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Saturday, February 13, 2021


Acorn Squash Molcajete with Shrimp and Scallops - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

hey what's up guys we're about to get radical it's a Mexican classic you're gonna want to stick around for this one it's an acorn squash molcajete haiya we're gonna start with two acorn squash and I'm gonna cut these in half as best I can right down the center then I'm gonna scoop these out scoop the seeds out for that I just use a spoon all right the sharp kind of the the edge of a spoon is sharp enough to get in here kind of scrape away the fibers and the seeds stringy stuff next thing I'm gonna do is just grab some oil give a little drizzle olive oil on top salt and pepper I'm gonna throw these in the oven at 375 for about 15 minutes while our squash is cooking I'll just explain quickly what molcajete means this is a mortar and pestle in Spanish molcajete is mortar and pestle so what they'll do is they'll make a mixture they'll put it in here and then they'll bake that thing in an oven comes out bubbling and super hot and kind of dangerous but we're just gonna make a mock one using our squash that's what we're getting that par-cooked now we're gonna make the mixture to go actually inside our little mortar if you want to do that I've got a link of sausage here take out of the casing then I'm going to break it up into little bits so that it these cook at about the same time it takes to cook shrimp or scallop okay from there I'm gonna add some tomato sauce I'll say 1 cup and then I have to Pho I got 8 shrimp and 8 scallops we're gonna put two shrimp and two scallops in each half squash these are wild shrimp I pulled the mussel off the side of the scallops make sure to do that and then always just check for the veins on your shrimp I'm gonna smash 2 cloves of garlic put a knife through them that in there and then a couple sprigs of cilantro okay to that we're gonna add maybe two teaspoons this is straight California chili powder and when you're doing chili powders I recommend you get the pure chili powder not the mixture of chilli cumin salt that type of stuff it's looking like that I'm add a little bit of water so there we have it guys there's our stuffing mixture there we are 20 minutes in there about halfway cooked part you know partially soft and now we're just gonna take our mixture here and divvy it out glove back on we're going back in the oven for about 20 more minutes do we are guys we want 25 minutes so 40 40 45 total minutes beautiful look at that so you're gonna expect it to kind of overflow when you see the molcajete in the Mexican restaurant a lot of times its bubbling over and they're stuffed crust and down the sides and we got that same effect here all right so nice soft squash all right then to finish plating kind of garnish it up we're gonna go with some mass email for the crema effect little sound effect in there too and then a couple sprigs of cilantro okay so there we are with our acorn squash molcajete it's a little work to get it started but after that it's pretty hands-off get out there give this one a try happy cooking and we'll see you next week .

Video Description:

It's been awhile since I posted a video, so I am excited for today. Even if it hadn't been awhile, I would be pumped up because this is one of my new favorite withdrawals from the Paleo Bank Account. 

While I use shrimp, scallops and sausage, you can use any protein you prefer. This one is hearty, sweet, savory and memorable, so give it a go and "Keep It Paleo!"

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


"Paleo Surf and Turf" - Feast of Femurs! - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

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Video Description:

The stars aligned for this one. I was going to show how to prepare marrow bones and happened to be prepping king crab when a light bulb illuminated above my brow.

I am fascinated with Alaskan King Crab and even moreso with the traditional Thermidore preparation.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


Paleo Crab Artichoke Dip with Veggie Chips - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

I can do a handstand did you guys hear that let's see it Jane's gonna make an entrance let's see what come on Jay oh that's okay I'll catch your legs yeah let's do it here we go Jane Payne everyone Jane Payne look at that what an entrance toes pointed one leg down and then the next ready go whoa who is this crazy lady this is Jane Payne from CrossFit South Bay her daughter is a gymnast at Studio West all right and Jane is crabby a lot of the times so today she's gonna help me make a crab artichoke dip and let's get started what we have here is a bunch of vegetables right the bulk of this is veggies and then we've got some protein here in our crab and some fat with some coconut milk and everybody likes like spinach and artichoke dip but it's always full of cheese right so like on the Paleo diet we kind of stay away from that so you can you can add cheese and I sometimes do that but today we're gonna make a version using the coconut milk as kind of our creaminess so we're gonna do our best to keep it as thick as possible one of the things that will help us do that is we're gonna pre cook our spinach and then wring it out all right so the veggies you see here the colorful ones the celery carrots peppers we're gonna use those to dip the around our chips so our first step I'm going to turn this middle burner on and I like to have some roasted peppers in my dip so we'll get that going we just want to blister that skin so we can separate it this time skin and seed them we've got our our pan here nice and hot we don't need any oil or anything we're just going to load off our our spinach our next step is to take a look at our veggies and we're going to just peel these parents so as you can see this is for the most part it's all cooked down and I'm just gonna pull it here will shock it cut the ends off a little bit more surface area than the carrot stick degree like they're dependent upon that look at this poblano is done I've got a ziplock bag I'm gonna throw this in here that'll trap the moisture he's gonna be our platter serve in our dip all right let's check our peppers again I think they're done and if they're not they don't have to be completely black the steam that's trapped in here so this one we got to get that side now we'll take a look at the peppers I'm gonna show Jane how we cut one you want to look between two indentations see that right in the middle in and then turn your knife sideways and then you're just gonna roll just like that okay then you cut the bottom off and that looks like a pretty good chip to me we'll kind of we'll break these down into I mean what do you think if we weren't like that fine if you're going for presentation and you want a little richer color you can cut away some of that membrane but the broccoli the same idea we're just just going to be a little bit more something like that right so you could scoop up some stuff on there all right so we got our peppers we're going to pull those out of the bay to the side now from here I'll take this one get into it cut it in half and then I just peel around the part that has I'll just put a bulb of garlic in this towel and we'll do this job here and then from there you can do each one individually kind of press it and then this pin will easily come play and then with our spinach now we're going to take it I want you to ring this out I want you to squeeze to like a five-second squeeze it gets you know liquid I'm gonna come over here chop up an onion I'll quarter up these artichoke hearts boom Oh like that and then chop up these oyster mushrooms a little bit so big old bag of spinach condensed down to this we're gonna leave these these whole just because it's mini its baby spinach the garlic is good if you want to be picky you can cut these little patch meat off to see that but I'm not worried we're just gonna crush these down run the knife through my couple times okay oh that good do we are we're gonna add some oil to our pan garlic in the pan alright so we don't want to let that it's starting to toast a little bit right here we don't want to let that go too far way to stop it from what we're cooking at Ricky's onions in there stir it up and then I'm gonna hit it with a little salt and that'll also draw the moisture from the onions so we use that as our base layer and then right away I'm gonna go in with our our mushrooms these are kind of cook with the onion provide some moisture and then all this stuff is already cooked with our spinach so we're gonna fold that in at the end it's been about two minutes right we're gonna get these in there just get them warm we want it just when those mushrooms are done cooking that we're kind of folding everything in and finishing this up pull back all right I'm gonna add some salt here get our secondary seasoning or the second time for salting a little pepper now now I'm gonna put this lid on there that'll help trap some of the moisture will do this for about 60 seconds I will take that off there we go artichokes in there gonna stir those in keep going the guy and then we'll put our crab in one pound the crab and then their coconut milk yeah you can kind of give it a little stir there no but we don't really want to boil this we're just gonna bring it up to temp see how that we're getting a little bit of dirtier color then just serve this warm I'm gonna give it a little sample right now what it tastes like vinegar they're not too good all right so Jen and I had a conversation she wants to put a little paleo meal in there so let's give her how much about that much a little bit more body cream in this some fat and then I'm gonna give a little pinch of some crushed red chili a little bit more black pepper a pinch of salt down there oh then just stuff you know call your call your friends for lunch what do we go as we said it's called it's a crab artichoke dip hey Neal crab artichoke dip with veggie chips I'm paleo Nick and this is James Payne we did an awesome job today thanks James and we're doing everything we can to help you guys keep it paleo .

Video Description:

Jane Payne is awesome! She is one of my favorite athletes at CrossFit South Bay and I was privileged to have her join me in the kitchen for this one. She makes a grand entrance with a hand stand and helps me cook up some unforgettable food.

This dish is inspired by three experiences which I explain below. Here is the video, I hope you add this one to your culinary quiver...
