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Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Mexican Rib Eye Stir Fry with Justin Van Dyke - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

all right JB Dee's back with me here and he's looking good don't you think I'm gonna call this a Mexican stir-fry so we've got a preheated cast-iron skillet here and then just a nonstick pan Justin's gonna man the pans I'm just gonna be chopping stuff up and throwing it in and then hopefully in about 10 minutes we'll have something that tastes pretty good flip this stake over this sides a little bit dryer we're going to sprinkle some salt on there I'm an oil in our skillet get that Jesus side down I am you go real quickly season that top side there will get spoiled on in here look garlic and then what's really going to help distinguish this as Mexican certifies a little cumin if you want to stir that up Justin smell good how would you describe it like in three words oh all right are we going in take a look at her steak how's that looking Dustin hasty yeah do some salt in there and then I'm gonna put some red chilli in there to kind of spice it up how's our steak looking Justin how do you like your steak how much time it's been about three minutes like six minutes let's go one more minute on the steak and then you put that just looking good here I'm gonna add some chipotle salsa veggies stuffs got a little heat add some lime juice of one lime let's slip our state over here big boy alright then I'm going to throw one handful of spinach in there and he pulled that in Justin's have done an awesome job stirring thanks to it and we're just going to cut the heat on that let the steak finish and then we'll pull it all together they're gonna be good get him out some of that all right yeah okay so we had probably five minutes on side one three minutes on side two when I feel this we're about medium-rare we're in that range but I like it so I'm gonna pull this up here once that side up or this set up what what this side just like that we'll let that rest for three and a half minutes and then we'll play I'm gonna have Justin fold in a little bit of roasted garlic let's see your best folding that's fully that kind of freaked you out when I said yeah I'll bring a little bit of sweetness I tasted the badges like I want to sweeten it up I was thinking honey it was like that your best fold I'll do that I mean Justin this is a real reason I had you come to help is that I want you to take those little bunches of cilantro and like put them right in the middle on the top immanuel yeah nice as high as you can make them nice and huh yeah you're that dude do you know the paleo Knicks slogan yeah all right so there it is Mexican was at 12 it's like a 13 minute Mexican stir-fry with ribeye steak paleo mayo and some cilantro sprigs gently placed by Justin Van Dyck I'm paleo Nick we had Justin and I cat the helm and we're just here doing what we can to help you keep it paleo .

Video Description:

Justin and I have been buddy buddy's since the day we met. We've built jerk boxes together, remodeled a yoga studio and recently renovated the bathrooms at CrossFit South Bay.While he is a far more talented athlete than I am, I can beat him in cribbage without even trying. However, this is not about who can do what better, it's about joining forces in the kitchen to teach you something new.
