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Tuesday, March 16, 2021



hi guys so today I only show you a quick lunch or dinner idea that you can put together I'm having this for lunch right now and all I did was is I took some veggies what I had in the refrigerator so I had some asparagus some cabbage I got some celery in here and some shrimps after it looks like that's what it looks like so I'm just going to roast this in the ugly enough for about twenty or thirty minutes I'm gonna add some spices and drizzle it with some olive oil as well let me grab some spices from the spice cabinet just you can add whatever you have or whatever you want to add so I'm just gonna sprinkle a little bit of this over the top and I'm going to add another spice here's a citrus herb I'm gonna add as well hey can you guys you can add whatever spice that you want to this you know there's way no right or wrong it's just roasting vegetables and some protein you can pet chicken in here add some steak pieces if you wanted I've had shrimp I love shrimp that's why I add spray this with some avocado oil over the top this in the oven and I'll show you the final product so it's all done nice healthy lunch right here you guys check out my veggies this looks amazing it smells really really really good as well look at that healthy lunch right here or dinner if you choose but this nice tray of veggies with shrimp yum yum yummy almost done this is amazing you guys oh my gosh here we go so I had my cabbage my celery I had some asparagus and my shrimp this is a healthy place food right here you know eating healthy really is a choice I had made choices to make today as far as what I want to eat for lunch I could do um run to the fast food place it would have been easier convenient I wouldn't have heat up the stove I wouldn't have to dirty up any dishes it'd be super easy but I didn't choose the convenient easy option I chose the officer that make me feel good that would Norris my body that'd be good for me and it'd be really really tasty to him which is this I really think that your herbs and spices on veggies can make it or break it right so this goes at Sam's Club and I picked up these three spices this one is farmers market and basically it's for chicken and veggies and has different herbs and things in it so this was actually surprisingly really good it's actually really good and then I added the salt citrus and herb really really good gives the veggies a really nice flavor it's funny people always ask me oh my gosh I've had ten kids how do you how do you look like that how do you stay in shape it's not easy you guys it's a struggle for me like I have a tendency to gain weight very easily I have a tendency to you know not be careful with my portion size so it's not easy for me but it's a choices that I make and this is the type of food that I eat in order to stay you know looking healthy and in order to stay you know feeling great so it's this kind of food that I eat I guarantee a cheeseburgers and french fries every day and went and got my Starbucks 400 calorie latte cappuccino whatever drink I wouldn't be looking and feeling like this so again those things are treats for me I love me a Starbucks mocha frappuccino peppermint whatever mocha drink I love it as much as the next guy but I don't make it a habit maybe once every other month maybe just when I feel like it but does not become a habit for me so that's how I stay looking the way that I do it that's how I stay fit that's how I stay healthy is making everyday a meal that looks like this between this and a huge salad with protein that's how I do it one of my meals is that the in a minute fasting for me has done wonders for me I absolutely love it this is my first meal for today it is now 3:30 and my first meal it feels amazing it feels great I'm gonna be stuffed after I finished this I know that so I am doing in a minute fasting which seems to really really really work for me when I kind of go off and on which again just according to how I'm feeling I will try it in a minute fast probably about you know three to four days a week and the days that I'm not intermittent fasting I'm very aware of how much I'm taking in because for me if I start eating you know seven o'clock in the morning and then I'm eating all the way until you know seven o'clock at night that's a lot of hours that I can overdo it on calories for me personally so the days that I am NOT in a minute fasting I'm just more careful about the amount of carbs I'm taking in it's really simple I'm just mindful I'm careful I'm making good choices you know choosing the better option for myself so so again guys love respect on yourself enough to eat foods like this to help nourish you and help you know help you feel good this is this is food your body is going to absolutely love make it a healthy dig I tried every single day to have either a big bowl of salad and or a big serving of vegetables as one of my meals every day that's what I strive to do and even if you don't have time to cook you guys first of all first of all this here took about 20 minutes it didn't take long at all so if you can't have this for like a lunch then after work come home have your veggies ready you can prep this before you leave for work if you are working outside the home prep is for late for work you know have your asparagus ready if you know that squash cut up your squash have your cabbage cut up your onions your oh I don't want to mushrooms to out that next time cut up mushrooms any veggie you want you guys pre-cut it before you leave for work have you know either a shrimp or chicken ready cut in pieces already because you don't like a big huge chicken breast that it could take forever cook so cut up your chicken pieces you know Scout I would do scallops in here as well I just ran a scallop stir I love those too so kind of whatever veggies you want have it ready you come home from work walk in the door get a sheet pan just like I did put it all in the sheet pan so your oven to 400 as you're changing your clothes kind of unwinding you know getting settled in this will be cooking and by time you're done it will be ready nice healthy healthy meal and you'll feel so so so so good that you had it so that's for you guys that work outside the home if you work if you are saying home mom or you work at home there's a reason why you can't whip up something like this really really fast you know this is a matter of I don't feel like getting on up and getting the pan out heating the oven and that whole deal yeah it takes work but it's worth it in the end it really really is low carb keto nutritious I mean Weight Watchers I don't know you name it this you can't go wrong with a meal like this of a pan of roasted veggies and some protein what about something like this is it'll just fit into any plan that you're using unless you don't eat shrimp then it wouldn't fit into that but you know what I mean so it really is very versatile it makes a big portion and you're not using many calories and macronutrients on this are really really good you know the comments below talk to me let me hear your questions let me hear what you do let me hear your successes let me hear about even if you've fallen off and you want to get back on and now you know you want to start eating healthy for yourself you are worth it you deserve it you have one body that you live in your whole life so take really good care of it you guys okay make it let me know what ideas you come up with and I'm gonna finish this up and I will chat with you later have a good day you guys I'll you soon bye .

Video Description:

Hi guys!! Today I show you a quick and easy 10-minute KETO/LOW CARB/Paleo Meal idea!
I also talk to you about how I make healthy food choices with all the temptations all around me. Enjoy the video, and please show me some love, subscribe if you have not yet, like this video and leave me a comment!!

10-minute KETO/LOW CARB/PALEO Meal Idea (Great for Lunch or Dinner) (Quick and Easy)
