make sure we got it sound here hello hello it's not working alright well if it's working it's working hey you welcome back to the kitchen I know it's I've know I've been gone for a while but you know nobody really seemed to give a anyway so today I am putting together the birch vendors paleo pancake mix so here's the deal with this okay it's got a little it's got a pretty little package and it's got you know it's got everything you need on here it's got these little cavemen with with these uh I don't know but they look they look deformed they look like they've got some kind of birth defect going on so the deal with these is you you look at these in the store okay they're they're right next to the keto pancakes so the thing about this is the paleo is a lot cheaper because it's it's got the right words at least okay what I'm trying to say is the keto brand is in right now it's essentially the same exact thing but the keto brand or the keto one for birch benders is more expensive because the you know keto is in right now paleo was a couple of years ago so as I try to figure out what I'm trying to say and have a stroke in the same effect there we go so it took a long time to explain that anyway I've already made my bacon because if you've watched my channel you already know how to make bacon I shouldn't have to to make bacon every video I do okay so you if you don't know how to make bacon already then I don't know what to do for you okay so what I'm gonna do right now is turn my turn my heat down a little bit because it's starting to smoke in here and I don't smoke anymore okay um let me move my camera around a little bit how's everybody doing huh say hello in the chat say hi okay so we got a we got a bull huh nice little bull we got this this stuff so what I'm gonna do is show you though I'm gonna show you the way I make it it's okay so they tell you that basically you add a 3/4 cup mix / 2/3 cup of water so if you if you if you're into flavor you you can follow my way so we're using whole milk today then go with the 3/4 cup ish also we don't really measure in my kitchen now we just kind of wing it that's probably more like a cut so whatever bucket also they don't ask you to do it but I crack a egg in there boom just like that okay what's up what's up bleeding blue and frank vladimir how you doing brother can you guys hear me okay i'm just making sure that my mic is working i've you i've been using the same microphone battery the past year so it's is I'm sure it's gonna go shitty at some point all right so that's what is it 2/3 cup of water lol / milk so I'm doing about a half a cup of milk because basically the more you let this shits sit the more kind of I don't know more kind of solidifies so I end up I can actually end up having to use more milk in this process so here we go with this thanks for letting me know that the Audio sounds good so I'm just gonna like grandma like grandma used to do I'm gonna mix it up with a with a fork get a white-trash style it'll get old you know so we're gonna mix this up see that's still to me I like my pancakes a little thin you might say this is gonna end up more like cake so I'm actually gonna put a little bit more water in here just a sploosh just a little just a little yeat of milk did I say water I don't know I don't know I don't even know what day it is okay so so in just a second I'm gonna move my whole operation just a little bit over here that looks pretty good to me so we got a nice little I don't know if you can see that oh here we go kind of kind of have a nice little run there it's not like it's kind of just creamy you know so that's what we want that's our that's our end goal here so I'm gonna move you all over just a little bit here so I can get an overhead view of the of the operation and our guns and knives over here you know it's a these are essential items in the kitchen so uh where's my okay I'm using this you don't have to use whatever you can use butter or whatever you want so hey can you show us how to make bread crusts on texture I know I know you know how to make it are you sure about that Frank um I think you have a little bit too much faith in either dude okay so I sprayed a little bit that on there I actually need to bring the heat up a little bit again it'll probably cook the way it is but I brought the heat down because it was smoking anyway we are in the brand-new kitchen we're actually moving so I'm gonna be I would expect more more content like this to be coming towards you okay so but between between twitch and YouTube I'm gonna try to make it you know an operation that that is sustainable for me to keep going with so I can provide you with entertainment as well as seeing some good recipes and but yeah consuming on twitch every weekday so if you want to check that out that's where that's where I am most of the time bleeding blue is right along there with me so he's moderator on both platforms so all right I am gonna go ahead and Boop just kind of I'm gonna try to show you guys the way I'm doing it here it's still a little bit thick but it's it's not so bad that just means that it would be more fluffy the serving size is like I don't know nobody follows serving sizes right so I'm just I'm just like this is making too thick pancakes you know like I can eat the out of this this is this is no big deal to me okay all right so I'm gonna let that sit for a second I like my pancakes nice and light colored okay Frank I will I'll do some I'll do some research on that I don't I mean I've always wanted to make bread that way you know like full like really fatty bread essentially what is the what is that French I don't remember okay and oh look at that I didn't wait long enough you always got to have that test man you got to have that test piece F in the chat for my for my mistake my failure they're usually this holds together pretty well but you know then we're just gonna have a up one this is this is how I came out at birth okay this is you know I just kind of like I fell apart on the table and they just kind of they just kind of pieced me together you know these kind of this guy is we've never seen anything like this before so we're just gonna put him together so that's what that's what happened so in in in retrospect you wouldn't you would want to earn in hindsight you would want to him wait a little bit longer before you got a little crazed D but you know when there's people watching flavor is what really matters exactly see it is see it like when you're making it when you're making a youtuber this isn't necessarily matter what he looks like I mean if it's a woman sure maybe and also this this spatula is probably not the best tool to be using maybe I should be using something a little larger like this bad boy I can't find my steel one I don't know where the hell it went so like this is what happens when you let women in your kitchen okay they they they use things and then they then it goes into the the wrong place you know I just like what where the is my oh there it is it's a little dirty but that's okay I'll deal with it that's what she said right um all right see we can we can save him see he just kind of looks like a just kind of looks like a chode now which is okay I mean half a year into choads anyway so okay here we go let's throw uh you know plate down here just to give me just get ready and hopefully the next pancake isn't as shitty I'm actually gonna add a little more milk like it's that's one thing about this mix and even like regular pancake mix if you let it sit for too long it starts to solidify so whenever I've made like though just add water pancake mix or whatever or any pancake mix for that matter
it always it always does that I don't know what it is it could be just because I use milk but anyway there you go with that throw that on there so another another rule when making pancakes okay is you have to you have to where do I live you have to put butter on them as they're coming off the heat okay that's that's a requirement so you put a couple little couple little bits of butter on there and let that let that melt into the pancake that's that's how you do okay we don't we don't accept anything around here that's Peppa Pig shape exactly see making it fun you're making our mistakes a little bit fun around here okay we're a wacky channel okay let's get wacky boys alright so throwing that down going in a circular motion I'm not really getting the best angle for y'all but you're good at you're getting the gist of it so you're getting the gist of it so how's everybody doing today hmm just sitting here making bacon pancakes hanging out my boys okay so videos coming up I've got on the on the schedule I've got my what is it quest nutrition and rx bar review they're gonna I'm going to be doing a side-by-side comparison of the two bars I'm trying to decide whether I'm gonna do it live or just or actually make a dedicated video what do you all think I don't know okay so I'm trying to be smart about it so we're we got a good brown on the bottom so let's just slide that under and oh that's more like it that is more like it and it's hard to see on the camera here but it has a nice like rise to it it like really Rises okay so what makes this Kido or whatever is they use let me see here they use almond flour coconut flour that that's the base of it so we got like some monk fruit in there and so you know it's pretty uh pretty good stuff you know if you got nut allergies that rip lol F in the chat for you but oh well life goes on but yeah we're just gonna wait for that to basically I'm looking at the sides there's like you know we got some sweating going on on the edges here so I'm just making just gonna let that dry out a bit before I serve it up you know so and sometimes it's a good idea even to flip pancakes you know one or you know one or two times just to what I'm just to make sure you let them cook all the way through at some point I'll be getting a like an actual camera streaming set up so I can have multiple angles on my cooking situation so at least that the shot isn't is boring so yeah I'm actually gonna flip that a little bit because it's starting to see let's go starting it a little brown on the bottom so I'm just gonna I want to make sure that's all cooked all the way through it's really not that big of a deal also like if if it's not completely cooked like it is with with wheat with wheat it's like if you if you consume raw flour like rhabdo it's it can it can really you up like you can really get sick so I would this it's like hey it's just almonds and coconut powder you know basically so it's not really that big of a deal okay I'm as you can so like as you can not see off-camera here I'm putting butter on the pancakes and it looks like I've got room looks like I've got enough for just one more to little baby one always gonna have that little baby pancake on top you know what I mean I'll throw away don't waste you know sometimes another thing that I'd also do is just like do some of that action spread her out a little bit there you go now it's like a basically regular sized pancake it's a little thin so one thing I'll probably talk about it I think I'm gonna do podcast on Saturday like I'm gonna try to get back into that groove but on my other channel one of my other channels might tinker bear Channel one of my videos just randomly has like 35,000 views now so wishes like okay so if you want to follow that it's tinker bear it's kind of easy to find there's a motorcycle in the in the picture so but that's like that has nothing to do with this challenges but uh this is my channel so I can talk whatever talk about whatever I want okay so I'm taking a look underneath so what you may want to do also is keep the heat you know the heat where I have it is is just below medium that's kind of where I I'd cook everything but anyway Vanessa a good morning YUM good morning to you Vanessa a how are you doing in this fine day I'm just making some paleo pancakes here paleo and keto are essentially the same thing so I'm just trying to show the good people that just because it has the word keto on the front of it doesn't mean that it's not keto friendly okay so the paleo just some good it's the word is this not the word that's in the hashtags right now you know a couple years ago the paleo was more expensive now that's kind of where birch grinders got their name birch benders is you know got some good going for them so if you haven't smashed like by already go ahead and do so I don't mean to boss you around but you know just stuff if you like what you're watching obviously I mean if you don't like what you're watching like why you're watching you know anyway good morning barely waking up well I hope that your entire day goes very very well okay so I'm off-camera putting butter on the last ol baby pancake yeah yeah yeah okay and I like a lot of butter okay I mean people people don't realize like how much butter I like to put on okay and then you know then we'll we'll get our garnishments here bacon bacon as a garnishment yes bacon is a garnishment so here you go in puckers and I think I'm gonna do like I did last time and sit and have a meal with you guys so my solution to syrup thanks you too right on my solution to syrup is let me show you because I I'm a I wish I didn't have to eat this way but you know my my my life gets ruined if I don't so enjoy your breakfast well thank you I hope you enjoy your breakfast so here it's the I've shown it a little bit on the channel it's the swerve confectioner's sugar so basically I'll take this and just row it on top you know mix this with butter like if you wanna if you want to get real hardcore with this you all you got to do is is uh take some butter put it in a bowl and put it in microwave and add some confectioners sugar from swerve and you can drizzle it just like syrup but I just I'm just doing it like that okay I'm just Boop it's a little bit of a bit of powder okay this is a no is zero calories there's no glycemic index some people get headaches from erythritol which is the main ingredient in this ship so you got to be just got to be careful you know our W 260 what 220 o RW I'm I'm six feet forty started keto on March 4th I'm doing about 850 calories a day is Callie is calorie counting not necessary on keto I'm beyond feeling Low Energy I'm that zone now down about 16 pounds in 10 days damn 16 pounds in 10 days you must be losing a lot of water I would say yes if you're not if you're in like a and and don't don't don't like really I'm not an expert okay but I have lost like 40 some pounds anyway I would say calorie counting matters in in any case if you're if you even if you're full-on like carnivore and you're and you're in caloric surplus like you're you're still gonna you're still gonna gain weight like you know it's you don't want to say it's it's as simple as calories in calories out but it really like for the most part it is now now if you want to have like more of a I'm moving my around by the way if you want to have more of a quality of life while you're in caloric deficit then tryin to explain this real quick hole up boys I'm just trying to get my my breakfast chair set up here so caloric deficit matters calorie counts matter I would say it's like not as much of a deal on kiddo but I don'
t know if you're eating like anti-inflammatory foods you probably you're probably gonna experience just just a better quality of life in general but if you if you're low-energy I would say maybe you're not getting enough salt if you're feeling woozy you you know the problem that I had when I first started doing keto even though I'm like really not doing keto at the moment I'm just like low carb no sugar at all the main problem that I had was I wasn't getting enough calories and I wasn't getting enough fat keto is all about fat so you want to make sure that you're consuming enough of that enough fat enough calories so you can actually get through the day without dying okay so yeah I hope I'm answering your question and and feel free to ask any more questions and I'll do my best you know I'm not like I said I know I'm no expert but I know a thing or two about a thing or two um thanks for joining everybody I'm just gonna get my set up I'm gonna have a little breakfast with y'all okay because people seem to like that last time and I'm gonna do it again I'm gonna move my mic so because I don't want you guys to hear me munching and crunching and swallowing Frank Vladimir 850 is too low I think so I'm not an expert - yeah yeah it seems seems like 850 probably a little a low low brother I check into that make sure you get in enough calories I need to read that again his color kind of not necessary I'm beyond feeling low energy on that zone now about 16 pounds yeah man um yeah I check that out so I'm moving my microphone it's gonna sound a little funny because it's gonna go through my shirt who the hell is calling me hey hey who the hell is calling me man - my camera my microphone hey shut up leave me up leave me alone my dogs barking um so what is everybody else's they look like but what we what are we having for breakfast okay I wonder I always want to know what everyone's having Rowan's eaten okay I mean did a lot of things but I'm I'm into uh you know food as well as all as a lot of us are okay so this let me find the package so might as well make this a little bit of a review - um so we've got Cass cassava starch organic coconut flour almond flour eggs leavening mono calcium phosphate sodium bicarbonate salt monk fruit and spice what what does that mean spice add turkey sandwich right on brother hell yeah that bridge vendors they also make a they also make a they make a syrup as well which so far the ones that I've had I'm not really a big fan of I would rather just put swerve and butter on the plate and just go for it you know so anyways yeah you can see here how meal with you guys okay you got it wait you had a turkey sandwich for breakfast dude you're a psycho of course everybody knows that everybody knows that that bleeding blue is a psychopath okay so see what else we got um so I've been I've been away for a little bit mainly because I've been moving I haven't really had much internet to speak up until just recently vanessa is thinking eggs bacon pancakes no ha ha gotcha Elia yeah I'm not right in the head I hope you guys can still hear me okay since the mic is not clipped on to me anymore mm-hm yeah I do not have a warm beverage already drink my coffee for the morning so what I've been doing is so I don't make or so don't so I don't get to high blood pressure i I've been having like one cup of coffee in the morning and then I wait until my stream on Twitch to have a bang energy and then that's pretty much it throughout the day I might have like a cup another cup of coffee before work but I'm just trying not to drink too much caffeine during the day and and like the bang energy gets me going for the stream so okay I'm drinking water all right geez Vanessa God you'd uh well demanding there huh I kid I kid I joke I just a little bit see the pile of cocaine in my plate here um same here yeah I try not to drink too much caffeine cuz you know I really like caffeine I like coffee and and if you have too much of it than like you don't get the effects of it and see the water it's right here it's right here so yeah you don't get the same effects I you know like when I'm when I was drinking coffee like when I was first basically getting into coffee when I would drink it it would like make me happy you know would make me like super ecstatic but now it's just like you know it's more and more it's just like I'm using it to to just maintain you know so turning it back to that I used to take a day off of coffee or caffeine in general like one day off a week but that ain't happenin anymore unless I want a massive headache for the whole day so you could say I have a problem okay oh um thanks for joining me today everybody so yeah so I guess in conclusion they have a way that you they want you to make this it's just like the 3/4 cup makes 2/3 cup of water so what I'm doing what I've been doing lately is I'll add I'll switch the water for milk and it's almost a one-to-one ratio at that point because the milk is a little thicker uh and then I'll add an egg you can add even two eggs if you wanted to make self makes it a bit fluffier and I just like putting eggs and like when I'm baking I always add an extra egg like Wow you have to you know Vanessa ja ja ja I'm so demanding didn't mean that way ja ja just thought you didn't get nothing to drink ha ha ha what do you my mom now with you just with you the nests over there huh hey I hope your I hope your day goes well it's good to see you in the chat ok anybody any questions for me it's like been my life goal as a content creator I just want somebody to ask questions yeah I just want my opinion to be heard man but you know some of my opinions you don't want to hear what should I make next do you think I've been doing I've been starting to do these type of videos in the morning so it's uh it's usually breakfast but you know maybe I'll do maybe I'll do some later like on my days off and we'll do like after stream after after twitch stream order I think that'd be cool I'm trying to find a good serial than I can that I can hang handle muck banks nah nah dog Vanessa out here while in bro she and that did she not seen that weird part of the Internet bro uh-huh ain't no my fans around here everybody people keep asking me to do muc thanks man why why the answer is no listen okay I've said it once I've said it twice and I'll say it again I have to edit these like the dedicated videos I have to edit them okay and listening to myself chewing is like that's that sounds like the worst thing ever like that that sounds I couldn't I don't even know I probably throw myself off a bridge if I did that so I'm good I'm good man like you know you're already like you already get up in the morning and talk to yourself and then yeah and then you have to listen to that no you know the whole ASMR thing okay people seem to think that ASMR is just if they you seem to think that it's just for food like for listening to someone eat okay it's not that it's just a reaction that you're whatever your spinal I don't I don't know about biology it's just a reaction that your brain has it's like an orgasm for your brain that's all it is so like I get that reaction when I just listen to people talk like when I listen to like an old man talk or like an old like I don't know like how like a woman with a nice voice or something like that I used to think it was like it was me like having a sense that I was talking to a good person but no that's not it I've talked to some some bad people like where I had that reaction and yeah it's just that it's just the sound of their voice you know anyway okay so birch bending do they have this mobile there's some literature here birch bending like pancake making is a great American tradition birc
hes are slender yet supple trees that will bend down a return you to the ground when you climb them like a fishing pole under the weight of a catch as a young boy in Maine our founder Matt spent his summers bending birches years later he would carry that same playful spirit to his love of pancake making then eventually to the brandy ha I hope to share with the world after all as Robert Frost said in his poem birches one could do worse than be a swinger of birches huh cool okay I guess what am i stream and twist say by the label gleaning blue could could you be a doll and drop that that uh that twitch link in the chat let's see I am I'm gonna be streaming I think I'm going to be doing a bit of roblox today as well as something else I'm not exactly sure what thanks man appreciate it I don't like to play Minecraft on there at some point just to around cuz I haven't played it since it came out um but you know first person shooters just kind of my kind of my thing anyway um this is probably getting boring to you guys so I don't know unless you have any more questions I'm gonna probably wrap it up because it's just like after a while it's just a guy sitting here eating I mean maybe some people are into that but I don't want you I don't know what people do when they watch like that you know like is really good what is really good what so yeah so yeah we're in the new house y'all you set up we're gonna make it hungry yeah I think I think for my next cooking stream I'm probably gonna do something with rice I mean I eat a lot of rice me and the you know us in this household we do so let's see I'll probably do like this I did this fried rice thing like I use I like use leftover meat like either a pork chop or it's really good with a pork chop but something you know something left over and then you you like you fry the rice but then you add like the meat and sauce and pretty dope so is it dangerous to have lost 16 pounds in 10 days on 850 calories let me look at your comment again because let's see it depends on your weight um 16 pounds in 10 days is not unheard of you started at 260 and you are 6 feet tall so it also depends on if you're on a I mean obviously you're on a caloric deficit and if you're switching over to to lower it and like not as inflammatory foods you're gonna you're gonna see some water loss and like I said you want to make sure that you're drinking plenty of water and you want to make sure that you're consuming plenty of salt everyone's afraid of salt in our society but it says instant essential mineral and when you lose water you lose salt so I would say like like when I first started doing it and when I when I switched my body over completely oh spiel about what I'm eating no crappy fats there are not very many crappy fats um let's see around 36 carbs a day yeah to see what would I use what I did when I first started is when I learned that salt was like actually really essential to be consuming um and I would I would try to use sea salt if you can't but what I what I did was I would put just a little bit of salt in a hot in a in a glass of water like maybe uh you know if you're feeling shitty like that like if you get like headaches and you just like feel really low energy and put a little bit of salt in a cup of warm water and just chug it down and see how you feel like that's that's how I that's how I would get out of those those little walls like that it's really beneficial so I add slimfast keto ultra hydration powder tropical mango six ounce fifty three servings to 32 ounces of water it's a teaspoon about 64 ounce of water a day okay so if you're if you're feeling shitty you've only been doing it for what two weeks you said March fourth I'll see you've been going for oh you've been going for almost two months so some like usually the first month is like the first one sucks I did for five days not feeling shitty anymore okay so the main question you're asking is is 850 a day it just depends on how much you're burning I would say you know 850 a day is is an okay amount for some people but like I wouldn't get I guess I'm Kido you probably don't have to worry too much about calories but it is it is important maybe yeah I would say that the weight is probably gonna the weight is probably gonna level off because because your body's gonna be your body's gonna be burning through the amount of fat that you have and you're gonna hit a plateau at some point like I I burned 30 I burned about 20 or 30 pounds of fat pretty quick and then I just plateaued I'm sitting that like I'm five nine i was sitting I'm sitting there like 168 170 right now I'd like to see if I can get down to 160 and see how I feel but it's really hard once you hit that plateau to lose more weight do keto slow is really good but do it slow at least 1500 calories a day yeah you may need to you may need to bump up your calories just a little bit especially if you're working out see I don't know like your whole situationally if you're working out you want to make sure you're feeling your body because your body will just start eating itself you know and like I said I'm not a expert so don't don't take me take my advice a little bit with a gray salt my typical day is breakfast keto 190 calories keto bar lunch day ground beef sauteed onion cereal bowl snack will be 90 calorie keto mint chocolate chip dinner Bowl bone broth one avocado so interesting I would probably increase your fat a bit more and like maybe maybe more protein 190 calories keto bar put some eggs in your diet too but I'm not working out yet just mountain bike riding okay well if even if your mountain bike riding you're still you're still burn you're so burnin quite a bit of calories depending on how long you're riding I would say yeah I would say I'd say you'd probably need to get more fat you're probably adapted over by now if it's two months yeah I'd start eating a little bit more just just like try it out you don't see how you feel like let's see maybe switch out the ground beef to like get some get some get some good steak in there are not two months just two weeks begin a May 4th okay that changes everything okay so alright so you seen pounds in two weeks is not unheard of go a month cuz it's gonna suck for a little while okay for the next two weeks I would say maybe bump up get some little get a little bit more complete proteins in there like like steak instead of ground beef get some eggs in there somewhere put some eggs in there somewhere you need more fat I think eggs and tuna yeah putting blue yeah don't underestimate the power of fat on this diet because it's it's supposed to be like 80% fat or something so like on your on your ground beef and sauteed onions if you if you keep using ground beef put some butter in there I put a teaspoon MCT oil and coffee I have 50 cans of albacore in my closet too chunky toon about $4.99 can hoof after the chat um so yeah it's gonna take time like if you're only been doing it for two weeks then you're gonna feel like probably for the next at least the next week so just keep just keep charging but I would say increase your fat and protein a little bit like actually complete proteins like meat like you need meat men and salt so like you know so so a lot of the time I'm basically carnivore like I'll eat like a lot of there's a there's a big portion of the week where I just basically all eat just meat you know that it feels great do you use MyFitnessPal the accountability calculator I do not I don't I don't use any of that not that it's bad it's really good for some people like they a lot of that structure like for me since this whole cupboard thing the gyms been closed I need that structure man yeah I have been working out near enough dude so some things to take you know to take into account I guess it does
help to count calories but you want to make sure you're getting enough you know um if you're if your fitness thing tries to keep you accountable for the amount of calories you're burning you know you want you just want to find a balance but it's gonna take it's gonna take at least a couple weeks for your body a couple more weeks for your body to get completely switched over bloom welcome to the stream by the way I mix salads with either steak in or bacon avocados eggs finish mostly tuna salad sardines are fantastic protein when you eat eat well don't skimp and don't snack salt is essential yeah yeah you want to make sure like you want to make sure your meals are nice and Hardy like yeah I stay away from the booze for sure someone told me don't count calories on keto I'm confused by that I'm tracking calories OCD level I would say don't track them OCD level at least you know but but definitely pay attention to them um whoever told you that you don't need to count calories at least at this point where do you when you're when you're trying to lose weight bit they didn't really they weren't really they didn't have a really the right things in mind you need red meat fat beef because your digestive system needs to work all day to avoid problems yeah snacking sucks don't don't do it you don't need a snack at least two solid meals a day is good you may you may look into intermittent fasting - I'll never eat the whole sardines that eyeballs and all you gotta have that you got to have that extra skin the danboy also on keto you can you can consume some booze like like a DRI DRI alcohol dry wines like gin gin is a dry alcohol that that you can you can consume in small quantities and also what is the wine there's a dry wine what is it Chardonnay I think I don't know I don't know about wine my pancakes are cold now thanks guys it's all your fault so was my bacon that's good to in the microwave yeah damn dude it's been a good descent in discussion mr. days go as a New York strip steak 8-ounce chopped into cubes and three eggs that's basically my daily breakfast right there um when I'm not eating some paleo pancakes that's a great breakfast man there's it actually I did a video I did one of these videos one of these live streams on that a little while ago if you go back a couple videos you'd be able to see it I did I did I do steak chopped up I don't think it was an eight ounce I think was more like a 10 or 12 on a steak chopped it up put onions and chopped broccoli in there let that chill for a little while and then throw like three or four eggs in there on that that shit's tits man and it'll it'll sustain you for a long time that's a that's a hearty breakfast man I would say I would definitely I would definitely say start your day with a really nice hearty breakfast and that that'll like you know without any without an excess of carbohydrates or whatever one thing I didn't realize before I started was you know vegetables do count as carb riders I didn't realize before I didn't know about nutrition or anything when I started but vegetables vegetables have carbohydrates also is buying bone broth okay I read it's good in this diet I drink about 10 ounces of that like a warm soup sipped it was about 45 calories heard collagen in it is good helps skin muscles too anything that comes from the bones like bone marrow Burton bone marrow broth like real high quality really really really good for you though those fats and nutrients in there uh you know just unendingly good for you ha I would say keep keep up with that for sure yeah but but I would say in conclusion I don't worry too much about calories pay attention to him but don't like don't get too worked up over how many calories if you have a high fat content on your body - like you're you're gonna you're gonna be burning a little bit your body is still switching over it two weeks to fat you know so keep that in mind just make sure you're keeping your salt and water at content up and you should be okay I think he's to do it slow because his skin needs to be adapted to his new body so 1500 to 1700 calories I think might be he needs at least yeah if you're but if you're yeah slow is good so it's always good when you losing weight on your 42 so your skin might not be as that lasts it doesn't have as much elasticity as it used to probably I mean 40 is not that old to be on let's be honest I'll be 40 in ten years like oh yeah that is definitely something to keep in mind I would bump up your calories for sure maybe maybe bump it up to a thousand see how you feel you know check back with me to on how it goes maybe I'll just do a low-carb ketogenic diet another one of these but just just that you know maybe I'll read some literature and get into some some discussions with you guys because this has been fun I like this but so I need to I need to get finished with this breakfast then I need to go prepare to do my twitch stream or a truTV /t Rex Morgan so I gotta go get ready for that anyway really appreciate you guys joining me today he's been really fun and I hope that the noting able to get some of this at some point I mean I'll probably make an Amazon link and post in the description later but yeah yeah if that was helpful to you I hope so and it's Luke underscore the bear on Instagram if you want to DM me and continue our discussion feel free to do so my DMS are always open my internet signal is kind of going to ship anyway thanks a lot everybody have a great day keep your bitches out of the kitchen and I will see you in the next video alright .
Video Description:
This is the way I make the Birch Benders Paleo/Keto Pancake mix. It's good the way they say but it's better this way. Thank you for watching!
This is not a paid promotion.