Post With Label Paleo Waffles - All Paleo Diet Recipes All Paleo Diet Recipes: Paleo Waffles - All Post
Showing posts with label Paleo Waffles. Show all posts

Sunday, December 27, 2020


Perfectly Crispy Cauliflower Waffles


Video Description:

Soft and savory, these cauliflower waffles make for a healthy and gluten-free breakfast. Try with crispy chicken or top with a runny egg for breakfast!




Monday, November 23, 2020


Green Dream paleo waffles

hey everyone its Sophie from the philosophy today we're making one of our favorite paleo recipes you can really help us any time of day let's be honest but we're making green dream paleo waffles so this is the finish of version we had it for breakfast this morning absolutely incredible we're gonna have it for lunch come on we're going out for lunch 20 here up for all those i love you on your hair i know it's good it's gonna stop the protein um so Sophie I am for my company called philosophy I have a super food company which we'll talk more about I'm tuning in every Tuesday and November today is a big day election day please let me know if you voted give us a heart give us a thumbs up and say you voted and what state you're in and if you're not in the US let us know where you're tuning in from um so again the finished product is green dream waffles you will see that they are super thick they are really really yummy and they're gluten free and they taste great so this is what we're making I mean it's my kids this morning you make it probably one to two times a week it's really simple um fast easy nothing processed super clean needle um you could make this vegan by doing chia seed ads or whatever kind of egg substitute you like to use so we're going to go ahead and get started I have my waffle iron preheating so what's the benefit of perio so paleo just means grain free um also here looking at anything like whole30 it's really just about full nutrients so vegetables and fruit nuts and seeds meat or fish depending on if you're doing a vegan paleo or if you're doing a regular paleo with fish and meat and all kinds of other things but it's really all about nothing processed minimally processed the only sweetener they usually use is maple syrup or honey and yeah so it's just all about like there's no dairy unless it's actually I guess with paleo I've ever been a lot of time i'm derry he's just I think they can do some grass fed dairies that I'm not under personal that if you are paleo go ahead and chime in I think grass-fed dairy czar okay like grass-fed butter um maybe some like keepers and stuff not one hundred percent on that but it's a really clean way to eat and if you see something out there that's paleo give it a try it basically just means that they're getting really creative and instead of using grains um or wheat or gluten they're using a mix of other things like today we're going to use coconut flour which is really high in fiber I'm grateful gluten-free baking so what does that made out of I'm happy over so coconut flowers just coconut that's it if you look at the ingredients in organic coconut what's in it and then tapioca flour this is we're going to use for our flour um and there's no grain there's nothing you and there's you can look up paleo diets and see what you know all the specifics on that since I'm no expert um I am more of a plant-based eater but i do love eggs and and fish so I like things that are coolio it keeps it really clean and it doesn't make me feel too like well card from all the gluten um so what were what you need is let's get the recipe so it's five soaked too no it's fine of it five large eggs five large egg Vanna White at all yeah we got the egg so we'll just start chopping these actions to like as a blender while we're going to office play all this stuff for you we're just so you can see me and the greening dream is Sophie's product yep this is our most important ingredient knew this was important ingredient in the waffle of this agreement you can't make it without it so the green dream is 10 grams of protein per tablespoon I added to just about everything from smoothies to waffles to muffins to oatmeal there's no sugar in it so it doesn't kind of take over with that fake protein powder flavor like some other um protein powders do so you know you can make it savers we could add to a pot or a spread or a Hamas um so that's really great for green journeyman green room just ask him powder spirulina mesquite chia seeds mocha and vanilla in it and the protein sources both spirulina and hem so it's super clean if you're looking for a clean protein source um so let's go ahead an get started we'll start with M so maybe five eggs this is a super high protein waffle if you think about it hugely waffles are just carbs they're just marks and that's okay i think first thing in the morning it's nice to have carbs energy fast energy but the problems that then you crash so that's why you don't want to go for a bagel like a bagel with butter on it or cream cheese you might go for something that may be assam flocks on it or something that has protein also so these are waffles that have protein on them so we're doing five eggs again if you're vegan you could do chia eggs to be any questions any one folded what's everyone saying you're just saying hi hi how do i doing where they're from i'm having a weird day I hurt my Achilles and then now both of them are hurting so I'm hobbling around and sing a little off I was just icing them oh good did you ice last night I didn't I slap name is this morning and I don't really feel like it helps not much but elevated then I stopped for like 45 minute injuries are the worst anyone have any tips on Achilles and how to heal faster got 5 ends ok so then half a cup of almond milk ok but I feel so last time I made these they totally failed because I put way too much almond milk ok yeah I'm gonna measure for you guys ok here nine rebounds the waffle iron is right well I thought those is a fire away ok support ok um you grab the spinach ok so obviously these are the eggs this is the coconut flour if you haven't used that and baking you should and Trader Joe's has a great coconut flour um just so you know always a little more awkward of all um yeah you could get almost all this stuff at trader joes so just FYI even have coconut oil trader joes now alex says that this is getting me in the mood to eat clean today which is awesome I'm so glad yeah the cool thing is my philosophy as it were is that um you don't have to sacrifice things that step look good taste good feel good in your body just because it's healthy um so it's all about balance and enjoying the food that you're eating and also hopefully making it as clean as possible so we've got five eggs we're going to do a half a cup mr. dry ingredients first just yeah okay uh so then it's one fourth cup of coconut sugar okay i'm actually going to do syrup or honey I'm to our honey and says oh more liquidy to think about gluten um I changed it on the recipe too so the recipe you guys how I think taste me is gonna post it if not we'll do it after this thing but you kind of want more of an ad pumpkin to this recipe I'm going to do um syrup or honey instead of a coconut sugar and the reason why is because coconut flowers tend to be a little dry YUM and I don't want this to be dry i want to be really moist so we're gonna try and add as many liquid agrees so for the coconut flour we need a pork chop right yes fourth cup oh oh this is tapioca what's happy at the flower well I have okay on this one I have half a cup of coconut flour and three fourths cup of tapioca starch well that's fine why are some ways a 34 oz cup sorry yes okay three fourths cup jockey tapioca you ink and then half a cup of coconut flour half a cup of flour everyone you breakfast today I definitely do not recommend skipping breakfast most important meal today what did you have for breakfast this morning please share and did anyone vote you had nobody's someone says that I have the cocoa flour from tjs well I haven't eaten breakfast so i'm excited to eat this so with it one cup of coconut car it is half a cup of coconut flour okay yeah these gluten-free flours are pretty dense okay perfect we've got ou
r coconut flour in there okay and then a 1 tablespoon of grain dream and then we've got half a cup of almond offered um yes so we're using make sure that you get Cara go Jean free this is unsweetened why do you focus in on that caregiving free on the bottom so they know what to avoid so this is our favorite almond milk if you're not going to make it yourself which most people are not later I but yeah I mean we do once in a while it's just not really not realistic in like a busy life I have two little kids um it's a lot a lot of stuff happening it's really not that hard to make nut mouth but if you're not going to make it just make sure you get a really clean um plant-based not dairy-free mama now we're going to do the same dream which is going to add 10 grams of protein and I do a heaping tablespoon which will add 10 grams of protein lots of superfoods give you energy so the grain dream powder you can get on our website which is that it's my name philosophy philosophy so the philosophy calm i'm going to add a big handful of spinach and kale you can just do spinach is a little bit cleaner some of the the kale can get a little better sometimes um so we're just adding more greens add more fiber and why not if it doesn't change the flavor and it really does you know like why not add more greens um that's my philosophy if it's gonna taste the same how much coconut I'm half a cup half a cup of coconut oil this stuff is the best Oh coconut oil who is a coconut oil pan give us some heart did you I'll pull this morning yeah you can do oh I've never done that before yeah we're just pulling a coconut oil calling this morning and it's really great for your gums and your teeth it's enough anti-bacterial and it pulls out all sorts of toxins then you just pick it out I have a video on my youtube channel backslash philosophy mom huh and just look up oil pulling its philosophy mom and if I find it um it's just a really easy wait a minute today to clean your guns and your teeth and pull out toxins we know you're ready waffle maker where we got it yeah literally keep thinking that that's the high 90 oh my god um um people love coconut oil and they love khalifia farms and there's any members five philosophy super foods or any of my products I have baby Alex our lovely lovely camera operator here at this Janet she works for philosophy and she's amazing and I am getting better at this camera thing I really hot seat stability I put my thumb in front of the camera only twice and now why do you think sees all oh yeah this is so don't I explain the difference between like table salt yeah pink salt so um pink sea salt this one that is actually Himalayan um you definitely don't need to get this kind of exotic you could just get sea salt sea salt is really high in minerals and really beneficial to your system we a lot of our major neural pathways depend on sodium Rilla sodium not table salt table saw is um bad name sisters not good yeah so stick to sea salt and then there's all kinds of varieties of different types of sea salt including Peng which is delicious we love pink but do not be afraid of sea salt sea salt is imperative to our bodies and so beneficial especially if you work out it's got a lecture up electrolytes in it it's really great for you I'm gonna add a tablespoon I still dust at trader joe's too oh yeah i'm going to add a tablespoon of to two tablespoons of pumpkin because tis the season yeah like one fourth cup about what she just did yeah um did you do baking powder I haven't happen to have it out so about a tablespoon tables not normally we do baking soda and baking powder but I think we just have this is just for this for this I think we only need a competitor mmm we have been serving in French oh I don't really know that different be sloppy um what is baking soda do besides make your fridge smell good you can be surprised harms anyone know what King soda does I'm not a baker yes I ok so we bought our flowers we've got our coconut oil we got our super foods we have greens we have pumpkin do we do sweetener I have not done sweetener yet so we're going to do our honey um I'm someone else maple team hit show them that so this is pretty much the most delicious honey upper it also has lots of greens in it so it has fiber protein magnesium iron calcium it's really great for immunity um honey had raw honey has antibacterial properties so it's really good during allergy seasons this is the green dream i use it i already have it on the straw over here so i was doing a demo store yesterday look how green that is and i mean it it's still associate ur incredible so still sweetener this is great for paleo diet you're still getting creams and and you're so many greens exactly this is great for kids that are made of assistant to like the taste of greens it's straight up honey with superfoods added so the way that i created this product is just this powder plus a really great high grade organic honey so it's really simple that's all it's in there um it still tastes very much like honey and delicious good NT so Felix if you want the raw green honey go to our website philosophy calm yeah the philosophy calm thrive market also sells our honeymoon if you're a member um and then if you live in LA we have a few local stores that are Happy's but definitely a philosophy mom to get all of our products oh my gosh this hoodie I died can I tell them my code to get ten personal mm-hmm so have you used the code Alex which is my name back here um you can get up ten percent off your order yeah and subscribe to our newsletter because we always have really amazing discounts like twenty percent of 25 like five dollars off ten dollars of exclusive only to our newsletter people we don't share on any social media so make sure you go to the philosophy calm and subscribe to our newsletter if you want those exclusive discounts and to see what we're up to a week to week I'm gonna blend this now um basically how much time do we have like 10 minutes okay well so I'll blema I'm putting lesson any high school honor will do you're looking at medium sorry yeah um I'm gonna go finish so we love this earth balance who's gonna shred it's a really amazing butter substitute and it's pretty much it's pretty clean um I mean obviously it's not a whole food but if you're going to use a butter substitute this is probably one of the best options and then we do Rob or fewer Vermont maple syrup right oh you just like Aunt Jemima to look at this yummy batter this is pretty much dead on you don't want to overmix it no I do not look like that a beautiful like soup when I mean it soup is ok too like if it's a more liquidy that's that's okay did you see okay so here's what where did you guys come over this is the fun beautiful part so we're open up the hot hot iron careful Alex not gonna get into that I have this rage coconut oil spray oh we love trader joes so you're just gonna lightly spray and then you're going to put this amazing batter inside and I usually just do in the middle and then allow it to kind of go out the outside that's the or more um yeah Gina Justis normally make like to round yeah but oh I'm so excited for breakfast you guys come sorry we can't share I um another really good topping for these would be rococo nut butter yeah I like the classic butter and like at your own of syrup um so yeah so I mean that's basically the recipe if any questions go ahead and ask now all this is cooking a sociable minute I don't have to actually get to see this finish tourism but you did see the other finished version one tiny this morning with the kids um so that you guys could see it and then Alex if you want to actually want to put you on and you can like prepare it the way you would prepare a mixture or so alex is going to actually have this for breakfast true true true true so Miss
alex is going to make this for breakfast we have it cooking in here um do you want to warm it up are you okay when I'm warming up in the mm-hmm the robot bak she's gonna warm it up this is from this morning these guys aren't cooking she's gonna prepare it let me know if you have any questions as air one have your products they don't right now but you can get it locally if you are in LA yes we love our coconut butter let's show them our coconut butter you want to grab it from the cabinet so our coconut bars if you live in LA you can pick it up locally from me so just private message me Oh fear whoo so here's our beautiful coconut butter we have three different flavors Barry chocolate and the screen one and it's super yummy it's literally just coconut butter an organic brown rice syrup to sweeten at the tiniest bit and then all these great superfoods so this is great to melt and spread and put on waffles or add to your coffee to make it vegan yeah it's so good or just eat it um how long do you cook it for you cook this or until it beeps so if you have a walk okay come on oh I wanna eat this one wait hot out you can you can meet oh my gosh I mean wow I want the fresh one give us some hearts and thumbs up if you want to eat this right now ah luck you guys oh my god um so yeah so you can put syrup you can put like me like this coconut spread from Earth Balance um i put music with some bee pollen on top I put the kids love maple syrup I love me yeah maple syrups the best yeah tastes like childhood however it's so so healthy yay yummy delish any other questions I'm going to scroll through and try and see when i get to you like damn with zero personal oh yeah I thank you nourish we're putting the recipe up there so these have pumpkin in them thank you nourish for putting my website up there so go up if you want to see my website yes the milk is great it's a great dairy three my mom Oh fear I see you want the green dream powder and the coconut butter you're my hero how is it Alex done she's done mic drop and also also also Oh pacolet then put this um was I gonna say oh you can freeze these so you can make a huge batch and then freeze them and put them in the freezer and then I tested this last weekend I need a whole batch and I need like a few too many so I put them in the freezer and the next day I popped them in the toaster and there's an option on the toaster for frozen so I just pressed frozen and toasted it and they came out perfectly so they freeze really well um the recipes posted ahead they're also on my website the philosophy calm just search for green dream waffles um and yeah I think that's most of your questions I will go back and answer them throughout the day you could totally put fresh fruit on that yeah and thank you guys so much have an awesome day nah .

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