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Saturday, February 13, 2021


5 Minute Ab Workout to Tone Your Abs

hey guys clever paleo grubs and today we're going to be doing a five-minute ab workout routine with five exercises each of one minute and this work that's going to really help you tighten up your core and burn some calories so we're gonna get started in ten seconds let's just get a bit of a warm-up going get your heart rate up and I'm going to be starting with the spider plant in five four three two one alright guys start in a push-up position and reach your knees to your elbows just like this we're gonna be doing this for one minute you wanna make sure you keep your tongue tight and your bum down don't go doing this keep your bum down now we've got 40 seconds left keep squeezing that tummy really reach for your elbow alright guys a half way keep it up this is gonna work out your core as well as your obliques all right guys 15 seconds left keep it up all right five four three two what now we're going to go two side crunches lie down on the ground knees to one side and lift I'm going to do 30 seconds on this side and then 30 seconds on the other side really want to squeeze those oblique muscles ten seconds left five four three two one switch sides same thing hands by ears crunch upwards you tell me tight obliques tight ten seconds left keep going guys alright and we're gonna go into reverse crunch elbows to prop yourself up start with knees and chest and release out make sure you keeping your tummy tight and your quads pleased this is going to work your lower ab muscles as well as your upper abs keep it up guys 35 seconds left make sure your legs goes down as far as possible your knees all the way and you chest and come all the way down do not let your back arch this can really cause injuries just give you tummy time and your legs squeezed alright guys now we're going into toe reach gonna lay them flat on your back with your legs up feet flat and reach for your toes let's go this is a great exercise for the lower abs but you really hard to target all right guys a hot flag right jumps high as possible keep this leg straight it's hard to talk through this exercise 20 seconds to go all right guys now we're going into plank step out so I jump into plank I'll just tell me really tight and stop step out we've got one step one minute yup keep your bum down foot is straight squeeze those ABS so in five seconds left make sure you don't drop you back but keep it straight 20 seconds left 10 seconds left 5 4 3 2 1 all right guys oh well done so guys that's your 5 minutes up I hope you can feel like a whole coal burning just like me you know what if you do this at least three four times a week you're definitely gonna see a difference in your belly area all right guys sign you got four paragraphs .

Video Description:

Do this simple 5 minute ab workout every other day to tighten and strengthen your core.

Thursday, August 13, 2020


How to Do Plank + Mistakes & Variations

starts in a tabletop position vacuum your wrists directly under the shoulders and the knees underneath the hips create a solid foundation for the upper body by spreading your fingers wide and keeping the palm spot one foot at a time extend the legs long stepping back into your plank the body should be long and flat just like a board or a plank of wood to create length it is fine imagine your tailbone is reaching towards your heels and the heels are lengthening toward a wall behind you create that stain lengthening energy by reaching your crown of the head forward so making sure to keep your gaze down between your hands wings are designed to fire up the core keep your abs engaged by drawing your navel into the spine activating the lower transverse abdominals don't forget to breathe if your hips are sagging towards the floor it's a sign that you're not properly engaging your core make sure to lift and lengthen the lower back keeping the ABS active also keep the legs active by squeezing your inner thighs end this will prevent the lower back from collapsing inward if your butt is lifted into the air you're also not properly engaging your core first realign your shoulders to be directly over the wrists as they've most likely shifted back activate the muscles in your upper back by internally rotating your triceps and towards the ears this will create support for your shoulders then continue to draw the lower belly up and end to keep the core engaged lower impact if you have tenderest modify by slightly turning the risk powers you can also use a yoga block underneath each hand focus on ass to make this movies are more challenging for your core and to take some of the work out of your shoulders bring your planks down to the forearms your elbow should stack directly beneath the shoulders and your forearms should remain parallel advanced start by lifting each foot alternating sides progress by lifting your foot and holding it off the ground and finally live the opposite hand out to shoulder height .

Video Description:

Learn how to master one of the best exercises for strengthening your core -- and toning your entire bod.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


8 Foam Roller Workouts to Flatten Abs

here are some foam milling exercises to target the major muscle groups in your body for more workouts check out paleo hacks calm .

Video Description:

Are you up for a challenge? Increase the intensity of your workout by incorporating these eight foam roller exercises for abs!
