Warning: file_get_contents(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SczTVfmJZ28): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 429 Too Many Requests in C:xampphtdocscodeketodietstart.php on line 29 .
Video Description:
FREE RESOURCES FROM KAYLA: ★ FREE 7-DAY DETOX → ★ Free Checklist: 25 Toxic Skincare Ingredients to Avoid at ALL Cost → ★ 11 Bulletproof Coffee Style Warm Drink Blends (Keto Friendly) → ★ Kayla’s AMAZON FAVORITES →
PAID RESOURCES FROM KAYLA: ★ 21-Day Body Reset Program (Meal Plans, Supplement Plan, Sugar Detox, etc.) → (avg. weight loss is 4-7 lbs in the 1st week) ★ Adrenal Fatigue Supplement Plan (for burnout, low energy, and anxiety) →
Print Paleo Pecan Pie Recipe Here:
Ingredients Used in this Video:
Organic Unrefined Coconut Sugar: Blanched Almond Flour: Grass-Fed Butter or Ghee: High Quality Celtic Sea Salt:
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hey there it's Polly Peters in this video I want to talk about paleo dinner recipes and give you one simple recipe to help you with the Paleo diet but before that I want to share with you my story about Who I am so we can get to know each other better I'm currently diabetes free and add a weight I'm happy with I've lowered my a1c level to the point I am no longer diabetic and I was able to stop medication but it wasn't always like that in the past in fact I used to really struggle with my diabetes and weight in four years I lost a total of seven and a half pounds doing vegan weight watchers gluten-free you name it I most likely did it my diabetes was so bad my doctor kept telling me that I get vision loss nerve damage and kidney disease if I didn't change but then I discovered the Paleo diet I wish I learned about it before I got sick and gained a lot of weight it wasn't until a colleague at work told me that his neighbor had success with it then I started I decided to give it a shot as I had nothing to lose I finally discovered how to control my diabetes lose the excess weight and keep it off after I used the simple recipes in the Paleo diet I was able to go from a depressed overweight diabetic to a normal diet Peavey's free enjoyable life I'm now able to go to the gym three to four days a week with incredible stamina not only that it feels amazing no longer having to take medication the following recipe is the exact one I've been using in my diet for the last two years my wish is that it helps you achieve your goal like it did for me now on to the recipe baked salmon fillet ingredients 1 pound of salmon fillet 1/2 cup of white wine 1 teaspoon of turmeric 1 teaspoon of paprika 1 teaspoon of oregano 1 teaspoon of minced garlic 1/2 a yellow onion sliced thin and 1 lemon sliced thin instructions wash the salmon and place it in a baking dish pouring it in white wine sprinkle spices evenly over the entire fish place the onions on and around the fish and on top and top it off with lemon slices cover with the foil and bake at 375 degrees for 40 five minutes or until the fish flex easily with a fork and that's the recipe of the day if you enjoyed this video then like the video and subscribe to my channel if you'd like to learn more about the Paleo diet so you can experience improved sugar control and weight loss then click the link below the video take action and go check it out again click the link below take action and go check out the page that .
Video Description:
The 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie
1) Visit my site to get my complimentary report on the Paleo diet: 2) Get thousands more recipes:
I'm Paulee Peters. Wish I learned about Paleo lifestyle before I got sick and gained alot of weight. I wanted to try paleo for weight loss and health reasons (I was diabetic for a long time).
I was given the lecture from my doctor time after time about what was going to happen to me He tried to scare me into shape. He would tell me about loss of vision, nerve damage, kidney disease.
I knew I had to do something before it was too late. I didn't want to be the first to go before my parents.
I lost a total of 7.5 pounds in 4 years doing vegan, weight watchers, low fat-high exercise, gluten free. you name it, I most likely did it. After I stopped all the weight came back.
After all, the ADA diet didn't work for me. These were the so called expert nutritionists. Then, I went Vegan, which helped a bit. But I was getting hungry and still feeling tired all the time with no energy.
I was introduced to the paleo diet from a colleague at work whose neighbor had success with it. I started reading everything i could on paleo diet. 3 days later, I decided to give the diet a shot as I had nothing to lose.
Within 1 week I was feeling great and alive again! For the first time in years I didn't feel depressed anymore. I started feeling strong again.
A few more weeks went by and I started to join a gym and work out twice a week. Now I am at the gym 3 to 4 days a week with incredible stamina. This has allowed me to enjoy playing basketball once again.
The great thing about being on the Paleo lifestyle is 2 things. I have also lowered my A1C significantly to the point I am no longer diabetic. And I was able to get off the medications I was taking for my diabetes.
Going on a Paleo diet was the best thing I ever did for myself. I could have avoided getting sick and gaining weight in the first place.
If you would like to learn more about the Paleo diet, so you can experience weight loss and improved sugar control, then CLICK the LINKs below , take action, and go check it out.
Again, click the link below, take action, and go check out the page there.
1) Visit my site to get my complimentary report on the Paleo diet:
2) Get thousands more recipes here:
Paleo Dinner Recipes - Baked Salmon Fillets By A Former Diabetic
Learn the 7 easy steps to perfect health, the culmination of all the research, studies, data, and thousands of testimonials into an easy, simple and complete step by step solution to kick your diabetes butt for good Homepage:
okay so there was no sound here we go I've been curious about the Paleo diet and I have a guest tonight that's full of information an expert at Paleo diet also an author of this yummy yummy book her name is Jane and she'll be on in a couple minutes warning you will be hungry during this show hello and welcome to g3 and happy that happens every Monday night at 7:00 p.m. 10 p.m. Eastern and I'm your host Cathy I've been sensitive to gluten for years and I thought why not start a show about connecting with other G free and happy people and learning some new things and tonight I am learning about the Paleo diet I have a wonderful person her name is Jane she'll be on in a couple minutes she's really generous about sharing there's a picture of her about sharing her knowledge and expertise we'll have some great questions for she's going to show us some wonderful desserts and that'll happen in just a couple minutes first I'd like to say that episode 9 of G free and happy is brought to you by oval ITV oval ITV hosts and produces live video events built to meet your objective visit oval ITV to request a free 30-minute consultation today to find out more about going live with your brand especially if you want to do a show like this contact oval ITV there's a contact page on oval ITV so I have some another reason why I'm doing this show is because I can get out and do just about anything live or on camera by filming or I don't know doing a blog whatever we all do blogs I do a blog G free and happy calm so I have a dream come true kind of announcement for me I am this isn't the part that's the dream but I know it is because I'm taking my family the whole family we're going to Disneyland Disneyland we're going March the beginning of March so March 11th I will be airing an interview with a chef actually I want to make sure I get it correct his Ivar you talk to chef Bell they are the nicest people at Disneyland Disneyland behind me I'm talking to chef bill who is a special dietary chef at Disneyland and I'll be in the kitchen with him and I get to sample food from Disneyland and I'm going to film it all and have it for us for March 8th or March 11th it will be 7:00 p.m. Pacific time 10:00 p.m. Easter time I'll have a ton of details coming up this week too but I couldn't wait to tell everybody and this is why I do this kind of stuff because I get to go to Disneyland yeah okay so let's get to let's get to Jane and go all over the Paleo diet and the desserts and let's get her in here hello Jane hi Cathy so nice to have you it's been so much fun getting to know you and so let's tell everybody a little bit about you well a gluten free chef of course and I'm also health practitioner and I've done many different things in my life as a child I was very robust and strong and when I got to be about 30 I began to have weight problems and digestive sluggishness and some serious health problems and I at the time I was working for Rudy's bakery this was the original Rudy's bakery long before it was gluten-free and I I was a chief financial officer everies bakery for 10 years during which time I had my fill of any kind of sweets I wanted I started the day with a nice cup of coffee and a chocolate croissant and for lunch I have a nice sandwich and then I get you know all the sweets I wanted and plenty of coffee and after 10 years my my body collapsed and I didn't know what was wrong so I started I eliminated gluten that was back in the 80s but I don't know the reason I'm I'm paleo now is because we're always looking for a solution that one solution that is going to be the answer to our health problems but in my case it was many solutions so I first gave up gluten and then I gave up coffee and then I gave up pesticides and then I finally gave up sugar and just the last month or so I gave up nightshades which is potatoes tomatoes Oh peppers and and I don't think okay eggplant yeah I saw this on you so nice shades are are are any common allergens so I finally got so desperate for sweets that I had to invent the desserts myself and being a chef that you are yes so I started out as dessert chef at the bakery and then I went to school and became a chief financial officer so I had all that background and I sold my business and I started working like a mad scientist in my kitchen making paleo desserts for the world so so and so this is my book it's called paleo desserts and it is 125 delicious everyday favorites good and grain-free and so that's basically the story are you sure we're showing some of the pictures right now of the bugger thing but I want to ask you something that I read on your website hi small businesses do it better so oh I love those okay stop with the because I'm gonna get hungry Jamie one of the things I just love about you is that you're kind of the jack-of-all-trades you've done so many different things over the years plus you've done all this evolution of dieting or or lifestyle I should say in foods it's true so I read that you lived in Italy oh gosh yes so yeah hello an opera singer I have an opera singer on my show which I I mean that's amazing in itself you'll see in my dessert book and you'll see on my blog lots of Italian dishes that are invented paleo style and healthy because you lived there how long did you live there I lived you're actually about six years I lived in Venice very nice so you have oh there's a beautiful picture of another desert and Italy yes the one with the berries it's like a strawberry shortcake but with berries in it some of these look like they're in Italy yes well I absorbed the aesthetic shall we say I would say whoever is your photographer did an amazing job with your photos well I'm a good friend and I do a lot of it myself oh it's gorgeous um okay so let's talk about the Paleo diet I've been curious I know a ton of people have asked me about this tell us a little bit about the Paleo diet well the diet was invented by dr.
Loren Cordain a brilliant man who noticing that the modern diet had some drawbacks to it shall we say asked the big question if our ancestors survived and they didn't eat all of these processed foods or sugars and so forth what dinner ancestors eat and he wrote a book and he has website the Paleo diet and now it's become very very popular because it's basically a reaction against modern industrial food and has a lot of good points going for it so the Paleo diet includes you could define anything positive or negative I will define it positive it includes fresh vegetables yeah you have those yeah you can have those it includes fruits but only targets not sweet fruits oh really cuz yep because our fruits now have been selected and very carefully genetically created to be sweet but let's say for example that apples that worked the Paleo period is from 2.6 million years ago to ten thousand years ago pre agriculture so these are the Huns and gather ancestors and so apparently so I understand their apples for example or not as sweet as our apples now apparent more like our bowels so they just don't have access to sweet food so they couldn't have all this this this sugar that we sometimes overdo so anyway tart fruits are included nuts are included wild meats eggs and oils on the Paleo diet are coconut oil or olive oil and that sounds limited but just think of all the vegetables and fruits that you could do anyway you have to be positive so know what's not in the Paleo diet what's not is refined and processed food I'm all for that like corn flakes and donuts and loops anyway we could go on about that also sugars any kind of sugar even organic cane sugar it's not yeah that has been in fact looking at your book because I went through it a couple times over the weekend you know by the way if you order Amazon fresh you can put this in your shopping cart and get it overnight I would actually look at her website for some of the ingredients before you buy this because then you'd have it already because one thing I didn't do was I didn't buy the sugar that she suggests on my blog selfie kitchen you click on ingredients those there's the list right there where to get all the ingredients for the best prices I think baby steps thank you and going back to the refinement sugar and things like that and and I'm all for getting rid of that if you ask me but I'm older I've experienced all the sugar stuff I worked at a bakery - what else doesn't it include is there any major thing yes Oh candy bars no snack bars so are we done with sugar now yes so it doesn't include sweet fruits such as pineapple well made mango that type of thing where it will really give you a sugar lift those are not really a lot of food is it banana part of it banana I'm sorry no now here's something that's good news the Paleo diet is not it's not a religion it's a lifestyle and you get to make your own room but if it's high in fructose which a banana is well you need to be careful bananas are high in fructose they are and they're very high in carbs so I don't eat bananas but I so many I eat like a king every day but if you want to eat bananas and define it paleo you can do that but you won't find bananas in my cookbook except I did make one banana bread so you see um you have to kind of play with it it's whatever you feel like eating yes yes I'm gonna make the produce in the banana bread he's a huge banana man so what's not on the Paleo diet is any kind of high carb sweetener we know that honey is is a natural food and it is a paleo sweetener but you won't find it in my book because it'll give you a huge sugar rush and my book is not only paleo but it's also addressing the epidemic of diabetes and childhood obesity that we have problems with now in this country so I I'm very interested in low carb sweeteners and though I had never heard of these sweeteners by the way we have a question can you ask her where we find that link for the best places to purchase the ingredients it would my website James Cal vacation calm okay on the home page on the top navigation there is the link called ingredients click it and it's the first 20 lines of that page order those things that's the best prices and then just free shipping yeah you and you do have I mean a ton of information besides just the deserts of what you need and how you I mean it's just amazing because it is kind of a whole new way of cooking it is but I have two websites one is James healthy kitchen this is my blog this is all types of healthy food for everybody it's not a paleo although everything happens to be paleo paleo happens to include a lot of other diets so it's paleo it's gluten free it's diabetic friendly it's celiac friendly it's hand anti-inflammatory it's it's actually good for everyone in fact if you have a family where you have one person as a special life you can cook from my recipes for that person and no one will know the difference oh I love that that is wonderful because you you can kind of tell with those processed foods too if they're g-free or not or you know any hen allergies yes yeah but let's go back to the thread we're almost done with what's not on the Paleo diet we have no refined foods no sugars no candy bars no sweet fruits now we have no grains no bread no means no genetics no beans you see our hunter-gatherer ancestors during the Paleolithic period didn't have agriculture and that is that full of carbs too beans are they full of carbs or a very linear combination of carbs and protein but this this is um not on the Paleo diet because if you're eating eating in theory if you're eating the way our our ancestors did during that period they could not raise food they didn't have gardeners they didn't have agriculture so they didn't have beans or grains they didn't have livestock so they didn't have dairy either that's true they did not know they didn't want to know no so pretend you live in a cave and the thing you can go out and gather with your hands that's over the sphere or whatever means that's what you can eat so many things but there's one more thing okay extracted vegetable oils are not on the Paleo diet that's the last thing I'm gonna say such as safflower oil oil soy oil corn oil sunflower oil almond oil these types of oils are not on the family are dominant so my cookbook uses primarily coconut oil but olive oil is also on the Paleo diet I like coconut oil I think it's a nice blend of I mean it adds to the flavor I think alright so let's talk today I did and of course I don't have my my plate with me but I did the coconut macaroons and I put it on Instagram Kathy K Nelson and on Twitter and they were not because I didn't have the sugar so I kind of played with the sugars it's use you can actually use any sweetener in my recipes okay you don't need this weaker but this wheat happens to be very special yeah we're gonna talk about that but oh my goodness I couldn't yes yeah the whole you know the batter was the best if you ask me I'm half of it it was so good it was it felt healthy to it didn't feel you know not healthy for me I traveled all over Europe I know what the tape with look those great desserts are supposed to taste like and if they don't taste like that they don't make it in my book okay and so um let's talk about your dessert book and of course what you which you've got in front of you too well today I made a special apple pie for you so I'm just gonna hold this I'll see you see it oh it's gorgeous it's a Dutch apple pie and you make it's made just like you would make a Betty Crocker apple pie acceptance it uses my special chicory root sweetener that is 0yc macand zero calories and the crust is very special Cathy oh it took me about ten tries to get this but some people say that the pie crust is worth the price of the book and it's sort it is a mixture of coconut Oh hold on dine mixture I heard her her computer heating up there should be back April I love oh good thank you for sharing that everybody's subscribed to Jane's healthy kitchen calm April's on the chant she's a subscriber wait a minute hold on because you froze you froze and I just I mean it's a gorgeous picture of you showing your pie maybe it'll come right back on there in just a second is I heard your your computer was getting hot do you want do you want to call right back and yeah okay you want to call me I'm sure she'll be right back so ask some questions she's gonna bite into this apple pie and I don't want her to I don't want her to do it unless she's on live and that screen was frozen hold on Jane we're gonna get rid of you hold on there and I'm gonna call her back now it's very nice that she's in the kitchen - oh the Cheesecake we're showing which is one of her number one desserts truffles okay this yes okay Jamie you see me yeah I do I see you hold on and do not do not bite into anything yet get me on there oh do you okay so your life now you can do it okay all right so I'm gonna try to serve this this piece of pie Oh gorgeous now no I have it piece of pie and now I'm going to put some whipped cream on it now I'd like to tell you about this whipped cream you take a cam of thick coconut milk you open it and you in you in and there's a thick cream that rises to the top at least in this Thai coconut Thai Thai Kitchen coconut milk I try to buy the thickest kind of can and I actually shake the can in the Sun oh is that because you saved get the thickest so you just shake it yeah this is the brand I used but if you can find a thick brand that's just great then you punch a hole in it and drain out the water under well I did that and then you put two tablespoons of sweetener a tiny bit of vanilla stir it up you get the most beautiful and I've only seen this on Pinterest so having it live is amazing oh don't eat it I want some Jane while you're eating that you have a couple questions here from Twitter and the chats by the way Chris is saying she's dying I know okay be quiet this is really bad I know this is painful watching you eat this but boy yummy okay so a question is coconut palm sugar allowed it has a low glycemic index you know the paleo community is divided about sweeteners and a lot of paleo chefs are using coconut palm sugar but if you go on my website and look up paleo sweeteners just there's a search a search bar in the upper right hand corner and search paleo sweeteners you will see a compare of carbs in sweeteners that will blow your mind okay so that's her sugar it's low glycemic that's because it's low in glucose but it's loaded with fructose and fructose is a sugar that is very hard for the liver to digest and it actually is the basis of high fructose corn syrup so coconut sugar is not going to do you any favors uh health-wise okay it's just wonderful so but the Palin community is divided on that and I have come down on the side of no carb sweeteners I found the sweetener that I like it's chicory root it's natural and it has zero carbs so that makes all my desserts very very skinny I want to try this yes I'm gonna buy that and I think you could get it can you get it and Amazon the chicory sweetener yes of course okay and that's on your website all kinds of prices I mean one of their vendors sells it for 27 dollars a pound you can't pay that you should pay no more than eighteen or nineteen dollars a pound for it and that already is very expensive yeah it is but apparently it's really good for you and it tastes yummy so we have some more questions so do you need to purchase a different type of chocolate than usual like the Nestle chocolate oh goodness we're showing more pictures of your stuff well you know the word chocolate in the industry is defined that it can include sugar so if a chocolate has sugar in it it's not paleo okay you can use on any kind of unsweetened chocolate I actually use cacao powder in a lot of my recipes which I happen to have here because I hope capital let me make some chocolate mousse and it's just cacao powder on me show it to you it's just it's pure cacao powder and it's unsweetened can I use that can you buy that at like Whole Foods - absolutely look for pure cacao make sure just look look at the label make sure it's unsweetened and not April us saying that a hundred percent unsweetened cacao with a chicory sweat a sweetener it just it tastes just like regular chocolate so we'll have to try that you can try that okay all right so let's do the the mousse we're getting out of time I still have it I mean there's so much I could ask you so I want you to do the mousse because sometimes people think paleo diets a lot of work but watch her dance one moose here okay I wanna show you this is one of the easy recipes it's called instant locomotives and it's absolutely delicious so what we're going to do is we're gonna start with I brought my super blender here one of 3/4 cups again this is Thai Thai Kitchen coconut milk you see how thick it is on the top I'm putting a whole can write to blender there we go starving metal okay let's move this you can see it and then we're gonna put a quarter cup of sweetener in this on I'm using the just like sugar tabletop sweetener 2 tablespoons of coconut oil see health white and that is okay so that goes in and now one teaspoon coffee I use this organic caffeinated coffee this is a mocha flavor I don't know what that green is oh I'm gonna get a clap alright and then you put two tablespoons of raw cacao powder in here alright and then I get the cinnamon but you can do it if you want a pinch of unprocessed saw and this is the secret ingredient this is one whole avocado Oh see I've seen these on Pinterest but I haven't tried them yet okay you're gonna you're gonna see it in action now okay um Jane by the way your website says raw honey is not paleo then followed by but can she explain why you're doing that yes well I'm taking the stance that honey is something that a paleo caveman what if you maybe once a year because he'd probably get stung really good collecting that and but it's it's I know ancient cultures considered honey a sacred food it's a wonderful food but if you eat it every day it's all 50% fructose and 44% glucose and there are a couple of other sugars in there too which makes it loaded with carps and we'll give you a giant sugar rush which sugar rush is what he stabilizes the metabolism that is the beginning of diabetes metabolic disorder obesity and all this that's the road you're going down and so I don't I don't I don't use it but then I'm not gonna say it's not it's not for you because you get to make your own choices I like that you can make your own choices so okay she just made this okay oh and then the whipped cream oh I guess so I wish you could share these live demos that looks amazing and with avocado in it too instant meaning you feel like you need to pick me up or you want a two-minute dessert or it's two o'clock in the afternoon and you just have a little your laundry oh and you didn't have to put it in first oh my gosh oh okay that's enough of this I don't think I've oh yeah tell us again what this is called so we can all look it up instant mocha mousse okay uh we Jane we're out of time and I still you know we're gonna have chain back because oh my gosh do I love this lady or not and I know you have fans here I want you guys to all get on her site Jane wait hold on it's on the bottom no do you have the other one Jane's healthy kitchen calm there's one thing I wanted to talk about tonight but we don't have time and it's one of her blog posts it's called ten gluten cross-reactive foods to avoid and I think it's very interesting on those ten points and we're gonna have Jane back or I'm gonna have her back because she's gonna have to demo some more desserts and yeah yeah Oh in studio wouldn't that be fun so I can taste happy to talk about the ten Lewton cross reactors because that's a whole session I know you have so much information on your website you're so generous and sharing everything with us especially all the desserts can you just show us one more time the pie - Wow and this is one of my most popular recipes and the paleo pizza and the pizza crusts are two of my most popular recipes but the instant mocha mousse is still undiscovered so you guys take it away all right we're gonna try that in fact I will try it and put it on my Instagram and Facebook - and please share it if you guys try any of her recipes I'd love to see that please pick up Haley Oh desserts - I have to say it's an amazing book of recipes not just desserts - there's a bunch of stuff in there okay so Jane you'll be back right I'd love to come back and Kathy thank you for the good work that you do oh thank oh it is it's this show has been a lot of fun and so much fun to meet you and we will look forward to seeing you next time thank you okay so next week I have the lovely sweetest little girl not good little girl she's called g-free Laura it's actually GE Laura calm her hashtag to start off February which is the theme is love is G free love so I have G free Lord Monday night check it out please tomorrow this will be live on my blog if you want to check out Jane's lovely demonstrations please do and then I guess let me see if I have anything else nope thank you for watching G free and happy please check out my website at G free and happy calm until next week thanks for watching .
Video Description:
Jane Barthelemy, a chef and dessert book author explains what the paleo diet is all about. She reviews the differences between paleo sweeteners, talks about recipes in her book, Paleo Desserts and even does some demonstrations for us.
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About the LIVE GFree and Happy Show: GFree and Happy is all about connecting the gluten free community all over the world bringing you guests, news, products and lifestyle fun to a weekly Monday night live stream show and blogs.
About my Guest: I am looking forward to Monday nights guest Jane Barthelemy, the author of Paleo Desserts! I have been in contact with her for about a month now and she has given me so many great healthy cooking tips. I am very interested in the Paleo diet. There are so many fillers in some of the gfree products out there and more sugar than my body can digest recently. I have learned to read the labels more closely!
Her recipes are mouth watering yummy goodness and her tips for cooking Paleo are amazing! I have learned so much from her since meeting her online. She is very generous about sharing her knowledge of the Paleo diet.
Looking forward to hearing about her story and talking Paleo desserts and fun recipes Monday night 7pm PST Gfree and Happy Show
hey everybody my name is Jessica and I've actually decided to make a video about two of my favorite paleo recipes I love them so much I just have to share them with everyone um I've been on the Paleo diet for a while now and I can't tell you how good it feels I mean I feel great you know it's it's totally changed my life I was constantly struggling with you know stomach ache and after stomach ache but it was totally you know it's totally cleared up now and I'm much more energetic and best of all I've lost some weight which is always a good thing you know it was definitely a bonus but anyway the first recipe is an extremely delicious banana bread and the second one is a highly addictive cheesecake that never fails to deliver and so if you want more recipes I actually have a link in the description for my favorite kallio recipe book it's highly highly recommended definitely for me it was you know a great starting point so anyway here are the recipes .
Video Description:
More Paleo Dessert Recipes here - http://opdor.com/rtr0 Click this link for more great Paleo recipes!
Very easy Paleo recipes and in fact all kinds of great recipes from snacks to the most delicious desserts. But these two in the video are two of my favorite easy paleo dessert recipes. It's a delicious banana bread and then a great looking cheesecake (without any cheese!). Since I started my paleo diet it has been a wonderful journey. I went from constant stomach ache to more energy and happiness. I can't describe how much the paleo diet has changed my life. It's been nothing short of a miracle. In this youtube video I wanted to share with you two of my favorite paleo dessert recipes. These are easy paleo recipes that I absolutely love and can make up a great dessert or just when you need some snack. I make them every time I feel the need for some refreshment, almost like my comfort food. The best thing about the paleo diet is that it's a healthy diet. And these recipes are just that, healthy dessert recipes. So in fact they are suitable for everyone, not just the people that do a strict paleo diet, but just for anyone how wants to enjoy some good desserts or snacks that are healthy at the same time. What is Paleo diet? The Paleo diet is the healthiest way you can eat because it is the only nutritional approach that works with your genetics to help you stay lean, strong and energetic. In short, it's the diet that we as humans used to have when we were cavemen back in the day. For most people the Paleo diet and easy paleo recipes, like the desserts I love (and I have more recipes for various snacks), deliver the best results. Among things that you will benefit is improved blood lipids, weight loss, and reduced pain from autoimmunity for example. Many people don't know where to start, so that's why I recommend you check the link above. It's my favorite paleo recipe book and my true starting point. You can find everything from desserts to snacks in ther. I didn't know where to start, but with this book I was able to know how to do this. It takes plan and preparation and a lot of strong will. You will have more nutrition, you will feel better and if you do exercises you will feel that you have more strength.
Hope you found this helpful and I hope you will have a great time on the Paleo diet.
Visit : http://uk-us.net/n5th For more details about How to Make Paleo Desserts
So first of all exactly what is the paleo diet and even more importantly what can be thought of a great paleo desserts.
The paleo diet plan or as it is usually acknowledged "The Caveman Diet" is often a holistic strategy for having that tries to mimic how humans ate above ten,000 several years in the past through the 'paleolithic' time period.
The strategy promotes a nutrient 'dense rich' in meats, fruits, seafoods, eggs, berries, nuts, seeds and greens while concurrently reducing dairy, grains and legumes. Processed foodstuff and foods supplemented with refined sugars, additives, preservatives and chemical substances which you locate in all present day day food items.
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so the first three ingredient dessert we are making are these nut butter cookies you're going to need an egg i haven't tried this with a flax egg so i'm not sure if that will work then i'm adding in a little bit of coconut sugar and stirring that up until it gets nice and smooth so you want all of the sugar and the egg to combine completely and this is good because it adds a little bit of protein to these cookies as well and then i'm adding in some nut butter you can use any kind of nut or seed butter so if you're nut free feel free to use a sunflower seed butter or a pumpkin seed butter to easily make this recipe nut free so then all you need to do is stir that together until it all combines and it is nice and smooth and it does thicken up quite a bit once everything is combined then i laid a cookie sheet with parchment paper or just make sure you grease your cookie sheet or use a silicone mat and then i'm using a cookie scoop to scoop out the cookies into even shapes so this whole batch made about six cookies for me you can definitely make them smaller or bigger if you like just make sure you adjust the baking time which will be in the description box below but it's just 350 for 10 to 12 minutes and there you go then we are making some cinnamon cashews these are great because they have a touch of sweetness but they're loaded with healthy fats which makes them satisfying so on a pan on medium heat i just took a little bit of maple syrup and cinnamon and stir that together until the maple syrup kind of started to bubble and brown a bit once it does go ahead and add in your cashews but you can all just also do this with like pecans or almonds or anything like that so just stir that together and then once they are all coated all you need to do is put them onto either like a plate or something with parchment paper so that they can cool down and the sugar kind of hardens around them i also like to top mine with a little bit of flaked salt but that's kind of like a bonus ingredient but i love the combo of sweet and salty but honestly these are so lightly sweet they make the perfect little treat plus they are loaded with healthy fats and then we have the simple berries and chocolate combo but i really wanted to share it because you don't underestimate the power of just some fresh berries and some sugar-free chocolate chips you got the chocolate you got the sweetness from the blueberries and you can kind of just snack on this after dinner if you're doing something like netflix and chilling or like that so i hope you guys enjoyed this video and enjoyed these three ingredient healthy desserts i will leave my last three ingredient dessert recipe on the screen here so that you can check it out after this video and i will see you next time bye guys .
Video Description:
3 ingredient desserts that are healthy! low carb paleo recipes that are healthy dessert ideas. FREE Healthy dessert EBOOK: bit.ly/healthydessertebook HEALTHY DESSERTS PLAYLIST: bit.ly/healthydessertplaylist —————————————————————————————————— SUBSCRIBE to my channel! New Videos Every Week: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkt9N...
In today’s video I am showing you 3 ingredient healthy dessert recipes that are healthy desserts recipes. These healthy dessert recipe with 3 ingredients are paleo recipes. They are paleo dessert recipes that are healthy desserts. If you are looking for healthy deserts without sugar then you will love this video! these easy healthy dessert ideas are healthy desserts no bake too! Enjoy these healthy desserts tasty that are perfect if you want 3 ingredient recipes that are healthy desserts to lose weight and healthy desserts for weight loss! Enjoy these low carb desserts :) #healthydesserts #keepupwithliv #paleorecipes
Nut Butter Cookies * 1/2 cup nut butter * 1 egg * 3 tbsp coconut sugar 350F for 10-12 minutes
Candied Nuts - 1/4 cup cashews or nuts of choice - 1 tsp maple syrup - sprinkle cinnamon
Blueberries 1 tsp sugar free chocolate chips
Blender I use (BIG FAV): http://amzn.to/2uhpEYj
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Equipment I film with: Camera in 2019: https://amzn.to/37u8kPD Camera in 2020: https://amzn.to/36myvYC Microphone: https://amzn.to/35mbFyK ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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The views expressed on this site are the author's own and are provided for informational purposes only. The author makes no warranties about the suitability of any product or treatment referenced or reviewed here for any person other than herself and any reliance placed on these reviews or references by you is done so solely at your own risk. Nothing on this site shall be construed as providing medical or other such advice and you are always advised to seek the advice of a suitable professional should you have any such concerns.
hey it's aundrea from mommy calm thanks for joining me again and checking in on my videos I really hope you've been enjoying them I've been completely obsessed lately with cheesecake and more precisely this paleo chocolate cheesecake recipe paleo desserts don't have to be boring in fact they can be tasty and satisfying you just have to know how to make them and what the best ingredients are to use so that's what I have for you today at the end of the video I'll show you a couple ways that you can take your cheesecake to the next level so if you're looking for a paleo cheesecake recipe I have the best one so let's get started here's what you're gonna need for this paleo cheesecake recipe a cup of walnuts a cup of soaked cashews one cup of pitted dates half a cup of coconut cream 1/2 a teaspoon of sea salt 2 tablespoons of maple syrup a teaspoon of vanilla 1 teaspoon of coconut oil about 50 grams of chocolate shavings that are as pure chocolate as you can find a quarter cup of unprocessed coco you're gonna also need a blender a medium-sized pie tin a fork a spoon and some plastic wrap first we're gonna grab at your pitted dates and walnuts and head over to the blender so let's dump these guys in here we're gonna add just a dash of water alright then blend it up make sure you blend til it's sticky you're gonna use this for the crust so I scrape down the sides and blend it a couple times then we're going to spoon the mixture out onto your pie tin the crust is always my favorite part of pies any type of pie and I love that this one is made with dates they're like nature's candy and you can use them in so many desserts so we're gonna smash it down try to smash it down as even as you can it's gonna be a little chunky and that's okay next we're adding the cashews and we're gonna blast them in here for about a minute okay one minute next add the coconut cream our two tablespoons of maple syrup as he's doing a vanilla all your cocoa our coconut oil and half a teaspoon of sea salt okay now we're gonna blend all this for five minutes we want to make sure that the consistency is mousse-like and creamy okay quick mom tip here use this five minutes to wash all your dishes and clean up the kitchen as much as you can okay we are all done blending and now we're gonna pour the mixture into our pie tin over our pie crust make sure when you make this paleo cheesecake recipe that the consistency comes out mousse-like and creamy and thick and if it doesn't you can always add a little coconut cream at a time and that will fluff it up oh my gosh this came out so thick and wonderful looks so good it's actually even tasty like this if you maybe added a couple marshmallows you could have it like a pudding I have a major sweet tooth so I know all the tricks and all the different ways that you can enjoy natural clean desserts we could help thick and fluffy this turned out okay now we're going to cover our cheesecake with plastic wrap and stick it in the freezer for about three hours in this paleo cheesecake recipe we suggest that you garnish it with these very dark chocolate shavings and actually these are cacao nibs so there's hardly any sugar in them none at all but feel free to get creative here you can add fresh fruit or nuts or even sliced dried fruit maybe even some flowers to make it look pretty so stick this in the freezer for three hours and get on to homework or a dance party or getting on the treadmill for 30 minutes okay on to our dance party okay I just grabbed our paleo cheesecake out of the freezer and it looks wonderful now you just have to let your paleo cheesecake sit and thaw for about 15 minutes before you serve it once your cheesecake has the bite of the freezer down you're going to take your garnish and put it on top today for our dinner party I am using almond milk whipped cream you can also use coconut milk whipped cream and they are still paleo then take your chocolate garnish or cacao nibs and sprinkle them on top remember you can add fruit slices dried fruit nuts whatever you'd like on top I hope you try my paleo cheesecake recipe and enjoy it as much as me and my family do comment below and let me know how you like it check out our article on well mekong which contains of this recipe and so many more paleo cheesecake recipes for you to try the link is in the description below ok we are off to our dinner party with our yummy paleo cheesecake to share see you next time be healthy you can also subscribe to my channel here or follow me on drea Taylor and while we calm overrun social .
Video Description:
READ more about our Paleo Cheesecake Recipe here: https://wellme.com/diets/paleo/paleo-recipes/desserts-paleo/paleo-cheesecake/
LEARN more about the paleo diet with recipes here: https://wellme.com/diets/paleo/
Do you have a sweet tooth? When you’re following the Paleo diet plan, you may find yourself craving sweet, delicious treats all the time. Luckily, you don’t have to forgo desserts when you’re following this weight loss program. Learning a Paleo cheesecake recipe (or — in this case — three!) will help you stay on track while still enjoying the tasty desserts you love most.
Eating store-bought cheesecakes is out of the question. They’re full of ingredients that don’t align with the Paleo meal plan. That means you’re going to have to get creative and hit the kitchen. Want to know the secret to a perfect Paleo cheesecake recipe?
I have the answer! The amazing thing about my Paleo cheesecake recipes is that they avoid processed ingredients or added sugars completely. That means they’re 100% diet-friendly while still tasting absolutely irresistible and creamy. All of the taste in my Paleo cheesecake recipes comes from natural sources, such as fruits, spices, and nuts. These ingredients give the desserts a deep level of flavor. Delicious!
Of course, you can never have too much of a good thing! That’s why I’m sharing not one Paleo cheesecake recipe but three! Each of these cakes is different so I’m sure you’ll find one here that suits your personal taste. From my lemon and ginger Paleo cheesecake recipe to my rich and chocolatey Paleo cheesecake recipe, there’s something for everyone. Take a look at each recipe and decide which one you prefer.
Ready to get started? It doesn’t matter whether you’re a whiz in the kitchen or completely new to cooking, I’ve got you covered. Each of these Paleo cheesecake recipe guides is super straightforward and easy to master. Simply watch the video and follow my step-by-step directions. You can’t go wrong!
----- WATCH more like this: Paleo Breakfast Muffin Recipe - EASY MEAL PREP https://youtu.be/3TIXYMBXJH0
Fudgy Paleo Brownies (just 7 ingredients) https://youtu.be/jdIYnUWURGM ----- SUBSCRIBE to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvLPEJU8YgxRnTncYIdVxPQ
Simple Paleo Recipes right here: http://paleodietadvice.com/paleogrubs.php
This has got to be one of the best paleo diet desserts available, tasty and very simple to make. They work perfect as paleo diet desserts or just as snacks for during the day. If you are intolerant to gluten then these will be a perfect addition to your gluten free desserts recipes! This is just one of the many 1000 recipes you can have access to by just clicking the link at the top of this video description. It comes with many simple paleo recipes that you can easily make on such a wide range of topics. Paleo dessert recipes are the most interesting as you are very limited on your ingredient list if you are sticking to full Paleo. If you are looking for other free paleo recipes which are in text and/or video format then please check out the Paleo Diet Advice Blog or subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking the Subscribe button above!
What You Need-
• 150g Ground Cashews • 100g Ground Pecans • 200g Dates • 2 Tablespoons Cocoa • Squeeze of a lemon • Handful of Strawberries • Shredded Coconut
Instructions- Preheat your oven to 210F or 100C, slice the strawberries into quarters and roast for 40 minutes. Chop up your dates and then flatten them all by hand, add in the ground cashews and pecans along with the lemon juice and cocoa. When your strawberries are cooled, add them and mix everything together. Roll into balls in your desired size and then roll in the coconut shavings.
Thanks for watching! Paleo Diet Advice http://paleodietadvice.com
you only have two minutes and you're cramming desserts and you should make one of my paleo mug cakes matcha chocolate or vanilla and no microwave no problem you can also make it an oven or an air fryer to get a measuring cup and three tablespoons or 21 grams superfine almond flour and the other two dry ingredients hearts put in a teaspoon of salt and of course the matcha how could I forget put in a teaspoon of matcha I like to use breakaway my child culinary reserve not anything super fancy but you want a high quality matcha if you want it to be nice and green when it comes out so whisk it until it's all uniform then to this you're gonna add a tablespoon of hot oil or melted ghee or melted coconut oil it's up to you tablespoon and a half of maple syrup or a tablespoon and a quarter of honey quarter teaspoon of vanilla one large egg so there are no labs super uniform the egg is fully distributed there's no almond flour and corners it is unmixed should be a little bit ribbony when you're whisking it and be aggressive don't just use a spoon and do it like definitely use a whisk if you've got one cup 5 to 12 ounces just make sure it's microwave safe in make sure there's nothing there's no almond flour in the corners I kind of see some so I'm using my whisk I don't get anything with unblended mixed in pour that all in see can see some in the corner so just make sure you're making sure that everything was well mixed that can be the difference between a nice spongy light cake and something that kind of pops up and deflate you take this to the microwave so we have an older microwave um it's 900 watts and at 900 watts a minute and 30 seconds is a perfect amount of time just accordingly of course stick your cup right in the middle because that way it hopefully will rise informally like it's pretty deep and it did surprise the microwave but it has a really great lift especially if you've got a little six ounce cup let it cool for a little bit so let's say you don't have matcha no big deal and totally make a vanilla or chocolate version of this mud cake same base semi tablespoons or 21 grams of almond flour 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda and salt and then depending on what you're making you can add a tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa for the chocolate version but just like the one before you want to whisk together your dry ingredients and the vanilla version same base almond flour salt and baking soda let's get together no other dry ingredients because you're gonna add vanilla extract sometimes it's lopsided and that's okay you can eat your mistakes so for everyone who doesn't have a microwave you can totally transfer the batter to an oven-safe ramekin like this and you can bake it in your toaster oven 350 degrees for about 18 to 20 minutes this one I dated my air fryer but it kind of exploded a little bit 325 degrees for about 30 to 50 minutes the texture is a little bit different like I'll show you and watch tape we made earlier it is super and it pops right out of the cup it is super nice and spongy and it's tender and delicious so you guys should totally make this chocolate vanilla or matcha you can top it or not it's delicious .
Video Description:
Want to whip up a single serving of homemade gluten-free cake in just minutes? This paleo mug cake is a delicious sponge cake that you can bake in your microwave, toaster oven, or air fryer! I provide 3 delicious mug cake flavors: matcha, chocolate, or vanilla! Matcha cake recipe: 00:24 Vanilla and chocolate cake recipe: 4:07 Full recipe: https://nomnompaleo.com/matcha-mug-cake-paleo-gluten-free For more recipes and Paleo food ideas, follow me on Instagram!: https://www.instagram.com/nomnompaleo/ #paleo #glutenfree #glutenfreecake
sometimes the long road to wellbeing seems exhausting and lonely you know what to eat but you're not sure how to cook it in a delicious way maybe you're tired of thinking constantly about food how to prepare it how to curb cravings you want to focus on enjoying a healthy vibrant life but your food gets repetitive and boring plus you're constantly adjusting recipes to remove toxic ingredients so prevalent in most cookbooks you need a resource like the paleo recipe book this brand new cookbook gives you gorgeous photos convenient tips and tons of easy paleo recipes it's designed to be easy to follow and full of natural ingredients to keep you nourished and energized you'll drool over the 350 plus recipes neatly organized into 18 go to categories all kinds of meats salads and snacks stews and sides seafood breakfasts sauces and condiments and other dishes that will work no matter what time of day you're looking for something tasty access the paleo recipe book by clicking below right now and dive in to 395 pages full of food you'll love to eat chorizo burgers with fried eggs and onions almond banana pancakes roasted chicken breasts wrapped in bacon with leeks salmon with Clementine ginger relish dark chocolate almond butter treats even pumpkin pie you'll also get a media access to convenient references like a comprehensive paleo food list your best online resources and all sorts of helpful charts and guides to make your journey to wellness easy bonus get it today to get four special gifts first the cookbook quick and simple paleo meals which is full of speedy streamlined complete paleo meal recipes designed to minimize the hassles of prep all of these meals include a main dish plus a complementing side another free bonus the eight-week paleo meal plan this comprehensive 56 day meal plan guides you through over 2 months worth of breakfast lunch dinner and snacks a solidly valuable tool plus you'll get the herb and spice guide 29 pages of photos and instructions for the best ways to use herbs and spices in your Paleo kitchen finally we'll throw in the paleo desserts cookbook to sweeten the deal 15 mouth-watering dessert recipes like dark chocolate almond bark cranberry muffins apple dumplings made from natural ingredients like almond flour raw honey and coconut oil that's four books worth of additional deliciousness for free you won't find wheat corn and oats in any of these cookbooks no need to worry about modifying these recipes to omit vegetable oil sugar fruit juices or dairy and none of these recipes include toxic foods like soy peanuts legumes process ingredients or preservatives you can rely upon all the recipes in the paleo recipe book to help you achieve your goal of vibrant health the author of the paleo recipe book sebastian noel is a nutrition fitness and healthy lifestyle enthusiast he's honed years of experimentation research and personal challenges into the 16th guide to the optimal human diet one centered around the natural food your body was designed to eat sebastian has helped hundreds of thousands of people through his Paleo diet lifestyle website he believes you can treat just about any health problem with the right food and right lifestyle achieving optimal vibrant health through the Paleo diet feels a lot like what you imagined a few minutes ago you'll be well rested radiating energy with benefits like effortless weight loss flawless skin mental clarity and a natural positive attitude even better the recipes are easy to follow even if you don't have any cooking skills you'll still be able to make yourself hundreds of tantalizing tasty meals and will give you cooking tips along the way sounds pretty great right a simple roadmap to create magnificent meals made with only the food your body was designed to thrive on organized perfectly endless variety no repetitive meals flavors you'll savor without the need for special equipment in-depth prep or high-level chef skills the paleo recipe book gives you the power to change your life improve your health and still have time to enjoy your family and friends best of all it's always at your fingertips via PC Mac even your tablet or smartphone easy to browse search or print you'll get access to the paleo recipe book and all of its valuable resources right now and just a few clicks via an instant download ebook for only twenty seven dollars on top of that we'll throw in those four bonuses we talked about quick and simple paleo meal cookbook the paleo meal plan book the urban spice guide and the paleo desserts cookbook all absolutely free you'll have everything you need to start living a delicious life for $27 click below to make a one hundred percent secure purchase and put yourself on the path to optimal health we're certain you'll love the lifestyle paleo recipe book puts at your fingertips so we offer a complete no questions asked refund within 60 days if for whatever reason you're not satisfied twenty seven dollars for a wealth of information and recipes excellent deal factor in the gift of optimal health and lifelong wellness and it's priceless click now to access the paleo recipe book right away fuel your body with the ideal foods to start living the life you were designed to live .
Video Description:
CLICK HERE: → http://bit.ly/Paleo-recipe-book ← to get a 12 dollar discount. Delicious Paleo Menu here at Your Service Obesity is a major problem in every household. Both children and adult suffer from this lifestyle disease especially due to irregular and unhealthy food habits. Excess of body fat has many adverse effects on the body leading up to diseases like heart problems and diabetes. Obese people have the tendency to opt for junk food whenever they are available. These junk foods and the irregular meals are the causes of gaining unnecessary body mass that not only snatches your physical fitness but also make you prone to tiredness within every short period of activity. If you follow paleo diet menu regularly, you can keep your weight increase in check. There are plenty of books available in the market on paleo recipes. The paleolithic diet or more popularly known as caveman diet is a nutrition plan imitating the diet plans of ancient people who used to take wild plants and animals containing different food values and their diverse food charts kept their bodies healthy and strong enough to fight all natural adversities and remain fit all the year. We are originally linked with nature and perhaps that is why natural diet plan proves to be healthy for us other than artificial foods like noodles, rolls, canned juices, processed foods. My point is if you can afford some time and if you have easy-to-prepare recipes available, why don't you try something on your own to stay healthy? Of course, when we are in a hurry or in such a busy schedule that we can't prepare foods and then we have to depend on packet foods, processed foods or street foods. Here are some easy-to-prepare recipes for everyday paleo food list. Choose one by one and try them at home. You can prepare breakfast in the weekends from the plaeo breakfast ideas and surprise your families. The Book of Paleo Recipes: 350 Paleo Diet Recipes is a masterly solution for the headache of how to prepare healthy and tasty recipes. When doctors say, that your weight is increasing alarmingly, you perhaps do everything possible to control weight -- take medicines, go to gym, stop eating et al. But all goes in vain. Skipping meals was never the way to lose weight; it only makes you weaker within. Eat as much as you want but eat healthy. Do not eat many things at a time, take three meals regularly and you will see how your health is getting well. Our 350 recipes cover all requirements including mouth-watering paleo dinner recipes, healthy paleo meal plan, sweet and tasty paleo desserts, energizing paleo diet breakfast etc. We not only provide main course recipes for paleo meals but also some minute-made recipes for quick serve. Paleo menu includes fish, meats, eggs, vegetables, fruits, fungi, roots, nuts, grains, legumes, diary products, potatoes, refined salt and sugar and processed oils. For proper fitness you need to keep your mind healthy and mind is at its happiest state when you eat tasty menus. Keeping that in mind we have given recipes that will increase your hunger for natural foods. Do not forget to watch this helpful video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUpB5Um8T2g. Summary: This article summarizes the need for a paleo diet in today's world and talks about the book containing 350 healthy and tasty paleo recipes. Author's Bio: The author ______, introduces you to the book containing everyday paleo food list with paleo meal plan and paleo menu and many more. The Book Of Paleo Recipes - 350 Paleo Diet Recipes https://www.youtube.com/edit?video_id=ZUpB5Um8T2g&ns=1&o=U ______________________ paleo desserts everyday paleopaleo food list paleo dinner recipes paleo breakfast ideas paleo meal plan paleo plan paleo meals paleo diet menu paleo diet breakfast paleo recipes paleo diet recipes