hi hello a lark wanna come now Mugen Dhamma individual enormous value chart Allah Naga putih sharpener Putin breakfast to continue a number almond editor column almonds after the kuranda 1l tucumán Arde Amara mutiny a tewara where a doom curricula Raja up running the almond sup turbo ready camera when a little pistol ki divided to kalam this sound walnut Jose learning edit the column up row in where a type of breakfast from the butter tea illa butter coffee optic mathematical check Allah Allah enact a coffee curriculum nanak particular nanak revenue and Alinea or glass full fat milk ethical arm up ta Lana in a moon eternal motor hood a conveyor number a lubricant in a mu Newton alma mater cordoning on the breakfast accreditor cannot even lay a doll do would pour olive and in English was to credit Tacoma go repeal Unilever very demeaning a shop the Corrado lunch chicken in a cauliflower in the pumpkin ERISA curve either a tear I saw plainly oak I hear evil watch a quorum booty owning an optical ah up Dylan a vegetable soup or chicken soup or mutton soup so Milken on which particular memory soup could a new curricula ela no vegetable soda muta a boil penne and imagining an optical our dinner when the 8 cachaça market no more he alarm is happened America a u-turn on which lay Eli dating a sub tequila I love in the cutter paw Delilah we acquired a full of numerous ondol opening Isabella namu terrific a la chicken mutton fish supposed to be for chronic crabs quit day no known area so Layla Sheila normal changing editor kana Oh Malika remember deep fry bunny sub Tama our love a chore in gravy muddy pond yo sup Tigana Roman holiday shallow fry bunny Suprema cook income of butter oil ghee a gala you spending up on Otis and LM Katti posickey a gossiper no normal Tony Sheena linear data Connor Bailey on the snacks are gone today order but America rhombus our Pannonian dozenal in London nosotros nags head - conga black coffee pot - karate class Sheila hot water lemon salt potent in Aden a local Cigna approved for the kayfa Lynette Scavo walnut o el al mundo make a con job mocha elope Rico Angelo - optical um zucchini under cut bunny chips Marine in a sentence after clam from olives up the clamp olives particular hunger and the flavour particular meaning and Allah Chiefs led upon you o Allah sauce maddening it already funny Catania olives animal is optically illa examining omelette our boil / neo-noir into molten in leaning foolish after class I'm done chocolate is combo particular on the dark chocolate editor club as a sugar ado may say camera credit a locker LM n I'm a curriculum AB grow yogurt whole couple of elephants Ayatollah tightening analyst a particular abut eater learning is opting anaconda finding a working phone working for nada will go see kram very close offer paleo love fruits Edwin cutter Adam maintenance that lomotil no fruits wounded healer único food shop or no food shop America Mary Ellen Rogan a fold of fruits editor Cana in a can dip a snack shop solid food subtly walking can depending upon a new abdomen and an onion a paleo Rick radical use you say your grogger under Bala no military other being in the fo'c'sle erratic lana Apalachicola orange ethical are very salah meaning at o'clock blueberry strawberry editor column a pro pile cada Kuya named Isabella owner learn the render panel except Allah prom Nellie Calgary Nellie cunning a subpoena even upon attaining a candy bar in November local speed await respond uh Nona Linga kal-el Aveiro Ayatollah render glass Nullah weather with upon a suit Lola's are needing more Cody Cano a pro at the quarry to the cup Rome read the garlic knowledge English in a row mundo koteas very versatile other patent on Sabri ever cheetah article on Inga or glass karnilla a Priya photo muling ringa linga municipal yo up and down the smell nanak fulla iroquois are learning or Mottram aluminum re qu t cotija piece of adrenaline in a vetiver challening Abdi Molina a pro candy for Anala quarrel Amana the poor juicer salt pour the juice olive oil in a hot water la colombiana Maria the were lamenting shop Detroit pnina walking or 30 minutes Nina pulling enough slow walking now polling another one another Nina sharp ILD arica in McAlary recurring and a poem monitor pani conga when a leaky thousand two hundred two thousand three hundred calories : in a saw Bertram are you firing up Aloha we're over ala midwinter bye bye .
Video Description:
Non veg Paleo
▪ 100 number of alomonds
▪ Butter coffee
▪ Butter Tea
▪ One glass of full fat milk
▪ Three to four eggs
▪ Cauliflower rice
▪ Pumpkin rice
▪ Vegetable soup
▪ 500 grams vegetables
▪ Three to four eggs
▪ Chicken
▪ Mutton
▪ Fish
▪ Pork
▪ Beef
▪ Prawn
▪ Crab
▪ squid
Black coffee
Piece of fruit
Handful of Pistachio
zucchini / sweet potato chips
Hard boiled eggs
Piece of dark chocolate
High-quality, full-fat yogurt
Simple omelette
Raw guava
To do..
In Empty Stomach have 2 glasses of warm water
Have 2 garlic in early morning
Have lemon water daily
Walking for 30 minutes.
Healthy eating