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Friday, January 1, 2021


Fresh N' Lean Review--Vegan, Keto, Paleo Option...but is it worth it?!

hey guys so it's Saturday May 2nd and I just got in my very first fresh and lean box ok so fresh and lean is a company that sends you they have a vegan plant and so just to try them out I thought that I would order just a 5 meal box and see how I liked it I had a discount because it was my first time so the five meals cost me forty six dollars and that included shipping so I'm gonna show you guys what I got okay so this is the box that it comes in and then inside it's packaged inside of this and you can see that it says to check your expiration dates I know it's upside-down but just to check your expiration date if the meals on best by dates may be different and then it comes inside of it's this box that has been made into a sort of cooler with ice packs and it's deliver better I got a notification that it shipped out well I got a shipping label two nights ago in confirmation that it shipped yesterday so it was delivered this morning and it's currently 10:40 I think it got delivered probably about 10:15 so that's the box now here are the mills so the meals come to you in a microwavable tray the meals already prepped so as you can see it tells you that it's plant-based how many grams of fat and protein it has calories and then the ingredients now mine are all going to be I think organic and of course mine are gonna you know be dairy-free and all that the first one is vegetables with chimichurri and quinoa it looks really good then we have this creamy tomato sauce with noodles and then taco bowl with pico de gallo and kidney beans we've got Italian aioli veggies with chickpea and coconut collard greens with black-eyed peas and barbecue sauce so then if you look at the back label it gives you sorry even more of your nutrition facts let's you know that it was handmade from scratch in Anaheim and then how to open and your instructions on heating so I'm really excited to try these um they'll probably be my dinners though oh there's that key by date so today is May 2nd so I have a while before that one expires yeah let's see if any of these dates are different oh no same ok so it's looking like I actually had quite a while to enjoy these which was something that I didn't enjoy about the purple carrot box that I used to get it's a lot like blue apron where it would send you the ingredients and then you cook the meals my ingredients just went went bad before I could cook the meals because it's just me I'm only one person and one of their meals would would be enough food for me for 3 days so I couldn't cook all of it and have 9 days worth of food it was all going to go bad so I cancelled that subscription but luckily I've found fresh and lean and so I'm excited to try it and see if it's worth it it's a little bit expensive but not any more than going out to eat every night and at least this food isn't packed full of preservatives so I'm really excited to try this you guys thank you guys so I'm gonna do one of these fresh and lean meals tonight I've already had one it was when I wasn't feeling too well so Jason made it for me he said that all you do is just pop this whole little tray right in the microwave and you cook it and pull it out and pull back the plastic layer and it's ready to eat so that seems pretty easy I'm gonna pop this in the microwave for two to three minutes and then I'll let you guys know how it is okay so it's done it's in there you guys see it all right so the plastic kind of peeled up a little bit we're gonna pull it out oh my god it almost fell all right and let's build a plastic bag oh my god it's so hot no I didn't pay the corner back probably let this cool for just a minute yeah so I made all the non vegan people hamburger steaks right corn and Jason made them baby from scratch because apparently we were out a mix and you know me that's about the only way I can cook gravy so wow this is really hot okay guys I'm gonna try this out and I'll let you know how it was hey guys so I just got another package from fresh and lean and I realized that last week I didn't tell you guys what I ended up getting and so far I really love this company it's really convenient and it makes its where I don't have to cook for me every night when I'm also having to cook for Adriana Jason and Audrey and so I wanted to show you guys some of the meals that I got last week and some of the meals that I've gotten this week okay guys so we have the Southwest burrito bowl and these meals are super easy to make all you do is pop them in the microwave and you cook them in this tray you don't have to cut the plastic part or anything you just pop it in cook it for two-and-a-half to three minutes and then the meal the entire meal is ready I'm not big on tofu yeah so this one is cilantro lime tofu but I'm still going to give it a try and just see I've never really been big on tofu but it looks pretty good I've noticed that quite a few of the meals have come with and are cooked with turmeric which turmeric scrape for you as an anti-inflammatory so I appreciate that at least some of these just look really good I'm actually kind of excited look at this jambalaya so it's jambalaya with a Beyond patty and typically I'm not big on beyond me but I'm hoping that maybe the way that they seasoned it or cooked it that it'll be better than the ones that I try to cook at home so we'll have to see this one looks really good too baked beans with veggies and Beyond beef crumbles so I'm kind of excited about this one the next one though is the one that I really can't wait for cajun pasta with cauliflower for some reason that one as soon as I saw it today I got pretty excited about that one I'm not gonna lie and then here's another tofu skillet with rice and cabbage so all of these meals are I mean the one that this one is it has the most calories and it's probably because it's got the e beyond patty it's not like 520 calories but it also has the most protein of all the meals at 24 grams oh I lied look this one the baked beans and Beyond beef crumbles 40 grams of protein so I'm pretty excited about it I'll have to let you guys know as I try some more of these meals how they are but for the most part I'm pretty satisfied with the company I think this is gonna be a company that I keep ordering meals from it's my third company to order meals from and so far it's the best I did not like purple carrot box it was just way too much and then there was another company that I ordered from where they sent you frozen soup and oat bowls and I just I can't remember the name of it right now but it just it wasn't for me it was the same meals over and over again they didn't have any variety I just mmm I didn't care for it I ended up with so much and had to throw a lot of it away because it just went bad by the time I got around to using it and it was easy I'll admit that it was it was extremely easy but it you get tired of eating the same things over and over again which is why I wanted to try fresh and lean and so far I haven't had a duplicate of a single meal yet which is a nice for the love of foods also has vegan preps meals and she is a fantastic chef and the the meals are great but she repeats and so you end up and she only makes one vegan thing a week so you end up eating the same thing over and over again and like I've already said with that other company that's just not what I'm looking for when inconvenience for my life and let's face it this is all for convenience for my life this is I realized not a lot of people can afford to pay $13 meal I'll have to I'll put a slide in here that shows you kind of the breakdown of how much each of these Mills costs I do the e 5 Mills a week plan and it came comes to me on Thursday they ship it out on Wednesday late at night I get it by Thursday about this time it's currently 328 and I it's been it's been a godsend to be honest with you because during all of this I'm having to cook a lot more and that means more meals that I'm having to cook for the kids and Jason and that just makes my life easier to not have to cook these meals for me and I'm really happy because there's not preservatives in this this is not I feel good about eating it I don't feel like I'm being I'm not having to eat so much sodium like a lot of prepped meals her vegans a lot of The Guardian and all of the other companies that make vegan food they're just very high in sodium and these meals do not contain nearly as much sodium as those types of meals and trust me I am looking for convenience when it comes to vegan food and definitely think I've found that with fresh and lean I'll post some other information down below to kind of let you guys know like what that other company is that I can't think of right now where I ordered the frozen meals from maybe if you're not vegan it might be a great option for you they do send you quite a few containers it's a once a month type situation so at the beginning of the month they send you like 30 meals if you guys have any questions just let me know and I'll definitely answer them for you guys Thanks and maybe you guys can drive fresh and lean - all right bye guys okay guys this is the fresh and lean website and right now they have a special where they will take $20 off your first meal plan I think that's along the lines of what I also got and they also have multiple different options for you it's not just for vegan they also have meals based on protein plus and keto and they also have paleo and they actually have two different vegan options a standard vegan and a low carb vegan they also have the option to buy in bulk and here is where you can see the different prices you five days with breakfast lunch and dinner and how taking off the three mils actually changes the price here's the difference between the standard and the low carb vegan and this is what I currently do the dinner with the five mils young .

Video Description:

Today I review Fresh N' Lean, find out if I think it is worth the cost.
I was not paid to review this website.
This is my third meal subscription to try. I have also tried Purple Carrot and Daily Harvest. I briefly talk about those in this video as well.

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Thursday, October 22, 2020


The Paleo Diet: Learn How to Eat Like Our Ancient Ancestors

I hi and welcome to a special paleo edition of insta vision i'm glenn reynolds Nell Stephenson is my guest today she's a competitive runner she's the author of paleo esta and she's co-author of the Paleo diet cookbook and she also writes the Paleo East a blog and website and she also is here fresh from just completing the iron man in Hawaii which is more impressive anything I've ever done so thanks for joining us thanks for having me you look remarkably fresh thanks I've had a couple of days to catch up on a little bit of sleep and rest that's great so when we talk about a paleo diet what does that really involve a lot of people seem to confuse paleo dieting with low carb dieting right the Paleo diet is a very easy anti-inflammatory way of eating based on how our Paleolithic ancestors ate but implemented with foods that we can easily get in modern day times that there is no mass to go on or anything no I mean if you can have access to that sure but it's not part of it not a prerequisite so so what what would a typical paleo meal look like any meal including breakfast and snacks is made of about two thirds of the plate full of vegetables fresh local organic seasonal the more variety the better roughly a palm-sized amount of protein and a dollop of healthy fat like avocado olive oil or coconut oil and that's all three meals so three meals and snacks and snack yep exactly so if you can remove the idea that the meals are different from one another as far as breakfast foods lunch foods dinner foods and snacks it's just food and use that template for every time you eat your golden know what Matt our producer here was asked you about post-workout eating and you were saying that the best thing to do is to fast before a morning workout and then eat protein about 30 minutes after is that right depending on the type of workout but a lot of us in our society are dealing with weight issues and working out on a fast and stomach is a great way to help the body become more efficient as using fat as its fuel compared to having a big sugary breakfast and then going to do a workout so what's the biggest misconception about paleo dieting that you hear out there there's a lot of misconceptions I think one of the newer misconceptions that we have a lot of different permutations of the Paleo diet popping up out of the woodwork and people are doing things like taking foods from the standard American diet and replacing them with paleo ish foods so you might see things like paleo banana bread using coconut flour almond butter that types of things which is okay for a special treat once in a while but the problem is when you're doing that for all of your meals you're just really eating something that's slightly less less bad for you than the standard American diet and it's still not getting to the point of eating a diet rich in healthy vegetables with some fruit wild proteins and natural facts a lot of people I know who say they're on paleo diets also seem to eat a lot of cheese now is cheese paleo no and I'm glad you brought that up because that's another really big misconception there are different approaches to people have their own take in fact there's a local gentleman mark sisson who his approach is called primal and he adds dairy to his approach which is different from adding dairy to paleo and saying that that's dairy that's like following a vegan diet and saying you can eat fish but still saying it's vegan it's a different approach but no there is no dairy on the Paleo diet I don't think cavemen were milking cows very much were they exactly I mean there's one argument that says if a cave men were to hunt a pregnant beast and they probably would have eaten the milk that was in that beast okay maybe but it probably wouldn't have been something that they would do very often I think that's probably what about beer wine and liquor or their their paleo versions of those I know Steven green will be very interested in that yeah there are not paleo versions of them but again we're living in modern day times there are occasions when you're gonna be out celebrating and what you want to do in those times is first of all make sure your diet that day is even more alkyl than possible focus even more on the vegetables and the healthy fats and wild proteins may be cut down your your fruits that day just to balance out the sugar you'll be getting with a drink and when you do have a drink that on this special occasion you want to go with either a glass of red wine or a neat spirit like a vodka that is not made from grain so the potato-based vodkas or a neat gin or a neat tequila the thing is to not go with a beer because there's gluten in that and it's made from grain even the gluten-free beers are still made from grains and you also don't want to go with a fluffy drink like a my tire pina colada just because it's so sugary and so that's about his non palios you could get a lie with I think so I thought came in made beer uh you know I really don't know I i would have to doubt that though because there was no grains around the time that they were here so what interesting question I I gotta actually call i was interviewed by somebody from the Atlantic Monthly about this recently for a story he's doing but he claims that special degree of enthusiasm for paleo dieting among libertarian types and I I was like I know a lot of libertarians yeah they were dieting but then I know a lot of libertarians do you think that's true you think has any basis for that or can you tell i really don't know i haven't done any research into that specific area but i would i would see how it could be a feasible premise only because I know that it's I find with my clients that you have to be open-minded to a degree to try paleo because it might seem on the outside that it's an a radical thing to do but it's actually really common sense when you think about it so if you think about somebody who is may be interested in an alternative way of approaching things that that might make sense is there a paleo exercise philosophy to go along with a paleo diet there are different exercise philosophies some people say that the crossfit workouts are meant to emulate what cavemen did as far as short very intense bouts of activity other people say they might have done long bouts of activity in terms of walking for our distances I know they didn't do iron man so people have asked about that how are you doing iron man when your Paleo that's not paleo you know in my take with clients on what type of exercise to do because I get asked that quite a bit what's the best type of exercise to do when the answer is the one that you will enjoy therefore you will do it when I have a client say I hate the gym I just joined the gym I always say why did you know if you hate the gym you we have very limited amount of time in our day so why would we want to choose something that we know we don't enjoy it should be like play like the way you see children on a playground screaming and laughing that's how it should feel when you're exercising so whatever it is that you enjoy that should be your mode of exercise well you teach paleo cooking dinner right yes can you be a foodie and still be paleo can caveman food be fancy absolutely and that's one of the things I really try to implement the classes I teach our I do private in home but I also teach classes at the Normandy is up in Santa Monica and that's one of the things that I want to teach people is yes one way to approach paleo is to eat everything raw or eight very simple things like boiled chicken and steamed veggies and there's nothing wrong with that however it's not very interesting and food is so much more than just fuel if it weren't more than fuel I doubt anybody would have a problem with weight it would just be a pill we took or something like that but that's one of the things I like to teach people and I entertain quite a bit and when if I take the word paleo out of the equation and typical dinner party and I have a starter salad which is arugula and strawberries and red onion and avocado and then I serve sauteed kale with a piece of wild salmon and avocado and I finish it off with some fresh berries nobody ever says you know what is this food it's and they don't say oh it's palios this is just food all the colors of the rainbow all the flavors the sweet the savory it's balanced and you leave feeling satisfied not stuffed like you need to be rolled out to your car yeah you've just described actually a fairly typical dinner at my house yes exactly we don't really call ourselves paleo and my wife is too much of a carb Queen to ever really go too far away for that but but yeah that's a typical that's actually a very typical dinner that we have yeah and you brought up the card point earlier it is the Paleo diet is a lower carb diet than what the my plate recommendations are however it's actually very balanced forty percent of the diet is actually coming from carbohydrates mostly in the form of fresh vegetables along with some fruit and the other sixty percent is equally divided between wild proteins and fats so it's actually very balanced not high carb low carb high fat low fat it's just balanced I know there's a lot of confusion between those things now if people want to adopt more of a paleo lifestyle is it something you sort of need to go all in on or can you kind of move into it gradually you can do either and I find with clients it's more of a personality thing sometimes clients will say I am ready of a hundred percent immediately starting right now other people feel I'm kind of nervous about going making such a huge change all at once and I think either approaches fine as long as you get to the point where you're doing it for a month you might say okay I'm gonna do it slowly first I'm going to give up gluten and next week I'll do gluten and dairy and then you get to the point and the reason I say doing it one month is because if you don't really give it a full try at one hundred percent for at least a month you're really not going to be able to see all the potential that you can get for me I went paleo because I found out i had a latent allergy to gluten so and many people have a hidden allergy from mild to severe to gluten and if you're somebody who has this and you don't realize it even if you decrease your gluten and you're eating bread three times a week where you used to have it every day that's enough to keep your body and flamed enough to keep your gut upset so you're not really reaping all the benefits and then it's not only a disservice to yourself but also to everybody else because if you do that and then go around and say paleo didn't work somebody else who might really benefit from true paleo will never try it but you never really tried Paley on the first place so if you try it try it try it exactly yes well where if people are some new imperio besides your book in your website anything out where should they look go are there paleo groups in different communities yes I actually have a paleo in la meetup we meet about every other month usually just changing locations usually around the west side or Santa Monica but certainly visit my website email me I have a host of different download plans that I sell as well as custom counseling services well thanks so much for taking the dog thanks for having me I appreciate being guest thank you keep and that was Nell Stevenson she runs the Paleo East a blog and she's author of paleo esta and co-author of the Paleo diet cookbook find out more and try it yourself you might like it and thanks for trying us today we'll be back next week and in the meantime have thought of the internet thanks .

Video Description:

The Paleoista Nell Stephenson sits with Glenn Reynolds to discuss the paleo diet. The paleo diet mimics the diet of cavemen. Did troglodytes eat and exercise better than modern man? Hear the answer as Stephenson gives you her secrets for a better, healthier lifestyle.

Monday, October 19, 2020


Benefits of grass-fed and wild game meats! Paleo diet

red-meat has often been characterized as something we need to avoid for heart health but Ali Miller a registered dietician of naturally nourished is here with some and how some red meat is actually better for you than chicken good morning to you good morning yeah this is an interesting thought because you don't hear that a lot but red meat can be healthy for us right I often have patients one of the first lines out of their mouth is I don't eat red meat so when they transition into their heart healthy diet and it's very interesting to keep in mind that the negative aspects of red meat is due to the corn-fed cows but yet the great the grass-fed cows that aren't consuming grain tend to have less fat higher vitamin E and our less inflammatory so they can actually be a heart-healthy meat and besides a grass-fed you also say nor no hormones are no antibiotics in that meat as well which isn't a whole lot of the meat we buy right and hormones have been slightly controversial as far as if they are working as a hormone disrupter for for humans as well also we keep in mind the offset of the animal like the manure contributes hormones into the walk groundwater and we're seeing that mess with the ecosystems of the fish the aquatic systems so definitely something that's concerning and with the hormones comes a need for antibiotics because we're over milking our cows so they're getting a lot of infections at that time and that's where we're prophylactically using the antibiotics and the feed so then what happens with the antibiotics it's in the meat once we eat it how is it affecting us well it's not going to be directly affecting us it's more affecting us in a way for making antibiotics unavailable for humans I see so 70 percent of the antibiotics that are used in this country are for prophylactic use of animals and prophylactic by that I mean we're administering it to them without them having infections because we're anticipating an infection due to the low quality of their their living conditions and at any time you go and take a look at these meats I mean it's almost double it does cost a whole lot more but you think if that that is one place where you would spend your money you think it's worth the expense I do especially when we're looking at like the antibiotic resistance and look there's a big difference oh these are two new york strips we're looking at on the right side of the screen a grass-fed New York strip and on the left side of the screen a grain-fed so you'll see that in term usk Euler fat it's very difficult you know we say trim around the fat when it's inter muscular and it's kind of within the structure difficult to cut away so the grass-fed meat is going to be significantly leaner and have significantly more minerals and it seems like a lot more stores or carrying the the healthier options now aren't they absolutely absolutely and you can see with the pigmentation same with wild fish the wild salmon is not color treated it's that bold beautiful red because they eat the algae and the plankton so when animals eat grasses they turn that into protein just like when humans eat proteins we Arlene when we eat carbs we gain more fat as well just like the animal structures do okay now that we know that it's good for us let's make some recipe okay excellent some ways to spice up yes so the first one I have is a carne asada and so this would be beautiful for carnitas like a slow cook with pork or this could go very good with a brisket this is just going to be 1/2 of a cup of an organic olive oil with a couple fresh limes that are juiced I have some fresh chopped cilantro and garlic and some cumin and then I'm just going to toss in a little bit of salt and pepper keep in mind if you're using a pasture raised protein it is going to have less fat as we noted so all of these marinades are going to have an olive oil or a fat with them to take into account to keep that fat lubricant meat lubricated so doesn't burn right so you want to keep it nice and yeah yes but this way we get to choose the type of fat instead of the saturated fat and then for a marinade like that are you going to use that for a while before you even cook the meat yes so also keeping in mind the grass-fed meats since they have more water the acids like the lemon juice or the lime juice are going to extract some of the moisture in that meat so that can make it more tough so you want to marinate for half the time now about two hours instead of four okay this one is lemon juice and I'm going to put in a little bit of fresh cinnamon some fresh ginger I have some paprika some cumin as well some yogurt and this is like a tiki masala blend this is really nice kind of pulling in some of the Indian type flavors this goes really well with chickens and really well with pork I would put this in a big ziploc bag and with your chicken this could withstand like a day's work even you could put it in the morning and then when you come home from work pop it in the oven and you can also use it with beef - absolutely mm-hmm and then this next to our rubs so these next two are using dried or fresh thyme that you could chop up in there allspice this is a Caribbean jerk some cumin I'm sorry some paprika and some cayenne some dried onion and some cracked black pepper and then my last one is a Creole rub the Creole rub is going to have some cayenne and some onion as well we're kind of sharing some ingredients some black pepper about two tablespoons of cracked black pepper and some allspice and that's gonna be a dry rub for fish predominantly okay those sound great and what we're going to do is put all these recipes yeah online at Houston Texas food calm so hopefully people will go there and be able to spice up dinner a little bit it looks great thank you so much for today Ally good to talk to you you as well .

Video Description:

Natural foods consultant and functional medicine dietitian, Ali Miller, RD, LD with Naturally Nourished discusses the significant role of pasture-raised grass-fed proteins on our health compared to grain-fed conventional meats.

Thursday, October 8, 2020


The Paleo Diet and How Much Protein Do We Need with Garth Davis, M.D.

anyway we've got big marketing I mean if you think oil companies are rich you don't understand these companies these beef come and plus see the American government gives money for them to add this beef it's what's for dinner is funded by your tax dollars that goes to tell you that beef is what's for dinner we're obsessed with it because we're told to eat it here's a gluten free salad if there's a lot of marketing into muscles and stuff when you're when you're getting this I mean look there's vodka out there now that has protein in it vodka with protein you gotta be kidding me it's absolutely ridiculous and this brings along the Paleo diet look the Paleo diet is a much better Atkins diet they don't like processed foods it can be a healthy way of eating but here's the problem paleo man was not eating a ton of me these are the people that put out the Paleo diet are not anthropologists okay they're not anthropologists at all and the idea that it's somehow a paleo bar is like can you imagine a cave me I mean like I'll take a paleo bar you know or a brontosaurus burger it just wasn't like that that's not what they had and when you when you actually talk to anthropologists they think the paleo concept is absolutely ridiculous it's got no basis in scientific fact this idea that we never did any kind of evolution except in the paleo era is absolutely ridiculous and the idea that we can't tolerate grains and all this kind of stuff has been absolutely proven wrong but these people aren't scientists that are putting out the Paleo stuff and we could prove they're wrong because we've got fossils and if you look at Australopithecus and you look at the teeth and you do carbon testing you will find that Australopithecus was eating bark and vegetable matter all right they were mainly gathers of course hunters got all the glory but they mainly says their sustenance was mainly on gathering so let's get down to the meat of the issue so to speak let me close up how much protein do we really need well the RDA did some studies and they concluded after many many years many different conferences that the average woman needs 46 grams of protein the average man needs 56 exorcising you're gonna need some more but not a lot more that's a lot less than we get typically we eat a lot more than that we're unbelievably deficient in fiber unbelievably deficient in plants like I showed you yesterday but that's what we get and believe this was based on a normal curve too so the average person needs less than that but they wanted to make sure we didn't miss anybody so they said this is what our level needs to be so probably you can eat even less than that you know what happens you go on a plant-based diet what happens when you go on a plant-based diet people say oh you're low in protein and then any problem you get like I have a cold I've got a cold I've got a cold no big deal and then the vegan says I've got a cold and says that's because you're vegan that's what always happens right like someone will have thyroid disease they'll say my doctor said I got a thyroid disease because I'm vegan that is so ludicrous what do they tell there are millions of meat-eaters that have thyroid disease it's just an absolute they blame everything on the protein let me tell you there's a lot of vegans out there that are not malnourished that it just doesn't exist there's a lot of very strong very healthy vegan people out there and so whenever I'm asked where do you get the protein I look at them and think you know why are you asking me this where do you get your cholesterol but when you look at it there's protein protein is very important it is we need protein to build muscles and stuff like that turns out there's protein everywhere it's in just about every food even fruit it has amino acids in it so you get protein from just about everything people eat meat and think they'll become strong as an ox forgetting then an ox eats meat so when people ask me where do you get your protein I say I get it from where your food gets its protein or I just tell them I get it from fruits and vegetables because that's where I get my protein from from fruits and vegetables and I get asked that question on a daily basis spinach has protein K less protein broccoli has protein mushrooms have protein they all have protein vegan sources of protein are everywhere beans nuts seeds grains look at what you get with a bowl of lentils versus a piece of cow and this isn't everything with a cow you're also getting igf-1 heme iron neu5gc all these bad terrible header cyclic amines you know those grill marks toxic you know that meat is a this is what kills me like process me which we eat all the time as a class 1 carcinogen so is plutonium and yet we don't ever talk about that it's it's plutonium and we don't talk about it I always tell people give peas a chance and you know for God's sakes please eat fruit like when I hear that people say don't eat fruits I mean that's what I really want to jump off a building like you know here's my kids eating lunch all right there look at them dining on their crudité they eat fruit like crazy and then I'll actually be sitting there with someone they'll say aren't you worried about your kids getting enough nutrition and I look along like look what they're you might would and then I look at their kid I'm like how could you worry about my kids nutrition and this way Oh B city epidemic and children we got diabetes and kids that are 12 years old it's craziness out there and changing my diet to no I never think about for everyone how much protein you be today I have no idea I don't think to sit in count how much protein what a ridiculous concept no one in the Blue Zones is counting their protein I eat and however much protein I'm getting it's enough it's more than enough I'm doing things that I never thought I could ever do when I was eating tons and tons of tons of protein so a lot of information out there I hope I helped you tie some of this together to knowledge and use it to get some wisdom and that wisdom is eat this eat these colorful beautiful natural plant-based foods and I'll leave you with this because this is how I want medicine to be in the future doctor I don't feel well not sure why I get this all the time well I want you to meditate 20 minutes twice a day I want you to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day avoid processed foods eat plenty of organic fruits and vegetables spend more time in nature less time indoors stop worrying about things you can't control ditch your TV and see me in three weeks all right thanks guys .

Video Description:

An acclaimed surgeon specializing in weight loss delivers a paradigm-shifting examination of the diet and health industry’s focus on protein, explaining why it is detrimental to our health and can prevent us from losing weight.

Whether you are seeing a doctor, nutritionist, or a trainer, all of them advise you to eat more protein. Foods, drinks, and supplements are loaded with extra protein. Many people use protein for weight control, to gain or lose pounds, while others believe it gives them more energy and is essential for a longer, healthier life. Now, Dr. Garth Davis, an expert in weight loss asks, “Is all this protein-making us healthier?”

The answer, he emphatically argues, is NO. Too much protein is actually making us sick, fat, and tired, according to Dr. Davis. If you are getting adequate calories in your diet, there is no such thing as protein deficiency. The healthiest countries in the world eat far less protein than we do and yet we have an entire nation on a protein binge getting sicker by the day.

As a surgeon treating obese patients, Dr. Davis was frustrated by the ever-increasing number of sick and overweight patients, but it wasn't until his own health scare that he realized he could do something about it. Combining cutting-edge research, with his hands-on patient experience and his years dedicated to analyzing studies of the world’s longest-lived populations, this explosive, groundbreaking lecture reveals the truth about the dangers of protein and shares a proven approach to weight loss, health, and longevity.

Connect with The Real Truth About Health

Passionate believers in whole food plant based diets, no chemicals, minimal pharmaceutical drugs, no GMO's. Fighting to stop climate change and extinction.

Sunday, August 9, 2020


Caveman Eats! The Paleo Diet (Diet & Fitness Guru)

the main principles of the Paleo or caveman diet created by Loren Cordain focus on returning to the foods of our hunting-and-gathering ancestors meat seafood eggs veggies nuts seeds and fruits the supposed benefits of the Paleo diet come from the elimination of processed foods in favor of whole foods because whole foods are free of added sugars preservatives and other chemicals supporters also believe this diet will keep you full longer making it easier to resist snacking or overeating and many people believe because you're eliminating trans fats salt high glycemic index carbohydrates or find sugar and grains you'll not only lose weight you'll also be less likely to develop health problems like heart disease and diabetes so what are the downsides to the Paleo diet it relies heavily on meat boosting your saturated fat intake and while supporters say by eliminating processed foods you protect your heart we do know that a diet loaded with artery-clogging saturated fat from red meat can also lead to inflammation heart disease and an increased cancer risk the Paleo diet also eliminates all dairy legumes and whole grains which are loaded with important nutrients like vitamins minerals plant-based protein and fiber and these foods also help stabilize blood sugar if you're going to go paleo remember that the cavemen only live for about 35 years and sometimes have to resort to cannibalism to avoid malnutrition also keep in mind that with science we've learned a thing or two about healthy eating in the last 50,000 years so think carefully about the nutritional balance of your diet before totally eliminating whole categories of foods .

Video Description:

The Paleo Diet requires you eat anything that a caveman would eat back when they were alive-- that means a lot of meat, fish, vegetables, fruit and nuts. Adv...
