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Monday, March 22, 2021


3 Key Lessons for Cleaning Up Your Diet or Going Paleo

what's up everybody hey with the I saw Jolene pop it pop up there I saw Jenny Hewlett I think urban poser some very familiar names what's up health coach Gary how's everybody doing tonight it's almost said it was Tuesday with Stephanie Katherine hey what's up good first name I like that what's up everybody whole foodie rny Jen clean 84 Jenny Marra 73 what's up yeah you thought it was fri I'd like my days are all messed up oh thanks q Frey thank you it's actually um yeah it's my way of dealing with my crazy hair hair hey from Texas hey what's up what's up T pop some very familiar names and I'm super glad that you're all jumping on periscope so I yesterday i started a new periscope series about paleo and that's obviously stupid easy paleo is my business and it is the way I live my life um oh thanks to anything through the hearts everybody and so um I've decided that kind of the next few days will be a paleo theme because I know a lot of people have questions about it oh hey what's up your from Bonnie scope I love Bonnie she taught me all about the sticky notes so she's super knowledgeable and I know she's gluten free so hey what's up I am so I'm going to be sharing some periscopes about paleo with you and I asked you to kind of keep an open mind yesterday we had some interesting questions i'll call them Matt about paleo but some really great questions as well and so I'm here to kind of go through some of the let's call it knowledge that I've acquired in the last five and a half years and i'm going to be sharing some of that with you because ultimately knowledge is power and once you have information you can move on and make some yeah bustin some paleo myths I think I'm cuter than the guys on Mythbusters but uh maybe I need a cool hat I don't know so we'll see what happens thanks chilli and you're so sweet I want to let you know that in case you miss any any of my periscopes you can get them all on YouTube Oh amazing right so here it is take a screenshot or as bonnie says take a screen grab so screenshot this and you can get it for later this is where all of my youtube videos are and I've developed some playlists just for periscope so all periscopes are in YouTube and then I've also broken them down by segments so if I awesome harder to kills my new motto I love it I've broken them down by series so I had the series 10 tips for getting healthy happy and harder to kill I had a series of four things on how or four videos on how to get started with strength training so lots of lots of great series coming your way yesterday I shared a little bit about hold on to the questions guys so I'll ask I'll answer some questions at the end but yesterday I shared a little bit about paleo and what is it show the YouTube address again ok make sure you get ready to take a screenshot ready there it is if you go to youtube and you type in stupid easy paleo you can find it and by the way my name is steph Gaudreau and i am the boss lady at stupid easy paleo calm so I'm talking today about and somebody on Instagram asked me why can you talk about why you went paleo and so I thought that's great but I also want to tell you some lessons that I learned along the way like everybody has those mistakes that you make thanks a lot ms Malia you're awesome for typing that in there I I want to pass on three lessons that I've learned there are many lessons trust me but three lessons that I've learned along the way that I think are really important and can help you no matter if you want to start paleo or you're just trying to eat healthier so like let's just say hey I'm going to try to clean up my diet a little bit you can use these tips as well thanks for the hearts I appreciate that it always lets me know that I'm kind of on the right track with what I'm going to talk about so I'm just good things Ashley here so sweet believe it or not I'm 36 and I not wearing any makeup so that kind of tells you yeah my skin is pretty good when I was a kid it wasn't and I had acne like crazy so I'm gonna tell you why I went paleo and this is kind of a long story but I'll make it short so in 2009 way back in 2009 friends of mine that I was mountain biking with because they used to be a mountain biker before I was a weightlifter told me they were going to try something called a paleo diet and I was like I've never heard of this thing this is weird I had a friend named james james walsh who I knew was gluten-free so I kind of like a new gluten-free was kind of a thing but this is before a lot of people talked about paleo and so I picked up a copy of the Paleo diet for athletes by Loren Cordain and Joe friel and I decided hey I'm I'll read it what the heck so kind of backup when I was growing up I had a lot of interesting health issues i'll call them and nothing that made me sick and debilitated like i know some people go through some very very tough very very tough hey Wonder Randy what's going on some people go through some very tough times with their health I was relatively healthy like into the point that I wasn't sick or bedridden or dealing with a serious disease but you know you how do you kind of go through life and you're like I just don't feel great but that's just the way it is yeah and you kind of shrug and so I kind of accepted the fact that I would always be dealing with certain things like digestive problems I had stomach aches on and off since I was a kid I would get really bloated after i ate like the food baby thing but all the time I come to find out and I wasn't diagnosed and ty was later until much later on until I was in my early 30s he astok of being tired is so true i was diagnosed with endometriosis which had been suspected since I was about 10 11 years old and so I was always dealing with lady problems really serious lady problems it was very sick and so I just kind of thought that's my lot in life you know I had bad skin my energy and my moods were terrible when I was growing up my nickname was Stephie bear and it wasn't because I was like cute and cuddly it's because I had such a bad temper and I was really always like super Moody and so this is kind of what I was dealing with but I never ever thought that it was the food that i was eating that could have an impact on any of these things he has such an unfortunate nickname luckily all that stuff has resolved itself hangry totally hangry yeah upper stomach bloating that's definitely one of the signs that perhaps what you're eating could be causing some of those issues so anyway I knew I had all these problems but i thought you know not sick I'm not sick per se and yeah primal dish similar symptoms and oh it's um it's one of those things a lot of people deal with so I thought well I'm not really sick I'm still okay but I thought what the heck so fast forward to 2009 what the heck i'm going to try this paleo diet thing and at the time I thought i was eating healthy a lot of the things that i ate were would be considered quote healthy so lots of whole grains lots of low-fat lots of soy products you guys know the drill and lots of kind of like process stuff like fake butter and the butter spray and all that stuff so in 2009 late 2009 i read the book and then i thought i am glad it was right i'm going to do paleo starting in january so i made a date on the calendar I had my holiday Thun I like indulged at Thanksgiving and I did my Christmas thing and then i set the date it was January 10 2010 so i decided i was going to start and so i did and i cleaned out my pantry and my fridge and I just chose that date and I started and at first it was hard because you go from eating a certain way like you know bagel and juice in the morning and sandwiches at lunch and pasta dinner and you kind of have to change all that so I'm going to share three lessons that I learned with you along the way so that if you're thinking of switching or you're just trying to get you know make some changes in your diet you can implement these lessons that I learned all right you're ready and thanks i see so many of you that are like yes that's me i'm dealing with that stuff too and i see all those comments they could scroll so fast but i know that you're on board so the first lesson I learned is you need to decide if you're the type of person that's going to rip off the band-aid or take it slowly there's no one right or wrong answer I am a rip off the band-aid sort of person 60-day days of paleo awesome good job I i decided i was going to set that date and I was going to start no matter what happened I was gonna clean out my pantry it was gonna like get some recipes i bought some books so you might be a rip off the band-aid type of person or you might be the type of person that needs to take it slowly there is no right or wrong answer in this case it's whatever works the best for you so I want to make that really clear and I actually wrote a blog post about this on stupid easy paleo which is my website about like you know do you have to go toke old turkey or can you take it slowly I read a really great book recently called a happiness project and I talked abouts actually happier at home it's by Gretchen Rubin and she talks about abstainers versus moderators awesome you're on whole 30 that's fantastic definitely a whole 30 fan over here um so I you know some people can take it slowly and some people have to just say nope no more after this day I'm done and so yeah some people learn ms Malia saying like you know hey I learned if I take it slowly it sticks better you totally have to know what it is what is the whole 3d Ashley it's a actually talked about the whole 30 yesterday in my periscope but it's a 30 day elimination program where you take certain things out of your diet for a month and then at the end you reintroduce them and these are foods that are known to be problematic for some folks it's kind of like a strict paleo for 30 days just so you can get some information about which foods work well for your body in which foods don't so it's all like self-experimentation and just kind of learning what works best for you it's a really great program so three lessons less than number one decide if you're going to rip off the band-aid or you're going to take it slow and this applies to pretty much everything you know you can have you can have burgers just no cheese I don't really know what that question was for so that's the first tip the or the first lesson the second lesson that I think is really important to pass on is you need to develop some systems yeah and Jenny's mentioned mentioning retraining yourself to learn new habit so you need to develop systems for making things like cooking easier because if you want to eat healthier whether it's paleo or not or you're going to try a whole 30 or you're just going to try to clean up your diet or you're going to count your macros did my skin get better it absolutely did I'm not wearing any makeup right now samata 1991 is asking yeah so I don't I'm not wearing any makeup this is just my skin I'm 36 so I got like a pimple and once and every once awhile and out but my skin is pretty good so the second rule is or the second lesson is to develop some systems for example I talk about food prep and I there's a periscope that I did last week or the week before thanks guys you're so sweet I talked about food prep and so having two days a week where you do some food prepping and they are going to make some meals that are going to take you through the week right develop some systems some habits that you can then rely on to keep you on the straight and narrow and sunday or saturday probably saturday i'm going to post a recipe that we call emergency meatballs and they're not anything super special but they're the way that we make sure we have some protein always on hand like stashed in the freezer and thanks Julie yeah systems are really important and getting bored of the same food is definitely you know it can be an issue so there's nothing wrong with like trying to get a handle on meal time at first and say hey I'm not going to pick three breakfasts and three lunches and three dinners and I'm going to rotate those in until I feel comfortable and then I'm going to add like add a new sauce or I'm going to try a new recipe it'll be on Instagram absolutely whole foodie it will be there trust in the trust in the Instagram select my favorite social media besides periscope now so yeah develop systems that work for you just because somebody else does it one way doesn't mean you have to do it that way find something that works so we like to keep food in the freezer that's already cooked so things like stew or soup or frozen meatballs those things all defrost really well they all keep really well they don't get smushy like some other types of foods egg muffins also keep really well so you know find those things that you can do like if you have a crock-pot always have something going in the crock pot you know put some meat in there get some nice shredded pork you can put that on eggs like it can mix it into hash there are all sorts of things that you can do to develop those systems and the third lesson that I'd like to share with you about try to clean up your diet is that perfection is not the goal and my friends paleo chimay Leo talk about progress not perfection and I think that's so important when you're starting out and you're thinking I want to try to eat healthier or I'm going to do a whole 30 year i'm going to try paleo or I'm going to move towards a real food diet it's really easy to look out into the world and think oh my god first of all everybody else is doing it perfectly and I am a failure and that you have to be one hundred percent all the time all the time now certainly there are certain things that certain people need to avoid all the time and that's that's personal to them for example if you are a celiac you're going to avoid gluten at all costs if you are allergic to pineapples you're not going to eat pineapple like so you know those things are definitely kind of there and you know that if you ate those foods there would be consequences but for a lot of us expecting perfection only sets us up for failure because real life happens and you're out at an event and you need to make a food choice and it's probably not what you would choose that home but you're going to have to eat something you know those sorts of situations come up the other thing that happens a lot is that we beat ourselves up for making less than ideal food choices and that is you know putting guilt and shame around food is how a lot of us got to this point in the first place and so you know giving yourself a break every once in a while and I wrote an email about this not too long ago to my list but it was it was a point that like hey you give everybody else a break you wouldn't say this to a friend you wouldn't beat them up because they made a choice and sometimes we need to give ourselves a little bit more leeway and we need to be a bit more kind and realizing that making a majority of good choices a majority of the time it's going to move us forward toward better health perfection isn't the answer and a lot of us try super hard to stick to perfection and then we're just like this isn't sustainable right and so then we fall off that wagon again we feel bad about ourselves we're like we're such a failure what's wrong with us we're just like hey f it i'm going to go eat pizza and cake and doughnuts and drink a bottle wine and you know so you kind of get stuck in that cycle I don't know a lot about the Mediterranean diet I think you know it's focusing more on real foods Whole Foods less processed foods so I think in that way it's really good ms Malia so I'm not one hundred percent sure I haven't seen that sort of stuff a non-diabetic hypoglycemia with paleo I'm weightlifting 40 minutes a day I don't know what your values are so I'm not going to make a recommendation on that but I can tell you that a lot of people who have blood sugar regulation issues your case you're doing with hypoglycemia a lot of people that have blood sugar regulation issues because there's some kind of metabolic issue going on their hormonal dysregulation a lot of people have definitely have benefited from eating a cleaner diet so yeah health coach here is a great example check for stress levels wine isn't paleo either you know it's so funny people like to argue about what's paleo and what's not you just have to kind of notice at the end of the day that like wine is in the health promoting um thanks for jumping in there Jolene yeah it's great but you know what like if you're if you're out and you're like hey I'm gonna have a glass of wine being a doll it's okay you know that sort of stuff just know that if alcohol is a problem for you it may be something that you want to avoid so yeah it's all about knowing yourself and kind of taking that taking that approach and I talked about that yesterday like personalizing your diet or personalizing your Paleo and knowing what works for you thanks Bonnie hey what's going on we're talking about eating gluten-free and stuff right now so so I'll ask others are some questions here you can't lose weight unless you calorie strict really low below 1,000 calories totally not healthy now I'm not into that a thousand calorie BS you've got to eat enough calories to keep your metabolism and your your adrenals and your thyroid supported and for a lot of people eating that little like sure in the short term you're going to lose weight because you're probably losing muscle mass but in the long term it's really going to screw up your your hormones and you can look look up somebody like dr. Brighton she's a naturopath she's got some really great she's got some really great information about hormones does this mean no carbs it doesn't mean no carbs so a lot of times paleo is pinned as a low carb or zero carb diet and there is a wide range of carbohydrate intake within a paleo or reveal food real food approach to eating some people eat more some people eat less depending on activity level but it's really a myth that paleo was supposed to be extremely low carb yeah so if you're exercising and I've talked about this if you go to youtube and you look at the top 10 tips for getting healthy happy harder to kill series there's a video on carbs and I think we talked for like a half an hour about carbs but you you know you can do things like if you're working out have some carbs post workout that's going to help your body to replenish kitchen that's in your that you've used up from your muscles if you're doing high intensity if you're doing endurance type stuff where where the i'm not sure if you're asking where the videos are so we'll take a break and i'll show you the youtube channel take a screenshot or as bonnie says take a screen grab she's so smart she taught me this so take a screen grab these were these are where all the videos are all the videos and they're broken down by playlists any other suggestions besides coconut cream is the only thing I miss ya butter is an okay choice but again I you know I think I've tested that stuff out of in and out of my diet about three or four times it doesn't for me cream does not affect me negatively cheese does haha butters okay for me milk is not and a lot of it has to do with the concentration of dairy proteins that are in those sorts of things there's a lot more dairy protein in milk than there is in butter and so I've done that experimentation on myself and you know that sort of stuff I know so I don't avoid cream but I do avoid cheese and I do avoid milk and I do avoid those other sorts of things so you kind of have to know yourself do those experiments and see what you can tolerate I'm not really a big fan of avoiding a food just because you know I think you have to have a good reason for it and it has to feel better you have to you know know that you feel better and to know that there's a reason does paleo meaning only bananas no Carrie goal is okay cheeses no go for me how much fat is too much I'd have to look it depends from person to person you can definitely build tons of muscle and eat fat you need fat it's a very essential part of your diet and you can go find that video I've made a video just on fats it was awesome that is on that's on youtube as well that's a really good point health coach Carrie so if you can't eat butter because you're either really super sensitive to dairy protein or dairy carbohydrate you can try something like a cultured ghee which is the its head the carbohydrates culture it out and it's also had the proteins removed and so for a lot it is pure fat and it tastes like butter in a smells like victory so a lot of people like to eat that stuff because they yep OMG is another great man brand 10 * foods you can Mickey yourself I've got tutorials think it's a Faton or New Year's effective as calorie counting all I can tell you knew mostly is that you've got an experiment and I know that when I eat the foods that I eat I feel amazing I just had a DEXA scan done and I've been eating paleo for five and a half years my bone mass or my bone mineral content my bone density is off the charts for my agents in my gender I feel amazing I'm stronger than I've ever been my body composition is extremely lean yeah and eating a whole food diet I don't know why that's a fad so you know I know people have questions and don't understand but I encourage you to get gather some knowledge and do some reading about that sort of stuff and for me the proof is in the N equals 1 experimentation I know when I ate certain foods before maybe you missed my previous story at the beginning I didn't feel good on the foods that i was eating so i changed my diet and now i feel amazing that's all the proof I need you know I'm super healthy the numbers are there the date is there I've had the tests and the scans and all this other stuff so if you're not a believer that's okay you don't have to believe in it but you you know if people do and they feel great I don't know how you can necessarily argue with that sort of stuff good books on paleo I have paleo solution I really like it starts with food and I mentioned this one yesterday it's not necessarily it's not called paleo take a screenshot of this one it goes through all the explanation about certain foods and how they help us so take a screenshot of that yeah thanks Jolene performance paleo this is my cookbook shameless plug but you know if you're doing macros for some reason there is macro break down on each recipe so you can see that sort of stuff somebody mentioned macros macros are definitely important it's important to get a good mix of macronutrients but calories aren't the only thing that matters and that's been proven by physiological studies and over and over again we know that calories are the only component of food that can affect us so its energy and that's certainly important we've got micronutrients we've got macronutrients food is much more complicated than just a unit of energy so it's a it's a way to start yeah I can show my book again you know what check on Amazon because yesterday it was $11 which is half price I don't know if it was just the prime day thing or if it was coincidence but it still might be on sale so yeah cool so yeah I will show you the YouTube again training for a half marathon I've got some stuff in my book Cole foodie for sure on my site so yeah go get the videos on YouTube take a screenshot for sure there you go all the videos will be there this video will be there if you have more questions whole foodie pop onto my facebook page performance paleo and we can see let's see my core to see the results I've got pictures on my blog I just posted an Instagram video of me so you can definitely see what I look like go look on my Instagram stupid easy paleo so yeah I'm going to head off I know there's still so many more questions but I can't answer them all now so for sure check back tomorrow I'll be back with another video check on my Instagram see what's going on catch me on all the socials and and i'll be there and i'll help answer some of your questions too okay thank you guys so much i really appreciate you tuning in thanks for all the love and yeah you you .

Video Description:

In this Periscope broadcast, I'm sharing my personal story of how / why I went Paleo and passion on 3 key lessons for cleaning up your diet (even if you aren't planning to try paleo). See more paleo advice and get my recipes at: .

Get my free ebook here:

Follow me on Periscope at @stupideasypaleo

For more recipes and healthy eating tips, head to

Saturday, March 6, 2021


The Paleo Solution Book Revisions - Q5 - Q&A 23 - Ep 430

okay final question for this week is from Mike on the Paleo diet mike says going back to your first book what are the main things you would revise or add if you ever did a revision well funny thing is we did do a revision there is a volume to reversing - it's a paperback version lately the Maine yeah I mean there wasn't a massive amount that we tweaked so I had some pretty aggressive fish oil recommendations in the first book which I modified over time thank you for the people that burn me at the stake about getting that one wrong I was largely following people like Barry Sears and other folks that the that information seemed credible at the time on that fatty acid omega-3 profile in grass-fed beef yeah so - - that fatty acid topic Diana Rodgers and I have been working on the sustainability book and movie called sacred cow and it's interesting because we've had pretty massive pushback from the vegan community that begins which is not surprising at all but I tell you one of the more surprising places that we get a shocking degree of pushback and very vigorous and very ill informed and unfortunately is kind of like the the really go go getter paleo ancestral health crowd that insists that grass-fed meat is the only grass-fed grass-finished is the only way to go and Diana and I tackle this in the book and we're also going to be doing a series of blog posts and other support material where I really dig into the literature on this but the reality is that so it as a baseline the bulk of ruminant animals whether it's cows sheeps sheep goats Kaimal whatever you know they're grass-fed for the most part there is some green finishing now the thing is is that I probably am suffering is what do they say like when you raise kids you know like you you get back when you were as a kid and so like I'm sure I sewed a lot of the seeds of my frustration on this now because early in this story there was a sense that the Fanning acid profiles of grass-fed meat were remarkably better with regards to the omega-3 omega-6 balance than grain finished me around 2009/2010 though mat well and really did a deep dive into this stuff and he was like nah man that's not the case at all there's very little difference when you get right down to it and I got into a pissing match on on the interwebs on social media shocker with a woman who is a master's degree in chemical engineering and she insisted that there was a difference in the protein and I grass-fed versus green finished um meat and I said show me one paper and she went through all of this light magic and mysticism and like flailing and all kinds of Appeal to odd authorities but could not produce one thing that suggested that the protein content nor really the fatty acid content was significantly different between grass-finished and green finished me now from a sustainability perspective there's a great argument for doing as much grass finishing as possible but even in that story there's a reality that like to the degree that we do continue to grow wheat or corn or or rice or whatever the the leftovers in that scenario is not technically grass but it is something that animals can be finished on and it is used that way and it's a very smart utilization of resources because otherwise that that is cellulosic material just builds up and it degrades very slowly it maybe oxidizes instead of compost and all that type of stuff so there's really compelling reasons to have a middle ground in this story and not be complete zealots about it there is no compelling case from a health perspective that the the fatty acid profiles are are different and so that's a big one from the book that I probably sewed a lot of erroneous info really advocating for grass-fed meat but the reason why been advocating for grass-fed meat even with the knowledge about there is not that big of a difference from a health perspective there is a significant story there from a resource management sustainability perspective so that's gonna be a fun one to unpack over the next 10 years in grass-fed versus green grass finish versus green finished beef anything else nah otherwise like why paleo solution was pretty on point you know making recommendations around sleep getting out in the Sun lifting some weights doing some sprinting not letting your your kind of internal dialogue you know kind of kind of eat you up that whole stret the the stress chapter like the finance piece and everything so that stuff's kind of stood the test of time and honestly it got recycled and updated significantly and wired to eat like it's still those those things are kind of I would argue Kenny universalities in this story yeah okay is that it I think that's our last question for this week yeah thank you guys again for your questions you can submit them at Robert calm on the contact page at dass Rob wolf for Instagram which is about the only place I'm hanging out these days these questions out there also on YouTube this episode is sponsored by drink element the electrolyte drink mix that has the sodium that you need if you're on a low carb or ketogenic diet that's what plants crave so thanks guys .

Video Description:

5. Paleo Diet

Mike says:
Going back to your first book - what are the main things you would revise or add - if you ever did a revisions?

Monday, March 1, 2021


Sticky Portuguese Low Carb / Paleo Chicken Wings

today I'm going to show you to make these really easy sticky Portuguese chicken wings they're low-carb and there's also a paleo option okay so here's what I used the original recipe just called for 12 to 14 chicken wings it didn't specify a weight the package that I found in the store was one and a half kilos which is about three point three pounds and they're quite large as you can see so there's only actually nine here but it's a lot of chicken they're very big so that's what I'm using and now you're going to need olive oil I'm using or you could use coconut oil idea if you prefer you need two teaspoons for the marinade and extra for frying if you're going to fry them now also for the marinade two cloves or two teaspoons of garlic minced the zest of one lemon and the juice of half of that lemon two teaspoons of tomato paste then we need 2/3 of a teaspoon ground coriander seeds I won't look at whole seeds so I'm going to have to grind those myself 2/3 TSP of onion powder one and a half tablespoons of you could use coconut aminos or tamari if you want a paleo I'm using soy sauce and then 2/3 of a teaspoon of salt ok so if you haven't already washed the chicken wings and Pat them dry with paper towels I've already done that and then we're gonna need a large mixing bowl to mix together the marinade ingredients so I happen to have this little handy dandy a little it's like a little grater really for zesting the lemon you can also purchase lemon zest in some areas already in a dry seasoning mix if you have that that's fine too you don't want to get too far into the white bits those are a little bit bitter you just want the top part the yellow and do the whole so that's how much as you can see I got off of there Oh about a tablespoon and a half or so I'd say now we just need half that lemon juice so I'm just using one of these little hand juicers so now in our mixing bowl we're just gonna mix the marinade ingredients so then again is two cloves or about two teaspoons if you're using the Jarrah stuff like I am minced garlic next we'll add the zest of the lemon and the juice of that half the lemon next is two teaspoons of tomato paste now I'm using one of these packets that has actually two tablespoons in I'm just gonna I it up about two tablespoons of it that's pretty good next we'll add the onion powder and the ground coriander so next is the coconut aminos or tamari or in this case soy sauce and it's one and a half tablespoons and then I'm using olive oil at the end here it's two teaspoons or you could use melted coconut oil or ghee one last was the two-thirds teaspoon of sea salt and I'm gonna mix all that together really well so now we're just gonna add all the chicken wings to it and really move them and rub them around in there to make sure each one gets coated in that seasoning so dudes a pretty big like I said so I'm just gonna keep sort of tossing them around my hand and then mixing them against each other so that seasoning gets everywhere as much as possible so I got em all mixed together really well now I've covered it in plastic wrap because I'm gonna put this in the refrigerator just sweat marinades for maybe at least an hour if you've got time to do that I recommend it if not you can move on to the next step now okay so that's been marinating for an hours I've just pulled those out of the fridge also I've got this large roasting pan that I'm using just in cases in the excess grease I want to have some on the pan but you want one big enough to fit the chicken wings and of course you can line it with foil and spray it with oil you can use a rack if you've got one I've just put some baking paper in here also I've had the oven preheating for about 10 minutes now I'm 190 to 200 Celsius should do it or 380 to about 395 Fahrenheit somewhere in there so I'm just gonna take these now and just put them in the pan try not to have it too close to you and when a little space between them so they can get a little crispy hopefully smelling this smells really good see I'm laying them in there and I want to keep the skin side up to hopefully get crispy so there you can see I've tried not to overcrowd them any more than necessary what I'm gonna do with what's left of this is you can just use a brush or you can just spoon and pour it on whatever works for you I'm just going to go ahead and put the excess right on the chicken so now I'm just gonna pop those in that preheated oven for about 35 to 40 minutes music went in for 40 minutes and looking golden-brown and delicious so there they are sticky Portuguese chicken wings I do hope you enjoy them I'm serving them today with my homemade coleslaw which I've shared on the recipe channel before I'll see if I can link to that for you you .

Video Description:

Makes: 3-4 serves of wings

I chose to bake these spicy paleo chicken wings 35-40 minutes at 190-200°C / 380-395°F, as suggested by the author. Instructions below tell you how to fry them, if preferred. The ingredients are for those wanting it Paleo, and my substitutions.

• 12-14 chicken wings (I had 1.5 kg/3.3 lb)
• coconut oil or ghee for cooking (I used olive oil)
For the marinade
• 2 large cloves garlic, grated/minced
• Zest of 1 lemon
• Juice of ½ lemon
• 2 teaspoons tomato paste
• ⅔ teaspoon ground coriander seeds
• ⅔ teaspoon onion powder
• 1½ tablespoon coconut aminos or Tamari (I used soy sauce)
• 2 teaspoons melted coconut oil (I used olive oil)
• ⅔ teaspoon sea salt

1. Wash and pat dry the chicken wings.
2. Combine marinade ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Add chicken wings and mix through with your hands, coating each wing thoroughly with the mixture. Ideally, leave to marinate for about an hour. Otherwise, get to cooking.
3. Heat a tablespoon of coconut oil or some ghee in a large frying pan to medium hot. Place chicken wings skin side up first. Don't overcrowd the pan as we don't want to stew them. Cook on medium heat for six minutes. After about two minutes of cooking, cover the pan with a lid.
4. After six minutes, turn the wings over and add a little more oil if needed. Once again, cook uncovered for about two minutes and then with a lid on for about four minutes. Covering the pan with a lid provides a little steaming environment, which keeps the wings nice and soft. Make sure the heat is not too high as we don't want to burn the wings.
5. Serve with some greens and extra lemon on the side.

Nutritional Stats:
The author called for 12-14 wings - but sometimes wings are huge and sometimes they’re smaller. I happened to find a package that weighed 1.5 kg (3.3 lb) but only had 9 wings, as they are huge. You may get a different number depending on size. The original recipe didn’t include nutritional stats, so my estimate using what I used is as follows, divided by both 3 and 4 serves.

Recipe divided by 3 serves, each has: 1090 calories, 49.8g fat, 12g sat fat, 9.3g carbs, 4g fiber, 146.1g protein.

Recipe divided by 4 serves, each has: 817 calories, 37.3g fat, 9g sat fat, 7g carbs, 3g fiber, 109.6g protein.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


What is the Paleo Diet?

hi guys this is Kate from Kate updates I wanted to spend some time talking about how I eat which is paleo I get questions a lot about what exactly is the Paleo diet what's involved what isn't and what are the benefits so I wanted to address some of those questions all wrapped up into what is paleo so paleo is a way of eating that um it involves not eating refined foods foods that are highly processed and sticking to lean meats vegetables fruits and healthy oils so things like coconut fish oil some seeds olive oil things like that are all good you avoid gluten and dairy and things that are hard for your body to process so examples of things that are on the Paleo diet would be fruits vegetables lean meats seafood nuts and seeds and then healthy fats which I mentioned before things you avoid are of course dairy and gluten processed foods and uh beans of any kind starches and alcohol for the most part i will say that i do not really avoid alcohol i do have it sometimes but overall you're just trying to keep things out of your body that are hard for your body to process and that can lead to making yourself sick paleo is something that people pursue when they want to fix their it's got autoimmune benefits that have been proven which is the reason why I started looking into it some of the health benefits or just overall benefits you can get from paleo one stable blood sugar you can burn more stored fat its anti-inflammatory clears your skin and helps your teeth it reduces allergies for me I found that I was a little bit allergic to dairy before I started this and then once I completely cut dairy out now if I have dairy on occasions I found that I am really allergic to dairy some people it's more gluten for me it's Terry but it can reduce your allergies and eliminate those it can really aid in digestion I've benefited from that it can balance your energy throughout the day so you're not feeling those fluxes of it's 2pm and I'm dragging and I just want to take a nap when you're eating paleo you feel more energy throughout your entire day you sleep better it can help with your workouts I run better there's also a lot of things that are more technical that you could look into to find out about health benefits of diabetes and things like that a resource for that would be robb wolf calm he talks about on the benefits of eating paleo but basically that's what it is it's a way of eating it's a way of living you're just being more conscious of what you put into your body and voiding high-fructose corn syrup and additives things you look at the labels and there's like 20 ingredients in something and you can't pronounce half of them you want to avoid that kind of stuff so the reason I like the Paleo diet one it's helping my digestion digestion immensely energy overall I just feel so much better I don't have to count calories I don't have to worry about points I don't have to feel you know I have to debate over whether I eat that cookie or not because I just don't eat the cookie I eat healthy things in the cookie so like an example for me of replacing ingredients would be using honey instead of refined sugar or maple syrup things that are just easier on your body so that's paleo some cookbooks if you want to kind of look at that more this book practical paleo goes over a lot of digestive problems it has 30 day meal plan so that's something for you to look into also I mean you can just google what is paleo and find a bunch of resources but i'll be talking more about whole 30 in my next video and how you can benefit and really jumpstart your Paleo experience by doing the whole 30 but that's it for today I hope I gave you a better understanding of what paleo is and I'll talk to you soon thanks .

Video Description:

I get this question a lot so I wanted to take a few minutes to explain what Paleo is and what it isn't. Paleo is how I eat and it has changed my life. I love talking about it! Leave questions in the comments below, be sure to visit my blog and follow me on Facebook ... Thanks for stopping by!
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Nora Gedgaudas: Primal Body, Primal Mind – Beyond the Paleo Diet

so I this is a very impromptu thing for me I was not expecting to be speaking here today but I'm very grateful for the opportunity and I'm passionate about many of the objectives that that brings you all together here menu you many of you may have heard of Helen and John they I just met them for the first time a couple of days ago but we have a mutual friend in Australia who is working with an indigenous group of a community of people there in a remote area of the outback on North Queensland and and that mutual friend of ours sort of put us together and I know what their what are the odds but I'm actually leaving day after tomorrow to go to Australia and during my time there will be visiting our mutual friend and in this remote area and you know in the in this remote area that that I'm referring to and you might be a little patient with man I'm operating without my PowerPoint today so I'm feeling a little naked up here not even a loincloth anyway then I say that out loud yeah so there's a group of people there that you know mainstream Australians have the highest rate of obesity in the world right now in the industrialized world right now I guess you know that beer is like Mother's Milk to them I guess yet among Aboriginal Australians they have 80% more metabolic diseases than the average mainstream European Australians 3 out of 4 Aboriginal Australians are dead by the time they're 45 years old and for close to a hundred thousand years on that continent they lived as hunter-gatherers peoples and have only really begun to adopt the Western diet in the last well actually the last traditional Aboriginal Australians came off the land in about 1985 so we're not even talking about a hundred years yet of a you know westernized westernized diet and these people are dying in droves the obesity is U is completely rampant and they literally have no defense against a diet that is based in grains and sugar and processed foods and whatever have you and I would submit that you know they are you know the the Canaries in the coal mines so to speak I think that the that the fait accompli of manifest destiny per se among indigenous groups throughout the world hasn't been accomplished with guns it's been accomplished with food and we're next we're not immune from this just simply because we have eased our way into the modern Western diet as opposed to as opposed to these other cultures now you know 2.6 million years ago at the advent of the quaternary ice age the ice age we're still living in today by the way that's been followed by you know regular intervals of glacial advance and glacial retreat ever since usually roughly 11500 years apart we began evolving as a hominid species around 2 million years ago it's been recently verified through anthropologic and paleo anthropologic research we adopted a primarily hunting economy which means that we got our primary nourishment from animal source foods of all different types not just meat but you know fish and eggs and insects and all kinds of things and it wasn't until you know for a hundred thousand generations we existed and thrived and lived sustainably as hunter-gatherers until about ten thousand years ago when the strangest thing happened you know the Ice Age came to a very abrupt end the megafauna that we relied upon throughout the entirety of the Pleistocene period during the entirety of that quaternary Ice Age suddenly ceased to exist and we stumbled upon the idea that we could cultivate something called grains as a way of creating you know something that might be a little easier and we went from a nutrient dense diet that was roughly 90% animal source foods and fats and whatever supplemented with plant materials as available or as climatically you know allowable to suddenly a diet that was relying upon grains instead and you know a lot of people like to comment on the idea that somehow we you know yeah we only lived 30 or 40 years in those days so we didn't live long enough to develop the diseases of modern civilization well the fact is is that the primary cause of death in hunter-gatherer populations was really accident and infection and if we managed to outlive those things these average ages of mortality really took into account also infant mortality and as well which was also high and if you manage to circumvent all those things you got a chance to live as long as we do today but without the metabolic diseases identified in our modern society 10,000 years ago roughly and ancient Sumeria we adopted this thing called agriculture and immediately our life expectancy was cut in half we began developing metabolic diseases for the first time in our evolutionary history we began developing deficiency diseases we began we went from from a work day of maybe three hours you know you hunt together and you're done to eight hours of back-breaking labor in the fields and this also opened the door not just to to more modern-day diseases but to this little convenient thing called ruling class hierarchies it allowed for the concentration of large populations of people and rather than living you know in this sort of more cooperative environment of a tribal setting or hunter-gatherer family group or whatever suddenly we're living in the large societies where there's more class division and overtime you know this really we've only been using agriculture as a dominant food source now for less than five hundred generations or so more than 99.9% of all our genetic material was formed before the development of Agriculture and we are paying a price for that and now of course with the advent of the industrialization you know less than thirteen generations ago then we've taken and industrialized our food supply further but it's very very clear that they even the early in adoption of Agriculture cost us dearly in terms of our health in terms of you know diseases of of deficiency and skeletal abnormalities and dental occlusions and all kinds of things any paleoanthropologist can look at a skeleton and tell you whether that was a pre or post agricultural human based on the health of that skeleton that's just the way it is so and you know fast forward to where we are now and I'd say the great myth of the globalized you know multinational Corps world is that agriculture is going to somehow save us and I can tell you that that human populations didn't start exploding and the plant planet did not begin to deteriorate until we adopted agriculture and it's not moving in a better direction with you know with increased agricultural production of course monoculture agriculture is the major culprit for this and also the way in which monoculture agriculture is co-opted now the way we raise animals for food in a way that is completely corrupt and broken and isn't even natural for those animals you know the number one source of deforestation right now is in the Amazon is the clearing of land for the planting of soybean crops and of course with the advent of GMOs we're really rapidly careening toward the island of dr. Moreau here but what I can tell you is that as human beings we are designed to make use very well of animal sports foods as our primary source of nourishment now I'm not advocating the eating of slabs and slabs and slabs of meat as our ancestors may have done it turns out of course the subtitle of my book is beyond the Paleo diet for total health and a longer life because I've also taken a look at human longevity research and also taking into account the world that we live in today I think fibrous vegetables and greens are probably more important to us now than they ever used to be during our long evolutionary history because they can provide us with phytonutrients and antioxidants that can help protect us against the toxic environment we've created for ourselves but the kind of food and eating that I am talking about is really kind of going back to what our indigenous ancestors knew all along and what they understood all along and the kind of foods that they ate all along foods that were raised in their own natural environment sustainably that lived in their own natural environments sustainably and the harvesting of only what was needed off of you know off of the land for this for their own sustenance and everything at once upon a time was organic and free-range right and what I advocate for you know there we are ill-suited to a diet that is based on carbohydrates in in of the three major macronutrients proteins fats and carbohydrates the only macronutrient for which there is no established human dietary requirement in any medical textbook or textbook of human physiology anywhere is carbohydrate we can manufacture all the glucose we need from a combination of protein and fat and our diets and we can do this very very well and very very easily and we have no defense against this the tidal waves of insulin were generating with a consumption of a grain based diet and of course what is the US Department of Agriculture's admonition that we all need six to 11 servings of grains a day well good that's great for them but no human people group in the history of the human species has ever eaten a diet remotely resembling what the human what the US Department of Agriculture's you know no conflict of interest there right food pyramid suggests as optimal and we buy into this with the well-intentioned idea that well you know yes yes plant-based foods will save the world well plant-based foods have not saved the world they're they're operating in the opposite direction now mind you I think that I'm not I'm not bad-mouthing all agriculture I think what we need to be doing is exactly what our ancestors did we need to be getting our foods from from animals and plants that have been sustainably raised preferably locally eating the animals animal foods raised eating what is natural to them living out in fresh air and sunshine in humane and healthy environment and getting to know our local farmers and our ranchers and developing redeveloping that first hand knowing of where our food comes from and by minimizing the consumption of sugar and starch which are giving us the metabolic diseases we are struggling with and I can tell you two the number three cause of morbidity and mortality in the industrialized world right now is autoimmune disease right behind cancer and heart disease and we know that grains are either an initiating or exacerbating factor in all of those and by the way we're not becoming more adapted to these foods as time goes on we're becoming less adapted there's been a 400% increase in in celiac disease and just the last 50 years alone and all of this is cited I have citations for all of this and in my book but okay two minutes yikes hope somebody has a big hook so anyway that if what I'm advocating as as an approach to things which by the way is basically a form of modified caloric restriction is in a manner of speaking the minimization of the consumption of sugar and starch the moderation of our protein intake we don't need to consume more than we absolutely need and nobody needs more than six or seven ounces of complete protein a day we have a lot of rich requirements for many of the fat soluble nutrients that come in animal source foods and can only be gotten in animal source foods retinol vitamin A only comes in animal source foods beta carotene is not vitamin A vitamin k2 is only gotten in animal source foods can't get that from eating kale or whatever where vitamin k1 is found so so moderating the protein and then eating as much of natural healthy clean dietary fat as as you need to in order to satisfy and from a variety of sources so you're getting all the essential fatty acids in from as you need to in order to satisfy your appetite and this ends up actually being a moderately low caloric diet even though the majority of the calories are probably coming from from fat but this is also pretty natural to our to our makeup our brain and nervous system is made of fat we need that so you know by adopting this way of doing things from the most natural as possible sources I can tell you that the result is basically making multinational corporate interests Monsanto food industry whatever completely irrelevant and that I think is the best approach to this is rather than battling these people well we still need to battle them in courts we need to get GMO labeling for crying out loud we need to get this stuff out of our food supply completely we and we still need to fight for those ends but for our own health and well-being which none of us has the you know has the wiggle room to compromise by you know a carbohydrate based diet basically is there's barely a multinational corporation anywhere on earth that wouldn't be invested in every man woman and child everywhere in the world being dependent on a carbohydrate based diet as a primary source of food because it's incredibly cheap to produce it's highly profitable and it keeps you perpetually hungry you're living on kindling as opposed to logs on your metabolic fire and you know if you look at the animals that are designed to eat a carbohydrate based diet even though they're not getting their primary calories from carbohydrates they're getting them from fat you have to be eating pretty well constantly their faces are in the bushes they're in the trees they're in them whatever the grass and you might ask yourself who bent who benefits and profits from a whole world that's eating this way so in closing I thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to throw these ideas out there that I realize may be a little shocking to some of you I assure you I am passionate about the same objectives that many of you came here today with and hope you'll suspend disbelief long enough to take to take a closer look at what I've talked about so thank you you .

Video Description:

Nora Gedgaudas is the author of Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and A Longer Life. This is her plenary talk at the Economics of Happiness conference held in Portland, Oregon, in February 2015. The conference was organized by Local Futures, a non-profit organization that has been promoting a shift from global to local for nearly 40 years.

For more information on the conference or Local Futures' work, go to

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Monday, February 1, 2021


Dr. Meghan: The Evidence for the Paleo Diet!

hi and welcome back to my channel if you are just joining me for the first time welcome my name is dr. Megan I am a board-certified physician in internal medicine and I like to take an evidence-based approach to health and wellness topics so before we get started subscribe if you want hit the like button if you want and let's get into it so the topic for today comes from Heather who asked me if I could talk a little bit about the evidence with regards to the Paleo diet so Thank You Heather I've been working my way through viewer questions and I really appreciate all your great suggestions so what is the Paleo diet I'm sure many of you probably know by now but I'll give you the two-second synopsis and there are many different strains of it but in a nutshell the goal is to mimic the hunter-gatherer diet of thousands and thousands of years ago with the thought that our current agricultural based diet is a source of many diseases in our current everyday life and the focus is more on increased protein 20 to 35 percent of the meal generally comes from protein increased intake of non-starchy fruits and vegetables increased intake of unsaturated fat that's fats from plants and decreased amounts of salt sugar processed foods grains and legumes those are very very restrictive completely restricted depending on how strictly you followed the diet instead the goal is to focus on groceries meat fish eggs fruit and vegetables of the non-starchy variety nuts and seeds and plant-based oils and fat so what is the evidence for the Paleo diet so this diet is newer as opposed to other diets such as the Mediterranean diet that we've been looking at for quite a number of years but there is a small body of evidence with regards to the Paleolithic diet and I'll just go through a couple some of the more salient studies here I will always this my references down below so some small studies that I thought were interesting one was had about 24 subjects and found that subjects on the Paleo diet had better blood sugar cholesterol and insulin sensitivity than patients on a diabetic diet now these were all died subjects and then another another study with about 13 subjects had them eat strictly Paleo diet for three months followed by a strictly diabetic diet for three months or vice versa and the subjects had increased satiety weight loss and better blood sugar on the Paleo diet but that it was a bit harder to stick to than the diabetic diet a review looking at four randomized controlled trials evaluating the Paleo diet versus diet based more on national nutrition guidelines found that there were increased short-term improvements in these subjects who are on the Paleo diet in terms of their waist size triglycerides their HDL cholesterol that's your good cholesterol blood pressure and blood sugar than patients on the more conventional diet a cross-sectional study of over 600 subjects found that there may be an association between paleo diets and Mediterranean diets and lower markers of inflammation and a cohort study of over 2,000 subjects found that the Paleolithic diet and the Mediterranean diet may be inversely linked to mortality including cancer related mortality and cardiovascular related mortality now it's important to note that with these last two studies they're not randomized controlled trials so we cannot say that there is a cause and effect there but they do bring up interesting questions with regards to the relationship between the diets and health so what are the pros and cons of a Paleolithic diet well obviously there's a limited body of evidence but I think that any diet that asks people to eat more fruits and vegetables more nuts and seeds focuses more on unsaturated fat and animal fat and requests that people eat humanely raised meats is a great place to start and I have a lot of patients who've tried the Paleo diet and absolutely loved it the cons in my opinion I think it is quite restrictive some flavors of the Paleo diet introduced like an 80/20 or an 85/15 rule in which you know 50 to 25 15 to 20 percent of your meals can be non paleo you know I think the whole cutting out all grains and legumes that's pretty hard and you're not also getting a lot of dairy either so you want to make sure that you're getting calcium from somewhere with regards to the actual accuracy of the Paleolithic diet I would refer you to a great TED talk by dr. Christine and Warner which I will list down below she did her PhD in archaeology at Harvard she's now professor of archaeology at Oklahoma University and the overlap between what our ancestors ate and what the Paleo diet of today is is pretty slim so I encourage you to check that out it's a really good talk overall what it comes down for me is how sustainable the diet is for you and I always tell my patients that if they can't see themselves eating the same way when they're 80 then it may be time to tweak things a little bit to avoid a lot of frustration in the future another thing that I think is important to remember when we're looking at diets is it's really important to look at your relationship with food and I'm taking a page out of Michael Pollan books here as well if you look at people in France people in Italy people in Japan all many different cultures all over the world where they have a very different relationship with their food and they don't have a lot of the health problems in terms of healthy weight and eating habits that we have here in America and I think a lot of that comes down to our personal relationship with food and also the cultural relationship with food and that's really an important thing to look at when you're evaluating diets as well so that's gonna do it for today thank you so much for watching if there's an article in a peer-reviewed journal that you think I missed I would love to hear about it if you'd like me to do more kind of evaluation of diets or different fitness routines I would love to hear about that as well again thank you so much for watching my references will be listed down below and please be well .

Video Description:

Just about everyone has heard about the Paleo Diet by now, but what does the research say with regards to its efficacy? I was surprised! Keep watching to find out...

Tedx Talk: Debunking The Paleo Diet by Dr. Christina Warinner PhD


Jonsson T, Granfeldt Y, Lindeberg S, Hallberg AC. Subjective satiety and other experiences of a Paleolithic diet compared to a diabetes diet in patients with type 2 diabetes. Nutr J. 2013;12:105.

Manheimer EW, van Zuuren EJ, Fedorowicz A, Pijl H. Paleolithic nutrition for metabolic syndrome: systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015;102(4):922-32.

Masharani U, Sherchan P, Schloetter M, Stratford S, Xiao A, Sebastian A, Nolte Kennedy M, Frassetto L. Metabolic and physiologic effects from consuming a hunter-gatherer (Paleolithic)-type diet in type 2 diabetes. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2015;69(8):944-8.

Whalen KA, Judd S, McCullough ML, Flanders WD, Hartman TJ, Bostick RM. Paleolithic and Mediterranean diet pattern scores are inversely associated with all-cause and cause-specific mortality in adults. J Nutr. 2017;147(4):612-20.

Whalen KA, McCullough ML, Flanders WD, Hartman TJ, Judd S, Bostick RM. Paleolithic and Mediterranean Diet pattern scores are inversely associated with biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative balance in adults. J Nutr. 2016;146(6):1217-26.

Please note that research is constantly changing. Every effort has been made to include the most current studies, however, since this publication there may be new research that was unable to be included in this video.

Monday, January 25, 2021


What is Deep Paleo? | Hilary Bromberg

so I've been in this paleo space for a long time now and I see an important distinction that we need to make deep paleo versus shallow paleo shallow paleo says it's all about me I want to look good feel good be lean healthy strong if I eat paleo wear my blue blockers swing my kettlebells I am all set sustainability regenerative agriculture whatever I look awesome and I can lift a ton of weight so I'm not saying it's shallow to care about this stuff right it's healthy to want to look good and feel good it's just shallow to stop their deep paleo says it's not just about me in fact it's hardly about me at all we need D paleo right now we're at a low point in human history our physical and mental health are in bad shape the health of the planet is no better we're witnessing a massive extinction of species on the planet and of the wild human soul and we're totally disconnected as we stay our climate catastrophe in the face we are staring into our smartphones hoping for likes so I see a deep alien movement as a new ecological movement a successor to Deep Ecology but incorporating everything we know about ancestral health .

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Are you egocentric or ECOcentric? Hilary Bromberg of Barefoot Provisions explains the difference between shallow Paleo and deep Paleo, and why we need to take a big-picture approach to health. Filmed live at Paleo f(x) Austin 2016.

So I have been in this Paleo space for a long time now.

And I’ve seen important distinction that we need to make, Deep Paleo vs. Shallow Paleo.

Shallow Paleo says it’s all about me, I wanna look good, feel good, be lean, healthy, strong, if I eat Paleo, wear my blue blockers, swing my kettlebells, I am all set.

Sustainability? Regenerative agriculture? Whatever, I look awesome and I can lift shit ton of weight.

So I am not saying it’s shallow to care about this stuff, right, it’s healthy you want to look good and feel good. It’s just shallow to stop there.

Deep paleo says it’s not just about me. In fact, it’s hardly about me at all.

We need Deep Paleo right now. We are a low point in human history.

Our physical and mental health are in bad shape. The health of the planet is no better.

We are witnessing a massive extinction, of species on the planet and of the wild human soul and we are totally disconnected.

As we stare climate catastrophe in the face, we are staring into our smartphones hoping for likes.

So I see a Deep Paleo movement is as a new ecological movement, a successor to deep ecology but incorporating everything we know about ancestral health.


How to Follow the Paleo Diet


Video Description:

How to make things

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


Sarah Fragoso - How to Undo the Paleo Diet


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Watch the full session, and all filmed sessions from Paleo f(x), here:

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Sarah Fragoso explains why the paleo "diet" alone does not work and how to free oneself from "diet dogma". Filmed live at Paleo f(x) Austin.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


Keto, Paleo, and the Science of Diet (with licensed nutritionist Leah McGrath)

the thinking atheist it's not a person an idea the population of atheists this country is going through the room rejecting faith challenging this sacred if I tell the truth it's because I tell the truth not because I put my hand on a book and made a wish and working together for a more rational world take the risk of thinking for yourself much more happiness confusion wisdom will come to you that way assume nothing and start thinking this is the thinking atheist podcast hosted by Sanders everybody's dealing with these weird times at a different way clever idea and a little ray of sunshine in our neighborhood there was a family a young student that posted on the neighborhood Facebook page that their daughter to spread some lights and color and joy and happiness painted a rainbow and taped it inside the window sort of facing outside of it taped it on the interior of one of their picture windows and said you know everybody in the neighborhood ought to do this and I guess she got the idea from someone else who had been doing it their neighborhoods around the country perhaps around the world who are making rainbows and they're sticking them in the windows of their houses so the people who walk or drive by will just get a little good cheer I just thought that was a great idea and so we saw that the neighbors across the street and the neighbors off to our East had done it and we wanted in on that so Natalie and I got together and she had all this crafting stuff she uses for the grandkid and we took some construction paper and we sat in there with our scissors and our tape and all of these other things and we created a rainbow when we taped it to the front window and so I was out walking Linus and I was just counting the rainbows there's one two five seven ten I counted ten rainbows on one walk around the block it's just people trying to be optimistic in some way to encourage each other sort of relates to the show we did last week you know people are good most people are good people want goodness they want to help each other they want to deal they want to they just want it all to pass and we'll all hang together and support each other as best we can until it's all over somebody did post a meme and that made me laugh they asked when the apocalypse portion of the crisis is gonna start one of the funnier ones I saw had this guy drawn in pencil and he's poking a stick at one kovat 19 virus and he said come on make zombies I just thought my idea I get that that's my kind of humor humor being a way to deal with these crazy times I think most of us staying close to home if I may and I'm just saying this absolutely seriously it is a really good time to engage and get informed right if we're gonna be locked in let's use the time and let's get educated and you can do so with one of my favorite supporters of this show ever the great courses plus specifically out of the thousands of lectures thousands of options you can stream on your schedule via your phone your tablet or the great courses app these are taught by world-renowned experts in their fields there's a great opportunity to learn some of the basics about what's happening there's a course called an introduction to infectious diseases you can understand what the economy's doing with the lecture series money and banking what everyone should know and the course fighting misinformation digital media literacy there are tools like this that fit right into the headlines but if you want something else you want to distract yourself that's fine they got lectures on science history travel music nutrition and health that's the theme of our broadcast today now's the perfect time to get started my friends the great courses plus is giving my listeners this great offer a free trial it's only ten dollars a month when you sign up for a quarterly plan sign up today using my special URL to get started find all the details at the great courses slash Seth remember the great courses slash Seth today we are directing our rational brains toward the subject of health claims out there about health and nutrition and food and diets and how to navigate through the noise get a science-based understanding of genuine health and wellness my guest Leah McGrath has been on this show before she was on our Wu trician episode a few years ago she's been a registered dietitian since 1996 she was the chief of clinical Dietetics for the military in South Carolina before she joined the South Carolina Department of Public Health she's now a corporate dietitian she writes and speaks frequently for lifestyle publications and health publications and universities like Clemson and Georgia State and others she's a scientific adviser for the American Council on science and health and she's a refreshing voice of good scientific sense in a world loaded with anti science whoo she joins us for a conversation today Leah McGrath great to have you thanks for coming yeah thanks thanks for inviting me nice talk to you again give me the definition of a registered dietitian nutritionist versus hi I'm a health expert right it's because there's a lot of health quote unquote experts out there can you tell me what you do sure so a registered dietitian nutritionist is actually a protected title in the United States so it means when you see Rd or Rd and it means that this person has gone through a course of study which includes at the very minimum an undergraduate degree and most likely a master's degree they have to have been accepted to an internship program which is a very competitive process only about 50% of people who apply get accepted it's a twelve hundred hour internship it goes through different kind of competency areas like clinical Dietetics and Food Service administrative public health entrepreneurship different things depending on the internship program then they have to pass a nationally administered Board Exam which is about a four hour exam and then we have to keep up continuing education credit every year is five year intervals to maintain our credentials Jesus liked a bar yeah I am I mean yeah it is a little it's probably more than most people realize and you know as you mentioned some people who call themselves a health coach or a wellness coach or just a nutritionist they could have none of that experience or education or some of it but they can't call themselves the registered dietician and unless in fact they are registered with the Commission on Dietetic registration I want to start with keto because Natalie and I sort of looked in the mirror back in the fall of last year and realized we'd gotten a bit fluffy okay and so we saw a friend of ours who'd gone through a program that was amazing like they lost a ton of weight it's kind of a modified keto thing where you limit your carbs extremely limit your carbs and then we didn't do like the keto where you eat all the fat and you know all the cheese and the casseroles with bacon grease and stuff like that you can just eat essentially all the time and just limit your carbs it was really like lean proteins and whatnot so I'm looking at the diet now we're both about thirty five pounds down and I'm like was it the keto was it ketosis that caused us to lose or was it the fact that we were on a limited calorie intake eating lean proteins and you know fewer sugars and I look at keto and I'm like is this who was it just calories in calories out so tell me about keto is it real well you know yeah it's definitely a real diet one of the things you learn about when you're a dietitian is was called the ketosis diet which was actually a diet that was designed for children with epilepsy seizure disorders and they found that a diet that was high in fat very low in carbohydrates and moderate amount of protein was successful in combination with medications in reducing seizures for these children so that's been around for a long time then I guess probably a year or two ago we saw this sort of resurgence of what is called the keto diet and you know no offense to use that but having been a dietitian for 25 years I see a lot of what I think of as versions of the Atkins diet which is some version of the diet that's cutting carbohydrates and oftentimes those are very successful at least with immediate results because when you cut carbohydrates you lose fluid and you tend to lose weight fairly quickly at least initially so a lot of people tell me that they're doing the keto diet when you kind of talk to people a little bit more they're actually probably more in your what the camp that you're describing that's like people who have cut down on their carbohydrates maybe really cut out a lot of sugar sweetened beverages candy cookies cake sweetie wrestler sodas snacking kind of snack food and kind of turning more towards lean proteins more non starchy vegetables and hopefully they're exercising along with that but I don't know were you exercising that a little bit but you know at my age no it's a little harder to get up out of the chair but yeah we were doing a little bit but I was amazed at how much diet made the difference for us you know it used to because I have a sweet tooth I love sweet things and so when I cut out sugar and started doing like Splenda or whatever instead and and cut down on carbs in general I wasn't going out for ice cream at night you know I changed my habits a little bit I noticed that I began first of all to crave most of those foods less I mean I can still throw down on some sugar if it's offered to me but it I don't know it changed how I view food it changed even how food tasted is that common no and that's a great thing I think what we're talking about is situation a situation that many people encounter where you know you are adopting maybe some better habits you know focusing more on lean sources of protein and vegetables instead of grabbing those high caloric high sugar items that are immediately very satisfying but in the long run don't really do your health at you guys so changing those habits is a really good thing you start to find that you don't need the same level of sweet to be satisfied or maybe you need little or no sweeten things to be satisfied is it healthy to stay in ketosis first of all can you explain ketosis for the uninitiated yeah is it healthy to remain in that state for a length of time no it's really not too healthy to remain in that state for a long extended period of time what you're doing is you're trying to push your body to a point where there it's burning off the fat stores that's really like in a very basic way of explaining it a lot of people would say oh you know I did I tested for ketones in my urine and I there were ketones so I must be in ketosis well those urine tests on the little strips that people are using are not especially accurate and the only really legitimate way to test for ketosis is with blood tests and most people aren't doing that type of testing and you're gonna move in and out of ketosis throughout the day so but long stretches of time when you're pushing your body to that point there can be negative effects like you can see hydration they talked about the keto flu where you have like sort of like almost like a brain fog you feel like you have a clue you're a key you're irritable your body loves carbohydrates it doesn't I'm not saying that it loves sugar necessarily but it loves carbohydrates that can be broken down into sugars that's what your brain loves what that's what your muscles love so a long term diet that would be classified the true keto diet could potentially be harmful for people the problem is we don't have a lot of long-term studies because most the time people can't stick with it for long periods of time and that's the issue with any kind of diet you talked about you know was it just that you were cutting calories yes it probably was so any kind of diet what studies thing to show is that there are a lot of different diets out there there's you know moderate amounts of carbohydrates and moderate protein moderate fat there's high carbohydrate low fat there's low protein high fat the common denominator with the success of any of those diets is can the person stick with it for the long haul beyond just an immediate weight loss and if they go back to eating normal quote-unquote foods or their normal diet will the weight return so that is really the big question how long can you maintain this I'll get off the keto diet in just a second but I did it's just everybody talking about it it's like you meet somebody and they're like oh I'm doing keto tell me about the side effects of eating this sort of high fat high cholesterol keto those who are doing just that version of it right you may be burning fat because you're not eating carbs but aren't you causing other problems I mean - can't be good to eat all that junk right well you know what we're hearing a lot about anecdotally and honestly I haven't seen a lot of studies because again the problem is getting people to the point where they're following this for a long period of time it's always difficult to do those kinds of nutritional studies but what we're kind of hearing anecdotally is issues with things like kidney stones its dehydration it's that keto flu it's elevated cholesterol in some individuals the problem is everybody reacts differently the things and you would have to really take a population and have them be a very similar population and feed them the same things for a certain amount of time and really control a lot of variables to see what is really happening and in the problem with those type of studies they're hard to do it's hard to do for the people it's hard to it's expensive to do and there are so many variables and a free-range population of humans that have to be accounted for so you'd have to kind of keep them in prison somewhere and watch them for months with a controlled by it and that has not been done as far as I know I wish to remain a free-range human I just like this is great how about paleo that's another big one right lean meats and fish and fruits and veggies I mean can describe paleo and is there any real science to it yeah you know that whole diet trend I I feel like keto kind of usurped paleo and a lot of people criticize paleo because they said well you know the Paleolithic humans weren't eating this way you know they weren't they weren't putting you know coconut oil in their coffee and things like that that just that's ridiculous they weren't doing that they weren't eating that much meat because meat wasn't really available to the extent that we have sources of meat available so you know the thing I I think is important that that something that you said earlier I think that any diet like that has its pros and it's cons and if you can pull things out of that and kind of make your way to better eating habits in the long run then that's not a bad thing if I was a person and my diet was stopping by fast food every day for breakfast and ordering pizza for lunch and drinking sodas and I said yeah I'm gonna do the Paleo diet and I'm just going to eat lean meats and I'm gonna have just vegetables I'm going to really reduce I'm going to cut out a lot of those fast foods and quote unquote junk foods and maybe I didn't maintain that a hundred percent but I maintained it 75 or 80 percent I'm still at a better place than I was back in those old days and and hopefully you and your wife will be to like you you may be adopted some different habits some different food have and preferences that even if you kind of throw out like the whole say you don't stop saying you're doing Aikido Gaea diet or modified keto diet you found some things that you really enjoy eating that are new to you and that's okay so I think every diet like that has maybe something that can be good that comes out of it talking here with Leah McGrath who is a registered dietician nutritionist should I be concerned about the sugar substitute I want sweet things in my life Leah I want sweet things I want to sweeten my coffee and I sprinkle like there's a brown sugar substitute for my oatmeal those types of things and there are some who are like it's all chemicals and of course my first thought is well isn't everything chemical but what's your take on the sugar substitute I think your you've actually hit the nail right on the head they they do serve a purpose for a lot of people that you know they're trying to cut down on added sugars and these sugar substitutes and there's so many of them out there now there's something literally for everybody if you want something that's from a plant you can get stevia if you don't really you know you can get a paint pack at a blue packet a yellow packet you can get a wrist for call so there's something for everybody and you're right everything is a chemical anyway so let's not get so wrapped up in you know it's a chemical it's not a chemical you know what I hear from people is oh my gosh you know I've heard that you know maybe it can cause cancer or tumors it can in rats if you if that's all they're consuming and it's being consumed in such extraordinary amounts that humans would never be able to consume those so we're not rats we're not lab animals we have a diverse diet we are for your range population so I think in moderation and if it's substituting if it's getting to you to the point where oh I'm gonna have oatmeal which is a great source of soluble fiber if I can put a little bit of the sugar substitute on it good for you I think the big picture is more important than kind of fixating on the small little details so I shouldn't panic over xylitol and Splenda I mean these aren't sir causing agents that I'm replacing one evil with another that's not the way to approach it no and I've seen your pictures so you don't look like a lab rat I'm a free-range human that's what I am I've got some more questions for you I want to talk about intermittent fasting I get a few more diets I want to talk about sort of this vegan based thing I know anytime you mentioned vegan people immediately divided now on everybody just to relax all right go take a chill pill because we're gonna talk from a nutritional point of view but first let's go and see what our callers have for the conversation as we get 8 to 8 on the switchboard you're on the thinking atheist podcast with my guest Leah McGrath who's this my wife we started walking because driving a truck it's really easy to fall into the fast food so we started meal prepping but now I'm finding like this is not enough food for me like yesterday I felt like really exhausted and like I was going to pass out things maybe since the calorie is not enough calories well that's not a good position for you to be in as a truck driver obviously so important to keep in mind that if you and your wife are meal prepping and equal quantity of food chances are she needs a lot fewer calories than you need so your serving size should automatically be bigger and so whatever you're having as a meal prep you might need some additional sources of calories beyond that so maybe there are things that are easy to keep in the cab of your truck whether it's pieces of fruit or peanut butter crackers or a bag of carrots or milk something like that that you're gonna have some additional sources of calories so if you feel like wow that really wasn't enough to eat then you have someplace to go first now the other thing that's real helpful in terms of making you feel fuller is to make sure those meals are high in fiber and the fiber is gonna come from things like whole grains and your vegetables so really loading that up is going to make you feel full but what you're describing as kind of feeling a little like you know maybe dizzy or lightheaded that sounds to me like we're we have situation where you're just not getting enough calorie so planning on a bigger portion size and maybe some additional snacks to have on hands would be the way to go Paul you're not swerving on the road right now are you I mean just a public-safety cabbie sounds like you need to bring on the calories man yep safe travels thanks for calling thank about listening appreciate your Paul yeah all right take it easy have we evolved past the idea of you need three major meals a day breakfast lunch and dinner are we supposed to eat smaller portions more often what know that I think that if anything we have become more attuned many of us attuned to what we as individuals need what makes us feel better you know like Paul that you just spoke to you know some people just feel better when they're eating for six small meals a day rather than three meals a day some people feel like they don't need to eat three meals a day they feel comfortable they feel satisfied just eating two meals a day so I think if anything maybe we're moving away from that idea that you have to have three meals a day or you have to have three meals a day and snack so it's more of an individual approach and that's how as dietitians we're supposed to be talking to our clients and customers like are you a truck driver who gets up at 3 o'clock in the morning like what's your schedule like how much activity do you get what makes you feel the best what kind of eating pattern makes you feel the best so does it matter what time I eat this food I mean I've heard that if you have a big meal right before you go to bed it automatically will it automatically stick to your ass if you eat at 10:30 and go right to bed is there something to that no there's not you know your body distinguished necessarily when you're eating the calories or where it's going to put those calories so that's not really the issue with eating before you go to bed but what the issues are are things like your body still digesting if you're going to eat right before you go to bed and then go right to sleep you may have difficulty sleeping you may have more issues with indigestion you may have crazy wild dreams because your body's processing all that food and digesting all that food it's not the usually the best for you to eat and then go straight to bed so a lot of times they'll recommend eating your last meal waiting at least three or four hours before you go to bed because you're going to have better sleep you're not going to have issues with indigestion heartburn reflux if you go to bed on the full stomach I did a google search of like healthy living healthy diets I just did some variations and at the top of the list I saw some good stuff you know there's some reports from Harvard and the CDC had some data but if you scroll down long enough it's just wove ill right I mean I was just surrounded by all kinds of alternatives and stuff that is they're pretty websites but you know I and I over whelmed the zone died at the South Beach died at the Mediterranean diet the raw food diet I you know and I wonder how much of this just people selling books and supplements can we say I know it's a broad question but can we dive into those waters what's your take on all that well you know it just seems like you know we've already mentioned three well even before we got into that list but you know having been a dietitian for 25 years you just kind of kind of hold your breath and wait to see what kind of fad diet or trending diet is going to be this year's favorite and you know like I said earlier the bottom line the consistent thing is if you can maintain that you can maintain if you're doing it for weight loss and you can maintain that diet chances are you will stick with the weight loss but the problem is so many of these diets are very restrictive there they inhibit you socially maybe they're not enough calories and you don't feel good so people gradually resume former eating habits so and many of these are really just a different name for the same exact thing where you're calling it you know the Atkins diet or the keto diet or the Paleo diet or there's own diets they all have some very similar attributes to them and they just kind of remake them every year or so to something to sell a new book or to sell a new supplement a lot of money in the industry for sure yeah there's a saying about the foods we eat I've heard it said eat the rainbow is that just a span on eat your fruits and veggies and is there anything to it Wow you know I think that that was so I'm not sure where that was born I think we you see that a lot of time taught to kids as a way to really encourage them visually to kind of branch out into different foods and different color foods and that's not a bad thing you know that when you work with little kids sometimes their palate is so limited that encouraging them to eat different colors is a great way to get them to try new foods the problem is is sometimes them the foods that are perfectly healthy and good for you that are maybe not those rainbow colors like the whites and the Browns which are still great foods to eat whether you're talking about you know a banana or jicama or a sweet potato or white potato kind of get shoved to the curb kick to the curb so I think it's a good message and I think it works great for kids obviously but not a bad message I see on the switchboard eight one zero you're on the air with my guest Leah McGrath who's this hi my name is Rachel seaman I have been overweight my entire life I have tried every fad every diet you can think of it wasn't until last year that I went to my doctor appointment and I did not like my results from my fasting blood tests that I asked my doctor I said okay I really want to lose this weight how do you recommend that I do it and he recommended the book called balanced revolution by dr. gerard Mullen and this is the only thing I had ever found where I lost the weight I didn't do the yo-yoing I stuck to it and I was just wondering I lost 70 pounds and 16 and half inches off my waist and like nine months what do you mean gut balance can you frame that for me and the listeners sure talks about how your gut is actually talks to your brain and tells you when to eat and when not to eat the doctor has found that when you put the you need to think of your gut as like a garden so whatever you're into it you're okay if you put bad things into your body and into your gut you're gonna get bad out no you don't work for you no work for the company right is I do want to make sure that it is you're not just shilling for the or okay all right cool I I'm sorry I got to be devil's advocate because I know the skeptics and the audience are like she's selling his book Leah McGrath you have any comments on this well I think you know what you're talking about your colors talking about is really what's called intuitive eating or mindful eating where you are getting more in touch with there is definitely a connection between our gut and our brain we know that if we're anxious and we're upset sometimes for some of us that causes that anxiety that being upset causes our stomach to be upset that's definitely a gut brain interaction but adopting more mindful eating habits more intuitive eating habits so you're getting more in touch with what am i eating why am i eating this am I really hungry am i eating because it's in front of me and it's there am i eating just because that first taste tasted great and so I feel like I have to finish the whole plate am i eating because I grew up being told that you can't leave the table and let you clean your plate people are starving in China so getting more in touch with that is never a bad idea and if it's something if you've adopted eating habits that have gotten you to the point where you're happy with what you're eating and you can as I said earlier and you can maintain that for a long term and you're healthy and you can have enjoy your social life and your family life that's a good thing thank you for the call thanks for being a part of the show congratulations on your success thank you see you later so you mentioned the child parent says there are children starving all over the world finish your plate yeah how much of the obesity problem starts when you're a kid I mean I guess it's a loaded Bastion right I already know the answer but can we speak to that the habits start early right yeah you know I think there are some really good habits and some really not so great habits that can started a very young age you know using food as a punishment or reward is really sets a lot of us up for problems later in life you know if you're good you can have some ice cream if you finish your vegetables you can have some candy you know that kind of rewards this phone for children this often becomes very problematic as they get older or putting kids on a very restrictive diet for no reason when they're young you know because a lot of times we see that from people who have their own issues and their own concerns around food and they're so worried about their children being overweight or having to deal with issues around obesity that they put their children on highly restrictive diets unnecessarily restrictive diets and then that becomes problematic a lot of those behaviors around food start at a very very young age but I mean if you're running through the fast-food drive-in because you live a busy life you have a responsibilities you you know it's hard to sit down cook a meal for a lot of people are you front-loading the rest of the child's life for bad health choices for things like you know heart disease and those types of deal I mean what do you think well you know I would like to I guess I I'd like to think that hopefully people aren't doing that on a regular couple things hopefully people aren't doing that on a regular basis and if our lives are so busy that that is something on a regular basis maybe we really need to evaluate power spending our time or how we're scheduling our time in our kids time the next thing is I think a lot of the fast food or Quick Serve restaurants have tried to do some things because they know that they've gotten a lot of heat in this category whether it's cutting down on portion sizes or offering salad or wraps or apple slices instead of cookie so there have been some efforts in those areas for in the fast food and quick serve but I also think it's really important to not get into that whole blame game that parents shouldn't be blamed for like you know going out fad for fast food once a week is that going to make make it certain that your child's gonna have end up with diabetes or heart disease no that's not going to be the situation but if that becomes a regular part of your life in your schedule then that's certainly going to make it more difficult for that child to understand what better choices are and healthier choices are as they move into their adolescence the Meredith hood this is a broadcast which is about science-based reason based evidence-based living so on today's broadcast we're not talking about religion per se I mean we may get into veganism which for many people they approach with a religious fervor may if you're vegan great fantastic I'm I'm not dissing you but I'm saying that there is an intensity to those who are many of them who are vegan activists and those who are anti vegan there's a religious sort of vibe you know to both sides of that if you experience this when people say the word vegan it's like an explosion it's almost worse than talking politics right yeah I think that you know I have friends that have followed a vegan diet for years to remember of different reasons you know for religious reasons health reasons ethical reasons and they're wonderful people and I care for them and then we have people as you mentioned us who it's it it's at a level of intensity that is really activism and that is problematic for a lot of our farmers a lot of different food companies food brands where you have that level of activism and what's really stunning is it's a very small percentage of people in the United States actually identify as vegan its figures are they estimate that less than one percent of people in the United States are actually vegan I think the number is actually probably more like 0.5% of people in the United States are truly vegans with the ethical vegan eye they make some compelling arguments you know for when they're in a world where we're reducing suffering and those types of things but beyond very ethical issue how about the practical issue can you eat no meat and be healthy well and and a true bigness goes beyond not eating meat I mean there it's not having any type of its having animal free products in your home it's not having honey so it's it's a very comprehensive lifestyle it's more than just going up to a menu and saying I don't want me it's much more than that and I think that that it is very challenging for people who adopt that and that's why there's so much of a return to eating meat like the percentage of people who identify as being in or vegetarian and itíd states that resume eating meat is something like 84 percent that will go back to eating let me go back to the switchboard quickly on skype I've got four four hi you're on the thinking atheist podcast with registered dietitian nutritionist Leah McGrath who's this - Suzie pokin thanks for coming Suzie what do you have for us comment or question question really I've I've recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia they tablets our mom just banged on the weight and and obviously I'm limited in how much exercise I can do as well so I'm just wondering if if only I have any recommendations for the kind of food that I should be eating well you you know are you I'm guessing you're on some sort of steroid gabapentin that some like completely epileptic anti-inflammatory right so it so as a dietitian and in this kind of situation I can't give you nutritional advice because you know you're not my patient and I can no you know there are there are there certainly are medications that can exacerbate or cause weight gain or make it more difficult for you to lose weight especially if you're dealing with something like fibromyalgia and that may also have an effect on your ability to be active and exercise I think in that situation there's really only a few things that you can do you could certainly talk to your physician about you know are there and is there anything else that I could take because this really seems to be making me gain weight and that just makes everything worse for you and it makes it more difficult to exercise and be active so it's going to be very challenging if that's the situation if that medication is making you feel like you you need to constantly hungry or you have an appetite so my first recommendation would be to go back to your physician and say is there anything else that I might be able to take that wouldn't have this make me feel like I have I'm having this side effect yeah I could have I think II thanks for calling the Sheila all my best thank you very much psyche bye - the vegan even the fast food will combine the two have you tried the impossible burger or any of these plant-based burgers you know I have tried a lot of them but I have not tried the impossible as yet it's so interesting - that's because you know these you know they're calling themselves plant-based which is a marketing strategy to sort of kind of skirt the idea of them being for the vegan or vegetarian shopper but many of these like you know you you probably remember when tofurkey and Boca burger and Morningstar farms first at the market right that's been over 20 years so these are types of meat replacement or meat substitutes or meat alternatives are really nothing new what's kind of new is how they look some of them they have beet juice to kind of make them look like they're bleeding a little bit how they are being marketed some of them are being marketed right next to a hundred percent ground beef which is a big departure from the frozen food taste and sometimes in some cases just through the taste profile is a little bit better different than maybe the older generation meat alternatives were is there a health benefit to you know getting off the meat burger and trying a plant-based burger there is a health benefit to eating a diet that includes more plants so fruits vegetables grains beans nuts seeds which is really the recommendation of the dietary guideline it that is very different than saying I want to eat more plant-based diet so I'm going to go out and buy a burger that is made of soy protein or pea protein and I'm going to have that you know three or four times a week I think the agreement on that is pretty universal but those are not something that are going to necessarily be healthier quote-unquote in terms of sodium and saturated fat many times they're identical to the animal products well they're higher they're the same amount of saturated fat they might be higher in sodium than 100 percent ground B so as a dietician I don't see a huge health benefit to those particular products especially if there's something that people are consuming on a regular basis now that being said they are certainly providing people with more options and people like options Americans like options we like choices we don't want people to tell us what we should eat or not eat we want to have chicken one day and we want to have fish the next day or we want to have a veggie Bowl on Wednesday so we like to have different options if you were to make the ethical decision right I don't want an animal to be killed so I'm going to go to that's one thing but to say it's healthier I mean just to make that statement ignores the reality that a lot of the plant-based burgers are still loaded with stuff that you probably don't want to eat consistently exactly you know I don't want to agitate to get into this long list of ingredients or ingredients you can't pronounce because that sounds very keema phobic and like food babe like these are essentially a recipe that these manufacturers have created to get as close as they can to tasting like beef in this case situation beep so you know they might have to put different flavoring agents and coloring agents in to get you to the point where you're like oh I don't miss beef because this tastes enough like B to make me happy and not miss B's so if that's what you're looking for those products are there now but if you are wanting to include more plant-based products I would say eat fruits vegetables grains beans nuts and seeds that's where you should go when we come back we're gonna talk about processed foods wait how its processed what's not processed is it really on that bad for you I want to talk about these trips to these healthier grocery stores as well when you walk in everything is whole-grain and no additives and whatever how much of this is just marketing how much of this is the advertising department and how much of it is genuinely helpful these and a whole lot more in just a second hang on now is not the time of course to buy razors at the drugstore but not completely for the reason you think the big razor brands have a lot of gimmicks and of course that retailer markup and it has so many people paying way too much for a premium shave fortunately Harry's has the solution Harry's has taken shaving back to the essentials quality durable blades made in their German Factory at just 2 dollars a blade no middleman markups shipping right to your door in a 100% quality guarantee if you don't love your shave just let them know they will give you a full refund Harry's is just impressive the weighted organ AMA handle that just feels like quality in my hands the shave is close the whole package is nice enough to give out as gifts which I often do and man do I like not forking out way too much money for a close comfortable shape I'm convinced you're going to feel the same way it's a great way to support this broadcast your shaving anyway shave with Harry's listeners of my show can redeem their Harry's trial set at slash the thinking atheist you'll get a weighted organ AMA candle for a firm grip five blade razor with a lubricating strip and trimmer blade rich lathering shave gel with aloe to keep your skin hydrated and a travel blade cover to keep your razor dry and easy to grab on the go go to slash the thinking atheist to start shaving better today I remember back in my Christian radio days we used to have these commercials I look at it now like I look on religion and I wonder how did I ever buy this like how did how did this happen well we did these commercials for a diet program where you take these herbal supplements these sort of magic pills and it could have been anything in the pills that they weren't remotely regulated by the FDA or anything you know they were just being sold with promises that you will be more well and you will be healthier and skinnier and of course the instructions now we look at them and we're like hey wait a minute you take the supplements in the morning you take these three or four pills and then you drink a gallon of water all day and you eat a reasonable and healthy diet and exercise at least 30 minutes three times a week of course you don't know I'm like wait a minute wait a minute so take the magic pills and then live a healthy lifestyle and you will be healthier and just it's embarrassing it's embarrassing but you know this kind of health and wellness stuff the health and wellness industry a just man it's massive and it continues today all kinds of stuff being sold out there that's the subject we're talking here with registered dietician nutritionist Leah McGrath about health and wellness claims and we're getting input comments and questions from the audience someone in the chat made a claim just now that processed food equals cancer and it reminded me of a documentary that I'd seen that I've sort of taken with a grain of salt called Forks Over knives that continues to rest on the quote China Study I don't even know where to start here because it's such a broad thing but this host of the documentary switched to plant-based food and blended it into smoothies and lost a ton of weight and his health problems disappeared and he made this documentary but it's rests on the science quote/unquote science of a China dottie are you familiar with this and can you address it yeah that's um what's his last name is it he Coleman Carroll I'm blanking on his name but it up yeah dad essentially vegan and they're part of that big proponents of a vegan diet you know a vegan diet a true being a diet words you know primarily whole plant foods there's nothing wrong with that now they are many times missing some nutrients that are in animal products that they have to either really be very intentional about trying to get or get through supplement things like certain B vitamins b12 would be one thing iron calcium vitamin C so you have to have if you're going to have to follow a vegan diet needs to be a well-planned we think that's really important I'm looking at the credits here the lot of PhDs and MDS T Colin Campbell yeah T Colin Campbell thank you he's the based on another vegan vegan diet but coming back to the whole idea of process um that's like one of my little pet peeves when people rail against processed foods because everything we eat is processed I mean you know your Greek yogurt didn't come up out of the ground this rejiggered it came from a cow and that was processed from milk and that's made into Greek yogurt and that's a process and when you cook food at home you're processing raw ingredients to make a meal so everything we eat is essentially processed in some way there are certainly levels of processing from like minimally processed to ultra or highly processed but just using that word is sort of a shorthand for you know processed as bad okay I think that's kind of a lazy lazy thank you people like simple solutions don't I mean I'm guilty of this so if we want it to fit on a bumper sticker right natural get processed bad but not all natural foods are things we want to put in our bodies sure exactly or we don't want to put them in our body how they exist in nature I mean you're not going to walk into a field of wheat and put a bunch of wheat kernels into your mouth and end up you know you can't make bread in your mouth it's not about work you know you can't just pick mushrooms up out of the ground and eat them some could be poisonous so we live in just this amazing time of so many different food opportunities and food choices and which kind of ironic is that the more we have the more suspicious and critical we are of those food choices and food opportunity let's see if I've got a call on the switchboard with no number and let me just try to pull it up here hi who's this rosemary thanks for calling you got a comment a question a comment I'm all these funny diets in the stars use this is the dangers aren't they I mean like when Beyonce was in a film and the dream girl she went on this k9 pepper and lemon juice diet and that was so bad and it was like putting the papers and magazines that you know this is what how she lost it in some fantastic I think that's just very dangerous wait it was Cayenne right not k9 she was gonna say well you're just eating canine that's a whole other kind of diet so this actually rosemary brings me to another point so I'll combine my question with yours I've heard that cayenne pepper is supposed to boost metabolism there's a claim that ginger can reduce body fat ginseng is supposed to change your guts microbiota or whatever that is microbiota out of whatever that is what about these herbs and spices that we put on our foods do they have a weight reduction component to them short answers no you know you might have a very slight thermic effect very very slight but in the long run it's not going to be like sprinkling cayenne pepper on your food or black pepper isn't I'm going to make you burn an additional 500 calories a day that's that's just not how it works the way your body uses calories and burns calories is really do two things like exercise and activity and movement and just your body's all the processes that go on your your body the problem with a lot of these things that you mentioned like whether we're talking about cayenne pepper we're talking about ginseng or ginger or anything is you know these products there's nothing bad about any of these products the problem is is that many times people start to just say you know oh it's too much of a hassle to get fresh ginger and put it in a stir-fry with lovely vegetables and some some lean meat you know I'm just going to get it ginger capsules or I'm gonna get cayenne pepper capsules or I'm gonna get whatever kind of capsule and I'll just swallow those because we love to take pills and supplements the problem of supplements aren't regulated like prescription medication so what is in your supplement may not be what you really think is in your supplement so that's one thing and then the the claims that are made usually has little or no basis and science or medicine and coming back to your caller talking about somebody like Beyonce you're absolutely right I mean you pick up People magazine or whatever the popular magazine and you see this is how you know Beyonce lost weight looks amazing for the Super Bowl or whatever but they don't talk about the fact that Beyonce has probably a team of people who are helping her to get to that point you know from trainers and the suits and the you know somebody who comes in and cooks all her food for her her chef our nutritionist or dietitian whoever she has she she's wealthy enough that she this is all she has to think about how she looks she doesn't have 40 hour a week job she can afford to have all those people measuring everything she eats cooking everything for her watching what she wears grooming her so she looks amazing all the time so it's an unrealistic expectation that we have these images of stars and people and chances are they're really not eating the way that the magazine says they're eating anyway now they're just selling magazines anyway right get thin quick get sexy fast and you know I've accepted the reality in my life that there is no food that I can eat that will make me look like Hugh Jackman as much as I would like that to happen it's just not a reality I will always look like Ferris Bueller for the rest of my accepted rosemary thanks for calling you take care of yourself okay thank you see you later bye talking here with Lea McGrath she is a registered dietician nutritionist so I go we shop it like a healthier supermarket that's just down the road it's convenient and they've got good stuff good produce but I've noticed that every box every package every can everything has these sort of catch words whole-grain unprocessed this is marketing is that what's happening here is this just they understand there's a market for people who if they see the word natural on the box they're tempted to lean that direction yeah I think you know again it's just it's kind of like the fad diet thing every every couple of years we see a new label it's almost like the brand's leave a little bit of real estate on the front of their package because they know that this is the next term out there that's going to attract attention you know you remember when it was all about gluten-free right everything it was all about that kind of wording on a package if it was gluten-free that was good somehow for some reason and then it was non-gmo and then it was like no sugar added so yeah those are marketing terms but the front of the package is sort of like the Wild West for marketing you know they can put all kinds of different things on there to attract your attention they can use really incredible images to attract your attention the boring stuff is the black and white and the nutrition facts panel and the ingredients and that's what tells the real story of what you're actually eating right there's panels on the back are they I mean are they pretty close to reality or do they get some there there's some wiggle room in those nutritional facts charts well there there's I don't know if you want to cope with room there's like rounding things that they can do but they very are supposed to be based on actual data like when you are if you have a success if you made a product that you wanted to sell you would have to send it into a lab and have it analyzed so that you knew the nutrition facts what's going to be going on the panel and then that information is all part becomes all part of that product so you pay to have that analyzed you just don't make up information for for zero you're on the thinking atheist podcast Leah McGrath who's this this is Malachi and from Ohio that was in the chance is commenting about plant-based and I think it's interesting a lot of these uh well for one thing doctors are not educated in nutrition so you can't really rely on doctors to give you the effective you know we're they're gonna give prescribed medication and then dietitian seems I was kind of take this middle of the road this moderation kind of plan work but moderation is so subjective and and the reality is that plant-based diet or lifestyle is the only diet that don't actually remove anything that you need to sustain yourself where every other diet you know like maketo diet you know you're removing complex carbs and you're only eating meat and fat you're pumping your veins full of fat and in creating basically clogging up your arteries and creating ketosis and so anyway so plant base is really you're eating things that are growing out of the ground you're not eating processed foods you know you're creating your own beavers by taking black beans you're boiling them or you know and you're putting them in the in the Vitamix blender and then you're adding some oats to it you're making you put in the oven you're making your own bean burgers that are healthy they're not packed full of these chemicals that are going through this processing plant or all these other additives and then chemical these things that are that are killing us and creating all the essential in our body and I'm not an expert I'm not a doctor not a dietician I'm just I just on I've listened to so much information that fact base based on and these studies and a lot of stuff we've known for decades it's just been suppressed or haven't been part of the mainstream and I just think people just get the information they can make there if they have the truth they can make their own decision it's pretty obvious well I appreciate your comment let me let me let Leah jump in here because she is an expert in the failures your take on what you just heard well you know I'm always like to ask people when they define a diet as plant-based are you talking about a vegan diet or vegetarian diet or how do you define clad space well I'm I follow I don't personally with dr. Michael Greger that he runs on health facts that were again his whole he wrote a book how not to die and his second book is how not to diet and he has a really great guideline as far as a traffic light of yellow green and red food and so the green foods are things like around the ground begin your you're not some eating McDonald's fries you're taking a potato that you bought at the grocery store you're slicing it up and you know your whether or not you're choosing to eat oil or not there's another thing but you know you're slicing up yourself and you're not eating the process like frozen foods and things like that and so we kind of a look at traffic we're yellow foods are or maybe slow moderately or slightly processed foods and red foods are like meat dairy and highly processed foods beacon the reason and he comes he's develop this system based on this evidence-based you know research and medical research and journals that can esteem go through and really what what led me down this path personally is just the fact of history of cancer in my family and I was challenging whether or not I was genetically predisposed and had no other option or if I had a choice and so to me based on all the research that I've done that I have a choice if I change my diet and I avoid things in our food that are promoting cancers and I can increase my chances of not getting this and I don't know if you you guys have talked about this yet but I'm very and and neat you know if they ruin our body you can see most animal product the animal protein that it promotes igf-1 which is human growth hormone and it's a huge cancer promoter and hang on there's none to unpack here alright so I'm trying to string you because there a lot I don't want to think over right you can't eat your way out of a genetic predisposition to cancer can you know you know and you know you can lessen your risks if you have those genes for cancer it doesn't mean if you have the genes for the certain type of cancer doesn't mean you're going to actually end up having the cancer and you can certainly maybe reduce your risk or have that awareness there are certain environmental things but you're not going to be able to eat your way out of environmental exposures you're not to be able to eat your way out of you know I think I think what's important I mean I think it's great to embrace eating more fruits vegetables grains beans nuts seeds I you know I've said that repeatedly I also think we need to acknowledge that many people around the world live long lives and live very healthy lives having a very diverse diet which includes dairy and whether that's milk or that whether it's a fermented dairy like a yogurt cheese product and that people all around the world eat meat products so I think you have to find a diet that makes you feel good and that you can sustain for the long haul and that you you can maintain your health unfortunately true vegan diet does need some sort of supplementation because and the one of the biggest one is vitamin b12 I mean we we see some really serious health consequences when people are on a vegan diet for a long term and are not there are these kind of minor low levels I efficiency may go unrecognized for long periods of time and then they become serious problems so whenever somebody was subscribing to a very strict vegan diet which is kind of what I believe you're describing because I know dr. Greger is a vegan and he advocates for that diet which I would strongly recommend that you make sure you're you're having your blood test every year to check for things like your iron levels your calcium vitamin D b12 to make sure that you aren't going from a situation of having a slight deficiency to a full-blown deficiency appreciate your call my friend thanks for being a part of the show good weight loss thank you come on Lea I mean do you ever just sneak out and get a piece of cheesecake I'm saying did you just go out and you know what give me the extra hot fudge on the sundae do you ever have pizza come on you know me you're human this time of year is that it's the Cadbury egg oh my gosh it's like the one time of year when I see them in the store I'm like oh my gosh it's the Cadbury egg I have a sweet tooth like you said so I have to make sure that I have strategies that I have things like turn around and that every once in a while if I want something sweet I don't beat myself up over having something sweet and you know you balance your life out with exercise and activity as much as you can does it derail your train I've heard people say well you know once you step off the wagon right because I had a piece of peanut butter pie last night it had chocolate on the top of it and a graham cracker crust and I'm like well this I just hose myself like if I kicked in my sugar cravings again you know again I think it really depends on you some people you know over the course of my life I have know people who are that all-or-nothing it's like sugar is too much of a temptation so therefore I have to give up all sugar I can't ever each other and then there's the people who are like you know I can control my sweet tooth I allow myself piece of chocolate a day or I allow myself when I go out to eat I have you know that peanut butter pie with a graham cracker fresh from the chocolate syrup or whatever so I think you can't view those times as I've fallen off the wagon I feel guilty I feel terrible all is lost I might as well resume my own old eating habits and that's really not how you should look at it you should really look at it as you know what I'm gonna really enjoy this and it sounds like you did and you didn't eat the whole pie so there's that I think I think you just I you know I know that your caller Malik I was sort of like I you know dieticians and mod everything in moderation yeah well I think that's probably the more realistic way to look at things anyway how do we protect ourselves from somebody who's maybe throwing some credentials at us but maybe selling whoa is there like a filter that we could use that you would recommend you know I think it kind of comes back to something you said earlier in the show when you ask the caller you know why are you talking about this specific diet what's your interest in it are you selling it so I think that that's always a big red flag for me if somebody is trying to sell their their philosophy their diet as better than anything anybody else is doing that's a big red flag for me look at somebody's credentials what is their training what is their experience are they in it for themselves are they really in it to provide science-based information you know or are they in it to make a quick buck and get more advertisers are they really in it to help people and I know a lot of people these days seem to have some distrust of the government but you know you pay for four entities like the FDA USDA CDC so these are people that don't have a vested interest in selling you a book or selling you a diet plan that's where I would start to try and get some science-based information is your name Gwyneth Paltrow or Vani Hari that's probably a good place to start follow the GUP website and you mentioned food babe do you does this go into a closet and just bang your head against the sheetrock over that stuff or what well you know I think it makes me it makes me sad when I hear people who you know they spend a lot of money on something because you know some sort of quick fix or you know some sort of magical T or you know they said oh you know dr. oz this I think that you know a lot of us are looking for the quick fix and the cure and you know like you're one caller we're frustrated because we've tried different things and they haven't worked and we're we're looking for that magic bullet we're looking for that solution and so you can't really blame people for kind of grasping at those types of advertisements and those types of individuals but I think in the long run it just leads you down the path of frustration and an expensive waste of money Leah McGrath you are amazing thanks for educating us Forbes helping to route us in some evidence-based information and good lifestyle type stuff and I wish you all the best in your endeavors I will include the link to your Twitter in the description box so that anybody who wants to go and follow you and your work can certainly do so it's been an honor and a pleasure thanks again thank follow the thinking atheist on Facebook and Twitter for a complete archive of podcasts and video products like mugs and t-shirts featuring the thinking atheist logo links to atheist pages and resources and details on upcoming free thought events and conventions log on to our website the thinking atheist com .

Video Description:

We're directing our rational brains toward the subject of health and nutrition...with special guest and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist Leah McGrath. (@InglesDietitian)

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