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Monday, March 22, 2021


3 Key Lessons for Cleaning Up Your Diet or Going Paleo

what's up everybody hey with the I saw Jolene pop it pop up there I saw Jenny Hewlett I think urban poser some very familiar names what's up health coach Gary how's everybody doing tonight it's almost said it was Tuesday with Stephanie Katherine hey what's up good first name I like that what's up everybody whole foodie rny Jen clean 84 Jenny Marra 73 what's up yeah you thought it was fri I'd like my days are all messed up oh thanks q Frey thank you it's actually um yeah it's my way of dealing with my crazy hair hair hey from Texas hey what's up what's up T pop some very familiar names and I'm super glad that you're all jumping on periscope so I yesterday i started a new periscope series about paleo and that's obviously stupid easy paleo is my business and it is the way I live my life um oh thanks to anything through the hearts everybody and so um I've decided that kind of the next few days will be a paleo theme because I know a lot of people have questions about it oh hey what's up your from Bonnie scope I love Bonnie she taught me all about the sticky notes so she's super knowledgeable and I know she's gluten free so hey what's up I am so I'm going to be sharing some periscopes about paleo with you and I asked you to kind of keep an open mind yesterday we had some interesting questions i'll call them Matt about paleo but some really great questions as well and so I'm here to kind of go through some of the let's call it knowledge that I've acquired in the last five and a half years and i'm going to be sharing some of that with you because ultimately knowledge is power and once you have information you can move on and make some yeah bustin some paleo myths I think I'm cuter than the guys on Mythbusters but uh maybe I need a cool hat I don't know so we'll see what happens thanks chilli and you're so sweet I want to let you know that in case you miss any any of my periscopes you can get them all on YouTube Oh amazing right so here it is take a screenshot or as bonnie says take a screen grab so screenshot this and you can get it for later this is where all of my youtube videos are and I've developed some playlists just for periscope so all periscopes are in YouTube and then I've also broken them down by segments so if I awesome harder to kills my new motto I love it I've broken them down by series so I had the series 10 tips for getting healthy happy and harder to kill I had a series of four things on how or four videos on how to get started with strength training so lots of lots of great series coming your way yesterday I shared a little bit about hold on to the questions guys so I'll ask I'll answer some questions at the end but yesterday I shared a little bit about paleo and what is it show the YouTube address again ok make sure you get ready to take a screenshot ready there it is if you go to youtube and you type in stupid easy paleo you can find it and by the way my name is steph Gaudreau and i am the boss lady at stupid easy paleo calm so I'm talking today about and somebody on Instagram asked me why can you talk about why you went paleo and so I thought that's great but I also want to tell you some lessons that I learned along the way like everybody has those mistakes that you make thanks a lot ms Malia you're awesome for typing that in there I I want to pass on three lessons that I've learned there are many lessons trust me but three lessons that I've learned along the way that I think are really important and can help you no matter if you want to start paleo or you're just trying to eat healthier so like let's just say hey I'm going to try to clean up my diet a little bit you can use these tips as well thanks for the hearts I appreciate that it always lets me know that I'm kind of on the right track with what I'm going to talk about so I'm just good things Ashley here so sweet believe it or not I'm 36 and I not wearing any makeup so that kind of tells you yeah my skin is pretty good when I was a kid it wasn't and I had acne like crazy so I'm gonna tell you why I went paleo and this is kind of a long story but I'll make it short so in 2009 way back in 2009 friends of mine that I was mountain biking with because they used to be a mountain biker before I was a weightlifter told me they were going to try something called a paleo diet and I was like I've never heard of this thing this is weird I had a friend named james james walsh who I knew was gluten-free so I kind of like a new gluten-free was kind of a thing but this is before a lot of people talked about paleo and so I picked up a copy of the Paleo diet for athletes by Loren Cordain and Joe friel and I decided hey I'm I'll read it what the heck so kind of backup when I was growing up I had a lot of interesting health issues i'll call them and nothing that made me sick and debilitated like i know some people go through some very very tough very very tough hey Wonder Randy what's going on some people go through some very tough times with their health I was relatively healthy like into the point that I wasn't sick or bedridden or dealing with a serious disease but you know you how do you kind of go through life and you're like I just don't feel great but that's just the way it is yeah and you kind of shrug and so I kind of accepted the fact that I would always be dealing with certain things like digestive problems I had stomach aches on and off since I was a kid I would get really bloated after i ate like the food baby thing but all the time I come to find out and I wasn't diagnosed and ty was later until much later on until I was in my early 30s he astok of being tired is so true i was diagnosed with endometriosis which had been suspected since I was about 10 11 years old and so I was always dealing with lady problems really serious lady problems it was very sick and so I just kind of thought that's my lot in life you know I had bad skin my energy and my moods were terrible when I was growing up my nickname was Stephie bear and it wasn't because I was like cute and cuddly it's because I had such a bad temper and I was really always like super Moody and so this is kind of what I was dealing with but I never ever thought that it was the food that i was eating that could have an impact on any of these things he has such an unfortunate nickname luckily all that stuff has resolved itself hangry totally hangry yeah upper stomach bloating that's definitely one of the signs that perhaps what you're eating could be causing some of those issues so anyway I knew I had all these problems but i thought you know not sick I'm not sick per se and yeah primal dish similar symptoms and oh it's um it's one of those things a lot of people deal with so I thought well I'm not really sick I'm still okay but I thought what the heck so fast forward to 2009 what the heck i'm going to try this paleo diet thing and at the time I thought i was eating healthy a lot of the things that i ate were would be considered quote healthy so lots of whole grains lots of low-fat lots of soy products you guys know the drill and lots of kind of like process stuff like fake butter and the butter spray and all that stuff so in 2009 late 2009 i read the book and then i thought i am glad it was right i'm going to do paleo starting in january so i made a date on the calendar I had my holiday Thun I like indulged at Thanksgiving and I did my Christmas thing and then i set the date it was January 10 2010 so i decided i was going to start and so i did and i cleaned out my pantry and my fridge and I just chose that date and I started and at first it was hard because you go from eating a certain way like you know bagel and juice in the morning and sandwiches at lunch and pasta dinner and you kind of have to change all that so I'm going to share three lessons that I learned with you along the way so that if you're thinking of switching or you're just trying to get you know make some changes in your diet you can implement these lessons that I learned all right you're ready and thanks i see so many of you that are like yes that's me i'm dealing with that stuff too and i see all those comments they could scroll so fast but i know that you're on board so the first lesson I learned is you need to decide if you're the type of person that's going to rip off the band-aid or take it slowly there's no one right or wrong answer I am a rip off the band-aid sort of person 60-day days of paleo awesome good job I i decided i was going to set that date and I was going to start no matter what happened I was gonna clean out my pantry it was gonna like get some recipes i bought some books so you might be a rip off the band-aid type of person or you might be the type of person that needs to take it slowly there is no right or wrong answer in this case it's whatever works the best for you so I want to make that really clear and I actually wrote a blog post about this on stupid easy paleo which is my website about like you know do you have to go toke old turkey or can you take it slowly I read a really great book recently called a happiness project and I talked abouts actually happier at home it's by Gretchen Rubin and she talks about abstainers versus moderators awesome you're on whole 30 that's fantastic definitely a whole 30 fan over here um so I you know some people can take it slowly and some people have to just say nope no more after this day I'm done and so yeah some people learn ms Malia saying like you know hey I learned if I take it slowly it sticks better you totally have to know what it is what is the whole 3d Ashley it's a actually talked about the whole 30 yesterday in my periscope but it's a 30 day elimination program where you take certain things out of your diet for a month and then at the end you reintroduce them and these are foods that are known to be problematic for some folks it's kind of like a strict paleo for 30 days just so you can get some information about which foods work well for your body in which foods don't so it's all like self-experimentation and just kind of learning what works best for you it's a really great program so three lessons less than number one decide if you're going to rip off the band-aid or you're going to take it slow and this applies to pretty much everything you know you can have you can have burgers just no cheese I don't really know what that question was for so that's the first tip the or the first lesson the second lesson that I think is really important to pass on is you need to develop some systems yeah and Jenny's mentioned mentioning retraining yourself to learn new habit so you need to develop systems for making things like cooking easier because if you want to eat healthier whether it's paleo or not or you're going to try a whole 30 or you're just going to try to clean up your diet or you're going to count your macros did my skin get better it absolutely did I'm not wearing any makeup right now samata 1991 is asking yeah so I don't I'm not wearing any makeup this is just my skin I'm 36 so I got like a pimple and once and every once awhile and out but my skin is pretty good so the second rule is or the second lesson is to develop some systems for example I talk about food prep and I there's a periscope that I did last week or the week before thanks guys you're so sweet I talked about food prep and so having two days a week where you do some food prepping and they are going to make some meals that are going to take you through the week right develop some systems some habits that you can then rely on to keep you on the straight and narrow and sunday or saturday probably saturday i'm going to post a recipe that we call emergency meatballs and they're not anything super special but they're the way that we make sure we have some protein always on hand like stashed in the freezer and thanks Julie yeah systems are really important and getting bored of the same food is definitely you know it can be an issue so there's nothing wrong with like trying to get a handle on meal time at first and say hey I'm not going to pick three breakfasts and three lunches and three dinners and I'm going to rotate those in until I feel comfortable and then I'm going to add like add a new sauce or I'm going to try a new recipe it'll be on Instagram absolutely whole foodie it will be there trust in the trust in the Instagram select my favorite social media besides periscope now so yeah develop systems that work for you just because somebody else does it one way doesn't mean you have to do it that way find something that works so we like to keep food in the freezer that's already cooked so things like stew or soup or frozen meatballs those things all defrost really well they all keep really well they don't get smushy like some other types of foods egg muffins also keep really well so you know find those things that you can do like if you have a crock-pot always have something going in the crock pot you know put some meat in there get some nice shredded pork you can put that on eggs like it can mix it into hash there are all sorts of things that you can do to develop those systems and the third lesson that I'd like to share with you about try to clean up your diet is that perfection is not the goal and my friends paleo chimay Leo talk about progress not perfection and I think that's so important when you're starting out and you're thinking I want to try to eat healthier or I'm going to do a whole 30 year i'm going to try paleo or I'm going to move towards a real food diet it's really easy to look out into the world and think oh my god first of all everybody else is doing it perfectly and I am a failure and that you have to be one hundred percent all the time all the time now certainly there are certain things that certain people need to avoid all the time and that's that's personal to them for example if you are a celiac you're going to avoid gluten at all costs if you are allergic to pineapples you're not going to eat pineapple like so you know those things are definitely kind of there and you know that if you ate those foods there would be consequences but for a lot of us expecting perfection only sets us up for failure because real life happens and you're out at an event and you need to make a food choice and it's probably not what you would choose that home but you're going to have to eat something you know those sorts of situations come up the other thing that happens a lot is that we beat ourselves up for making less than ideal food choices and that is you know putting guilt and shame around food is how a lot of us got to this point in the first place and so you know giving yourself a break every once in a while and I wrote an email about this not too long ago to my list but it was it was a point that like hey you give everybody else a break you wouldn't say this to a friend you wouldn't beat them up because they made a choice and sometimes we need to give ourselves a little bit more leeway and we need to be a bit more kind and realizing that making a majority of good choices a majority of the time it's going to move us forward toward better health perfection isn't the answer and a lot of us try super hard to stick to perfection and then we're just like this isn't sustainable right and so then we fall off that wagon again we feel bad about ourselves we're like we're such a failure what's wrong with us we're just like hey f it i'm going to go eat pizza and cake and doughnuts and drink a bottle wine and you know so you kind of get stuck in that cycle I don't know a lot about the Mediterranean diet I think you know it's focusing more on real foods Whole Foods less processed foods so I think in that way it's really good ms Malia so I'm not one hundred percent sure I haven't seen that sort of stuff a non-diabetic hypoglycemia with paleo I'm weightlifting 40 minutes a day I don't know what your values are so I'm not going to make a recommendation on that but I can tell you that a lot of people who have blood sugar regulation issues your case you're doing with hypoglycemia a lot of people that have blood sugar regulation issues because there's some kind of metabolic issue going on their hormonal dysregulation a lot of people have definitely have benefited from eating a cleaner diet so yeah health coach here is a great example check for stress levels wine isn't paleo either you know it's so funny people like to argue about what's paleo and what's not you just have to kind of notice at the end of the day that like wine is in the health promoting um thanks for jumping in there Jolene yeah it's great but you know what like if you're if you're out and you're like hey I'm gonna have a glass of wine being a doll it's okay you know that sort of stuff just know that if alcohol is a problem for you it may be something that you want to avoid so yeah it's all about knowing yourself and kind of taking that taking that approach and I talked about that yesterday like personalizing your diet or personalizing your Paleo and knowing what works for you thanks Bonnie hey what's going on we're talking about eating gluten-free and stuff right now so so I'll ask others are some questions here you can't lose weight unless you calorie strict really low below 1,000 calories totally not healthy now I'm not into that a thousand calorie BS you've got to eat enough calories to keep your metabolism and your your adrenals and your thyroid supported and for a lot of people eating that little like sure in the short term you're going to lose weight because you're probably losing muscle mass but in the long term it's really going to screw up your your hormones and you can look look up somebody like dr. Brighton she's a naturopath she's got some really great she's got some really great information about hormones does this mean no carbs it doesn't mean no carbs so a lot of times paleo is pinned as a low carb or zero carb diet and there is a wide range of carbohydrate intake within a paleo or reveal food real food approach to eating some people eat more some people eat less depending on activity level but it's really a myth that paleo was supposed to be extremely low carb yeah so if you're exercising and I've talked about this if you go to youtube and you look at the top 10 tips for getting healthy happy harder to kill series there's a video on carbs and I think we talked for like a half an hour about carbs but you you know you can do things like if you're working out have some carbs post workout that's going to help your body to replenish kitchen that's in your that you've used up from your muscles if you're doing high intensity if you're doing endurance type stuff where where the i'm not sure if you're asking where the videos are so we'll take a break and i'll show you the youtube channel take a screenshot or as bonnie says take a screen grab she's so smart she taught me this so take a screen grab these were these are where all the videos are all the videos and they're broken down by playlists any other suggestions besides coconut cream is the only thing I miss ya butter is an okay choice but again I you know I think I've tested that stuff out of in and out of my diet about three or four times it doesn't for me cream does not affect me negatively cheese does haha butters okay for me milk is not and a lot of it has to do with the concentration of dairy proteins that are in those sorts of things there's a lot more dairy protein in milk than there is in butter and so I've done that experimentation on myself and you know that sort of stuff I know so I don't avoid cream but I do avoid cheese and I do avoid milk and I do avoid those other sorts of things so you kind of have to know yourself do those experiments and see what you can tolerate I'm not really a big fan of avoiding a food just because you know I think you have to have a good reason for it and it has to feel better you have to you know know that you feel better and to know that there's a reason does paleo meaning only bananas no Carrie goal is okay cheeses no go for me how much fat is too much I'd have to look it depends from person to person you can definitely build tons of muscle and eat fat you need fat it's a very essential part of your diet and you can go find that video I've made a video just on fats it was awesome that is on that's on youtube as well that's a really good point health coach Carrie so if you can't eat butter because you're either really super sensitive to dairy protein or dairy carbohydrate you can try something like a cultured ghee which is the its head the carbohydrates culture it out and it's also had the proteins removed and so for a lot it is pure fat and it tastes like butter in a smells like victory so a lot of people like to eat that stuff because they yep OMG is another great man brand 10 * foods you can Mickey yourself I've got tutorials think it's a Faton or New Year's effective as calorie counting all I can tell you knew mostly is that you've got an experiment and I know that when I eat the foods that I eat I feel amazing I just had a DEXA scan done and I've been eating paleo for five and a half years my bone mass or my bone mineral content my bone density is off the charts for my agents in my gender I feel amazing I'm stronger than I've ever been my body composition is extremely lean yeah and eating a whole food diet I don't know why that's a fad so you know I know people have questions and don't understand but I encourage you to get gather some knowledge and do some reading about that sort of stuff and for me the proof is in the N equals 1 experimentation I know when I ate certain foods before maybe you missed my previous story at the beginning I didn't feel good on the foods that i was eating so i changed my diet and now i feel amazing that's all the proof I need you know I'm super healthy the numbers are there the date is there I've had the tests and the scans and all this other stuff so if you're not a believer that's okay you don't have to believe in it but you you know if people do and they feel great I don't know how you can necessarily argue with that sort of stuff good books on paleo I have paleo solution I really like it starts with food and I mentioned this one yesterday it's not necessarily it's not called paleo take a screenshot of this one it goes through all the explanation about certain foods and how they help us so take a screenshot of that yeah thanks Jolene performance paleo this is my cookbook shameless plug but you know if you're doing macros for some reason there is macro break down on each recipe so you can see that sort of stuff somebody mentioned macros macros are definitely important it's important to get a good mix of macronutrients but calories aren't the only thing that matters and that's been proven by physiological studies and over and over again we know that calories are the only component of food that can affect us so its energy and that's certainly important we've got micronutrients we've got macronutrients food is much more complicated than just a unit of energy so it's a it's a way to start yeah I can show my book again you know what check on Amazon because yesterday it was $11 which is half price I don't know if it was just the prime day thing or if it was coincidence but it still might be on sale so yeah cool so yeah I will show you the YouTube again training for a half marathon I've got some stuff in my book Cole foodie for sure on my site so yeah go get the videos on YouTube take a screenshot for sure there you go all the videos will be there this video will be there if you have more questions whole foodie pop onto my facebook page performance paleo and we can see let's see my core to see the results I've got pictures on my blog I just posted an Instagram video of me so you can definitely see what I look like go look on my Instagram stupid easy paleo so yeah I'm going to head off I know there's still so many more questions but I can't answer them all now so for sure check back tomorrow I'll be back with another video check on my Instagram see what's going on catch me on all the socials and and i'll be there and i'll help answer some of your questions too okay thank you guys so much i really appreciate you tuning in thanks for all the love and yeah you you .

Video Description:

In this Periscope broadcast, I'm sharing my personal story of how / why I went Paleo and passion on 3 key lessons for cleaning up your diet (even if you aren't planning to try paleo). See more paleo advice and get my recipes at: .

Get my free ebook here:

Follow me on Periscope at @stupideasypaleo

For more recipes and healthy eating tips, head to

Tuesday, March 16, 2021


How To Make Organic Raw Brownies Recipe ~ Raw, Vegan, Paleo, Gluten-Free

hi I'm Dana with Whole Health Dana calm and today I'm going to teach you how to make super easy raw brownies in less than five minutes so the first thing that you're going to need is one cup of walnuts and you're just going to put them in your food processor try to look for organic and raw walnuts if you have them available to you in them we're just going to put them on our food processor and write them if up into like a flower it's only going to take about 15 or 20 seconds and it'll look something like that when you are finished okay so next we're going to want to add in dates you're going to need eight to ten fairly decent sized medjool dates and if your dates are hard Michael might often get hard because once I open the package I put them in the refrigerator what you're going to do is you're going to heat up some hot water and you're going to put them in the bowl with your dates I've already done that that's why mine are so soft and you're going to let them sit for about five minutes and that'll make your dates moist and soft again and so you're just going to take out the pit and throw them in your food processor and you're going to do that for all eight to ten make sure you get the pits out after you have all of your dates in and I use ten you need half of a cup of cacao powder this is the one that I usually purchase and I prefer to use kakao / coco just force nutritional value it has some good dietary fiber plus iron and magnesium and then you're going to need just a pinch of salt now to me a pinch of salt means about an eighth of a teaspoon so now once we have all of that in our food processor we're just going to pulse it until it is completely combined and makes a sticky brownie like substance okay so I post that for about 20 times and I guess I should be more clear what I mean when I say that it should be a sticky substance it's not going to be sticky right now like you can see it's crumbly and comes apart there but what you are going to be able to see is when you dip your hand in there and you squeeze it together it will pull together you can form it into a ball okay so once you have the proper consistency you have a couple of options first off you can add some stuff to it you could add some almond slivers if you would like almonds in it you can also add some cacao nibs they are the same cacao that you put in there but they are in a little form that's more like a chocolate chip now and so you can add those in stir them in in them what you're going to do is you you can form them into balls if you want like little brownie bites you could press them into like a silicone mold if you wanted something that was perfectly shaped or in our case today what we're going to do is we are going to press them in to a a tray I just say you're going to pour it on to whatever your surface is and then you're just going to press it flat you can use your hands you can use the backside of a spatula okay so once you have it all Preston it looks something like that and now you can just put it in the refrigerator even the freezer if you wanted to speed it up they're great they're easy they're raw they're gluten-free their paleo they're fabulous so I hope you have enjoyed this episode of whole health data and how to make raw brownies if you would like a printable copy of this recipe visit my website at and if you would like to follow me on social media check out the links that are below I thank you for joining me today and we'll see you next time .

Video Description:

These brownies are a great healthy alternative to an unhealthy dessert. There are raw, vegan, paleo, grain free, gluten free and fabulous!

Visit my website for a printable recipe:

Follow me on social media:


Joy of Paleo: What is the Paleo Diet

hi everyone I'm serenity huegel founder of joy of paleo and I teach people how to start a paleo diet that's personalized for their unique bodies so they lose weight and feel awesome but what is paleo anyway there are a lot of different versions out there so let me tell you about mine but first imagine you're a zookeeper and you're bringing the new animal into your zoo what do you need to do to get ready well you need to create a habitat with the right diet somewhere for it to sleep and the right temperature and humidity and where do you go to figure out all those components you start by observing the animal in the wild right well now imagine that your animal is a person there aren't a whole lot of wild people left but the ones that still exists can teach us a lot while people have a much much lower rate of disease or really almost non-existent so we know they live healthier lifestyles and what the paleo movement is aiming to do is to observe those lifestyles and take clues about how healthy humans live and then build a model for health that we can apply to us modern humans living inside civilization today makes sense there are many components to this model for health but since most of you have probably heard the Paleo diet we'll start there so what foods are paleo sort of a general guideline is that if it comes directly from the earth and an edible state it's included so veggies meats fruits and nuts those make up the biggest portion of the Paleo diet meals are generally veggies plus some meat or eggs and snacks maybe fruit or nuts pretty simple really the key is to make sure that you're buying the highest quality ingredients you can afford so that would be local organic veggies grass-fed meats pastured pork and free-range organic chicken and eggs because these foods have a higher vitamin content and fewer toxins than factory farmed foods but if your budget doesn't allow all organic all the time just do as much as you can what's not included are heavily processed foods we are either foods that grow in nature that look really different and they're edible state like wheat for example or foods that don't come from nature at all so if you can't pronounce it on the label it's probably out also not included our foods that humans only started eating after we started farming 10,000 years ago so the agricultural revolution marks the end point to the Paleolithic period of human history which is why the Paleo diet is called paleo because we only eat the foods from before the Agricultural Revolution now what's the big deal right so evolution is actually a really slow process human DNA hasn't changed much at all in the last 2 million years hard to believe it's so slow right but because it is that means that our bodies were designed or evolved to eat foods from before the Agricultural Revolution so that means no grains beans dairy or sugar now don't worry being paleo doesn't mean you can never eat another piece of bread as long as you live but it does mean that bread isn't our healthiest option and we should just eat it sparingly or maybe on special occasions or something so to recap the Paleo diet does include veggies meats fruits and nuts and does not include heavily processed foods grains beans dairy or sugar .

Video Description:

Serenity Heegel, Founder Joy of Paleo explains what the Paleo diet is, and what it is not.

Sunday, March 14, 2021


Paleo Meal Planning :: 20 Dishes (Prep a Week of Meals in 60 Minutes)

hi guys I'm so excited to show you a sneak peek at the brand new dashboard that 20 dishes is launching for their members this is going to be launching in the very near future probably in the next few days to a week at the most we're really really excited about it because it is going to make managing your weekly meal plans your prep list your shopping list and everything so much easier so essentially you're going to have your own custom dashboards so when you log in you're going to see your pretty little dashboard with your menu your step-by-step prep your shopping list and your options over here so the cool thing about this plan on how this is laid out here is you can do a lot of adjusting you can add recipes you can add notes to your days and really customize what you want for your meal plan for the week so say you wanted to use this recipe for the crock pot roast and you want to actually do that on Wednesday you would just write it down throw it on Wednesday and it moves it down there say you wanted to come over here and you want to maybe add a new recipe in or add a note so you would just click on this little plus sign here and it's going to bring up the recipe section say you wanted to add maple chili chicken to that day you would just click on the plus sign to throw that into your menu so we'll just do that for a quick example and boom there you've got maple chicken chili and then say you want to make a note you would click on the plus sign again and go over here to add notes and say you wanted to make extra for leftovers you would just type in whatever your notes need to be here it could be pull the chicken out of the freezer or make extra for guests that I whatever your notes need to be you're going to click the add notes and that's going to put that in that day so you could go through and really customize your meal plan for the entire week so that you're organized everything is streamlined and it's going to save you a lot of time so we also have this step-by-step instructions which we have provided for all of the menus that 20 dishes creates but that's going to be on this own tab now and all of this stuff your meal plan your prep step-by-step prep your shopping list everything is printable with this print icon so you can just click on the printer and it'll print everything out all nice and pretty so you have your step-by-step instructions going to have your shopping list which is really cool too because we've added some features here where say you need to get four avocados that week maybe for some other recipes or just for snacks you would just type in the little boxes there and you can add whatever you need to add so you can go through here and really customize your shopping list so that you don't forget anything at the store because there's nothing more frustrating than going shopping getting the stuff for the week getting home and realizing that you've left a few things at the store that you completely forgot to get I hate doing that so you can go through here and customize anything that's on the pre-made shopping list and then if you have some stuff that's not on the list you can also add in your additional items here and all of this will print out whenever you print it off a little print icon and the last thing that's really cool is this option section so you can go through here and you can set the recipes say you have a really big family and you need all of the servings for our or you need all of the recipes to come out to 10 servings for every recipe you can easily adjust that or if you're a small family or maybe just cooking for yourself you can alter that down to you know just one or two or three servings so this is a really cool feature on also you have the ability here to choose which menus you see in your meal plan area so you can choose to see the paleo the AIP or the fodmap meal plans so that's another really cool feature that's going to help you really streamline your meal planning experience our whole goal with 20 dishes is to get you in and out of the kitchen as fast as possible so I can't wait for the sash board to roll out for all of our members it's going to be really really soon and I know it's going to make your life so much easier if you have any questions make sure you leave me a comment down below and let me know or you can always shoot me an email I would be happy to answer all of your questions but I'm super excited about this and I hope you are too I will talk to you again soon .

Video Description:

Following the paleo diet? Feeling frustrated with all the meal planning and prep on the paleo diet?

Trust me, I know how much time it take to prepare all this food from scratch. That is why I LOVE 20 Dishes where you can learn how to prep a week of meals in 60 minutes.

It's time to spend MORE time living and LESS time slaving in the kitchen!

Learn more about 20 Dishes:

Saturday, March 13, 2021


The Paleo Way - Mum's Bolognese

mum used to make or still does make the best spaghetti bolognaise you taught me how to cook and and how to appreciate flavors I want to show you what now I make for my kids so let's get started I'm going to do the chopping you can do the stirring and cooking how's it go out the deal mum would make this with you know regular pasta and you don't do it anymore do you know I'd serve all the pasta rip okay so a little bit of garlic some onion yep I grew up and I wasn't one of these kids that spend every day in the kitchen with his mum underneath the a teach me I was out surfing every day so mum did all the hard work it wasn't until I moved out of home that I thought I'm trying to teach the kids now how to cook and you like cooking for the grandkids now my grandkids because I wish I had spent more time in the kitchen with me - yeah I used to hate mushrooms I couldn't think of anything worse I used to fight about it with you didn't my mum yeah now I love mushrooms mommy did a funny happiness change teamwork one big change from your holidays mum is the type of mints that we use now Amy means very high and iron it's native to this country and it's absolutely delicious and the kids love it you could do this with lamb mince or ground lamb you can do it with beef mince or ground beef craft auntie Mames onto the grass-fed now - she actually goes and searches our butchers that have grass-fed meat I've got three so we've got some thyme some rosemary a nice beautiful absolutely beautiful so important potential kids where the food comes from yes herbs in we're need some seasoning some salt and some pepper just enough so it brings out the flavor of the food some red wine I did actually wishful thinking and we're gonna add some tomato paste organic tomato paste yes well why even use hot my tomatoes I might let you do you want to mess them up okay I'll mash it up in with the hand squeeze the whole peeled tomatoes careful not to get it on mom's clothes yes okay in there go I've got some hot chicken stock here to mum I know that you like to put some in your follow those always it helps to make it a little bit more saucy alright that looks marvelous we need Kyle we need some kale them so alright I'm Kyle a couple of sticks of these no no you know what to do with that you go rake the leaves in only you give that a stir so what you're doing that I'm gonna make the noodles now this is what I want to learn okay it's really really simple you need a good sized oooh Keaney yes and you need a mandolin I mean you can do it by hand with a knife or the chopping board couldn't really find one way and then the other way though these mandolins are great cuz they've got the little blade in here but just be careful of your hands and have a look at the thickness of what we're looking for is for it to resemble spaghetti so look at that oh that's beautiful what I like to do is just pop it on the plane or because the heat from the sauce will lightly cook it so we're ready to serve we've got the pastor we've got some salt sequence here so let's plate this up okay Wow Amy Ebola no actually it looks pretty good and for a little trick what we'll do is just macadamia nut let's braid it over the top so it looks like powers it please you're getting great fans out of these should we try them up right that's high right it's better than a hi mom it's bloody good it is .

Video Description:

Pete Evans is in the kitchen with his mum to cook up his Paleo Bolognese.

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Sunday, March 7, 2021


Paleo Meal Plan and Recipe

warning some of the rich mouth-watering meals you see on screen now are part of a controversial new diet though it's actually millions of years old it's sending shockwaves through the diet and weight loss industry because most people simply don't believe you could eat foods like this on any healthy plan or ever dream of losing weight yet the diet you're about to discover really isn't a diet at all it's actually return to what works naturally and that's why it works it's based on how we humans evolved for literally millions of years its wisdom lies in the fact that it ignores met contradictions discovered by doctors and nutritionists in the lab and takes us back to our room a time when nobody got that when we were all strong lean and had boundless energy and when there are no degenerative diseases with the true Paleo diet virtually every health benefit under the Sun can now be yours as I'm sure you've heard countless individuals around the world have turned to the Paleo diet and way of living in order to regain their health energy vitality and power just a few the benefits users report are leaner stronger muscles increased energy significantly more stamina clear smoother skin weight loss results better performance and recovery stronger immune system enhanced libido greater mental clarity no more hunger or cravings thicker fuller hair clear eyes and so much more in fact when you toss all the false nutritional info out their side and finally get back to your roots there's really no part of your health and body that doesn't get better in some way and that's why the Paleo diet is by far the fastest growing eating trend on planet Earth because the results speak for themselves there's only one little problem why most people fail to stay on the Paleo diet now given the amazing results in all the about eating this way you think it would be a breeze to stay on it right well for some it is but not all because unfortunately most of the advice out there like eat like a caveman or just meat and vegetables if you know real instructions for how to do this diet properly so what happens you get forward eating the same thing every day frustration kicks in and then you quit but it doesn't have to be that way paleo hacks already provides the very best community for supporting and encouraging each other with cutting edge information and truths about the Paleo diet and now for the first time ever the world's biggest most active community of paleo enthusiasts bring you all its most delicious most savory recipes sure cookbooks from a top chef are nice but what if you had one from a respected chef and hundreds of living active healthy paleo experts well that's exactly what you get with a cameo hacks cookbook it's a beautiful full-color cookbook you can use on your computer tablet or print and take with you anywhere it's the ultimate guide for making the Paleo diet amazingly good tasting fun and full a variety that not only makes you healthier but also satisfies your taste buds and cravings it's everything you could ever want it a guide for how to eat properly the paleo way without compromising taste or convenience as you might guess each and every recipe contains no brains potatoes lentils dairy processed sugars preservatives or packaged foods eat rich juicy mouth-watering meals that make your friends jealous just imagine while all your friends are counting calories suffering through yet another miserable diet or worse they're ignorant and eating random process fees that's aging them at warp speed you will be dining on some of the tastiest dishes you've ever had like these yes it's hard to believe these are actually on any diet but again hey Leo is not really a diet at all and if eating foods like this on a daily basis wasn't enough you'll be getting slimmer more energized of better muscle definition be sick less often your mood will be better your skin brighter and so much more still wondering if this is for you the Paleo hacks cookbook is for anyone serious about thriving on the Paleo diet for life yes the recipes in this book are universally healthy and as such can be consumed daily whether you're a stay-at-home mom or world-class athlete remember when you consume foods we as human to the vaults to eat while simultaneously eliminating over processed sugar land in peace now linked to causing many diseases we are now faced with in society your body will be provided with pure complete nutrition and all these key nutrients from protein to essential fats to fibers vitamins and minerals all of it assists in normalizing your body weight this is just one of the reasons why so many athletes are turning to the Paleo diet because the improves athletic performance and recovery yes we are designed to eat and live off the land to eat fresh fruits and vegetables nuts fees and animals this is the ultimate secret to optimal health losing weight Stanley improving performance reducing risk of injury and faster recovery and healing and when you get your copy of paleo hacks cookbook today you'll be eating healthy meals that do not result in you eating bland boring or tasteless foods you will be quickly cooking with fresh ingredients that provide the ultimate range of delicious flavors and we'll have anyone rushing to the kitchen to eat your next meal and that's true whether you're a pro or a total novice in the kitchen it doesn't matter the food prep secrets we teach you are fast and simple designed by many in the community who have been doing this diet for many years and know how to make amazingly good meals with taking forever or breaking the bank this is the single best way to eat rich foods and yet get so many benefits and therefore richer in terms of your health you will even learn how to cook desserts that are overloaded with sugar and white flour which often leaves you bloated heavy feeling or fatigued after eating and you will feel one hundred percent confident cooking delicious recipes without pasta rice bread and dairy you'll get 8 recipe categories that ensure you'll never have to eat a boring meal ever again the Paleo hacks recipe book covers all categories with well over a hundred step-by-step recipes and every single recipe within the following categories will excite your taste buds and have you cooking an easy three-course meal snacks meat chicken fish and seafood soups salads omelets and desserts you'll also get special recipe categories recipes for the 21st century hunter-gatherer chocolate capsicum sandwiches noodle recipes paleo eating for modern people paleo breakfast recipes focaccia as you can see we've gone through great lengths so you have every possible dish and every possible way to make this diet delicious with plenty of variety each day the paleo hats cookbook is so simple even a 6th grader could use it from the onset we make everything as easy as possible and assume no prior cooking experience or talent nothing is left to chance we walk you through each and every recipe point by point until your dish tastes amazing and looks fantastic on the plate we show you simple easy amazingly yummy Paleo recipes with a wide variety of easy to make paleo friendly meals that will get rave reviews from friends and family every time clear directions with exact measurements no matter what metric system you use you will easily be able to make these paleo recipes without any hassle absolutely everything you need to follow the healthiest diet in the world and to start achieving the health energy vitality and weight loss results you want to further speed your success and results with the Paleo hacks cookbook we're also giving you bonus gifts worth $135 absolutely free as a special one-time offer for anyone who buys on this page now we're also going to throw in free of charge five powerful female manuals that take your results to the next level these manuals help combat the two biggest reasons why people don't get the start they need to stay on the diet one they don't have the initial momentum needed to keep them on the fan until the amazing results become apparent and to social gatherings and eating at restaurants take them on a left turn away from the foods they should be and worse they can't get back into the healthy eating routine because it's too hard well not anymore with these guidelines you'll explode right out of the gate and become absolutely confident and savvy with all things needed to thrive on the Paleo diet including paleo guide quick start manual if you're having a rough time getting the results you want health and weight loss efforts because you're unable to make the long-term adjustments in your proof choices then this is the missing link you've been looking for not only with this manual educate you on the Paleo diet and give you the information you need to get started but I'm also going to ensure that you get results by showing you how to make an everlasting positive change towards your health this is an opportunity to stop struggling with reaching your health goals when you approach your health and your food choices in the right way your life will immediately become easier and more enjoyable with more energy more vibrancy and with less illness slowing you down so if you're tired of healthy eating being hard instead of easy make sure you don't miss out on this free bonus paleo eating out guide in order to solve the dilemma of eating out at restaurants and cafes we created a very helpful manual called paleo eating out guide it shows you how to stay paleo when eating out over a dozen example meals you can order for a paleo friendly breakfast lunch or dinner tips and secrets that ensure when you dine out you're not getting caught up by sneaky ingredients such as gluten and dairy by the end of this manual looking forward to going out instead of hiding indoors like many restrictive diets would leave you to do it and that's only the beginning you'll also get the paleo food guide just in case you're thinking the Paleo diet sounds fair and clean in regards to food choices we're throwing in another bonus because if you simply expand the category of vegetables alone you have hundreds of choices for flavor and texture combinations to choose from this paleo food guide will be your best resource for all food paleo that will help you start this diet with ease it will also help you score new territory within your own cooking and creation this guide covers comprehensive list of paleo foods list of in-season fruits vegetables and herbs paleo shopping list and so much more this guide alone is worth the price of the main cook book yet it's yours absolutely free when you download your copy of the Paleo hats cookbook today you also get our favorite the four ingredients paleo cookbook this is the coach book that makes cameo cooking easier than ever it's based on the wisdom of many of the most experienced paleo eaters in our communities it shows you 65cc to remember recipes that provide you as fast everyday paleo cooking options how to spend less time in the kitchen and less money on food by preparing delicious paleo recipes in the simplest way possible using for popular paleo ingredients and that means you no longer struggle for ideas to create a quick healthy meal last but not least you'll also get instant access to our 30-day paleo meal plan we save the best for last because in this final free guide you get 125 recipes from the paleo cookbook that has been expertly collated in the 30 day meal plan it's full of color photos of delicious paleo recipes the plan provides a kickstart for those new to the ato diet and offers new exciting ideas for existing paleo diet enthusiasts you'll know what to eat each day what to buy at the store how much to eat and went if you want to take it that far it's totally up to you our goal again was to make threatening on the Paleo diet both in terms of the health benefits and tastes absolutely as easy as possible and be done that exactly to sum it up you get the pan the daily Oh quick start manual to help you get started immediately the paleo eating out guide so you can still eat out and have fun the paleo food guide all the healthiest paleo food plus shopping lists the four ingredients helio cookbook healthy pros often eat each day and the 30-day paleo meal plan so you always know what to eat overall we could easily sell these items individually for $27 age or charge over one hundred fifty dollars for the entire package but you won't even pay 150 or 190 vynn 50 when you click the add to cart button below this video you get everything instantly for just thirty seven dollars that's easily eighty percent off the normal price plus you're protected by your generous guarantee become a paleo pro in the kitchen in just 60 days or your money back now we want to help your intelligence think that you'll love every recipe in the book or that'll make you look like a supermodel old bodybuilder overnight but what we will say is that in all the years we've built you work in this community we've helped thousands prepare food and drive with this diet and way of life and we believe you'll be no different so are guaranteed to you is this the pain you have scope cook must need preparing meals more easy more delicious give you more variety on the diet and help you experience the mental health benefits opinion much more quickly or your money back this isn't one of those no questions asked generic guarantees most companies offer you and hope you forget about because we stand by the results this program produces if you don't experience these results in the first 60 days simply email us and we'll immediately refund every penny you paid no questions asked if you already know paleo is for you are you willing to spend an hour and a few bucks so you can thrive on it when you download your package now you get the paleo hacks cookbook over 125 full-color mouth-watering recipes the paleo quick start manual to help you get started immediately the paleo eating out guide so you can still eat out and have fun the paleo food guide all the healthiest paleo foods and shopping lists the four ingredients paleo cookbook health approach often eat each day and a 30-day paleo meal plan so you'll always know what to eat worth a grand total of at least one hundred sixty two dollars yet you pay only thirty-seven dollars that's $125 off so what are you waiting for now that you know how easy and delicious paleo eating can be and now that you've seen what a difference it can make in your health and especially since you know how important it is to get healthy and fill your body with nutrition as more and more corporations strive to mess with our food from preservatives to GMO and worse let's move forward together armed with information in this video you can choose to spend a few minutes each day learning to prepare these amazingly satisfying Paleo recipes that you'll master and use for life to get healthier more energized slimmer and stronger or you can choose to go at it alone a serious mistake in our opinion especially since your purchase of a paleo hacks cookbook is fully guaranteed I think we'll have major consequences for your health and wellness in the days ahead but of course it's completely up to you for my part I sincerely hope you choose to join our community and using this priceless resource use it daily to get healthy and love what you eat and experience the best health of your life in 60 days or less starting today I know you'll make the best choice and I look forward to welcoming you aboard here's to cooking healthy paleo recipes .

Video Description:

Get Instant Access Here:

As I'm sure you've heard, countless individuals around the world have turned to the Paleo Diet and way of living in order to regain their health, energy, vitality and power. Just a few of the benefits user report are:
Leaner, Stronger Muscles
Increased Energy
Significantly More Stamina
Clearer, Smoother Skin
Weight Loss Results
Better Performance and Recovery
Stronger Immune System
Enhanced Libido
Greater Mental Clarity
No More Hunger/Cravings
Thicker, Fuller Hair
Clear Eyes
And So Much More!

Thursday, March 4, 2021


Paleo Pumpkin Curry Soup

hey guys it's Karen and it's a little bit cooler here today in Colorado so I'm really excited to share with you my paleo pumpkin curry soup it's really easy to make and there's only a few ingredients so all you're going to need is some pumpkin coconut milk a little bit of onion some curry powder sea salt and then you can add in either some chicken stock or some bone broth to bring it to the consistency that you like so as I said it's really easy so let's get going cut your pumpkin in half and roast on a sheet tray in the oven at a high temperature until soft so I some coconut oil in the bottom of my saucepan and I'm going to let the onions sweat and while they're doing that I'm going to add in the pumpkin that I roasted earlier so this is a sugar pie pumpkin and it's a little bit sweeter than the big ones I'm going to add in my curry powder so I'm going to put in a tablespoon then we're going to add in our sea salt or coconut milk and blend it all together with an immersion have all my ingredients in my pot here and I'm going to use my immersion blender to blend everything together blend until it's totally smooth and then if it's too thick you can add in your chicken stock or more bone broth give it a taste and if it needs a little bit more salt that is perfect to me I'm just gonna .

Video Description:

A great fall soup that's flavorful, hearty and easy to make. You can roast your own pumpkin or pick up some canned pumpkin if you don't have the time.

Flesh from 1 sugar pie pumpkin roasted and seeds removed or 1 can of pumpkin purée
1 can coconut milk
1/4 cup red onion diced
1 Tbs curry powder
1 tsp sea salt
1 Tbs coconut oil
Unsalted Chicken stock or bone broth as needed

Sauté onions in coconut oil in a sauce pan until soft. Add in the rest of the ingredients. Blend until smooth. Taste for seasonings. Add stock or broth until desired consistency. Enjoy warm!

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Monday, March 1, 2021


Paleo Italian Wedding Soup- Paleo Recipe

hey what's up Jason Yun LVN online fitness com lion tamer online com coming to you from the kitchen once again we got a healthy paleo meal for you again today we're making paleo Italian Wedding soup so let's get it going so it's coming from our fast paleo cookbooks top 100 so the ingredients you're going to need I don't I'm all set up here but you're going to need coconut flour a half a cup and you'll need oregano 1 or for the four meatballs you'll need quarter cup teaspoon dried oregano quarter cup teaspoon dried basil 1 egg 1 clove garlic grated you'll need 2 tablespoons of parsley you convince that two tablespoons grated onion you'll need ground turkey so we have trader joe's butcher shop alright and salt and pepper to taste and then for the soup you will need 12 cups of chicken broth ok we have a trader joes organic free-range chicken breath today and you need tbsp olive oil 1 stalk celery one diced carrot 1 diced medium onion and quarter teaspoon dried basil or teaspoon dried oregano 5 ounces of spinach and two eggs beaten and that's salt and pepper to taste so that's all for the ingredients I will get to work on the first step and get to shown it to you alright so the first thing I can do is heal up your oil chop up your vegetables put those the onion carrot and celery into the olive oil and click that till the vegetables are nice and tender and then while that is happening I will show you the next step so once you get that started then you're going to add the ingredients for the meatballs all together so add your meatballs grated onion parsley garlic powder bag coconut flour basil and oregano and salt and pepper to taste and then you form your little meatballs out of here so depends on how big you want to make them so it's up to you how big you want to make them so I'll put those meatballs together and get to the next step okay so that's what we've been talking about seven minutes now so look pretty good I am going to add them into the big pot of chicken broth and cook that up or bring it up to a gentle simmer still working on the meat battles over here and then once I got the big pot up to a general sooner i will add the meatballs and then i'll show you the next step also don't forget to season with your basil and oregano as you're bringing that up to the center all right so while you're a soup is boiling up finished all the meatballs you want to get your spinach ready and also your two eggs so you're going to add that at the very end after you add the meatballs but we'll get to that and make sure you the next step back to that alright so the soup is starting to simmer so I'm going to be adding the meatballs in here so should take about 7 10 minutes for the meatballs to cook and they'll start rising to the top once they are done all right and then I will show you the next step with the eggs and the spinach and that should be the last step for the paleo Italian Wedding soup so all right so the meatballs come into the top looks like they're done pretty much now we're going to add the fish ok so I'll write a speech let it cook and soften for about a minute whoopsie there we go do that a couple handfuls here spinach awesome super food and the greatest foods healthiest foods on the planet all right we'll let that cook a minute and then I'll show you the last step which is the eggs you can also salt and pepper to taste now as well all right last step is you can take the eggs sure they were whisked up Hank and you're going to put it into the soup as the egg yolk hits you want to be stirring in as well so here we go all right that is last step so we will be able to give this a taste test and let you know how much turned out good alright so it is all done as you are doing the taste test let's get to work yummy yummy school down a little bit get some onion some spinach that's it some broth so that's good it's very good it's very good right it's yummy soup goodbye you to request for more so very good recipe very delicious give it a try and let me know what you thought of the recipe remember it's from the best paleo top 100 recipes so I'm going to link down below get that yourself don't forget you can download a free 30-day paleo challenge ebook that I wrote so download that dude paleo challenge by the wise rate comment like this video you know I subscribe got a lot more videos coming for you it's all I stands Jason Young from the kitchen saying stay strong stay positive be the improvement war you today have a great day you .

Video Description:

This recipe is from the Top 100 Fast Paleo Recipe Book:

Jason Yun makes the Paleo Italian wedding soup. Very tasty recipe. Let me know what you think of it.

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Sunday, February 14, 2021


What is the paleo diet? Paleo diet facts

sup guys if you're new to the video obviously I am Jimmy Smith I make a ton of fantastic health and fitness videos my subscribers will tell you / jaysmith training today's topic the Paleo diet I want to get a very good in-depth look at what the Paleo diet a is because it's becoming such a big well known and people are using it to change their health so you Deb all these effects but people also jump on the bandwagon and I've got a ton of arguments of people lately that are saying oh well you know you got to use the pillowtop there's no other way to eat let's first break it down on a basic level the Paleo diet looks at what did our ancestor 8,000 of years ago our ancestors didn't eat starches they didn't drink milk they did any sugar they didn't have the disease of modern man the cancer to high blood pressures thought I'd sugars they didn't have all that so therefore that is a healthy way of eating they moderate protein carbs from some of some sweet potatoes depending who you talk to but roots tubers bulbs and fruits to point and vegetables obviously fat content was as high as you yet right butter nut butters things like that it took point certain nuts you know some nuts have some some bad oil and bad accommodations to them but Alvin's things like that nuts but here's your the Paleo diet in the wrong and this is what most of the Paleo advocates don't understand here's what most of the people just blindly found out paleo paleo the general theory I just said on the pillow dies that our ancestors either certain way and they didn't have the disease of modern man but here's others dead wrong the Paleo diet is not so easy that a caveman can do it I'm not seeing the data purge Madeline st. doesn't work I think it's great for controlling information it's great for getting your blood sugar under control it has a ton of benefits but it's the exact same way that the traditional low-carb diet errs will look at carbs that you absolutely can't have them in your diet first of all researchers looked at biomarkers of our ancestors there's no direct observation right there no one can unfreeze a caveman Captain America and say oh well here's what they had gone on their bodies it's non direct observation it's a correlation there's difference between correlation clauses in research correlation shows a fact they show one plus one equals two correlation shows that it might equal to and there's just a ton of selection bias in the Paleo world it's their observational studies that should be used to further investigate what is going on with our nutrition with our health and with the health effects of a paleo type diet the funny thing is the Paleo community as a whole you know the people that that read blogs the bloggers um they cry foul on everything observational studies everywhere else observational studies with high protein body billet based diet observational studies with a lot of sports supplements everyone's the nutrition world but all I do is in turn around and use the same observational studies to say how they're right and everybody else is wrong there's very little cause and effect science actually mom the Paleo diet and what it means for us today and how applicable is if our diet in our health so that's my big problem with it their theory is false the base of the Paleo diet is false and a lot of the big paleo people don't even realize that they use a theory of general hypothesis but it doesn't establish cause and effect just because people ate there's good people didn't drink milk doesn't mean that they didn't get cancer well our measures of testing for diseases for blood sugar high blood pressure cancer that they didn't exist back then and if they did they were nowhere near as good as they are now and they say well if our ancestors didn't eat food you know we're not adapted that's an incorrect statement the correct really saves we're not well adapted to grains and legumes and milk and dairy it's not to say that we can't do it history is fraught with examples of societies that were people how to travel whether is because the food a certain area dried up or or the weather or volcanoes are up then people couldn't live near anymore where societies had to travel and discover new foods and they were able to adapt and survive on them now grain consumption I'm not the biggest fan of but that's not because when we ingest them all of a sudden that things happen that's incorrect and that is also false what you can say is it what better way of saying is that we are not well adapted to grains but also the grains contain a lot of entry nutrients there's a lot of sure if you're looking at oatmeal you know got potatoes those are a little more natural um but this still even those greens contain various anti-nutrients that aren't healthy for our body so I think people need to take a step back and really look at what's going on with nutrition as a whole and it's funny you know I get argue to people every day that are so dedicated to paleo causing there's greater than their dedicated to a diet that's relatively healthy but their arguments are where they're trying to educate other people are a hundred percent accurate it's a know what you're talking about before you just found out so Paleo diet is more observational than it is fact it's more correlation than this cause use the general hypothesis use it for yourself look and say okay well more follow a twopenny person I got have been Gary my grades would be very restricted no sugar fruits veggies see everybody responds that are you having joint people that may be removing the milk will do it may be removing the dairy does it may be all the mucus forming stuff do you go on your throat maybe that reduces the throat inflammation that you have but look at it from that perspective don't look at it from respective of you have to do it that's right because that's the way to remove your health you can improve your blood pressure and blood sugar by just on a strict low carbohydrate diet for an extended period of time it's not like you've to all of a sudden I swear greens off forever and for the most part that's not also effective for performance that's another way that we have to look at it you're in the gym if you're training hard there are optimal times eat grains there are times you're going to need those rings to come in because quite honestly I can't get 30 40 50 grams of carbohydrate from fruit and again I'll have a lot of fructose going into my body and fructose isn't necessarily healthy but what i can do is i can get it from a healthy Bollman oatmeal um doesn't show what they operated lukhanus to help our body with the fibers content so let's just not make your one size fits all if they're all in a pan and let's pull up the pieces that we want as always guys join the facebook fanpage your seats chrome bottom facebook com size physique formula and as always visit judith tran calm later eyes .

Video Description:

What is the paleo diet? Should I use the paleo diet? What is the paleo diet and caveman diet. A paleolithic diet advised by Robb Wolf and Lorin Cordain. For ...

Tuesday, February 9, 2021


Gourmet Cooking for the Paleo Diet (part 2) — In Pauli's Kitchen

this is just at the point where you can see the it started to brown on the bottom of the pen it's really clear clear liquid that's what you want and then once it gets to that that stage what we do is we just pour it through a strainer and that filters out the rest of the will residue on the top there this is peak moment we are living at a peak of human innovation information wealth and health but we're also at a peak of population and consumption with rising temperatures and declining resources fueled by cheap oil and gas peak moment television bringing you examples of positive responses to energy decline and climate change through local community action Paul you had said that the the Paleo people ate their fat first I mean it's the most treasured part of the animal and I feel like fat has been so maligned in this culture it's like that is bad news so I want you to give us a little introduction to what's good fat and you know show us and talk about all right well I would say I've lined up a lot of the fats that I use every day in my cooking and in dessert making I use coconut oil every day and a lot of times I I mix these fats during the day so I get all of the the really good stuff we have coconut milk that goes into some of the dessert recipes and also some of my Thai soup recipes this is coconut cream I just heard of this it's wonderful and you can just eat it out of the jar if you want really that helps if you're if you're trying to get off the carbs to just a little bit of this it's naturally sweet it's just coconut pulp and so you can include that into some dessert recipes it goes into the the sort of you know netball truffle recipe yeah survival food yes when you get hungry okay yeah definitely here we have sesame oil which is a high heat oil so you can saute in it you cannot saute and butter because it will burn so we're gonna make some ghee while we're here I have it in the pan and that's true oil you shouldn't heat no it'll smoke and burnt so it is recommended you don't actually saute with olive oil so you just use it it's a finishing oil you know on your bowels and on your vegetables and things like that but you really shouldn't heat heat olive oil okay let's see we have wonderful butters here we have pasture butter from grass-fed cows that's gonna have more than mega threes that yes uh-huh yes definitely pasture butter is the key when you're going to this store Straus doesn't say pastured it's from Marin but it is postured butter european-style better and it tastes so much better it tastes like that European kind of good tasting better this is Sierra Nevada butter it's a cultured cultured butter which means it's been fermented a little bit this is G that I've already made and I always tell folks what ski Yi is clarified butter actually and will clarify some on the stove it takes about 15 minutes but it separates out the casein and salts and so it just turns basically into an oil that then you can saute with it won't burn so the French have been doing this forever they call it clarified butter the Indians call it ghee and so what you're saying is by the time you take those other solids out this you really can't saute with yeah and I always keep a jar right by the stove I keep all my oils right by the stove so they're all right there you know ready to go into the pan this is like almost homemade sour cream it's it I made it myself and you put a little culture in there and it sort of sits out overnight and turns into this wonderful thick cream that then you can spoon I want to taste here we go it's just spins are here that you know spreads drop some of that onto your berries oh you know okay it's creme fraiche creme fraiche from the French again yeah Oh now is that heaven oh yeah you put oh I'll give you some to take home you put it in your cream let it sit overnight and the next day you have this I love it okay I will yes creme fraiche is it's like a mild sour cream a mild sour cream but isn't that that is good that's divine I mean you know what if you get a little bit hungry just go in the refrigerator and that's um and of course what that says is we can also have among the fats good dairy cream yeah Danny yeah the grass-fed preferably Roth you can find it your cream yes and cream from grass-fed cows so there you go olives are really high in fat and they're wonderful to put in different foods or just eat as a snack so they're they're very satisfying as as far as fat goes we eat at least in Auto picado a day each avocados are huge good good food for us walnuts any kind of nuts but weed a lot of organic walnuts do you Steve soak them a little young salt water yeah you can soak them and then dry them and then you can use them just you know just as a snacking nut or in baking or whatever cuz my understanding is it that way the some of the fighter toxins yeah get soaked out that's right and I explained how to do that in my book it's real easy thank you now this is the only pork that we buy it is organic grass-fed humanely raised pork from Chico California and it's it's one of the only organic porks that I know of United yeah it really is so it's a little on the expensive side but to be ethical I really try to get pork that's humanely raised you can go on their website though pigs get to run around so they're not the way they're not kept in pins and actually that is an emphasis in your book I wanted it to bring that up about finding foods that are not only sustainable for us but sustainable for the earth yes you really you're really strong on that very strong because since we are still eating animals I feel like we really have to be kind to them kind to the environment it's really important so I really stress that in my book the other thing about the bacon if once you cook the bacon is you can save the fat and cook with the fat you know they've been doing this forever the French are big on pork fat I will make it a confession you can have a little German we eat that with we eat it with the bacon we eat the fat with the bacon it tastes so I mean when after you cooked the bacon oh yeah oh yeah he did all the same it was wonderful i roasted a spaghetti squash the other night I had some leftover bacon fat in the pan right on on the spaghetti squash because fat lissa fat makes it taste wonderful just well as a friend of mine said that is a vehicle of flavor and have so all the additional fats that I'm talking about in my book help help all the recipes taste better and when you're trying to get off grains and sugar what you're looking for is taste yes so the more you can spark up the taste then you're gonna feel really satisfied like you've eaten something special and you're not deprived so that this can you but a lot of things giving you the good taste yeah right so it's also your energy source right and as you say the beginning helping our brain and probably our joints in our heart and all kinds of things yes to work better well we were talking a few minutes ago I'm gonna be 67 I I now have more energy than I did when I was in my 20s I pretty much drag myself through my entire life until I started the Paleo diet and all I said before oh that's what that's feeling alive feels like I feel great now yes it's incredible that's amazing and and a wonderful story that you don't have I mean you'd want this for children you'd want this for infants oh yeah this way yeah it's not too late it's not too late but don't wait I mean if you're watching this done don't wait until you're in your sixties start now start now and because I mean and because it tastes good disinviting you again you just have to get over the brain that says and the programming I should say from our culture that says fats especially saturated fats are bad that's that's a hard one to shake yes well one thing I didn't mention and I started early on in my life I had an eating disorder bulimia and and so at that time I started doing all this low-fat food you know because I was totally afraid of how recent that and all this it made the bulimia worse and yeah I I believe my health really took a dive in my late teens because of this and I started eating less fat so that sort of exacerbated the bulimia so I just wanted to mention that yeah fear of bat get over it get over it yeah yeah and look at the fact that our ancestors we wouldn't be here if our ancestors didn't love the fact it wouldn't be here that's what that's what vegetarians don't get we wouldn't be here if it wasn't successful yes and and and mmm the longest period in evolution or tau million years yes with only this little experiment yeah uh-huh would you show us how to make ghee I will it's very simple what are you starting with Oh a pound of butter a pound of butter yeah and that'll last you a while okay okay so I'm gonna just stick it on simmer on the back of the stove well we do some other recipes here and don't leave the kitchen while you're making it because it can burn if you walk away from it so what temperature you're putting it on well it's sort of media and we'll get it so it's sort of simmering and then it'll take about 15 minutes for it to bubble and then and then we'll see that it clarifies it separates and then we'll strain it with a student yet okay how about making something a recipe from your book okay great well I picked out well since I used to be a caterer and I made a lot of hors d'oeuvres and did a lot of parties I chose my very favorite dip from the book magical muhammara we made magical muhammara okay and the recipe is from Aleppo Syria it's very wonderful and spicy this secret ingredient is pomegranate molasses which we use a little bit of but it really adds the the secret flavor mm-hmm and I call it the thinking man's hummus yes it has it has no garbanzo beans the base of it is walnuts toasted walnuts and then we have roasted red pepper no those those who I use a jar can yeah if you want to roast your own peppers and peel them you can do that but you can use the Mazetti roasted peppers those work great and what else do we have in here we have garlic beaucoup and you know these are all my favorite flavors I love garlic I love cumin I love the women and well I like Mexican food for that reason to whine garrick and then you know so it's cumin this is straight toasted cumin okay tiny bit of salt in there and this has about a teaspoon of crushed red pepper you can add more the nice thing about this recipe is you can tweak it if you want more cumin more garlic or more to lemon you can do that a little bit of a knife here and lemon juice and then three or four tablespoons of the pomegranate molasses so that's a sweetener yeah but this has a particularly the tang to it which you will see and you can get this at Whole Foods or you can order it online what it tastes very it is it feels like I mean totally exotic it is it's very exotic and these are kind of the flavors I like I like ethnic foods well I saw that in looking through your book part of what made it exciting to me was I felt like it was sort of a a taste tour around the world paleo style yes yeah you can this French influence and I see the South American and yeah Mexican and the little bit of Asian song yeah in a sense the traditional foods that arose out of the Paleo yes um that many of them yes as you go around the world each each culture has its special special foods the way they do it but you can still stay paleo where wherever you go we've got here olive oil this was olive oil so I'm just going to turn this on this is how easy it is and about a quarter of a cup of olive oil that's it you see that is believe me folks make this for a party and everybody will rave I bet it goes quick yep and you can get some gluten free green free crackers or you can use it as a vegetable a little vegetable dip and the other nice thing about this you can use it on grilled chicken or fish Omega kind of marinade or sauce or going to thing mm-hmm what's interesting I taste the cumin mm-hmm right and the peppers yeah but everything else sort of just all muscles around it really yeah it does blend well and this this palm read yeah you don't taste it in here no seems it's a little sort of a tangy yeah it ends at there's undercurrent but yo it's a is definitely a special taste that makes that this could make a nice topping on a salad - yeah I mean yeah yeah mm-hmm thank you yeah you can put it on a lot of things well you know it reminds me that when I look through your book I wanted to add that you know thinking about who is this book for right and I thought well it's for people who like what you've done is is that the flavors on each dish the several that I've tried each dish have some of these distinctive flavors not it's really hard to find that's what that's what makes this a notch above ordinary yeah you know the spices are the line where the particular herbs that you've added to things so it feels like that's why this is cuisine this is not a recipe book this is cuisine because you have flavors that are memorable and special yes well that's the thing I looked at a lot of the Paleo books out there and because I have the strong culinary ground I just felt like I wanted to use the word cuisine with paleo because this is a notch up I believe yes it really makes the Paleo diet really special for foodies for families whatever but I guess the other thing that you did is you made it not take forever yeah the recipes I the other night I made your salmon salad nicoise right oh yeah so you know with some nice flavoring on the salmon as well as the dressing salad dressing that goes on there and I made the whole dish all of it in a half an hour that's doable yeah that's not it is you know making it for somebody who's going to spend three hours in the kitchen and that in these days find a difference if I can't make dinner in 20 minutes forget it you know I and actually from being a caterer and everything I always chose the recipes that were easiest and the most efficient to make so that's the way I did the cookbook a lot of people say oh I don't cook well I say assemble I said Flambeau this is not the kind of cookbook that says and sit here for 20 minutes stirring the sauce this is not deal Julia Child yeah yeah isn't it wonderful so I don't know whether we can get a little shot of this but it's bubbling like it's bubbling away and making a little bit of noise but that's what we want it to do in a few minutes it'll be it'll be gay and now it do you in but you leave it it's still at that medium temperature um yeah okay okay you can turn it down if you want but it just sort of hurries it along the main thing is that 20 me you don't want to leave the kitchen I've been there and come back and it turns really fast and then you've got burned butter so yeah and what I always do I like to actually save what's at the bottom you know and then I use it on steamed vegetables so it has a little bit of the salty kind of from the butter okay but don't throw that away so what are you looking for well it'll separate seat the milk solids are gonna separate and some of them are gonna sink to the bottom and some of them we're gonna skim off the top it separates itself and then what's left in the middle is the golden oil that we call ghee or clarified butter okay okay thank you yeah and you can see I have my huge super duper sized coconut oil which actually I I used so much coconut oil in my cooking and sometimes I mix them all I'll throw a little bit again a little bit of coconut well don't be afraid of that just yeah do your own thing so mix and match all the oils well they give you all the different flavors all the different flavors and each oil has a different quality that adds a healthy component all oils are not the same so that's why you eat some of them every day each one of them so while we wait while we wait for the ghee I'm gonna have another Lee this is really good it is really good isn't it I just love this stuff I'll definitely send some home so while we're waiting for the key any less things we haven't talked about about the cuisine or its effect or your recipes well I would say the most important thing in in beginning anything like that because it's really scary to kind of change your diet you know stop eating grains all that just try some recipes at least eliminate the the really problem things the gluten if you can do it all processed food clean out your cupboards and just begin eating a more natural foods that actually look like food you know and haven't been changed into something else the more natural your food diet is that you can adhere to the better so if you can't call it paleo if you can't actually go totally paleo yet don't let that stop you from adding some nutritious fats some good grass-fed meat to your diet and see what that feels like I mean your body will be your guide I didn't dive in totally all at once it's been a learning curve but you know what as you go along your body will speak to you like minded it said oh I'm not depressed anymore oh I don't have hypoglycemia anymore oh I have more energy you know what and you're gonna notice these things so yes yes yeah yes I think that too for a person to when I think about French that I've brought this up too and I think the big hurdle that a lot of them have here is is that those carb foods are such an important part of their reward system the personal psychological reward and and I think the research has shown that that they're addictive I mean the grains actually have a addictive structure addictive very similar to what well gluteal morphine that's like a more nice substance in the gluten yes absolutely you know it doesn't wanna let go and I think a lot of friends have a theory that if they let go of the glutens as well as the sugars there's nothing left yeah well that's true you know we say a lot of time in our culture oh you know I'm gonna give myself a treat I'm gonna love myself I'll I'll have that carb I'll have that sugar as a way to love my but you know the craving I believe comes from a nutrient deficient diet and our body is going to continue to crave until we give it what it needs and what it needs our nutrients it needs the right vitamins and minerals in the right combination it needs the nutritious fats when you start giving your body what it really needs which is love I believe then it's going to respond love the love in physical form inyart yeah you're doing and part of the thing too that I really want the book to inspire and I talked about this is take your kids to the farmers market show them how to make the dressings and the special dips because part of all of this is about connection it's about family connection connection with friends our culture has gotten away from cooking and to me isn't the missing thing you know the cooking and the love that goes into the cookie the picking out of the foods and the sharing you know it is the pictures the pictures in your book share that like it's like oh it's beautiful beautiful person I've always loved food i I loved catering I loved the presentation I love the beautiful food going to the farmers market all of it it was all one huge you know thing for me it's been a wonderful wife food so here we go oh yeah yeah yeah I would say it's almost there so yeah so now what we can see yeah it's clearing up and I'm gonna turn it off and it'll sit there for a few minutes and continue to clear and then we'll just strain it into a cup okay how easy is that a lot of people say Oh to make it I show how to make it in my cooking class and that's everybody's favorite class the class on the fats how to make mayonnaise and how to make deep well we'll find out how to do well we've learned one of the two yeah so in about a couple minutes that'll be ready to just drain into the jar and then here's my jar that I've almost gone now yeah you just got it on top yeah this stays there it doesn't have to be refrigerated how long how long that's oh it's stable I mean that's part of a totally stable it won't go rancid I'll make a couple jars I'll keep one in the fridge but that one just sits out until I use it for weeks well knowing you it's yeah well take two hours become a couple of weeks maybe okay all right so this is just at the point where you can see the it started to brown on the bottom of the pen it's really clear clear liquid that's what you want and then once it gets to that that stage what we do is we just pour it through a strainer and that filters out the rest of the little residue on the top there and then I let it sit for a while and some of that stuff sinks to the bottom and then I just pour it into a little mason jar yeah there you go that is easy isn't it I think it is to stuff see it's all clear now it's all clear it's so easy and you know what it's so delicious so thank you yes really the trees the food with Bali instead who is paleo Paulo Paulo primal cuisine what's the rest of it cooking for the Paleo diet good thanks for joining us thank you you .

Video Description:

You'll wish you could taste this video! Longtime caterer Pauli Halstead makes her famous Magical Muhamara dip from her cookbook Primal Cuisine: Cooking for the Paleo Diet. Using toasted walnuts instead of chickpeas, she credits its authentic Middle Eastern flavor to a touch of pomegranate molasses. Noting that fat is what makes food taste good, she shows a rich array of healthy natural fats and oils like coconut, olive, and avocado. Meanwhile on the stovetop, she makes a batch of ghee (clarified butter) start to finish. According to Pauli, "Cravings come from a nutrient-deficient diet. Our body is going to continue to crave until we give it what it needs... The right vitamins and minerals—and nutritious fats." Episode 237. [ and]

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