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Monday, March 1, 2021


Paleo Italian Wedding Soup- Paleo Recipe

hey what's up Jason Yun LVN online fitness com lion tamer online com coming to you from the kitchen once again we got a healthy paleo meal for you again today we're making paleo Italian Wedding soup so let's get it going so it's coming from our fast paleo cookbooks top 100 so the ingredients you're going to need I don't I'm all set up here but you're going to need coconut flour a half a cup and you'll need oregano 1 or for the four meatballs you'll need quarter cup teaspoon dried oregano quarter cup teaspoon dried basil 1 egg 1 clove garlic grated you'll need 2 tablespoons of parsley you convince that two tablespoons grated onion you'll need ground turkey so we have trader joe's butcher shop alright and salt and pepper to taste and then for the soup you will need 12 cups of chicken broth ok we have a trader joes organic free-range chicken breath today and you need tbsp olive oil 1 stalk celery one diced carrot 1 diced medium onion and quarter teaspoon dried basil or teaspoon dried oregano 5 ounces of spinach and two eggs beaten and that's salt and pepper to taste so that's all for the ingredients I will get to work on the first step and get to shown it to you alright so the first thing I can do is heal up your oil chop up your vegetables put those the onion carrot and celery into the olive oil and click that till the vegetables are nice and tender and then while that is happening I will show you the next step so once you get that started then you're going to add the ingredients for the meatballs all together so add your meatballs grated onion parsley garlic powder bag coconut flour basil and oregano and salt and pepper to taste and then you form your little meatballs out of here so depends on how big you want to make them so it's up to you how big you want to make them so I'll put those meatballs together and get to the next step okay so that's what we've been talking about seven minutes now so look pretty good I am going to add them into the big pot of chicken broth and cook that up or bring it up to a gentle simmer still working on the meat battles over here and then once I got the big pot up to a general sooner i will add the meatballs and then i'll show you the next step also don't forget to season with your basil and oregano as you're bringing that up to the center all right so while you're a soup is boiling up finished all the meatballs you want to get your spinach ready and also your two eggs so you're going to add that at the very end after you add the meatballs but we'll get to that and make sure you the next step back to that alright so the soup is starting to simmer so I'm going to be adding the meatballs in here so should take about 7 10 minutes for the meatballs to cook and they'll start rising to the top once they are done all right and then I will show you the next step with the eggs and the spinach and that should be the last step for the paleo Italian Wedding soup so all right so the meatballs come into the top looks like they're done pretty much now we're going to add the fish ok so I'll write a speech let it cook and soften for about a minute whoopsie there we go do that a couple handfuls here spinach awesome super food and the greatest foods healthiest foods on the planet all right we'll let that cook a minute and then I'll show you the last step which is the eggs you can also salt and pepper to taste now as well all right last step is you can take the eggs sure they were whisked up Hank and you're going to put it into the soup as the egg yolk hits you want to be stirring in as well so here we go all right that is last step so we will be able to give this a taste test and let you know how much turned out good alright so it is all done as you are doing the taste test let's get to work yummy yummy school down a little bit get some onion some spinach that's it some broth so that's good it's very good it's very good right it's yummy soup goodbye you to request for more so very good recipe very delicious give it a try and let me know what you thought of the recipe remember it's from the best paleo top 100 recipes so I'm going to link down below get that yourself don't forget you can download a free 30-day paleo challenge ebook that I wrote so download that dude paleo challenge by the wise rate comment like this video you know I subscribe got a lot more videos coming for you it's all I stands Jason Young from the kitchen saying stay strong stay positive be the improvement war you today have a great day you .

Video Description:

This recipe is from the Top 100 Fast Paleo Recipe Book:

Jason Yun makes the Paleo Italian wedding soup. Very tasty recipe. Let me know what you think of it.

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Saturday, February 13, 2021


BEST HEALTHY BROCCOLI SOUP | paleo, dairy-free, gluten-free

*music* Hi this is Steph from and today we're making my Comforting Creamy Broccoli Soup aka
Crack Soup. This is one of my favorite soups ever. If you know me you know how
much I love soup. This one is perfect if you're dairy-free.
It tastes just like a cream of broccoli soup but without the dairy or cream. There's no milk so you're able to stick to a dairy-free way of eating.

start with a leek. A leek if you've never seen it looks like a green
onion on steroids. It looks exactly the same. It's light green and white on the
bottom and dark green on the top. The trick with a leek though is they get really dirty on the inside.

So what I do is I slice
the leek lengthwise down the middle and then I take those and run them under
the faucet so that I get any grit out because nobody who wants gritty soup. I take that leek and then I chop it up. I also chop up half of a white onion and
then about a pound of broccoli. To the leek, the onion, and the broccoli you're
going to add two cloves of garlic. Then we're going to add the liquids.

liquids in this recipe are going to be 4 cups of chicken stock. I would recommend
homemade if you can. If you can't and you have to buy chicken stock from the
grocery store, that's fine. Just try to look for something that's low sodium or
sodium free. That way you can control the saltiness of the broth by adding your
own seasonings at the end.

I also add a cup of coconut milk and that's what
gives it that body, that gives it the creamy texture and the really nice
mouthfeel and flavor without adding any dairy at all. I also like to add (to just
give it that little buttery edge) I like to add a little bit of ghee which is a
clarified butter. You could certainly add add grass-fed butter if you want or you
can just leave that part out but I think that gives it a little secret
creaminess and flavor that you can't get from other types of fats and oils. You're going to add all of that to the pot, and you just
put it on the stove bring it to a boil for about 20 minutes. You going to simmer that until the vegetables are soft.

Then from there carefully add that to a blender. Sometimes I do it
in two batches in case it gets a little bit too full. You're going to
blend that on high for about a minute until the soup is nice and creamy and
you can serve it right from there. Sometimes I like to top this soup with a
little bit of shredded chicken and that makes it a complete meal. You could serve
it alongside a salad and a piece of steak and you're going to have a
delicious weeknight dinner that takes almost no time to prepare.

For my
Comforting Creamy Broccoli Soup aka Crack Soup and more recipes just like it
head to .

Video Description:

Comforting Creamy Broccoli Soup is like a warm hug in a bowl. This dairy-free, gluten-free, paleo, whole30 soup comes together in less than 30 minutes. It's packed with veggies and super healthy.

The method is simple: Simmer chopped veggies in gut-soothing chicken broth, add a splash of coconut milk and blend it until it's smooth. I always make a double batch because this soup is so delicious and flavorful. It' earned the nickname Crack Soup because it's so a good way!

Get the FULL Comforting Creamy Broccoli Soup recipe here:

Be sure to subscribe for more cooking show episodes:

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7" chef's knife:


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Thursday, January 28, 2021


The Paleo Way - Chicken Bone Broth with Anthia Koullouros

as a hopeless I know that additional value so we're actually adding in medicine food as medicine Anthea Caloris is a naturopath and herbalist the owner of Ivo organics are the heir champions food as the ultimate medicine and is passionate about educating and inspiring people to take care of their minds and bodies with natural sustainable solutions Thank You jokey nice to have a little herb garden smell oh yeah today after you and I will be making her classic healthy chicken soup - the whole thing I've taken the liberty of actually making a chicken stock and boiling a chicken so we've done a bit of the hard work which it's not really hard to work in oh it's so easy when we make a good chicken stock I usually keep all the kitchen scraps tops of celery on your carrots these are the basic vegetables and remembering our bone stock we put garlic which is good for a cold and flu yeah with lots of girl like in there the other thing to mention when we make a bone stock if we put some apple cider vinegar and salt which I did what you did perfect that extracts all the minerals and nutrients put in bones chicken carcasses or whole chicken and we let that simmer 4 to 6 hours some people use a slow food cooker and then we've basically strained it separated the chicken from the whole shook where you can turn this into any number of meals when it's back into a chicken soup or whether it's a chicken salad or pop it into a curry exactly I think everyone should know how to make a good basic stock a soup okay what's first so we bring this up to the simmer our lovely stock which is full of good nutrition and we will finally dice one carrot nice and small nice and small and we're keeping the skin on for extra nutrition normally you'd be peeling the exterior part which might contain a pesticide fertilizer etc so as long as we're starting off with good organic produce we don't need to really peel so much so we're gonna keep all this goodness and all that goodness continues from the stalks of celery and silverbeet right up into the leaves do you eat soup or broths all the time pretty much I don't take supplements and so I see it as my multivitamin essentially into a soup that's half a zucchini honey does keep the skin on keep the skins on the zucchini keep the skins on the pumpkin do you see a pattern here so we're going to use parsley and I have a feeling you go this stands in all of it oh that nothing goes to waste nothing we've got sage with some time for me thinking chicken soup we're thinking cold flu so sage and thyme are antiseptic I know you're gonna use the stalks and the stems yes I like this type of cooking nothing to waste nothing waste if no so we got over there you're some ginger we've got some ginger which actually encourages circulation to all the extremities it's anti-inflammatory that's going to work so well with our lemon that we'll be using at the very very end I guess we're ready to see them yeah we can put a little bit the salt now perfect and this is great because this gelatin is the gold in bone stock so anti-inflammatory and healing and it's good for musculoskeletal health that's the stuff that we want that's the jelly that's the jelly the gelatin beautiful so put some of that into the falls I'm loving this recipe it's so simple that's so fresh look at the colors in there it's great to cook with a naturopath because it got so much information about every ingredient I know I could keep talking but alright so we'll add some lemon zest lemon zest have lovely antioxidant properties antibacterial and it's the essential oils that yield better the lemon zest so you can smell that to start and then lemon juice because ginger lemon and garlic always go so well together and with the addition of sage and thyme you've got such a good medicinal soup so what else those sales rid of their whole food I love it but it's real food it's not a tablets not a potion it is just a good honest - I assure you you've got the big girl thanks Peter well are you I like eating good food lots of it he loved this everybody would love this .

Video Description:

Pete Evans is in the kitchen with Anthia Koullouros of Ovvio Organics, making her classic healthy chicken soup.

To see more recipes visit

Friday, January 22, 2021


Chicken and Veggies Paleo Soup! | in the kitchen with Mrs.Leader! (With Annotations)


Video Description:

My time-lapse step by step process for cooking my Chicken and Veggies Paleo soup.

I am by no means a professional chef, but this is definitely my go to soup for the cold nights, and to help recover from the sniffles.

The ingredients are: Chicken thighs (quarter size cuts), half large white onion, carrots, zucchini, celery, tomatoes, green onions, cilantro, and 4 cloves of garlic.



Wednesday, January 20, 2021


Paleo/Mutton Soup Recipe In Tamil |Healthy Food In Tamil Soup Recipe- Rifah's Kitchen

then some to the fastest channel either vertically very fast kitchen and subscribe for new layout up another common with any subscribe unequal no food available Cabella connected funny color upper the now my channel of an update on Lynwood and couldn't on the serum usually main apakah Polina wrongdoing the healthy on Martin Angelica suits at this island of longer even theory on Oracle in and out their love for a mixie jar legend among gyeom for a urogram eleven either cap you know there were Perry that curly sliced funny Mitchell cam array though dad pentagram people either not Lanakila Richard Ludlow when the fine page to achieve the conga soup stay a star Pinellas diversity on paneer tikka cooker it with chicken to color 1/2 teaspoon check live and learn unlearn and paneer camp in equal just sued out on Sudan is only Villawood Apache Malaga Panetta will kick our edema and running and interpersonal occur at Pawnee conga Widow this but spectrum will yell economy rendering that mannequin even a low-protein Ciavarella was funny which will come mutton pieces I do not panic am now and then in Chilam Balam on Gilligan namely the Moslem and a diploma it is AR rahman al Arco either symbol of a cheater made over on the north side did people Allah in the in male in the mutton pieces on this way follow button allow a new live into the railing will Aurora tablespoon with Pat paneer camp near the catonian awakening with Pat panic on girl if you will at the main Harlem expand Evita cram it expand UT to an underlying element the deliver Ella wonder teaspoon in Jeep on the post at panel can develop a me another mix funny will take around energy plan to paste over los smell forever it made another novel Anika paramour call TSP biryani masala paneer can easily roll up in Maine Allah makes funny with a crab if bullied overall feel for overcome the enemy alone with mental foramen ovale liver 11 going to color our choo-choo cafes to go dad finito mix funny with the crap he loaded faulty spoon 1 jul 2013 22 Linda but show us an uproar over it may vanilla even 11 liberally in the principal owner or a tablespoon zero go to las peñitas mix funny with the crap if you don't lemon on the cottage for a model regular Danny add paneer cap ningún are elaborate Aeneid panic on one button please when the way home or another eight Annie at panic lock he'd love kendama Gautam le lapin Erica at panettone lip and Nico the ciabatta Tom Cody Ciavarella what it is for me like a toilet laughs an AirCam had pending an alum expanding it aground people in the tangi manila code achieve our nose called achieve Arella namaka Carla moody which Allah Modi Anjali silky than our track under the sill copper AMA open penny per Coulomb so foreign hair day on a mutton soup normal kipper idha winning a colander il codice or lo Porto voting woulda lumps so analytical a away from achieving a booty good along there's much on pace for a partner now love in the ship but humble attempt Aladdin widening a towards the starting now remember of Babylon could quorum lenalidomide Ambika I pray they were serving Banco Martinez take long sparring her remember of Miami on a super unhealthy animal soup friend will subpoena multiple ready I'm Chu in the recipient will Colombo furniture company numeric on the witness I try funnies in this Africa the video will kromm approach in the now like Panama someone put in the Oval uber a family and friends Kimora for Michelle Panama we passed Kitchener subscribed on angle thank you so much for watching .

Video Description:

Mutton soup recipe is good for health, it is one of the paleo recipes, it contains plenty of calcium and protein. It also makes for cozy comfort food when you are sick, so it is one of the healthy food recipes.


Tuesday, January 19, 2021


How to cook cabbage vegetable soup. Paleo and gluten free.

today we're going to be making vegetable cabbage soup and you can add beef to this if you want which I do but my girlfriend doesn't eat beef so I make a vegetarian and make a beef on the side this is just something I made up this whole recipe so here's what you're going to need one head of cabbage garlic carrots I don't really have measurements i'll just do whatever there's some carrots ask some Yukon yellow potatoes I like to use yellow onions poblano peppers some roma tomatoes I like to use butter always use grass-fed butter you can use whatever you want you can use olive oil whatever I like to taste the butter and I like grass-fed butter I said it's better for you if that's true but whatever salt beef broth some tomato juice here we have time which is a key ingredient crushed red pepper and some parsley so got some butter in the pan I keep this on like a medium to high sort of heat as medium about that much butter it's a big old chunk of it everything I make try to do healthy stuff I like to work out a lot and eat right now you might be looking at this big pool of melted butter and think I can I'm a complete dumbass for saying that but this is going to feed me and my girlfriend for a whole week it'll Bart probably about 14 or 15 bowls where the soup so it's not a whole lot of butter per serving when you break it down like that then we like to eat everything pretty natural so here comes you give those a nice stir you let those sweat down nice and caramelize there so as you can see these onions are cooking for a few minutes now getting nice and soft in that butter so now I'm gonna add in the garlic I love garlic so use a shitload of it this is probably I don't even know like 12 cloves all right so we got the onions and garlic cooking here the next ingredient I'm gonna add in is some carrots now I don't like a whole ton of carrots in my soup I like carrots with just too much overwhelms the flavor in my opinion I usually get it in there to where it looks about like that right so that onion carrot and garlic has been cooking down nicely so what I have next is the poblano pepper and you can use whatever kind of pepper you want here he's a bell pepper you don't even have to use pepper if you don't want but poblano peppers are my favorite and nary there's about two pretty small poblano peppers finely chopped just stir that in the mixture there all right next I'm gonna add in the chopper roma tomatoes a little deranged so stir this up all right so bottle that cooking here time to add in the potatoes I use these nice beautiful yellow Yukon potatoes I would definitely recommend those you can use what I always say you use whatever you want you could use red potatoes but these are the best kind of a nice like little bite-sized potions so now I'm going to do them a stir these bad boys in there put some yellow green red orange okay now here's the part I pretty much got most of the stuff chopped up here now what I'm going to do crank up the heat on high I'm to start at NEX more add in this tomato juice now and add the rest of this beef broth stir it up so now this is all heating up when i add in the star of the show the cabbage you can see it some of you might not know how to cut a cabbage not to fear I'm going to show you how a real quick right here get it in there cut that bugger off and what I do now like I said I'm not a professional chef I just kind of taught myself all this cut it in the force I kind of find this little knob of right here and I kind of scoop cut it out like that throw that in the group garbage and then I just kind of cut it in this kind of fashion cabbage cabbage is really good for you low in carbohydrates high in fiber and then I kind of the way I wanted to go into the soup is kind of like these long little skinny strands like this so that's generally how I try to cut it and appear like a ridiculous amount of cabbage first but once it cooks down he comes out nicely so here comes that in there all this cabbage is going to bring the temperature down I'm going to stir this up making a mess Oh okay so it's been about five minutes or so and as you can see this cow that just cooked down a little bit now as I move my spoon through this I can see that it's pretty damn thick a little thicker than I'd like it to be so all I'm going to do here is add about eight ounces of water boy full them is going to add this in and I find that it's always safe to add two little than too much so to start with eight and if I need more I can add more so now that I got that in them a stir it so now I like the way my spoons of it through this a lot more already so now I'm going to add my spices this is the key to making this tastes good mersing the add salt and I'm just gonna kind of no no put that much in there whatever that is kind of kind of add these to your liking I like stuff salty next time a crushed red pepper you can add black pepper if you want I just prefer crust red I'm just going to add about that much my girlfriend and I like stuff spicy so about that much we'll stir that in this is a secret the key is time and with this I kind of just eyeball it it's pretty strong so you want to be careful not to put too much but hey like a chunk like that and kind of sprinkle it over see kind of looks like that on top cry out a little bit more about half that amount this time there you go sprinkle it in and that's probably about good for that even though it's my favorite ingredient in there I've definitely done this before put too much time in and kind of ruined it some Italian parsley dried parsley if you had fresh parsley be even better but I don't that just takes up too much time I do about the same amount of parsley about half as much as time put in there stir it up I almost forgot I'm an idiot this has been sitting here the whole time and I totally forgot can of diced tomatoes go ahead and add that in I just added it in as you can see i'm going to reduce the heat now to a medium low and i'm going to let that simmer for an hour this is the most important part you got to let it simmer for an hour but all those flavors come together like i said you want an hour and you want to give it a stir every 10 or 15 minutes just like this this is going to be really good in our ito when I stir just let it go for an hour so I'm going to turn the camera off now for an hour all right so it's been about an hour as you can see everything is done here soup looks amazing nice and thick and just hearty and delicious paleo gluten-free healthy soup super cheap super easy you can do whatever version of it you want hope you enjoy have a wonderful wonderful day .

Video Description:

This is my own recipe for cabbage/vegetable/tomato soup. It's paleo, and gluten free. I think its vegetarian unless you consider beef broth not to be vegetarian. The beef is optional and delicious if you choose to use it.

Saturday, January 16, 2021


Cauliflower Rosemary vegan paleo soup!

hey everyone hey it's Sophie from philosophy as your normal Tuesday at ten broadcast and we have a very very special guest today Cassandra my dear friend who just wrote this a beautiful cookbook eat with intention I'm so excited to share a recipe today from it yay thank you so much for having yeah yeah so Cassie and I are good friends we met well II six months ago maybe more uptight yeah one in cheek yeah we met actually in Florida on a retreat with Garden of Life a great brand and we are both live in LA so we're connected through all kinds of worlds the yoga world the world and the food world and you block travels a lot devil are illnesses and picking exactly so I wanted to bring her on today and just share one of her recipes something that could be Thanksgiving friendly mm-hmm it's a great holiday recipe out of other thanksgiving or like you know down the line for christmas or your holidays i love this mm-hmm so we're making a cauliflower soup yeah rosemary apples elsa than this um we have a smell so good so good yeah we're uh stationary it smells delicious in here because we have some grilled onions and garlic on the burner which in doesn't like yeah I walked on the stairs oh my god speak to I guess I play in your house and then like a command I could smells so good yeah that's just beyond yeah yeah maybe like a normal day just like well done for no reason I put onions in everything yeah my boy here comes always like it smells so good is just onions yeah so we want to show you really quickly my husband ideas behind the camera yeah thank you hi everybody um Thank You addy for doing that and yes we wanted to show you how easy this recipe is if you want to come to a close up at d of all the ingredients that we have we have onion powder olive oil we have garlic powder fresh rosemary Dijon mustard mmm philosophy brain dream which will add at the end my product line that has 10 grams of protein per tablespoon and all the greens you need oh you make this oh I mean I didn't know that and then we have three cups of almond milk already here so it's unsweetened all yeah unsweetened almond milk and then what we have behind s in the oven is I'll just give you a little sneak peek in and come in here mowing some cauliflower there's a scratch and sniff yes oh my god and then we're roasting some apples there and that's one of the beauty of this recipe and then on the back burner here like we just said we have some onions and garlic that look delicious and there's cross them a little olive oil right there and the beauty of this recipe is I'm a big fan of roasting and especially always like to think about hosting while I'm cooking so roasting is one of those great things you chop it up it takes five seconds you can have like a kid do it you can have a a friend do it they don't need to know what they're doing cuz we're going to put everything in the blender anyways so it could look like whatever does and you're not as occupy like in the kitchen constantly doing stuff exactly glad I get to its Fang let it do anything it's in the and then you blend it up and this is also because it's so easy you can easily make it the night before two days before store it in the fridge just heat it up there so that you could be with your gay how many days do you think this could store and the fridge in a closed container um i would say at least like 33 days yeah yeah i'm sure would last longer than that but you could if you're gonna do long that just free rate it freeze it now make it like a big ass this isn't really today's Tuesday I think students Thursday if you have something to bring to a potluck to be a great thing to bring yeah everyone loves soup and the thing I love about the soup is that it's super simple which you guys will learn but when you make it it's the flavors are really complex so it's one of those dishes which I strive for like I was in the book that the raspberries in this book are those dishes that are really easy to make but have complex flavor people are arrested at our wall today I'd like long as I can throw in the blender but I'm promises they're gonna say yes because we got it we have the Apple in the phone narrating ariad's this really nice lover but I love this because I was always a big fan of creamy soups and of the holidays my family would always have one creamy soup and i wouldnt able to have dairy for almost a decade now and literally every time I'm good oh I have the butternut squash soup where can I that to know like now I put heavy clean with it so this soup is like creamy and decadent and rich and amazing totally planted totally dairy-free and so you don't need to peel yeah so what you'll see about plant-based it's Gary free it's also gluten free mm-hmm um technically it's paleo yeah I guess yeah thank you know there's no forgotten three Bono's almond you wanna make it nut-free sure i'm using coconut milk coconut milk unsweetened coconut milk so there you go awesome I get them all except our neck is it Erik Terry it is family era Therrien it's good for water faster okay let's start it yeah what did we do this please do it um wrist bone first things first I would I guess you could evolve over yeah we've had all in the blender so do I explain what you did back here yeah most thing we did it here first things first we did we just had one head of cauliflower we chopped it up we put it on our baking sheet right here I just put a little salt pepper olive oil toss the colleague are in the olive oil and then we use some of our garlic and onion powder um I member just boasting in for me it's you know totally up to you but I like to roast it until it gets really golden brown because that's in the flavors super young Sheree Rose together it's why I put it on 450 now alright because I like to speed up the roasting but if you're just chillin you could do it on 350 yeah um and then family with the apple literally all you're doing is slicing up a nice red apple playing in there and you just let it golden up ah so when you slice it really thin right I slice it really thin we're going to use half of that for the soup and the other half of that just to decorate it and make it look really pretty and so the thing we're going to add last is the rosemary once we blend everything up and then we put it on the stove will put the rosemary and last but everything else we can add looking at all of these before we get the closet right so we're just going to do three tablespoons of Dijon mustard and I'll write the recipe after this we'll post the recipe afterwards yeah I'm an expert at iron thing tells you exactly xfer the mess then one and two tablespoons of olive oil again I'm a big make as you go of course that exact recipe is in the book we will share with you but I think part of the fun of it it's not like this recipe can't mess it up yeah I can really can't mess it up right you put it together and just tasted as you go add more salt and that's the beauty though this type of cooking it's not it's I know I make a lot of raw foods on this channel for you guys some raw food chef that's what I love this raw foods I'm not one hundred percent raw but I do love the fact that it's so creative and you go off your own palate your own taste buds and like oh I would like it a little more salty air out then you just do that yeah I mess it up it's not like baking words of science yeah okay I have so much fun with that and same thing that's why you know even though we sauteed up some garlic and onions I put onion and garlic powder on the oculus because these can be your BFF mm-hmm you know those two everything I just call it need college bar last night never roasted it just on its own to e yeah that's what those are the two things i added a salt and pepper and olive oil yeah done all right so now all that's in g1 and we want ya to do this before it's heated rotating after like at the barium is it going so because these are raw ingredients it's really good to keep them super potent they don't have a high heat point sometimes it's fine to bake it if you like if you're making muffins or waffles you're putting in the batter something that it's totally fine it's not going to ruin it but it's just best to with all super foods especially ones really high in vitamin C like my variable s just add it at the end if you can yes better than Coco Coco so we'll add all the other ingredients that the end will add some super foods to it okay so let's put the cloth I are here and blend it up whoa we got roasted cauliflower let me get some it's gonna gonna hand it he had it all right are you wearing a special food gloves my magical invisible safety sometimes when we're leading us oh wait I want to only hear everyone's tuning in from that's the best part yeah tell us where you're tuning in from has anyone asked some questions at ease I know Marissa really likes your overalls my BFF Martha you can be bffs um yeah so anybody want to give us a shout out from where your let us know where you're tuning in from I love this part and you have a favorite thanksgiving recipe yeah I did to me yeah yay or maybe where you're travelling to for things giving books you're reading everything we want to know you want to go I'm dreamin is that every recipe in this book has its own mantra so this recipe has the mantra my my patient is precious right and it comes with a meditation to help that really want Kundalini meditation for the negative mind and a little hit right here like a little guidance it right so you can kind of a skit you're like I felt drawn to the cauliflower recipe what do I need to know it talks a little bit about patient beautiful so I love kind of speaking up and seeing you know what is like the recipe I'm drawn to and like what is the energy that I'm kind of trying to call in unconsciously yeah that's beautiful I think also when I think of soup I think of nurturing and nourish nourish to be nurtured and just that warm now sit some nice yeah it's like a hug in it yeah uh-huh in a cup I love it I'm gonna cut my in a cap hey I just love that especially the kind of foods we make it's like a genuine so so often in our society we kind of associate these kind of not as great for us food at the comfort foods yeah and that's why I have the most fun with especially around the holidays it's kind of like we doing comfort food yeah this can be so comforting but it's generally nourishing you can feel good about giving it to your family and your kids and friends Kazakh yourself my mail would love this soup and not go to sleep with a stomach ache I'm not going to sequence on my right that's the biggest day yeah Tatiana is tuning from Jersey very like special handshake you guys can do 100 special jersey hey sick she's asking where she can get the good ones askin where she can get the book you can get it at me Barnes & Noble you can also in on amazon I'll pretty much wherever books are sold I'm part of that okay amazon and also no I'm just gonna have drinking it from Boston by then Marissa I love her east coasters yeah she's at college right now well I guess are you homee address are you still at school Marissa I had taught myself to click in college that's where it all began in my little dorm room kitchen oh yeah full I'm sure thermador oh yeah oh yeah the full set up in the corner haha so we have our garlic and onion in here we have our cauliflower ear are three cups of almond milk we have our Dijon three tablespoons of Dijon we have our garlic powder and our onion powder and then you do the olive oil right mm-hmm an olive oil these companies up Oh give it some half the plan now for that flavor yum yum yum I love sweet and savory together oh my god these apples just there it just adds like a beautiful sweet undertone mmm and it goes really love the rosemary and you can blend this in any high speed blender we're using a Blendtec but you could use a Vitamix you could use really anything it could use one of those hand and to qualify as a bottom Elsa fire um and even a food processor if that's all you had excuse you to get it for women and a little insider tip with the apples if you plan on taking pictures of your recipe just put the ugly ones in if you're doing this ahead of time you put lemon on the yeah and if you're using it for you want to change the thing for too much so we're going to blend this up pull the top just in case yeah do you like a little chunkier he's checking out so I'm just checking all right I do make it a little on the chunky side oh you gonna do it in this phone okay so they get creamy but not super liquidy a little kind of the extranet weight again you can use your judgment and then you can taste it oh yeah we should do let's put a little this in now we've got hot tuning in from Germany whoo oh yeah it's not this isn't too hot it's all been removed from the heat so this is when you live the great dream so the green dream is going to add 10 grams of protein to the soup there's not that much protein in this soup it's plant-based yeah which is fine you don't necessarily need that but if you want to add a little boost of greens it won't change the flavor I'm really wanting to change the flavor that made that color that much because we're not adding gosh i'm sitting here so we've got our table spoon of green dream blend that up yeah and now if you wanted to make it hotter what i recommend doing is heating it up on the stove so if you make it ahead of time and then heat him up on the stove put some of your rosemary in it while you're heating it to get the rosemary flavor throughout um what we can do right now is just use rid of awesome now to it I would have blended Dogg doll it up so the trick with rosemary is that you want to actually put it in full stock so that you can take it out oh yeah right it'll be good rosemary will drive you insane if you end up chewing it so you want to just like I like to keep it as you know together as possible and then just put the whole big thing in so that it just gets that flavor on it I barely change the colors a little bit greener but you wouldn't even know oh yeah and then you can just rip off little things we can garnish with oh my goodness it's so good it tastes like little pieces rosemary rosemary also great for focusing so when I have like a big deadline you're going to look harder I'm literally like significant area my laptop it's amazing the power of herbs like it's teeming with lavender she was dressed like I kind of this a little wing sashay yeah a little sashay in my car and I'll just like pop it no seriously I thought I ought to smell it I'm tuna and then where were we you and I we were driving we were driving home from camping the thought of him he was sleeping and the kids were like just like so now and I was so tired driving on the freeway so I grabbed didn't warrant no Isabella guys ripped it open this was smelling and looking oh my god yeah orange is such a brightener yeah look whenever I kind of just like everyone goes like funky yeah all right grapefruit yeah I wakes you up yeah yeah without the copy say magic yeah great a poisonous ah Addie's favorite vegetable is cauliflower oh yeah then all the flowers the bomb really is on my face so last but not least obviously I make you look gorgeous we can Instagram it hmmm we're just gonna put nice two grams with your food I know right Christiana will put your Instagram on here oh yeah yeah it's actually just your name isn't it wonders for yeah it's just my name so now here's the pretty far away wait little you got at Cassandra as your hand but I was like wow this yeah Donna I think share might have it too this is so pretty maybe bottom nice that's beautiful and then our company account is philosophy love and my personal account is philosophy mama addy is dr. ed Jackie if you want to learn about pretty much anything that has to do with what do you want to how do you even explain mental health will be mental health well-being he's a psych psych geek thanks thanks for that thank you I'm learning to embrace that time psyche thanks good news thank you i'm erica yeah Thank You senator yeah this is gorgeous look again yeah bars & Nobles an Amazon yes find this right in there let us know if you have any other questions we're gonna we're gonna go eat this now I'm gonna go a night yeah thank you guys for joining on you next Tuesday at ten .

Video Description:

Plant based & paleo & glutenfree soup just in time for the holidays!

Saturday, January 9, 2021


Cooking With That Chocolate Vegan Episode 16: Paleo ButterNut Squash Soup

it's hard combination right hi guys welcome back to my channel Dec chocolate video with me Aaron well and today we're making roasted butternut squash soup I'm so excited I've never made this recipe before it's a little cold in LA so let's get to it here is the start of the show our butternut squash yay so of course you're gonna remove this yummy looking stuff the membrane smell that I shouldn't say that mouse assisting the string and the seed next you're going to go ahead and cut this bad boy up and put in your bowl as you can clearly see from what I'm doing next we're going to add to our bowl is some carrots I use two for this particular recipe now let's get two roastin why am I so excited all right now all that rose let's saute some onions and let's say it together grapeseed oil so all I did was just add some salt to these onions and let them simmer down until they were trembling I say it simmer down yes Here I am showing you also roasted garlic because roasted garlic is thing all right so my onions are done the way I like them now I'm adding some dry sage leaves and some celery seed and a couple of cloves of the roasted garlic oh my gosh I can refill this right now like I'm Reese Mellon it now let's add two cups of vegetable broth let that cook down and now it's time to add our roasted butternut squash and our carrots this is really just a lot of let it sit and marinate get soft open it again let it sit and marinate Here I am testing what I thought was soft enough to go ahead and use my hand blender I was wrong so I was noticing nothing was happening yeah it's just kind of pushing it still a little too hard stop it Erin just yeah stop all right here we go again I covered it for about 10 more minutes and now we see some action happening now this is sped up eight times guys that you can imagine I still got a little work in but this is what I get for being lazy and not just using my food processor I'm just gonna garnish the soup with chives no rhyme or reason just as pretty and I love them the finished product I'm going to give a little taste so good as amazing are all the flavor everything mixed together I think some people put raw feasel here from a try it give it anything for it the soup here you get a nice little crunch alright guys that is all I mean I have the rest all packed up ready to be distributed throughout the week I had one week so cool like I am now and all I've gotta make sure you like comment right down below it makes me happy and ask you guys make me Oh .

Video Description:

This is being uploaded on mothers day so big thanks to all the mothers out there! Especially my mom Mary Wells!
This soup was so delicious and easy to make with just a few ingredients and seasoning. Although this is typically a fall soup Atl weather has been unpredictable lately so summer one day and winter the next. I def encourage you to give it a try, if you arent paleo or doing whole 30 then croutons would really be nice with it. Ive lost 6 pounds so far and it is day 14 of 30( Im halfway there) and no cravings just harder to decide what im going to cook/eat . I have been out once since starting this challenge and the restaurant was very accommodating to my needs(shoutout to flying biscuit in brookhaven)Thank you to all my new subscibers welcome! we are family here so say hi! i love ya already. Till next time, lets eat!

Friday, January 8, 2021


Vegan and Paleo Balsamic Roasted Tomato Soup

this delicious twist on a classic tomato soup is loaded with nutrients plus it's vegan and gluten-free so everyone can enjoy it the balsamic reduction adds a delicate sweetness to the rich mix of tomatoes while the roasted garlic and onion adds a lovely depth of flavor as with all soups made in the vibe blender this recipe is so easy to make because of a stainless steel jug it allows you to safely blend your soup piping hot without the use of a plastic jug and with the vibe blenders high-powered blades you get an amazing smooth creamy texture to your soup first we'll start by placing 400 grams of cherry tomatoes one red onion roughly chopped and three cloves of garlic onto a lined baking tray we'll cover it with a drizzle of olive oil and then place it into a preheated oven at a hundred and 70 degrees Celsius or 340 degrees Fahrenheit for approximately 35 minutes until everything is roasted and soft once those are done add them to a pot along with for roughly chopped semi dried tomatoes - roughly chopped fresh tomatoes and 4 cups of good-quality vegetable stock homemade stock is preferable bring this to a gentle simmer and cook for 25 to 30 minutes while the tomatoes are simmering add a quarter of a cup of balsamic vinegar to a small saucepan along with half a teaspoon of coconut sugar place on a medium heat and bring to a gentle simmer stirring the mix until it thickens and reduces a little then we'll pour the tomato soup mix into the vibe blenders stainless-steel jug along with a balsamic reduction and blend on suit mode for about one minute you can serve the soup straight from the blender jug and top it with some parsley some sunflower seeds and another drizzle of olive oil this bowl Samak roasted tomato soup is a perfect healthy comfort food it stores well in the freezer so you can make it in batches and have delicious and nutritious meals ready to go it's so full of flavor but also light enough to enjoy in the summer months so give it a try at home from all of le life recipes don't forget to subscribe and ring the bell for notifications we'll see you again soon for some more amazing healthy whole food recipes in our Valley kitchen bye for now you .

Video Description:

This twist on a classic tomato soup is packed full of nutrients, vegan and gluten free - so everyone can enjoy! The balsamic reduction adds a delicate sweetness to a rich mix of three types of tomatoes. Once you have prepared the ingredients, you can blend and serve piping hot soup straight away! The Vibe Blender's stainless-steel blades will result in a very even texture in just a few minutes.

Visit the blog:

Shop the Vibe Blender System:


Paleo + Whole30 Lemon Artichoke Chicken Soup

I'm gonna make my lemon artichoke chicken soup that I shared on Monday it's so yummy so and so fast so I want to show you guys if you want to follow along while I make dinner you I've been loving using a drumsticks lately and soups because it has bone so it's gonna add even more flavor to the soup and I love dark Mead it's like way more intense flavor in the soup so you just get like way more bang for your buck using it it's cut that I mean I love drumsticks but usually like grilled in the summer but now that it's winter I just love using them in soups I'm just gonna use two because the soup already has a ton of like vegetables and the artichoke hearts are super meaty and I'm trying to like be conservative with my meat use so two is perfect I have been loving using frozen vegetables and soups because they're cheaper for organic than fresh they also have more like vitamins and minerals in them because they were frozen at their peak freshness like picked right when they were ready rather than fresh which may be trucked in from far away and has lost its nutrients on the route to sit on the store and it also like no chopping you just throw it in and hit a bonus one you know when you make soup and it's way too hot to eat you just add these frozen veggies and it gets to the perfect ten I just pulled the drumsticks out I'm gonna let them cool until I can shred it by hand and then I'm just gonna pour in all my frozen veggies oh geez let's try that again okay so here's this super good artichoke hearts I do two bags because I love artichokes cauliflower rice still frozen and then now just stir it and it'll warm up enough from the rock the last I love lemon especially in the soup it adds a ton of brightness I'll pour it right in so I'm just gonna zest two lemons and then put in I put in about one lemon juice one lemon the soup is now ready it is so yummy I wish you guys were all my neighbor and you can come over and have a bowl with us tonight you've got to make this one hmm .

Video Description:


Where I get my free range, organic, hormone + antibiotic free chicken:

Paleo + Whole30 Lemon Artichoke Chicken Soup Recipe – a healthy and delicious dinner, lunch or meal prep! Uses frozen vegetables to make this super simple. Keto, gluten free, grain free, dairy free, sugar free, sugar free, clean eating, real food.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020


How to Make Pork and Napa Cabbage Soup (Whole30, Gluten-Free) | Nom Nom Paleo

hi its Michelle Tanner from nom nom paleo and today I'm gonna show you how to make comfort in a bowl it's my pork and napa cabbage soup and it's a recipe that I've craved for my mom who never gives me her recipes but I kind of cobbled it together from stuff I remember back when I was a kid and stuff I know now about who mommy it's got some napa cabbage in it it's got pork in it it's got dried shitake mushrooms in it so it's delicious so grab a large pot and put it over medium heat and spoon in some of your favorite cooking fat and when the fat is simmering toss in a diced onion and a sprinkle of salt you're gonna saute the onions until they're soften but don't go crazy you don't have to wait till they're all caramelized or anything like because who has time for that then add your ground pork you don't have to do pork if you like Turkey go ahead and do ground turkey but I like pork so there on your ground pork and break it up with a spatula and then you stir in your sliced mushrooms and another sprinkle of salt so for those of you who don't know dried shitake mushrooms are the best thing ever so they come dried but you soak em in a bowl for about half hour to an hour and they become soft again but these puppies have so much umami you will be amazed and they taste so much better than the fresh so if you have some you know you should throw them in your soup so cook the pork in the mushrooms until the meat is no longer pink and the shiitakes are nice and tender then plop in some minced garlic and cook only until it's fragrant so as soon as you can kind of smell the garlic you're about done now pour in your broth and crank up the heat to high so you bring it all up to a boil and this is when you dump in your vegetables you dump in your napa cabbage or carrots and potato and then you bring the soup back to a boil and don't worry about cramming too many vegetables in there because they'll all cook down and the more vegetables the better so lower the heat to medium or medium low to maintain a simmer and then partially cover the soup with the lid leaving a crack so it doesn't boil over simmer the soup stirring occasionally until the vegetables are easily pierced with a fork and you taste it for seasoning and then you ladle it up oh it looks like it's already smells really good now I just have to serve it so you can garnish it however you like I like to put scallions on I put cilantro on it unless you hate it and there you have it my pork and napa cabbage seats comfort and umami in a ball .

Video Description:

Yearning for comfort in a bowl? This one-pot, umami-packed Pork and Napa Cabbage Soup fits the bill and it can be in your mouth in about 30 minutes!

Get the recipe here:

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#whole30 #paleo

Thursday, August 13, 2020


Zoned out Chipotle Chicken Tortilla Soup - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

hey guys Tokyo Nick here this is going to be the opener for two series the first one is paleo potage yay the other one is paleo plots or in this case cable plus corn tortillas we're going with the chicken tortilla soup it's going to be in the zone and it's going to be delicious so stick around we'll be right back so a huge fan of the corn tortilla I found a source where it's just corn and water so you know they're non-gmo they're obviously not paleo but if I could add one thing to the Paleo diet I think this would be it we're going to start off with nine tortillas stacked up we're going to cut them into nice thin strips okay see that then I've got a sheet pan lined with foil here let's spread them out and then I'm going to drizzle those with olive oil sprinkle them with kosher salt pepper get those in the oven preheated 350 degrees all right guys next step we're going to knock out our chicken and get these huge breasts I'm just going to set it on another oil line sheet pan cut it in half just like that three four okay just open up the surface area they won't take as long to cook I'm going to hit it with salt and pepper just on the top and then it will be a race which is going to be done first the tortilla strips or the chicken there we go just like that in the oven we'll let it rip alright so here we've got one bulb of garlic peeled and smashed it's approximately ten cloves I've got an 8 quart stockpot preheating and some olive oil to that I'm going to add the garlic and some ground cumin it's always nice to toast your spices like this if we were to make the soup get the liquid rolling and then add the cumin it wouldn't give us the same flavor okay so once that's rockin I'm going to add some onion hit that with a little bit of salt and then cover it we'll let that cook for two or three minutes we'll check by hand all right now we're going to cut I'm rolling out a lime here get that going and then I'm going to cut into a couple avocados these will provide you know the healthy fat you can love the kind of sweet buttery flavor oh this stuff dreams are made of right here baby mm-hmm got check another onion over here stayin nice and toasty I'm going to add my chipotle break those guys up back in onions are you know semi-translucent at this point bottom of the pan is still clean not sticking any we're going with our tomatoes a little bit more salt to help draw out that moisture lid on we're going to go two minutes and then we'll go with our chicken stock all right here we are put tomatoes add our chicken this is just a roasted kind of a darker roasted chicken stock but I pre-made pump it out high we got to melt that down okay put a handful of cilantro at this point roughly chop it go boom boom and then lime and then potage it I started by saying paleo potage a what does that mean in the in the classical French kitchen the potage a is the soup maker so I love making soups and I don't have a lot of on the site so we're going to start incorporating some soup to get those minnesotans through there negative fifty negative thirty days all right I got my immersion blender here and you can either transfer this to your Vitamix blender or just get one of these guys and makes it a lot easier so I'll just stick this in here there we go guys everything's no chunks laughs nice and pureed whoo yeah nice and smoky from the Chipotle and look at that I got dump those juices in okay almost take the chicken over here so transfer this so what are we getting here we're getting us some of a portion of our carbs and all of our lean protein and then the avocado and a little bit of the oil that we cooked that in will provide the healthy fat and the bulk of our carb direction to come from our corn tortilla oh that's the one haha okay alright so there it is guys paleo plus corn tortillas we're looking at about 20 blocks so four maybe five four block meals I got one here for me one for Jesse cameraman thanks Jesse and yeah super simple paleo postage a penny on plus corn tortillas I'm paleo Nick thanks for watching you guys keep it paleo .

Video Description:

Corn is a grain and not a part of The Paleo Diet, this I know. However, I love the hard crunch that corn tortillas lend and they are my favorite addition to this grain-free way of eating. I search out tortillas with an ingredient list of only 2-3 items; namely, organic corn, water and lime juice.
This video shows how to make a 20 block batch (5 four-block meals) of this soup...
