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Saturday, October 3, 2020


Chicken Taquitos - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

up next you guys is a great option for Taco Tuesday so if you're a fan of tacos nachos or burritos and come right back for my paleo chicken taquitos v paleo we're going to start off with three slices of bacon I've chopped it and I've got a preheated cast-iron skillet get that in there we kind of crisp this up render off the fat and then use that for cooking our onion and pepper so I'm going to do a small dice on this onion same thing on the poblanos is either a poblano or paella they're kind of labeled the same way at the grocery store but it's just a better option I think than a green pepper because they cost less and they have more flavor these are typically sold by the pound or when you buy like a regular green pepper they sell them by the each so maybe this is 70 cents but by weight this is only 46 almost half price all right from little here and then I'll stack these guys up and that will reduce the number of cuts that have to make we're just going for a similar size to the onion and then one clove garlic just going to smash that run the knife through it two times bacon coming along so you got some of the fat renders now what I'll do I'll keep the bacon in the front of the pan and then I get my or actually I'm going to add the garlic to the bacon those two will cook together I look at my peppers and onions up on the top of the pan keep them separate if we do it all together right now the bacon won't get as crisp and crunchy as I like it little pinch of salt on the peppers and onions I got going to ditch the board and I'm going to show you how to set up your countertop for pounding chicken all right here's what I'll do I'll take a piece of plastic wrap just like that well you just double it up there now we've got plenty of room and I've got these chicken breasts now these breasts are pretty big to probably get four tacos out of each one I'm going to trim it and then how I do it is I'll cut a little bit on a bias like an angle like this okay there's one two and then three like that and I will get them here you guys are going to check in on the pan here our Bacon's cook in so where I want it so at this point I'm going to fold everything together we join them and turn it down a little bit now I'm going to cover our chicken breast the second layer of plastic okay and then I'll bring in a meat tenderizer we'll go here our goal with the doing this is to make a circle or more of a rectangle so we can roll this into a nice little taquito so as I'm finding these out I'm sticking to that trying to push it into that shape alright so there we have it nice and thin maybe a quarter inch even a little bit less then we'll take our top plastic oh that will look clear or stuffing is right where we want it all right got our paleo crunchy choco taco this is one of my favorites if you don't have it check out the paleo grind comm you can order it there and here's what I'll do I'm going to season this will be the inside and then once they're rolled up we'll lightly seasoned the outside as well then we'll divide the mixture among the chicken breasts alright the next up we're going to roll them what I do is I just leave a little space on that side we need the protein the touch protein we're going to put that seam in the pan that's what's going to hold these babies close here rolls over just like that all right so they're all rolled up I'm going to turn the heat back on we use the same pan I mean if I had to rate these by quality the number one is this guy here you see that kind of long and slender this one's a little bit too thick these guys are kind of in that same boat this one's got a little hole in it but we'll cook that seal it up when it cooks and it's probably number two the reason I tell you that is when you're rolling them up go for this go for this shape right here so the pans back on now I'm going to season the top gee choco taco what I'll do here is I'll get a little oil and since the bottom side isn't seasoned I'm going to season the pan kind of toast that spice a little bit and then when I set these guys in that underside I'll get season hopefully they're all right so we're just going to let those cook again the steam side is down right now we need those two layers of protein to bind together and that'll be what what seals it up we're going to start off with salsa Chipotle check this out one cup tomato puree I'd probably put in 1 to 2 chipotles in adobo but I'm just going to use ground Chipotle so maybe a teaspoon of that about 10 sprigs of cilantro when the juice of one lime and a pinch of salt we go give that a taste perfect perfect now we'll go right in here one side down then we're gonna make a quick block a mole egg there we go to sauce is done so check back in and boom but if the sake toes are ready so I'm going to cut the heat and we'll slice these up all right guys here we have it our paleo chicken taquitos a couple sauces came together quickly there was a little legwork and you know the rolling and stuffing of the taquitos but in the end it'll be worth it so I'm Nick here reminding you as always keep it alien .

Video Description:

Chicken taquitos seem like the kind of thing you give up forever when you embrace the world of Paleo food. But all you need is a little imagination. Nick is showing us the way with his Paleo chicken taquitos, so bring it on, Taco Tuesday!
