hi this is Jamie Monson health coach at partner I'm demon lúthien location I hope you guys are enjoying all of our videos that we're sharing with you as you watch through this video if anything comes to mind any questions or our thoughts on our topic today feel free to drop them in I will follow back up and answer any questions that I see today I wanted to talk about the Paleo program many of us are looking at low-carb approaches and don't really understand the differences so there's quite a variety of them low-carb is a great approach for anyone who wants to live a healthier lifestyle lose weight maybe you're diabetic so this is an easy way to get started and the Paleo program is essentially a caveman lifestyle so it's thinking of hunting and gathering and less of the grocery store world which is the man-made type products so we're really going to get back to those earth and natural type foods so your diet is gonna primarily focus on fish meats fruits and vegetables so a lot of options in that bucket if you think about it but you're gonna reboot and remove other things such as grains and remove a lot of processed foods you're gonna remove added sugars out of your diet and really focus on that natural earthlight type foods the great thing that a Paleo program is there's tons of resources at your fingertips it's not overly restrictive but it lays the program out for you so it's a lot more flexible for most people to get started you might want to look up a nice food list so look up like the ultimate paleo guide it'll give you all the do's and don'ts on there there's also tons of recipes so the great thing is if you want to get a little bit more creative with breakfast and lunch and dinners even snacks it's already out there for you so you can look up on apps and you look at websites but I do recommend this program it's much more easier to do has a little bit more flexibility it has what's called the 80/20 80% work on and doing well and 20% you get to have a little fun and sort of be off the program so you get indulge in moments that suit best for your needs so it has a little bit more flexibility and a healthy lifestyle approach if this is something interests you you need more information reach out to me as patient here a partner MD you have unlimited access to your coaches so at any time you can find more information from me so I can customize it and help get you started for those are not so familiar with us check out partner MD comm check out our physicians and check out our health coaches and the services that we can apply to you I hope you guys find this well and enjoy the rest of you videos we'll be sharing with you thank you .
Video Description:
Next up in her series on low-carb diets, PartnerMD's Midlothian health coach Jaime Monsen explains paleo. What is it? What do you eat? What do you avoid? How do you get started?
Check out her video on Keto here: