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Monday, January 18, 2021


How To Put On Weight and Muscle Mass While Eating Paleo Diet - The Daily BS 79

Dhar Clarkson here with the daily BS got another question about gaining weight while sticking to the Paleo diet so sticking to paleo your carbs are automatically going to be pretty low compared to kind of a normal Western diet where people are eating a lot of processed grains so if you're on a lower carbohydrate paleo type diet basically you don't have to go out of your way to make sure that you're eating enough things like sweet potatoes or even regular white potatoes or some of the starts your types of vegetables squash potentially even things like carrots fall into that category but they're still not going to be quite as dense as I'm eating processed grains or if you're you know you're getting that post-workout shake where you're adding in something like pure glucose or pure sugar it's going to be easier to gain weight in that situation so what I suggest is either either not eating 100% paleo and adding in workout drinks where you're adding in sugar or some type of denser source of carbohydrates right after your workout and whether it's you know a little bit of extra rice or if you you know if you want to be extreme about it you're not really worried about gluten you could add something like bread or pasta how how sensitive you are to those those types of nutrients does I want to recommend most people most people that say just add in some extra potatoes extra rice and then if you if you want to add a workout drink I would add in pure glucose along with whatever whey protein or whatever protein source you're using for that particular workout drink but the point is is that you at some point need to add some denser source of carbohydrates which is gonna help spur some growth can give you an insulin response and is going to help you get bigger and stronger a little bit faster than if you don't get extra carbohydrates in your diet so I understand paleo is pretty tough I mean the the thing that I didn't mention that kind of goes without saying usually is that obviously you should be eating as absolutely much as possible of you know the healthy paleo food that you probably already eating so if you're not getting five or six meals a day you're not stuffing yourself full at all those meals then that's probably step one and then at that point if you're just still not getting enough calories and especially enough carbohydrates then you can start adding these things in on top of the Paleo food that you're already eating so give that a shot let us know if you have any more questions if you like this video or any of our videos make sure to share it on your Facebook wall by clicking share and then the Facebook icon and then also like it Thanks truck dogs .

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Friday, November 6, 2020


PALEO DIET RECIPES/ day 4 paleo weight loss recipe/INS

foreign notifications um recipe foreign m foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign m foreign keep supporting us thanks for watching bye .

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