welcome back to paleo Nick calm i'm viviane Nick and I'm going to show you how cotton onions I get a lot of requests on my site for how to Zoar show me what your pantry looks like or how to stock your kitchen so we're going to start a series with with some how to's this one goes out to Robin and a lighting to people who are looking to learn how to cut onion so Robin noticed in two different videos of mine that the onions were being cut differently so I'm just going to give you a quick run-through with the onion we have the root side and then the side that shoots up through the ground up to the sky towards the Sun right because the Sun draws it out so I'm just going to cut the the sky end off and then we're going to cut right through the center of the root end just like that and you can see how it all stays attached by the root down here so on one of them we'll start with the right way to do it just going to peel off the woody outer layer and on that always err on the side of peeling one extra layer because this stuff when you cook it it won't break down it's really woody it will always stay that way okay once we get inside then you can things will break down as we cook so from here we're going to do I think we'll call this one a 10 for onion we're going to cut across it ten times one two three four five six seven eight nine nine it's going to be a nine four oven onion nine crop nine across and then we will cut it into four sections going up and then I'll take three cuts there so it is actually a ten for onion if you think about right because we have nine cuts now these ten sections we have three cuts that leaves four sections okay I'm going to shave these guys off to the side and then we'll cut across the face one two three four five so once I get about here where I where the onions are not ITAT or haven't been cut yet I'll just check that push these aside and then on this one I'll just cut across maybe three and then cut across like this and then just come straight down here and maybe this is one more so boom there okay so when you go to culinary school Wow you this is how they'll teach it right the proper way gives the most uniform dice and I'd say this is this is probably a small dice right here okay so I'm just going to push this to the side and then show you the quicker version so we have the top already cut off of this half we're going to cut the top off the other half that makes peeling easier so and we'll go here I'm just going to cut across one two three four five and then here one kind of add a little bit of an angle one two three four okay so if we take a look there may be a little less uniform maybe also a little bit bigger but not a huge difference okay and that's why this one takes a little bit more time a little bit more skill with a knife this one's just faster cuts both ends off cut it in half peel it and you can get right through it so there we are how to cut an onion robin a Lyday here you have it proper purist way to do it here kind of a hacks version here not a big difference do what works for you eat a lot of onions they're good for you they're paleo and I'm paleo Nick thanks for watching and don't forget to keep it paleo .
Video Description:
I love onions! Caramelized, rings, whole roasted, raw, you name it. If you think about it, the onion is often involved in our first exposure to a microscope when we look closely at the cells of onion skin. Garlic, of the same Allium species, is good for warding off vampires and kisses. I used to run a beer battered onion ring vendor booth and my hands smelled like garlic for most of my high school days.