we've lost the next phase of our our diet challenge this is the Paleo zone challenge okay so for all of you guys that work with us back we did the original diet challenge that was just straight video okay just trying to change the food choices now we're going to take it the next step further and start learning how to properly balance the macro nutrient profile things that we're eating to take advantage of the hormone response that you get reading food talk about this a little bit and I usually get carried away so if I get to science and nerdy let me know so I do get excited about glucagon as I found that the people that are familiar with the Paleolithic style of eating again the favorite Olympic style of eating age to model our diets after what we believe our ancestors have an eight and essentially evolved on now this very simple diet of meat vegetables specifically nuts priest it's pretty basic okay so anything that you would've been in the kitchen your hands on as a hundred gallon gaze is most likely the best way of beauty okay so obviously it doesn't include a lot of the Western challenge the idea was to start placing a lot of what we consume now in the Western diet the American that we read this week once we did it's hard to hoard bread comes with a tardy you know four chords which you can start eliminating eliminating the stage for a lot of different reasons it benefits your diet one you're usually eliminating higher glycemic carbohydrates usually most grains have an abundance of carbohydrates second we start getting into the whole nerdy Paleo things in dairy and he used to be data but they just changed as long as you peel the skins off of your potatoes and potatoes if you eat a lot of potatoes make sure that both of the potatoes are smooth dates the reason I like beans is a distinct thing I've got up explain Oh quick these are very modern introductions into our diet okay it actually launched us out of the Paleolithic Age into the Neolithic Age yet in a modern agriculture which allow some civilization as we understand it you know it's day to drive get the reason it did there is we know Homer had a humming follow and track big herds of buffalo and one okay you could settle in an area because training's beans and different things like that can store for a very long time and we could survive winter months eating predominantly these things now the reason these days do not spoil Topsy bought a bag of pinto beans and I still notice I have a pack of pinto beans sitting in my coat that's about 4 years old they don't they don't this one this gives there's certain components on that being that prevent them from being destroyed by funguses molds different things and that's what makes me so valuable in terms of the surviving win it is you don't see obviously you can't store an apple for longer than a few weeks before it starts to rot but anyway hosts and components that prevent the funguses and different things from breaking down those beans in the night since the destroying that are the they don't get cooked out of that food you still ingest reaction to dairy like some people might but focus on eliminating grapes now good for that saying okay we were trying to get clean died so that doesn't that obviously does not include cookies obviously jump okay because then that should go without saying if we're trying to get clean then obviously these don't mean we don't have a place at all no beer drink foo-foo drinks very because the protein said the gluten all that stuff that you trying to avoid from beer you said to like liquid glue get it gets distilled out okay in the distillation process you can consume that if you're looking to be a purist paleo me now the zone this is essentially food food choices now resorts talking strategy like how to eat men hats the zone that aspect of disc sexually researched by doctor named Barry Sears get into zone you see his name everywhere because he's the pioneer of the Zone diet and he didn't necessarily invented he just discovered that vision i neva brazier of macronutrients that allow for our bodies to respond the mode in the most beneficial way from the foods that we eat get it and that happens to be a ratio of nine grams of carbohydrates seven grams and one of the half grams of fat okay now what he did to make life easier on all of us since he said well if that's the proper ratio I'm just gonna put this all together and call that a block so we refer to this as a block just to give you guys a little bit of an endocrinology 101 okay when you consume a carbohydrate okay it gets broken down into a sugar your body deals with that sugar by leasing a hormone called insulin that which is also known as a storage one moment and what it'll do is you know grab a hold of that sugar which in large quantities in the body is toxic okay and it'll do one of two things earlier the store can give it muscles now between your muscles in your liver you have stores capacity depending on your size 20 to 60 grams and then give me one okay a lot of times that's already full so what happens is when you eat too many parts whatever does not go to muscles and liver or straight in the body now before we talk about some of the days that you might have to be protein divided release is another moment difficult of glucagon sometimes referred to as a release form for body fat reasons now these two hormones working tangent with one other referred to as access for months NC do different things one of the most important aspects of these two hormones is they are referred to as endocrine hormones they float around in the blood and what they do depending on their concentrations is they will so actually have to turn on and off other haulers yeah and those other hormones are referred to a site-specific in literature if you ever get into the zone books report rest I toss annoys or I curse an orthography you would say that and these are very potent very specific hormones that control everything from heart rate blood pressure body fat percentage growth hormone production blood vessel dilation that you name you name it it's all controlled by them everything that your body has controlled by homes now whether or not these the heart rate is up or down again it's been gonna be dependent on those specific access points one turns it up turns it down now the interesting thing is that they're all dependent whether they're on Iran they saw the level of insulin and glucagon on blood now it just so happens when you have elevated levels of insulin in the blood you also have all the negative effects happen increased heart rate increased blood pressure decreased dilation of your blood vessels increased body fat storage now what's important to take from this is that if you can control insulin which is considered a degree Orchestrator of all the other things to happen internally you can control simply everything that happens in your body and before you do that is by balancing this and eating that way there when you eat nine grams of carbs in this ratio and 1/2 grams of fat insulin and glucagon are going to be produced at optimal levels okay and all these other things associated with our lifestyle when we look are going to be working the way we want them to work all right here's the interesting thing to me is there's a slight curve okay this would be that perfect ratio right it's essentially almost a three quarter ratio you've got a little bit of give or take of grammar - okay if you lean a little bit more towards a say a high protein over here this would be high carb up here okay you can still fall within this zone next zone ha that means everything that we want to be happy to turn these happen now when you start falling out here on the extremities that's when things usually go alright okay let's start storing stuff now just as an example get the modern-day American Western diet okay consists predominantly as we know because we that way we used to a lot of breads a lot of carbohydrates lot of refined processed foods we have an abundance of carbohydrates an abundance of insulin to deal with insulin because I retort is a storage hormone takes those carbohydrates and either puts in liver muscles like I've mentioned you have capacity to store 20 to 60 grams at any given point most autonomy is pretty much full anyway so what ends up happening is you take all of that excess sugar that's broken down to this excess carbohydrates entry and you store it in fat tissue adipose cells and stored a stored energy on that here's the problem when you being a big carbohydrate let's say you know your memory and you still subscribe to the whole carbo-loading thing and you're even just ridiculous amount of pasta and breads and everything else to really just destroy how well you're going to do the next day but you don't know that okay what happens is you end up getting maxing out there then we store all the rest of it's not insulin those engines disappear okay when it's done dealing with sugar and it's stored it all into body fat it doesn't go away okay it actually floats around above ours I used to come before me think of it and the fact that it's a storage component the matter of how much fat you had an energy stored in your body that you do not give access to it okay it blocks the ability of anything to exit those cells okay elevator Bell dings and prevent access to stored energy body so here's the you got the brain the brain only functions off of one source of anything but I know of this like all thinking processed sugar it's the X food for the brain well they were like the jetty that's what they work best on okay the problem is that when you send us a shuttle access something elevated level of insulin okay do not have access the muscles need to run on something yeah mussels are large they're inefficient okay they blow through the sugar very quick any sugar that to Jersey and will store the down the liver and muscles gets burned up really really quick okay as soon as the brain which can hold me wrong should remind you senses make a decreasing level of sugar in the blood it gets what is sergeant yeah it's kind of nauseous and what's the first signal it sends to your body you need to eat even if you ate like an honor okay you ever had a carbohydrate crash and almost that you eat on pizza come for me and one of what was interesting is you're hovering in my computer two pieces you know but you don't have access to all that and they because it got a sword in one fan with cannot access that refer to people and in the zone books as carbohydrate health okay where you're eating cars you eat a lot of carbs but you have access to this much weight at any given time you store the rest well the problem is that you're running on the sugar and you turn the switches on to the wordings muscles to run out of sugar well once they start burning out all that sugar you're hungry again would you have to eat Borden's it's the same life to the brain carbs yes you gotta keep doing it keep doing it that's that vicious cycle and in order to break that cycle is very soon we got back so the then back now is to optimize the macronutrient breakdown up to 72 by using blocks now if you haven't pretty - not yet and then there's a zone PDF file that I put on a face book okay you can find this in the CrossFit Journal you can find it by google searching it and if you don't can't find they give me your email address and I'll just send it to I'll send you the link you print it and just printed on okay if you guys have got it go to like the second or third page whereas the block Charter says meal plans looks like this yeah what they did to make life real easy for us is they essentially classified all the different foods you might need these are this is an end good job how to do yeah is one how to calculate how many blocks you need if you notice on the first page the CrossFit Journal just kind of put it very subjective like oh here's the even female or AIDS column extra large man you know you need be in this month well it ain't a hot how do you know what it is that you are if there is a way to establish how many how much how many blocks you need to eat and it's based on this yeah I'll use myself as an example okay first thing you need to define first thing we need to establish and if you don't know how to calculate my fat percentage just look it up online there's simple simple ways to do it you know find something you can measure you've written your waist and do all these different things and it's accurate within a certain percentage okay a certain degree now let's sort of serve the purposes that we need it for you don't need to go jump in the water tank and you know that's really really need to know exactly how much your body head and we're hundred eighty times I've said eighty pounds of fat hunt by strap eighteen from 180 that makes my bleep eye mask without a lot of that is 162 pounds see how I did that make sense this diversity need to know what you mean by glasses now what becomes subjective is you not need to determine how active you are as a person to determine your protein requirement which you need to sustain nearly violence you need enough to eat enough to suspect what you have if you are active if I can multiply that out at one point if you're extremely at five point nine active and this is where it's long don't know how to classify ourselves point seven point six is hardly at five you're gonna multiply the only body mass out of one of these the connectivity factors now multiply 862 that is the number of the brands protein that you consume on a daily basis to maintain my lean body mass okay now once you know that okay we're just gonna figure out the number of blocks they need to consume by dividing that by the number of protein grams of protein in a block seven grams to 123 blocks birthday to keep my body now most of us won't need that much okay when I if you guys have never heard my story before when I moved to North Carolina I heard a lot about the zone I was doing the whole Paleo thing and we've seen great success from it but reading enough already using the journal they got convinced that I will try the zone and I went super anal and measured everything which we're going to talk about how to do this and I ain't gonna pursue me I cut my blocks down this I think 17 blocks today and when I did that my by I'm not a give my body milk melted and I didn't like like scrawny week every little house body fat I had this peak to the point where I got I got about veiny arms I had things in my shoulders veins my veins my quads I was this walking begging with no body it was incredibly crazy night then I lost 13 pounds in two weeks yet when you find that target in another word gay and you're working out and really long and you and you're setting the stage for your body to change and you're doing everything correctly it happens very quickly that as long as you're not what they call metabolic derangement of issue that's not gonna be fixed with just balancing it some people just have no way you gotta find 5% to calculate body acts okay based on an activity fat you know stats how much protein you need to eat the number grams of protein divide that by 17 figure out the number of blocks per day that you should do soon now okay push the day you need that consumes 23 blocks per day okay now there's few key rules with the zone and one is you never need regular than five blocks and in a given City you don't need a six block meal you don't need a seven buck meal you only eat five blocks that's the biggest okay it doesn't have to be that big now we're gonna hypothetically create my day damn breakfast em lunch and dinner and put snacks in between welcome to figure out how to do this I think at the end of a total of 23 watts so if I regret I started off I like you breakfast 5 line records five blocks lunch five blocks dinner all standard size of meals for the bigger meals of the day that puts me at 15 okay I still need to make seven blocks okay so if I did let's say three blocks and post-workout and to watch snack between lunch and dinner and then after dinner the two blocks not believe this now using the black chart okay this is how you do this is that you make your meals life is easy on the zone it is not using yours if your block chart if this is our imaginary khk and you got the protein here are your facts here it's got the list of like a zillion things list here the zillion things this tier is silly advanced now how I'm gonna make a breakfast for myself will start for breakfast okay if you got to have a block short show make sure everyone can see first actually we're gonna make a five block meal hundred for me you do these using that chart now the big fan base again now what that block chart is is each one of those selections on there is equivalent this is one block of it in its given category if you look at a whole leg that is one block of protein if you look at things a happen a carbohydrate sense section that's going block on carbohydrates okay things a third cup of oatmeal something like that is a block Clark's so what we gonna do is afraid of flat block five o'clock meal is five blocks of everything dang it not just two blocks of protein 3 bucks a box one block you know or whatever it's five blocks better thing so let's make it up we don't want protein from somebody picked throw some nothing breakfast now this is using their charm which might be slightly different than what the package says so right now blocks of protein 94 behind rates get working right now don't clear up any cars how many blocks of come behind axis three times I need two more parts about put peppers in your attics peppers in my family I'm a pastor so I need four block water for one in a quarter cup get that for us that's a lot of food but this is this is for for me not not to you okay who might be smaller and doesn't let eat that bigger meals okay I don't mind a big breakfast in the morning and in fact I enjoyed if I don't even grab some plots do it okay and it's really not hard at all especially if you're using that a block schedule just if you make it a three block breakfast you just take three protein three fast three cars okay and it can be in any kind of combination that you want but at the end of the day you need three of each and that didn't they your total blocks for the entire day need to total of the nones blocks we calculated get through some chicks don't make easier I tried to do it with protein powder strawberries blueberries and milk and those GNC shakers filled up two of those that's go a lot it's a lie yeah because I start doing song is one you it's important to go through there and I like things that you like me okay kind of start getting an idea of how you can build reasons I like having a like tuna tuna conveniently plums in five ounce cans and rice rice I think tuna since you found the tuna recipe on the okay okay and if you if you make like a like a tuna salad okay if you put different vegetables mayonnaise is a fat you can make a tuna salad okay and if you make it all portion all look at this okay let's say let's start getting into quantity stuff in bulks okay let's say you know like it'll make a pot of chili kiddo mr. chili now when you're making the chili you can make it balanced by putting in a proportionate amount of carbs protein whatever okay analysis beef is one plot so say V is a pound of beef use one pound be sixteen blocks protein now what you start doing is reading ladies now if you thrown in canned tomatoes into your if you're using that maybe it was read the label okay like figure out how many hours Horace's in there we know that it's a predominantly carbs right we know that if it only has a very small amount of proteins isn't it just it gives it just gets washed out don't even paint it but just for the sake of this let's just say it conveniently had lots of carbohydrates so fighters two cans of tuna for tomatoes I've got eight carbs you know and then I throw some onions in there and I throw some peppers in there and I started building it comportable okay so and in my pot I've got 16 a minute okay now you know what makes this nice is if you spoon a ladle or two of your chili and throw it in the Tupperware into work if you have a general idea how much you put in there you can let me know that's back okay and now we discussed your guys how much you're consuming where that's three blocks five blocks four blocks or whatever okay and that's I'm sort of building things involving being very strategic with tiny chicken breasts when they come with three packs are usually like I have one pound of one point three pounds Newton math something like that eight blocks perch eight ounces per chicken breast cut in half one chicken breast there's four blocks of protein so if you grew up a bunch of chicken breast cut them all in half we've got four ounces four blocks of protein you can chop em up throw them in salad you can chop em up make some more mayonnaise make chicken salad you can eat them just regular marinade we can do whatever oh one thing I think is important to point out is about lean meat but I'm giving me a little bit better degree and into this blocks you classic detracted over classify things the only thing that gets double counted as anything are dairy products which can start considered a protein in a car okay generally now if you're confused start reading letters like vehicle out to the you know the Walgreens we're going to buy a protein bar and let's say your protein bars got thirty protein 10-grand cars you know we know that there's seven grams protein and approximately or protein support one car behind let's just say let's say just in handy Patti okay well for a need that protein bar we disable concerned about balance if we got housing for protein one car when we need to add in the carbohydrates so we might want to eat an apple with that at least two blocks from Apple some use your chart up picks up yeah and have it on hand you can start building builds them it's really not that complicated now with the challenge that we're going to do okay it's your guys's homework to figure out how many blocks that you need to consume per day okay then what you need to do for the homework is this way this challenge is gonna work we're gonna do this on a point a point system you're gonna keep it a football okay if you want meeting foods you're gonna keep a food ball yeah sorry fantasy your meals based on the number of blocks per day you think you should do so and if we need some help I mean with me during the week and I'll try to help you figure out how Fox about how many she can say okay what you're gonna do is you're gonna start testing waters okay if you think you should be 12 blocks day and your goal is to lose a little bit away and you stay on the 12 hours a day two weeks and you haven't we probably need to manipulate a little bit and you're gonna turn it in we get three points if you turn and you're balanced get six points it's about one in nine times balanced now here's the thing pay the depts for us paleo nuts okay I'm a zone is to be eighty percent video overall and pretty much like ours it is really hard to get most of your carbohydrates I found eating 100% paleo because you have to eat so much so many vaccines does look on their roots let's say you're gonna give all of your carbohydrates of spinach spinach full spinach just to get your blocks it becomes very difficult to get all your carbohydrates from just fruits and vegetables okay you can do it and it's possible it's definitely possible yeah it's as hard so my requirement to you you can take this out of one this be eighty percent okay so 80 percent of your blocks can be paleo Futurists absolutely looking at two cars and that is a sentiment needy 20 blocks 16 and that should be okay who spends the four blocks a day and it's 82 senator rod you're not get it ready why come to three of six points a week what I bring receipts for what's max-flow six points week one comment per watt get it going you one point per day based on their goals okay now say the end of 60 days what did you go 30 day go on the 60 day go really love to do six pounds awesome goal and it's reasonable to six pounds 30 days sure okay if you did exceed that they'd meet that goal that's 20 points if you hit your 60 days off what's obviously I want to be better than your 30 day or not the same okay that's how that works your goals to being clear what they're okay but don't make it something you can say that to me email you didn't send them to me on the Facebook email you and bring them in and physically give them to me but turn them in each week okay and I want to look over I want to check the balance okay want to see that you're doing it right if you don't do it right it doesn't matter you're still gonna get points and I'm gonna help you I want to show you guys how to do this because it really doesn't work okay that the Paleo will get you real far does eating paleo long but it we can be very specific and control things very precisely we balance it's taking it to the next step and if you do it right like I told you it's a it's magic there's your body will do things you didn't think you can do and this will really help you guys get you to where you wanted works questions by neck for breakfast that's where I would unlikely say eww supposed a three-block breakfast you only eat lots of protein and from black carbs complete you for launch I wouldn't eat a box of carbs in two blocks or three blocks protein to make up a difference here's the thing if you go the wagon for one meal your next opportunity to put yourself back into the zone is the very next time you meet ya so if you fall off the wagon and you have a crazy Friday night and you pound a bunch of beers I'm with you okay you can you can get yourself back on track okay now depending on how serious you are about your goals that's going to depend on how much you know give and take you wine in this whole challenge you know if you're not necessarily you just want to do it for the long-term effects and unite this do a kind of half-assed and that's fine if you want to go serious about it let's see what can happen be real serious about a man beat the almond count count your honors I did I was a nerd man that kind of got 12 almonds for blocks yeah and I went out and bought a new food skills okay they're like 20 bucks you can get a net target in different places keep planning on waiting me you know and I'll set do you do it little it's probably no longer week maybe two weeks for someone Fe Fe you start to really know what it looks like you know I keep a you know what I eat oatmeal I still you don't know you know I will keep the little third cup thing just in my just scoop it out throw it in the pot that way I keep making my boys they say generally something the thickness of your hand and pull only is about five blocks worth of meat third of your plate should be protein meat rest of it should be vegetables okay these are we have time to do that on the road a lot is going to watch it on the Mexican restaurant and get the heat is about in the tortillas their rice and beans and peppers onions and I should walk more there you go now here's an interesting thing just no but I want you to take advantage of it when you consume fat okay there there is no response home only from the body the body doesn't produce excellent it doesn't produce group yon it doesn't do anything unless turkey just too much okay just too much in any given City then you've got to deal with an excessive amount of food the body introduced in some in that story okay so that's why we know any greater than five lakhs one the block is approximately one hundred calories just say enough so if you're looking at the dot and also you're like man I'm only supposed to eat 17 dots that so restricted calorie Dianna's but what's nice is that it's balanced you're not going to feel hungry if you feel hungry you can up block just a little bit maybe a block or two per meal to just deal with the hunger aspect of it but I would probably make sure that the facts are like avocados almonds out like good good benefit acts do push submerge food is on this goal thing if you're saying applying it we're probably gonna lose weight it's not meant to lose weight okay it's been it's meant to make your body function weight issue so it's a performance that is ultimately the key okay your body's gonna work the way it's designed the work if it needs to shed body fat percentage in order to work optimally it will when we started the Sun's up before I was freaking out because I kept their monthly I've lost weight what the hell came in here did the measurements I lost nine pounds of fat before Oh an 11% down about 3% well I wouldn't even I don't even know how to gauge what to lose earth for a little challenge go for gold look the goal is not to lose any weight at all just to eat bats no because if you're in balance to your body's gonna start off running off to correct energies okay you'll notice that you have morning breath day you feel better you know you when you sleep you're gonna produce more growth you're gonna recover quicker from the Watts there's a lot of benefits to DD bounces you're sending a stage for all the things that you want to happen to happen now when I was waiting I wasn't trying to lose weight that is lost weight and then what I've started doing is I started off with my blocks and I built myself up to 180 you know it's not it's not a difficult thing you saw coming figure out how does your body you know .
Video Description:
Article from Crossfit Journal regarding the Zone Diet