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Monday, November 30, 2020


Mussels with White Wine - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

hey paleo Nick here I've been receiving requests lately for more seafood separation so we have featured oysters in the past but haven't really delved into any of the other shellfish and today we've got a bag of mussels so stay tuned for this magnanimous smallest just set this aside for a second I've got a 1 large onion over here another quickly julienned boom like that oh this piece is kind of big here we've got my handy Camp Chef Dutch oven cast iron look at that baby and in here I've got some minced garlic mmm so anything that we start I'm going to give a little bit of olive oil and then a couple spoonfuls of bacon fat bacon grease to that I'm going to add good healthy handful of garlic and mush my onions are going to go right in I added the onions right away because that pan was really hot and the garlic I can see was going to cook quickly can you get that mixed up like that and then all I'm going to do is dump this bag of muscle there that up a little bit grab our lid throw it on let that cook for about five minutes while we prep out our other ingredients alright so we're going to take a little peek at our blue mussels we've got a couple of them I see opening up at this point I'm going to add about a half bottle white wines is the Chardonnay local California wine right and then a couple lemons let's go to start with will give juice of one lemon and then I have ten Campari Tomatoes going to sprinkle those guys on top will get the lid back on and let that cook away all right let's take a look here you guys oh yeah now they're starting to smile at us a little bit more huh oh yeah mussels they have a very distinct distinct let me give it some salt a little bit of pepper our parsley over here and then two little knobs of grass-fed butter toss those in there we'll let that butter melt down we'll give it one final stir and then we'll be ready to serve okay here we are guys we call this the final product hot but tasty good so we hit it was lacking a little bit of salt we got the salt in there waters in there anything's good to go so how do we serve this then questions how I would do it or a caveman would do it they would just carry this to the table and now people could dig in but how we'll do it here something similar let's say we're at the table and they grab the super simple how do you serve that maybe with some nice crunchy garlic bread or sopping up those juices right following me but I know there it is be like we said in the beginning this is a magnanimous Mullis and super simple way to make it you would pay probably 12 to 16 bucks for this in a restaurant and that whole bag all of this right here I think was fifteen bucks so you're definitely coming on ahead if you make this one I'm petty onek thanks for watching and as always keep it paleo you .

Video Description:

You've all done it... You've seen a bag of mussels at Costco or Sam's Club and walked right past. You didn't even take time to consider the magnanimous mollusk and all of its flavorful-broth-creating powers. Well, today I ask you to reconsider your ignorance. Mussels are a tasty protein offering and when paired with white wine, grass fed butter and ample amounts of garlic, the broth that is created is tough to beat!
