this is just at the point where you can see the it started to brown on the bottom of the pen it's really clear clear liquid that's what you want and then once it gets to that that stage what we do is we just pour it through a strainer and that filters out the rest of the will residue on the top there this is peak moment we are living at a peak of human innovation information wealth and health but we're also at a peak of population and consumption with rising temperatures and declining resources fueled by cheap oil and gas peak moment television bringing you examples of positive responses to energy decline and climate change through local community action Paul you had said that the the Paleo people ate their fat first I mean it's the most treasured part of the animal and I feel like fat has been so maligned in this culture it's like that is bad news so I want you to give us a little introduction to what's good fat and you know show us and talk about all right well I would say I've lined up a lot of the fats that I use every day in my cooking and in dessert making I use coconut oil every day and a lot of times I I mix these fats during the day so I get all of the the really good stuff we have coconut milk that goes into some of the dessert recipes and also some of my Thai soup recipes this is coconut cream I just heard of this it's wonderful and you can just eat it out of the jar if you want really that helps if you're if you're trying to get off the carbs to just a little bit of this it's naturally sweet it's just coconut pulp and so you can include that into some dessert recipes it goes into the the sort of you know netball truffle recipe yeah survival food yes when you get hungry okay yeah definitely here we have sesame oil which is a high heat oil so you can saute in it you cannot saute and butter because it will burn so we're gonna make some ghee while we're here I have it in the pan and that's true oil you shouldn't heat no it'll smoke and burnt so it is recommended you don't actually saute with olive oil so you just use it it's a finishing oil you know on your bowels and on your vegetables and things like that but you really shouldn't heat heat olive oil okay let's see we have wonderful butters here we have pasture butter from grass-fed cows that's gonna have more than mega threes that yes uh-huh yes definitely pasture butter is the key when you're going to this store Straus doesn't say pastured it's from Marin but it is postured butter european-style better and it tastes so much better it tastes like that European kind of good tasting better this is Sierra Nevada butter it's a cultured cultured butter which means it's been fermented a little bit this is G that I've already made and I always tell folks what ski Yi is clarified butter actually and will clarify some on the stove it takes about 15 minutes but it separates out the casein and salts and so it just turns basically into an oil that then you can saute with it won't burn so the French have been doing this forever they call it clarified butter the Indians call it ghee and so what you're saying is by the time you take those other solids out this you really can't saute with yeah and I always keep a jar right by the stove I keep all my oils right by the stove so they're all right there you know ready to go into the pan this is like almost homemade sour cream it's it I made it myself and you put a little culture in there and it sort of sits out overnight and turns into this wonderful thick cream that then you can spoon I want to taste here we go it's just spins are here that you know spreads drop some of that onto your berries oh you know okay it's creme fraiche creme fraiche from the French again yeah Oh now is that heaven oh yeah you put oh I'll give you some to take home you put it in your cream let it sit overnight and the next day you have this I love it okay I will yes creme fraiche is it's like a mild sour cream a mild sour cream but isn't that that is good that's divine I mean you know what if you get a little bit hungry just go in the refrigerator and that's um and of course what that says is we can also have among the fats good dairy cream yeah Danny yeah the grass-fed preferably Roth you can find it your cream yes and cream from grass-fed cows so there you go olives are really high in fat and they're wonderful to put in different foods or just eat as a snack so they're they're very satisfying as as far as fat goes we eat at least in Auto picado a day each avocados are huge good good food for us walnuts any kind of nuts but weed a lot of organic walnuts do you Steve soak them a little young salt water yeah you can soak them and then dry them and then you can use them just you know just as a snacking nut or in baking or whatever cuz my understanding is it that way the some of the fighter toxins yeah get soaked out that's right and I explained how to do that in my book it's real easy thank you now this is the only pork that we buy it is organic grass-fed humanely raised pork from Chico California and it's it's one of the only organic porks that I know of United yeah it really is so it's a little on the expensive side but to be ethical I really try to get pork that's humanely raised you can go on their website though pigs get to run around so they're not the way they're not kept in pins and actually that is an emphasis in your book I wanted it to bring that up about finding foods that are not only sustainable for us but sustainable for the earth yes you really you're really strong on that very strong because since we are still eating animals I feel like we really have to be kind to them kind to the environment it's really important so I really stress that in my book the other thing about the bacon if once you cook the bacon is you can save the fat and cook with the fat you know they've been doing this forever the French are big on pork fat I will make it a confession you can have a little German we eat that with we eat it with the bacon we eat the fat with the bacon it tastes so I mean when after you cooked the bacon oh yeah oh yeah he did all the same it was wonderful i roasted a spaghetti squash the other night I had some leftover bacon fat in the pan right on on the spaghetti squash because fat lissa fat makes it taste wonderful just well as a friend of mine said that is a vehicle of flavor and have so all the additional fats that I'm talking about in my book help help all the recipes taste better and when you're trying to get off grains and sugar what you're looking for is taste yes so the more you can spark up the taste then you're gonna feel really satisfied like you've eaten something special and you're not deprived so that this can you but a lot of things giving you the good taste yeah right so it's also your energy source right and as you say the beginning helping our brain and probably our joints in our heart and all kinds of things yes to work better well we were talking a few minutes ago I'm gonna be 67 I I now have more energy than I did when I was in my 20s I pretty much drag myself through my entire life until I started the Paleo diet and all I said before oh that's what that's feeling alive feels like I feel great now yes it's incredible that's amazing and and a wonderful story that you don't have I mean you'd want this for children you'd want this for infants oh yeah this way yeah it's not too late it's not too late but don't wait I mean if you're watching this done don't wait until you're in your sixties start now start now and because I mean and because it tastes good disinviting you again you just have to get over the brain that says and the programming I should say from our culture that says fats especially saturated fats are bad that's that's a hard one to shake yes well one thing I didn't mention and I started early on in my life I had an eating disorder bulimia and and so at that time I started doing all this low-fat food you know because I was totally afraid of how recent that and all this it made the bulimia worse and yeah I I believe my health really took a dive in my late teens because of this and I started eating less fat so that sort of exacerbated the bulimia so I just wanted to mention that yeah fear of bat get over it get over it yeah yeah and look at the fact that our ancestors we wouldn't be here if our ancestors didn't love the fact it wouldn't be here that's what that's what vegetarians don't get we wouldn't be here if it wasn't successful yes and and and mmm the longest period in evolution or tau million years yes with only this little experiment yeah uh-huh would you show us how to make ghee I will it's very simple what are you starting with Oh a pound of butter a pound of butter yeah and that'll last you a while okay okay so I'm gonna just stick it on simmer on the back of the stove well we do some other recipes here and don't leave the kitchen while you're making it because it can burn if you walk away from it so what temperature you're putting it on well it's sort of media and we'll get it so it's sort of simmering and then it'll take about 15 minutes for it to bubble and then and then we'll see that it clarifies it separates and then we'll strain it with a student yet okay how about making something a recipe from your book okay great well I picked out well since I used to be a caterer and I made a lot of hors d'oeuvres and did a lot of parties I chose my very favorite dip from the book magical muhammara we made magical muhammara okay and the recipe is from Aleppo Syria it's very wonderful and spicy this secret ingredient is pomegranate molasses which we use a little bit of but it really adds the the secret flavor mm-hmm and I call it the thinking man's hummus yes it has it has no garbanzo beans the base of it is walnuts toasted walnuts and then we have roasted red pepper no those those who I use a jar can yeah if you want to roast your own peppers and peel them you can do that but you can use the Mazetti roasted peppers those work great and what else do we have in here we have garlic beaucoup and you know these are all my favorite flavors I love garlic I love cumin I love the women and well I like Mexican food for that reason to whine garrick and then you know so it's cumin this is straight toasted cumin okay tiny bit of salt in there and this has about a teaspoon of crushed red pepper you can add more the nice thing about this recipe is you can tweak it if you want more cumin more garlic or more to lemon you can do that a little bit of a knife here and lemon juice and then three or four tablespoons of the pomegranate molasses so that's a sweetener yeah but this has a particularly the tang to it which you will see and you can get this at Whole Foods or you can order it online what it tastes very it is it feels like I mean totally exotic it is it's very exotic and these are kind of the flavors I like I like ethnic foods well I saw that in looking through your book part of what made it exciting to me was I felt like it was sort of a a taste tour around the world paleo style yes yeah you can this French influence and I see the South American and yeah Mexican and the little bit of Asian song yeah in a sense the traditional foods that arose out of the Paleo yes um that many of them yes as you go around the world each each culture has its special special foods the way they do it but you can still stay paleo where wherever you go we've got here olive oil this was olive oil so I'm just going to turn this on this is how easy it is and about a quarter of a cup of olive oil that's it you see that is believe me folks make this for a party and everybody will rave I bet it goes quick yep and you can get some gluten free green free crackers or you can use it as a vegetable a little vegetable dip and the other nice thing about this you can use it on grilled chicken or fish Omega kind of marinade or sauce or going to thing mm-hmm what's interesting I taste the cumin mm-hmm right and the peppers yeah but everything else sort of just all muscles around it really yeah it does blend well and this this palm read yeah you don't taste it in here no seems it's a little sort of a tangy yeah it ends at there's undercurrent but yo it's a is definitely a special taste that makes that this could make a nice topping on a salad - yeah I mean yeah yeah mm-hmm thank you yeah you can put it on a lot of things well you know it reminds me that when I look through your book I wanted to add that you know thinking about who is this book for right and I thought well it's for people who like what you've done is is that the flavors on each dish the several that I've tried each dish have some of these distinctive flavors not it's really hard to find that's what that's what makes this a notch above ordinary yeah you know the spices are the line where the particular herbs that you've added to things so it feels like that's why this is cuisine this is not a recipe book this is cuisine because you have flavors that are memorable and special yes well that's the thing I looked at a lot of the Paleo books out there and because I have the strong culinary ground I just felt like I wanted to use the word cuisine with paleo because this is a notch up I believe yes it really makes the Paleo diet really special for foodies for families whatever but I guess the other thing that you did is you made it not take forever yeah the recipes I the other night I made your salmon salad nicoise right oh yeah so you know with some nice flavoring on the salmon as well as the dressing salad dressing that goes on there and I made the whole dish all of it in a half an hour that's doable yeah that's not it is you know making it for somebody who's going to spend three hours in the kitchen and that in these days find a difference if I can't make dinner in 20 minutes forget it you know I and actually from being a caterer and everything I always chose the recipes that were easiest and the most efficient to make so that's the way I did the cookbook a lot of people say oh I don't cook well I say assemble I said Flambeau this is not the kind of cookbook that says and sit here for 20 minutes stirring the sauce this is not deal Julia Child yeah yeah isn't it wonderful so I don't know whether we can get a little shot of this but it's bubbling like it's bubbling away and making a little bit of noise but that's what we want it to do in a few minutes it'll be it'll be gay and now it do you in but you leave it it's still at that medium temperature um yeah okay okay you can turn it down if you want but it just sort of hurries it along the main thing is that 20 me you don't want to leave the kitchen I've been there and come back and it turns really fast and then you've got burned butter so yeah and what I always do I like to actually save what's at the bottom you know and then I use it on steamed vegetables so it has a little bit of the salty kind of from the butter okay but don't throw that away so what are you looking for well it'll separate seat the milk solids are gonna separate and some of them are gonna sink to the bottom and some of them we're gonna skim off the top it separates itself and then what's left in the middle is the golden oil that we call ghee or clarified butter okay okay thank you yeah and you can see I have my huge super duper sized coconut oil which actually I I used so much coconut oil in my cooking and sometimes I mix them all I'll throw a little bit again a little bit of coconut well don't be afraid of that just yeah do your own thing so mix and match all the oils well they give you all the different flavors all the different flavors and each oil has a different quality that adds a healthy component all oils are not the same so that's why you eat some of them every day each one of them so while we wait while we wait for the ghee I'm gonna have another Lee this is really good it is really good isn't it I just love this stuff I'll definitely send some home so while we're waiting for the key any less things we haven't talked about about the cuisine or its effect or your recipes well I would say the most important thing in in beginning anything like that because it's really scary to kind of change your diet you know stop eating grains all that just try some recipes at least eliminate the the really problem things the gluten if you can do it all processed food clean out your cupboards and just begin eating a more natural foods that actually look like food you know and haven't been changed into something else the more natural your food diet is that you can adhere to the better so if you can't call it paleo if you can't actually go totally paleo yet don't let that stop you from adding some nutritious fats some good grass-fed meat to your diet and see what that feels like I mean your body will be your guide I didn't dive in totally all at once it's been a learning curve but you know what as you go along your body will speak to you like minded it said oh I'm not depressed anymore oh I don't have hypoglycemia anymore oh I have more energy you know what and you're gonna notice these things so yes yes yeah yes I think that too for a person to when I think about French that I've brought this up too and I think the big hurdle that a lot of them have here is is that those carb foods are such an important part of their reward system the personal psychological reward and and I think the research has shown that that they're addictive I mean the grains actually have a addictive structure addictive very similar to what well gluteal morphine that's like a more nice substance in the gluten yes absolutely you know it doesn't wanna let go and I think a lot of friends have a theory that if they let go of the glutens as well as the sugars there's nothing left yeah well that's true you know we say a lot of time in our culture oh you know I'm gonna give myself a treat I'm gonna love myself I'll I'll have that carb I'll have that sugar as a way to love my but you know the craving I believe comes from a nutrient deficient diet and our body is going to continue to crave until we give it what it needs and what it needs our nutrients it needs the right vitamins and minerals in the right combination it needs the nutritious fats when you start giving your body what it really needs which is love I believe then it's going to respond love the love in physical form inyart yeah you're doing and part of the thing too that I really want the book to inspire and I talked about this is take your kids to the farmers market show them how to make the dressings and the special dips because part of all of this is about connection it's about family connection connection with friends our culture has gotten away from cooking and to me isn't the missing thing you know the cooking and the love that goes into the cookie the picking out of the foods and the sharing you know it is the pictures the pictures in your book share that like it's like oh it's beautiful beautiful person I've always loved food i I loved catering I loved the presentation I love the beautiful food going to the farmers market all of it it was all one huge you know thing for me it's been a wonderful wife food so here we go oh yeah yeah yeah I would say it's almost there so yeah so now what we can see yeah it's clearing up and I'm gonna turn it off and it'll sit there for a few minutes and continue to clear and then we'll just strain it into a cup okay how easy is that a lot of people say Oh to make it I show how to make it in my cooking class and that's everybody's favorite class the class on the fats how to make mayonnaise and how to make deep well we'll find out how to do well we've learned one of the two yeah so in about a couple minutes that'll be ready to just drain into the jar and then here's my jar that I've almost gone now yeah you just got it on top yeah this stays there it doesn't have to be refrigerated how long how long that's oh it's stable I mean that's part of a totally stable it won't go rancid I'll make a couple jars I'll keep one in the fridge but that one just sits out until I use it for weeks well knowing you it's yeah well take two hours become a couple of weeks maybe okay all right so this is just at the point where you can see the it started to brown on the bottom of the pen it's really clear clear liquid that's what you want and then once it gets to that that stage what we do is we just pour it through a strainer and that filters out the rest of the little residue on the top there and then I let it sit for a while and some of that stuff sinks to the bottom and then I just pour it into a little mason jar yeah there you go that is easy isn't it I think it is to stuff see it's all clear now it's all clear it's so easy and you know what it's so delicious so thank you yes really the trees the food with Bali instead who is paleo Paulo Paulo primal cuisine what's the rest of it cooking for the Paleo diet good thanks for joining us thank you you .
Video Description:
You'll wish you could taste this video! Longtime caterer Pauli Halstead makes her famous Magical Muhamara dip from her cookbook Primal Cuisine: Cooking for the Paleo Diet. Using toasted walnuts instead of chickpeas, she credits its authentic Middle Eastern flavor to a touch of pomegranate molasses. Noting that fat is what makes food taste good, she shows a rich array of healthy natural fats and oils like coconut, olive, and avocado. Meanwhile on the stovetop, she makes a batch of ghee (clarified butter) start to finish. According to Pauli, "Cravings come from a nutrient-deficient diet. Our body is going to continue to crave until we give it what it needs... The right vitamins and minerals—and nutritious fats." Episode 237. [ and]
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