasn't published the data in this fashion but to me it was just wonderful so the numbers are still about the same this is data that goes back to nineteen ninety four ninety six and you can see then that the thirteen nutrients most lacking the US diet almost everybody doesn't get enough zinc almost everybody doesn't get enough calcium but I'll show you in a minute that may not be problematic if you're doing other things and about half of the population doesn't get enough b6 or vitamin A so those are the thirteen nutrients most lacking in the u.s. diet so if we summarize the differences in actual versus recommended values well this is nothing new too much sugar not enough fiber too much fat too much saturated fat too much sodium the total fat saturated fat we're going to examine and as a population we are deficient in these trace nutrients most often now what I wanted to do is I wanted to contrast the Paleo diet you that contemporary one where we started off with the cantaloupe and the salmon for breakfast I wanted to contrast that diet to the food pyramid the food plate and see how it came out so a couple of things stick out almost immediately are getting way more protein than what we get in the food pyramid food plate the question comes up is that therapeutic or does it have adverse health effects we get considerably lower carbohydrate and is that therapeutic or does that have adverse effects and how do endurance athletes cope with this we have a little bit fewer sugars because we're still eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables but there are no processed sugars and high fructose corn syrup certainly isn't in any of it or getting considerably more fat as you can see we are one of the the ones that really stands out is the food pyramid food plate sitting still makes no recommendations for long-chain omega-3s in the diet which to my way of thinking is totally foolish whereas in the contemporary Paleo diet we're getting a ton of it and if you look at the sodium to potassium ratio you can see how far out of whack the plate pyramid is compared to what we have you know this is an interesting one that just totally blew me away the very first time that Lynn - II started making these printouts we started looking at them consistently again and again and again we saw these numbers and if you look at the food pyramid or food in play and you look at the percentage of the trace nutrients for all these dris the Paleo diet just absolutely blows it away look at those numbers it's so much more nutrient dense so the question that came up in my mind was why is this if we we've eliminated two food groups and processed foods why is the nutrient density so much greater well let's take a look so this was the next thing I did and we published this in a JCM paper and I don't know how much standard dieticians took note of it but they should have so we got the various food groups that you could eat with a contemporary Paleo diet whole grains you wouldn't drink whole milk but we threw them in there anyway fruits veggies seafood meats nuts and seeds so then what I did is I ranked each one of these food groups with a superscript from 7 to having the highest concentration to one having the lowest and then what I did is I sum the ranked scores and put them down here and so what these values then represent is the nutrient density of a specific food group and so this this approach had never been taken and to me if we're going to make recommendations to what people should should and should not eat it's kind of like if you're a coach on a track team and you don't know how fast your runners can run should this guy be a a sprinter or an endurance guy so we need to know what the overall nutrient density of a food group is before we make blanket recommendations right so why are we telling the entire population to eat grains and drink whole milk when at the end of the day these are nutrients that come up at the bottom of the stack humans don't have a grain requirement there is nothing no nutrient that we can't get without eating grains the same way with dairy products we can get everything we need without dairy products now a dairy industry will tell us we can't get enough calcium so we're going to examine that a little bit more detail so if you decide to eat and gary products and whole grains you're gonna displace other more nutrient-dense healthy foods and that's why these numbers came out so great for those trace nutrients so these are the to summarize these are the important differences protein is higher carbs lower cholesterol is higher calcium is lower and vitamin D there's none we have zero vitamin D in any of those diets that I've shown you so those are the issues that we're going to look at is there too little calcium in contemporary paleo diets we don't have any vitamin D is there too much cholesterol and how about all that protein is that good or is that bad for us so those are the issues that came out of these computerised dietary analyses let's first off take a look calcium intake and see how we can get around that we look at the actual u.s.

diet we don't make the DRI ourselves so this is for that 25 year-old woman we only get about 70% of our calcium Paleo diet is similar gets 69% but with no dairy products and the food pyramid ends up getting 122 percent because it includes dairy products regularly so anytime you look at a trace nutrient in the diet what you really need to look at is balance and it's it's misleading to look at one side of the equation only and so the dairy industry would tell us that if we're looking at calcium all we should look at is how much calcium is coming in not how much calcium we lose in our body and so these are the sources of calcium in our diet it's the amount ingested but as I'll show you here in a minute that the calcium curves show that most of the calcium that we ingest is not absorbed so if you drink a glass of milk about 75 percent of the calcium is not absorbed there are tricks you can do in a truce nutritionally to increase the absorption rate and then there are things we can do to reduce the calcium the urinary calcium loss rate and that seems to be the strategy mother nature through evolution has taken so that all mammals can build strong bones and maintain healthy bones throughout their life if they live in their normal ecologic niche so elephants and rhinoceroses and deer and elk they all tend not to get osteoporosis in their normal native niche whereas captive animals sometimes do so let's consider calcium input the input side of the equation DRI is a thousand milligrams and so if a woman consumes 2200 kilocalories the calcium density required to achieve the DRI you simply divide the DRI by the kilocalories and that gives you this critical number 0.45 5 milligrams per kcal food is what's required well let's just go through and analyze this and once again this approach had rarely been taken so if we analyze food groups you can see here's our here's what we need to make the DRI there's the magic number there's only two foods that can do it one is whole milk and the other is vegetables well hunter-gatherers didn't drink milk so this was out all right this is what they had to do this is what they had to play with to get this number assuming that that number is correct so let's look at the caveat so this is the key evolutionary template we had to place over the model and come up with a solution and that's really what this evolutionary template helps with is to come up with these solution to complex diet health related problems so if we look at the mean calcium density and there's 20 commonly consumed vegetables we eliminate potatoes and corn and green beans then the frig calcium content of those 20 vegetables in the u.s. diet is 1.28 milligrams per kcal now you know this you can kind of fiddle with this number a little bit depending on which vegetables you're looking at so if you put in more leafy greens there issue with leafy greens oxalates and so forth but let's just take a broad average number and that's what we come up with so that's a thousand milligrams of calcium divided by one point two eight we have to eat 35 percent of our energy from vegetables all right well is that reasonable it's it's tough to do but it can be done so particularly you know if you steam your veggies and and so forth and you make an effort to eat a lot of vegetables at every meal you can certainly easily get the DRI without doing calcium so how did these guys these guys certainly didn't drink milk and how did they survive and have healthy bones there are some DEXA studies of non westernized populations in which we examine the bone mineral density and it doesn't seem to be a huge problem so people living in in tropical African environments not drinking milk seem to still have healthy bones okay so let's look at the output side of the equation so remember calcium balance is more important than either the input or the output side and a net a diet that produces a net acidosis then tends to increase calcium losses and you'll hear more about this later this afternoon a typical Western diet as I mentioned yields a chronic metabolic acidosis this is one of my colleague Tony Sebastian's co-workers it publishes way back in the 80s and that example diet that I gave you the one that started off with the cantaloupe and the lettuce and all those salads and whatever we calculated the values using Remer and manse's a way of doing it and for Linda in the crowd the reason I did it this way was because it was simple than your equation so it took me a little bit longer but I suspect it would come out fairly close using both techniques and so what are some of the values that can help with calcium input side of the equation increasing absorption and so sunshine increases vitamin D absorption hunter-gatherers were pretty much outside all day long they got a lot of vitamin D that helps and recently it's found out that dietary protein also increases intestinal calcium absorption so the earlier studies showing that high dietary protein caused calcio rhesus well yeah it increased the calcium losses in the urine but if you don't measure the difference between what is absorbed then you don't really know if you're in calcium balance or not and those beth dawson hughes finally got around to doing those studies about five or six years ago and we now found out that high protein yeah it increases calcium losses but it also increases calcium absorption and it tends to promote bone growth because it also stimulates igf-1 so the bottom line then it's possible to achieve dris on non dairy foods calcium balance is a bigger issue and just to keep it safe try to get thirty to forty percent of your calories from fruits and veggies just like the model we showed and one of these days we'll have an dietary intervention in which we actually evaluate that so no natural foods are very few natural foods I'll put it that way have concentrated sources of vitamin D and get a little bit in cod liver oil and marine mammals and started in the 50s and the 60s milk and margarine were fortified with vitamin D so that's where most Americans get it from two food groups that I don't advocate you consume in contemporary paleo diets because of the trans fat issue and margarine some margins that we can make now without trans fats but I still think they're they have isomeric fatty acids besides trans fats that people don't tell you about so there's isomers that are produced in these processes which are probably just as lethal as our trans fats so hunter-gatherers then had to get all of their son or their vitamin D from solar synthesis the exception is this polar hunter-gatherers could get a significant amounts of vitamin D from marine animals what are the recommended values I'm preaching to the choir here so I don't have to spend a lot of time with this slide is that we're trying to achieve plasma concentration somewhere between 40 and 70 nanograms per milliliter as practitioners I know many of you monitor this closely and you try to get your values up to that and this is Michael holux work and others that have been in Hollis's have been studying this for their entire career so the recommendations the DRI is 600 I use just don't cut it you've got to to get people that are deficient you've got a supplement to the tune of anywhere from two to seven thousand IU's and then once you achieve that magical plateau of 40 nanograms you need to take one two thousand I use per day or get yourself out in the sunshine like this guy did and I did when I was a young man lifeguard for 20 years in a beach in California okay so how about cholesterol intake if you look at the cholesterol in the u.s. diet we've actually done what the government told us to do we got our intake below 300 milligrams and the food pyramid or the Paleo diet is way high and the food pyramid is low so is that going to cause a problem this dietary cholesterol have an adverse effect on health there's an equation called the Howell equation and there's an earlier one that was published in the 60s but this is the most recent version and what it does is it allows us to predict how dietary saturated fat polyunsaturated fats and cholesterol impact plasma cholesterol in the vernacular if we have any statistics out here this is referred to as a multiple regression equation and it predicts one variable from two or more variables so if we take that Pawel equation and we lower the amount of cholesterol from four 90 one which is what we had in the example Paleo diet down to 300 it only drops plasma or blood cholesterol by four point five milligrams per deciliter any of you that our practitioners realized that we don't have that kind of precision or resolution can you you can't measure cholesterol one day and then measure it the very next day in two different labs or three different labs and get the same results so there's very few labs that can measure it to this kind of precision and you can see then if we cut it from 491 to 219 if you start off with high blood cholesterol it only reduces it to point 5 percent which is as I mentioned beyond the scope and resolution of most studies the pds ratio seems to be very important this is an older study showing that if you get a dietary p2s ratio that is greater than 80 you can add all the dietary cholesterol you want to your diet and it has virtually no effect on plasma LDL and we talked about cardiovascular disease I don't know if James O'Keefe has arrived yet but he'll probably talk to you a little bit about that it's not so much the plasma LDL it's the oxidized LDL and the ratio of these particles to one another and so hopefully James will be able to give you the lowdown so the bottom line is is that dietary cholesterol seems to have very little or no effect on blood cholesterol levels and actually saturated fat may have an important effect on the HDL to total cholesterol ratio okay the final point I want to talk about here is dietary protein so people that have been vegan or vegetarians we've been under this myth that high-protein diets have adverse effects on kidney function and this came about by a fella by the name of Brenner in New England Journal of Medicine many many moons ago suggesting that high protein increases glomerular filtration rate GFR s and it causes glomerular sclerosis and when that happens then we have blood albumin falling out of the circulation into urine and that suggests that we've got kidney malfunction so people that have pre-existing kidney disease you put them on lower protein diet GFR goes down albumin gets out of their bloodstream and bingo so it must be protein that's causing the problem well that's really faulty thinking and I don't know how it ever made it got published in New England Journal because it wouldn't in this day and age so we know that higher proteins elevate GFR that's nobody's doubting that all right and vegetarians have lower GFR s but the question that really needs to be asked and answered is do high-protein diets promote kidney disease and it wasn't until 1999 that our nias drops group University of Copenhagen did this experiment they put people on a high-protein diet and they ran it for six months and they didn't see any albumin appearing in the urine and the GFR actually increased but the kidney volume increased as well so the kidney or the GFR relative to kidney volume remain the same so the conclusion was is that in healthy normals high proteins had very little effect on kidney that was the first study done there was a really eloquent one that was just completed in 2012 showing the exact same effect so I remember speaking in Germany back in the late 90s and the German press was all there and I was telling them that you ought to eat high protein to help your blood lipid levels and they're all looking at me like I'm nuts wait a minute how does that work and Bernards Wolf's group in Canada was the very first folks to show this that when you replace carbohydrate with protein it had a very therapeutic effect and here's his results this this study has been if it's been replicated once it's been replicated 50 times since then so we we know this again and again and again Nurses Health Study this is Frank whose work from the Harvard School of Public Health showing that higher protein diets reduce the risk part disease in the Nurses Health Study and high protein diets then elevate metabolism because of their thermic effect if you look at protein it's two to three times the thermic effective either protein or fat or carbohydrate this in the long haul probably doesn't make a whole lot of difference because to lose a pound of fat you have to reduce your caloric intake by 3500 kilocalories so this is maybe affects people overall the long haul years and years and years but probably the major effect of how protein helps people to lose weight is it's much more satiating than his carbohydrate or fat and so there's at least thirty or forty studies have been out in the last forty years showing this more recently shown by badder hams group and the mechanism now is fairly well understood pyy is certainly involved it's a a hormone secreted in the gut which influences the hypothalamus to help reduce hunger and a high protein low glycemic load carbohydrate diets now our could have been conclusively shown to be about the best way in which we can lose weight once again going back and looking at the historical literature our nias drops group showed that a high protein group lost more weight than another this result has been replicated and here's the really cool study right here is this one by Weigel at all and this one was a randomized controlled trial in which they eliminated the criticism of the earlier studies so if you're interested find this one and then the other study is the Diogenes study the Diogenes study is ongoing study in Europe and it is shown with a enormous sample size five or six hundred people that not only is a high-protein low glycemic load diet the best way to lose weight it's the best way to keep weight off so contrasting that five other diets so Diogenes di oggi en es so MEDLINE that one and you can get that data ok and high protein reduces the risk for stroke and I'm going to finish up here so that our next presenter will have a little bit of time to come up and get ready to go so high protein seems to reduce the risk for stroke and epidemiologic studies there's five different types of epidemiologic studies for every one you find that one effect you can find two others that don't have the effect so what we really need to look at our interventions in which actually control these variables and here's a cool intervention showing that lean beef lowered blood pressure if you have a higher protein diet it seems to improve survival time for patients with breast cancer this is the Harvard group as well and so going back to the recommendations I think we need to consider is this type of a diet thank you very much .

Video Description:

There is growing awareness that the profound changes in the environment (eg, in diet and other lifestyle conditions) that began with the introduction of agriculture and animal husbandry ≈10000 y ago occurred too recently on an evolutionary time scale for the human genome to adjust. In conjunction with this discordance between our ancient, genetically determined biology and the nutritional, cultural, and activity patterns of contemporary Western populations, many of the so-called diseases of civilization have emerged. In particular, food staples and food-processing procedures introduced during the Neolithic and Industrial Periods have fundamentally altered 7 crucial nutritional characteristics of ancestral hominin diets: 1) glycemic load, 2) fatty acid composition, 3) macronutrient composition, 4) micronutrient density, 5) acid-base balance, 6) sodium-potassium ratio, and 7) fiber content. The evolutionary collision of our ancient genome with the nutritional qualities of recently introduced foods may underlie many of the chronic diseases of Western civilization.

Thursday, November 26, 2020


Part Two Is the Paleo Diet Right for You

welcome everybody today is part two of paleo plus this is valerie burke and we did the first part a week ago if you missed that you can do it on harmony hills webinar site and i'd like to thank harmony hill for this wonderful series of educational webinars that they've been doing especially focusing on nutrition which is so important so anyway last week we covered some of the background information about the Paleo diet and why modern American diets are not working so well for us we looked at how you know basically with a modern food especially processed food is destroying our health by creating all sorts of inflammation in our bodies and wreaking havoc with our metabolic hormones like lesson and you know those sorts of things insulin especially with respective refined carbohydrates and sugar and we discussed a couple of the damaging dietary myths that are still out there and that have been making people sick for decades so in this part we're going to take a closer look at what comprises the ancestral or Paleo diet at least the principles of that diet including protein and the importance of fat particularly the right kind of fat how much that should be we should we be eating and how much protein should we be eating and we're going to look a little more at some of the specific food groups what's good about them and what's not so good about them including grains and legumes potatoes Gary vegetables salt and fermented foods and we'll look at how you can maybe incorporate a few of these principles into your diet you know whether you're a vegetarian we'll look at how maybe we could do this as a vegan maybe not and how we can incorporate all of this into our lives in a way that's kind to ourselves and you know low and stress and planet-friendly okay so there we are back at the cave man again so just a real quick refresher of where we left off last time our preferred paleo food list you can eat all the vegetables that you want fruits like nothing I'll roots would be potatoes and beets and carrots and things like that nuts and seeds meats and low glycemic fruits I love glycemic because we want to stay away from things that are really loaded with sugar so these are basically what our hunter-gatherer ancestors stayed and what they didn't eat basically we're grains legumes dairy and salt although I'm going to pass in some debate about the salt aspect refined sugars of course because it was before agriculture and refined vegetable oils which are so damaging to us and fatty meats and meats that you know it doesn't really matter whether you're choosing fatty meats or lean meats because if you're choosing grass-fed grasp a stirred me they're going to be naturally lower in fat okay let's start with grains and legumes and why try to discuss why has this causes a problem with agriculture well like we talked about last time greens were just too darn hard to eat for our hunter-gatherer ancestors yet you had to smash them or soak them or do all kinds of things to them they couldn't just be wandering around and putting them in their mouths from the right out of the ground it was too hard so agriculture brought grains and beans and those foods are just not something that we digest very well and part of the reason for that is they contain something called anti-nutrients what's an anti nutrient well the compound that interferes with the absorption of nutrients across the wall of your intestine so from your gut into your bloodstream humans and mammals have digestive enzymes a digestive systems that don't work properly to break these things down and they have excessive calories most grains are just loaded with calories and they're loaded with toxins but I'm not talking just about man made one I'm talking about the kind of toxins produced by the plants themselves and the most well-known green toxin is gluten curtain comes from the word glue because it's glue like properties and what it does is the interfere should break down an absorption of nutrients and other foods in that meal well you end up with the sticky glutinous gut bomb instead of a well digested meal modern wheat and other grains are very different than the week that grew hundreds or even thousands of years ago because we've we've hybridized these grains they're higher in gluten and so even the grains that they did happen to consume back then in very small quantities were much lower in gluten than the ones today that we're cultivating so another anti nutrient is lectin you may have heard of lesson it has a protein grants produce many kinds of lectins the whole category and the serve to ward off natural enemies like fungi insects and documents so lessons or carbohydrate binding proteins that are widespread in the plant kingdom they hook up with carbohydrates and they trigger inflammation and they also trigger immune responses and raise your blood viscosity and all of these things can predispose you to health problems and illnesses wheat lexan or wheat germ agglutinin which is abbreviated wga is a pro-inflammatory immuno toxic neurotoxic cardiotoxic toxic in every other way substance to yourselves and what it can do is lead to cell death it's actually highest in whole wheat especially sprouted whole wheat believe it or not and it has properties in the body very much like a virus but both legumes and brains contain lessons and it makes them hard to digest so we're talking about beans and peas and lentils and peanuts and soy beans and rice skelton dry as well legumes also contains phytoestrogens and what these are is a weak hormone mimic that can interfere with your hormone function because your body can't tell it apart from the natural hormones that are that it makes plants develop these to disrupt the reproductive success of predators that makes perfect sense when you think about it but here's an interesting fact white rice is less allergy triggering than brown rice because the hull has been removed and toxins are in the exterior hull sink protective armor it makes sense for the plant to put it there because that's the part of the plant that the animal or predator is going to come into contact with first every plant has to deal with being eaten by something and this is their best defense if you were here last week you you saw my little cartoons and it occurred to me since them that it feels like I'm sitting you're talking to my computer to the cat here any of you I can't see any of you and I think it's snow and plopping in my jokes well that's because no one is laughing at my jokes but I can hear so hopefully you appreciate them okay let's talk about fat one of my favorite topics your body actually really needs fats and it's a very underappreciated nutrient as we talked about last time it's excess carbohydrates that are the root cause of obesity and weight gain not good fats modern studies many of them are actually showing that fat lowers your risk for heart disease as opposed to raising it your brain has made up mostly of fat especially saturated fats and cholesterol but but there's a lot of things that cats do in your body brain function regulating protein fat foods in your cells getting calcium transported into your bones building skull membranes which are largely composed of fat making hormones it's a fats are important to your immune system proper nerve signaling liver and lung health healthy skin and hair reducing hunger they keep you from getting hungry too quickly slowing down absorption gene regulation and heart health the body needs fats and our records show that early humans consumed a fair amount of fat and yet they didn't get obese they were in great physical shape and the health problems that we see today were rare to non-existent thousands of years ago a diet that skimps up healthy saturated fats robs your brain of the raw material it needs to function and fit to its best in fact there is evidence now suggests an Alzheimer's disease is actually related to insulin resistance and buy some is even being ca
lled type 3 black diabetes having been owned by cats for many years I really love this one unfortunately our beloved companions are getting fat and ustick for the same reasons that we are one of the problems of the fats believe today is that our fatty acid ratios are up lay down we are eating way too many of the wrong kind and not enough of a great kind it's the type of fat that matters not the amount of fat a ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid should be about 12 12 12 to roughly the same amount of each but today the average American diet contains 12 10 or 12 20 of way too many Omega sixes and where are they coming from coming from vegetable oil like sunflower oil safflower oil soybean oil corn oil cottonseed shortening and margarine those kinds of things problem is omega-6 fats that were even so many of our at our pro-inflammatory and a lot of the diseases that we're developing our inflammation based omega-3 fats are anti-inflammatory and we're not getting enough of those the highest quality omega-3s come from from animal products like egg yolks from pastor tens so it gives them the deep golden color pasture-raised meat and fatty fishes so just how much has our Amega six fat intake increased this is pretty startling it's just totally off the chart Vince the 1909 about a hundred years our vegetable oil consumptions gone up by four hundred and fifty-nine percent salad and cooking oil one thousand three hundred and forty percent that's hard to even say margarine is up by four hundred and eighty-eight percent shortening two hundred and thirty-seven percent so all of these vegetable oils are heavy with omega-3 and light up on Omega rme I'm sorry study of omega-6 and light in omega-3 so it's no wonder that our fatty acid profiles are upside down and we're all inflamed so a mega fixed at should be balanced out with an equal amount at least of animal derived omega-3 fats these things like salmon egg yolks pasture-raised meats krill oil I'll be talking about krill oil here shortly you want to make sure that the oils that you either fresh because if they're not then they can oxidize and then it does you no good to eat them in fact you're actually taking in toxic substances when they become oxidized it isn't that olive oil and walnut oil and avocado oils are bad for you you just have to make sure but that you're eating enough omega-3 is to balance them out what are the good fats needs from pastured and new animals Drax Astrid animals organic egg yolks from grass pasture tens raw organic milk butter ghee and cream from grass pasture cows and goats he is just basically clarified butter coconut and coconut oil palm oil avocados olives and olive oil raw nuts and unheated organic nut oil because he will oxidize them and cacao butter bullied or not the bad fats are the processed ones corn oil soy oil canola safflower sunflower peanut guns that's course okay so let's take a look at how much protein of how much fat because this is an area where a lot of people get confused when starting out on a paleo type diet and there's a lot of misunderstandings a lot of people think paleo is about meet with a side order of meat and meat predators and it really it can be loaded with too much protein so typical paleo dieter consumes about thirty-eight percent protein thirty-nine percent fat 20 % carbs but this is actually too much protein for most of us the optimal amount for most people unless you're pregnant or your Olympian athlete is about 35 to 70 grams per day of protein so an easy formula for calculating your protein requirement is to take your body fat Oh percent body fat subtract it from 100 and then the result you get as your lean body mass percentage they take that lean body mass times your weight and this gives you lean body mass in pounds divide that number by 2 and this gives you an approximate grams of protein per day so you need about a half gram of protein per pound of lean body mass more than this can cause problems with your help and that's not what you're trying to do what they're trying to resolve with doing a paleo diet the optimal amount of fat in your diet that was protein so now we're moving to fat is fifty to seventy-five percent of your diet as I think I mentioned last week it can be even higher than that if you have a lot of health problems that can be very healing to the body very nourishing the Paleo diet is about 23% carbs typically that's kind of an average and you want to you might want to take this even lower in carbs if you have insulin problems or left and resistance or you know metabolic dysfunction but you don't want to replace those calories of protein you want to replace them with fats visit that's of course so we're talking avocados and ghee and coconut oil raw nuts and eggs these are a much better source of fuel especially if you have chronic health problems or your metabolically challenged and so you might have to tweak it a little bit depending on how you feel always listen to your body you can vary these ratios a little bit and see how you do your body is going to have to learn how to burn fat again versus carbohydrates because generally we've been eating so many more carbohydrates that we've shut down that fat burning engine and it's like anything else to learn how to do that so their bio chemical shifts that your body will go through a little experimenting is in order so all that said shoot for about fifteen percent protein sixty percent fat twenty-five percent cars ballpark numbers okay what about fish well fish used to be the best source of omega-3 fatty acids but unfortunately labs all over the world are showing us that almost all dish is contaminated with mercury and heavy metals and toxins thanks to how much we've polluted the world so it's probably best to limit your fish consumption even the FDA has acknowledged that mercury is a concern when they've gone as far as recommending pregnant women limit their fish consumption to twice a week but i think it probably needs to be extended to everybody if you do eat fish make sure it's well thought not farmed ideally tested for mercury there are companies who will test it vital choice for example is one of them and salmon and sardines are generally the safest varieties of fish if they're smaller stammen can be contaminated you want to make sure it's not farmed and make sure you're not eating larger fish like halibut and swordfish because mercury is concentrated up the food chain so the larger of fish is the longer it lives the higher it is in toxins generally and it can be as high as a thousand fold higher an alternate to eating fish is taking a krill oil supplement and this is my favorite thanks to dr. mercola my favorite source of omega-3 fatty acids it's widely available now as really you know come to most nutrition store shelves over the past couple years if God advantages of being mercury free because krill are very tiny sustainable planet friendly actually the largest biomass on the planet and it's 20 times more potent than fish oil a number of reasons for the assets or more than I want to take time to go into but another advantage to the krill is it goes into your brain versus only into your heart it can cross that blood brain barrier so it's wonderful for brain health and it's strongly anti-inflammatory it puts any anti-inflammatory drug to shame that has no side effects so if you have arthritis or asthma this is this is your guy the krill oil good stuff I have that problem just kidding okay what about dairy dairy is not on the traditional Paleo diet it's a paleo purist you know avoid their dairy altogether but this is where I'm going to suggest that maybe you might want to bend the rules a little bit because dairy can be good a very good way to increase your good fats and a lot of other things especially if you're vegetarian which we'll talk about again and if it but it depends on how you tolerate it some people don't tolerate it for some for some folks the glycemic index of milk even th
ough it's relatively low the sugar and milk will cause an insulin spike and then some people can't tolerate the casein which is a milk protein others can't tolerate lactose which is one of the milk sugars and then there's the pasteurization issue which pasteurization because its heat it alters the proteins and makes them for into your body so when you look at health benefits of pasteurized milk vs raw milk two completely different things and pasteurized milk is classic for driving allergies the pasteurization is not needed if your milk comes from properly raise cows if you're getting your milk from large Gary operations factory farms it has to be pasteurized because these animals are so prone to disease and the terrible living conditions you know they're packed by the hundreds if not thousands into buildings they're not roaming on pasture and so their milk is full of bacteria and antibiotics and growth hormones and pus and so they have to pasteurize it to make it safe but if you get your ear raw milk from an organic a small organic local farm that has its animals roaming on pasture you don't have all those diseases and you get all the health benefits with none of the downside the absolute best dairy products that you can eat our sort fermented organic dairy this would be things like yogurt call me yogurts best raw cheese kefir things like that and these are great sources of vitamin k2 whey protein with fats minerals vitamins and natural probiotics by the way did you hear about the study today just came out at least in terms of coming out in the media about the low-fat very study and weight gain they researchers were surprised to learn that people who consume low-fat dairy products gain more weight and more body fat than people who ate full-fat dairy who were much leaner and this was not only found amongst adults this amongst children as well but it surprised me but it's definitely surprised some of the researchers okay speaking of fermented if you can't tolerate dairy then eat fermented vegetables and and our hunter-gatherer predecessors indeed did consume fermented juice today the Inuit up in Alaska cash their me and consume it rotted the hunter-gatherers harvested tubers and roots ground them up buried him and left him to ferment scavenging for the hunter-gatherers included eating fruits that had fallen off of trees and nuts that were covered in wildly from the ground and so they had a steady supply of natural probiotics so we don't naturally get naturally fernet fermented vegetables and dairy if you tolerate dairy are good sources of probiotic organisms which are so important for your immune health because eighty percent of our immune system starts like that Oh things like sauerkraut naturally fermented pickles not the kind that are in vinegar but the kind that are art art from the natural bugs in their kimchi all are excellent sources of natural probiotics you can take a probiotic supplement you can get them in many places that you just just realize that there's no substitute for the real thing there when you eat it in a food it's much more potent than in a in a supplement so the more of these foods you can get into your diet on a regular basis the better so did you know you're only one-tenth human your body contains a hundred trillion microorganisms weighing about three pounds so that's more than ten times the number of human cells you have in your body so we're all walking booze did you know you have two brains this is pretty interesting one in your head and one in your gut they've been finding that our intestines and are producing a lot of the chemicals that we thought were relegated to the realm of brain cells and so you ask your mental health is actually as much controlled by your debt as your brain very interesting research here eighty percent of your immune system is in regard and it just won't function right unless your gut flora is in balance if it gets out of balance then you can get something called leaky gut syndrome which is where particles from your digestive tract that aren't broken down pop we pass through the wall of your bed and into your bloodstream and this contributors inflammation and it's a major factor underlying all sorts of diseases from diabetes to psychological and neurological disorders possibly to autism heart disease and many others what are the symptoms of leaky gut well kind of the traditional gas bloating constipation nausea headaches sugar crates but it could also hear you might not have those symptoms and you might just have you know allergies or inflammation going on but you're not you're out of tied it to your gut lots and lots of studies showing how helpful probiotics can be for all sorts of different problems if simply will not get well without healing and sealing your gut I can't stress that enough one of the people that made that has made the largest contribution in this area is dr. natasha Campbell McBride she's a Russian neurologist who had an autistic child she realized that she really couldn't help her child from what she knew in her field she went back to school for a degree in nutritional science and she's treated not only did she shared her own child of autism that she's treated many many many severely ill children's children and adults with the diet that she came up with which is called the gaps diet that and psychology syndrome is what it originally was coined for so I've read her book and I've listened to several interviews and I really really gained an appreciation for the importance of healing and feeling your gut so much that I devoted a whole chapter to it in my book there are several interviews on mercola com that you can listen to or you can just probably put in her name and Google at em she does have a very strong russian access to sometimes it's it's a challenge to understand her but she really really knows her stuff okay time to pause and if anybody has any questions I'll come up for air here for a moment any questions anybody my windows for some reason my the PowerPoint screen doesn't stay fixed when I try and look at the screens for you okay so Lisa least say your hand is up but I'm not able to unmute you so can I ask you to actually type your question into your chat window in the meantime Sandra is asking me what was the name of the last author on that Natasha Campbell McBride she's Russian but I believe she has a practice in the UK okay Karen how to compromise yes she eats some dairy some yogurt has some sugar doc sharklet I think this is I think this is excellent I I think that you have to eat some of those foods that you do enjoy and if you're not having a problem with this area then go for it I think it can be very very good nutritious thing sugar I talked a lot about sugar last time just keep track of your your you know grams sugar per day and and try to keep it under 25 you know 25 grams or so dark chocolate the higher higher percentage of chocolate the darker the better and make sure it's organic so it's all about juggling it and it's so important to do it in a way that doesn't stress you out so if you're doing paleo and it stressed me out then you're not going to get the health benefits you're just going to get stressed and stress those hormonal imbalance and and then when your hormones get messed up your metabolic hormones also get messed up so you're not doing yourself any favors I have a question about canola oil avoid it not a good idea it's a process oil so it's mostly Omega sixes and it's not on a good list list of good oils you always want non-gmo a regardless of you know whether you're whatever food it is yes you want to look for non-gmo this paleo allow barbecue sauce and other sauces well if they come out of a bottle chances are they're mostly sugar if you're making them yourself then you're then you can control what goes into it I would say yeah just be careful attention to the ingredients the other issue with barbecue sauce or anything out of a
bottle is msg can be hiding in there and sometimes it's just in food you know like caramel coloring so the more can I holes that are in there the more your body is going to have opportunities to react to something so basically for for paleo you're going to want to make a lot of things from scratch shop around the perimeter of the grocery store and the fewer things that you could see them out of a can a bottle or a box the better any other questions I think I've got them all there okay see you now I've lost my high place ok so we're going to move on to potatoes one of my favorite topics never met a potato I didn't like unfortunately this is where you can play with your carbohydrate ratio it a little bit if you feel like if you're if you're a carbohydrate addict and making the switch to paleo is making you feel a little stiff or you know low on energy or whatever you know you can add in a potato at least that's better than sugar or crackers so your diet should be low in carbs but not no carb most people do better with some starchy carbohydrates in their diet the sweet spot appears to be about twenty to thirty percent carbs and it doesn't have three potatoes it can be carrots squash those things all have sugars in there that are going to you know give you the quick energy some people have digestive issues around starch so if you're one of them potatoes are not going to be your friend there are something that you know depending on which scientists you ask there are some safe starches or some starches are safer than others which ones are safe well there are multiple answers there so let me just give you some information and then you can kind of juggle it in your own mind true paleo purists give the thumbs up to yams and sweet potatoes and then thumbs down to white potatoes but sweet potatoes and yams are loaded with sugar so pale you're curious you know I think that we have to take a look at what the research says about all the damage that sugar is doing in our bodies and given that bit of information perhaps white potatoes aren't so bad because they are lower in the sugar most of what's marketed today as a yam is really just another variety of sweet potato and this picture is what a true yam looks like when's the last time you saw one of those on your grocery store shelves probably not so I'm of the opinion that sweet potatoes really don't have that much of an advantage over white potatoes due to that sugar content especially if you have metabolic issues and you know if you have insulin problems then you're going to want to avoid potatoes all together because they will spike your insulin please kids today are bred for high sugar content some of them are hundreds of times higher than they used to be okay oh and by the way before i get into salt metabolically speaking you could argue that potatoes are actually safer than fruits because they find a sugar that they contain is glucose versus fructose and like we talked about in part one blue clip can be used by every single cell in your body whereas fructose has to be broken down exclusively by your liver so it's a much much worse load on the liver and just a little bit of trivia the plant toxins yes potato puffs toxins also are in the peel so ideally you should peel your potato support eating them remember the protective armor okay so dr. Cordain is pretty much anti stall which is interesting because salt is an essential nutrient required for a lot of things some of those things our blood pressure regulation and transportation and nutrients in and out of your cells ion exchange and the communication between your brain and your muscles so decades of scientific research have failed to show the benefits of a low salt diet and in fact some are showing the opposite there are studies showing that low salt diet stir associated with higher cardiac risk not lower the primary study responsible for the sodium myth didn't control for fructose consumption so sugar was the real culprit but salt was blamed chemical felt natural salt are not the same thing chemical solve is junk food basically there's a world of difference between the two the just like the difference between refined sugar and the sugar in a piece of fruit chemical salt this simply laboratory manufactured sodium chloride whereas natural sea salt as less sodium and instead is full of dozens of other minerals all to do great things in your body some of them are trace minerals that you get in very few sources so yourself like all food should be unprocessed and as natural as it can be as natural as to how it formed on the earth as possible and if you eliminate processed food you'll be eliminating most of the sodium the bad kind of Saul so you know you then can be free to add as much sea salt to your your dinner as possible as you want get our ancestors you solve well and yes they did organized here okay yes so some of the Paleolithic people live near the ocean and they did things like cooking the sea water and sprinkling their food with dry seat belts and then in lenders did things like drinking the blood of animals which was a concentrated source of salty minerals eating bones making bone broth and sprinkle salt rich clay minerals on their food anything is the wild forage streams that they were hunting and gathering gathering we're a lot higher in salts and minerals and our supermarket stuff you know we've our soils are so depleted now that they don't offer us all of these nutrients that we used to have and so I really think that natural sea salt is an important part of the diet and there's no evidence to suggest that it's not i also want to stay away from artificial sweeteners you want to stay away from artificial everything but artificial sweeteners are extremely bad and you know they arranged the whole gamut aspartame equals Wenda saccharine of course all of them when I avoid concentrated forms of fructose most common one is just corn syrup and honey is a good option for natural sweeteners you just still have to pay attention to moderation because it's a fairly rich source of carbohydrates and sugar media you can use with reckless abandon it's an herb it doesn't spike your insulin has no health single negative health effects to my knowledge and so there's some of the other ones that you'll see our yacon syrup maple syrup coconut syrup coconut crystals bait sugar and there's some other natural looks alternatives so the closer you can find one that this is unprocessed as possible the better msg of course msg is a nerve toxin and it's hidden in a lot of processed foods it's you know lurks in labeled under names such as hydrolyzed protein yeast extract east food auto lies yeast textured protein ruda mate jellison apparently some gelatin has it in their toy thoughts mult flavoring some broth so you know again you can relabeled but you can't necessarily tell what's hidden within some of those chemicals that are listed on the label food potion and don't need of anything you can't pronounce or recognized as a food it's best to stay away from okay I don't know if any of you are vegetarians or vegans I've done both different periods of my life and trying to find something that works for me I never felt good on either of those diets especially the vegan diet there are some challenges with specific types of nutrients whether you're vegan or vegetarian much more so if you're vegan I don't know how you can do the Paleo diet if you're vegan I've thought about this quite a lot and you can certainly employ principles of sustainability and eating close to the earth and avoiding polluted things and such but unless you have some animal products in your diet specifically the eggs and the dairy I think you're going to be missing a lot of really important nutrients the first one is b12 each valve is almost exclusive to animal products and you can be developing a b12 deficiency for many years before it actually shows up and by then you're so depleted that it's it's h
ard to turn it around another important one is sulfur sulfur containing amino acids and proteins come from animal foods like grass-fed need eggs raw milk and the deficiency in sulfur increases your cardiac risk increases problems for joints and muscles risk for Alzheimer's problems with insulin function and other things the altar is a really important nutrient that is a challenge if you're not using animal foods through the thigh on this is also related to sulfur as the precursors come from animal derived amino acids this is your most important native antioxidant but your body has to make it you can't consume it so we have cut you have to be getting enough of the raw materials in your diet cholesterol collector is actually a very important fat for your health and you can be insufficient in your cholesterol and it's building blocks which can lead to problems with heart brain hormones high LDL is sometimes a sign of inadequate cholesterol and it can lead to plaque formation in your arteries we're talking about you know having enough cholesterol everybody talks about having too much but you know cholesterol that isn't oxidized the healthy kind of cholesterol actually really important for your health vitamin k2 and vitamin A are true vitamins that are bio available only in animal products item in k2 is essential for strong bones and for clear arteries keeping calcium from being deposited in your arteries and go into your bones instead where you on it and then beta carotene which some people think vitamin A and beta-carotene of the same thing that they're not so different forms and beta-carotene is very poorly converted to vitamin A in the body so you can get beta carotene from vegetables but the true form of vitamin A is really only available from animal products soy is not a good protein substitute for a number of reasons remember soy is a legume a bean and then we have digestive systems that are short and unable to efficiently digest cellulose that fiber so eating more nutrient-dense foods like meat an animal fat allows our bodies to reserve some energy for other processes to take place like detox anyway I just it would be very difficult to try and do a paleo diet if you're vegan but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be animal friendly and planet-friendly when we embark on this adventure this is really near and dear to my heart hey I'm an animal lover so paleo parental principles need to be in the line met with environmental sustainability and happy healthy kindly treated animals I think we need to make sure if we're going to be eating animal products that we're supporting local farmers who raise their animals humanely and sustainably grass is the natural food for most of the animals that we eat so by growing corn and wheat and soy or destroying those animals natural feeding grounds so we might be directly killing more ambled by growing grain than by eating animals growing grains using monoculture meaning vast fields of 11 product like wheat or soy is destroying our planet topsoil so biodynamic farms help build the soil instead of destroying it removing animals from land accelerates a certification what about wait if you're underweight or overweight what about the Paleo diet well you don't have to count calories and forget about measuring portions or points forget about dieting per se we just need the right and the right categories until you're satisfied remember that calories not a calorie you know your body treats carbohydrate calories difference in fat calories and you're going to be detoxifying by eating clean nutritious foods you can be letting go of that body fats and all the toxins that are held in it about the quality of your food not the quantity so if you're eating a biologically appropriate diet which Paleo diet is biologically appropriate for human beings this allows your body composition to normalize over time and you can exercise until the cows come home and if you're not giving your body the right fuel you're not going to you're not going to achieve your goals you're not going to be optimally healthy I just love that one not only do you have to eat like a caveman you gotta exercise like a caveman too so you'll optimize your metabolism by exercising in a way that triggers the primitive survival response so think about fight or flight our ancestors that attack by predators when they were doing things like eating and drinking in their heads were down and they weren't looking out the fetal was coming around the bend when confronted they had to burst into action so this is the pattern that we want to replicate with our exercise routine the most effective fitness programs involve 10 to 15-minute sessions of high-intensity burst pipe intervals with strength training and you know you only have to do these one or two days a week that's the really good news the primary goal is accomplished which is quickly emptying out your glycogen stores this is if you'll remember it's your the stored form of sugar so look does when you empty out your glycogen stores you're increasing your insulin sensitivity which the flip side of that is you're decreasing insulin resistance and then a whole cascade of positive metabolic changes start happening multiple studies are showing that this type of exercise is far more effective at building lean body mass optimizing heart function and mobilizing facts and traditional cardio a lot easier on the heart as well I still don't hear anybody laughing okay intermittent fasting this is something that has been coming up a lot in the studies lately in fitness fitness world as a way to help regulate blood sugar stimulate growth hormone which growth hormone when we're children helps us grow but when we're adults it helps our body repair at heel so the more of it that our body produces the faster we heal and the better we feel facilitates digestion helps the body wheeler and how to burn fat for fuel because it's so used to burning carbohydrates and so when you combine intermittent fasting with a high-intensity burst type exercise time you're really accelerating all of these all of these things so try exercising in a fasting state meaning you know you don't have to fast for days we're talking about just asking you know skip breakfast exercise on an empty stomach before hitting the gym you know don't eat and so we're talking fasting for 12 to 18 hours a few days a week so have your dinner at six and don't have your your breakfast / lunch until after you've done your workout that's not a stream form of fastest by any means important to avoid carbohydrates before and after you exercise because those inhibit your body's ability to burn fat during an exercise session and carbs promote energy storage whereas not energy burning and you want to promote energy burning and so then what you do is you you have a recovery meal about a half an hour after your workout and this should be ideally an easily assimilated protein like a way shake you know a good quality protein shakes fasting gives your body a break from having to process food so that more energy is available to do things like detoxify and repair tissues and other important process I think she looks kind of cute if the stripes myself so like any new routine in your life if you're going to start doing paleo you have to plan ahead this isn't the diet it's a lifestyle shift and any lifestyle shift can't happen overnight you know you'd it without making yourself crazy anyway this is about gradually changing your body's physiology so that you'll be healthier for the rest of your life so you don't want to start to quickly you want to start slowly you want to think ahead think it through think of how to implement it into your life if you've been doing three meals a week at McDonald's for 20 years you don't want to go full on paleo all of a sudden because you're going to feel sick so maybe start by reducing soda and sugar just like the person who asked me earlier you
know what what if I want to have a piece of dark chocolate or some sugar well habits make some gradual changes have a better type of chocolate maybe have raw chocolate and just cut down on your sugar maybe replace something with a piece of fruit and then start limiting fast foods and processed foods and things that have chemicals in them and then once you got that kind of down then start buying more organic stuff start reducing carbohydrates and grains and this can occur over weeks or months this this doesn't have to happen overnight no paleo police are going to be not at your door I promise Phillip a food routine and this has to be a priority and for most of us it's kind of like the last thing that that we think about you know like the least important thing well I just gotta eat something and get on with the important stuff wrong food is really crucial to how we feel and in our health yeah never leave home without a helpful snack I guarantee if you're hungry while you're out run ran you'll probably pick up the first thing that looks good and it'll be evil trust me on this one stock your pantry with paleo staples rod that's are a good one transition out of boxed anything so you know fill your fridge with snacks like carrot sticks and maybe cooked chicken breasts you know a nitrate free beef jerky in the pantry is didn't sliced fruit the more you could put these things in your fridge that are all cleaned and sliced and ready to go the more a few will be to grab that instead of something that that's a convenient Food and do some cooking on your days off but some some of this in the freezer so that when you're tired and get home from work and you don't feel like cooking you have something that is quick and easy to fix for your family and I with my no muss no fuss I love mason jars and I make up in fact I did it today and making a huge pot of boolean estas and what I'll do is I'll put that in quart jars after your four jars and put them in the freezer and that makes a really good quick quick meal for later you already know this one shop around the perimeter of your perimeter of your grocery store that's where the whole thing is be patient your body can't change overnight all about being kind to yourself make sure you're getting plenty of fresh pure water every day don't worry as much about exact quantity just drink enough at your year stays very light yellow to nearly colorless unless you're on B vitamins and then it's going to be bright yellow so you can't use that as a gauge but yeah just make sure you're well hydrated plenty of sleep do something physical every day even if it's just a brisk walk very important manage your stress my favorite tool is EFT which stands for emotional freedom techniques we're tapping you might have seen people like tapping on their forehead around there I this is a kind of acupuncture without needles as my favorite stress reduction technique so favorites that I became a certified ESP practitioner a few years ago you can learn it for yourself on the internet it's not hard to learn even kids can learn it and so I highly recommend it be really picky about the supplements supplements are just that supplements they shouldn't replace your foods and we should be as careful about the quality and source of your food as you are about less immense though if you're not eating crap anymore don't get crappy supplements get out in nature put your bare feet on the earth this is called earthing and that's actually one of the best antioxidant sources you can find our ancestors were in constant contact with the earth and so they received a continuous flow of electrons and we've lost that vital earth energy with our indoor living and rubber-soled shoes and so now they've even got earthing pads that you can buy that you can use in your home or at your desk and it actually plugs into a grounding pockets of the house and you get a flow of electrons that come up from the earth and they're wonderful I have one on my feet when I'm sitting and writing in my desk they really do work I hope this doesn't happen to you okay so let's just summarize some bass paleo principles eat foods rates sweet foods raised in accordance with their own natural environment for the closer to nature the better don't eat stuff that isn't food prepare your food traditionally eat a lot of your foods raw use your carbohydrate in accordance with your energy expenditure so if you're sitting at a desk all day you're not going to need to eat like you're an Olympic athlete these stats with reckless abandon and I don't have to remind you I'm talking about the good fat eat naturally fermented foods and make your own fat crop that is it's so good you just wouldn't believe how good it is I didn't even like regular grocery store sauerkraut and I started making my own and it's just as much a much gentler tartness which is this Pleasant tartness and almost like a fizzy fizzy nature and system it's delicious enjoying a wide variety of foods learn where your food comes from get to know your local farmers listen to your body and love your food okay so the important part before we get into questions here is to make changes slowly one thing at a time you know if you just can't give up that I don't know bola rice don't not do the Paleo diet because about one thing just work around it you know a lot of cravings will go away over time when you start cleaning cleaning up your diet otherwise you're likely to get overwhelmed and this increases your odds of failing maybe all you want to do right now is cut back on sugar and processed foods that's fine be gentle with yourself and decrease your stress don't increase it stress stress elevates our sympathetic nervous system and this shuts down your body's natural human ability so if you're doing this to get healthier it's not going to work if you're if you go about it in a way that you're getting really stressed last thing you want to do a stressor of your diet we have enough so stressed about without that okay so let me get back to my little window where I can see if anybody has questions okay so kind of a long one here I'm just going to read it I have serious digestive issues may be leaky gut they don't learn more about it my pills come out in my stool sometimes as they went in and she lists a few different different things so loose stools from first thing in the morning seems to stop late in the afternoon evening seeing some allopathic specialists naturopath doing acupuncture regularly eat well daily is still too many carbs and sugar okay you know it might be helpful to pick up a copy of the gaps diet it's a very easy transition to go from gaps to paleo I did gasps for three months and I had I felt so good and death by it has I don't remember eight different stages so you start with a very restricted approach and then you add foods in so kind of like the elimination diet you can tell when you're going to get into something that's going to cause problems but the fact that you're having loose stools and lots of digestive problems says that you've probably got a digestive flora that's all upside down and backwards and what my naturopath had me do was pick up a copy of the book and read it cover to cover and then decide whether I wanted to do it because if there is a fair amount of work involved you end up making bone broth several times a week you know by in big batches is that's a core part of the gaps diet which I actually do to this day I use bone broths practically every day and then the fermented foods also she stresses the fermented foods fermented cabbage probably if Gary see we've tried no dairy no gluten you might want to just stick with fermented vegetables but anyway I would I would approach it from that standpoint and see if you can get a handle on it that would be my recommendation okay you are welcome any other questions all right well that's it from me w
e actually finished almost on time I want to thank you all for showing up tonight it was great to have some people live for this and hopefully you are able to follow along I know I blew through quite a lot of a lot of stuff harmony hill has all sorts of excellent webinars in their series so I encourage you to go to their their site and check some of about deanna minik is wonderful and if you'd like more information on my version of the Paleo diet this is my book and as a gift to you for making it all on the way to the end of this I have made it so that you can download a free copy of the ebook form on amazon so if you just go to use the Paleo diet right for you page on amazon today through valentine's day you can download this for free so price is right well thank you so much for attending and happy paleo eating and oh and if you need to reach me feel free to go to my website gallery brook but net and shoot me a email and I do actually read them and get back to you thanks so much you .

Video Description:

Part Two: The standard American diet is pro-inflammatory, leading many down the road to pain and misery and chronic illness because it is out of step with what we humans evolved to eat. Bad dietary advice and misinformation abound, based on outdated standards, bad research and long-perpetuated nutritional myths. Incorporating elements of an ancestral diet with patience and self-kindness will help put out the flames of inflammation before they burn a hole in your health and longevity. In this webinar, you will begin separating fact from fiction and learn how to make gradual dietary changes without suffering the stress and overwhelm that dooms many to fail.
