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Friday, August 14, 2020


Confidence & Raw Paleo - Coach Dave Stultz eats Raw Meat with Melissa Henig

in this video we're gonna do something a little different we're going to talk a little bit more about nutrition but we're gonna do something specific when they trick with nutrition we get to watch days stalls my partner and one of the coaches here at fearless eat beef for the first time since the fifth grade but not only beef he's gonna eat raw beef the reason we're doing this is I have for the last few years played around with a little bit of a raw diet not just raw vegetables raw foods raw green juices which are all great but also some raw meat the reason I've done this is I played with the raw Paleo diet as described by motion egg and in her book raw paleo we have melissa here today to kind of take us through the how this works why it's healthy for you how to get the right cuts of meat to make sure it's safe the right way to prepare it and that type of stuff now one of the benefits that comes with this and the reason we do it is it has a lot to do with gut health God health is huge for creating an emotional connection to your body building a strong gut with the right bacteria the right health the right ecology is really powerful in creating an emotional relationship to your body which then allows you to connect other people better I had a huge problem with this for many years I had a very damaged gut leaky gut syndrome and I had to do a lot of really healthy cleansing and eating a proper probiotics and bacterias to kind of get my gut back in shape and the raw Paleo diet was very powerful in helping me to make changes in this area so kind of suspend your your opinions for a little bit take a look at the video we're gonna have another video where we interviewed Melissa take a look at that one and then let us know what you think okay so with no further ado we're gonna cut to Dave & Melissa and the preparation of the food I hope you enjoy it and I'll see you at the end of the video hi I'm Melissa Hennig I'm here with Dave Stoltz and we are here in Hollywood making a steak tartare video today and it's super exciting because you don't eat meat well I don't read me you don't eat red meat or raw meat or brought me so this was like a big deal interrupt here this man I've been trying to get him to eat raw meat now or try it because it's a I've not been doing it a while for over a year yeah and he's refusing me at every turn and this pretty lady comes along and she says would you like to eat raw meat he's like yeah let's do it let's film a whole video the next thing you know we're here eating raw meat so just so you know how this got started it's like magic yeah see you guys later sorry so this is really simple and I think you're gonna like it we're gonna make it easy fast and delicious cool I'm looking forward to it okay so the first thing is I stopped over at Bell camp oh it's right here in Santa Monica and it's all about sourcing really clean meat and so it's grass-fed and finished and that's one of the main things people are always asking about bacteria and parasites and is this safe but if you source clean food from clean animals it's perfectly safe yes it makes sense so this is it this is a tenderloin cut it's so funny sometimes it's like wow but it is delicious so this is this is actually a half pound of meat and this is just I'm just gonna start go for it let's see it yeah you just get a really sharp knife and you just start cutting it into tiny little pieces some people use a food processor to cut it whatever the easiest way for you is but they so they've been meat eating raw meat all over Europe but steak tartare and France like you've heard of the show absolutely and then the what are your main misconceptions around raw meat that people come to you with that they just don't know you know them one thing is the fear if I feel like people are afraid of food you know like that's I used to say Oh John I really want everyone eat all this raw meat and all this raw food but now I just think I don't want people to be afraid of food so yeah well the missus one of the big misconceptions is the fear of the bacteria the fear of the parasites is this safe sure but a lot of that comes from affect we farmed animals and poor living conditions yeah you know what it comes from is conditioning what we're exposed to what we're used to so this is it here just you can do this smaller if you want or you put it in the bowl do you want to try it just right now we're not gonna flavor it no not that I meant a cutting part or do you want me to keep going here well you're such a pro at it I don't you go to town definitely eat a little piece of this yeah again I haven't eaten any red meat at all yeah and I was vegetarian for ten years and then it got back into eating meats even eating chicken and turkey those are my two meat study that always cooked and when did you start that again um probably a decade or so ago I hear you make a good chicken yes that is the last step but I do make chicken ceviche okay I like to start people with raw butter raw eggs raw meat and then talk about raw chicken is that that has a little bit more of a stigma to it than those that's that really freaks people out yeah but I soak it in lemon for a couple days so perfect not yeah actually a couple days so this next we're gonna put parsley I didn't do the whole piece cuz I want to just okay so it's raw meat parts please all these ingredients it's almost like making a salad except you're adding this raw meat to the top of it okay I feel the taste when it's done it tastes like a salad perfect okay so what's so you're open to eating this meat now yeah I want to give it a try I mean I have been buying the year chocolate mousse from you mm-hmm which I love it's had a lot of great detoxing effects on my body and I have really bad Candida and we've been going at that and trying to kill it for you know a little over a year now and things have been coming along pretty nicely with that but you know with your with the raw butter and stuff like that and I've noticed a huge great decrease in the bloating and the swelling of the body and inflammation and so I was like sure why not try yeah that's a great way to start that into butter and to raw meat now it's great we'll see how it goes well you know the body's made up of fat and protein so this is you know you're getting your raw protein in the body so it's gonna help with Candida - perfect yeah definitely trying to get rid of the candida it's miserable yeah and this is all it's a noticeable difference when I eat raw meat I eat both cooked and raw all right sisters ate both raw meat and cooked meat and when I eat cooked meat I'll start with the cooked I definitely feel I feel like it slows me down oh it's so strong I might start crying yeah so the cooked me I just it doesn't digest as well that's one of the main things and in life is working on really good easy simple digestion sure that's where you start with health is in the gut so you know the raw me you don't think it raw me being alive with enzymes but it's so strong for me but the raw meat is it's loaded with enzymes so is the raw milk so anything in its raw form has enzymes and probiotics it has back good bacteria Oh usually if I'm at home a little trick for onions when you start crying is to turn on the water it always helps okay natural crying raw mustard so actually you know what I have this raw mustard at home I make I did buy this but there's no additives there's no citric acid it's organic mustard okay which most people making this are probably gonna buy if you want to know how to make raw mustard I have a recipe in my blood perfect you guys should definitely buy our book because I've been reading it and it's awesome and I've learned a tremendous amount about eating raw yeah oh it's wonderful health benefits so definitely excited to try this so these
are capers and same thing they're organic and there's no citric acid there's nothing in here but capers and a little bit of sea salt so I just try to keep the ingredients that I buy as clean as possible otherwise what what are the downfalls of the citric acid not coming from a whole food source sure okay so I try to keep things as clean as possible this is extra virgin olive oil I'm not measuring but the measurements are in the book it's about two tablespoons and we're gonna put a little bit of apple cider vinegar and this is another probiotic it's a raw fermented unfiltered apple cider and you can do shots of yeah shots our crew behind the camera here was doing apple cider vinegar shots before we started yeah it's delicious a shot a day this is a little bit of salt sea salt or you could use pink Himalayan salt and sometimes at home I add a little bit of cayenne pepper in that that's get messy here usually at home I just kind of go for it and mix it all up okay here's what it looks like without being mixed okay and everybody can find this recipe in your book yes it's in the raw meat chapter and to me it's beautiful sometimes cooked meat has a really black thick cooked look and this makes it fresh yeah dad there's no enzymes in it the probe the proteins are denatured okay so let's plate this that's it we should have time see house how many minutes exactly it takes to make this that was what probably seven minutes maybe yeah all right so I got this little thing here so we can make a little tartar shape okay classic steak tartare in France all right dress it up so it's all even okay oh it looks good can't wait to taste it you nervous a little bit yeah yeah it's a big deal so as I was reading in your book you were saying that when you start venturing into the raw meats specifically the red meat it has a massive deep toxic effect on your body and to just do a little bit at a time so yeah I haven't eaten meat in decades so this is literally the first time I've done this so how much did I eat it I would yeah good call all raw foods are very detoxifying and I've read a lot of studies about people taking raw meat and orange juice for a month there that's what they were eating raw meat orange juice and then 30 days they tested their pee and there was all these antibiotics and prescriptions and old vaccines and it really did pull a lot out so it is very detoxifying and so are the raw proteins and the amino acid profiles everything in there is a detoxifier so well I'm sure a full plenty of antibiotics out of my body part of the so much contributing factor to the Candida right you know it's good to start slow I would start with a couple teaspoons okay that's what you'll be okay yeah all right yeah let's see many many many years of not eating red meat and pretend like you're in France at this gorgeous restaurant very natural in Norrell not here in LA just hanging out well here we go yeah a little more chewy than I expected but but it's not bad Wow really good very very good recipe I like it mm-hmm so that was about one teaspoon that I just say oh that was a half a half a tease yeah you could mighty spooning I feel like you know even though you had those things in the past the antibiotics and you're pretty healthy like you're not gonna go into some major detox yeah don't fall over right there oh my gosh what's happening that's really good don't try it Wow come on buddy yeah so the recipe is in my book here called brought paleo right here under the raw meat section and it's really delicious and easy and it's raw protein very good yeah very very good tastes really good so I used to get the steaks from you yeah nice days they have the hamburgers alright the bison burgers I would like to buy some mm-hmm yes it's really good from personal experience did you get a detox effect well you wouldn't expect it cuz it's beef and but it's the raw nature of it with the enzymes the bacteria is there so live in it right yeah the amino acids and I got a number of little sore throats but then I start to feel better yeah I came from a whole lot of health problems so I used this a lot to get healthier yeah and a lot of knowledge from Alisa get stronger you were going to like walking deaf and I didn't see when we first met you were on your way out of it yeah I got so skinny from bad cândido which I don't have anymore I had sunken face and I looked sickly skin skinning me yeah and so when I came out of that it's actually really good this it's amazing I started started eating this way I started to put on some size I started to feel better now I don't eat this way all the time a little bit right there but I got sent from an intestinal tract good that's a good testimony and you know you said you don't eat this all the time so I use this as a vitamin supplement it cooked me but you know like three times a week you can eat this and you don't have to take the coq10 and the B vitamins it's all right here in whole food form cool so that's the whole thing like I don't want to scare people you have to eat raw meat all the time we just eat it like you would take vitamins like you should this is all raw products he makes with raw healthy foods they are actually really healthy for you but they and yeah raw butter raw dairy raw meat so raw I'm neveress diet that's delicious so one more thing that I was just thinking about is there anything specific for women versus men when it comes to eating raw beef like this and as soon before not to cut you off but I assume for somebody who's in the weightlifting bodybuilding like this would be awesome they can eat more yeah yeah so a man can even eat a pound a day if he really wants to quickly put on muscle cuz it's raw muscle so like heels like like builds like so if you're eating muscle I actually I don't go to a gym or workout and I feel strong just from the diet you know so so yes you are really looking at something more of using all instead of using protein powders and whey powders you could do a pound a day Wow yeah you can build up to the that's for man that's pretty amazing and then I noticed you said in your book as well men can eat more raw eggs than women or for raw eggs a day I mean it's different body types and masses and weights and you know yes everything's pasture raised grass-fed grass-finished it's all about sourcing really good clean food and what would you say just so if that person out there that's freaking out right now you're not supposed to do that you're gonna get sick you're gonna what would you say to that well I would just say to open your mind a little bit to something new no I'm not getting a second yeah you know it's our conditioning in our beliefs and it's just you know rewiring our brain unlearning all the old dogmas and the fear that comes around food and just being open to new things and what you're exposed to so now that we're eating it and anyone that hangs around me eats it it's just it'll it'll catch on yeah no that's great and then just one more question this is kind of a guy question how does this work with building testosterone sex drive all that well when you eat the fat for sure in the fat the testosterone all the hormones are at the base of cholesterol so the raw eggs are the cholesterol and I'm just gonna build up from there so for hormones and for men's testosterone raw eggs is the number one thing awesome yeah because it's funny you mentioned cholesterol I have actually dangerously low question oh yeah very very low Wow so I was getting sick a lot because my yeah we're sure not we need anything able to handle it so this is a good source of clean cholesterol and as well protein fat eggs actually yeah women with the highest levels of cholesterol they lived the longest yeah keep eating that cholesterol Robert has been telling us Plus Rockettes bathroom and that we do need more cholesterol
in our diet and yeah that cholesterol in the past was bad for you I guess that's been the rules on that change basically right oh yeah it's been demonized for years but they're actually now saying that cholesterol is good for you it's good for your brain your nervous system it just is the integrity of the cell wall like it keeps you together keeps things running it protects you it's all changed all the studies are changing now yeah thank you so much for coming down and showing us this and making this for me and thanks for eating it of course you know it's I love when people eat raw meat well I enjoyed it you guys should definitely enjoy it and definitely buy Melissa's book it's chock full so much information yes thank you lovely lady right here on the cover yeah thank you so much thank you yeah thanks I hope you enjoyed that video I thought it was awesome and and a lot of fun and make sure you comment below I'm sure there's gonna be a whole varied amount of comments on this and I'd love to see them all make sure you subscribe if you haven't subscribed already and let us know what you want to hear more of we're we're very interested in what our viewers want to hear more of your fearless and we're very interested in really taking things to the next level so I look forward to seeing you in the next video and remember as always what would you do if you are not afraid in society men aren't supposed to be the confident ones we're the ones that are handling the shit when the shit hits the fan or the masculine hands let's put in a different way not men the masculine and since most men tend to prefer to be masculine the masculine job well if it's all their fault and then getting one after another then you need to start looking inward you see the truth is is that if you bring two miserable people together and if you're miserable unhappy or you're judging women all the time you're gonna draw that into your life you're gonna draw .

Video Description:

Raw Paleo expert Melissa Henig & FEARLESS coach Dave Stultz talk about the health (even sexual health!) & confidence benefits of including raw paleo in your diet as Dave eats raw meat for the first time, and red meat for the first time in decades! SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE:
Melissa's channel:
Melissa book, "Raw Paleo: The Extreme Advantages of Eating Paleo Foods in the Raw"
Live in or visiting SoCal? We have continual free talks in LA on building confidence in dating, career, and life-check it out and register here:
Related: Confidence, Health, & a Raw Paleo Diet - Melissa Henig | Becoming FEARLESS Ep 13
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Inside FEARLESS: Elite Success, Confidence, and Dating Coaching
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Thursday, August 6, 2020


Raw Meat, Spirituality and Paleo

hey guys it's Adam Ferrara from practical Paleolithic and strong is the new skinny on Facebook have a really big question here from Derek today and it's interesting it's interesting to me on a couple of levels so I'll read you Derek's question and we'll go from there with a lot of my recent interests I've learned about paleo and I found my way to your site perhaps your site as a few levels up for me since I have barely started out but my interest is becoming more pure and spiritual and eating all the crap our stores and restaurants give us is obviously a big source of the taint one of the posters on a forum who seemed pretty hardcore into this stuff suggested the Paleo diet because it is how people were meant to eat before civilization got in its current state but its thing that just couldn't jump eat raw meat mainly because the natural oils are useful in preventing a lot of diseases and such he was actually into the whole killing your own animals so you can appreciate life and such which is more the spiritual part which has nothing to do with your website anyway I wanted to know your opinion on the raw meat okay so this is interesting on a bunch of levels I definitely you know I probably talk more about spirituality in the yoga you know yoga meditations and Eckhart Tolle type stuff but you know I I do believe that that eating processed food that's you know made in a factory and and has a bunch of you know crazy you know environmentally destructive stuff and and you know eating animals that were abused and live difficult lives and I mean that there's got to be something on the spirituality side is there's got to be something you know damaging to us on a sort of spiritual or energetic level by eating that kind of food putting that kind of food in our body putting the the negativity that comes along with all that food into our body I mean this is a very sort of esoteric or out-there idea but you know but I mean it it makes sense so definitely Derek you know I don't talk about this a ton but but I do think that you know I do think that there's there's a lot to what you're saying and I think paleo because paleo honors our evolution in honors the way we evolved and honors you know our ancestors and our physiology it sort of honors this stuff and then if you are doing organic and sustainable local farming and you get into all this stuff I do think we're honoring the planet a little bit better you know and I think it's it's just more nourishing and and and better for us so so yeah on those in that way I mean I think paleo is very important it's it's it's meshed very well with me as far as you know the spiritual stuff I've gotten into and I also some of you know I had ulcerative colitis for about five or six years and you know I've healed from that paleo had a ton to do with it but a lot of spiritual stuff and a lot of lifestyle stuff getting clear with who I was and and and looking at my life as a whole and not just you know not just being in that corporate grind and and working in a cubicle farm and eating processed stuff cuz it was faster and I could get back to work faster and all this other crazy stuff I definitely slowed my life down and aligned it with a lot of spiritual principles and paleo is one of those and I mean paleo has fit into that so definitely you know I think paleo is it can be a spiritual pursuit in some ways and incidentally if you guys are interested in this kind of stuff leave a comment let me know certainly stuff I could talk more about and actually Derek thanks for the question because I it's stuff I think about but it's not stuff that I've ever really you know gotten deeply into on the blog and so it's it's nice that you kind of gave me this question and got me thinking about it so thanks for that so as far as your actual question about the raw meat you know it's an interesting topic it sounds like this guy that posted on your forum you know is very hardcore and I think sometimes you have to look you know you have to look at sort of you know cost to benefit and you know are we becoming extremists are we coming hugely idealistic about what we're doing or are we doing stuff that's that's important to health and that's a good idea so you know I know if people that eat raw meat there's a lot of a lot you know relatively speaking there are a lot of people that that are into paleo and are into raw meat and it's it's definitely something that you know I can see the reasoning of certainly our ancestors ate stuff raw or very you know lightly cooked there's evidence that certain oils and certain you know fats and nutrients can get destroyed by too much heat so you know the raw thing kind of makes sense from there if you're eating you know healthy well raised clean you know not industrial sources of meat you're probably very healthy you're in a very healthy place that you know you're not you don't have to worry about the bacteria and all the you know Salmonella and e-coli and that kind of thing and this is not in any way a recommendation that anybody start eating raw meat but you know it's kind of like the raw milk argument it's like yeah if you had industrial raw milk you'd probably kill you if you have raw milk from healthy animals that are grass fed and raised on a family farm and everything's done properly then you know the raw milk is not a big deal it doesn't need to be pasteurized so you know these are sort of basic basic things you know are there advantages to eating raw meat I don't know Randy Roach who I've mentioned before he wrote the book muscle smoke and mirrors I've talked to him a couple times and he actually does he's raw he eats raw milky I'm sorry raw meat he eats raw chicken actually I mean I think he pretty much lives at least the last time I talked to him he pretty much lives on raw meat you know and speaking of I mean Eskimo cultures are you know they Ross Fishman you've got sushi from Japan I mean you know raw meat is not completely unheard of you know whether or not it's imperative and I mean you even mentioned that that you're just kind of getting started with paleo you know I think there's so much stuff you can get into with paleo you know the raw meat thing becomes really small so I mean if you've dumped your grains all the grains you've dumped you know dairy and you you know you're just eating meat fruit vegetables you've got that dialed in you've got local organic sources for everything that takes a long time you know so the question of eating the raw meat I do eat my steaks and my beef rare I mean I like it that way I eat raw eggs in my shakes so I'll do like goat yogurt goat yogurt smoothie with goat yogurt about three raw eggs and you know some other stuff some fruit and some coconut oil it's raw ground flax seeds there are some people that actually I'll try to post his website there was a guy I ran into a while back who does a smoothie with sardines in it to get the oil and I think those the canned sardines are are raw you know so there is definitely some raw meat stuff going on and I think it can be healthy the the enzymes don't get denatured after about a hundred and ten or so degrees protein starts to get denatured and broken down so you get these sort of raw live enzymes and that's one of the one of the benefits of raw food you know especially like if you look at the Ravi and websites and stuff they're really into like the enzyme thing so there's a lot of talk about enzymes and and having live foods and this is what we're talking about it there's definitely protein and enzymes in you know raw meat as well as far as you know some of the oils are delicate and destroyed by heat but you know how much benefit you're gonna get from eating raw raw meat or raw meat exclusively I have no idea there might be some but I don't know some place you can look is there's a website called beyond veg comm and it's r
eally good it's they definitely believe he's at least one of the guys that writes the site was formerly a raw vegan and there's a lot of a lot of blasting that lifestyle and a lot of talk where they you know recognize a lot it's kind of like I do in my book they recognize a lot of the good principles within raw vegan but then you know acknowledge that like you have to add you have to add animal protein to it and you have that there's all these other things and they sort of talk about the cover ups in the raw be and community and how they you know sort of distort distort things to make this argument for this pure vegan thing and and and they lose in my opinion they lose the the benefit of the the benefit of you know raw foods and like raw fruits raw vegetables green smoothies these sort of raw vegan deals they lose a lot of that because they get so extreme and they say you don't need any protein and all you need to do is eat vegetables and fruits and you know it turns into this kind of wacky tangent thing but the you know raw fruits and vegetables are great and then on beyond veg comm they do talk about eating raw meat and sort of a more raw like a raw paleo or a raw diet kind of thing that includes meat so you might want to check that out but yeah I mean I think you know I really other than the I guess the eggs at times some raw raw dairy lots of raw fruit and vegetables and rare meat that's about that's about the extent of the raw stuff I eat and I think it's something I think it's something good to think about I think it's good something good to look into I think it's a small part of paleo and I think if you get into local organic food and you just get your diet you know paleo the raw things not terribly important might be something you want to look into in six months or a year when you've got everything else lined up and you say alright am I gonna feel better or worse on Raw but you know it's not something that a lot of people are doing in the community to a large extent you know and this is another there's there's this idea was this idealist thing it sounds like the the guy posting here might have had you know where there's like it's just very idealistic it's it's you know we're not actually by the way this reminds me cuz it came out of this magazine there's a new magazine out called paleo magazine it's really excellent and my friend Kane credit cod is writing at he's the editor there's a lot of good articles in here they recently gave away a copy of my book as a as a contest prize one of the things they were doing but great magazine and it was actually a was actually an interview with someone from the primal grind which is a paleo cafe that's inside a CrossFit in Canada and what did she say here she said it was interesting I'm sorry you guys will have to forgive me her yeah I can't find the quote but basically what she was saying is that you know that where were modern humans and we're trying to you know live more more up here as she says we aren't trying to recapture a cave man's lifestyle we are revolved urban live who want to be as healthy strong and happy as possible and believe that these real unprocessed foods are the best fuel for our busy lifestyles we're located in a gym with no machines just ropes kettlebells pull-up bars tractor tires and barbells we don't believe in fitness or boring workouts we want people to sleep more work less play more and eat more and feel and look better as a consequence we're definitely not claiming to be recreating a caveman's lifestyle as I'm sure cavemen didn't have espresso machines bake muffins or drink lattes what we are doing is making real simple satisfying foods available and easy to access so just you know maybe that applies I think a little bit to what what's going on here I mean we're not necessarily recreating a caveman lifestyle we're just looking to you know live in a in the modern world and as healthy and pure as a way possible and in a way that benefits us and benefits the environment and you know we get into all these spiritual things so I hope that's some stuff for you to think about Derek definitely post some follow-up comments or questions if you have them and for everybody watching this if this sort of more spiritual side of paleo is something you're interested in there's a lot I can say about it so if you're interested in oh and I'll love them I'll get to work on putting some content out relating to that if you're on youtube be sure to like this and you can leave a comment on youtube and if you're watching it on my blog you can also leave a comment you can get your questions to me any way you'd like and be sure and get the free downloads I've got up here some paleo stuff and a free free chapter from my book the Paleo diet is missing link so thanks a lot for watching guys and we'll talk to you soon .

Video Description:
Adam Farrah from Practical Paleolithic and Strong is the New Skinny on Facebook answering a question about eating raw meat on the Paleo diet and looking at some of the deeper spiritual aspects of the Paleo diet and lifestyle.
IMPORTANT! Adam Farrah is not a doctor or medical professional. This information is based on my own opinion and is not meant to be medical advice or to treat, diagnose, cure or prescribe in any way.
