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Monday, October 12, 2020


The Paleo Way - Fish Taco's Recipe

one of the most important things a parent could teach their kids is where their food comes from and I encourage the kids always to be in the kitchen when either me or Nicola is cooking dinner for them and tonight I'm blessed to have these kids gonna do all the hard work for me we're going to work it's not tonight this is TV tonight with so we've got indie Ally and chilli two daughters and we've got our next-door neighbor in the middle we live across the road and we're going to make some crumbed fish and we're not using any gluten products we're not using any breadcrumbs so we're going to use a little bit of tapioca flour and we've got some some eggs and black of alien apps that have been crumbled we've got a production line happening if you're watching this just knows that this is the way to do it get the kids involved they love it so I'm going to do the hot stuff over here and we're going to put some coconut oil into this pan I like to cook in the coconut oil that's heating up we're going to serve this with just some simple lettuce that's been washed and the kids like to wrap the fish up in the leaves there we go okay I'm also going to make a just a simple little guacamole for the kids to soccer ball it's Walker bowling guac where it's a Mexican avocado dish that has your favorite what are these limes what's your favorite ah and what about this what's this one no coriander correct so we're going to add some coriander some lime juice what's this we've got some salt who's going to squeeze the lime juice in there for me we're into the guacamole here you go al you can squeeze some to Chile not to be left out okay I'm going to cook the fish now that fish takes about a minute each side look at that beautiful and golden what do you think girls it looks yummy a little bit of salt on top you want some lime no lime lime actually yes I'm gonna have some lime too you can have a little bit more lime indi okay let's go three plates one oh yeah blue okay we honking do you have to work wrap it up you can do whatever you like yeah cuacamole ND what do you think girls scroll out of ten what are we gonna call these Charlie come fish are we in a Grange high five up high to the side the other side up high down low to .

Video Description:

Pete and his kids cook Paleo Fish Tacos.

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