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Thursday, March 11, 2021


Best Organic Paleo Meal

alright we're just heading on down Walmart and we're gonna get some hamburgers out girl but on the way we found some whole free reign alligator here on side row we figure that's free right now a sustainability we're Carver this and bring it back to the farm star swamp fire have a good old time there's an alligator dinner right here Paleolithic night what do you think Oh Betty nice oh we rushed our little swap fire with the methane gas with bubble up and we're just gonna light that up with a magic power so all right you're gonna eat it bites up or you gonna eat some vegetables we did too almost vegetables these days you know they're inbred out bread into an organic not healthy GM oh yeah if you wanna lose your teeth you might want to eat some fruit but we don't want to rotate we're gonna go for a patio let's lick but I gonna poop if you don't need to pretend vegetables I think we're evolving away from pooping you know pooping is an old man's game that's for children and old people .

Video Description:

How to sustainable obtain Paleo meals organically in south Florida

Monday, March 8, 2021


What is Paleo Diet? Paleo Diet Recipes Food List

what is Paleo diet known as the cavemen recipes when observing the Paleo diet you're going back in time way back in the days if a caveman would not eat it neither can you Paleo diet food list include meats fish nuts berries greens veggies and seeds no cereal pasta or candy sorry the Paleo diet runs on the same foods our ancestors the great hunters gathers would all eat fruits vegetables meats seafood and nuts it was the habits of our ancestors in the Paleolithic period between 2.5 million years ago the Paleo diet is the healthiest way you can eat because it is the only nutritional approach that works with your genetics to help you stay lean strong you can get healthy with Paylor guides below a comprehensive look at what the Paleo diet is how it works and how you can easily implement the paleo lifestyle in your life click below today and get healthy with paleo .

Video Description:

What is Paleo Diet? - Paleo Diet Recipes Food List

Known as the caveman recipes, when observing the paleo diet you’re going back in time…WAY back in the days… if a caveman would not eat it, neither can you.

Paleo diet food list include meats, fish, nuts, berries, leafy greens, veggies and seeds. No cereal, pasta or candy they didn’t have those foods back in those days… sorry.

The paleo diet runs on the same foods our ancestors the great hunters-gathers would all ate: fruits, vegetables, meats, seafood, and nuts.

It was the habits of our ancestors in the Paleolithic period, between 2.5 million ...years ago.

The Paleo diet is the healthiest way you can eat because it is the ONLY nutritional approach that works with your genetics to help you stay lean, strong.

The paleo diet is hot. Those who follow it are attempting, they say, to mimic our ancient ancestors—minus the animal-skin fashions and the total ...

To have this in your life right now YOU Can…Get healthy with paleo guide is a comprehensive look at what the paleo diet is, how it works, and how you can easily implement the paleo lifestyle in your life.

Available in both web & pdf format, check out the food list and recipes you'll need on your paleo diet and more… Good Luck!

Now you know what is paleo diet.

Paleo Diet helps...
Lose Wieght in Healthy Way
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Paleo Diet What is Paleo diet and what can it do for you.

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Thursday, December 31, 2020


Is a Vegetarian Paleo Diet Possible - S. Boyd Eaton

hey paleo vegetarian diet is very definitely possible and what you need to do is understand what were the nutrients that were provided by the foods our ancestors consumed and reproduce those nutrients in a diet for today and that diet can be a vegetarian diet or even a vegan diet so long as in the end it produces the nutrients that our ancestors consumed and which I believe are that we are genetically programmed for .

Video Description:

S. Boyd Eaton, the father of the Paleo Diet, made a bold statement at Finding Common Ground that shifted some definitions of a Paleo diet. With his research based on how humans lived during Paleolithic times, Eaton says YES, a vegetarian Paleo diet IS possible, and the answers are held in the past. Learn more about his presentation here:

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Sunday, December 20, 2020


Dawn of Man - I'll be on an all paleo diet after this


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This game is so GOOD you guys. I love builders like this.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2020


The paleo diet: Is eating like a caveman healthy?

as a cardiologist that get a lot of questions about nutrition and here's a really good one hi dr. Santora this is alex from orange what is paleo diet and is it healthy well the Paleo diet is also called a caveman diet it's what man ate in the Paleolithic period which means the period before there was a gray color so what did we do then we were hunters we ate game meat red lean meat and we fished so there's a lot of fish in the diet now there was no agriculture so clam products were mainly nuts and berries and fruit and occasional type of root type foods so if you're on the Paleo diet strictly speaking you need to avoid dairy products because there are no cows no domesticated animals so there's no milk there's no cheese there's no ice cream so you have to avoid that whole category of food and since there was no farming there is no grain so there's no barley no oh no wheat so you have to avoid bread cereal pasta all the things that you enjoy in your life and even the potato is not part of the diet because they were not harvested back then your drink of choice will be water there's no processed sugar there's no salt and there's no processed meats so is that a good diet well it probably is a good diet because it avoids processed foods and sugar and salt but it's not a sustainable diet it's not a diet that most people can adhere to its kind of expensive it's all fresh food and your limiting groups of food so you're going to lose weight and probably feel good for a while no study has shown that it prolongs life so a better alternative would be the Mediterranean diet that is a diet that is enjoyable it has been shown to prolong life cut down cardiovascular disease and it consists of fish it consists of some lean meats it consists of nuts olive oil whole grains low-fat dairy products that is a diet that you can enjoy for the rest of your life and live a longer healthier and better life though it's a great question the Paleo diet is probably ok probably safe probably good but probably not sustainable thanks for asking you .

Video Description:

Eating like prehistoric hunters and gatherers provides a very clean diet, but is it a sustainable nutrition plan for modern human beings? Larry Santora, M.D., explores the trendy paleo diet and how it works. Dr. Santora is medical director of the Orange County Heart Institute and host of "Health Matters with Dr. Larry Santora" television series, which airs weekly on PBS SoCaL Plus. Visit to view more segments on a range of health topics. Produced by Chapman University's Panther Productions, "Health Matters with Dr. Larry Santora" is sponsored by St. Joseph Health, Biotronik and Weaver Health Solutions. Video courtesy Super King Markets.

Thursday, October 22, 2020


Is the paleo keto diet a groundbreaking diabetes treatment?

Ultra York I am sabotage I work as a doctor in internal medicine my main role is treating chronic illnesses such as diabetes I graduated as a doctor from University I worked as a doctor providing emergency medical care I started working in internal medicine later I've been a nutritionist for six years initially we've been using the Paleo diet then after collecting in a feedback and experience we switched the Paleolithic ketogenic diet we've been using it for three years mainly to treat high blood pressure diabetes autoimmune diseases and cancer yokosuka's time we started using the Paleo diet but the results weren't perfect it's good for treating high blood sugar levels and high blood pressure but it's not effective for autoimmune diseases such as Crohn's disease so we started using the Paleolithic ketogenic diet which combines the advantages of the Paleo and the classical ketogenic diet while overcoming the shortcomings of both diets resulting in a very effective diet that can help patients didn't you as it's very simple on psychological and physiological needs are different we like to eat hearty foods carbohydrates milk bread cakes and we think that these are natural parts of our diet quite the contrary as biological creatures we are predisposed to eat meats and fats a mismatch between our genetic predisposition and our current diet is giving rise to the increase in diabetes and other chronic illnesses internal shake I had for my money on me but I will I suppose you guys go well the concept of the Paleo diet is that humans were eating healthily in the Paleolithic Age the classic ketogenic diet has several components that are forbidden in the Paleo diet vegetable plant oil seed flour Tsarina and dairy products it is because of the exclusion of such foods that the Paleolithic ketogenic diet is much more effective than the classic ketogenic diet I was on actually hey Don Williams man low carbohydrate diets have serious advantages compared to high carb diets but it's not a full solution I think the ultimate healthy diet is the Paleolithic ketogenic diet because they're entirely suits our biological needs the more we conform to our biological needs the more effective our diet is if someone is already following a low-carb diet the paleo keto diet is an easy switch the classic ketogenic diet has disadvantages like the ones caused by plant oils and the dairy products these could result in developing health conditions later on very fast results ketosis develops within a few days and so the first results are also seen very early the first advantage is the amount of energy we can get up to three times more energy from the paleolithic ketogenic diet what's more the symptoms of illnesses like high blood pressure and high blood glucose can simply vanish after a few weeks it can help the symptoms of the autoimmune diseases too and with time there was a possibility to recover the autoimmune diseases of themselves intestinal permeability and permeability of other membranes play a huge role in the development of autoimmune diseases currently we do not know any other diet or method which would be able to normalize the barrier function on these membranes you look quite better she do I don't keep them leaning again we talked about type 1 diabetes when the pancreas can't produce enough insulin on its own due to the autoimmune destruction of the beta cells the Paleolithic ketogenic diet can stop the autoimmune process and diabetes it can halt the decay of insulin production what's more it can even improve the insulin production once highly adhered to the diet there are several instances where a patient had a healthy insulin free life with this diet it's working as well the complications are avoidable as well what's different is that it's always working with the Paleolithic ketogenic diet it is possible to restore normal functioning of the body it doesn't matter how long the patient has been a diabetic or what level of sugar levels are there are no side effects we check our patients regularly but we've yet to experience any side effects like I said before this is the best diet for humans from a biological point of view in my experience the ketosis appears after a few days of the diet this can have side effects many fingers sudden high protein intake such as headache diarrhea these despair after a few weeks then the body gets entirely accustomed to this type of diet there may not be a complete normalization of the intestinal permeability during the initial period but tissue starts to regenerate so it helps patients with Crohn's disease dermatitis or eczema again it's important to consider how much protein we eat it's not necessary for human body to consume a lot of protein what's important is the fact we get our energy from fat without fat intake this process can't work to its fullest but it's important to consider that fats of plant origin are never healthy in the long run our feeling of hunger also changes in a carbohydrate based diet the blood sugar levels are the main influence on our hunger but in the case of the Paleolithic ketogenic diet the energy levels are the influence of our hunger it's recommended to eat twice a day on the Paleolithic ketogenic diet the general need for food decreases our bodies produce energy from the fat and during this process water is also produced the same goes for water intake you need less water with the Paleolithic ketogenic diet done with a high carbohydrate diet it's also important to mention that eating aweful such as bone marrow liver and kidney is essential to maintain healthy vitamin levels skeptic ocean and it is much less had Tam O'Shanter - ah they are skeptical and very distant the main reason for this is that stating that someone with diabetes can have a long life without insulin and that this disease may be reversed goes against today's medicine but mostly they don't even know about this opportunity if the patient with type 1 diabetes wants to use the Paleolithic ketogenic diet and seeks help from the diaper tala gesture they'll be refused because the dye Batala gist doesn't know whether and how the diet works I think this will become more widespread in the near future the other important factor for this skepticism is the philosophy behind it if we can't cure something with expensive clinical treatments however could we cure it with simple diet a check or no income Ilan model s what is it as a co-ownership as a PhD who she's actually okay Shira hostage we have to go back to previous methods this means we can't just figure out a cure for a disease we have to go backwards we have to see what works and how well it works in practice we can't deny the Paleolithic ketogenic diet and we can't deny any scientific fact I tell other healthcare professionals to get experience with patients regarding this diet help these patients and if the results are good we have to support the style I had a little skirmish meditation it's a hard question person with Crohn's disease can try the Paleolithic ketogenic diet or other therapies many times but for people with new onset type 1 diabetes there's only one chance to restore insulin production first it is important to intervene with the diet as early as possible to keep the insulin production because later on there would be no second chance once the autoimmune process has destroyed the beta cells it's definitely worth a try for a child with type 1 diabetes if someone's been using insulin for years is not true that blood sugar level fluctuations leads to complications actually these complications are unrelated to the blood glucose but are caused by the information there are several kinds of inflammatory diseases other than diabetes such as kidney failure and heart attack this also supports the theory that it is inflammation and not high blood sugars that leads to complications so if a person with diabetes starts the paleolithic ketogenic diet even if they have to take insulin regularly there's a chance that the complications can be avoided in the long run you know you go yeah we use it for autoimmune diseases and cancer with good results for example Crohn's disease can be reversed and patients with cancer benefit greatly from the diet in some cases it is possible to stop the cancer growth even without surgery we can stabilize information for a very long time although there have been tons of patients were cured cancer with surgery and the paleolithic ketogenic diet they can lead a full life symptom-free Huntelaar factor in Catalan I mean we have to keep in mind that our biological and psychological needs have diverged from each other motivation is needed to stick to the diet but if a child who is suffering with for example advanced Crohn's disease tries this diet they won't feel that the diet is restrictive but they will feel that they are getting better the support of the family and the environment is also a very important factor with a supportive family it is much easier to follow the diet in the long term my personal opinion is that this is not a restrictive diet but a very healthy diet if you want to do something health is the most important thing to maintain the above the shutdown which was internet if the patient uses this diet then no we don't know of any cases where a patient didn't have positive results with this diet the monarchy big deal most is my shoulder yes we have lots of questions like this it is important to see that the Paleolithic ketogenic diet is a complete opposite of the vegetarian diet it takes a lot of willpower because these patients have to switch to a completely different diet what's more they usually have strong opinions about their diet but the vegetarian diet is devastating on health so the only way to recover will need a healthy life and as to use the Paleolithic ketogenic diet is it known in Turkish Kurdish the cash house of Sudan this is a very interesting question I mentioned before that the amount we have to eat is about a third of what we do eat this means that we would have to buy three times less than Ingrid otherwise buy and that we have to produce three times less food then it will avoids produce this means there's less packaging if we don't buy processed foods and we buy less medicine for example let's say that a person spends a lot of money buying ten types of medicine every month with the Paleolithic ketogenic diet this person no longer needs these medicines so the pharmaceutical industry which is responsible for a lot of environmental damage has to produce less medicines the third aspect of this is that livestock farming is no worse in an ecological point of view been cultivating plants for example the greenhouse gases and the ammonia are not as bad for the environment as we think they are you're the very important aspect is that cultivating pants requires a large amounts of pesticides for example because we want to grow cereals where it is not possible the soil is damaged already and these chemicals can impact our health in a very negative way in livestock farming there's no need for pesticides and chemicals - momentum was very cost Ian mostly maestro yes absolutely we know that Inuits and Eskimos are healthy as long as they don't purchase food in supermarkets and follow that own diet you know that these people basically have Paleolithic ketogenic diet researchers didn't find any health complications only benefits it has been raised that these Arctic people have lower life expectancy but this is because they don't have access to health care and infant mortality is high it's also not true that they die early what's true is that many of them died before reaching adulthood due to injuries but this had nothing to do with diet Cheryl the hard I'm skeptical and at the same time I think this is the only solution for Humanity if someone really wants to get better there's no other option of course we started to grow organs so organ transplantations will be more significant in the future but the brain cannot be transplanted so I think there's no other option to be healthy we can't change evolution however that art were the problems the fact that there was already 7 billion people on the planet how can always follow the paleo keto diet if someone really wants to get better there's no other option this is my experience in the view of the past 8 10 years of Medicine .

Video Description:

Dr Csaba Tóth discusses the remarkable success of his research team in using the paleolithic ketogenic diet to treat diabetes and a number of other conditions.

Read the full article:

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


Paleo Diet versus Maximized Living Nutrition Plans

hey guys I'm dr. BJ hardik in 2009 I wrote the maximized living nutrition plans and a couple years later everybody started asking about the Paleo diet you know I want to take a moment just to differentiate a couple of the key differences between maximized living and what the world called paleo verses really what was developed by dr. Loren Cordain for whom I have so much respect who did a lot of the early research into the Paleo diet before everybody started talking about it you know dr. Cordain out of Colorado he really wanted to research and see you know what were people designed to eat before civilization before modernization of foods never mind just box foods but just even the way we started to modernize the food system and you know there's a lot of things on which we agree and I'm gonna talk specifically about meats I want to talk a little bit about sugar and I'm gonna talk about vegetables as well because a lot of people now they think that you're going paleo if you just have like meat no sugar and then no bread I'm but in fact there's so many more key differences to understand you're thinking of meats you've got to understand something you know like dr. Cordain and I would also say like salami processed meats deli meats these are not paleo just because they're meat you know dr.

Cordain would obviously emphasize the importance of having wild game fresh fish that could be caught with a spear as opposed to something that is caught from the bottom of the ocean is a whole different story something like grass-fed beef versus grain fed beef because it actually changes and distorts the essential fatty acid content in the cow but one key difference is this I think a lot of people still think that paleo can be anything that's just meat because it's a dense food and maximized living we've always advised against pork and shellfish because they can be fairly toxic animals because the nature in which they live the fact that they don't sweat and some of the I mean obviously like shellfish I mean they clean the ocean floor which is filthy to begin with so they're one of the most toxic meats that someone can possibly consume and therefore I advise against it you know dairy is also on the subject of meat as well and of course you know this very much this very much depends on the culture but if somebody's going to be consuming dairy I would say let's make sure we're consuming dairy only from healthy animals that are not sick and only from animals that have not been fed foods that they were never supposed to eat in the first place so now let's talk about sugar because certainly a lot of people think you know going sugar-free means that something is automatically paleo well the best source of sugar the best source of fructose would be fruit so in maximized living we've said hey listen on the core nutrition plan let's include the great healthy God made fruits and of course in paleo they've also said hey you know what fruits were designed to consume and this is the safest way to consume fructose what we do in North America is we pull the fructose out add it into high fructose corn syrup so now we're consuming it with no fiber no water no minerals no nutrients and of course fructose on its own starts to wreck the liver so we've always identified fruit should be had in its natural source which sorry fructose should be consumed in its natural source which is indeed fruit the core plan go for it however in maximized living we've taken it a step further we've looked at to see how people respond on a not just a no sugar diet but also eliminating the things that turn into sugar like the higher sugar fruits bananas pineapples mangoes you know what these things do convert to sugar quicker then lower sugar fruits like berries and granny smith apples and therefore we've advised them we've advised against them for people that have metabolic syndrome people that are dealing with cancer people that are dealing with cognitive disorders and all the other conditions that are listed on my site because certainly limiting the amount of sugar in the body definitely can help the body get into more of a fat burning and ketogenic state which we know is not necessarily the reason why they got the disease in the first place but can certainly be therapeutic for the body when they're dealing with that condition and this obviously it goes just goes without saying if we're gonna have a dessert let's not have that dessert with even honey or maple syrup or something that's just a gooey liquid which is still 100% sugar we want to have those things ideally made with fruit or you know what maybe stevia because it's a plant-based sweetener will not affect somebody's blood sugar and lastly just thinking vegetables it's so key that vegetable consumption is organic and you know again a lot of people think deli meats and veg is paleo well you know what's maximized naturally raised meats and organic vegetables you know pesticides I mean there's sixteen hundred different chemicals that contribute to at least over 400 different types of pesticides that are used and that are approved by the FDA and we don't even know what these do in conjunction with each other I do know this though that if somebody's having difficulty going fully organic you can look on the environmental working groups guide of the clean fifteen and the Dirty Dozen because every year they update it and they say these twelve veg types of vegetables they're sprayed with more pesticides than anything really we're talking about all produce and that's why we need to be careful if we're having something like a red pepper or an apple or a strawberry I'm these things we are loaded with pesticides which are always associated with hormonal problems because of course pesticides mimic estrogen if we're gonna have some vegetables and they're not organic at least make sure they're on the clean 15 make sure that you're having the vegetables and the fruits that have the least amount of pesticides but ideally we move to 100% organic how on earth do I eat out and still do it in a maximized healthy kind of way so I want to talk about four things I want to talk about meat vegetables I want to talk about all of your sauces and I want to talk about what to drink reigns in there so the paleo community through the maximized living community a lot of people in CrossFit they don't want grains at all to kind of know brands they don't want grains you know grains are very inflammatory they do convert this sugar even if there are you .

Video Description:

There are a lot of similarities between the paleo diet, developed by Dr. Loren Cordain, and the Maximized Living Nutrition Plans, though there are key differences. For example, I advise against consuming pork and shellfish, and avoiding fruits that convert to sugar quicker to maintain a maximized living diet.

Check two related articles available on my website at:
7 Ways to Upgrade Your Paleo Diet

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