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Monday, March 22, 2021


3 Key Lessons for Cleaning Up Your Diet or Going Paleo

what's up everybody hey with the I saw Jolene pop it pop up there I saw Jenny Hewlett I think urban poser some very familiar names what's up health coach Gary how's everybody doing tonight it's almost said it was Tuesday with Stephanie Katherine hey what's up good first name I like that what's up everybody whole foodie rny Jen clean 84 Jenny Marra 73 what's up yeah you thought it was fri I'd like my days are all messed up oh thanks q Frey thank you it's actually um yeah it's my way of dealing with my crazy hair hair hey from Texas hey what's up what's up T pop some very familiar names and I'm super glad that you're all jumping on periscope so I yesterday i started a new periscope series about paleo and that's obviously stupid easy paleo is my business and it is the way I live my life um oh thanks to anything through the hearts everybody and so um I've decided that kind of the next few days will be a paleo theme because I know a lot of people have questions about it oh hey what's up your from Bonnie scope I love Bonnie she taught me all about the sticky notes so she's super knowledgeable and I know she's gluten free so hey what's up I am so I'm going to be sharing some periscopes about paleo with you and I asked you to kind of keep an open mind yesterday we had some interesting questions i'll call them Matt about paleo but some really great questions as well and so I'm here to kind of go through some of the let's call it knowledge that I've acquired in the last five and a half years and i'm going to be sharing some of that with you because ultimately knowledge is power and once you have information you can move on and make some yeah bustin some paleo myths I think I'm cuter than the guys on Mythbusters but uh maybe I need a cool hat I don't know so we'll see what happens thanks chilli and you're so sweet I want to let you know that in case you miss any any of my periscopes you can get them all on YouTube Oh amazing right so here it is take a screenshot or as bonnie says take a screen grab so screenshot this and you can get it for later this is where all of my youtube videos are and I've developed some playlists just for periscope so all periscopes are in YouTube and then I've also broken them down by segments so if I awesome harder to kills my new motto I love it I've broken them down by series so I had the series 10 tips for getting healthy happy and harder to kill I had a series of four things on how or four videos on how to get started with strength training so lots of lots of great series coming your way yesterday I shared a little bit about hold on to the questions guys so I'll ask I'll answer some questions at the end but yesterday I shared a little bit about paleo and what is it show the YouTube address again ok make sure you get ready to take a screenshot ready there it is if you go to youtube and you type in stupid easy paleo you can find it and by the way my name is steph Gaudreau and i am the boss lady at stupid easy paleo calm so I'm talking today about and somebody on Instagram asked me why can you talk about why you went paleo and so I thought that's great but I also want to tell you some lessons that I learned along the way like everybody has those mistakes that you make thanks a lot ms Malia you're awesome for typing that in there I I want to pass on three lessons that I've learned there are many lessons trust me but three lessons that I've learned along the way that I think are really important and can help you no matter if you want to start paleo or you're just trying to eat healthier so like let's just say hey I'm going to try to clean up my diet a little bit you can use these tips as well thanks for the hearts I appreciate that it always lets me know that I'm kind of on the right track with what I'm going to talk about so I'm just good things Ashley here so sweet believe it or not I'm 36 and I not wearing any makeup so that kind of tells you yeah my skin is pretty good when I was a kid it wasn't and I had acne like crazy so I'm gonna tell you why I went paleo and this is kind of a long story but I'll make it short so in 2009 way back in 2009 friends of mine that I was mountain biking with because they used to be a mountain biker before I was a weightlifter told me they were going to try something called a paleo diet and I was like I've never heard of this thing this is weird I had a friend named james james walsh who I knew was gluten-free so I kind of like a new gluten-free was kind of a thing but this is before a lot of people talked about paleo and so I picked up a copy of the Paleo diet for athletes by Loren Cordain and Joe friel and I decided hey I'm I'll read it what the heck so kind of backup when I was growing up I had a lot of interesting health issues i'll call them and nothing that made me sick and debilitated like i know some people go through some very very tough very very tough hey Wonder Randy what's going on some people go through some very tough times with their health I was relatively healthy like into the point that I wasn't sick or bedridden or dealing with a serious disease but you know you how do you kind of go through life and you're like I just don't feel great but that's just the way it is yeah and you kind of shrug and so I kind of accepted the fact that I would always be dealing with certain things like digestive problems I had stomach aches on and off since I was a kid I would get really bloated after i ate like the food baby thing but all the time I come to find out and I wasn't diagnosed and ty was later until much later on until I was in my early 30s he astok of being tired is so true i was diagnosed with endometriosis which had been suspected since I was about 10 11 years old and so I was always dealing with lady problems really serious lady problems it was very sick and so I just kind of thought that's my lot in life you know I had bad skin my energy and my moods were terrible when I was growing up my nickname was Stephie bear and it wasn't because I was like cute and cuddly it's because I had such a bad temper and I was really always like super Moody and so this is kind of what I was dealing with but I never ever thought that it was the food that i was eating that could have an impact on any of these things he has such an unfortunate nickname luckily all that stuff has resolved itself hangry totally hangry yeah upper stomach bloating that's definitely one of the signs that perhaps what you're eating could be causing some of those issues so anyway I knew I had all these problems but i thought you know not sick I'm not sick per se and yeah primal dish similar symptoms and oh it's um it's one of those things a lot of people deal with so I thought well I'm not really sick I'm still okay but I thought what the heck so fast forward to 2009 what the heck i'm going to try this paleo diet thing and at the time I thought i was eating healthy a lot of the things that i ate were would be considered quote healthy so lots of whole grains lots of low-fat lots of soy products you guys know the drill and lots of kind of like process stuff like fake butter and the butter spray and all that stuff so in 2009 late 2009 i read the book and then i thought i am glad it was right i'm going to do paleo starting in january so i made a date on the calendar I had my holiday Thun I like indulged at Thanksgiving and I did my Christmas thing and then i set the date it was January 10 2010 so i decided i was going to start and so i did and i cleaned out my pantry and my fridge and I just chose that date and I started and at first it was hard because you go from eating a certain way like you know bagel and juice in the morning and sandwiches at lunch and pasta dinner and you kind of have to change all that so I'm going to share three lessons that I learned with you along the way so that if you're thinking of switching or you're just trying to get you know make some changes in your diet you can implement these lessons that I learned all right you're ready and thanks i see so many of you that are like yes that's me i'm dealing with that stuff too and i see all those comments they could scroll so fast but i know that you're on board so the first lesson I learned is you need to decide if you're the type of person that's going to rip off the band-aid or take it slowly there's no one right or wrong answer I am a rip off the band-aid sort of person 60-day days of paleo awesome good job I i decided i was going to set that date and I was going to start no matter what happened I was gonna clean out my pantry it was gonna like get some recipes i bought some books so you might be a rip off the band-aid type of person or you might be the type of person that needs to take it slowly there is no right or wrong answer in this case it's whatever works the best for you so I want to make that really clear and I actually wrote a blog post about this on stupid easy paleo which is my website about like you know do you have to go toke old turkey or can you take it slowly I read a really great book recently called a happiness project and I talked abouts actually happier at home it's by Gretchen Rubin and she talks about abstainers versus moderators awesome you're on whole 30 that's fantastic definitely a whole 30 fan over here um so I you know some people can take it slowly and some people have to just say nope no more after this day I'm done and so yeah some people learn ms Malia saying like you know hey I learned if I take it slowly it sticks better you totally have to know what it is what is the whole 3d Ashley it's a actually talked about the whole 30 yesterday in my periscope but it's a 30 day elimination program where you take certain things out of your diet for a month and then at the end you reintroduce them and these are foods that are known to be problematic for some folks it's kind of like a strict paleo for 30 days just so you can get some information about which foods work well for your body in which foods don't so it's all like self-experimentation and just kind of learning what works best for you it's a really great program so three lessons less than number one decide if you're going to rip off the band-aid or you're going to take it slow and this applies to pretty much everything you know you can have you can have burgers just no cheese I don't really know what that question was for so that's the first tip the or the first lesson the second lesson that I think is really important to pass on is you need to develop some systems yeah and Jenny's mentioned mentioning retraining yourself to learn new habit so you need to develop systems for making things like cooking easier because if you want to eat healthier whether it's paleo or not or you're going to try a whole 30 or you're just going to try to clean up your diet or you're going to count your macros did my skin get better it absolutely did I'm not wearing any makeup right now samata 1991 is asking yeah so I don't I'm not wearing any makeup this is just my skin I'm 36 so I got like a pimple and once and every once awhile and out but my skin is pretty good so the second rule is or the second lesson is to develop some systems for example I talk about food prep and I there's a periscope that I did last week or the week before thanks guys you're so sweet I talked about food prep and so having two days a week where you do some food prepping and they are going to make some meals that are going to take you through the week right develop some systems some habits that you can then rely on to keep you on the straight and narrow and sunday or saturday probably saturday i'm going to post a recipe that we call emergency meatballs and they're not anything super special but they're the way that we make sure we have some protein always on hand like stashed in the freezer and thanks Julie yeah systems are really important and getting bored of the same food is definitely you know it can be an issue so there's nothing wrong with like trying to get a handle on meal time at first and say hey I'm not going to pick three breakfasts and three lunches and three dinners and I'm going to rotate those in until I feel comfortable and then I'm going to add like add a new sauce or I'm going to try a new recipe it'll be on Instagram absolutely whole foodie it will be there trust in the trust in the Instagram select my favorite social media besides periscope now so yeah develop systems that work for you just because somebody else does it one way doesn't mean you have to do it that way find something that works so we like to keep food in the freezer that's already cooked so things like stew or soup or frozen meatballs those things all defrost really well they all keep really well they don't get smushy like some other types of foods egg muffins also keep really well so you know find those things that you can do like if you have a crock-pot always have something going in the crock pot you know put some meat in there get some nice shredded pork you can put that on eggs like it can mix it into hash there are all sorts of things that you can do to develop those systems and the third lesson that I'd like to share with you about try to clean up your diet is that perfection is not the goal and my friends paleo chimay Leo talk about progress not perfection and I think that's so important when you're starting out and you're thinking I want to try to eat healthier or I'm going to do a whole 30 year i'm going to try paleo or I'm going to move towards a real food diet it's really easy to look out into the world and think oh my god first of all everybody else is doing it perfectly and I am a failure and that you have to be one hundred percent all the time all the time now certainly there are certain things that certain people need to avoid all the time and that's that's personal to them for example if you are a celiac you're going to avoid gluten at all costs if you are allergic to pineapples you're not going to eat pineapple like so you know those things are definitely kind of there and you know that if you ate those foods there would be consequences but for a lot of us expecting perfection only sets us up for failure because real life happens and you're out at an event and you need to make a food choice and it's probably not what you would choose that home but you're going to have to eat something you know those sorts of situations come up the other thing that happens a lot is that we beat ourselves up for making less than ideal food choices and that is you know putting guilt and shame around food is how a lot of us got to this point in the first place and so you know giving yourself a break every once in a while and I wrote an email about this not too long ago to my list but it was it was a point that like hey you give everybody else a break you wouldn't say this to a friend you wouldn't beat them up because they made a choice and sometimes we need to give ourselves a little bit more leeway and we need to be a bit more kind and realizing that making a majority of good choices a majority of the time it's going to move us forward toward better health perfection isn't the answer and a lot of us try super hard to stick to perfection and then we're just like this isn't sustainable right and so then we fall off that wagon again we feel bad about ourselves we're like we're such a failure what's wrong with us we're just like hey f it i'm going to go eat pizza and cake and doughnuts and drink a bottle wine and you know so you kind of get stuck in that cycle I don't know a lot about the Mediterranean diet I think you know it's focusing more on real foods Whole Foods less processed foods so I think in that way it's really good ms Malia so I'm not one hundred percent sure I haven't seen that sort of stuff a non-diabetic hypoglycemia with paleo I'm weightlifting 40 minutes a day I don't know what your values are so I'm not going to make a recommendation on that but I can tell you that a lot of people who have blood sugar regulation issues your case you're doing with hypoglycemia a lot of people that have blood sugar regulation issues because there's some kind of metabolic issue going on their hormonal dysregulation a lot of people have definitely have benefited from eating a cleaner diet so yeah health coach here is a great example check for stress levels wine isn't paleo either you know it's so funny people like to argue about what's paleo and what's not you just have to kind of notice at the end of the day that like wine is in the health promoting um thanks for jumping in there Jolene yeah it's great but you know what like if you're if you're out and you're like hey I'm gonna have a glass of wine being a doll it's okay you know that sort of stuff just know that if alcohol is a problem for you it may be something that you want to avoid so yeah it's all about knowing yourself and kind of taking that taking that approach and I talked about that yesterday like personalizing your diet or personalizing your Paleo and knowing what works for you thanks Bonnie hey what's going on we're talking about eating gluten-free and stuff right now so so I'll ask others are some questions here you can't lose weight unless you calorie strict really low below 1,000 calories totally not healthy now I'm not into that a thousand calorie BS you've got to eat enough calories to keep your metabolism and your your adrenals and your thyroid supported and for a lot of people eating that little like sure in the short term you're going to lose weight because you're probably losing muscle mass but in the long term it's really going to screw up your your hormones and you can look look up somebody like dr. Brighton she's a naturopath she's got some really great she's got some really great information about hormones does this mean no carbs it doesn't mean no carbs so a lot of times paleo is pinned as a low carb or zero carb diet and there is a wide range of carbohydrate intake within a paleo or reveal food real food approach to eating some people eat more some people eat less depending on activity level but it's really a myth that paleo was supposed to be extremely low carb yeah so if you're exercising and I've talked about this if you go to youtube and you look at the top 10 tips for getting healthy happy harder to kill series there's a video on carbs and I think we talked for like a half an hour about carbs but you you know you can do things like if you're working out have some carbs post workout that's going to help your body to replenish kitchen that's in your that you've used up from your muscles if you're doing high intensity if you're doing endurance type stuff where where the i'm not sure if you're asking where the videos are so we'll take a break and i'll show you the youtube channel take a screenshot or as bonnie says take a screen grab she's so smart she taught me this so take a screen grab these were these are where all the videos are all the videos and they're broken down by playlists any other suggestions besides coconut cream is the only thing I miss ya butter is an okay choice but again I you know I think I've tested that stuff out of in and out of my diet about three or four times it doesn't for me cream does not affect me negatively cheese does haha butters okay for me milk is not and a lot of it has to do with the concentration of dairy proteins that are in those sorts of things there's a lot more dairy protein in milk than there is in butter and so I've done that experimentation on myself and you know that sort of stuff I know so I don't avoid cream but I do avoid cheese and I do avoid milk and I do avoid those other sorts of things so you kind of have to know yourself do those experiments and see what you can tolerate I'm not really a big fan of avoiding a food just because you know I think you have to have a good reason for it and it has to feel better you have to you know know that you feel better and to know that there's a reason does paleo meaning only bananas no Carrie goal is okay cheeses no go for me how much fat is too much I'd have to look it depends from person to person you can definitely build tons of muscle and eat fat you need fat it's a very essential part of your diet and you can go find that video I've made a video just on fats it was awesome that is on that's on youtube as well that's a really good point health coach Carrie so if you can't eat butter because you're either really super sensitive to dairy protein or dairy carbohydrate you can try something like a cultured ghee which is the its head the carbohydrates culture it out and it's also had the proteins removed and so for a lot it is pure fat and it tastes like butter in a smells like victory so a lot of people like to eat that stuff because they yep OMG is another great man brand 10 * foods you can Mickey yourself I've got tutorials think it's a Faton or New Year's effective as calorie counting all I can tell you knew mostly is that you've got an experiment and I know that when I eat the foods that I eat I feel amazing I just had a DEXA scan done and I've been eating paleo for five and a half years my bone mass or my bone mineral content my bone density is off the charts for my agents in my gender I feel amazing I'm stronger than I've ever been my body composition is extremely lean yeah and eating a whole food diet I don't know why that's a fad so you know I know people have questions and don't understand but I encourage you to get gather some knowledge and do some reading about that sort of stuff and for me the proof is in the N equals 1 experimentation I know when I ate certain foods before maybe you missed my previous story at the beginning I didn't feel good on the foods that i was eating so i changed my diet and now i feel amazing that's all the proof I need you know I'm super healthy the numbers are there the date is there I've had the tests and the scans and all this other stuff so if you're not a believer that's okay you don't have to believe in it but you you know if people do and they feel great I don't know how you can necessarily argue with that sort of stuff good books on paleo I have paleo solution I really like it starts with food and I mentioned this one yesterday it's not necessarily it's not called paleo take a screenshot of this one it goes through all the explanation about certain foods and how they help us so take a screenshot of that yeah thanks Jolene performance paleo this is my cookbook shameless plug but you know if you're doing macros for some reason there is macro break down on each recipe so you can see that sort of stuff somebody mentioned macros macros are definitely important it's important to get a good mix of macronutrients but calories aren't the only thing that matters and that's been proven by physiological studies and over and over again we know that calories are the only component of food that can affect us so its energy and that's certainly important we've got micronutrients we've got macronutrients food is much more complicated than just a unit of energy so it's a it's a way to start yeah I can show my book again you know what check on Amazon because yesterday it was $11 which is half price I don't know if it was just the prime day thing or if it was coincidence but it still might be on sale so yeah cool so yeah I will show you the YouTube again training for a half marathon I've got some stuff in my book Cole foodie for sure on my site so yeah go get the videos on YouTube take a screenshot for sure there you go all the videos will be there this video will be there if you have more questions whole foodie pop onto my facebook page performance paleo and we can see let's see my core to see the results I've got pictures on my blog I just posted an Instagram video of me so you can definitely see what I look like go look on my Instagram stupid easy paleo so yeah I'm going to head off I know there's still so many more questions but I can't answer them all now so for sure check back tomorrow I'll be back with another video check on my Instagram see what's going on catch me on all the socials and and i'll be there and i'll help answer some of your questions too okay thank you guys so much i really appreciate you tuning in thanks for all the love and yeah you you .

Video Description:

In this Periscope broadcast, I'm sharing my personal story of how / why I went Paleo and passion on 3 key lessons for cleaning up your diet (even if you aren't planning to try paleo). See more paleo advice and get my recipes at: .

Get my free ebook here:

Follow me on Periscope at @stupideasypaleo

For more recipes and healthy eating tips, head to

Tuesday, March 16, 2021


Joy of Paleo: What is the Paleo Diet

hi everyone I'm serenity huegel founder of joy of paleo and I teach people how to start a paleo diet that's personalized for their unique bodies so they lose weight and feel awesome but what is paleo anyway there are a lot of different versions out there so let me tell you about mine but first imagine you're a zookeeper and you're bringing the new animal into your zoo what do you need to do to get ready well you need to create a habitat with the right diet somewhere for it to sleep and the right temperature and humidity and where do you go to figure out all those components you start by observing the animal in the wild right well now imagine that your animal is a person there aren't a whole lot of wild people left but the ones that still exists can teach us a lot while people have a much much lower rate of disease or really almost non-existent so we know they live healthier lifestyles and what the paleo movement is aiming to do is to observe those lifestyles and take clues about how healthy humans live and then build a model for health that we can apply to us modern humans living inside civilization today makes sense there are many components to this model for health but since most of you have probably heard the Paleo diet we'll start there so what foods are paleo sort of a general guideline is that if it comes directly from the earth and an edible state it's included so veggies meats fruits and nuts those make up the biggest portion of the Paleo diet meals are generally veggies plus some meat or eggs and snacks maybe fruit or nuts pretty simple really the key is to make sure that you're buying the highest quality ingredients you can afford so that would be local organic veggies grass-fed meats pastured pork and free-range organic chicken and eggs because these foods have a higher vitamin content and fewer toxins than factory farmed foods but if your budget doesn't allow all organic all the time just do as much as you can what's not included are heavily processed foods we are either foods that grow in nature that look really different and they're edible state like wheat for example or foods that don't come from nature at all so if you can't pronounce it on the label it's probably out also not included our foods that humans only started eating after we started farming 10,000 years ago so the agricultural revolution marks the end point to the Paleolithic period of human history which is why the Paleo diet is called paleo because we only eat the foods from before the Agricultural Revolution now what's the big deal right so evolution is actually a really slow process human DNA hasn't changed much at all in the last 2 million years hard to believe it's so slow right but because it is that means that our bodies were designed or evolved to eat foods from before the Agricultural Revolution so that means no grains beans dairy or sugar now don't worry being paleo doesn't mean you can never eat another piece of bread as long as you live but it does mean that bread isn't our healthiest option and we should just eat it sparingly or maybe on special occasions or something so to recap the Paleo diet does include veggies meats fruits and nuts and does not include heavily processed foods grains beans dairy or sugar .

Video Description:

Serenity Heegel, Founder Joy of Paleo explains what the Paleo diet is, and what it is not.

Sunday, March 14, 2021


Paleo Meal Planning :: 20 Dishes (Prep a Week of Meals in 60 Minutes)

hi guys I'm so excited to show you a sneak peek at the brand new dashboard that 20 dishes is launching for their members this is going to be launching in the very near future probably in the next few days to a week at the most we're really really excited about it because it is going to make managing your weekly meal plans your prep list your shopping list and everything so much easier so essentially you're going to have your own custom dashboards so when you log in you're going to see your pretty little dashboard with your menu your step-by-step prep your shopping list and your options over here so the cool thing about this plan on how this is laid out here is you can do a lot of adjusting you can add recipes you can add notes to your days and really customize what you want for your meal plan for the week so say you wanted to use this recipe for the crock pot roast and you want to actually do that on Wednesday you would just write it down throw it on Wednesday and it moves it down there say you wanted to come over here and you want to maybe add a new recipe in or add a note so you would just click on this little plus sign here and it's going to bring up the recipe section say you wanted to add maple chili chicken to that day you would just click on the plus sign to throw that into your menu so we'll just do that for a quick example and boom there you've got maple chicken chili and then say you want to make a note you would click on the plus sign again and go over here to add notes and say you wanted to make extra for leftovers you would just type in whatever your notes need to be here it could be pull the chicken out of the freezer or make extra for guests that I whatever your notes need to be you're going to click the add notes and that's going to put that in that day so you could go through and really customize your meal plan for the entire week so that you're organized everything is streamlined and it's going to save you a lot of time so we also have this step-by-step instructions which we have provided for all of the menus that 20 dishes creates but that's going to be on this own tab now and all of this stuff your meal plan your prep step-by-step prep your shopping list everything is printable with this print icon so you can just click on the printer and it'll print everything out all nice and pretty so you have your step-by-step instructions going to have your shopping list which is really cool too because we've added some features here where say you need to get four avocados that week maybe for some other recipes or just for snacks you would just type in the little boxes there and you can add whatever you need to add so you can go through here and really customize your shopping list so that you don't forget anything at the store because there's nothing more frustrating than going shopping getting the stuff for the week getting home and realizing that you've left a few things at the store that you completely forgot to get I hate doing that so you can go through here and customize anything that's on the pre-made shopping list and then if you have some stuff that's not on the list you can also add in your additional items here and all of this will print out whenever you print it off a little print icon and the last thing that's really cool is this option section so you can go through here and you can set the recipes say you have a really big family and you need all of the servings for our or you need all of the recipes to come out to 10 servings for every recipe you can easily adjust that or if you're a small family or maybe just cooking for yourself you can alter that down to you know just one or two or three servings so this is a really cool feature on also you have the ability here to choose which menus you see in your meal plan area so you can choose to see the paleo the AIP or the fodmap meal plans so that's another really cool feature that's going to help you really streamline your meal planning experience our whole goal with 20 dishes is to get you in and out of the kitchen as fast as possible so I can't wait for the sash board to roll out for all of our members it's going to be really really soon and I know it's going to make your life so much easier if you have any questions make sure you leave me a comment down below and let me know or you can always shoot me an email I would be happy to answer all of your questions but I'm super excited about this and I hope you are too I will talk to you again soon .

Video Description:

Following the paleo diet? Feeling frustrated with all the meal planning and prep on the paleo diet?

Trust me, I know how much time it take to prepare all this food from scratch. That is why I LOVE 20 Dishes where you can learn how to prep a week of meals in 60 minutes.

It's time to spend MORE time living and LESS time slaving in the kitchen!

Learn more about 20 Dishes:

Thursday, January 28, 2021


Why Don't Cave Women Get Fat? - Paleo Meal Plan on Today Show

with just two days left until the new year it's almost time to start giving up the processed carbs and sugars and start eating keep you here with a diet that will help you drop the pounds fast is Esther Blum the author of the new book it's called k2 go get back that's right I love you alright so it's okay a lot of people try to cut meat out when they are trying to feel better but I think it's okay yes but the key is it has to be pasture me it has to be meat raised on grass because that contains omega-3 fatty acids okay oh no then how do you know you go to a butcher or your meat is specifically labeled pastured or grass-fed mean you never heard that pastured pasture and you can find it even at you know Trader Joe's Whole Foods I go to a local butcher so I'm very sorry that be like kosher almost it's definitely not kosher not sure animals are not raised pasture okay this is crazy the first dish that you have for us solid breakfast yes it's very good to me yeah gorgeous girls eat me this is the breakfast for you if you want to anti-age yourself raise your serotonin levels and dopamine levels in your brain fight cravings and give yourself a lean muscular body what does dunkin donut holes every morning that looks like heavy meat in the morning okay because and assuming this is pastured meats meat raises your serotonin and dopamine levels in your brain so it gets your brain awake and alert all day long I thought you weren't supposed to eat fruit then in the morning and you do have some some raspberries so what is that but that's what raspberries are chock full of antioxidants and they're a very low sugar fruit so I do encourage women especially to eat fruit because it satisfies that sweet carbohydrate cravings out you've got avocado and also that's breakfast tell us about the status ok the snack this is proud of friendly yummy beef jerky and again you can find beef jerky that is for animals in the effort and try some and I would encourage you to try any of these cuz they're delicious this is quite chewy ok you can make your own what's wrong nobody hurts you to pick a lot up this is a bread free sandwich because when you're on a patio diet the lettuce yeah you do them in and out burgers even do it I notice this is lettuce with a salmon cake instead of a crappy mega threes and omega-3 fats again excellent for brain health a woman fit for you good girl all right now we have job this is your this is a side salad this is your afternoon snack this is turkey and avocado dad I'll try oh good girls this is the time of day when women especially get those horrible cravings I'm fed twice now right that's right and I'm trying to teach you both fit you really need a ton of protein throughout the day I want you to know yogurt and granola all day and that is not another boost your brain biochemistry I love this that's great look I did I do this looks awesome now this is the lateral move people say especially women how am I going to give up carbohydrates at dinner and it's all about lateral moves so zucchini pasta is a wonderful lateral move and you don't even have to cook the zucchini we have that in our part what was that remember we have the what was it delicious yeah it's done and even children will eat this because you can say you know their dinosaur noodles and they're very low in carbohydrates super healthy for you okay is it also hot to know this is room temperature and if you use a hot sauce it will naturally cook the pasta anyway .

Video Description:

Check out our cheap and easy-to-make paleo recipes
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Thursday, January 14, 2021


470+ Paleo Meals, Snacks and Desserts


Video Description:

If you’ve been following our website and Facebook page for a while, you know just how awesome the Paleo diet can be. One way to make it even better is to have a plethora of delicious recipes at your fingertips, ones with mouth-watering pictures and easy instructions.
Now there’s a collection of Paleo recipes from the folks over at Paleo Grubs that is catching on in a big way. The Paleo Grubs Book contains over 470 Paleo recipes so you’ll never wonder what to make.
Click here to download the Paleo Grubs Book

Monday, January 4, 2021


Food: My Bone Broth Recipe & How-To for Paleo Diet

hey this is Trish and I am in the kitchen today and I wanted to show you how to make bone broth it's a really popular thing going on right now the thing is is that bone broth is actually just like beef stock or pig stock or chicken stock whatever you have on hand and meaty marrow filled bones you could make this bone broth out of today I'm using oxtail and so I just want to show you a little bit about the process because when I was sick I was actually too sick to make me some bone bras but now that I'm doing better I'm making bone broth and I wanted to just show you how to do it so I hope you enjoy stick around ok so I've already started the process because I just wanted to show you the midway point of the first part of this process of making bone broth so let me turn the camera around here we go and you will see all this yumminess right here this is oxtail you'll see those bone filled marrow bits there in the center and you'll also see parsnips that's the white bits you see carrots I have onions I have celery I have some garlic over here not sure if you're seeing that in the camera and and what I'm doing is I'm roasting all of that all I did was put on a little bit of a little bit of salt and pepper and some extra virgin olive oil um I'm not a big fan of olive oil I don't know what the big deal is personally I don't like the taste I'm from the south you see and we don't grow up eating olive oil because olives are not native here we we cook in lard lard grows here right now I'm kidding you know where Lord comes from right well if you're vegetarian you don't want to eat that um but but I have coconut oil I didn't feel like melting coconut oil so I just used some olive oil so what that is is that's the the bones themselves this is two pounds Ashley's about three pounds of oxtail so you see it has really great layer of fat it has a lot of meat on there and then of course the marrow there in the middle of the bones and a little salt and pepper sea salt of coarse sea salt I love that black pepper and olive oil you smoosh it all around and put it in an in on 450 degrees Fahrenheit no idea what that is in Celsius sorry to my friends in Australia but 450 Fahrenheit and let that cook for about 20 minutes which I've just done and then you're going to flip it and that's what I'm about to do I'm not to flip the meat over I want to get that I'm going to get those at the fat part of the meat i want to get those on touching the bottom of the pan so they get really great yummy browning juicy roasty flavors and more that are so so very good so I'm going to do that I'm going to stir the vegetables up and you don't want is left a lot of veggies in there that's because and you'll find this if you do this you get to this point when you pull it out after the second time because I'm about to do it for another 20 minutes in the 450 degree oven those vegetables are so delicious that you start eating them and then you're like wait a minute now I don't have enough for making the actual stock or the broth or whatever the next process is and so I just make some extra so that I can eat them while I'm doing the other part of the bone broth so all right so I'm gonna flip these over put them back in the oven for 20 minutes and then we'll do the next step ok so this sucker I just pulled him out of the oven and he looks gorgeous let me show you what he looks like okay so do you see all of these brown bits and you see this right here I mean every one of the tongs you see all this gorgeousness in here this is all flavor you see that all the way down here in the pan yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy look at that Brown I think it's called the my yard reaction or something like that so yeah so you see my beautiful garlic over here in the side oh he's beautiful ah so now the next step I'm gonna have to put you down in order to do this but the next step is I'm going to transfer all of this to my pot and and then i'll talk to you about the next step in the ingredients that go in ok so do you hear that you hear that sizzle that's because I've got my pot already hot this is a nice-sized stockpot I wish I had a bigger one so now i'm just adding in all the meat so I'm just transferring it at a time over here looking a little bit extra brown on it then I'll start to move over some of the veggies so you see this this is a post it now parsnips are root vegetables and what you're looking for when you took pcs if I can get this in the right angle do you see all that you you see that isn't that gorgeous you would not know how divine this tastes so I'm going to leave them over to the side so I could eat them thank you very much and then you can see the carrots you see this gorgeous color on the carrots believe it or not this is not ruined this is perfect so that Kerris I've got the onions I'm just moving everything over you know the cool thing is is that carrots this orange color look at that ok I'm going to put him to the side I'm going to eat him I should have got the plate anyway yeah so carrots are actually his orange color is actually a modern hybridization in medieval times carrots were white in fact if you look at medieval paintings of farmers market or you know the center of town scenes that kind of thing where they you have farmers selling their crops carrots are white so all of these in here and what I'm going to do is I'm going to keep doing this I'm going to keep my girl look out I'm going to take out a few of these clothes that are now roasted I'm not going to put them in here as well okay so here's what's happened now this this pot was so hot I had to go ahead and put in the water I wanted to show you the ingredients that are going in now but um the water barely needed to go with because it was sizzling remember that sizzle you heard that meat was cooking a little too hot and quickly so i had to go ahead and put in the water but let me show you what's happening here everything is bubbling away over here i have the apple cider vinegar i'm going to do 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons of a black pepper cool um that's what the peppercorns and normally I would do two bay leaves but this is a big bay leaf it's from across the street so it's not store-bought so these just you know grow wild actually been a Laurel as a protected tree here and so this is what i'm going to use and so i'm just going to put him in there you see I've already emptied out the garlic cloves they got nice and toasty roasty and so you know put the garlic in there it's a lot more mild it's a it's a much more smooth flavor than eating just the pungent paint pungent flavor of raw garlic and so yeah for those of you who like my skull here he is he's right there like my skull knife block and in case you're wondering what this is these are sweet potatoes that I have allowed to sprout and I'm going to plant these because these guys will make absolutely gorgeous greenery out front by my front door you just plant let your sweet potatoes go to sprouting like that and then you can plant them and maybe a few weeks after you plant them suddenly it's like they grow two or three feet long overnight and they have these most vibrant bright green leaves you've ever seen and they're gorgeous so it's really inexpensive way to have some nice plants and greenery out by your front door so that's what I'm doing that and you see my bananas over here I can't stand bananas but I eat one I try to eat a banana every day but I usually eat them when they're still just a little bit green because they taste the least banana II at that point but what I'm doing is I'm I've allowed these bananas to kind of get ripe really right because i have read that the brown spot like the more brown spots you have on the banana there's a chemical change happening in the banana and that chemical change that chemical that's being produced is actually really good for the immune system and so of course i can't think of what that is right now but you know google it and let me know what you find so i'm letting these go and we call these drafts the draft bananas you see that how they're kind of brown we call those giraffe bananas here in this house and and so you can see this is bubbling bubbling away and so now this is just wait sit and wait sit and wait sit and wait smell all this gorgeous gorgeous food and this is actually going to cook for about 24 hours now I don't have a crock pot and I do not want to let this cook overnight so I'm going to let this cook for about seven hours seven eight hours I'm going to let it cool for about an hour on the stove and then I'll put it in the fridge and then I'll just resume cooking it tomorrow because you want to cook this about 24 hours now the next step is actually in about two hours from now I'm going to take the meat out because the meat will be tender and falling off the bones at that point and I'm going to eat it because I'll be hungry and you can see over here my kitchen a little bit of a mess right now but you can see my yummy yummy food right there you see that all those gorgeous colors yes yum yum and and so those are going to be really delicious i'm gonna go ahead and eat those because i'm very very hungry and i will just keep cooking so the ginn this is going to cook for a couple of hours then i'll take the meat off the bone but i'm going to leave all the fat you want that fat because what we're doing with the bone broth is we're getting the collagen and we're in the fattest flavor then the bones are the college in the out of the marrow the protein and all those yummy brown vegetables um flavor yes indeed they're me gorgeous and delicious and this is that this is the hard part the waiting but see I was smart I made extra vegetables so I don't have to actually wait a long time I can go ahead and eat some right now all right so I'm gonna see if I can wait and a couple hours and show you what it looks like when you're pulling the meat off the bone okay alright see you then bite ok and so here I wanted to mention something really quickly and that is a little bit of a controversy over the protein scum that rises to the top while you're cooking it in case you've never seen that here's what it looks like you see that it's this kind of frothy white protein scum that rises to the top now some people say oh you absolutely have to get rid of it some people say it doesn't matter i'm in that I don't care camp on this I think that you know taking the this that pond scum of the top is really just because um you know fancy chef type people want to make brats or customize that are really clear and this pond scum you know whatever the proteins gaun gana again cloud up your broth again personally I don't care and since it is protein the whole point of this is because i want the protein i want the collagen and you know protein you can change the amino acids which is building blocks of life so why would i get rid of that um so I'm going to keep it i'm just gonna stir it i have my handy-dandy wiki spoon under if you see to see my witchy my witchy yes yes yes yes my Richie apron you see my witchy stuff is my little bitchy up there she she keeps my kitchen safe for me and so anyway so all I'm gonna do with that pond scum I'm gonna start it right back in and I'm going to keep doing that but of course if you want to get rid of it you can um you may find it if maybe it flavors the the broth in a way you don't like or maybe you just don't care either again I mean I don't care camp and I'm still not feeling well so I really really really don't care but I did want to mention it just in case you noticed it and you wanted to know what to do about that frothy mess on top of your bone broth okay it so here we are on day two of the making bone broth and I just want to show you what it looks like over overnight because what I did again because I don't want to keep this on the stove or even in the oven overnight I had to reduce it so that I could put it in the fridge now what I did was I reduce it way down why because it cools off more quickly so that I could get it in the fridge so that I could get a little bit of sleep so here's what it looks like you see that see that delicious layer of saturated fat there on the top and yes I am absolutely keeping that that's not going anywhere how dare you even suggest that you take that bad off it's delicious so there it is now watch what happens okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my handy dandy spoon and I'm just going to cut through this just so you can see this is the broth this is what the broth looks like over night okay and so all I did hit was just I just flip this over and you can see you can see it really is like jello of course the word jello comes from gelatin because you know gelatin collagen comes from the the marrow of the bone that's why a lot of vegetarians will not see there's one of those right there one of the ox tail bones a lot of vegetarians will not eat jell-o because it is derived from animal product like right there so they go toward plant sources of gelatin so start to see some steam coming off the top there then what I'll do is I'll just add in some water and just get it going again okay so while this is doing its bubble bubble toil and trouble thing over there behind me you may be asking yourself why would you even bother to go to all this trouble well if you if you're like me and you can't or don't want to buy processed foods you have to cook this way you have to cook at home or at least have a local source of food and/or food that you can buy locally that you know is healthy for you one of the reasons that I cannot stand to buy store-bought broth is because of the amount of sodium in it sometimes it has caramel coloring to make a little more brown because they didn't roast the vegetables first but the sodium is the big thing I mean in one serving you Oh serving as a cup let me show you what a cup looks like i'm going to get my get my measuring cup out there this is this is one cup one little bitty cup it has like 960 milligrams of sodium the problem with that is that the body only needs about three grams of sodium on a daily basis so when you have even just one cup of soup or one cup of broth or one cup of stew or one cup of anything that's made with the store-bought stuff I mean you're using nearly one-third of your daily requirement for sodium and on top of that you can't source the sodium because they just say salt what kind of salt was it iodized salt probably i don't use iodized salt I don't want because it's a refined salt I use sea salt and so you know one cup has 960 milligrams it's the only one gram of sodium and so you know when you want to cook with things cook with the broth you look like my daughter wants me to make shepherd's pie I use broth for that I want to make gumbo i use broth for that chicken and dumplings i use broth for that you get the idea yeah and so being able to do this kind of thing with my own bra that I can source every single ingredient I know exactly what's in it um it just makes me feel better you know and I don't know why these companies you have to salt everything so much I'm simply well aside from the fact that Americans are now so accustomed assault but you know broth is supposed to be a starting point it's a foundation to a dish it's not the dish itself but I think a lot of people use store-bought broth they just maybe add the water to it you or like a bullion q where some of those concentrated broth a mix or new stuff I'm still sick I can't think but you know then they add water to it and they just heat it up in the microwave and they eat it like that is soup that's not what broth is supposed to be broth is a foundation that you then add other flavors and layers too but I think that's why they add so much sodium is that people just try and use it as soup itself and that is not what it's supposed to be so anyway I just wanted to talk you see that back there it's getting ready so I've got to go ad the water to hold on all right so there we go you can see it's bubbling and it's come back and it smells absolutely divine you can smell the roasted vegetables you can smell you can smell the peppercorns you can smell the sharpness of the Worcestershire sauce and the apple cider vinegar you can even smell the different vegetables that carries the parsnips even get a set of some celery in there it's absolutely wonderful so now I'm doing to do is wait for this to boil bubble toil and trouble once again so let me put the top on and he'll get to cooking and we'll be back okay so I added a little more water that measuring cup that I just put in there that's eight cups I've added another four and i'll add another four and i'll just keep adding and topping this off the goal here is to get at least I'm trying to get at least three or four quarts of bone broth out of this the whole idea behind the paleo trend of with bone broth is that you drink a cup of it every day because you want the collagen you want a protein and you want all the other great little vitamins and minerals that have seeped into the bone broth through the cooking process and so you know i'm i'm gonna have to do this again the first thing I knew I need to get crock pot and I'm I've been sourcing a quart crock pots because I need to try and get a lot of bone broth when you go to this much effort yet you want to get as much as you can now honestly if I had a crock-pot this would be a lot simpler all you would do is just roast the vegetables like I showed you and you put in a crock-pot and you let it cook overnight 24 hours up to 48 hours even and that would be your bone broth and you'd be done but because I don't have it I have to do this and because I know a lot of I know a lot of men out there who want to try and be healthy but they don't have a crock pot either so we're in the same boat so that's why I'm showing you how to do this and but pot would make it a lot easier but until then we're doing a stove top so it's a it's going now it's going to get up to the boil I'm going to just keep doing that process of adding water let it reduce adding water let it reduce adding water let it reduce because every time you reduce it you're concentrating the flavor and so that's what I want I want some really really delicious nutrient filled broth by the time we're done with this at about midnight tonight so I'm going to check on this and then I will check back in later okay so this stuff is finally done and let me show you what I did and try and explain it as I go along because basically what I did was like I said I reduced it down just to make it easier for me to strain it and then I have put it in jars so let me show you what that looks like okay so there is the bone broth you can see all the jars of bone out that I have basically what i did was i first had to strain this stuff and I started that by taking out all of the vegetables look at that I mean you can see these vegetables are planes spent there is there is nothing left to these guys although technically you could still eat them a little bit of fat and stuff right there there's a little bit of meat in here you could beat that if you wanted to but the fat of course if you have a dog or a cat they would love all of this you just want to double make sure that there are no peppercorns although the peppercorns really are kind of soft at this point just make sure there no peppercorns in there and of course you want to make sure there are no bone shards because here the bones now the bones as you can see these bones are spent too I mean even the meat that was on there it is it has fallen off then your little bits when you plug off the meat a little celery and you'll you can just tell these bones they're pretty much done but when again it you can give these to your animals too but again just be careful like I would not give this kind of piece i would not give this to my dog is too small especially a big dog because they tend to not chew they just swallow their food you know things wolf it down and but yeah just looking around I mean these bones are just about done so you're going to see these bone in caps there they look like little little kneecaps that come off the ends of the bones so just be careful when you if you want to give these to your to your dog just be careful i would give them the actual vertebrae the bones themselves and not these little extra patella looking bits right there so yeah so these are all spent so let me close up the tongs basically what i did was i reduced it down like i said and then i put it into a clean pot and then i added water to fill it up to the line and filling it up to the line then I just started together to incorporate the broth after you this was after I strained it and then I used a funnel to help put the bone broth into the jars I was hoping to get several courts and I did as you can see the these are court mason jars here this is almost a court I think maybe it is a court with almost a court for sure and then these are spaghetti jars back here and then these are my coconut oil jars so I saved my jars and try to recycle them in the hopes of doing some canning and that types of thing that type of thing so yeah so as you can see you can see there's some fat saturated fat that's kind of ray the rising up here to the top it's late sorry brain is tired and the fat is rising to the top you see there's not a whole lot of fat I did not deaf at this so considering we started with olive oil and you know we have all this fat you can see that's left over there actually is not going to be a lot of fat in this bone broth but the fact that is there it's going to taste awesome so now what I'm doing you can see I have the tops off the tops are waiting I'm letting these cool here and and then they will once they're a little bit cooler then I'll put the tops on and I will put them in the fridge and I will put them in the freezer now you see these little jars here these again these are my coconut oil jars right here these are about two cups so um the reason why I did these is because I know when I'm cooking this is two cups so if I'm only doing a small amount of soup let's say for my daughter and me this is two cups and all I do is just I'll just pour that in and use it the courts then are of course a court each and i will use those when i'm making larger amounts of a dish like you know like a gumbo a soup an irish stew of course that's what my daughter really wants she wants shepherd's pie and she wants Irish stew so there you go so this of course you can throw all of this out the vegetables are done the bones you can give to your dog not the end caps and then just these are cooling off and then I will jar these let me show you what this looks like we just show you this there's an absolutely gorgeous color and you may notice some sediment after its had time to sit but this has been sitting here for oh no maybe 10 or 15 minutes and it's still gorgeous and it is done the tops are on the jars and they're ready to go in the fridge and the freezer now I swear this is not a difficult process it's just a long process and it's made a little bit longer because again I don't have a crock pot I'm doing this on the stove but it's really just roast the meat and vegetables boil that sucker for 24 hours strain it bottle it jar it and that's really all there is to it I swear again it just seems like a long process well it is a long process but it's just it's not hard you can see my guys right there on the counter see them gorgeous looking fabulous and and so some of these i will put in the fridge the mason jars the quart jars i think i'll go ahead and put those in the freezer i know they can go in the freezer now if you actually have the tools and the equipment to can do canning you should absolutely no do these in a proper canning method so that they can last a lot longer but i know this is going to go really quickly here and and then to is like okay well that's a lot of work for something that's only gonna last a week or maybe two weeks at the most but I i am i am i am comforted in the fact that i know exactly what's in it I know how it was prepared I know there's not too much salt I know that the ingredients are are good and I know most of all I know it's made with love and and so that really is one of the most important things for me so I am going to go because this video this whole entire video I'm sure is going to be 20 25 minutes but but I hope that it's helped you and you know if you make your own bone broth please leave a message down below so that I can hear how it happened how it went for you because you might have some tips that will help me and they'll help everybody else so all right long day I am ending this and I love you and I will see you tomorrow bye .

Video Description:

September 17, 2015: Two days in the making, here's my how-to for making bone broth on the stove (sans crock pot/slow cooker). Enjoy! ~ trish


Periscope: @TrishCausey

Thursday, December 24, 2020


Paleo Diet - How To Avoid CHRONIC Constipation?

Oh younger I'm gonna for wake oh hey baby ten weeks Moe backed up oh you got the olive oil from these a bit saw some stars right a smaller angle protein but I've got a deficiency in France I've met olive oil through their oh and it's more fans oh look a hot paint you miss all the stress those being there's nothing to ever die oh oh go back town tramping you have the smaller to see you gonna be laying rocky canyon you gotta eat like a king fair trade fair trade organic in the Lambo just perfect size .

Video Description:

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Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Evan Brand- The Fitness Podcast #1-Paleo Diet

I hey everyone welcome to the fitness podcast where I talk health fitness and exercise with the experts go to the fitness burn calm for notes and resources from Today Show podcast page and be sure to check out the fitness essentials page will list my favorite products please follow me on twitter at night Elmore one and the fitness podcast page on Facebook the show is sponsored by listeners like you support the podcast by using our affiliate banners to shop on amazon audible on it and ultimate sandbag training calm there's no extra charge and it helps me keep this up and running today's episode is brought to you by audible get any audiobook and your first month free when you go to alada bowl trial calm / the fit pod so today on the fitness podcast we're joined by evan brand who is a former researcher for on it a company that I'm a huge fan of and who is now a full-time podcaster and nutritional therapist you can find them online at not just paleo calm also follow him on twitter at not just paleo paleo spelled p aleo and you say it paleo not pelayo kevin thanks for coming on the show yeah absolutely Nathaniel thanks for having me man so I've given our listeners just a little overview about you so could you take a minute and give us an introduction on yourself who you are what you do and why you do it sure so as you mentioned I was a former researcher at on it I was working over there for the CEO of the company basically helping to work on and improve the science and formulations behind different nutritional supplements things that will help your immune system things that will help your mind your body things like that but I'm no longer doing that and i have now embarked on a journey to basically take my business full time which is to do one-on-one health consults for people so i always try to get people in the door and offer my help by doing 15-minute consults for people because you'd be surprised how many people have questions about health that their doctor is just not going to be able to answer their fitness trainer is not going to be able to answer and their friend their parents i mean there's just it's it's hard to find good answers for how to take your health in the right direction so I'm basically just trying to provide some clarity in a sea of missing for in a sea of misinformation and fad diets and things like that so I'm currently in school to become a nutritional therapy practitioner and that way I can have some credentials to back up the skills that I've gained over the past five years of struggling with my own health and I'm also a currently a certified fitness trainer through on it so i can teach people you know over the phone or skype or in person it's obviously most beneficial in person how to apply unconventional training techniques by using things like maces which are essentially sledgehammers that you can smack against rubber tires and things like that so I try to basically just hone my skills to where I can create an optimal human and all different aspects of life well that's that's really awesome I didn't know that on it offered those sort of classes I'm actually doing kind of the same thing but I'm going through the american college of sports medicine but I mean if I'd known that on it offered certifications like that I definitely would've signed up for that and I think it's really cool how you've um you've decided to take it into your own hands to help people out with their nutrition because like I I know from experience that you can't go to your doctor and you can't rely on other people you know for for advice about your nutrition because sometimes they they just won't know like your doctor he's not really a nutritionist so he can't give you the best advice and and there is a lot of misinformation out there um you know that that doctors are well they're not intentionally spreading it but there's there have been recent advances that they're just not hip to or they're not comfortable presenting as fact am i right oh definitely yeah and you know science is so fast I just now like literally today I just released my new book my second book called stress solutions and i would say probably seventy to eighty percent of the studies that i published in the book that i used for reference were published between 2012 and 2014 and you talked about someone who which I have a lot of friends that are doctors but you know some of them have they've got their schooling done in the late 70s or the 1980s you know so they're still stuck back then and they really just haven't been up on the research and doctors definitely have a role and emergency care in my opinion as far as if you break a leg or something's really wrong with you but that kind of preventative long-term maintenance that I think you and your listeners are trying to achieve that's sort of daily maintenance on your your vehicle that is your body in your mind that stuff takes it takes updated science and that's kind of what I'm here to provide yeah an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and that's really that's really true yeah I didn't realize that actually until my hell sort of collapsed on itself and then now I'm sort of doing all these preventative measures like taking different herbs and supplements and vitamins and learning to meditate and spending time out in nature all these other preventive measures now that I should have been doing in the first place but you know people like myself we wait until we've already burnt out and then we decide that it's time to make a shift in the right direction yeah and I definitely wanted to get into more of this but first let's let's talk about the motivational quote do you have a motivational quote for our listeners something that inspires you something that you've taken meaning from yeah so you were talking to me just a couple minutes ago about this off air and one of my favorite people is Thomas Jefferson one of our founding fathers and I'm going to read this quote a couple times just to make sure it sticks so it's nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude someone say that one more time nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude and for me that's really profound because oftentimes people are afraid of success now whether that's starting a podcast or starting a new business or getting into a new dietary regimen or a new fitness plan we're so fearful of success because we're so comfortable with our routines and the attitude that we put towards all these different things is usually what sets us back there's usually not many roadblocks in our way it's just our mind and once you can get past that in my own experience and my clients experience once we conquer the mind pretty much anything is possible at that point that is absolutely true like when you were saying that it I was thinking about and I realized yes absolutely because this whole podcasting thing is pretty new to me today's our first episode congratulations by the way thank you for being in my first episode and just the whole process of getting this thing started it's it's a kind of scary and it you realize how easy it would be to just not do it and not go through all the steps that you would need to start a podcast in it yeah I really see what you're saying on that definitely yeah and you know once you break the barrier and everything so in my experience success is sort of like a snowball and this is with fitness especially because once you're out of the gym for a while your snowball essentially melts and you're starting back from Ground Zero but once you get your snowball rolling well does use fitness as an example for now and you start increasing your way you're increasing your strength or so you're starting to see some results that ball is already rolling if you skip the gym you're going to feel pretty crappy most the time if you're in a routine and it's going to continue to make you want to go back eventually you start getting some real propulsion under you and it's so easy that you just slide into the gym you're in the middle of another workout and six months ago you you may have been like you would have been blown away at where you are now but now here you are in the middle of a workout six weeks into a new fitness plan and now you're getting results you're strong you're feeling happy you're feeling confident so really just that mental barrier once you get past that I'm serious that's when the limitless potential really comes out that's absolutely true because the times in my life when I've kind of slacked off the gym you you lose momentum is what really is i've struggled to define it but hearing what you just said i think it really is like a snowball you get momentum and once the momentum builds it's easier to keep going but if you lose it it's just the hardest thing ever to get started again you know a snowball can't roll itself you have to you have to be pushed and that push comes from your own motivation and I have a quote actually and it is that inspiration is like showering you should repeat it daily because if you don't you'll become uninspired you'll become demotivated and you'll just be back where you started but if you repeat daily motivating and inspiring yourself it'll be a lot easier to to get where you want to go definitely and it takes time it takes time to do that and to feel that but once you really feel that in your heart and people realize that that's not just a quote that that's profound wisdom you can get some real action I mean for me with my sort of health journey I mean I started out just as a depressed and pretty pretty overall just kind of mopey guy in college I was feeling good at first and then eventually I just slowly slid into depression and I was broke out in acne I have some pictures where I was ripped I had a six-pack I was super strong my shoulders were popping out but I had acne and I was depressed I could barely get out of bed the mornings and so it was a real disconnect between how I looked and how I felt and eventually I discovered that I was getting in my own way I was kind of beating myself up a lot and just never feeling like I was good enough and always putting my happiness one step away well I'm 160 pounds now I'll be happy when I'm 165 this sort of weird goal that didn't really meet anything I'll be happy when I can bench 225 or I'll be happy when I can dead lift their leg press 400 pounds you know so I just always put the carrot in front of my own face and I think up to a certain extent that's good to motivate people to achieve their goals but at a certain point you just have to realize that you have to be content and acknowledge where you've come from you have to celebrate the small wins because if you started out at one hundred and 20 pounds like I did going from 120 to 160 s pretty incredible but I never celebrated that I just continued to push up up up and up and who knows if I ever would have found a stopping point eventually my health sort of derailed and I didn't get up to the 175 180 that I wanted to be but you know it's all a work in progress yeah definitely it sounds to me like you kind of almost had a look it's familiar to me in a way because it reminds me of the sort of like military mindset that we kind of get indoctrinated into when we're when we're in training like you push until you achieve your goal but you there's no really like celebration of the success you've achieved and that's because of you know the mission and there's no time for that but in a personal setting you I think you have to congratulate yourself and let yourself know that what what i'm doing here is working and I should take take some satisfaction because I've succeeded a little bit and you just can't be too hard on yourself mentally I think is the key point here mm-hmm so Evan um there must have been some low point in your life that sort of made you step back and see things differently and ultimately led you down the path that you're on now could you take us through that moment what was going on during that time sure well the clarity doesn't really come at the low moment is what I've discovered a lot of people don't realize that they're in a low moment until they start coming back out of it and once you're in the trenches you feel it but you don't know how low you are until you start really achieving something out of it and so for me just working a third shift job at UPS to pay for college was sort of the the route that led me to destroy my health and people don't realize that your hormones that create what you are as a person they create your moods they create and help build muscle tissue I mean all these different functions of hormones they regulate everything and when you're working a third shift job or you're up many hours and when I say many I mean about anything past about three to four hours after sunset so if you're if the sun's going down at say eight or nine and you're staying up till midnight you're going to be basically throwing off the cycle of these hormones and that's exactly what I was doing and so the acne began to get worse I was not able to gain any more muscle I hit a continual plateau regardless of what I changed up and then eventually my energy level was just started to plummet and obviously no one's designed humans are not designed to work third shift in the middle of the night my shift was about midnight to 5am and I would try to go to bed with the sunrise usually and it's pretty miserable experience and it's actually a carcinogen for anybody that does work third shift type encourage them to get a different job and it's it's not worth it's not worth your time or your money there's no amount of money that could they could make up for something like cancer I mean when you destroy your melatonin production like i did with artificial light you really increase your risk for cancer so i started to research and find out some of this knowledge and it really started to scare me so i quit my job and started to find a new one and i found a day job at the time and i ended up working out in a park working out in nature and spending a lot of time out with the birds and the trees and just basically connecting back to the earth I was so disconnected for so long in a big warehouse and artificial lighting and I really started to feel like a happier person it was strange I was almost like man this is not even me I'm happy now what this is this is crazy and it just sort of continued to blossom that way I found a great girl who is now my wife and the relationship blossom with my job and everything just sort of turned around and it sounds easy and quick now but I mean this is a journey over five years that it took to get to where I am today so it's uh it's not something that happens overnight where anyone listening is I'm not saying I can help you overnight become a brand new person but you know we can certainly try and some people are more motivated than others to change that is pretty terrifying about the artificial light and it messing with your melatonin production and also I totally didn't know about um that thing you said when you say it past three or four hours after the Sun Goes Down I did not know that that messes with your hormones that's that's crazy yeah i mean we're design everything pretty much operates not everything but a lot of hormones operate on sort of a 24 hour cycle obviously if you live in alaska or somewhere very far north or south latitude you're going to have months of pure darkness and so for that i mean it's it's going to be really hard for you to live by that motto but essentially before the advent of electricity which is just a mere blip in time compared to the relative existence of humankind we're not programmed for that we haven't had a time to catch up and get adjusted to electricity we love it as soon as the soon as the Sun Goes Down what do we do we turn our lights on so we have we avoid nighttime and we avoid it like the plague and it's really starting to show its effects and that's kind of why I created my first book that was called grim rehab all about sleep because my sleep was destroyed and you often find the best teachers are the ones that struggled themselves yeah that's that's very important information people definitely don't realize because it's just so normal to us we yeah we have lights everywhere mm-hmm they're just so there's all around us so um what was the kind of the breakthrough a moment that you had that kind of put you on the right track set you on the path you're on today and just just take us through that moment yeah i'm not sure if it was a single moment but rather a combination of moments but i guess one in particular that was pretty fun for me he was a night at UPS that i remember i was just completely fed up and I wasn't taking it anymore the managers they I was sort of very it was very militaristic in the role and it was very careless about human health it was all about getting those boxes out in time and so the managers who had sort of bark orders to get the job done not that people were lazy but they just wanted to just crank crank crank the productivity up and I just got fed up and I'm just say you know what this is a hundred pound box i was on the earache team they call it the irregular packages of the really heavy stuff and I just hit a point where it's like you know what man this isn't worth it I feel like a dog and I'm not going to take any more so I took it up with the manager and we sort of had this pretty long conversation that ended up I guess you would call it an argument to some and most people are so complacent and so docile that no one really speaks up everyone just kind of keeps their head down gets in and gets out because they love that they get free college and that wasn't enough for me to just continue to take that abuse and so eventually by the end of this 30-45 minute conversation with this manager I had all the other team leaders and tons of staff like circled around and it was they were just kind of watching us talk it out like it was some Dateline TV show or something that was kind of funny but but but I've got so many Pat's on the back for weeks after that because there's so much frustration that was never it was never acknowledged and no one ever had any sort of release from all this frustration and I was sort of a I guess a light a light at the end of the tunnel for people and I think that's kind of you were though yeah they didn't have yeah so I think that's kind of like I think that's a pretty a pretty good turning point and that's kind of as my started that's kind of as I started to work my way out of the company did you ever have a I made it moment and by that I mean like a moment where you realize yeah I'm on the right track i'm doing what i want to do this this is it i need to keep doing this you ever do you have a moment like that oh yeah i have moments like that probably every week yeah definitely it's you just have to know when to identify those little moments you know because even just waking up and having blue sky as opposed to a cloudy day you know that could be a winning moment that I would celebrate and that's sort of the little things that kind of keep me going so you have to celebrate and appreciate the little things like you're talking about earlier with your small goals reward yourself be thankful just appreciate the little things right yeah it's hard to do but with practice you'll get better yeah okay so for people who don't really know what the Paleo diet is and what makes it beneficial for four people um just explain what it is and why would help everyone because everybody could benefit from the Paleo diet I firmly believe that yeah so essentially this diets had a lot of weird a lot of weird connotations and a lot of weird stereotypes added to it but essentially the idea is that you're just going to be eating real foods as close to nature as possible so you're actually eating animals that were allowed to roam out in the pasture on open grass and were able to be happy and be in their natural environment as opposed to the 99 other percent of animals in the United States that are confined to warehouses that are miserable i'm sure people have seen the food documentaries it's disgusting you know yeah yeah our food production industries is horrible but luckily there's a lot of farmers and really good people out there they're starting to provide high-quality food so by eating these foods you're providing all the raw materials that are necessary to a make your hormones be make your neurotransmitters the brain chemicals that allow you to feel good emotions depression is not a coincidence in our society either Center for Disease Control says by the year twenty twenty depression will be the number one leading cause of disability and that's not a coincidence obviously there's multiple factors at play but if your diet is lacking the raw materials needed to produce your brain chemicals you're not going to be happy so that's sort of the idea behind the Paleo diet in you're basically trying to eat as much organic food as possible staying away from chemicals and pesticides and not only poison our water and our air but they're poison your body and over time all of these add up to cause cancer all sorts of other diseases and I think people are starting to become more aware but we really really have to speed it up yeah absolutely agree and just to give people some sort of example what would what would be some foods that are not okay to eat when you're on the Paleo diet essentially anything that's been created in the last hundred years so obviously we can argue that foods like bread have been around for thousands of years and they were in the Bible and all of that but the modern breads and pastas and things like that are generally made with genetically modified and hybridized wheat and so what that means is the amount of gluten which is a wheat protein that causes inflammatory responses in the body the levels of gluten are much higher in these foods then they were just a hundred years ago just because of the way we breed them so gluten is sort of what makes breads really fluffy so some of the ancient breads they would have been almost like wafers or like a dense like sort of a dense food but now there is really fluffy and really airy and puffy and things like croissants we're addicted to that stuff and so that's a food that you definitely want to avoid it can cause a condition called leaky gut which is essentially where you have think of look if you look down at your hand and you have all your fingers together there's not much that's going to get through your fingers but if you just sort of give a tiny little gap in your fingers now there's an opening for toxins to pass through and that's what happens to your gut when you have inflammatory foods like sugar breads and pastas caffeine can have an influence and impact on the gut food toxins in general so anything that's a non-organic food some other things sometimes rice is an issue for people I personally organic white rice and don't have a problem with it there's some other categories of foods called nightshades things like peppers tomatoes potatoes those foods can all be irritating to the gut and once you start allowing these food toxins to go into the body you can have things like joint pain aching depression you can have irritable bowel syndrome which I've struggled with for a while you can have the bags under your eyes you could just be generally fatigued and low on energy so there's so many symptoms that people just sort of ignore or make credit to all I'm just tired or oh I'm just getting older and things like that but you really should feel full of energy and you should feel like tackling the day pretty much every day yeah and that kind of I was actually gonna ask you about gluten on the next question but we kind of got into it on this one so that's good and I I completely notice a difference ever since I cut out bread and all those other gluten containing products like I have so much more energy and the biggest thing would would be the acne for me obviously it just made it so bad and it was it was horrible but now that I'm i try to be gluten-free i have more energy my skin's clear and i feel better and yeah i think there's a lot of unfortunately like misinformation and stereotypes out there about gluten and it's kind of like a it's kind of a thing you make fun of it's been in my experience these days and it's kind of a kind of sad because people really do need to know about it yeah did you see the south park episode about Glen I was just gonna bring that up I'll I left but oh man that's a funny episode yeah for people that haven't seen it the rumor starts popping up about gluten in the and the and the rumor is that gluten makes your dick fly off hence and so there in this big school meeting and the head or someone from either Monsanto or the USDA I can't remember yeah so he's in there giving a you know he's sort of a scientific lecture giving a presentation on on gluten and he basically consonant he basically concentrates bread or something and ends up with a little scientific beaker with a drop of like pure gluten in it and he and and and the people were like well if it doesn't do anything then eat it whatever and so the guy puts the drop in his mouth and they're all kind of waiting and nothing happens and after about five seconds you see his pants start moving around and his dick flies off and everybody just starts running in the whole town just breaks out into chaos it's a hilarious episode even if someone's not a cartoon fan I mean just the the whole episode it's it's incredible political political episode yeah and even if you're not even if you don't really experience any negative effects from gluten or so you think you should try cutting it out and see how you feel yeah no one on this planet has a gluten deficiency and I have a friend named dr. Rodney Ford who's a gastroenterologist in New Zealand and he's written several books that he calls gluten zero because he thinks that gluten-free sounds sort of weird and it sounds very kind of childish and that gluten zero really puts across the message that should be that should be known is that there is no acceptable dose I mean even a small amount even a trace exposure and certain people can cause flare-ups even if you don't have something like celiac disease you can still have flare-ups and like you've mentioned even if you don't think you're affected you could try cutting it out and you're going to notice the benefit but yeah I mean it has no nutritional value for anyone we can put it that way yeah and when when you cut it out of your diet if you're a person who thinks oh it doesn't really affect me we'll try it and see how much better you feel because chances are you're probably used to feeling like crap yep it's probably just something you've gotten used to and you think it's normal now because you just don't you just don't know the upside definitely not eating gluten definitely so but yeah I mean just encouraging people to replace when you pull out these foods to replace it with I probably a pound of something green per day so whether it's organic broccoli you can buy that frozen it still retains a lot of nutrients make sure it's organic you can do organic peas there's all sorts of greens you can do leafy greens if you're into that thing you can basically take some some grass fed beef and you can put that on top of a big side of kale and spinach and dark leafy greens and you have a great meal and you'll really feel good after that you're not going to feel bloated you're not going to feel fatigued like you need to take a nap after you eat a meal those are all signs that something you're eating is not sitting right with your body that's more of a food intolerance symptom yeah and another thing about just what to eat if you're thinking about going paleo just separated into lego some sort of protein like some good high-quality protein like a you know meet some sort of good meat veggies dark leafy greens broccoli spinach that's what I eat and then some sort of legume you know beans black beans whatever um you don't need bread you don't need bread and a lot of people ask me when they find out I'm gluten-free and I don't eat bread they they go well what do you eat like it's like it's a food good as yeah like yeah a lot of paleo people and myself are sort of against legumes because of the argument that it can cause like an inflammatory reaction in the gut but certain people can tolerate them and I have a couple a couple different doctors that I've talked to and ask them you know what do they think about beans and legumes in general the strict paleo people are pretty much against them but it's one of those things you just have to test it for yourself but yeah I mean I've also i've created a food guide for free on my website if people just go to not just paleo calm if they sign up for my email letter my email newsletter I have a free food guide there and it kind of goes through what you need to eat and why you need to eat it as opposed to just this weird dogmatic approach don't eat this eat this I'm your boss listen to me kind of thing it's not like that so that's just another free resource for people yeah people definitely check that out and um about this whole bean thing so I'm actually interested in um maybe maybe if I were to stop eating beans what would I then replace that with what would be a good a good replacement for that kind of complex carbohydrates yeah so yeah right so it's it's definitely something that could help with energy but you'd be surprised the amount of energy that you get from quality fats because you have you have nine calories per gram of fat where carbohydrates is something like four calories so I mean just getting more energy from your meats and your grass-fed butter your coconut oil things like that but if you really are someone who's active which it sounds like you and your audience if they're interested in fitness they're going to be active I personally put a lot of my clients on organic white rice and I've had great success with that just because some people could say oh it's a simple carb because it's white butt white rice compared to brown rice is superior because the brown rice has that sort of shell on it and that she'll that husk rather can be sort of irritating to the gut for some people and I can't do brown rice it hurts my stomach so to save my clients trouble I just automatically put them on white rice that's really interesting because I've I've heard and I assume a lot of other people have heard the whole thing where brown rice is better because whatever you know and I write about the you know because it's white you shouldn't eat it that's one of the rules of the slow carb diet by Tim Ferriss that he has in his book before our body he says avoid any kind of white carbohydrate but white rice seems to be it seems to be okay right yeah I'd have to I'd have to just say that that's wrong just in my experience which i don't know how Tim's experience working with people one-on-one but I mean I do quite a bit of health consulting and people prefer brown rice and I find that brown right or I'm sorry people prefer white rice just because the brown rice just upsets people stomach especially if there's somebody who's already having food sensitivities the brown rice could just send them to the bathroom and you can have diarrhea from it now obviously that's not going to affect everybody the same but it's definitely one of those things where people have to experiment with themselves there's no cookie cutter answer it's sort of you have to try and see how you feel see how your digestion is see how your energy is and then just go from there yeah this has given me a lot to think about I think I want to try replacing my beans with rice because honestly rice tastes better than beans that's yeah that's what I feel I don't I'm not I mostly kidney beans and black beans and they just there I don't know you'll probably start having yeah you'll start probably having better digestion as well yeah they definitely cause um digestive discomfort gasps definitely yeah I mean it's hard for your stomach to break those things down you know that's sort of a food of modern agriculture which rises as well but beans just seem to have a lot more trouble with people and is that is that causing the gas is that a is that a sign that you shouldn't be eating is that your body trying to tell you this is unnatural what's that um is that a compensatory mechanism pretty much well I don't know if I would take compensatory but i would say more of a side effect of a food that's not really not really accepted by the system so the system is just it's trying to break you down but it's having trouble and so you may have undigested pieces in your stool and things like that and the body just really isn't capable of digesting it because it's not programmed if you will into the system and like I said some people can do beans fine and they're shouting right now saying I can do beans but if you just look at some of the research there's some compounds in there that throw people stomach off so it's one of those can't hurt might help to pull it out type things yeah I think I might have to make the switch that sounds good so what advice would you give someone who is listening to this podcast that wants to start going paleo but has limited funding they're worried about oh it sounds like one of those diets that's super expensive what would you say to that person I would tell the person that a diagnosis of cancer or a severe health diagnosis is by far one of the number one most popular causes of bankruptcy in the United States you know a bad health diagnosis is something that makes or breaks families every single day and to willingly leave or people could say that they don't have the the finances to not do this but to willingly continue to eat foods that are going to be you know chemically and nutritionally deprived I mean they they have they have chemicals in them the nutritions low the minerals are low to continue to eat that way is it's a real blow to your health and the only thing that you have in life is your health and if you don't have that you don't have anything you can't you can't pursue why if you can't do activities you can't pick it up and play with your kids you know so really your health should be your number one priority and to put that into perspective you can get a pound at the time right now for for about two dollars you can get a pound of organic frozen broccoli I can't think of much of a better deal and you don't have to have in eight ounce or 12-ounce steak every time you eat your body is very adaptable at adjusting and actually prefers less meat than that you can get away with about 4 to 6 ounces six ounces on the higher end depending on the person if they're an athlete or an active young person you can get away with that amount of quality meat by getting some organic grass-fed meats pasture-raised turkeys things like that organic chicken you can get away with that amount and be pretty satisfied and if you if you add in a handful of pistachios or I happen to love walnuts that can be the additional fat and good calories that you need to really keep you full so it's really not that much more expensive and in the long run the saved cost on your visits to the doctor and your long-term health it's not even a comparison yeah I I know I've definitely felt better from from doing it although again I haven't been super strict I've modified it a little bit but just generally doing it it's I mean I definitely noticed that I I'm not as sick you know you get sick from time to time i get i get sick less often i feel better and it just it's probably one of the best lifestyle changes i've ever made that's great yeah and all you're doing is trying to mimic the foods that would have been around before Doritos were invented you know it's not like you're doing something crazy or just eating real food I mean it's simple right and the word paleo correct me if I'm wrong but it comes from Paleolithic which kind of is a reference to back in the day when we were hunter-gatherers is that correct yeah definitely you know the sort of 10,000 10,000 year ago approach before agricultural foods like corn and these beans and grains and all that before those were really sort of put into play there's obviously some wild seeds and things like that out there but we basically took these plants and bred them with other plants to make bigger seeds I mean even things like strawberries this is kind of what hybrid hybridization is berries in the natural world are very very small but you'll find some strawberries as big as the palm of your hand that's sort of a product of what we've done with agriculture and that's the same thing with beans you know and rice they're essentially just little seeds that as you keep breeding them with bigger and bigger ones eventually you get a bean that's you know the size of a nickel yeah and that's also how gluten was created not necessarily with some evil Monsanto guy in a lab but over hundreds of years of naturally genetically modifying it like the biggest the plants with the biggest thieves were bred with the plants with with the second biggest seeds to create you know all spring that had big seeds you know to satisfy our needs and that's kind of like a natural GMO that was going on and that's how gluten came about it is it correct in a way yeah it's more it's more hybridization genetic modification is something a little bit different but it's it's sort of the same in the fact that you're trying to shape the way that a plant is going to grow and you want it to grow bigger you want it to grow faster you want to require less water things like that but yeah some of the ancient grains that would have existed i'm sure they contained trace amounts of gluten but definitely not the high amounts today you know from the modern the modern grains yeah that's that's a huge problem today that a lot of people don't know about mm-hmm so I got one last question so imagine you woke up tomorrow morning and everything was the same except you were 500 pounds knowing everything that you know now all your techniques and ways to get back in shape how would you do that how would you get yourself back on track I would start the morning by eating three organic eggs a couple tablespoons of grass-fed butter a handful of organic broccoli florets and maybe a small handful of walnuts I would start my day out with that i would say sometime in the middle of the day i would try to head to the gym and do some either light exercise like light weight lifting go for a walk or if I felt well obviously 500 pounds going to be pretty hard to sprint but if I could I would try to do some sort of sprinting or int'l interval training to burn that fat and get that get that good fat burn going right yeah and I guess 500 pounds is kind of a excessive amount but I guess basically what I'm trying to illustrate here is a lot of people want to get back in shape and they're just not sure how to start so people like us who kind of know a little bit about it where are our opinions are valuable to them and that's what I think both of us want to do we want to help people definitely yeah I mean that's my that's my whole business if I don't help people succeed then I go out of business so right so if you could recommend one book for listeners what book would it be yeah I would say the edge effect by dr. Eric Braverman it's a book all about your health as far as your brain health your neurotransmitters your brain chemicals it's really important to understand what type of personality you are based off of your current bring chemical production and it's a really great way to understand the inner workings of the mind and the food mood connection someone kind of got geeked out and interested by our discussion today they would really love this book and it's super cheap on amazon probably 10 bucks but the edge effect dr. Eric Braverman you heard them people go and get it Evan this is really fun thank you so much for coming on the show yeah I appreciate it and it's my pleasure you can find Evan online at not just paleo calm follow him on Twitter at not just paleo and again paleo was spelled PA el e 0 2 days episode is brought to you by on it that's ONN IT click the on it banner head on the sidebar at my website to get awesome supplements like alpha brain shroom texsport hemp force protein powder and many others on it also sells workout equipment like kettlebells battle ropes and steel maces everything they sell is designed to optimize your performance on it total human optimization hey everyone thank you for listening go to the fitness burn calm for info and links from today's show follow me on Twitter at Nate Elmore one and like the fitness podcast page on Facebook this show is sponsored by listeners like you support the podcast by using our affiliate banners to do your shopping on Amazon audible on it and ultimate sandbag training calm there's no extra charge and it helps me keep this thing up and running you .

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