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Thursday, December 31, 2020


Is a Vegetarian Paleo Diet Possible - S. Boyd Eaton

hey paleo vegetarian diet is very definitely possible and what you need to do is understand what were the nutrients that were provided by the foods our ancestors consumed and reproduce those nutrients in a diet for today and that diet can be a vegetarian diet or even a vegan diet so long as in the end it produces the nutrients that our ancestors consumed and which I believe are that we are genetically programmed for .

Video Description:

S. Boyd Eaton, the father of the Paleo Diet, made a bold statement at Finding Common Ground that shifted some definitions of a Paleo diet. With his research based on how humans lived during Paleolithic times, Eaton says YES, a vegetarian Paleo diet IS possible, and the answers are held in the past. Learn more about his presentation here:

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