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Sunday, December 20, 2020


why the paleo diet is bad

hey everyone how's it going this video is going to be about why the Paleo diet did not work for me and why 58 day is so much better and this plan is so superior to and I actually have a attractive that I did this is from 2014 a troll if you can see that it says Paleo diet tracker and pretty much this filled up so fast so i had to do another journal and then another journal so I had like three different journals and basically I you know I did not lose anyway so I did this and this is what I was talking about what I did like the paleo kind of primal such primal diet for one year and this is when I had cut out beings grains and legumes and was only eating fruits vegetables right no bread fruits vegetables nuts seeds and meat and Asian ELISA dairy and some days I was like real super paleo some days I was not but I still was eating too much and i was eating about how much i should eat every day so it didn't matter and i didn't need any weight um now it's really interesting because when i went through this under day 52 CII sometimes i would write something down and you know i would write my thoughts you know and basically this is what i said in this part right here I said day 52 okay this is what I said I should start eating smaller portions so I knew that I should start eating the smaller portions but I never knew how much though like like how little should I eat and I was always afraid of eating less because I didn't think I always thought well I'm going to gain the way back if I eat less so did the moves that I could lose his 20 pounds you know that's what it was in my mind so I just didn't think it was worth it but going to up to my original weight that I was you know many many years ago um last time I was 175 well now I'm down I'm down 271 but last time I was down last time I was 175 I was in high school so it's been that long and I stayed there for three more years after that and the vegetarian diet did nothing for me because he it was the same portions and it was sin calories so didn't matter if I cut out meat because yeah oh my god just a little bit sure did it help me lose it like five or ten pounds sure but it wasn't uh it wasn't a cure-all you don't mean um okay so day 52 I said I should start eating smaller portions again for better digestion so I knew that I needed to eat smaller portions again so I had you know did smaller portions in the past but it probably wasn't five bites it was probably much more than that so every three hours have a small meal I can have whatever I want and should eat snacks too so what I should consume into big meals I should break up a 24 to six small meals so see I was getting the idea but then there is one day that I had done that where I had breaking it up to six meals and I felt so shitty I just I felt terrible and I didn't feel good and I and I felt darja cause it was too much um so that day I had a cupcake trees chocolate beef patty guacamole tomatoes so I didn't really eat that much for that day which was good I mean it was a lot better than what I usually would eat but here is um you know the and this is at a hundred and fifty pounds that you know I'm eating a lot of food you know but I usually would stick with my calorie limit would pound you know 1,500 calories but sometimes i go over and that would make me gain more weight so for this I had a nutriblast which is new from the nutribullet so cucumber berry banana flaxseed may go to kill and then I would have a salad because I thought oh if I eat lots of fruits and vegetables all you know lose a bunch of weight because I did lose weight you know the raw food diet but that's because if I calorie limit was calories were very low so i'm thinking like on the raw food diet i was 18 no more than 500 2000 calories a day and that's why I was losing Lee and plus I was uh jumping on like a big trampoline every day for like an hour so that's why I was able to get down to 25 so anyways so fur fur so I had that in the morning and then this was my salad and I had a spring spring onions green onions tomato homemade dressing and then a cucumber and then I had scrambled eggs chicken sausage and fried eggplant zucchini one chocolate almond butter chocolate frosting one coconut cupcake and chicken sausage a few pieces so at this time I actually was in the middle of making my recipe book which was on amazon and and that was a really good recipe book and I was new it's a coconut cupcake you know I made one of those and they did really good um made up mostly discovered you know coconut um so okay so I had that for din 45 and day 56 was better show some days I would eat last some days and be lot and I'm trying to find you know Here I say again so I'd always blame um I was always blaming the desserts and all the stuff you know the sugar that's that's a dog next door he barks every night around this time I guess that's the only time they can let him out so just ignore him this is a very I said this is a very all very decadent and wonderful desserts however it seems my digestive system read so I'll be freezing some of my goodies and eating less of the other ones I'm going to eat more veggies and protein for the next few days with lots of tea in water you know so i was very consistent I thought within a year you know a lot and lose like 30 pounds and then I see myself stepping on the scale you know a few weeks like I'm I wouldn't actually weigh myself like once a day or anything but I was disappointed because I would just meet be maintaining my weight but for some reason I felt like just on it long enough in this pretty much dbox the idea that you were going to lose any kind of weight on the Paleo diet primal diet keto diet it's not going to happen because if you're eating the same amount of calories and the same amount portions and it doesn't matter what diet you're on and this is pretty much proof right here this this diary that I have right here um you know you hear something i said i am at it I am ashamed of how out of shape I am I used to be so active yet I move around yet I move around get it seems like it's not enough so I need to commit more time to exercise even if I do not feel like it so that was another thing is that I felt like okay if I exercise enough then that will help me to accelerate my metabolism because I do have a slow metabolism of my family you know that's the issue it is a part of being healthy and I must must do it if I want to have consistent weight loss success so I always thought you know oh well it's the exercise you know jumping jacks running jumping and leg lifts plus dancing to be the most effective workouts and exercise for me so I knew exactly like what kind of exercise actually helped me but I could only do that for such a short time and I just got so sick of it after a few weeks I just didn't want to exercise anymore I would always get injured actually and then I would pretty much stopped so I'm go on for two weeks and this stuff go on it for two weeks um did this was a you know I would write a little bit in this diary not very much most of the time I would just pretty much right what I ate for the day so this is a food journal I am almost a day so this is what I said 205 14 I am almost a day to day 30 it has not been hard for me and all to cut out grains I ever worried I am consuming too much fat and sugar see I always blame something else you know not the portions itself but the actual desserts and you know if you book fat sugar together and all this stuff so still so I need to be careful not to go overboard i am feeling a little bloated so i should not consume too much nuts because they take a while to digest so every other day i should have some nuts because they are a super food in and when they are raw it makes a difference in their absorption I need to weigh myself it today even though today may not be the best day because I feel pretty bloated however I need to know when I am so I could reach my goals if I am 1 55 or 60 then I need to lose 40 to 45 pounds it will take me this whole year but I am very careful about any kind of liquid regiments are fast I think they work but that they can also leave me depleted and said I could go you know because I've been on the raw food you know I was on the raw food and I was very low calorie diet I was not open back then to this type of regimen with a five by day instead I could go for more steamed veggies and greens reduced sugar reduce nutsy conception and go up to protein content go up with protein tongue this means more fish and less of other meats I love tuna salmon a way so that will not be an issue this needs to happen for at least three times per week also consume the eggs in the morning and because i was told that you know if i consumed exit they don't lose weight i was told that if i eat more in the morning i would lose weight you know so there's all these little suppose of weight loss tips it was because it seemed to be working exercise is also a factor so getting some and every day at least 20 minutes is important i will also consume taking i also be taking my supplements and add new ones every few weeks so look it I had to make sure that i did like 10 different things a day to lose weight and this ribbon is so much easier it's almost like it's on autopilot and so freakin easy because all i have to do is eat the to snicker bars you know with my care of a butter and you know one at 11 at five and that's it love love to do and take take my gummy supplements okay i got them over here i take two of these in the morning with some water okay and um look I'm on my where it Mary wait I go on for the rest of the day and I can you know just do what I want I don't have to worry you know I could work on my my businesses and my all my stuff that are working on so doesn't deter me in any way you know um you know I thought if I did a food journal that that would make up said you know that that would make a difference again and you know but everything it's very helpful that I have all this documentation of other diets just to show you why those diets don't work um and there was always you know a paper where I would say this is my plan for the year and you know what every year I would fail that plan I would have minimal success and those and those that area those areas and I would get so frustrated because I was like there's got to be a way for me to reach those goals but it took me so much longer than expected it and it just isn't normal you know I was like there's got to be there's got to be something something's got to give you know um I will soon have another health paleo tracking of journal because this one is filling up yet it fast and so I was doing a variation of twenty percent protein forty percent fat forty percent carbs you know because I then I also felt like you know if I had the right variation of all those that then I would lose weight so see I had like a hundred different ideas of how I could lose weight and you know what every one of those ideas failed me every one of them did not work so just keep that in mind you know that when these people say oh I'm having such great success then you know what yeah they might lose like you know 10 20 pounds and then you know what they should be off the diet they will cheat on a diet you know they will not do this long-term and those who do it long term you know we're on at the gym you know every day for 23 hours and that's the only reason that they're it they're losing any weight or getting to their goal or whatever but really a lot of people even if they lose weight they're still fat there's especially around the midsection it's great that they got to their goal like I'm not putting them down but really did they get to the Rope know they settled for you know Oh 50-pound weight loss on you know and maybe they were supposed to lose 100 pounds you know but see they just sell because you know that's what conventional you know diets do is they just make you feel like Oh will you lost through you know 50 pounds be proud of yourself and and they don't encourage you to get to your goal weight like they did I don't know anyone actually that's ever got to go wait on any of these diets I just don't know one um I took a by strict in you know meal replacement I did that for a while and I just felt terrible because i was eating food still a lot of food but then I thought oh I'll just replace one meal you know and I don't know why I did this so long and because it wasn't doing it wasn't helping me it was it was not working um so here's a good example of another day k we too much food way too much food in look at I knew I needed had to cut some calories but I just was like 500 calories cutting I couldn't imagine cutting pfeiffer calories out I just was like no that's I can't do that um one half cup chili I used to make paleo chilly so I didn't put no beans in it or anything like that and then I two small slices of cheese one Larabar which would make me sick eating all our bars I don't know for some reason they don't agree with me some more chili about a cup four slices of cheese 16 of a Larabar 12 potato chips one sausage a cup of grapefruit orange juice and you know so that's what I would have for the whole day that's that's for all day you know but as you can see you know as if I was at a normal weight well we eat a lot less than that but it would be okay you know it wouldn't be so bad you know if this is fine by to Chile and five bites of Larabar and you know five bites of you know cheese and potatoes you know and a little bit of snacks in between then this could be me this this could be definitely fine you know I could do that it's not the food itself the food is not bad but it's just the amount of food that i was eating that you know I I realized everything way too many food one bottle here's another day a typical day for me what when I would eat one bottle of smaller pom juice you know that pom juice 10 potato chips three lettuce wraps I used to love eating lettuce wraps and out any warm totally off lettuce and then I had a few sips of mango smoothie dried coconut chips and one teaspoon of tahini so that day was actually not that bad but when I would make these lettuce wraps they were big they were big I would stuff on they were so big that it would the stuff would be falling on an off of them I out of the show so um I tried flying tank plantain pancakes and those were really really really good I mean we're talking extremely good I have those of those were amazing so here's my diary again and I said you know my sleeping patterns and exercise movement seem to be a big issue for me as as me losing weight effectively so going on to be at 1030pm is important to go into bed it might not be sleeping I might not be sleeping in it might not be the sleeping in that is the issue but the time I go to bed which is that's a very true statement actually this is true and I'm actually gonna go to bed pretty soon here I'm actually going to try to go to bed earlier than 10 3 i'm trying to go to bed at nine-thirty or 945 and i think that that's better um this way you can get up at 6am I'm going it's cold and I'm going to try this time but I could make some tea to to take this problem that i have so i would drink the green tea so I try to like drink nutriblast I tried eating lettuce wraps I tried you know to eat really super healthy know every day and all paleo and Anakin you know you know I was really trying so hard you know um you know this some days I would eat you know ebony less you know and if those are probably the days and which I had more success you know because I was eating a lot less so I thought I'm eating with in my calorie limits and I thought cutting out the wheat with you know because there's that fat book which I never read actually called wheat belly and the light in that book is totally totally totally completely flawed because the guy did it blog and he pretty much said all the other things you would have to cut out too and even though I agreed with him on the list I I thought it was pretty pretty awesome list because I agreed with them especially about the artificial sweeteners and all that um what I figure it out is that you know if I telling people oh all i have to do is cut out meat and then they'll lose weight is ridiculous ridiculous it doesn't work um you know if you can't digest we then take it out of your diet but don't expect yourself to lose honor pounds because you will not so I'm going to definitely read you guys more of my journal and my paleo and do read off you know the foods that i was eating on all those days and i'll get back to this you know journal it's a cute little I'll journal that I got so uh I'll get back to you guys on it and uh you know because there's a lot there's a lot to cover this is only this is like 91 days so when I i'll do another video and share more you know later but this just kind of a sample for now okay um because I just found it because i just have moved in like a month ago so i just found that and I was like okay I should make a video about that and uh I won't be uploading this video tomorrow so it'll be my day 12 and I'll just do this you know upload that video from there so don't be confused if you because this is a night video so you can be like oh that's weird day 12 night video that's you know I always make like one or two videos a day so um I see you guys later I'm gonna just head to bed it's about almost nine o'clock so I'm going to go to bed because I just um yeah I want to get good sleep tonight and I hope you guys have a great night and to stay encouraged and I just definitely wanted to do this video just to just just show you guys that I'm been on these other diets and they have not worked for me I was actually on the Paleo diet on and off for five years and written up to recently doing this diet and now I am no longer at all on the Paleo diet I could care less if I eat bread crackers or any of that stuff because it all converts into sugar you know and when I heard that when I heard dr. L it was saying that I said he's right because i actually had her over heard that from another video that i had watched you know these two guys debating and stuff about diets and one guy said that and I was like well that's interesting I never heard that you know um you know yes is it good to eat organic sure is a good to eat you know foods that are you know super sure you know you know who knows if these foods are actually super though I mean come on we don't know that you know we're just told that I think we're just told that so we'll buy those foods will buy the supplements and will think that they're super you know um I think you know with the vital force and the other stuffs that is really good and I take that and I get energy from that so I'm totally for that you know and totally for organic foods but um you should not to spend a ton of money on that stuff and the great thing is is that if you do still want to eat organic and everything look it you've been if you go to Whole Foods you're not going to be spending a lot of money you just not it's going to cut your grocery bill down down down down because really you can consider I'd say okay if you were eating like me 25 bites okay of food or 21 bites when you get your goal basically that comes to two meals okay but we're doing snacks in between right so like three bites of snacks in between so five bytes in the morning of breakfast three bites snack 5 bytes for launch three bytes for snack and then dinner five bytes and that's not going to be my regimen by the time i get when i reach my goal 110 that's going to be my regimen that i'm going to slowly adapt to so when account all the food content up that's only two meals to you know medium sized meals okay in some ways it can even be one meal because I've eaten 25 bites of food just in one city so if you put all the food on one plate it's possible that that's all and so think of it this way you go to Whole Foods or go to others i would go somewhere else because they're way too expensive but say that's the only thing place available to you as whole foods so you go in there you are not going to be buying so much stuff your grocery bill is going to be lower and you know you're gonna cut out you know if you're like me you're going to count on most fruits and vegetables so there you go you're saving money there and that's in seeds you're not going to do much of maybe some peanut butter you're gonna buy you're probably gonna buy some chips you know these are for snacks you know and then you missed some crackers okay so say peanut butter crackers and some chips and salsa so all that together is about twelve or fifteen dollars ok and then that's for the whole week though the whole week and then the three meals right so you got your grass fed beef that's gonna last you three days actually so you know if you space out the meals and you doing it together last three days so that's seven dollars so that's okay and now we're up to nineteen dollars okay sometimes over over there it's way more expensive though it's like ten dollars so say it's 22 we're at $22 okay so we already got the grass fed beef you know covered and we got the snacks then you go and you get your I don't know you get your potatoes ok so those are going to cost you five bucks so doubt now we're up to over nineteen dollars so now we're up to twenty-four dollars okay then you got say you decide to get some fish okay so you're going to get some tuna cans tuna right so that's going to cost you a dollar each so that's thirty dollars and that's even way too much tuna let's do narrowed down to three tents okay so now you're only at twenty-eight dollars and maybe you decide to get some cookies too okay for some more snacks so that's another four or five you know four dollars so you're at $32 so you've covered your meat your protein you've covered your your snacks so now we're going to get it and you covered your carbs for your home all your meals so now we want to get some more stuff right we want to get some rice right so we put that in there and that's going to cost you another three dollars or four dollars so now now it's at 34 thirty-six dollars okay now we go and we're going to go get our salsa so thirty six or seven thirty eight then we're going to go get some avocado and that's another three dollars so that's 41 and then we're going to get some other things in between that and I guarantee you if you're you see you know spending a 120 dollars over there or anyplace any any grocery store your grocery bill is going to be cut f or more so um and what would last you and say you did a big shopping trip right well that's even better because of you if you did a big shopping trip and you stored up all your food which you can do now you don't have to worry about food going back because if you don't need a lot fruits or vegetables anymore then you can pretty much have the only thing pretty much would have to buy well you didn't even have to buy tomatoes you buy salsa they're going you can buy guacamole that's going to last you like two weeks okay so you only gotta go to you're not gonna have to go to store is often either either you're only gonna have to go like every two weeks to a month so that's going to save you time it's going to save you money so because yeah when you go to the freakin store it's like to our trip you know you you think you're not in there that long but then you go back then by the time you get home you're like what the hell it's five o'clock and i went at two you know and that's it see you were wasting precious time you know by going to the grocery store every week you're spending what one or two hours you're spending four or five to seven or eight hours we month on you know and that could be spent you know with your family that could be spent doing other things you know because look I want to save money there's there's two very important things one save money and we want to save our time okay we want to have time to and we can't save time because time is time but we can free our time okay for other things so I'm figuring for one person sixty dollars a week for two people maybe hundred twenty dollars for three people you know hundred eighty okay so your whole family will be able to be fed you know if they all do the five by day they all stick with innate within their calorie lemon they've all lost weight and everything we're looking at 180 bucks and that's four possibly even going over to two weeks okay or 10 days so you are definitely going to save between two hundred to four hundred dollars a month on groceries so a year you would say about 1200 to 24 hundred dollars on groceries and with that money you can spend not close you can spend it you know have you ever heard the saying I'd rather wear it to need it you know so yeah you you do that definitely now if you're a big breakfast person this might be very difficult for you but I i think if you get through the seven days you're not kind of an issue you're going to keep going you're gonna keep wanting to go this has never you know with me i don't i'm not a huge breakfast person i never really have been and I always said way later at 10 or 11 or 12 you know I always say around that time okay so this is not it's difficult for me is maybe other people or who are more active and you know they have to have their breakfast in the morning because they're going to work or whatever um my business is more home-based so I can schedule the time I need to do whatever I want to you know sometimes I do have to go to the store though or I have to clean the yard or I have to clean the house and there's lead me there's a lot of tasks or a lot of things I have to do every day my life is no easier than anyone else's life but I do have the freedom of time Nene I can do you know I have the time where I can do it do what I want when I want what time I want so it's good free didn't have it's very good for you um and so I'm gonna go now you guys I'm gonna go um I hope you like these long videos I like doing longer videos do not like doing short videos I hate them i remember when i first started youtube and all i had was a phone and i can only do one or two minute videos on it so um i love the fact that i have a webcam and i can just do whatever videos I want whenever I want it's just it's it's liberating to have that kind of freedom and technology and i use it for you know I take advantage of it you know i will be getting a new webcam very soon though because webcam is not as clear as I like it I like it an HD webcam so I'm going to go to walmart and look for a better one so my videos are working clear and you can see me better so if he's spending the money on that and getting that so um definitely subscribe to my channel on all my videos for Donn definitely make sure I put a little box it says please subscribe you know and that's going to be like a minute long you know usually in the beginning my videos so i really would appreciate if you subscribe to my channel because i really want more and more people to find out about my channel and I want them to discover and I want tell people ok and I'm just a kind of person that can help people I i educated myself a lot and I know a lot of things and I can do I could do a great help for a lot of people so if you like talking line like me you enjoy listening you know then this is going to work for you you know don't expect you know a minute or five minute video for me it's not going to happen and it never is going to happen and it probably never I'm never going to end my videos so you can just forget about that it's not going to happen never gonna happen because um I don't think it's a thin thick enough and I really I get it annoys the out of me when I see I know when a video has been to edited when I go on the video and there's always this kind of little thing I can catch it some people can't catch up when I can and basically when I start to watching it they start talking and then they start and then they start talking about something else so they like that a lot of that la la la la la la la la like I can tell by the way that they're talking the tone the voice and you can tell that it's been edited like hell and I hate videos like that I don't know if you guys hate videos like that let me know and description below like the comments below you know let me know like to do those video annoy you like you just want to choke the person ya know I don't want to choke them but I'm just saying you know editing your videos is not needed especially on here at YouTube ok um in oh you know I'm not into commercialization I'm like never been into commercialization you know if I want to wear wake up I mayor wear makeup if I don't I don't have to um I could do whatever the hell I want it's my channel so you know for the olives who are so you know oh it has to be a certain way not necessarily no a lot of people just like being they have tons of subscribers they have millions of views these are people who have millions of use and they really don't edit their their their videos that much and really if you want better better better video you do more than a 10 minute video you know a lot of people they're not giving you the information that I'm giving you they're not talking to you actually talking to you and sitting down and having an actual conversation like if you were my friend this is exactly how I would talk to you um I'm not talking to you I'm talking with you I'm having a discussion you know so when you comment you know what helps us to interact with each other it helps us so that i can help you and you can help me and we can help each other and we be a community okay and that's what's all about so i hope you guys have a great night and i'll see you tomorrow come on day 12 .

Video Description:

why the paleo diet is bad. In this video I explain why the Paleo diet failed me and why the 5 bite diet is the best plan I ever been on.
