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Wednesday, November 11, 2020


How To Make Thai Cucumber "Noodles" With Nutty Sriracha Sauce (Periscope Video)

hello and welcome to my kitchen oh I see people joining right now I decided to hop on periscope so I can show you guys a really quick lunch that I'm making oh and just a quick I got some quick housekeeping if you guys do ask a question please put your name at the end of the comment because then I can say oh there's someone from Bellingham Bell what's your name mommy hello Molly um so perfect see people like I'm glad that people can actually see this so this is a super super super easy meal that I throw together with um the stuff I have in my fridge and so I thought it might be a helpful scope for me to do and thank you for the hearts all of you guys tapping on the screen to give me hearts that lets me know that you guys like these little scopes so thank you thank you umm and so I'm here alone so if I can't see your question feel free to type it in again so that um when I'm like looking up I can hopefully see um your questions but for those of you who don't know me i'm michelle tam of nom nom paleo so this is what veggie machine do you recommend so this is actually a new one that i'm trying out this is being spiralized um by my pal ally act um i'm spiralize calm she is like the queen of spiralizing vegetables and I've had this cuz she'd sent me one for me to try out but I had it in the box just because um that's kind of what happens sometimes it all gets tough set to my house and it looks really cool and I can tell that it's pretty cool but I just don't break it out of box so this elsa someone says that it's sideways so hopefully yeah you just have to update your app I think there is still a glitch with periscope for broadcasters um but I think if you're just watching it at home if you just turn it portrayed you'll be able to see the comments underneath the broadcast so this is super simple I'm gonna show you how you can do this at home all I have is some nut butter I really like this me nut butter that's one of my favorites but if you don't do nice you can use son butter that's cool too and then stir watch I have some homemade sriracha but if you don't have homemade sriracha you can hold these store-bought but now is a really great time to make sriracha cuz I've been saved red jalapeno was all in every grocery store in fact I was just at Whole Foods and I saw some red jalapenos for sale there oh oh so inside the pumpkin one is very good - yes the pumpkin me nut butter is really really good frozen screen no sound boo hoo is anyone else experiencing that please let me know but I guess if people are experiencing that they can tell senses it's working ok alright so this is super simple I'll show you how I make the sauce it's not even anything um fancy like I put like a heaping tablespoon into a bowl and I use the same bowl because it's just me who's gonna be eating this let me put this and I don't want to do more than one because I'm gonna cooking by myself my finger so I do kind of one to one that was just sriracha and the sauce and and then I'm gonna add some lime juice and in my very babe I think my second periscope I showed you how I like to cut my limes so you see the slime I'm gonna cut it I don't know if you guys see this but I'm gonna cut on the side of the stem so going down the pole so I'll show you what it looks like so it goes like this so you cut a piece that looks like this and you can see that the the center part is still trapped over here and there are no seats here and it also makes it super easy to squeeze out juice because lime juice is notoriously really hard to get out but this way it's super easy because there's a totally there's a cut surface and there's no seeds or anything that you have to worry about and I really like quite a bit again I'm cutting around the stem do you see how the stem here you hear the two poles of the lime and then this is another segment and again see this segment is all cut there's all this exposed flesh and there's no seeds so I'm just gonna squeeze that in and the way I actually learned about the wiki kind of cheater Thai spicy nut sauce is from Henry my husband because apparently it work me get the time of free food at work but one of the things they have is they always have sriracha sauce in their kitchens and they always have some sort of nut butter and so he says when he has no egg they also cooked chicken my hey they have these little packages of cooked chicken in their fridge and so he says when he doesn't have time he will just do equal portions of some nut butter and sriracha and mix it together and then toss it with this chicken and that's what he eats like well I can do the lime juice Oh welcome so the sauce is done I have some shredded chicken cuz I had some leftover chicken from a few days ago I have some herbs cut over here but I'll show you those one thing a nut butter is a great secret ingredient to any sauce totally is and that's Mary is that you Mary I tell you guys have to put your name at the end because it's hard for me to to read so this is so in a previous scope I used this little oXXO handheld spiralizer which is cool and I like it because it's compact and you can throw it into the dishwasher and it's pretty cheap I think it's like 50 bucks but then this is spiralized missin spiralizer is pretty cool like I have an old spiralizer like a Panera one and I would have to have let all of the blades were separate and so you would have to like put them in and you know you can cut yourself and it was pretty big and bulky where's this new one that Ally designed like all of the blades are in this little thing and you just turn the knob to change like the thickness and stuff so it's pretty cool so if you're into spiralizing noodles this might be something you want to try out but if you don't do it all the time like something like this is probably what this is something that the kids love doing oh and you know someone says they cut their hand on dad before he even has like a nifty little safety shield here on top of the blade you know Ali is the expert on all things spiralized so she knows exactly how she wants to but I am using an English cucumber because I like that there are no cheese it can get a little bit watery so you can either package dry or if you're like me you don't really care and you're eating by yourself okay so I have my sauce in the bottom of the bowl that I'm going to be knotted chicken yes chicken see they are kind of wet I think English cucumbers are just more wet in general so I'm gonna throw in my chicken masaf is already at the bottom here I'm gonna move this I'm gonna throw in I have green onions cilantro which I love I know some people think that it tastes like soap I have some extra sliced peppers which you guys can see here because my sriracha is actually not um super spicy because I the jalapenos I got were pretty sweet and I like spicy then I have two leaves of mint here that I'm gonna chop up as well what is that noodle-making thingamajig it is called being spiralizer and it's a new one that was created by Ali I think girl asked me was Micucci and she has a really great blog called in spiralized and that is all she does she is like the spiralizer queen so I'm totally like a beginner and spiralizing stuff oh so here oh so I'm gonna have on some sesame seeds just cuz I have some handy but this can be as simple as you want it to be like if you don't have any of this stuff it's no big deal you just need the sauce and some protein and some vegetable like my husband does it work he just does it with chicken oh hey George George a I guess on I missed your cooking caveman but civilized caveman calm but George is a great cook and he's got great recipes and - you guys should follow him here every used organic nuts oh no I'm assuming that the type of nut butter so here it's all in here but I still have to toss it and so there's the cucumbers in there the sauces at the
bottom I've put a ton of herbs on top hi hi Angela um and I put in sesame seeds and I'm not I think you guys might be wondering like where the fish sauces and I don't have me in here because my truck that it has and if you're making this for more people you just make more sauce that's it like it really was just one to one of sriracha - nothing depending on how much how spicy you like it and then I add lime juice or lemon juice to taste and you don't have any citrus you can always use rice wine vinegar or some sort of anything ha ha so I said no fish nuts oh my god but there is the sauce in here because it in my sriracha sauce and if you're looking for that recipe it is on my website and on paleo duck Oh someone from Maui hello Candice and that was it and then I'm gonna try this because without actually tasting what you eat these noodles are super alright call them qoodles but cuddles doesn't sound as good as i think qoodles almost sounds kind of yucky yeah that's what I'm gonna eat okay so I'm gonna sign off cuz I gotta get some work done before I pick up my kids but if you guys have any questions pick this small and horizontal that is true um but in horizontal mm-hmm he's tried to look at it and portrait it will be a smaller picture but then you can see all the comments um someone says I love my videos and my action pic of all thank you see I always have one of these we have to be like a million of these around the house so when I do my scopes there's always one around Oh George says he's strict cute I am NOT kiddo he's probably doing that cuz he's getting married um and so I guess that's it um have a great Friday and if I have something that I think will be useful I will um do another pass though so Oh goodbye gene up so let's hang out you guys should follow her she is amazing hey I was taught to go soon adios .

Video Description:

Watch how I make Thai Cucumber "Noodles" with Nutty Sriracha Sauce while I answer viewers' questions on a Periscope video.
The proportions of the sauce are= 1 part sriracha + 1 part nut butter + lime juice to taste
Here's my recipe for Paleo Sriracha:
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Video by Michelle Tam & Henry Fong
