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Saturday, March 6, 2021


The Paleo Solution Book Revisions - Q5 - Q&A 23 - Ep 430

okay final question for this week is from Mike on the Paleo diet mike says going back to your first book what are the main things you would revise or add if you ever did a revision well funny thing is we did do a revision there is a volume to reversing - it's a paperback version lately the Maine yeah I mean there wasn't a massive amount that we tweaked so I had some pretty aggressive fish oil recommendations in the first book which I modified over time thank you for the people that burn me at the stake about getting that one wrong I was largely following people like Barry Sears and other folks that the that information seemed credible at the time on that fatty acid omega-3 profile in grass-fed beef yeah so - - that fatty acid topic Diana Rodgers and I have been working on the sustainability book and movie called sacred cow and it's interesting because we've had pretty massive pushback from the vegan community that begins which is not surprising at all but I tell you one of the more surprising places that we get a shocking degree of pushback and very vigorous and very ill informed and unfortunately is kind of like the the really go go getter paleo ancestral health crowd that insists that grass-fed meat is the only grass-fed grass-finished is the only way to go and Diana and I tackle this in the book and we're also going to be doing a series of blog posts and other support material where I really dig into the literature on this but the reality is that so it as a baseline the bulk of ruminant animals whether it's cows sheeps sheep goats Kaimal whatever you know they're grass-fed for the most part there is some green finishing now the thing is is that I probably am suffering is what do they say like when you raise kids you know like you you get back when you were as a kid and so like I'm sure I sewed a lot of the seeds of my frustration on this now because early in this story there was a sense that the Fanning acid profiles of grass-fed meat were remarkably better with regards to the omega-3 omega-6 balance than grain finished me around 2009/2010 though mat well and really did a deep dive into this stuff and he was like nah man that's not the case at all there's very little difference when you get right down to it and I got into a pissing match on on the interwebs on social media shocker with a woman who is a master's degree in chemical engineering and she insisted that there was a difference in the protein and I grass-fed versus green finished um meat and I said show me one paper and she went through all of this light magic and mysticism and like flailing and all kinds of Appeal to odd authorities but could not produce one thing that suggested that the protein content nor really the fatty acid content was significantly different between grass-finished and green finished me now from a sustainability perspective there's a great argument for doing as much grass finishing as possible but even in that story there's a reality that like to the degree that we do continue to grow wheat or corn or or rice or whatever the the leftovers in that scenario is not technically grass but it is something that animals can be finished on and it is used that way and it's a very smart utilization of resources because otherwise that that is cellulosic material just builds up and it degrades very slowly it maybe oxidizes instead of compost and all that type of stuff so there's really compelling reasons to have a middle ground in this story and not be complete zealots about it there is no compelling case from a health perspective that the the fatty acid profiles are are different and so that's a big one from the book that I probably sewed a lot of erroneous info really advocating for grass-fed meat but the reason why been advocating for grass-fed meat even with the knowledge about there is not that big of a difference from a health perspective there is a significant story there from a resource management sustainability perspective so that's gonna be a fun one to unpack over the next 10 years in grass-fed versus green grass finish versus green finished beef anything else nah otherwise like why paleo solution was pretty on point you know making recommendations around sleep getting out in the Sun lifting some weights doing some sprinting not letting your your kind of internal dialogue you know kind of kind of eat you up that whole stret the the stress chapter like the finance piece and everything so that stuff's kind of stood the test of time and honestly it got recycled and updated significantly and wired to eat like it's still those those things are kind of I would argue Kenny universalities in this story yeah okay is that it I think that's our last question for this week yeah thank you guys again for your questions you can submit them at Robert calm on the contact page at dass Rob wolf for Instagram which is about the only place I'm hanging out these days these questions out there also on YouTube this episode is sponsored by drink element the electrolyte drink mix that has the sodium that you need if you're on a low carb or ketogenic diet that's what plants crave so thanks guys .

Video Description:

5. Paleo Diet

Mike says:
Going back to your first book - what are the main things you would revise or add - if you ever did a revisions?
