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Monday, February 8, 2021


"It's Not Gourmet, Bro!" Oxtail Stew - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

hey guys can do Nick here with the next episode it's not your mail bro one of the best series on the site we got slow-cooker action today we're going to be throwing down to the oxtail the only thing is I haven't seen any auction around for pretty much my whole life so where do these babies come from stay tuned we'll discuss it we'll get our slow cooker rollers I guess octo stew is kind of a classic French preparation you know there really aren't oxen around nowadays for kind of beef production right or oxygen production so these are actually just details they still label them octave just follow them alright anyways we're going to get into it what I got is two packs I think this is about six pounds I'm going to start my slow cooker with a cup of garlic and then I'm going to season these guys it's about 20 grams of kosher salt like that and some black pepper about how much tablespoon or so no we'll get those in there and then all around I've got this here is turnips four cups of turnips this is actually about six cups turnips and two cups of parsnips just dice those babies up and then we've got some mirepoix I'm going to sneak down in here as well carrots onions celery they'll all be in the recipe get a couple babies down in there and about two cups of red wine it's going to dump this and the goal here this slow cooker is going to take all the collagen the connective tissue kind of the bones and you know all the crazy stuff going on in the cocktail and it's going to break that down into gelatin we're going to get a nice kind of Demi gloss looking softer they forms it chill so what I'm going to do is throw the lid on this guy we're going seven hours on high so I'll cook down be beautiful and it's going to taste great too so check this new box whoa whoa hey hey yeah okay that's that you go I had an empty anyways this is what it's going to look like right so we cook that off and then poured it in here what I want to show you is kind of that gelatin type structure this is like actually the best jello in the world sugar free hmm red wine they're awesome so next step I'm just going to take my containers here give you them out label then I'm going to give you this stuff up but once it's all too difficult I'll show you what it looks like okay guys here with our oxtail stew all divvied up we've got six healthy portions put a little greenery on the top of each one just so that doesn't look kind of barbaric but it tastes really good I promise you that oxtail soup slow cooker style it's not gourmet it just tastes that way and paleo Nick is always here doing what he can to help you guys keep it paleo Oh .

Video Description:

Oxtail is popular in many cultures around the world, but it's fair to say that the USA is behind the ball on tail consumption. It has become more popular recently and I even find it now at Costco and Sam's Club. Is this a sign that Americans are coming around? Or, is this a sign that more immigrants are shopping at America's big box stores? Either way, all cows have tails and we should eat them!

Wednesday, January 6, 2021


It's Not Gourmet, Bro! Southwest Slow Cooker Chicken - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

hey paleo Nick here right now I'm going to show you the next dish in our it's not gourmet bro theory this is going to be a whole chicken we're going to cook it in the crock pot and if you're looking for a meal that cooks while you're away for the day then you'll want to stay tuned for this one first we'll just take a quick look at our ingredients we've got green chillies tomatoes sweet potato poblano peppers onions garlic cumin chili powder this is bacon you guys excited about that one and then a whole chicken well see you salt pepper and bay leaves and it only took like two minutes to cut all this stuff up right so it's going to be super simple but know this is how I recommend setting it up meson plus getting everything ready before you go to do the cooking so I'm going to start with the chicken and just get that out of the actually let's start the other way just to keep things safe I'm going to dump the bacon in the bottom of my crock pot spread that out and then I'm going to put the garlic right on top of that that'll provide the base okay from there I'll take one of my bowls put all the other ingredients in it onions poblanos or pasilla yams or sweet potatoes green chilies and crushed Tomatoes let's grab my spoon and mix this stuff up from there I'm going to take two scoops boom boom right in the bottom crock pot and then I'll take put my chicken the second Bowl inside the chicken is like the neck and the gizzards I'm going to drop that in the bottom and then I'll get a good amount of salt here start with the salt all the way around inside the carcass and pepper you can put rubber gloves on - if you're scared of touching raw chicken but I don't mind I'm just going to wash my hands well when I'm done here and then I have chili powder and cumin right here so we're going to blast the outside of fat to inside the bottom let's take the extra sprinkle it over here sprinkle a little bit of salt pepper on those guys and then I'll take this guy and couple scoops inside the chicken chicken goes in just like that these spices on top there right and we want to throw those away we paid for them and then the rest of our let me just pull this guy up here all the goods in there just like that you might have a good wash and I'll be right back all right so my hands are clean and actually got called out on touching the handle with the with my hand I had an unanticipated lift of the crock pot up to the cutting board and there's probably some Salmonella in this area so I'm just going to bleach that right here just so you guys know look at that boom I won't get seven teen emails that says spread something all over right okay last thing here a couple let's go with three bay leaves or the sneak-up kind of right on the side as the juices come out of here these will sink down I should have maybe put these in on the bottom but that's it let's throw the lid on plug it in and eight to ten hours so if you start this at 7 a.m. it'll be ready by 5:00 most crock pots are slow cookers have the warm features so as soon as they're done cooking they'll just keep it warm and so get home from work so I'm gonna plug this guy in over here so here we are ten hours later and you can see here I just scooped this breast right off the bone nice and tender actually it's not really ten hours later if you look right over here it's just but you know we're on video right the magic of TV I'm just going to serve this up quickly so I scoop this off one breast right in the bowl and then what you might want to do is render or kind of skim off some of this fat but I'm not too worried about it I'm just going to get a good you know good ladle full right there mainly a protein source there is some veg in there little sweet potato to add some sweetness wipe this little avocado in there maybe some fresh tomato cilantro it's all good let me just get a little mmm that's what I call not gourmet it just tastes that way I'm finna do Nick thanks for watching and as always keep it paleo .

Video Description:

The whole chicken! It's the true test of any cuisinier and, while I prefer it roasted, today's preparation shows us a no nonsense, slow cooker approach. While this is mainly a protein source, I paired it with some flavors of the Southwest and a few veggies to make it a one pot meal.


Chicken Tinga - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

now that we're warmed up alright counting Jackson back in the house number tail and we crush it we're going to make a meal that's so good you'll want to lick your finger come right back for some paleo chicken finger yeah v paleo alright so we got this concept of of what I like you know complete meal is a kind of meat potatoes and soft and we need some good yep protein carbs and hourly fat with sauce frozen conscience ah so we're going to go with we've got some pretty cookie em that'll be our carbs proteins are going to be like a braised style Mexican super awesome things and then we'll just work together quick sauce again okay so go sounds great alright so here we got our crock pot when you keep it super simple we've got four piles of chicken breast already in here you think taken aback big chicken breast go ahead put these two carrots you can kind of tuck these in your kiddies break them to see what kind of getup no dicen yeah we don't have to do it cut up so it's kind of nice for what this one I can't break that yeah that's fine set that guy in there okay and then onion let's go with this guy you get into that one for me just loosens it skin off and cut it in half do I start with a cutting and a half I know you have like a technique minor that's exactly what I was going to do so you cut it that way then it's a little bit easier to peel and then sets you up if you are going to cut it but the way that you were going to do it with a work totally strike is all we're gonna do is cook this baby hopefully nice throwing it in there so so we got that if you want to peel that second half we're going to use that in a little bit give me a nice healthy pinch of salt kind of spit over here one more of those live hinges are smaller than your school my pincers are smaller that's right all good and then a little sensitive cilantro okay now water go ahead if you want to grab that one other right the poor water in here it's kind of like a chicken stock chicken broth room for shredded chicken covering it up right about a little bit more sometimes I can move it about there how much is less we have 40 ounces of water we're going to put this on low for 12 hours and let her rip okay magically boom we've got our chickens up yeah let's get the carrot looks cooked I'm going to cook through translucent onion like we're talking about okay we're to pull these out and then we're going to shred them a little bit warm it's a little bit warm but all we're going to do right now is just shred this up so that everything looks this is really good Kelly's doing great looks kind of like that all the chickens shredded we got a pan preheat it over here on lap Kelly show us her saute still in a second I'm going to go ahead and give a skew the oil into that pan we're a julienne 1 and 1/2 onion go ahead and start that in there if you're doing a little pinch of salt in it get yourself another how about it we're all happy well this is just some granulated garlic we'll go one teaspoon and that's Capote Lake how do you have to regulate your heat with this one all right it's pretty hot pretty fast so we'll just start with that that looks good or well now again okay okay now we're going to add our chicken hold it right in there you want to kind of put a full those onions in or out up and then I'm going to use some of our bra stock whatever you want to call it consuming to add the bra it kind of opens up that chili and Express that Colorado let me send yeah even I want you to go there and then crops also I'm going to work that at the state pie tomato puree bring in some of our block again and whisk this off would you pull a in here we go to fit this bowl well guys there it is super simple chickens done salsas ready we're going to grab our yeah you want plate this up all right Kelly good job on the plate up thank you awesome we played it up as you might be it immediately and then here kind of for meal prep standpoint Kelly Jackson in the house the awesome job Octavio Nick this has been our chipotle chicken Tinga and as always we're here helping you keep it a video .

Video Description:

Nick and Kelley are kickin' it down with this finger lickin' slow cooker meal in the Paleo kitchen. See just how easy it is to make this delicious dish at home yourself.

This meal can also be ordered as one of our Ice Age Meal options.

Sunday, November 29, 2020


Slow Cooker Pork Belly Tacos - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

up next guys we've got a slow cooker recipe that's sure to be at the top of your list so come right back for my pork belly tacos with a Vietnamese twins fit paleo okay guys pork belly right here slice maybe an inch inch and a quarter thick will drop this into a bowl and then I've got some mighty taco taco mix dump that on there toss this up nicely make sure coats fully drop this into our slow cooker and we're going to add apple cider vinegar some water just like that we're going to hit this on low for six hours all right guys the new day I got a fresh new shirt on and we're going to make a quick pickle this is going to go on top of our pork belly the portability is done we'll show you how to handle that in a minute but first I've got some onions julienned carrots kind of shredded or julienne a little bit of minced garlic and then I'm going to show you how to work with the jalapeno so we're going to cut it in half and then I'll start here and just see this this will help control the heat we provide some heat and give us a nice green color to our pickle but basically these are all the same shape right that julienne or shredded shape then we'll take some vinegar got red wine vinegar honey and then I'm going to throw my garlic in there and salt whisk this up and you want to do this maybe an hour before you're going to eat the pork belly or the hour before you're going to serve it this isn't something you'd want to do a day ahead of time because the vinegar will do but kind of go too far soften the veggies too much the heat from the jalapeno would probably be too strong so that's what we're calling it the quick pickle there we go there veggies in there okay there we go guys we're going to let that rest while we work with our pork belly all right guys the pork belly is done I'll show you here it looks like a big thick slice of bacon but it pulls apart pretty easily right so we'll go in for that little slices like that so we're going to sear this baby off give it a little more flavor right now I'm just going to do three pieces three tacos and those are about right side as far as the cooking agent goes we're just going to use the fat that's already in here I'm not going to use any oil butter any of that stuff just set this we go good hot pan now while it's searing here we can start to set our plate I'm going to find three release of green leaf lettuce and say give these berries a quick turn oh yeah all right then we're pretty much ready to plate we've got our hoist in right we've already seen the recipe for that our pickle lettuce Bay so let's make this baby happen there we have it guys it's our paleo pork-belly bond me a pretty simple what I would do is take this now and portion it out into containers you can freeze it or just eat it within a couple days so remember whenever we're using the slow cooker it's not gourmet it just tastes that way get in the kitchen give this one a try and at every opportunity do your best to keep it paleo .

Video Description:

This is the first recipe of 2017, and we went big! Slow cooked, seared pork belly, your new favorite Paleo hoisin sauce and a tasty little number we're calling the quick pickle - this is serious stuff. Nick's showing you the way, right here, right now.

Saturday, November 28, 2020


"It's Not Gourmet, Bro" Cinnamon Imbued Short Ribs - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

maybe Oh Nick here I'm excited to introduce you guys the first video in a series called it's not gourmet bro and this was inspired by my friend Ashley Van Horn it's actually her idea and she's too busy with life to be here with me right now to cook this but I know she's here in spirit so let's get after it I've got my slow cooker out and most of these videos will be related to the slow cooker I've got a couple pounds of boneless short ribs and then I just went and kind of clean out my fridge I had some celery in there that's kind of getting old some scallions I've got a roasted jalapeno a couple sticks of cinnamon and then a bunch of tomato and left over from some burgers that I serve so we sliced all good slices out of the middle and then these over the ends I just hack those up I'm going to take this bowl right here slide these tomatoes into there and then I'll cut through my celery quickly and break this up and in the bowl little throw our scallions in there I've got one roasted jalapeno No so let's cut the end off and quarter that back going in there then our meat I'll lay this across the top and then I'll see than that I just want to make sure we have enough salt to go with this much meat and one more thing so I think that should be good you get some pepper going cinnamon stick and then I have some spices here Bailey's I'm going to throw two bay leaves if you'll set those aside for a second put those in right at the end oregano cumin got more chilli and garlic you could use fresh garlic you could season just the meat with these spices and then sear it off and get it in here but it's not that gourmet so let's just mix this up and we'll slam it into our slow cooker nice and full we're not going to put any liquid in here the stuff will melt down and provide a liquid we don't want to water this baby down so how's that looking good it's good a couple bay leaves on the top and as Ron Popeil would say set it and forget it we have aw I've got down here for four hours 49 minutes and we'll just check in with it every couple hours see how it's doing I think within four hours it'll be done so there it is we don't really have a name for it yet but we'll figure that out but let's remember it it's not gourmet Dubrow I had not gourmet bro all right check this out we've got about three and a half four hours in to pull these bay leaves so the meat is look it's fork-tender we just tested a piece look at our cinnamon and swollen kind of like Jesse's arms after coffee now but what I would do here is just grab it so ladle into the bowl maybe a little bit more veg some celery some little Tomatoes little piece of meat on the top a little bit more right there next I would grab a spoon slap that on the table we're not going to garnish it on the sauce you know why not going pay bro all right follow super simple in and up just like that drop that baby in there before work you come home dinner sir I'm paleo Nick showing you easy ways to keep it simple keep it fresh and above all you could pay up .

Video Description:

With excitement, I introduce a new category of videos titled "It's Not Gourmet, Bro!". My friend, Ashley Van Horne, AKA Paleo Madeline, came up with this idea and I am running with it. I've received several messages asking me to dumb down some of my food and show some ultra-simple preparations. This series is an answer to these requests. If "heavy on the meat" is a request you might make, then you'll want to tune in for this series...

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


"It's Not Gourmet, Bro" Peppered Pineapple Braised Short Ribs - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

okay guys we're back we've got severe in the house and we're going to throw together a quick one the next episode in the it's not gourmet bro series it's going to be effort pineapple look look you're shorter yeah and who's over there look at this dude - this guy's ever in the videos the joke say hi the joke oh hey yo Johnny alright we're going to be right back get your soul cookers ready get your pineapple ready and get ready okay guys we've got sure beers gonna run the bowl I'm gonna have him mixing this stuff up I'm going to be hacking up the pineapple and onion and it's going to be less than five minutes we'll have this whole thing in the country here goes nothing go ahead with this short ribs into the bowl yeah let's go with two and a half tablespoons you connection as far as you want yeah then pepper we're going to go one and let's just go one tablespoon little one go ahead and throw those in and if you want to take cloves of garlic up there yeah how many was you guesstimate er in there 28 28 cloves of 28 cloves of garlic maybe one or two balls of your vital fresh tacos and they mix that up and then here I'm just going to dice up large dice on the onions trying to give it the hack cut one and a half on goes in there okay that's looking pretty good let me pull the croc out let's go ahead and transfer that here I can help you beautiful good looking good and what do you think about it should clip some soy sauce in here and a little tamari I didn't put any on the other one but I think it might be a good idea to touch okay so let me give you this I'll show you guys a quick little tip here I got my can of pineapple juice I've got first hole in here now what you want to do across from that hole you get a second little tab just like that it looked for smoothly because it'll be able to suck air and you see that that way you're not golf goal from often if you want to do three-quarters of that can't yeah let's go until we can just see it because what happened was I use the whole can and I ended up pulling some out and it cook down overflows so let's just say we're going to leave one cup in there okay 46 through ounces so when you 38 ounces and then just give a couple organic wheat free come in free tomorrow or you can use coconut aminos yeah I do severe did you know that all this candles at all that looks good man so let's just throw the lid on get her in here original high for seven hours hyper salmon low for maybe 10 12 hours somewhere in there and if you want to come in close we'll do our little magical Rapids as well and waiting for this 3 2 1 BAM way dude nice work it's a little bit different Oh what the heck so this time we mix it up where we I cook it off poured it into this hotel pan and let it cool and that's how you're going to get the most flavor if you allow your nice veggies to cool in the braising liquid and then go from there so when we do this we also get this fat cap on top it will be able to peel all that fat away where if it's portioned out show you what that looks like hey guys we're going to finish it off shabbir had mentioned maybe some red chili elite and I heat sweet that nice so I'm just going to cover it with some Tomball besides the dog is contingent upon your affinity for hot food right don't let any and we're running and we're running out everything now you guys will talk about it's not gourmet but just the beef here short ribs are kind of expensive about 650 a pound right now even at the warehouse stores and all this meat just for the meat was 40 bucks the pineapple was three blocks I'm in you know another couple bucks for the pineapple juice so we're looking at probably I don't know forty five forty eight dollars for six meals so that's eight bucks a meal just for food Kai from the where health care right so while it's not gourmet it's still kinda gourmet this kind of food that you're gonna look forward to and recommend giving to the shop you look at this is the one that I did nice and smoky and sugar did his best to squeeze these and platinum this flag Brett we're here learn and not tear apart I mention beer my man and I we're just here doing what we can to help you guys keeping paleo .

Video Description:

I love this video because it features two of my favorite people; Shabir and "The Jo!". It is rare that we get a glimpse into "The Jo's" world, but we have now done so twice in as many weeks. I wish he would have shown more of his personality, but kids don't always cooperate. Jonas is an amazing dude and I would rather hang out with him than most anyone. He wakes up each morning with the most positive attitude you could imagine. One hundred miles per hour at 6:00AM isn't always easy for this soon-to-be-33-year-old, but we wouldn't have it any other way. If you don't have children, I recommend you get some!

Friday, November 13, 2020


"It's Not Gourmet, Sis!" Beef Stew with Green Chiles and Yams - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

I got paleo Nick here I've got cast butcher bill me back in the house with their knives thanks for coming by haha we're going to do it our next episode and it's not your made fit it's going to be green chili beef day with yams and it's going to be quick though stick around I guess tapped at the helm I'm just going to give her a little guidance we're going to start off here with about four pounds of beef stew meat in the bowl and the ball two tablespoons of salt be able to let's go a half tablespoon of pepper from there let's go and now what I've got I have some frozen mirepoix I have some prepped out so I just add this out it's going to be easy half onions quarter salary quarter carat going with eight cups of that and then let's go with age going to be close to ten cup yam chopped up sweet yams are good they provide healthy carbs for fueling fitness but I will need guy give that a little Casa rubia how about if we go in with our green chilies you can actually oh I said red chillies and mix those in one 28-ounce canned ground Tomatoes I'll go with some fresh parsley about a cup of that see what you got I'll grab the school and use the bowl yeah let's go ahead in with our babies just kind of sneak those in the side while breaking them okay and then it's full but this is going to break down I think it's going to be perfect throw the lid on here go seven hours on high we'll see what happens check this out Wow dude look Wow so let's take a look here what do we got is our beef cold it's already flaking apart good salt on that whew nothing like a well salted piece of meat oh yeah mama when I cook down we're going to really catch the big fish uh-huh I mean riffs are packaging this up people probably get this is six quart so I'm thinking will get at least six ticket okay okay well be a healthy portion well that's it you guys not you are may remember we threw that together in a couple minutes we got cat the butcher Bellamy what did we make again I'm being chili beef stew with p.m. and as always guys we're here we're just hanging out cooking food do what we can to help you keep it paleo .

Video Description:

This is my favorite beef-based slow cooker meal. While they are all good, this one has the perfect mix of meat and sweet with a hint of heat from the chiles. I like to try to have one chunk of yam/sweet potato per chunk of meat. If you're looking for a great option for stocking your bank account, I highly recommend this one.

Friday, October 16, 2020


"It's Not Gourmet, Sis!" Apple Raisin Country Style Ribs - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

we got a patio Nick here we've got captain butcher bail me in the house coming out I appreciate it now come on we've got some pork over here you want to tell us a little bit about what you did well just pack that up with this one right here my favorite oh really nice and off thanks for doing that and I appreciate you bringing the meat this is gonna be an episode of it's not gourmet sis one of our slow cooker meals and today we're gonna be making Apple raisin country-style rib all right guys this one's gonna be short and dirty cats gonna be mixing I'm gonna show you guys how to peel and cut up this Apple it's gonna be a lot of fun all right so let's get into it if you want to take and dump those into there and then I want let's go with 2 tablespoons of our super radical rib rub I want you to kind of spread this out over it try to coat those ribs as best you can and then if you want to add these onions Wow 8 cups of onions then over here I'll show you guys what I'm gonna do to peel this Apple a little ringer on the top ring around the bottom and I'm just gonna work it from there to here I normally would use Granny Smiths for this preparation but they were out of grandmas spoon and then here I've peeled and cut these ones already store them in some water with a little bit of lemon so if you want to take these guys you can dump dump the water out water into their dump them in there Sara all right well she's doing that I will carry on so from there I cut my Apple in half cut it in half again and then a little angle there I'll do the trick that'll cut off the center littlepip and any seeds and boom boom boom okay then from there boom yeah in there the raisins in there Oh God with them and then I've got a 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar and 3 bay leaves right there what you thinking on seasoning is that look good try a little bit more a little bit more yeah let's make it 3 tablespoons good there let's do this let's get it in our crop yeah just go ahead and dump it whoa just like that ha ha huh it'll meet up top because you want to take a nice little picture ACV apple cider vinegar right over the top lift that set it in there throw the lid on we're gonna plug that in I'm gonna say 7 hours on high 7 hours on high and we'll see what happens ok so check this out boom just like that check it out get a whiff of this hmm cook now and you think those aren't apples are done onions are translucent Oh what do you think of that tender Oh pull the bay leaves my man the meats tender nice little sweetness the raisins have plumped up apples in there so we're gonna do this is just the make-ahead meal we're gonna divvy this up for the week and we'll show you what that looks like in a minute alright guys we knock that in a couple minutes we got seven portions around three to three and a half blocks what is it called Apple raising country-style ribs nice cat the butcher Bellamy here with paleo Nick we're just doing what we can to help you guys keep a meow .

Video Description:

Nothing goes better with pork, or meat in general, than fruit. I've often thought of opening a restaurant called "The Pig and The Plum" or "The Ox and The Orange" and specializing in meats paired with fruit sides and condiments. Or, maybe a fruit main with a meat condiment? Anyhow, today's recipe is an example of a lovely pork and fruit pairing. We look to apples and raisins to bring some sweet goodness to some tender, well seasoned pork.

Monday, October 12, 2020


"It's Not Gourmet, Sis!" Super Radical Ribs and Sweets - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

this is brochette here begin some complaints on my side about my serious calls is not gourmet bro so to stay away from being sexist I'm bringing in a chick and this series is called it's not gourmet it so stick around for super radical slow cooker ribs and sweet yeah we've got our super radical rib rub here this is formulated for ribs fantastic on everything else anyways we're going to get after this we've got constants courtesy of conscious Curtis event planning that's what we call yes I just heard is event nice she killed it if you're getting married having a bot Mitzvah bar mitzvah having a baby if you're in any way career sign on the post and you can check it out but conscience is checking into the Zone diet currently so I'm going to have her mix all this up and I kind of explain and go through the blocks and break down the macro nutrient composition of what we're gonna make today okay guys so Wizards own that we kind of have to approach it like an experiment and I've approached today's recipe like an experiment as well we've got grams and pounds right so metric and standard system going on and we're just going to break it out like this so constants first thing let's strain the for sweet potatoes into this strainer right here go ahead and don't let it and if we look at for sweet potatoes ours weighed in at one point seven kilos and three pound twelve ounce and so those are rather large normally one sweet potato is three carb blocks we're going to go with four p-per hot potato at 16 C can you give us 16 card blocker a little bit bigger so one more car block person potato bowl comes in let's take all those ribs and throw them in the bowl yeah there you go get in there confident we're not shy okay so we have six pounds of ribs okay we're going to drop half of that wait for the bowl we're going to drop another half of that for cooking weight okay okay I'm going back yeah so we're going to go from six pounds down to three pounds that's going to give us 48 ounces of the cooked weight so we're going to subtract again half of that for the bone we're to say there's a total of 24 ounces of cooked pork / 1.5 gives us 16 protein block follow got it alright so then if you look we've got 16 protein blocks 16 car blocks we need 16 fat blocks to balance that out so there is some fat included into me but we're actually going to add back 16 fat blocks and healthy static yet okay so once we garnishes we're going to use some Mayo ha ha they'll give us our healthy fat yeah put us in a zone perfect oh that yes okay so next step I want you to take the super radical rib rub right there we've got 50 grams of super radical red rub 50 grams okay go ahead and sprinkle that on mix it all up yeah go ahead and mix them up a little bit here Wow Wow animals yeah oh yeah that's good okay let's throw an onion in there well dice on your one diced onion and then I'm going for speaker let's let you toss it again oh yeah step in don't you need something like this so from there what I want you to do you need to pack all of this into that so it's right over there and how long will this will cook for we're going to cook this one for 10 hours 10 hours on high that sounds really nice how long time oh yeah but I mean if you get up in the morning you throw this together bye thanks you go off to work you come home your dinner's waiting for you huh there you go by 7:00 now it doesn't need any liquid or anything no liquid well actually here's what we're going to do if you're a culinary ninja you've got a little bit of this and this is not required but rich you you might call it ribs you when I smoke the ribs halfway through I'll put the ribs in some foil and then I'll take them back out of the foil when I take them out of the foil I drain all the juice into your container and this is what No so we're just going to break this up we're going to put one little piece right here one right here let's throw down it on y'all like your glove but what will happen as soon as that starts to cook it's gonna everything's going to shrink down you'll be just fine so I happen to have done the same process ten hours ago and through the magic of digital media we'll be right back finished product go tiny hard boom check it out let's just pull it off the top a little spoon pepper oh no fall off the bone oh no well there we have a guide you got our super radical slow cooker ribs and sweets I'm Nicki brochette here with toasters courtesy banks do what we can to help you keep it paleo .

Video Description:

We are switching up the "It's not gourmet, bro!" series to "It's not gourmet, sis!", but the theme will remain the same: super simple slow cooker meals that you can let cook throughout the day or night. These tasty numbers include Pork Chile El Nopal, Cinnamon Imbued Short Ribs, Beef and Butternut Braise and many more...
