hey guys I'm dr. BJ hardik in 2009 I wrote the maximized living nutrition plans and a couple years later everybody started asking about the Paleo diet you know I want to take a moment just to differentiate a couple of the key differences between maximized living and what the world called paleo verses really what was developed by dr. Loren Cordain for whom I have so much respect who did a lot of the early research into the Paleo diet before everybody started talking about it you know dr. Cordain out of Colorado he really wanted to research and see you know what were people designed to eat before civilization before modernization of foods never mind just box foods but just even the way we started to modernize the food system and you know there's a lot of things on which we agree and I'm gonna talk specifically about meats I want to talk a little bit about sugar and I'm gonna talk about vegetables as well because a lot of people now they think that you're going paleo if you just have like meat no sugar and then no bread I'm but in fact there's so many more key differences to understand you're thinking of meats you've got to understand something you know like dr. Cordain and I would also say like salami processed meats deli meats these are not paleo just because they're meat you know dr.
Cordain would obviously emphasize the importance of having wild game fresh fish that could be caught with a spear as opposed to something that is caught from the bottom of the ocean is a whole different story something like grass-fed beef versus grain fed beef because it actually changes and distorts the essential fatty acid content in the cow but one key difference is this I think a lot of people still think that paleo can be anything that's just meat because it's a dense food and maximized living we've always advised against pork and shellfish because they can be fairly toxic animals because the nature in which they live the fact that they don't sweat and some of the I mean obviously like shellfish I mean they clean the ocean floor which is filthy to begin with so they're one of the most toxic meats that someone can possibly consume and therefore I advise against it you know dairy is also on the subject of meat as well and of course you know this very much this very much depends on the culture but if somebody's going to be consuming dairy I would say let's make sure we're consuming dairy only from healthy animals that are not sick and only from animals that have not been fed foods that they were never supposed to eat in the first place so now let's talk about sugar because certainly a lot of people think you know going sugar-free means that something is automatically paleo well the best source of sugar the best source of fructose would be fruit so in maximized living we've said hey listen on the core nutrition plan let's include the great healthy God made fruits and of course in paleo they've also said hey you know what fruits were designed to consume and this is the safest way to consume fructose what we do in North America is we pull the fructose out add it into high fructose corn syrup so now we're consuming it with no fiber no water no minerals no nutrients and of course fructose on its own starts to wreck the liver so we've always identified fruit should be had in its natural source which sorry fructose should be consumed in its natural source which is indeed fruit the core plan go for it however in maximized living we've taken it a step further we've looked at to see how people respond on a not just a no sugar diet but also eliminating the things that turn into sugar like the higher sugar fruits bananas pineapples mangoes you know what these things do convert to sugar quicker then lower sugar fruits like berries and granny smith apples and therefore we've advised them we've advised against them for people that have metabolic syndrome people that are dealing with cancer people that are dealing with cognitive disorders and all the other conditions that are listed on my site because certainly limiting the amount of sugar in the body definitely can help the body get into more of a fat burning and ketogenic state which we know is not necessarily the reason why they got the disease in the first place but can certainly be therapeutic for the body when they're dealing with that condition and this obviously it goes just goes without saying if we're gonna have a dessert let's not have that dessert with even honey or maple syrup or something that's just a gooey liquid which is still 100% sugar we want to have those things ideally made with fruit or you know what maybe stevia because it's a plant-based sweetener will not affect somebody's blood sugar and lastly just thinking vegetables it's so key that vegetable consumption is organic and you know again a lot of people think deli meats and veg is paleo well you know what's maximized naturally raised meats and organic vegetables you know pesticides I mean there's sixteen hundred different chemicals that contribute to at least over 400 different types of pesticides that are used and that are approved by the FDA and we don't even know what these do in conjunction with each other I do know this though that if somebody's having difficulty going fully organic you can look on the environmental working groups guide of the clean fifteen and the Dirty Dozen because every year they update it and they say these twelve veg types of vegetables they're sprayed with more pesticides than anything really we're talking about all produce and that's why we need to be careful if we're having something like a red pepper or an apple or a strawberry I'm these things we are loaded with pesticides which are always associated with hormonal problems because of course pesticides mimic estrogen if we're gonna have some vegetables and they're not organic at least make sure they're on the clean 15 make sure that you're having the vegetables and the fruits that have the least amount of pesticides but ideally we move to 100% organic how on earth do I eat out and still do it in a maximized healthy kind of way so I want to talk about four things I want to talk about meat vegetables I want to talk about all of your sauces and I want to talk about what to drink reigns in there so the paleo community through the maximized living community a lot of people in CrossFit they don't want grains at all to kind of know brands they don't want grains you know grains are very inflammatory they do convert this sugar even if there are you .
Video Description:
There are a lot of similarities between the paleo diet, developed by Dr. Loren Cordain, and the Maximized Living Nutrition Plans, though there are key differences. For example, I advise against consuming pork and shellfish, and avoiding fruits that convert to sugar quicker to maintain a maximized living diet.
Check two related articles available on my website at:
7 Ways to Upgrade Your Paleo Diet http://drhardick.com/upgraded-paleo
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