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Tuesday, March 23, 2021


Easy Almond Flax Keto Bread Recipe (Paleo & Gluten Free)


Video Description:

Get the full recipe here:

This easy paleo almond flax keto bread recipe stands on it's own with a wonderfully dynamic flavor and texture. The crunchy crust and soft savory inside pair perfectly with a nice slab of salty butter.

Monday, January 18, 2021


Pulled Chicken Stuffed Avocado | Paleo Recipe for Filled, Baked Avocado


Video Description:

High quality fats and sustainably farmed meat are two pillars of the Paleo diet which are deliciously combined in this healthy recipe from Nico and Michaela from Paleo360.

Ingredients for 2 servings:
300 g chicken breast
3 avocados
1 tsp paprika powder
½ tsp chili
8 tbsp coconut milk
1 lime (juice)
1 handful parsley
1 l vegetable stock
2 cloves garlic
2 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper

Find detailed step-by-step instructions and more delicious recipes as well as useful kitchen howtos in our app and on our website:

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Sunday, December 20, 2020


Paleo Diet Desserts with author and chef, Jane Barthelemy

okay so there was no sound here we go I've been curious about the Paleo diet and I have a guest tonight that's full of information an expert at Paleo diet also an author of this yummy yummy book her name is Jane and she'll be on in a couple minutes warning you will be hungry during this show hello and welcome to g3 and happy that happens every Monday night at 7:00 p.m. 10 p.m. Eastern and I'm your host Cathy I've been sensitive to gluten for years and I thought why not start a show about connecting with other G free and happy people and learning some new things and tonight I am learning about the Paleo diet I have a wonderful person her name is Jane she'll be on in a couple minutes she's really generous about sharing there's a picture of her about sharing her knowledge and expertise we'll have some great questions for she's going to show us some wonderful desserts and that'll happen in just a couple minutes first I'd like to say that episode 9 of G free and happy is brought to you by oval ITV oval ITV hosts and produces live video events built to meet your objective visit oval ITV to request a free 30-minute consultation today to find out more about going live with your brand especially if you want to do a show like this contact oval ITV there's a contact page on oval ITV so I have some another reason why I'm doing this show is because I can get out and do just about anything live or on camera by filming or I don't know doing a blog whatever we all do blogs I do a blog G free and happy calm so I have a dream come true kind of announcement for me I am this isn't the part that's the dream but I know it is because I'm taking my family the whole family we're going to Disneyland Disneyland we're going March the beginning of March so March 11th I will be airing an interview with a chef actually I want to make sure I get it correct his Ivar you talk to chef Bell they are the nicest people at Disneyland Disneyland behind me I'm talking to chef bill who is a special dietary chef at Disneyland and I'll be in the kitchen with him and I get to sample food from Disneyland and I'm going to film it all and have it for us for March 8th or March 11th it will be 7:00 p.m. Pacific time 10:00 p.m. Easter time I'll have a ton of details coming up this week too but I couldn't wait to tell everybody and this is why I do this kind of stuff because I get to go to Disneyland yeah okay so let's get to let's get to Jane and go all over the Paleo diet and the desserts and let's get her in here hello Jane hi Cathy so nice to have you it's been so much fun getting to know you and so let's tell everybody a little bit about you well a gluten free chef of course and I'm also health practitioner and I've done many different things in my life as a child I was very robust and strong and when I got to be about 30 I began to have weight problems and digestive sluggishness and some serious health problems and I at the time I was working for Rudy's bakery this was the original Rudy's bakery long before it was gluten-free and I I was a chief financial officer everies bakery for 10 years during which time I had my fill of any kind of sweets I wanted I started the day with a nice cup of coffee and a chocolate croissant and for lunch I have a nice sandwich and then I get you know all the sweets I wanted and plenty of coffee and after 10 years my my body collapsed and I didn't know what was wrong so I started I eliminated gluten that was back in the 80s but I don't know the reason I'm I'm paleo now is because we're always looking for a solution that one solution that is going to be the answer to our health problems but in my case it was many solutions so I first gave up gluten and then I gave up coffee and then I gave up pesticides and then I finally gave up sugar and just the last month or so I gave up nightshades which is potatoes tomatoes Oh peppers and and I don't think okay eggplant yeah I saw this on you so nice shades are are are any common allergens so I finally got so desperate for sweets that I had to invent the desserts myself and being a chef that you are yes so I started out as dessert chef at the bakery and then I went to school and became a chief financial officer so I had all that background and I sold my business and I started working like a mad scientist in my kitchen making paleo desserts for the world so so and so this is my book it's called paleo desserts and it is 125 delicious everyday favorites good and grain-free and so that's basically the story are you sure we're showing some of the pictures right now of the bugger thing but I want to ask you something that I read on your website hi small businesses do it better so oh I love those okay stop with the because I'm gonna get hungry Jamie one of the things I just love about you is that you're kind of the jack-of-all-trades you've done so many different things over the years plus you've done all this evolution of dieting or or lifestyle I should say in foods it's true so I read that you lived in Italy oh gosh yes so yeah hello an opera singer I have an opera singer on my show which I I mean that's amazing in itself you'll see in my dessert book and you'll see on my blog lots of Italian dishes that are invented paleo style and healthy because you lived there how long did you live there I lived you're actually about six years I lived in Venice very nice so you have oh there's a beautiful picture of another desert and Italy yes the one with the berries it's like a strawberry shortcake but with berries in it some of these look like they're in Italy yes well I absorbed the aesthetic shall we say I would say whoever is your photographer did an amazing job with your photos well I'm a good friend and I do a lot of it myself oh it's gorgeous um okay so let's talk about the Paleo diet I've been curious I know a ton of people have asked me about this tell us a little bit about the Paleo diet well the diet was invented by dr.

Loren Cordain a brilliant man who noticing that the modern diet had some drawbacks to it shall we say asked the big question if our ancestors survived and they didn't eat all of these processed foods or sugars and so forth what dinner ancestors eat and he wrote a book and he has website the Paleo diet and now it's become very very popular because it's basically a reaction against modern industrial food and has a lot of good points going for it so the Paleo diet includes you could define anything positive or negative I will define it positive it includes fresh vegetables yeah you have those yeah you can have those it includes fruits but only targets not sweet fruits oh really cuz yep because our fruits now have been selected and very carefully genetically created to be sweet but let's say for example that apples that worked the Paleo period is from 2.6 million years ago to ten thousand years ago pre agriculture so these are the Huns and gather ancestors and so apparently so I understand their apples for example or not as sweet as our apples now apparent more like our bowels so they just don't have access to sweet food so they couldn't have all this this this sugar that we sometimes overdo so anyway tart fruits are included nuts are included wild meats eggs and oils on the Paleo diet are coconut oil or olive oil and that sounds limited but just think of all the vegetables and fruits that you could do anyway you have to be positive so know what's not in the Paleo diet what's not is refined and processed food I'm all for that like corn flakes and donuts and loops anyway we could go on about that also sugars any kind of sugar even organic cane sugar it's not yeah that has been in fact looking at your book because I went through it a couple times over the weekend you know by the way if you order Amazon fresh you can put this in your shopping cart and get it overnight I would actually look at her website for some of the ingredients before you buy this because then you'd have it already because one thing I didn't do was I didn't buy the sugar that she suggests on my blog selfie kitchen you click on ingredients those there's the list right there where to get all the ingredients for the best prices I think baby steps thank you and going back to the refinement sugar and things like that and and I'm all for getting rid of that if you ask me but I'm older I've experienced all the sugar stuff I worked at a bakery - what else doesn't it include is there any major thing yes Oh candy bars no snack bars so are we done with sugar now yes so it doesn't include sweet fruits such as pineapple well made mango that type of thing where it will really give you a sugar lift those are not really a lot of food is it banana part of it banana I'm sorry no now here's something that's good news the Paleo diet is not it's not a religion it's a lifestyle and you get to make your own room but if it's high in fructose which a banana is well you need to be careful bananas are high in fructose they are and they're very high in carbs so I don't eat bananas but I so many I eat like a king every day but if you want to eat bananas and define it paleo you can do that but you won't find bananas in my cookbook except I did make one banana bread so you see um you have to kind of play with it it's whatever you feel like eating yes yes I'm gonna make the produce in the banana bread he's a huge banana man so what's not on the Paleo diet is any kind of high carb sweetener we know that honey is is a natural food and it is a paleo sweetener but you won't find it in my book because it'll give you a huge sugar rush and my book is not only paleo but it's also addressing the epidemic of diabetes and childhood obesity that we have problems with now in this country so I I'm very interested in low carb sweeteners and though I had never heard of these sweeteners by the way we have a question can you ask her where we find that link for the best places to purchase the ingredients it would my website James Cal vacation calm okay on the home page on the top navigation there is the link called ingredients click it and it's the first 20 lines of that page order those things that's the best prices and then just free shipping yeah you and you do have I mean a ton of information besides just the deserts of what you need and how you I mean it's just amazing because it is kind of a whole new way of cooking it is but I have two websites one is James healthy kitchen this is my blog this is all types of healthy food for everybody it's not a paleo although everything happens to be paleo paleo happens to include a lot of other diets so it's paleo it's gluten free it's diabetic friendly it's celiac friendly it's hand anti-inflammatory it's it's actually good for everyone in fact if you have a family where you have one person as a special life you can cook from my recipes for that person and no one will know the difference oh I love that that is wonderful because you you can kind of tell with those processed foods too if they're g-free or not or you know any hen allergies yes yeah but let's go back to the thread we're almost done with what's not on the Paleo diet we have no refined foods no sugars no candy bars no sweet fruits now we have no grains no bread no means no genetics no beans you see our hunter-gatherer ancestors during the Paleolithic period didn't have agriculture and that is that full of carbs too beans are they full of carbs or a very linear combination of carbs and protein but this this is um not on the Paleo diet because if you're eating eating in theory if you're eating the way our our ancestors did during that period they could not raise food they didn't have gardeners they didn't have agriculture so they didn't have beans or grains they didn't have livestock so they didn't have dairy either that's true they did not know they didn't want to know no so pretend you live in a cave and the thing you can go out and gather with your hands that's over the sphere or whatever means that's what you can eat so many things but there's one more thing okay extracted vegetable oils are not on the Paleo diet that's the last thing I'm gonna say such as safflower oil oil soy oil corn oil sunflower oil almond oil these types of oils are not on the family are dominant so my cookbook uses primarily coconut oil but olive oil is also on the Paleo diet I like coconut oil I think it's a nice blend of I mean it adds to the flavor I think alright so let's talk today I did and of course I don't have my my plate with me but I did the coconut macaroons and I put it on Instagram Kathy K Nelson and on Twitter and they were not because I didn't have the sugar so I kind of played with the sugars it's use you can actually use any sweetener in my recipes okay you don't need this weaker but this wheat happens to be very special yeah we're gonna talk about that but oh my goodness I couldn't yes yeah the whole you know the batter was the best if you ask me I'm half of it it was so good it was it felt healthy to it didn't feel you know not healthy for me I traveled all over Europe I know what the tape with look those great desserts are supposed to taste like and if they don't taste like that they don't make it in my book okay and so um let's talk about your dessert book and of course what you which you've got in front of you too well today I made a special apple pie for you so I'm just gonna hold this I'll see you see it oh it's gorgeous it's a Dutch apple pie and you make it's made just like you would make a Betty Crocker apple pie acceptance it uses my special chicory root sweetener that is 0yc macand zero calories and the crust is very special Cathy oh it took me about ten tries to get this but some people say that the pie crust is worth the price of the book and it's sort it is a mixture of coconut Oh hold on dine mixture I heard her her computer heating up there should be back April I love oh good thank you for sharing that everybody's subscribed to Jane's healthy kitchen calm April's on the chant she's a subscriber wait a minute hold on because you froze you froze and I just I mean it's a gorgeous picture of you showing your pie maybe it'll come right back on there in just a second is I heard your your computer was getting hot do you want do you want to call right back and yeah okay you want to call me I'm sure she'll be right back so ask some questions she's gonna bite into this apple pie and I don't want her to I don't want her to do it unless she's on live and that screen was frozen hold on Jane we're gonna get rid of you hold on there and I'm gonna call her back now it's very nice that she's in the kitchen - oh the Cheesecake we're showing which is one of her number one desserts truffles okay this yes okay Jamie you see me yeah I do I see you hold on and do not do not bite into anything yet get me on there oh do you okay so your life now you can do it okay all right so I'm gonna try to serve this this piece of pie Oh gorgeous now no I have it piece of pie and now I'm going to put some whipped cream on it now I'd like to tell you about this whipped cream you take a cam of thick coconut milk you open it and you in you in and there's a thick cream that rises to the top at least in this Thai coconut Thai Thai Kitchen coconut milk I try to buy the thickest kind of can and I actually shake the can in the Sun oh is that because you saved get the thickest so you just shake it yeah this is the brand I used but if you can find a thick brand that's just great then you punch a hole in it and drain out the water under well I did that and then you put two tablespoons of sweetener a tiny bit of vanilla stir it up you get the most beautiful and I've only seen this on Pinterest so having it live is amazing oh don't eat it I want some Jane while you're eating that you have a couple questions here from Twitter and the chats by the way Chris is saying she's dying I know okay be quiet this is really bad I know this is painful watching you eat this but boy yummy okay so a question is coconut palm sugar allowed it has a low glycemic index you know the paleo community is divided about sweeteners and a lot of paleo chefs are using coconut palm sugar but if you go on my website and look up paleo sweeteners just there's a search a search bar in the upper right hand corner and search paleo sweeteners you will see a compare of carbs in sweeteners that will blow your mind okay so that's her sugar it's low glycemic that's because it's low in glucose but it's loaded with fructose and fructose is a sugar that is very hard for the liver to digest and it actually is the basis of high fructose corn syrup so coconut sugar is not going to do you any favors uh health-wise okay it's just wonderful so but the Palin community is divided on that and I have come down on the side of no carb sweeteners I found the sweetener that I like it's chicory root it's natural and it has zero carbs so that makes all my desserts very very skinny I want to try this yes I'm gonna buy that and I think you could get it can you get it and Amazon the chicory sweetener yes of course okay and that's on your website all kinds of prices I mean one of their vendors sells it for 27 dollars a pound you can't pay that you should pay no more than eighteen or nineteen dollars a pound for it and that already is very expensive yeah it is but apparently it's really good for you and it tastes yummy so we have some more questions so do you need to purchase a different type of chocolate than usual like the Nestle chocolate oh goodness we're showing more pictures of your stuff well you know the word chocolate in the industry is defined that it can include sugar so if a chocolate has sugar in it it's not paleo okay you can use on any kind of unsweetened chocolate I actually use cacao powder in a lot of my recipes which I happen to have here because I hope capital let me make some chocolate mousse and it's just cacao powder on me show it to you it's just it's pure cacao powder and it's unsweetened can I use that can you buy that at like Whole Foods - absolutely look for pure cacao make sure just look look at the label make sure it's unsweetened and not April us saying that a hundred percent unsweetened cacao with a chicory sweat a sweetener it just it tastes just like regular chocolate so we'll have to try that you can try that okay all right so let's do the the mousse we're getting out of time I still have it I mean there's so much I could ask you so I want you to do the mousse because sometimes people think paleo diets a lot of work but watch her dance one moose here okay I wanna show you this is one of the easy recipes it's called instant locomotives and it's absolutely delicious so what we're going to do is we're gonna start with I brought my super blender here one of 3/4 cups again this is Thai Thai Kitchen coconut milk you see how thick it is on the top I'm putting a whole can write to blender there we go starving metal okay let's move this you can see it and then we're gonna put a quarter cup of sweetener in this on I'm using the just like sugar tabletop sweetener 2 tablespoons of coconut oil see health white and that is okay so that goes in and now one teaspoon coffee I use this organic caffeinated coffee this is a mocha flavor I don't know what that green is oh I'm gonna get a clap alright and then you put two tablespoons of raw cacao powder in here alright and then I get the cinnamon but you can do it if you want a pinch of unprocessed saw and this is the secret ingredient this is one whole avocado Oh see I've seen these on Pinterest but I haven't tried them yet okay you're gonna you're gonna see it in action now okay um Jane by the way your website says raw honey is not paleo then followed by but can she explain why you're doing that yes well I'm taking the stance that honey is something that a paleo caveman what if you maybe once a year because he'd probably get stung really good collecting that and but it's it's I know ancient cultures considered honey a sacred food it's a wonderful food but if you eat it every day it's all 50% fructose and 44% glucose and there are a couple of other sugars in there too which makes it loaded with carps and we'll give you a giant sugar rush which sugar rush is what he stabilizes the metabolism that is the beginning of diabetes metabolic disorder obesity and all this that's the road you're going down and so I don't I don't I don't use it but then I'm not gonna say it's not it's not for you because you get to make your own choices I like that you can make your own choices so okay she just made this okay oh and then the whipped cream oh I guess so I wish you could share these live demos that looks amazing and with avocado in it too instant meaning you feel like you need to pick me up or you want a two-minute dessert or it's two o'clock in the afternoon and you just have a little your laundry oh and you didn't have to put it in first oh my gosh oh okay that's enough of this I don't think I've oh yeah tell us again what this is called so we can all look it up instant mocha mousse okay uh we Jane we're out of time and I still you know we're gonna have chain back because oh my gosh do I love this lady or not and I know you have fans here I want you guys to all get on her site Jane wait hold on it's on the bottom no do you have the other one Jane's healthy kitchen calm there's one thing I wanted to talk about tonight but we don't have time and it's one of her blog posts it's called ten gluten cross-reactive foods to avoid and I think it's very interesting on those ten points and we're gonna have Jane back or I'm gonna have her back because she's gonna have to demo some more desserts and yeah yeah Oh in studio wouldn't that be fun so I can taste happy to talk about the ten Lewton cross reactors because that's a whole session I know you have so much information on your website you're so generous and sharing everything with us especially all the desserts can you just show us one more time the pie - Wow and this is one of my most popular recipes and the paleo pizza and the pizza crusts are two of my most popular recipes but the instant mocha mousse is still undiscovered so you guys take it away all right we're gonna try that in fact I will try it and put it on my Instagram and Facebook - and please share it if you guys try any of her recipes I'd love to see that please pick up Haley Oh desserts - I have to say it's an amazing book of recipes not just desserts - there's a bunch of stuff in there okay so Jane you'll be back right I'd love to come back and Kathy thank you for the good work that you do oh thank oh it is it's this show has been a lot of fun and so much fun to meet you and we will look forward to seeing you next time thank you okay so next week I have the lovely sweetest little girl not good little girl she's called g-free Laura it's actually GE Laura calm her hashtag to start off February which is the theme is love is G free love so I have G free Lord Monday night check it out please tomorrow this will be live on my blog if you want to check out Jane's lovely demonstrations please do and then I guess let me see if I have anything else nope thank you for watching G free and happy please check out my website at G free and happy calm until next week thanks for watching .

Video Description:

Jane Barthelemy, a chef and dessert book author explains what the paleo diet is all about. She reviews the differences between paleo sweeteners, talks about recipes in her book, Paleo Desserts and even does some demonstrations for us.

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About the LIVE GFree and Happy Show:
GFree and Happy is all about connecting the gluten free community all over the world bringing you guests, news, products and lifestyle fun to a weekly Monday night live stream show and blogs.

About my Guest:
I am looking forward to Monday nights guest Jane Barthelemy, the author of Paleo Desserts! I have been in contact with her for about a month now and she has given me so many great healthy cooking tips. I am very interested in the Paleo diet. There are so many fillers in some of the gfree products out there and more sugar than my body can digest recently. I have learned to read the labels more closely!

Her recipes are mouth watering yummy goodness and her tips for cooking Paleo are amazing! I have learned so much from her since meeting her online. She is very generous about sharing her knowledge of the Paleo diet.

Looking forward to hearing about her story and talking Paleo desserts and fun recipes Monday night 7pm PST Gfree and Happy Show

Saturday, November 21, 2020


🎉20K SUBSCRIBER CELEBRATION!🎉 | Paleo Banana Bread!🍞 Tiffany Weng

hello and welcome to my kitchen today we are going to be making some food and I just want to say thank you for 20 K and this one's for you guys I wish I could share with you the food but I can't sadly I'm gonna move but yeah so we're gonna make some banana bread cases an audience with these bananas I haven't made this recipe in like a really long time so hopefully it turns out ok but we will see it already pre-measured everything I have my tiny little recipe written down from a long time ago so we're gonna see how well this goes I need a bowl ok and basically we're just gonna do this the normal way where you mixed together your dry ingredients and their wet ingredients you just put them together so in this bowl I'm gonna mix together all of the wet ingredients you have 1/4 cup of honey which is in here ok I really like baking but I wouldn't say I'm that good at it so yeah we're just gonna see how this goes we have the honey and then we also have meat 3 bananas you're gonna have to mush them I'm gonna just peel them go go go here's the second and then it's not so good these have to be like kind of brown and kind of ripe so they add some sweet to your mix the rest of the wet we're gonna want some vanilla three eggs Wow let's see how like professionally I can crack an egg I can do it with one hand that's like my only skill three eggs I think that's it so now I just feel like mush these bananas fork for that parts a little difficult but I just use a fork and I just aggressive this recipe is paleo for anyone who eats paleo like me I know I don't really talk about it because I don't think it's that important but it's just like something I do but usually the thing is like when I eat things that aren't paleo I film it so online it comes across like that's not how I normally eat but like it is so it's really weird too crazy strict on it but it is important to elevate those bone there we go so you can kind of see what I'm doing but also just like throw them in a blender but that's more cleanup so it depends on if you feel like cleaning more stuff than you have to does that definitely make it easier but I just prefer to have less clean this is good if you like have a lot of pent-up anger and you're mad at someone you can pretend they're bananas I got these bananas technically you want them to like you really really soft and gooey and like like you don't even want to eat them anymore that's when they're the sweetest and they're also easier to mash but you know if you're impatient like me and you want banana bread now then you can also just like okay that's decently much eggs you can go back and mash it and they kind of just like get mashed while you stir things together anyways and then also there's almond butter there you go almond butter that's just not gonna come out good that's most of it so now you just want to incorporate all of that to get there I'll leave the recipe in the description if you really want it but just to warn you this is a paleo recipe so it doesn't taste bad but it just like doesn't taste the best just to just to forewarn you there's some banana pieces that I just like properly you know if you mash them in like the mixture with everything else it also kind of helps incorporate the almond butter it's really thick piece is just a huge piece of banana but I just didn't it's fine this part looks really gross at this point but usually the mashing the bananas part takes a longest so I'm gonna preheat my oven to 350 it's not preheating so now I'm going to mix together the dry ingredients in a separate Bowl and there's not that many dry ingredients I'm just going to use like so we have drying greens we have cinnamon I have coconut flour and a little bit of baking soda I'm not big on measuring so I did the woman doesn't want a pinch of salt I think yep they just want to lightly mix that together really quick I really hate measuring so usually if I like also that by the way I'm gonna incorporate these two together usually when I like half together if I like can't find the 1/4 cup I just get like a 1/3 cup but I just kind of guess like based off of the one there I'd be like 1/4 is about you know a little bit less than 1/3 so this seems to be right it seems to have worked for me so far every time I bake and I bake fairly often so I think it's fine it's a bit debatable but you know whatever this makes sure it's really wet also usually really wet mixtures take a long time baked so this one takes like about an hour which is a hack in a long time but it's he's pretty good and I love it the sugar comes from the banana and the honey so it's not bad I have a bit of time so I'm gonna just go in and like mash this even more for the most part also sorry about the really bad lighting I should have said this earlier but it's just like a really gloomy day today so I didn't have a choice anyways you're going to crush them with a rolling pin and I'm just gonna roll it on the table this is also good for getting your aggression so if you're like a housewife in like the 60s there's lots of voice your opinions I usually just put it enough to kind of like incorporate all this stuff it's supposed to be 1/4 cup but I find that to be a bit of overkill so just whatever you feel is necessary it should be fine for now I'm still mixed up together oh I have just the slightest bit of and that also kind of just sweetens that a little bit since this is like the topping part okay I was free needed so I'm just gonna finish mixing all this stuff together try to get everything coconut it coconut tried to get everything coated with a bit of coconut oil coconut oil melts into the bread while it's cooking so it tastes really good in the noise you can like blast your coconut oil in the microwave for like the smallest amount of time if it's not incorporating right I like it to be more solid because it's easier to spread it should be crumbly but there shouldn't be any crumbs if that makes sense so once it looks something like this I'm going to call it a day so now it's the assembly time so I have my little like bread guy I'm going to take is this appetizing hello my arms are honestly not strong enough for this scrape the rest off with this spooning cool so now just kind of make sure the parchment papers spread nicely and I'm gonna just smooth the top of this and now you're gonna pull your your pecans and stuff so I like to put it in little like chunks I try to be even but try not to focus on the center because if you put too much in the center then it's all gonna droop down into your bread then you're gonna more like a filling which I mean it tastes good too that's what you're into but I don't like that so I try to keep it all sprinkle the rest on top and miscellaneous races oh and now my banana bread is ready to go in the oven so I'm gonna just throw them in there and now I'm gonna wait for 50 to 55 minutes and I will see you guys back oh my god okay I'm back and it smells so good in my entire house but the thing is done so I'm gonna go have a cooling rack oh the slightest amount of chocolate chips in the fridge so and we also have a drink that I would like to drink since the chocolates are like straight out of the fridge they're kind of so a second to melt and become one with it later on to this little cake stand my table and it won't even fully fit but we made our banana bread I'm so happy I love banana bread and it looks so good now I'm gonna just wait for it to cool and I'm gonna cut it and then I will taste it okay so no I have it on my little cake stand and it looks really good she smells really good so I'm going to cut a slice and see what it looks like on the inside and hopefully I'll win twelve and it is the topping is crumbling which is good that's a good sign hopefully all who
a oh my god oh my god do you see the steam so but it looks so good on the inside wait tah-dah here's our banana bread guys it looks so good it's just as good as I remembered hey yo ho ha ha I'm gonna get another slice cuz my dad took that one but you guys so much for watching my videos you so much for 20k I'm so happy that you're all my families thank you so much thank you for the support for everything I do even when I do weird stuff like this I think y'all so much for the support and then you so much for 20k I'm just so happy I can't believe this happened I never thought this was gonna happen so again just thank you so much for your support I hope you guys keep watching and I hope I keep being able to entertain - enough with the weird things I do I never could have imagined hitting 20k I'm sorry I can't make super interesting videos all the time because College limits what I can do but hopefully the amount of content that I put out is interesting enough to keep you guys captivated so good beans on to house again just thank you so much for your support and it really couldn't have done this without you guys I can't believe we hit 20k that's just such a big number I never could have expected it so thank you so much I will continue to do my best to put out content for you guys if you continue to watch so thank you so much yet again I can't say it enough I will try to respond to as many comments on this video as I can so thank you all and so like always stay hydrated take a nap I will see you guys when I see you guys .

Video Description:

OH MY GOD GUYS WE MADE IT!!! HOWWWWWW! This is amazing thank you guys so much omgggg I can't believe all the love and support thank you all so much :,) Sadly, i'm still on vacation as this goes up, but I wanted to post something (semi)special for today since you all helped me out so much and we got to 20,000 subscribers! I'm forever grateful thank you all so much :,)
Sadly, I can't share the banana bread with you guys for obvious reasons lol, but i CAN share the recipe with you, so here you go!
Despite it being paleo, it's actually really good :) if you give it a try please lemme know and share pics on ig or snap!
Let’s be friends!
snapchat @tiffy_weng
instagram @tifffnay

Wednesday, November 18, 2020



hey guys um I'm here today a very special guest and it's my sister yeah I actually have two sisters but she's in the middle and she's the only one that lives in this house with me I mean other than our dad but like our other sister is 25 and old and does not live with us but today I thought I would bring Hanna in because Hanna is an incredible cook and Baker and I am NOT either of those things but it's a very - yeah like I've gots to add water to macaroni and cheese okay so one time I didn't add water and it like compressed itself and it snuck up the house for like two days but like anyway I've learned a lot since then I can make eggs now um so that's cool I thought if I was gonna do something like this I would bring in my sister to do it with me because I figured if I was gonna try baking I never mentioned what we're gonna make that was kind of dumb we're making banana bread especially baking something paleo and vegan which is not normal the type of flour that I'm using is gonna be coconut flour and because I'm not using eggs I'm using applesauce for this recipe I'm not really sure how this is gonna turn out but I look forward to seeing and how it goes yeah yeah I have a feeling of how I think it's gonna go she's skeptical but I have hope so if you want to see how that goes and get the recipe it'll be in the description box down below we'll let you know how it goes you excited well let's be optimistic hey guys actually the intro will already have been done by now well edit that part out so let's start baking he has a better Baker than I am which is which is why I'm here also because I love her she's my sister I love you thanks I love you too okay anyway let's just go started okay so basically what we're gonna do first is an artist started feeling the banana it's cool it's fine but she knows what she's doing so whatever but we're just gonna start mixing the wet ingredients and the dry ingredients together I mean whoa we're gonna start mixing them separately and then put them together but basically we're just starting with three very sweet banana so the browner that they are the sweeter they are so if you let them sit out for we can have two weeks or even okay if you if you want to get bananas to start browning sooner you can separate them so make sure that the bunch is not all together because they start browning faster that way also if you peel them open a little bit they'll Brown faster - let's do the mesh she was a banana mixture bondings mister mashing time do you really ask me that question she's asking what Hungry Hungry Hippos was okay well we weren't born that's all okay I was born in 1999 but if you were born to make your to thousands you probably don't remember that yes you do I don't know everyone should know memory should and does are two different things I'm only at 17 months older right and I know how there's nothing hippos okay okay fun fact our dad loves Mexican vanilla so we always have Mexican bill in the house I don't know what the difference is but I'm sure it tastes better I don't know that's a really good cooks okay I'm just gonna is that right okay we with vanilla and banana oh I think they have the butter so this is a quarter cup of almond butter so and we got the kind that's more drizzly and we'll get a spoon to get it up we try lining the measuring cup with a little Pam spray like Pam baking spray and maybe it worked a little probably not but I think coconut oil might work better my really good a pretty good a job of getting that out yeah I came out that's pretty good that's pretty the ball oh thanks wait is that weird that this likes I feel like this mixture would just be a really good chopping board wouldn't you like this whether you put this on a sandwich this would be all this would be still got on my cam which like that's a spread and then you quit like banana on the other hand strawberries or something or even Jam I don't know but all this oh that would be so good and you can do peanut butter cashew butter and using nut butter okay any cutting that's that's pretty smooth creamy efficient that's what it looks like once all whipped together and then we're supposed to add after the applesauce we're using this instead of egg which is for every two eggs we're using a quarter of a cup of applesauce so this is just a half a cup of applesauce also all these ramekins that we pre measured everything into we greet right or maybe we didn't know okay nevermind I take it back you just measured it out to make it look crazy so now mission with the applesauce it pretty much looks the same to start should we do that in a different Bowl no okay we're gonna do it directly in the same Bowl when I said before about mixing them separately and then mixing me together I guess none this is actually a really smooth consistency so as long as you mash the bananas beforehand and keep whisking with everything that you add it should smooth and out and not be like super super bumpy it's obviously gonna be a little bit one because it is mashed banana but now learn about the Sun which is this is how much coconut flour half cup half a cup of coconut flour you could probably use regular flour if you wanted to but we're making this paleo right okay and then we have to add some baking soda and have a face on it we're adding 3/4 of a teaspoon okay and she's just doing he's all level level measurements and then with dentist's office okay so okay so for the cinnamon we are adding don't have to so not just how we're supposed to do that it has these holes in it then finally quarters - oh that's okay it didn't go to the bowl I just filled on the counter okay alright and then mix that up okay so this is the pre this is all the dry ingredients on top of the wet ingredients and now we're just gonna stir together but I'm sure it'll be delicious yeah I hope it comes out it's vegan so I could taste it hmm and now for the final step we have to add chocolate chips and these ones are 55 percent cacao chocolate chips but you can use any time you want so if you want to make it vegan just make sure the dark chocolate chips that you're getting don't have any dairy in them which I mean this shouldn't if they're dark chocolate but I don't know there's weird things you can find so just holding those in our other sister wanted banana bread so she pre-made these three non vegan banana breads this is greased with Pam baking spray and it's just like a loaf dish so she's just pressing that in there just put the camera over here the whole time right so then they'll have three months muffin banana bread on the go and we just have and then these ones with a non-vegan whisper my sister and four other other people but these are the vegan ones in paleo which is very exciting so now we're just gonna bake them at 350 350 for 20 minutes around 20 minutes they're like they are not wrong yeah because so you just kind of have to watch it so we'll probably set a timer for 15 - see how they are while we're waiting I still have not eaten today it's party 347 I'm very hungry so I'm just gonna make some openers I see no I'm just gonna make exception I'll show you what I make and what I taught because it just sounds so good right now and I like Tenderheart s start to bleep someone needs a makeover I simply have to take over I know I know exactly what they need even in your case don't worry Alexa play happiness begins by the Jonas Brothers so he and I just checked on the banana bread and it doesn't really look like it's done so we'll show you what it looks like but we're gonna keep baking it so that's how it looks it definitely rose a little bit but not enough so we're gonna keep baking it but I think it's gonna be a little different because it's coconut flour you think also we
're using applesauce instead of X which like I mean I bake stuff before and it doesn't it doesn't usually make a difference like in the final product like I think it makes things last a little bit longer when you use applesauce versus like eggs because obviously eggs boil faster for a baked good that's gonna be like sitting out as we're supposed to be treated the consistency does change a little bit but not that much I think but the coconut flour mixed with anything else and there's no latent sugar in this recipe so I think the way that things are find is together might be a little bit different which I don't really know I'm not a baker but we're just gonna keep on making em we'll let you know when it's done and how long the bacon board okay guys we just pulled out the banana bread I already ate these two we only had three in here but I already ate these two like little muffin ones and obviously they do look you know different than your standard banana bread you know they don't come up they're not as like hard to the touch they're definitely like pretty soft but these are still cooling so I'm gonna let you know how they are after they've cooled because the consistency is definitely different but I think that once they're cooled they will be more like a loaf banana bread kind of consistency hey guys it's the next day I just wanted to come on and do a taste test because I realized we never did it yesterday so I did eat a little bit of it because it was so good the muffin version stayed really well together and they didn't really fall apart the banana bread if you slice it really thinly it's gonna fall apart probably a little bit and become more like a crumble but let's see how it is when you slice it a little bit thicker and like the next day after you let it cool more instead but this is what it looks like looks pretty good to me okay so it did break a little bit okay so it did fall apart the slice but guys it tastes so good I love it it might not be everyone's cup of tea put the chocolate because of the cacao is really really dark if you don't like it more on the better side I would say use regular baking chocolate chips I was really moist and chewy and looks really good what I love is doc I know everything that's in it and I don't see anything wrong with any of the ingredients that are in it and I feel like when I eat this I don't feel like I'm eating something that's super processed or artificial or bad for me but if I was gonna make them I would make them into little muffins instead of probably them Indiana bread just so that it stays together better so fun okay guys so you just saw us baking everything and it turned out interesting like I think it tastes good it's definitely a different consistency than regular banana bread but I think it still tastes pretty good huh what do you think about the taste um I actually didn't really have a problem with the taste and that's without sugar there was like no sugar there was nothing in there that I had a problem it was a little bit better but I chose because that could capture yes okay so I really like cacao chocolate and yeah that's just a personal thing so if you don't really like that more bitter really really dark rich flavor I would use maybe regular dark chocolate chips but I like them personally so I would it was so good you know those so good though it was still very sweet from the the banana using the darker banana really makes a difference the coconut flowers would you eat it again if not make it again because obviously we'd probably alter things a little bit but yeah you would eat it again I wouldn't do it again - I think it's really good even if the consistency isn't what we wanted initially or isn't like regular banana bread it still tasted so good overall we like day but I mean we'll keep looking at different recipes and I'll help you out when I can yeah and we're gonna make tons of baked and just cooked dishes that are vegetarian and vegan you want to see more videos like this make sure to subscribe and like this video down below and leave comments letting us know what else you want to see if you want to see Hannah more videos which like duh cuz I do why wouldn't you thank you so much for watching and he basically thanks for having me my sister peace out of you - don't be afraid to like no I see shoulders .

Video Description:

Hey, friends! I'm Becca and I just wanted to share this recipe test with you all since people ask me a lot on instagram for my healthy vegan/vegetarian and sometimes paleo-friendly recipes! Please like this video if you want more like this and be sure to let me know what else you guys want to see on my channel in the comments! Tag me @beccafaber on Instagram if you try out the recipe! Thanks for watching and remember new videos every Monday + one bonus video each week! Have a happy day! :)
Paleo/Vegan Banana Bread (Or Banana Bread Cups) Recipe:
* 1 1/4 cups mashed banana (about 3 medium ripe bananas, mashed)
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 1/4 cup almond butter
* 2 eggs, at room temperature (for vegan, 1/4 cup applesauce per each egg)
* 1/2 cup coconut flour
* 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
* 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
* 1/4 teaspoon salt
* 1/2 cup chocolate chips, dairy free if desired plus extra for sprinkling on top
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a loaf pan or muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray.
2. In the bowl of an electric mixer or in a regular bowl, combine bananas, vanilla and almond butter; mix until well combined, smooth, and creamy. Add in eggs (or applesauce), one at a time and mix until combined. With the mixer on medium-low speed, add in coconut flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt; mix again until just combined. Gently fold in chocolate chips.
3. Pour batter into prepared pan and smooth top. Sprinkle a few extra chocolate chips on top. Bake for 25-35 minutes or until tester inserted into center comes out clean. Remove from oven and cool for about an hour min. inside pan or muffin tins. Cut into slices.

Saturday, November 14, 2020


VEDA #9 Amanda's Coconut Flour Paleo Pancakes

today I'm making some paleo sugar-free grain-free pancakes I'm not going to make loads of them so if you want to make more than just double this recipe all I need is two eggs which I've got in here I'm going to have a tablespoon full and a half of coconut flour and then I'm going to find them in coconut oil first of all I'm going to whisk my eggs and told us move so now that they're smooth I'm going to add a tablespoon full and half of coconut flour and mix up in a frying pan I've added a teaspoon full of coconut oil and I'm just going to turn that on to a medium heat until it melts because the coconut flour is a really absorbed my batter we've gone quite thick because I've left it slightly too long so if this happens you could just add a dribble of I'm using almond milk to keep it paleo so now I'm going to add a tablespoon full of butter and make pancakes and now the pancakes are almost cooked on the bottom I'm gonna flip them over and cook them on the other side so flip them over and I'm just cooking at the other side this recipe made six mini pancakes and this is mine and I've got it blueberries and some maple syrup and this is Dave's and he's got it with bacon and maple syrup you .

Video Description:

Here's a really easy paleo pancake recipe for you :) Hope you enjoy
Amanda xx
