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Thursday, October 8, 2020


The Paleo Diet and How Much Protein Do We Need with Garth Davis, M.D.

anyway we've got big marketing I mean if you think oil companies are rich you don't understand these companies these beef come and plus see the American government gives money for them to add this beef it's what's for dinner is funded by your tax dollars that goes to tell you that beef is what's for dinner we're obsessed with it because we're told to eat it here's a gluten free salad if there's a lot of marketing into muscles and stuff when you're when you're getting this I mean look there's vodka out there now that has protein in it vodka with protein you gotta be kidding me it's absolutely ridiculous and this brings along the Paleo diet look the Paleo diet is a much better Atkins diet they don't like processed foods it can be a healthy way of eating but here's the problem paleo man was not eating a ton of me these are the people that put out the Paleo diet are not anthropologists okay they're not anthropologists at all and the idea that it's somehow a paleo bar is like can you imagine a cave me I mean like I'll take a paleo bar you know or a brontosaurus burger it just wasn't like that that's not what they had and when you when you actually talk to anthropologists they think the paleo concept is absolutely ridiculous it's got no basis in scientific fact this idea that we never did any kind of evolution except in the paleo era is absolutely ridiculous and the idea that we can't tolerate grains and all this kind of stuff has been absolutely proven wrong but these people aren't scientists that are putting out the Paleo stuff and we could prove they're wrong because we've got fossils and if you look at Australopithecus and you look at the teeth and you do carbon testing you will find that Australopithecus was eating bark and vegetable matter all right they were mainly gathers of course hunters got all the glory but they mainly says their sustenance was mainly on gathering so let's get down to the meat of the issue so to speak let me close up how much protein do we really need well the RDA did some studies and they concluded after many many years many different conferences that the average woman needs 46 grams of protein the average man needs 56 exorcising you're gonna need some more but not a lot more that's a lot less than we get typically we eat a lot more than that we're unbelievably deficient in fiber unbelievably deficient in plants like I showed you yesterday but that's what we get and believe this was based on a normal curve too so the average person needs less than that but they wanted to make sure we didn't miss anybody so they said this is what our level needs to be so probably you can eat even less than that you know what happens you go on a plant-based diet what happens when you go on a plant-based diet people say oh you're low in protein and then any problem you get like I have a cold I've got a cold I've got a cold no big deal and then the vegan says I've got a cold and says that's because you're vegan that's what always happens right like someone will have thyroid disease they'll say my doctor said I got a thyroid disease because I'm vegan that is so ludicrous what do they tell there are millions of meat-eaters that have thyroid disease it's just an absolute they blame everything on the protein let me tell you there's a lot of vegans out there that are not malnourished that it just doesn't exist there's a lot of very strong very healthy vegan people out there and so whenever I'm asked where do you get the protein I look at them and think you know why are you asking me this where do you get your cholesterol but when you look at it there's protein protein is very important it is we need protein to build muscles and stuff like that turns out there's protein everywhere it's in just about every food even fruit it has amino acids in it so you get protein from just about everything people eat meat and think they'll become strong as an ox forgetting then an ox eats meat so when people ask me where do you get your protein I say I get it from where your food gets its protein or I just tell them I get it from fruits and vegetables because that's where I get my protein from from fruits and vegetables and I get asked that question on a daily basis spinach has protein K less protein broccoli has protein mushrooms have protein they all have protein vegan sources of protein are everywhere beans nuts seeds grains look at what you get with a bowl of lentils versus a piece of cow and this isn't everything with a cow you're also getting igf-1 heme iron neu5gc all these bad terrible header cyclic amines you know those grill marks toxic you know that meat is a this is what kills me like process me which we eat all the time as a class 1 carcinogen so is plutonium and yet we don't ever talk about that it's it's plutonium and we don't talk about it I always tell people give peas a chance and you know for God's sakes please eat fruit like when I hear that people say don't eat fruits I mean that's what I really want to jump off a building like you know here's my kids eating lunch all right there look at them dining on their crudité they eat fruit like crazy and then I'll actually be sitting there with someone they'll say aren't you worried about your kids getting enough nutrition and I look along like look what they're you might would and then I look at their kid I'm like how could you worry about my kids nutrition and this way Oh B city epidemic and children we got diabetes and kids that are 12 years old it's craziness out there and changing my diet to no I never think about for everyone how much protein you be today I have no idea I don't think to sit in count how much protein what a ridiculous concept no one in the Blue Zones is counting their protein I eat and however much protein I'm getting it's enough it's more than enough I'm doing things that I never thought I could ever do when I was eating tons and tons of tons of protein so a lot of information out there I hope I helped you tie some of this together to knowledge and use it to get some wisdom and that wisdom is eat this eat these colorful beautiful natural plant-based foods and I'll leave you with this because this is how I want medicine to be in the future doctor I don't feel well not sure why I get this all the time well I want you to meditate 20 minutes twice a day I want you to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day avoid processed foods eat plenty of organic fruits and vegetables spend more time in nature less time indoors stop worrying about things you can't control ditch your TV and see me in three weeks all right thanks guys .

Video Description:

An acclaimed surgeon specializing in weight loss delivers a paradigm-shifting examination of the diet and health industry’s focus on protein, explaining why it is detrimental to our health and can prevent us from losing weight.

Whether you are seeing a doctor, nutritionist, or a trainer, all of them advise you to eat more protein. Foods, drinks, and supplements are loaded with extra protein. Many people use protein for weight control, to gain or lose pounds, while others believe it gives them more energy and is essential for a longer, healthier life. Now, Dr. Garth Davis, an expert in weight loss asks, “Is all this protein-making us healthier?”

The answer, he emphatically argues, is NO. Too much protein is actually making us sick, fat, and tired, according to Dr. Davis. If you are getting adequate calories in your diet, there is no such thing as protein deficiency. The healthiest countries in the world eat far less protein than we do and yet we have an entire nation on a protein binge getting sicker by the day.

As a surgeon treating obese patients, Dr. Davis was frustrated by the ever-increasing number of sick and overweight patients, but it wasn't until his own health scare that he realized he could do something about it. Combining cutting-edge research, with his hands-on patient experience and his years dedicated to analyzing studies of the world’s longest-lived populations, this explosive, groundbreaking lecture reveals the truth about the dangers of protein and shares a proven approach to weight loss, health, and longevity.

Connect with The Real Truth About Health

Passionate believers in whole food plant based diets, no chemicals, minimal pharmaceutical drugs, no GMO's. Fighting to stop climate change and extinction.

Friday, October 2, 2020


keto and paleo diet debunked!

what's up my friends it's the mango terian and welcome back to the fruits berries and melons shiz oh and we're gonna talk about regenerative detoxification because without regenerative detoxification all you have is a short-term solution that doesn't cover a long-term problem and for those of you that are losing your health because the lymphatic system has become backed up from head to toe and you have reached a saturation of acidosis in your body know that these short-term solutions don't create long term success that's pretty much what the article was about that I wrote today and before we get into that I just want to let you guys know where I'm at this is a facility here a giant facility that has a lot of stuff basketball courts soccer core entertainment center arcade wave pool I mean it's an amazing facility here and they're moving stuff around upstairs so if there's noise just please bear with me I'm utilizing the time that I have been doing my work here with brother Johnny and this is where he works so I'm going to utilize the time that I have to make these videos because I promised you guys that I would do a video at least publish one every other day and try to do one every day if possible so please excuse the noise I'm just in the quietest place that I have access to to make a video right now so everything's going well with me I haven't been that active outside but what I have been more active is working out hitting the machines and focusing on building up my body and I'm interested to see what I could create with more weights and not focusing so much on cardio to see if I could build muscle on this on this diet of course I got to wait for my body to to to fix you know ultimately right we're trying to fix digestion absorption utilization and eliminate our waste and we have to get rid of the acid stagnation and we have to get rid of the mucus in the pus in the biofilm and the terrain in the body that blocks the small intestines ability to get that absorption through so that you could hold on to a healthy weight and as you guys know I had it I still do chronic state of malabsorption well I would say from regenerative detoxification over a couple of years now that I'm not eating as much as I used to and I'm feeling more satisfied long-term which means I am getting better absorption than I was before but you know putting on a lot of weight hasn't been a reality I've been able to put on maybe ten pounds and I've been able I've been plateaued there but it's not about the weight guys it's about your health it's about how you feel and you know when you when you deal with Mel absorption issues you it's hard to put on muscle and I used to have a lot of muscle so of course I have to wait and when my body is done repairing and cleaning so that it could build on the nutrition coming in because in all reality nobody should lose weight or have issues holding on to weight and muscle on this lifestyle of fruits berries melons and vegetables the only reason why somebody would is because they have underlying issues and damages in their body and they have to take care of those issues through detoxification and that just takes time to fix so that's another topic this videos not wow it's getting super loud they're probably moving a lot of machinery upstairs on this video is not about Mel's Orson it's about these fad diets whatever fad diet it may be a paleo diet a keto diet one thing we have to understand here is that we're not quite cave dwellers I've botched that stay bent we're not cave dwellers okay we're tropical species human beings came from the tropics the the only reason why human beings have adopted diets outside of their species specific diet is only for survival purposes and there's a big controversy you know about the Paleolithic diet was based around meat and that's just not true if you look at the research a lot of it was based around tubers and plant foods yeah they were cooking their plant foods and they were still eating foods they weren't designed for primarily because we again were tropical species designed for fruit they had to to find another resource for fuel and you know this the second best fuel source identified in my opinion outside of fruits and vegetables in their raw living state is going to be cooked starches in their whole form tubers mainly and then you know you got your grains and your beans but I think they're a step down even more I think that you know your tubers are a lot better of an option than these grains and beans because they have fight to Gossett's enzyme inhibitors anti nutrients and they just have all this stuff in them that would insinuate that they don't want to be eaten and also it takes a long time to cook them to break them down in order to absorb them that's another topic but it is want to say that that was the real Paleolithic diet was really based around starch and because they didn't have access to an abundance of animal food and hunting with the limited tools that they had was kind of a a hard thing to do to sustain themselves on all this meat it was much easier to dig up roots from the ground and cook them than it would be to kill an animal to get their sustenance and their their fuel and plus you know we don't get our fuel as a human species from fats and proteins if you feel good on that it's only temporary it's only because you have removed a diet that is way out of touch with nature which is the standard American diet built around processed starches chemicals additives and just all kinds of junk and that's why people feel better on these temporary diets of you know ketogenic diets and paleo diets because well the keto diet is high in fat and fats are anti-inflammatory so those that have a lot of acid conditions may benefit from these fats because they're anti-inflammatories but over time when you starve the body of sugar it's natural fuel source it's going to shut down and create ketoacidosis because the ketogenic diet is an acidic diet it's based around dead animals and dead animals are acidic and they will shut down the kidneys and bowels over time but for those that are coming off a standard American diet that are overweight are gonna benefit short term on these types of diets Paleo diet or the ketogenic diet and those are the two popular ones apart from a cooked vegan diet and a raw free diet is the least popular diet that there is and it's the most beneficial to the human organism it's the most beneficial diet for any species for that matter we're the only species that has learned to cook our food because we have migrated out of our natural environment and I have us flight is so we're we were forced to eat cooked food but cook food will never be more superior than raw food its depleted of biophotons its depleted of its natural energies and energetics I mean enzymes and energetics and when you cook food you're losing nutrition and you're not even getting a lot of bioavailability of amino acids and bio phytonutrients and any other people think that they're getting a lot of good quality protein from cooked food but you're really only getting 50% if if 30 percent of that protein if you're trying to build muscle or whatever so this whole myth about cooked food being better is a lie because raw food is going to absorb you're going to get more bioavailable energy and chemistry out of that food when it's in its raw and living natural state and that's why it's just so important to understand the simplicity of what humans are designed to eat so that you don't get caught up in all this intellectualism of all these diets that are only temporary solutions that cause long-term problems they all do they all cause long-term problems because but but a raw food fruit based diet doesn't it creates detoxification it exposes weaknesses it could be uncomfortable when the body's detoxing and cleaning metabolic wastes out that's been stagnant for many years but it's going to continually regenerate and reverse these problems and keep them away forever that's going to cure the problem not good it's not going to mask and suppress the symptoms and that's what these kiddo paleo type of diets do and you know with my own personal health it shut down after a year of going on those types of diets and my kidneys shut down I lost filtration my lymphatic system backed up and I ran into problems and most people do when they continually eat dead future effective animals thinking that that is a good way to get healthy and it's just a limited diet of eating dead food when you don't have to you could eat all the fruits in abundance you want you could eat all the vegetables in abundance you want and you're not going to create health issues doing it either so if we could just get back to the simplicity and figure out the origin of the human diet which if you look back millions of years ago before humans migrated and to different climates and and found a different fuel source for survival purposes you will see that nature provided an abundance of fruit easily accessible for us to eat in its raw and natural state and it's a perfect fuel source to fuel our bodies and for those of you that are healing your bodies that are that I've adapted back to a fruit diet will understand how beneficial it is when it comes to digestion energetics and overall just healing and repairing problems that you've dealt with your whole life the exposed problems and they make things worse temporarily because that's cause and effect you feel a burn when you create a problem and you feel a burn when you eliminate a problem it's just the way it goes guys you have to go through that process of the body healing itself and it's not always a pleasant experience but at the end of the day fruits regenerate the body and do things that no other fruit can do and they move the lymphatic system so that you could remove the acid stagnation and that's what it's all about so I know you guys have heard this before but I'm just continually encouraging you guys to understand that don't veer off to all these you know we have youtubers and we have information on the internet that's pushing all this science that isn't real science it's funded and it's it's cherry-picking and it's just not reality we're a frugal or species it's just pure and simple and we do have enough literature inside it's to back that up so you know you have to get away from this cooked food propaganda and understand that raw food is always more superior than cooked and and it's because people are forgetting about the energetics of the food meat has zero energetics you need energy for your nervous system you need energy to fuel your brain you need energy to to allow the body to heal itself and so the meats are just stimulants the neurotransmitters make you feel good they increase the chemicals in your brain they they boot the neural the adrenal glands but then over time they produce too much serotonin dopamine and all these hormones and the acids destroy the adrenals so they stop producing those chemicals and then when the adrenals shut down the kidneys shut down and you don't eliminate your waste and that's what happens on these Putra fact of dead hormone rich they're steroids meats are just steroids you're just stimulating your body you're not enhancing your body with living energetics of the raw foods and that's what you need to repair damages and that's what you need for the body to be most compatible with optimal function not stimulation and that's why people benefit short term but run into long-term problems people are losing their joints people are losing their colons and they're pooping out of bags they're getting put on dialysis they're getting tumors and cysts and all kinds of lymphatic issues and it's not caused from fruits and vegetables and a lot of it's not even caused from the whole cook plant foods I mean those foods can be congesting and constipating and if you have a backed-up lymphatic system and you're not filtering then those foods are going to hold you back and they could cause potential issues but at the end of the day it's the animal food that are causing these problems it's the dairy and the meat that are linked to damaging cells which is what cancer is and creating tumors so when you get off the meat and the dairy you get bowel movements seeing things start flowing these foods are constipating so you know people say they feel good on these programs they really don't feel good on those programs they just feel hi temporary and a lot of people that are Oh beast hell yeah they're gonna feel good on a ketogenic diet because they're removing a lot of processed foods and a lot of foods that are just very chemicalized and you know there are at least eating Whole Foods but you know I guess they're eating Whole Foods a lot of the coconut oil the butter and the bacon and then in the fish and the chicken and and and you know the fat the fatty beef you know it's it's it's not going to do you any good it really destroyed my colon it backed up my GI tract it really put a beating on my pancreas it caused a lot of constipation that I never dealt with ever I've always been real regular and it took a raw living food fruit based diet for me to become regular again I have bowel movements all the time I'm always cleaning out my septic tank I'm always cleaning out my bowels everything's flowing good and before things weren't flowing good at all I was getting pencil-thin bowel movements and that's all mucus congestion throughout the body and I had pain from head to toe that's proteins those are animal proteins animal proteins are very acidic and if they're not go on a fruit-based raw food diet for at least a month and have yourself a steak and tell me all your symptoms will start coming back when it comes to pain so you know just understand the basic chemistry here the acid and alkaline meat is very acidic it just is you check the pH balance of meat it's very bad and we need alkalinity and hydration and that's the thing in these keto paleo diets are very dehydrating to the body and so yeah people feel good on diets because they're these types of diets because they're all beast and because they are used to eating processed junk food and fast food and TV dinners so anybody coming off that type of program is gonna feel good on these fad diets but that's not adopt a fad diet let's regenerate our bodies let's get on the living food consciousness and of course keep it 100% plant-based where you're removing the dairy and you're removing the dead animal flesh and just watch your body regenerate and be patient fixing your body isn't going to take a couple of weeks you know and that's the thing is we live in a world today where everyone wants it now they just want to take pills and supplements and then enjoy their dead animals and these dead animals are suffering for no apparent reason whatsoever other than to to meet the pleasure of man and no one really even enjoys dead animals unless they pile on oil pile on salt pile on sugar pile on spice you can't enjoy it but fruits you can enjoy and their raw natural state properly ripe and picked always and it's the most nirvanic experience when you get quality fruit you don't have to add anything to them anything you have to alter and add on to it's just common sense it's not designed for us so just understand that our digestive system works best on water rich fruits we are a water based body so foods like meat that have no energetics and when it comes to ångstroms zero meat at zero and you just understand that fats are anti-inflammatory only because the lymphatic system is a lipid based system so when you're adding on fat it's just covering and suppressing but once the lymphatic system stops moving and you lose filtration you could only cover up acid which is inflammation in your body temporarily it's not but after a while you're you know when things get worse and worse because you're not removing the acid stagnation in the body then the fats are not going to cover up the inflammation any longer and that's why people crash and burn on the keto diets it doesn't last long term some people have freakish genetics and are able to do it long-term and they never really had serious health issues and it's just covering up inflammation in their joints that are is caused by the animal products in the first place but of course the process starches the processed meats and the process dairy is what's causing the real inflammatory conditions so removing a lot of that is going to give people benefits at some level but you don't want temporary benefits you want to get to the cause of the issue and that's to return back to your species specific diet and when you do that then you could cure the issue and train yourself to overcome these addictions to these putrefactive foods and so that we could have a higher consciousness in this world of not killing dead animals allowing them to live being their companions and loving them and getting rid of this slavery consciousness and this discrimination against specific animals and then treating other animals like complete angels like our dogs and our cats and our guinea pigs or whatever pets that you have your bird your parrot we treat them like royalty but we treat cows pigs chickens and fish like they're just products on a shelf but they're cooking like they're not that they don't exist we just put them on conveyor belts and they're being tortured and they have it's this is this is a vegan rant guys but just understand that it's just amazing how we can't come to terms and understand that we have nothing in our body that is designed for animal flesh we're not carnivores species we our digestive system eyes nothing like a carnivore species my phone's gonna die guys so I have to end this video anyways I'm getting on a rant but I just want to let you guys know I'll link the video in the description that don't fall prey to these these stupid useless diets you know we have all this funded propaganda on the keto diet nowadays it's getting popular than ever just understand that I've had a friend that had leukemia and it went into remission when he went on a raw food plant-based diet mainly she a lot of juices and when he fell off of that and got chemo and everything and then he stopped he stopped with that it came back and then I even at the time advised him to go on a keto diet when I was doing it because of all the research of how it sure's cancer he ended up dying very quickly it didn't do nothing for him because he needed to detox his lymphatic system and that diet didn't do that for him but prior he went into remission on a raw food diet so the raw food diet was heatless he was getting to the root cause of the problem he fell away from it started eating the standard American diet again it came back and then he tried a desperate route of growing keto and he ended up passing away unfortunately so I have I have experience with a buddy that didn't it didn't work out for him so all this stuff about how the keto cures cancer and all this crap it's just a load of crap it's only an elimination diet and that's why people are getting any benefits but we are a carbon-based species were designed for sugars period and you don't use a backup ketosis is the body's backup fuel because it's start your body's going into starvation mode so people don't last long especially skinny people on the keto diet they really don't last long you know maybe some overweight people will get good benefits when they lose a lot of that excess weight because they really don't even need to eat to get healthy just stop eating for a month and just drink liquids and they'll feel amazing so I'm gonna end this video it's getting really loud and obnoxious sorry guys I'll touch base with you soon and just always remember to get back to nature get back to the diet you're biologically designed to eat it's happened to your intuitive consciousness let your instincts to guide you I promise you my friends you'll thrive Aloha namaste peace .

Video Description:

Talking about how people get off track with fad diets that don’t get to the root of the problem but end up leaving a person in a state of temporary “success” and “temporary solutions”
If we get on a diet designed for are species then we can cure health problems we suffer with. The diet your designed for will fix the damages causes from foods your not.
