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Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Paleo Diet vs. Vegan Plant-Based Diet

you hey there it's dr. Justin market Johnny and today's talks and Abbey on comparing a plant-based diet to a paleo diet so first off I have a bias towards a a paleo template if you will I'm not a fan of using the word diet because diet kind of insinuates lack of flexibility right you're either low-carb you're high carb you're this or that we're a template a paleo template really is referring to nutrient quality right no toxins organic ideally local right eating foods that our genetics have had time to adapt to that's kind of like the paleo template in my mind or in my model that I use with my patients in my practice but again we can adjust carbohydrates up down low high and we have flexibility when we're using a paleo template so we're going to compare this Paleo diet slash template to a plant-based diet slash template now before we get started one thing that's kind of on my mind is there's a massive bias towards vegetables and a anti has essentially a bias against anything that's meat or animal based you see it at Whole Foods with the D&E which is the nutrient density scale is the aggregate nutrient density index created by joel Fuhrman and Jill Furman's a vegetarian you always look a guy but if you look at his index that he created Christopher Master John did an excellent summary of what the index includes and what it excludes but you can see what it excludes is how the B vitamins vitamin A fat soluble nutrients de K EPA DHA all of these vital super important nutrients and then what it includes are carotenoids or AK levels and or X kind of one of these things we know it has antioxidant capacity but we're not quite sure what that means glucosinolates and even fiber so you can see it excludes so much more than it includes and in my opinion the the vitamins are in the essential fatty acids are far more important than everything else that he includes so there's a massive bias off the bat to the average public because if I put down some kale in front of a person that said hey what's better this kale or I plot down some the average person would look at the kale and be like of course the kale they look at the liver and say what the heck's that that's in a clog your heart but the truth of the matter is if we compare and liver to any nutrient out there right we just use the USDA nutrient index you're gonna see liver crushes almost every single vegetable or fruit in every single area down the list from calcium to various minerals to copper or vitamin C b12 it kicks it off the bot off the bat there and then all the fat soluble nutrients ad e and k so liver is incredibly nutrient dense but again there's a massive bias to the public and if you just gave them that option they would think wow this kale is the superfood but really liver is the superfood so let's go down the list here like I mentioned there's lots of great Studies on this stuff i'll put a couple in the show notes so you can see it and look at it for yourself when we compare to a plant-based diet to a paleo diet or a paleo template as I like to call it we're gonna have far better essential fatty acids in a paleo diet we're gonna be getting DHA fats and EPA fats which is gonna be really important to reducing inflammation and for brain health and you can see the essential fats are going to get with plant-based are primarily gonna be flax and if you watch my video on fish oil you're gonna see that you have to convert flax downstream from alpha-linolenic acid we use this Delta six to saturates enzyme to help actually add carbons on to that 18 carbon fat and if we have insulin resistance or inflammation we only can convert 20% of it at best so off the bat we're gonna be given the Paleo template or diet the benefit there now plant-based inflammation well when it comes to this if we're eating paleo foods right if we're eating cutting out grains cutting out the blooms cutting off the extra sugar and we're eating let's say grass-fed meat extra fish is right all these EPA fats we're going to be reducing inflammation significantly significantly now at the same standpoint if you're eating a plant-based diet but you're also cutting out the grains eating coconut oil eating avocado maybe having some flax maybe having some olive oil maybe even doing some DHA algae you know you could potentially reduce inflammation and you may not be adding a whole bunch inflammation but if you're doing this wrong if you're eating a whole bunch of let's say refine vegetable oils like soybean safflower canola you know these are the vegetable oils that refine they're much higher in omega-6 fatty acids so if you're a real healthy vegetarian you may be okay in the inflammation category but I see too many people to come in my practice they're consuming refined vegetable oils that aren't designed to be eaten in that higher quantity and it's driving up the omega-6 arachidonic acid prostaglandin two pathways again watch my video on fish oils and inflammation for more on that so I have to give the Paleo diet a win on that one as well and if we look at vitamins and minerals while I've already talked about the whole Andy the aggregate nutrient density index is massively skewed towards the antioxidants the glucosinolates the fiber and the carotenoids where it does not look at the vitamins and minerals now again you're gonna get really good vitamins and minerals here if you are consuming low glycemic and non starchy vegetables so like if you're doing kale spinach your berries you're gonna get really good vitamin and mineral content there okay you're gonna do really well on the vitamin and mineral content but if you're a paleo diet and you're consuming a little bit of liver any vegan or vegetarian that's watching this and doesn't believe me I'll put a link below go to the USDA site go to any site that compares the nutrients for liver right you have to do it per weight you can't compare at different weights different different amounts per weight the liver to kale - carrots - whatever I'll put a little scale up here on screen you will see that liver kicks the butt of that so if we're doing plant-based and we're doing paleo right we're gonna be doing some major butt kick and if we're having liver in our diet so I would give that to for the Paleo diet if we're consuming liver a little bit of organ meat in our diet okay and also shellfish is very good - so let's look at carbohydrates my issue with a lot of plant-based people is they tend to have to have to combine carbohydrates from different sources so rice and beans legumes lentils etc to get a complete protein because we're missing maybe methionine or lysine and we're lower on the sulfur amino acids with a plant-based diet we have to combine me they have to get a little bit creative and the problem with that is if you take a look at Diana Schwartzman's book the Schwartz my principal she gives you an analogy of how much carbohydrate you have to combine together to have a complete protein from rice and beans so her analogy was it was somewhere around 70 to 80 grams of carbohydrate have to be combined to get about 15 grams of protein so when you're consuming when you're consuming a plant-based diet you tend to go higher in carbs so if we look at this here we're gonna be high carb here we're gonna be much higher in carbs at a plant-based diet we're here we have the ability to go lower in carbohydrate because when we eat animal products we're primarily getting the proteins and the fats without all the extra carbohydrates now in this standpoint we can go lower carb on plant-based and I do it with a lot of my vegan vegetarian patients by adding in hemp protein adding in the pea protein potentially a rice protein if we're not autoimmune we can even add in freeform amino acids that these are aminos that are already pre broken down from pee or from whey or from beef and they're basically ready for your b
ody to absorb so there's no antigenicity there's no allergen potential with those so when we do a plant-based diet it's easier to go high carb so that mate that's actually gonna be a negative for a lot of people because their insulin resistant so this check right here is actually going to be more of a negative than a positive with a paleo approach we do have the ability to go lower carb because our proteins won't come with a whole bunch of carbs but we also have the ability to ramp up the carbs and add in starches as well we don't quite have the ability to do that here on the plant-based side unless we do P protein hemp protein maybe some freeform aminos and maybe rice protein as well those are some really good source they're excluding soy so again I give paleo the win on the carb side of it antioxidants well again you know antioxidants are gonna be vitamin A D and K and if you look at Joel Foreman's Andy scale he conveniently pulled them out of the the aggregate index he just used carotenoids and he used the ORAC scale so the or acts one part of it and you'll get some really good antioxidants from kale and other vegetables that are low in sugar and high nutrition kale spinach asparagus etc but again things like liver things like shellfish I'll put another study in the keywords below here they looked at your nutrient density score and they looked at all of the the various vegetables meats and proteins and they found that shellfish in liver and or organ meats in general were higher than everything else it wasn't even close so the research even shows this it just really hasn't caught up in to the public sphere and hopefully this video will draw some more attention to that and I'll put the references below so again I would say you can get good antioxidant with the plant-based diet but again the information is mostly skewed I still think you can do it even better on a paleo template especially if you're getting fish in there and a little bit of organ meats you're gonna just kick butt with that and then protein like I said we're definitely gonna be able to get better protein on a paleo approach the only way we can do it on a plant-based approach to get enough protein in my opinion is we have to use protein powders because with the powder all the carbohydrate all of the lectins all the other stuff are tossed to the sides so we're just getting the protein so you're gonna do much better on a paleo approach and this isn't factoring in that a lot of people that are plant-based are gonna be consuming lots of grains which are gonna have gut irritants potentially cause leaky gut and have malabsorption components to it like the oxalates and the fight dates which will bind to minerals so the minerals that are in there may even be lower because you're not absorbing them because these phytates and oxalates are pulling them out and lectins if you will so if you're being a good plant person you're a plant based diet person but you're cutting out all of those things that's a good good start that's a really good start in the right direction again legumes and also have some of these lessons that could potentially have some mineral binding capacity so you really want to make sure you cut out all of those gut irritating foods again I work with lots of vegans and vegetarians and when when I convert them over it just start adding in a little bit of protein one of the first things we do is just cut out all of the gut irritating things first and we'll start adding in some freeform amino acids we'll start adding in some protein powders that I mentioned from pea and hemp and potentially rice if they can handle it just to start getting the proteins up and then we cut a lot of the gut you're taking things out and then one of the first things we'll start doing is maybe adding in just a little bit of fatty fish or adding in just a little bit of egg yolk so when you look at their diet they're 80 to 90 percent you know on their so-called plant-strong diet but we got about 10 to 20 percent animal in there and they start feeling better they start really coming along some may get sicker off the back because their HDL levels and or their enzyme levels are so low because their HDL pumps are turned off because they're not used to having that kind of solid protein in there so if they do feel worse off the bat it automatically tells me they're low in hydrochloric acid which again it's not the animal meat that's causing that problem the animals the plant the animal products are just revealing a broken chain in the physiology and we have to get that fixed so again when I convert people over and start them off they're still 80 to 90 percent plant-based you don't have to go a hundred percent all in you can kind of inch your way in and I see my patients strongly benefit from that so again any questions from this video if you're needing help converting your diet over or getting your digestion and your energy and your hormones back on track click on screen or click below to get more information and make sure you subscribe and share the videos if you're enjoying them thanks this is dr. Jay have a great day .

Video Description:

Paleo Diet vs. Vegan Plant-Based Diet
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In this video, Dr. Justin Marchegiani shows the difference between a paleo diet and a vegan plant-based diet. Most people think a vegan diet may be better than a paleo diet because of its lack of meat, while paleo dieters may believe their diet is more nutrient dense. There seems to be a bias towards vegetables and plant-based foods and a bias against anything that has meat. In this video, Dr. Justin breaks down the pro's and cons of each and reviews what foods according to science are truly the most nutrient dense.
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