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Saturday, February 13, 2021


5 Minute Ab Workout to Tone Your Abs

hey guys clever paleo grubs and today we're going to be doing a five-minute ab workout routine with five exercises each of one minute and this work that's going to really help you tighten up your core and burn some calories so we're gonna get started in ten seconds let's just get a bit of a warm-up going get your heart rate up and I'm going to be starting with the spider plant in five four three two one alright guys start in a push-up position and reach your knees to your elbows just like this we're gonna be doing this for one minute you wanna make sure you keep your tongue tight and your bum down don't go doing this keep your bum down now we've got 40 seconds left keep squeezing that tummy really reach for your elbow alright guys a half way keep it up this is gonna work out your core as well as your obliques all right guys 15 seconds left keep it up all right five four three two what now we're going to go two side crunches lie down on the ground knees to one side and lift I'm going to do 30 seconds on this side and then 30 seconds on the other side really want to squeeze those oblique muscles ten seconds left five four three two one switch sides same thing hands by ears crunch upwards you tell me tight obliques tight ten seconds left keep going guys alright and we're gonna go into reverse crunch elbows to prop yourself up start with knees and chest and release out make sure you keeping your tummy tight and your quads pleased this is going to work your lower ab muscles as well as your upper abs keep it up guys 35 seconds left make sure your legs goes down as far as possible your knees all the way and you chest and come all the way down do not let your back arch this can really cause injuries just give you tummy time and your legs squeezed alright guys now we're going into toe reach gonna lay them flat on your back with your legs up feet flat and reach for your toes let's go this is a great exercise for the lower abs but you really hard to target all right guys a hot flag right jumps high as possible keep this leg straight it's hard to talk through this exercise 20 seconds to go all right guys now we're going into plank step out so I jump into plank I'll just tell me really tight and stop step out we've got one step one minute yup keep your bum down foot is straight squeeze those ABS so in five seconds left make sure you don't drop you back but keep it straight 20 seconds left 10 seconds left 5 4 3 2 1 all right guys oh well done so guys that's your 5 minutes up I hope you can feel like a whole coal burning just like me you know what if you do this at least three four times a week you're definitely gonna see a difference in your belly area all right guys sign you got four paragraphs .

Video Description:

Do this simple 5 minute ab workout every other day to tighten and strengthen your core.

Saturday, December 19, 2020


The 6 Kettlebell Workouts Every Beginner Should Know

kettlebells are becoming more and more popular in sports clubs CrossFit boxes and personal training studios and for good reason kettlebells are unlike traditional weights or machines in the gym adding kettlebells into your workout routine will give you some serious results and a killer workout hi I'm Deanna Dorman a certified personal trainer and these are six kettlebell exercises everyone should know kettlebells combine cardio and strength-training in one they get your heart rate up while you're building muscle strength and muscle endurance because of this kettlebell workouts are the perfect solution for those with busy schedules because they're quick and efficient workouts the combined cardio and strength training can seriously raise your metabolism helping to increase weight loss and decrease body fat stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the kettlebell with both hand pinch at your hips and allow the kettlebell to hang between your legs use your glutes and hips to power through your heels and explode your hips forward to swing the kettlebell make sure to squeeze your glutes and engage your abdominals the kettlebell should come to about shoulder height and then hinge at your hips to lower back down letting the kettlebell do all the work make sure the swings are smooth and fluid turn the kettlebell upside down and hold the sides of the handle with each hand bring your feet shoulder-width apart and turn your knees and toes very slightly out to the side lower into a squat keeping your abdominals engaged press through your heels to power back up to standing engaging your hamstrings in squeezing your glutes at the top pull the kettlebell in your right hand with the kettlebell directly over your right shoulder bring your feet wider than shoulder-width apart with your left knees and toes turned out hinging at your hips and pressing your hips to the right slide your left hand down the inside of your left leg using your right side obliques press back up keeping your shoulders stable holding the kettlebell in your right hand hinge at your hips and place your left hand on your left side keeping your back straight and almost parallel to the ground pull your right elbow high weaving your shoulder blades back with control lower back down and repeat start holding the kettlebell in a rack position up by your left shoulder step your right foot back into a lunge as you press the kettlebell overhead press through the front heel engaging your hamstrings and glutes to bring your right foot forward and stand as you lower the kettlebell back to the shoulder start on your back with your left arm extended out to the side and holding the weight in your right hands directly over your shoulder extend your left leg out straight and bend the right knee placing the foot flat on the ground using your left arm for support push yourself into a seated position with your right arm still straight up and your left hand flat on the ground lift your butt off the ground supporting yourself on your left hand and right foot there shouldn't be much weight on your left leg and make sure the weight stays directly over your shoulder bend your left legs to place the knee on the ground under your hip push off the left leg and hand to bring yourself into a kneeling position stand up and bring your left foot in line with your right foot with the kettlebell still extended directly over the right shoulder reverse the movement back into the starting position and repeat we're gonna use basic kettlebell movements to gain strength and power be sure to start with a lighter weight to begin you can add two to three kettlebell workouts into your weekly routine for some killer kettlebell benefit for more great workouts and recipes check out paleo hacks calm .

Video Description:

Kettlebells are unlike any traditional weight or machine found in gyms, and kettlebells will give you a workout unlike any traditional equipment.




Saturday, November 28, 2020


RatayuGaming: Paleo Diet Q & A

alright guys so we're going to get this started I'll have to jump off to manually click to the next to the next slide here but we're going to start with all right the Paleo diet guys the Paleo diet hop on here let's get to the next one I have the Paleo diet so let's talk about the background of what the Paleo diet is so Paleo one stands for the Paley Paleolithic era ok so essentially what does that mean that refers to the Stone Age right that's right it's why you see this little of this little caveman looking guy because the the Paleo diet is also often referred to as the the caveman the caveman diet right so the Stone Age as most people are aware was a primitive time in human history where simple stone tools were used right it's actually when it's the first time when man you know realize that they can use they started using using items to do things whether it was whether it was you know some type of object to use as a weapon to defend themselves against animals to hunt started using tools to mash things together right so it was largely defined right by the hunting and gathering of of foods right the caveman did it and didn't have the basic you know the basic things let me go out to a grocery store to go get the items that I need there was no to get items delivered to my to my house right you had to go out and hunt for the food that you want it right literally hunting down the animal and then you have to go out and if you want it together food meaning go out and get berries off the tree or maybe pick certain leaves or some types of roots right so that was a whole you know that's what we really mean by hunting and gathering and so some of that some of that kind of really ties into right that what is that involved large large movements right because sometimes you know you did stay in one place you would go you would go where you are able to hunt together so let's say as Kurds moved around you also to moving around because that was your food supply right if it started getting cold in an area and you needed to go maybe migrate somewhere else wherever is going to start getting warmer so you can still get access to things that's where that's where that's where you're going around right so when you're when you're just out and about you're always you're always on the go right so you're highly highly active writes geniux work during the day you know it's similar to similar back to like farming right you're just working all day huge large energy expenditure going on right you had things like regular seasonal food shortages you know how well now we have access pretty much to the same for example that really is like the prime example you have access to fruit all year round all kinds of fruit tube bananas apples blueberries raspberries oranges right before there were these stores right where we could get food imported from all over the world prior to all of that they were seasonal you can only get oranges around the time of year ends if you happen to be in the region where oranges were you know a groom right I'll depending on what area you lived in you may not have had access to certain foods right and with even in that region you did not have access to those foods all year around ok so that's kind of what we mean by regular seasonal food shortages and unplanned starvation meaning there were probably periods right where you weren't able to go out in hunting gather let's say during the right leg touring during the cold season you're probably not able to hunt and gather as much because you know creatures were in hibernation right or they had migrated somewhere warmer right so they were definitely gonna be seasons periods of time where food was not in abundance I mean and that's very similar to what you see what you see now in the animal world I mean you you hear that all the time any time you're watching a a documentary around that so that's really the error the error that we're talking about talking about here right me flip here to the next the next slide I really need to get like that they got Mouse clicker that I can like click to go to the next slide here so what didn't we talk about some this so what did the cave man or woman eat right we have this little cartoon picture here I'm tired of hunting and gathering to when nobody's invented grocery stores yet right so that's what you know again this was just what they had to slowly rely on I mean imagine imagine if you had the solely of lye I'm going out to go hunter hunts and gather your own food I mean a lot of people won't even know where to begin I know I wouldn't right if you have if I have to go just go out in the world on the other than what pops in my mind is a deer but do I even know how to like do things okay let's say even if I managed to find it here and even if I managed to actually kill the deer I would have no idea how to actually prepare to do whatever touch even be able to eat it right this with me these are the skills that we just you know do not have so getting back to the kind of whose day so they hunted and gathered right fish okay fishing right meat so and again you have to imagine here this is like out in the wild so wild fish wild you know wild meat whether it was you know buffalo deer any nuts that they could find right and we're talking like you know we're talking nuts that are like up in the up in the tree you know yank down you know egg corn crack it open you're like eating a nut right berries whatever seasonal berries you know they could find seeds right and then root vegetables you know I made a root vegetables would be things like turnips celery right any type of any type of vegetable that grows in that grows in the ground right in the moderate so let's so obviously obviously with the Paleo diet it's not being recommended that you should go out and go hunt and kill your own your own meat no must tell me to go slaughter your own cow or to go hunt your own fish we in this and in fact right there's actually a lot of walls in place where you can't even really you can't just do that on a regular basis you can't just go out and say oh well I was trying to go you know I was trying to go hunt my own my own meat my own protein for dinner tonight no you know what I mean so there's definitely a modern version of the Paleo diet that is to try to as best as it can to mimic to mimic what a caveman or Kate woman would have been eating during during during that time right so really what we're talking about there the modern Paleo diet really focuses on eliminating the consumption of highly processed foods that you typically find in her typical Western diet right and so I thought it was important and I'm gonna jump here I'm gonna jump here to the next slide I thought it was important tougher well what is the Western diet maybe people aren't familiar with that term and that lifestyle right but so the Western the Western diet which is really widely adopted by most Americans in the in the in the United States it's centered around really a high a high intake of high-fat red meats you got an intake of highly processed foods and I'll get into what processed foods are but I mean processed food is essentially you know you take one item and it has to go through some type of you know chemical chemical process in order to be turned into something else right I eat candy right my intake of refined sugar ii foods right like candy soda Oreos which are one of my personal favorite right that's an example of a process a processed food highly take the grains rice bread right oatmeal I mean all of those look like rice bread and oatmeal and you're gonna see this later those are all examples of processed food right now that's a better a more healthier processed food right then say you know candy but you know but still it's a process it's a processed food it's not something that is found in it's in a natural in a natural state if you will you know t
hey know what and then though the Western diet low I'm on the other end generally it's a low intake of fruits of fresh vegetables right and generally our lifestyle we have low levels of physical activity and we have low look low movement at work right and you see this and I kind of give you a little picture here yeah a lot of this should be very familiar you got the cheeseburger your cookies ketchup you know Snickers M&Ms your gummies your fried chicken wings your blueberry muffin your soda you're sitting your Cinnabon right I don't know it is crazy to think maybe a lot of people who are watching this right now or listening in who are into fitness and health you may be like well look like that's not my lifestyle that's not my diet but you have to imagine I mean and especially in America this this is the primary diet I mean you go out you go around the tube into the world and I'm sure I'm sure you can attest to this I mean more often than not this is the majority do I think do I think like thank God we're in we're in a we're in an era where works rending to be healthier its hipper it's cooler to be you know to want to be healthy and we're gonna eat healthy yeah but in large part this is still what's going on here right so you can so you can already see the huge discrepancy and if you know the difference between a paleo type of diet right with that hunter-gatherer mindset kind of thing you know only eating foods that you could hunt and gather versus what we've adopted now you know recently over the past what 200 years maybe right they definitely weren't able to find ketchup back in the day I love ketchup by the so processed food right just to rehang her on that in case you just don't know what I mean by processed food right so again as I described processed food is any food item that has a series of mechanical or chemical operations performed on it to change or preserve it right and you've got your things crackers cookies gums breakfast cereals that's right your tricks as a processed food right bread condiments oatmeal brown rice right so I wanted you to see the wide range there a lot of people might be might be saying well hey you know I need a meal it would still cut oatmeal I eat brown rice hey I thought that was good for you you know why is that a processed food and so again at the end of the day processed foods have a variety of ranges in terms of better for you they don't mean like obviously like eating brown rice which I can't remember there's like there's like three primary things in the grain of rice I know that white rice they strip all three out with brown rice they only strip one out so you're getting two of the like micronutrients out of that so you're getting some good nutritional value but I say so so for example so brown rice is a whole night so process but that obviously is so much better like a thousand times better than you going in eating some crackers more highly processed right and this is a no ticket of order but as I'm kind of sitting here looking at it telling our edit what's going on you're just tuning in we're going on the Paleo the pinwheel diet this is kind of that step in where I wanted to you know drop some knowledge and educate you guys probably working out so I mean so processed food again a food item that it's not a series of mechanical or chemical operations performed on to it to change or preserve it right so also remember the eat when we say preserve but what does that mean so preserve it is we're talking about we're talking about sodium artificial you know artificial preservatives you know there's a reason why even your you know Dave's killer bread I love Dave skillet bread a great read I've recommended you know I definitely recommend you get it if you're gonna go get yourself some bread right but there is its name reason why Dave's killer read any bread right that's nicely cut up for you can last can last on the shelves you know a couple weeks three weeks you know what I'm saying they're put in there to help it to help it last that long there's a reason right there's a reason why I pack the Oreo cookies you can buy a pack and it can just stay there I mean even for longer without without going stale and these are you know I me but bags of potato chips right and these are things that we really we don't think about and not that it's our fault right because to be honest like I think we do a poor job educating ourselves even when were younger right educating ourselves on on food in my quality food right in processed food whether whether you're looking at doing or just any type of diet whether it's Kido whether it's if it's fits your macros whether whether you're doing like the all you know the all meat diet like Turner or diet you know you always want to do as best as you can to avoid processed foods okay because they were just you know they got a bunch of in them a bunch of different chemicals I mean have you ever thought about how crazy it is to look at a bag of something and you look at the ingredients and it's that you can't pronounce don't you ever think I'm putting that in my body like enemy tastes good listen I love Oreos just as much as the next person I really do but if you're gonna look at all the ingredients and you think about like I'm putting this in my body and that's and that's what the you know the big problem is especially again with the Western diet is that a majority of the Western diet is made up of highly processed foods and your people are just putting that in their body every single bag so this is what we're talking about when we mean processed foods right so let's talk about now you know you're talking about putting that in our body so what's the impact of that right and this is a big you know not necessarily advocating by the way the whole purpose of this presentation is not to advocate for the Paleo diet it's just you know again I think this is just going to be a you know a bunch of different you know presentations I'm going to do on different types of you know diets right and this kind of series if you will so really problems associated with the Western diet in generally but like I said can be resolved by doing other types of other types of diets right is that what the Western diet because it's made up of a kind e highly carbohydrate right which parts carbohydrates by the way in case you didn't know just at the end of the day converts into sugar right you you adjusted for behide rates right breaks down to glucose and glucose is just a sugar right so you have this high sugar right which does meet the high insulin produces the hormone insulin okay you're eating these highly processed foods that's full of all this other this other - toast corn syrup aspartame you know like that's like an artificial sweetener right and what it does to the body is it leads to a plethora of different problems right you know high carbohydrate high sugar if you combine that with low physical activity which most of us are doing just as you go and keep in mind just going to go to the gym one two hours a day doesn't mean you're a super active person if you're just sitting on your butt the rest of the time your overall activity is not super it's not like moderate at best that's a big mistake people make especially when they're trying to do these cavalry calculators because they always put their thumbs with their activity level at like you know the highest it can be just because they go to the gym one or two hours everyday five five days a week no right you know you got to think about like how active or you fell today are you getting at least 10,000 15,000 steps a day you know so with this kind of diet in the low activity level what happens is all of that sugar when it goes unused right it just converts into fat right our body naturally has a certain threshold of you will love sugar right stored glycogen that
that can be in the muscles right and then once you've tapped over that it just spills over and converts the fat right so that's that's where you get your fat fat gain in your fat and your fat storage right eating a very tiny process right high processed foods high sugar can lead to a lot of inflammation in the bottom right swollen feet swollen joints right so again a lot of a lot of high a lot of high inflammation excuse me digestive issues right but in all this crap in the body you know a lot of this really a lot of this process highly processed food that has a bunch of chemicals in it our body wasn't meant to digest that so there's no wonder people have you know acid acid reflux you know leaky gut syndrome people are not being lactose or having a gluten you know a gluten intolerance you know you ever eat a food right and you didn't mean to eat a lot of it but you eat a food and like your stomach gets all blown up and bloated you know or like you have like you eat a certain food and all of a sudden like you got like an Aggie my shoulder pain and a lower back pain you know like a pre-existing injury and kinda nice flares up this is all these are all you know between the digestive issues and inflammation right these are all things that can happen and then obviously the high sugar high insulin you can leave the diabetes to increase you know fat you can get fat right stored you know plop clogging up your arteries can lead to early heart attack know all types of heart disease right so nothing that you know that want to sit here and freak you out I mean but these are all kind of nun things and I mean it really this is what I'm talking about where a lot of this is starting to come to light here about a lot of the problems associated with the Western diet so so the big things will always push with you guys anyone who's getting started out focus on don't really worry about how many calories you're eating right now you're just starting out focus on quality food ie non processed food even if it's a 80/20 eighty percent you're eating clean right twenty percent is process you're doing so many steps right in the right direction okay so next we have so what is the actual modern paleo diet what look like right so you've got your basic proteins your meat right beef pork chicken lice and turkey eggs fish salmon tuna halibut cod fruit you know the fruit escena brushed or grapes Barry is grapefruits and bananas oranges right value typical stuff fresh vegetables cucumbers tomatoes avocados wash celery broccoli your fats olive oil coconut oil avocado oil grass-fed butter flaxseed oil right and then your nuts and seeds almonds Brazil nuts seeds walnuts pecans right so these I mean to be honest with you these are all things that you would find in a typical like good good healthy puppy nutrition right I mean these are all staples of my nutrition right now and I don't follow a paleo diet and I have tried a little by the way but these are all these are all great things to be incorporating in your in your inner and your daily nutrition right so even if you decide hey you know I heard about that paleo but I don't know if I'm going to try it you should make sure that you're including these things in your in your nutrition right they should make up on a daily basis you should be including these things right so this is all pretty pretty typical oops so now that we talked about what should be in now that we talk about what should be in the what should be in the like what's part of the modern Paleo diet now let's go ahead and talk about right now what is what are the know knows right so obviously processed foods let me talked about none of your and I kind of I kind of have them all X here right so none of your you know potentially no no sugar no artificial sugar right none of your sodas your sweeteners prepackaged foods right none of that now your trans fats vegetable oils corn oil soy oil peanut oil right grains right and and for me this is where I kind of get like like grains cuz cuz then essentially we're eliminating rice oatmeal right and I like that's where I like and you'll get to this in the pros and cons where I find it to be like a bit a bit much if you will but but no brains right because again it's really because it falls under the process and if you're kind of getting back to the intent of this gatherer hunter mindset right you wouldn't have been able to go out and find rice out in the out in the world you know what I mean so the idea is that you know our bodies weren't meant to our bodies were meant to digest grain right so if we like I said anyways just talking about the you know but the modern paleo diet and then dairy right milk cheese cream yogurt right again the idea the idea that dairy is once again is a processed food right process in the sense the same milk for example you know you have the cow milk comes comes out of the cow and then goes through a process to become the milk that you drink on a daily basis when you go and pick it up out of the carbon out of the grocery store you know what I mean so I mean I myself I'll be honest I'll be honest dairy like I have some issues with digesting dairy like what I'm really trying to lean out and cut I won't do a lot of dairy what we do a lot of dairy anyway I do Greek yogurt I do Greek yogurt but I really don't do a lot of dairy generally because I do notice that it kind of gives me some stomach issues right so it kind of tells you all right maybe there is some sense inside understanding why you know you're not supposed to include dairy but again really kind of falls under it's it's processed right you win it find it out in the environment and then legumes chickpeas lentils beans peanuts right I mean it's so again even for me I don't I don't understand necessarily myself why that's a what's the issue with chickpeas or with peanuts right I guess again because if there's some level of modification right okay if you're gonna go inside but that's the general gist guys of your of your of your modern paleo diet of note notes right so that's why nor those are the things you don't want to include like I said I'm kind of on hold for some of you are like really bad processed foods and I and I get some of the newer studies too they can come out on like the vegetable oils like soy oil the soy oil you know and I get like some of the highly processed grains you know just like you know you're seen because sometimes you'll see like a cereal or like a cracker something highly processed and they're trying to say all the different types of grains you get and it's super healthy for you yeah some of that I get like okay yeah you shouldn't be printing on your body but like oatmeal brown rice you know I'm not really against that mean with goose something won't work your sweet potato being on the goon you know I think that's a bit much too if you ask me in like dairy I mean I think get push for your calcium unless you're gonna like supplement but otherwise like yeah I don't understand why you know dairy is it's such a big deal if you will I just feel like it you know in the in the grains dairy in the boom section there are some there could be somewhere like yes it's a process but it's not so a working process that maybe there's some good health benefits that maybe you don't have to be part of your staple diet every every single day but maybe once a week you're including these or every other day you know in moderation you know what I'm saying so let's talk about some of the it's almost some of the pros and cons some of the pros and cons here right with the modern paleo diet Randy a more subdued sandy good health I'm trying bro I'm trying right now I'm doing I decided as part of as part of my like you know fitness fitness streams I'm going to spend the first like 45 minutes going over like a a topic if you will right so that way it's not just you know
watching me worked out so we'll get through that and then and then we'll get to the workout so today we've been covering the Paleo diet so I'm actually getting into the pros and cons right now I like it smart move thanks - I appreciate that bro I appreciate that so learn burn I love that burn oh man you know I might have to steal that tagline bro with me maybe sway enough companies today's learn and burn right because I good work at least for me I'm I'm trying to educate while I'm on a trip them and getting some steps in you know go ahead all right yeah I'm I still that I love that so the modern Paleo diet pros and cons here right so the next two slides are on the pro or pros and cons so okay so let's serve the first row here right so pros nutrient dense right so meaning that generally when you're following the types of foods that are in a Paleo diet right you're really talking about eating foods and their most natural their most natural form not highly processed not mixed with a bunch of because you have to remember see what happens is is that when you take say say something like even broccoli but say you take broccoli but did you know that by the time you cook the broccoli but even put it up to some oil you cook the broccoli by the time the broccoli reaches your plate it's literally lost eighty posted ninety percent of its nutritional value crazy right crazy and so that's the you know so that's the that's the idea here is that when you're eating a paleo diet you know there's no they have noticed the truth it's the truth I mean it not really goes with that really goes with a lot of your natural foods right any any food as soon as you start messing with it right it starts losing this nutritional value right that's why it's always best again and that's the whole idea behind the Paleo diet is to get food you know even your meat that's why you see the big thing on you know 100% grass-fed and wild caught fish because the whole idea is that nothing's been tampered or mess with it to with this nutritional value right so when you're eating that you're getting you know there really is no meaning have to take some type of vitamin supplement right because you're getting a lot of good solid micronutrients right now a con right is that normally as we most know eating really healthy super organic buying that wild-caught fish buying that grass-fed you know beef it's expensive it's super expensive right I mean even my even myself waking up and I'm a healthy guy right I can't afford to go and get grass-fed beef all the time Organic chicken you know organic organic berries and fruits right and when I do I give that to the kids but like it's just not you know I'm not a big fish eater oh yeah I mean so I mean but just whatever it is to get it in its purest form it's up right you would think like why should it be more expensive to get something that's less processed you have to do more work theoretically to make it I guess something highly processed like Oreos for example right well that's chips just made in a lab and they can just mask that right but it's funny how now but for all you know that probably the the thing is is probably gotta do more work now you know to to make it more natural right because it's harder for them to keep it produced exactly exactly versus the cheaper exactly so that's a kind is that it's more expensive right now what I would say to that is like you know don't let that deter you just get what you're able to get it's even if you're able to incorporate a little bit of it it's better than incorporating forth not incorporating it at all you know what I'm saying most farmers are forced to use the GMO seeds yeah yeah and that's what you're even seeing you're even seeing some farmers that are coming out where they're producing the more natural stuff and you're slowly I'm missing you on Instagram you know you're seeing that like and I'll some of that earlier the story the trends were starting to become more popular people are having more conversations especially in the meat industry right that's almost like one of the worst offenders right but I know it's crazy man it may it's crazy you see these cows these chickens that are massive and you're like what cook this isn't natural you know it's crazy to think about so obviously you know notes lead to another Pro the Paleo diet when you're eating when you're eating a diet with no app additives preservatives chemicals right that's great for the body keeps you feeling nice and clean right and I kind of really also kind of leads to the anti-inflammatory benefits right you don't got a lot of highly processed in your body you know not causing those digestive issues not putting you in not putting you in an inflamed state that's great now on the other end right flip it over a couple of the cons some people describe this a bit restrictive right you are limited certain numbers of foods and people don't like that right I mean even I myself you know I don't like super restrictive diets that eliminates up and getting back to the previous slide right I told you some of the things that paleo eliminates like grains which would be even brown rice steel-cut oatmeal right I don't think the book should necessarily not be included I mean I think I think in moderation those things those things are fine right so some people find it to be a bit restrictive and they also the preparation time obviously coming out going out and getting your prepackaged meal and just popping it in the oven versus imagine if you got your fresh piece of meat and you had to season the meats and cut it up and cook it and you got to do your bets your vegetables hit your vegetables out and prepare them and cook it obviously you know it's gonna take longer to prepare your own your own food right so people do that as a kind I mean again I think if you wanna if you're trying to you know put the scripts are eating healthy you just have to accept that this is going to take more time to prepare your own food but I think the benefits far outweigh the cons of that longer usually better hell yeah a lot of times better exactly exactly alright put me back over to the pros right healthy lipid profile so what do we mean by that we mean that with the Paleo diet you're getting a lot of good healthy fats right it's promoting you when you get a lot of good healthy fats either from the meat consumption right or things like again your olive oil avocado oil your nuts your seeds right and so having having a good lipid profile it's gonna mean you're gonna have a great you know a great level of cholesterol one you can your and you're interrupting your tre triglycerides right which is also really going to result in lower risk of heart disease right you're not gonna worried about so really what we're talking about here one of the big things that comes to mind is when you're eating a lot of highly processed a lot of bad fat you end up clogging up your arteries right clogging up your arteries is one of these can lead to a heart attack heart disease so these are things that we want to stay the away from you're doing your wife lose a lot of weight or just you both of us did we did it together actually which was great because we could lean on one another it's funny because she started before I did and I just I wasn't into it yet and but then yeah we both hopped on the train and we did it together it was great it was awesome it was great having and getting that partner you know to rely on the push one another because there's going to be days where you don't feel like doing it and you want that partner to be like you we are gonna do it you know yeah it's great I really what it really was and then so the next so like weight loss due to limited food choice generally speaking if I'm going to restrict the kind of foods you can eat in additi
on to you having to spend time to prepare them generally you're probably going to eat you're probably going to eat less calories which is going to result in weight loss now the funny thing the opposite the a critique of the Paleo diet you need that motivation sometimes yeah dude-- yeah dude-- yeah dude-- absolutely it's it's critical it's actually critical whether it's a spouse wife or wife is a spouse with your spouse yeah you know another family sibling close friend you know yeah dude you need it absolutely absolutely but so one of the funny things is that some people actually can play on the Paleo diet it's actually easy to over eating gain weight because a lot of people get on paleo and then people are like oh my god I can eat all the nuts in the world right so obviously something like nuts right is very alertly dense meaning what does that mean that meats like 1/4 cup of nuts it's like 200 freedom calories right so if you just word yourself on thinking who let me I can drizzle all the olive oil I went all over my salad you know or I can crush all the nut butter you know I want then you could quickly find yourself crushing like 3,000 calories and you're like I'm getting fat why am I getting fat from paleo right so and that is something if you're not used to like what different and this is why I love this is why I also like I'm such a huge advocate of people at least spending some period logging their food so that they understand the different kinds of foods and their nutritional value calories what's a high carbohydrate food a high protein food a high fat food so people can understand cuz you times people make mistakes there's peanut butter oh I just put you know 3 3 spoons of peanut butter in this and it's like these globs is like three tablespoons worth easily close to like a thousand calories and peanut butter and they don't even think about that stuff you know and then the last comment is this is really mortar an athlete and I'll be honest I experienced this myself especially when I was doing you know anytime at this book like high high like intensity activity on like CrossFit for example even though I know how people push paleo and CrossFit together but have a doing it to be real with you but like you still love low-energy at the end of the day your body's preferred energy source right plus efficient in my opinion is carbohydrate it is sugar right there's a reason there's a reason why you eat a banana and boom you get a Spiker you eat a piece of chocolate boom you get a spike in your go-go-go you know what I'm saying so really thank you another big thing you know it's the low energy right because generally speaking your carbohydrate consumption is gonna be lower because you have to remember the idea of the Paleo diet even though fruits allow that general idea is that you're supposed to be eating like the caveman right where a majority of your diet is meats right followed by like meats and fish followed by followed by your fats right mean your olive oil nuts seeds right and then at the very and then at the very very top two is gonna be like fruit your fruit and vegetables right now obviously they prefer you to do vegetables but fruit is very is a very minimal amount because again the whole idea is is that fruit fruit wasn't around all year round right it definitely not all kinds of fruit we're a wreck we're around right you could live in an area where put oranges just weren't native right but we're used to we have all kinds of fruit that we went all the time so anyways so general you're gonna have a lower lower carbohydrate intake right so as we continue to wrap up our pros and cons right so flipping over here right the Paleo diet is rich in potassium right eating a lot of fruit and vegetables to increase potassium levels right any and when we say eating a lot of fruit and vegetables we just mean in comparison to the Western diet that generally has a low intake of fresh fruit and vegetables right increase your potassium levels right which is great for maintaining healthy blood pressure getting great kidney muscle function right opposite Cohn again because you can't have the dairy a lot of people especially in the you know in the Western society they get their calcium from milk cheese and yogurt right and so those who follow a very strict hey leo diet they could find themselves you know not having an adequate amount of calcium know you could counter that and say well you can take some type of calcium supplement right or something along those lines but generally like if you're not then you could you know do I think I think I would say a bit of a stretch but dr. yeah that could happen and therefore low bone and tooth density yeah but flipping back over to the pros high protein content right I told you a majority of the Paleo diet is high protein so proteins right or essential I mean protein proteins do so much for you right there's social promotion develop your skin muscles bone and your cartilage right consuming adequate amounts of meat protein right contribute to a great healthy body composition and lower insulin response right protein protein and carbs is what balance one another app if you didn't know that actually but yeah protein and the protein is great it really it really is right boom to the car Viva nation of whole grains right could mean a decrease didn't know that oh yeah yeah yeah is what this is what it's with is what the balance one another out yep yeah and then fats right fats produce the hormone leptin and leptin leptin is the hormone that tells your body that in the fool so that's why that's why it's a good idea it's a good idea to have a balance of all of these macronutrients right that's why I'm never really a super huge a super huge fan of a diet that completely eliminates one macronutrient out of the out of the picture like the carnivore diet for example right well don't cover that too I mean I plan on doing all these you know if I'm doing all of them so the whole grains right if you all of a sudden over male green you could be decreasing your intake of fiber right which is beneficial to gut health now again it you can argue fiber supplements and things of that nature and my place personally speaking I still consume whole grains steel-cut oatmeal brown rice you know now do I think like if you're like man you're eating cereal you're like yeah I'm getting my whole grains I think there were more less processed foods out there like steel-cut oatmeal and brown rice where you can be getting your fiber intake from you know what I'm saying so but again that's just on you know that's just on me that's where like I agree with this as being a you know a con I think you just need to you know in whole grains pick the less processed ones and then you put them back over your last Pro and this is a huge Pro this is probably like the number one Pro in my opinion morning to take on diet and that's the elimination of processed foods right this diet is compromised of Whole Foods right we talked about it your meats fish fruit vegetables right your fats nuts seeds okay I mean this is your this Whole Foods right this is stuff that I less processed food for all food that's right exactly exactly so you got you got less less salt less sugar less like high fructose corn syrup like aspartame and all these other ingredients that I don't even have a pronounce processed food has messed up my stomach yeah I'm telling you that's one of the big things right it's so crazy because I've gone so long right with eliminating you know a lot of that out of my diet that any time I do like a life cheat days right here if you follow my Instagram you see some of the food that I get on my cheat day sometimes and trust me I like because my body's gotten so trained it's crazy and as I've got older I keep asking myself man why do I do this because I I'm realizing it you realize it with physical reaction to eating
this highly processed food all the agrees that just probably that just process your stomach yeah yeah right so you know eating that less salt that less sugar right then obviously is improving your blood sugar levels and blood pressure right reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes right so I mean again this is just this is this is the number one right and this again this is it you can you can do you can do keto you can do if it fits your macros and them still eliminate processed food now because paleo is so restrictive it makes you eliminate processed food you know what I'm saying so but like that is like literally number one eat something your body rejection immediately yes I'm tug dude over the past like few years I have thrown up more not because I got super drunk but because I had a night of crushing something like fried chicken wings and literally that night I threw up because my stomach just couldn't handle eating eating fried chicken wings I'm telling you like no joke it's the truth it's really wild it's so crazy it really is you know that's common the diet does not allow the consumption of legumes which are highly beneficial gut health and rich in magnesium selenium and magnesium no Mac manganese I always get ripped up on those cuz it's not you read it you thinking you want to say magnesium right away so it again this is also where I kind of agree consumptions up lagoons I think it within a category like some people argue like potatoes and sweet potatoes or legumes and I think sweet potatoes are right for you so that's where I also like I feel like I feel like in the book that dairy both the dairy the grains and the legumes I understand why they're eliminated they're not they're eliminated as far as the Paleo diet because they're processed food right that's because it used to you like I gotta give the examples earlier of milk milk comes out of a cow and then it has to go through some sort of process it gets bottled and packaged and boom right like when we drink the milk out of the Adamek out of the thing out of the carton it is not the milk that came directly out of the cow some has happened to it before we consume it you don't I mean in grains I get it we gave the example of like brown rice right yeah we're not I can't remember it's the Hulk there's like three there's like three things I know with white brakes that gets stripped out but we don't brown rice like one of the things gets stripped down right so I understand its process hello out of the thing out of the other milk almost kills me well same yeah I really don't do a lot of milk when it comes to Dairy and Greek yogurt like the products to get some of the like good good bacteria if you will so let's go again and like little goons I get because some of them are like process you know what I do think like sweet potatoes I just feel like in each of those areas whole grains dairy and legumes there are less processed versions in each of those areas that I think you know it's good in moderation to include those I think some of the health benefits outweigh the fact that it's processed you know what I'm saying like your whole grains if you're eating brown rice okay there you get some more nutritional value then if you're eating raisin bran you know what I'm saying I think there's like so there's so two extremes in that category that it's almost unfair to like Nick's brown rice because raisin bran is in that category you know what I'm saying look at anything is raisin bran but you get you get what I'm saying here so yeah I mean so these are the general these are the general pros pros and cons guys around the Paleo diet I mean next we get the last segment is uh it's questions we're pushing 56 minutes a time this would be about 45 minutes to an hour you know there's no questions I think what I'll talk about you know it's one speaking of my experience doing paleo right in my CrossFit face because paleo was a big kind of diet being pushed around CrossFit I tried it and I would say the biggest the biggest con for me was that high the low energy level now did it leave me out Oh abso-fucking-lutely like didn't leave me out yes but I feel like I have no energy I'm so lethargic especially doing something like CrossFit high-intensity like you know doing that like four or five times a week it may be like I wasn't really measuring my calories back then so I don't know maybe if I did paleo but I made sure of consuming enough calories that maybe so would've been as bad but I still just don't think like I know my body feels better when I'm getting like the big carbohydrate pre and post workout I feel like I'm better for my workout and I feel better recovered after my workout so that would probably be like my only thing with paleo when I was super strict was like the carbohydrate I mean I did it for about two months and then afterwards like yeah I looked real lean but I was so tired I'm now just dragging ass knee workouts what's the best thing to start doing to get rid of the guy Oh obviously the number one thing you can do to start getting ready to double two things right exactly diet and exercise but let me elaborate a bit a bit more on that right so you're number one of course is going to be your nutrition now am now more than that right it's really focusing on the quality of food that you're eating bro you know what I'm saying and Palio's be honest even a bot like if I had to if I had to provide okay what is one diet like that I was like okay I'm not gonna have time or they don't have time to literally like you know find out what every single food has right I probably would recommend something for paleo like something like paleo like if you got like some fat to lose right because it's high vegetables high protein moderate amounts of fat you're getting a little a little fruit right and your gig you're eliminating that processed food that right there it's going to immediately start flushing everything out right but if you don't want to say something like paleo again other folks I McCauley play bro when I started losing weight mmm I told you this already but when I started losing weight right all I did was I cut out all processed food I stopped eating McDonald's Chipotle subway I'm gonna how healthy you know that it says it is for you I stopped eating it you know what you know when I started eating and I wasn't measuring food or anything I started doing a bowl of oatmeal with like a handful of blueberries right and maybe I put some nuts in there right and like a few eggs that would be breakfast lunch would be a piece of cooked chicken with some with a cup of brown rice and loaded with vegetables steamed vegetables no no shouldn't it's steamed vegetables and then dinner same thing chicken or maybe like a piece of steak right with like a sweet potato and then vegetables and I drank nothing but water and then for snacks I'll have maybe like a handful of nuts in avocado maybe full and some peanut butter and that's that's literally all I all I ate that's all I did bro bro for 18 months that's all I ain't bro that's all they in the weight which is falling off cuz you guys remember I'm not sure I might just want to die then yeah I mean did like wake up but you have to remember dude it's like dude that's crazy I know and I and I and I need flavor I hear you dude I hear you but but you have to you have to imagine bro 18 months is nothing in the span of your life do you get what I'm saying like don't like you know like now but yeah do i season my food and get some flavor and whatever but dude I'm telling you at least for me I was you know I came to the real like dude like time flies and you know this right you know this time flies so like dude 18 months is nothing two years is nothing you can dramatically change your life and then look dude once you've got once you
got what you want ain't wanting to do then okay you can slowly start incorporating the stuff back and then and that's what I do you know what I mean now obviously like I mean I was just you know I was 300 pounds you know couldn't like walking up and down stairs I was getting out of breath you know I had an extreme situation just me like I'm cold turkey and I know some people can't do that and just slowly do a gradual start you know start incorporating more better quality foods yeah yeah I'm not overweight discussed the dad bod going yeah I feel ya so I would say that down on the nutrition side just focus on less processed food better quality food also known as a father pig as a father figure as like that's right that's right that's right and then I'm gonna exercise you know frame I mean dude walking well if anything walk like don't worry about like this remember I took like are a lot of people a lot of people get so caught up in like man I got to spend two or three hours in the gym you don't just be more active right just cuz you spent two hours in the gym doesn't mean you're a super active person move around even though I get in the gym I still do ten to fifteen thousand steps a day get it get the up and start moving around people we gotta move around we were meant to move around that will help lean you out like if you just start doing that this imagine if you were walking 10,000 steps a day now I'm just boost your overall activity level through the door through the roof man it really would so that's why I like I don't know so much people get scared when they're sitting like go to the gym like well what do i do at the gym what exercises do I do and there is you know high intensity there's Kluber blah blah blah blah dude even myself when I got started it was just walking bro yeah not for carcase up today bro 10 K steps at minimum everyday everyday like get up get up and go and go walk get up and go walk 20 to 20 minutes at a time people want out of the go island have a 10-15 minute smoke break you need to go have a 10 15 minute walk break but I work in the office you know renegade gamers I work at office too bro get up and take your ass outside to go and go and go take some laps around the building bro I'm telling you man I'm telling you unless you're like telling me you're really in a situation I'm gonna take breaks bro you need to is for your health it's for your help unless you're in a situation where you're like oh my ass literally has to be glued in my seat for the whole eight hours dude you got a lunch break and if you're like man I can't take a lunch break and just really like then yeah you better get up a half an hour early so you can go walk in the morning and then you better go walk for an hour in the evening hang out with the kids you know everyone on a big family walk or do even walk around the house do don't be sometimes even when it's raining outside bro I'm just walking around the house back and forth to get my steps just get caught up in work I know you got to make it a priority bro I set timers in my phone I said time timers in my phone like get up and walk I swear to God I do I swear dude I really truly do I set timers in my phone that will go off to tell me to go start walking I really do do whatever it takes man like whatever it takes but dude I promise you yeah do four or five thousand steps is nothing dude you got a 10k minimum before before you even take her ass on to the gym just get moving around bro at least 8000 steps 8000 steps that's what I would do so those would be my two my two things man try to incorporate less processed food and me out of nowhere your diets like right now but less processed food and then just start moving in between those two things you will start moving in the right direction you hear what I'm saying most of all that makes sense all right consider it done that's what I like to hear man cuz you know you don't want bro I heard this quote the other day I can't can't remember who I heard it from but it was like it was like if you want to if you want to stop starting over you got to stop giving up and I was like damn like that really hit me how many times in my life whether with fitness or with you know other even streaming we're like things weren't working out the way I wanted and I gave up and I stopped and then I like started again and I always you always got to have that question man I wonder like six months go by a year goes by damn I wonder if I had stuck it out for the past six months or year where would I be right now you know what I'm saying top legs dude I'm did I really mind me it truly did it mind me I was like damn it and I said I've had that moment all the time or I'm like like it really more recently it's been with streaming we're like okay like this time around like I'm like all right dude focus on creating value and enjoy the process when I first started streaming dude you get so caught up in I got to get my followers and you get discourage why the why the do I don't have a hundred viewers brother why are people jumping all over my Instagram and da-da-da-da-da and I just realize like dude you got to enjoy the process like who the are you that people are going to start blowing you up just when you get started you know what I'm saying so that's just what that losing weight is harder streaming this rough losing weight is harder I mean yeah what losing weight because losing weight dude it's like there's so many society is not conducive to losing weight right is that up but it's so true Society is not conducive to losing weight a lot of our activities are around drinking going out to eat right how often do you hear people are like oh you want it you want to go run with me yeah about the mothers will run a few miles you want to come hey I'm going to the gym you want to come no that's not like the typical hangout thing you know what I'm saying agree fast food on every corner you know what I mean exactly that's what it is I mean that's obviously what it is hello Allen brothers go for a job not yeah that's what I'm saying exactly right like that's just not how it goes you know I mean even as I started getting more into my lifestyle it some of my old friends I'd be like yo won't you come over with the gym they'll be like nah bro I'm good you know what I mean no one wants to do that don't worry Mike so society just not conducive to it but anyway it's not just like that that quote really like stuck with me and I was like you know like it's so true we give up so easily in the short term because it's hard because we don't you know cuz we haven't done it before and we're not seeing it results immediately and you know I'm just realizing that dude time flies and so like it's really is true if you wanna if you truly do want to stop starting over stop giving up you know give yourself any true change right you got to start thinking about what what am I going to achieve three to five years from now I mean renegade if you would have asked me in 2012 would I have six pack abs right now now I would have been like no way I'm like yeah maybe I can lose weight but six pack abs like like ripped ripped bond no way dude no way I would have been like you're no you're lying to me that's not possible you know what I'm saying so like you just gotta you just got it like stick with it you got to think about you know if sometimes it's hard for you to think about what you can achieve in three five years ten years you know what I mean start thinking start thinking about things in terms of that and just put your head down enjoy the processing grind and before you know you three years five five five years sighs bye and then you were like then are asking you dude what did you do how did you do it and they're expecting some complicated answer and it's not complicated right it's simple
it's just patience and consistency you know what I'm saying you know what you need to do renegade you know what you need to do you know that I need to start eating healthy I need to start moving around more you know that you already know bro it's just consistency every day and just being patient and that's what it is my man that's what it is bro it's that motivations that motivation you just got a connect man you just gotta admit I mean again for me it was more it was more drastic but you just gotta connect with that why am I doing this you know like that's another thing I was saying man we gotta start changing the conversation right break that laziness not giving up you know so changing the conversation right like health and fitness it's not about having a six-pack it's not about having you know amazing biceps right fitness and health it's got it it's got to be about I'm gonna be able to wipe my ass when I'm 80 I don't wanna have or I don't wanna be at risk for a heart attack in my 50s or 60s you know I mean I want to be able to play around with my grandkids you know what I'm saying it's about living yeah living a longer and being healthy that's what it that's what it is man it's really not like not obviously like living a healthy and fit lifestyle one of the one of the benefits that happen is you generally look good naked right right like I said I told you if you were to ask me why would I get abs I'd really hell no but yeah one of the benefits of I just been living a healthy and fit lifestyle is you got a lower body fat percentage and your muscles are more pronounced right but that's never been the goal the goal is just to live a fit and healthy life and so now as I'm sitting here in my 30s yeah I'm thinking about I'm thinking about when frickin 50-60 right I'm still labeled like when my kids 20 and he wants to shoot hoops I'm able to gonna shoot hoops with my kid I'm not like oh man like I can't move you know or when my kid has a kid and I'm like 6070 I'm able to pick my grandkid up I'm not you know with the Walker are with or whatever you know what I'm saying it's so like when you start thinking about that when that becomes the goal then do you like you're unstoppable when that becomes the goal you're unstoppable so that's our let's flip back here so guys so that was that was our that was our skit on our presentation if you will on on the Paleo diet like I said this was something new that I wanted to start doing in an attempt to bring more value to you guys .

Video Description:

In today's Game and Gainz session we discuss the Paleo Diet and then crush some shoulders and legs! -- Watch live at


Mastering the Perfect Pushup

hey guys its Deanna from paleo hacks com and today we're going to learn how to do a perfect pushup so in order to get into our perfect pushup we need to get into a perfect plank you want your hands directly underneath your shoulders place the weight in between your fingers and your knuckles to take some pressure off of your wrists engage your abdominals pulling your belly button towards your nose and then step one foot back at a time into a perfect plank make sure that your hips aren't too high and get ready to lower into your push up for a triceps I'll push up you're going to lower down keeping your elbows in by your waistline grazing the sides of your body press back up and when you press up you want the inside of your elbow pressing slightly forward and make sure you don't walk out the arms at the top lower back down and repeat for 10 to 15 repetitions mistake number one is letting your hips sag too low so when your hips tag you're not engaging your core so to engage your core you want to pull your belly button towards your nose this is going to help lengthen your lower back and take a lot of stress out of that lower back and really engage those abdominals mistake number two is having your hips too high so just the opposite of letting those hips sag if your hips are too high you're also not going to work those abdominals so to get in the right position again you want to engage those abdominal muscles and this time squeeze your glutes this is going to help lower your hips and you want your hips just lower than your shoulders mistake number three is having your arms too far forward during your push-ups so I've seen this a lot of times at the gyms make sure you pull your hands directly underneath your shoulders if they're a little bit too far forward of you you're not going to be able to engage your chest muscles and you'll put a little bit of stress on those shoulders and mistake number four is letting your elbows flare out to the side so again that's going to put some stress on your shoulders and also on your elbows so if you're doing a tricep style push-up make sure you have your elbows in close by your waistline they should graze just the sides of your body and if you're doing a wide push up your hand should be wider than shoulder width apart and your elbow should be bent at about 90 degrees mistake number five is straining your neck so as you're doing your push-up you want to look about one foot in front of you during your plank and as you go down into your push-up keep gazing at that same position you want to make sure that the back of your neck isn't too far up and that you're just gazing down towards the floor mistake number six is not going low enough into your pushup if you don't go low enough into your pushup you're not going to be engaging those chest muscles also make sure you don't go too low and really stress out the shoulders for more workout tips check out paleo hacks com you .

Video Description:

We know. This isn’t the first time that you’ve heard that pushups are one of the most effective upper body exercises, and it certainly won’t be the last. Today, we’ll not only show you how to do the perfect pushup, but also the biggest mistakes to avoid.

Thursday, November 26, 2020


How to Do V-Ups + Mistakes & Variations

start by sitting on the ground with legs lengthened out in front of hips then lay down on your back stretching arms back behind shoulders keeping your back flat contract your core then lift your arm head neck and shoulders off the ground while also lifting up your legs to crunch with your abs your legs should lift to form around a 45 degree angle and arms just stretch towards your feet then continue to repeat the same lowering and lifting sequence when lowering legs and arms back down to the ground between the crunch it's easy to let your muscles relax which can cause your back to arch try to keep your back and core tight throughout the entire move maintaining constant stabilization a common mistake is to move too fast by using momentum during the lift in the crunch VF should be a slow and controlled as possible by going slower with more concentration on form you'll use more muscles in your core and be able to go deeper into your transverse abdominus for maximum benefit and strengthening back and core be sure to keep your hips even during the lift and not Peter off to one side maintaining balance helps to keep the focus of the exercise and the abdominal scales see it can be made easier by keeping your legs on the ground having your lower body stable and grounded you can strengthen the muscles in your core and still perform the exercise by lifting up arms head neck and shoulders upwards until you're ready to lift up your legs scales by alternating legs this move will be a little less intense begin the V up in the same way you would the regular version but when lifting up head neck and shoulders only bring one leg up towards your middle like crunching lower arms and legs back down to the floor then repeat the list with the other leg continue to move with each leg separately lifting and lowering advanced after listing arms up toward seats hold the crunch and Paul's hands forward maintaining a tight core continue deep breath in and out while reaching towards toes and maintain a strong back without rounding your spine this will challenge your lower abdominal muscles and balance you .

Video Description:

Make your ab time count by perfecting this full-body crunch!

Saturday, November 21, 2020


5 Minute Chest Workout to Lift & Tone

hey guys clay here for paleo grubs and today we're going to be doing a five-minute chest workout and this is going to include five different exercises of one minute okay we're gonna really pump up those chest muscles and get those sexy arms okay so for first ten seconds let's just get a little bit of a warm-up golly just drove through the spot get your heart rate up get that pull-up flowing and that energy ready to spin okay three two one we're going to start with incline push-ups now you need a chair hold onto each side and push up okay and we were doing this a one-minute then squeeze those chest muscles you bomb down don't let it raise up like this keep it low keep going guys squeeze your core squeeze your glutes and mainly squeeze your chest okay now we're halfway through keep it up keep it up squeezing the chest muscles you've got about 20 seconds left keep going guys you want to challenge stuff get down Lola three two one alright now we're going to test squeeze it's pretty simple I want to do put your hands together into schoolies first 30 seconds if this is gonna be squeezing then we're gonna do pulses for the next day keep squeezing back straight squeeze for you squeeze home to this biceps flex her chest roaring but 10 more seconds this keep squeezing keep squeezing Troy get through the bend by now squeeze all right now pulses so jumps switch hands squeeze together but 20 seconds left keep squeezing guys you can hold it for one second release switch the arms around keep squeezing keep it up alrighty next exercise we're going into ease plank transition slow down the ground always on the ground and go up make sure keep legs out wide keep still steady and down up and down up wouldn't you 30 seconds up the hard way and then 30 seconds are the easy way 10 seconds left up and down next two seconds how about knees in the ground makes it a little bit easier down up and down squeeze those chest muscles down up keep going straight don't let you bone come up about 15 seconds ten seconds left alrighty now we've got to go into pro we're going to do 30 seconds holding and 30 seconds walking so raising hands are out wide feet on the ground I'm going to hold you for 30 seconds keep going straight ten things left all right now we're doing walking okay hands going hands go out ready let's go in and it's go out yeah and out thirty seconds of this out mean out fifteen seconds left five seconds left alright now let me just doing the average push-ups knees on the ground ready go now if this is your height I can bring you a bum up a little bit and keep going but everyone else bum down ten seconds left okay that's it guys that's your five minute chest workout hope you can feel the pain in the chest that's what you're looking for so now stretch have a glass of water maybe take a protein shake and then rest up and repeat this another maybe two or three times each week okay bye for now .

Video Description:

Do this short chest workout every 2-3 days to tone your chest. Supercharge your results with these 5 simple exercises.

Thursday, August 13, 2020


How to Do Plank + Mistakes & Variations

starts in a tabletop position vacuum your wrists directly under the shoulders and the knees underneath the hips create a solid foundation for the upper body by spreading your fingers wide and keeping the palm spot one foot at a time extend the legs long stepping back into your plank the body should be long and flat just like a board or a plank of wood to create length it is fine imagine your tailbone is reaching towards your heels and the heels are lengthening toward a wall behind you create that stain lengthening energy by reaching your crown of the head forward so making sure to keep your gaze down between your hands wings are designed to fire up the core keep your abs engaged by drawing your navel into the spine activating the lower transverse abdominals don't forget to breathe if your hips are sagging towards the floor it's a sign that you're not properly engaging your core make sure to lift and lengthen the lower back keeping the ABS active also keep the legs active by squeezing your inner thighs end this will prevent the lower back from collapsing inward if your butt is lifted into the air you're also not properly engaging your core first realign your shoulders to be directly over the wrists as they've most likely shifted back activate the muscles in your upper back by internally rotating your triceps and towards the ears this will create support for your shoulders then continue to draw the lower belly up and end to keep the core engaged lower impact if you have tenderest modify by slightly turning the risk powers you can also use a yoga block underneath each hand focus on ass to make this movies are more challenging for your core and to take some of the work out of your shoulders bring your planks down to the forearms your elbow should stack directly beneath the shoulders and your forearms should remain parallel advanced start by lifting each foot alternating sides progress by lifting your foot and holding it off the ground and finally live the opposite hand out to shoulder height .

Video Description:

Learn how to master one of the best exercises for strengthening your core -- and toning your entire bod.
