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Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Building Endurance On The Paleo Diet Episode # 29

hey this is gary collins and keith squire and i am the owner of the primal power method he is the owner of julian bakery we want to make that clear again just in case people are confused since they send us nasty hate mail to the wrong people all the time I'm just kidding but we want to talk about some topic that there's a lot of confusion in and it has i've noticed it over the last couple years and that is endurance training and paleo and primal lifestyle there's been a lot of articles written about how severe endurance can cause ventricle damage of the right ventricle and in that it can cause heart problems and heart attacks down the line and all the studies have not been done with a proper diet it's the problem they're not differentiate between a healthy diet a standard american diet which is highly inflammatory but i think some of the Paleo community and primal community has picked up on this as don't do any endurance exercise all you need to do is wind sprints and that's it if that I think some people are lost on the exercise portion don't you because there's a lot of confusion with exercise right now yeah and it's it and if you're not following a kind of ketogenic low sugar low carb approach you're gonna actually um you're gonna have problems you're gonna you're gonna start being puffy and if you follow a low-carb ketogenic approach you can actually get results with with with a minimal amount of exercise these people aren't even doing a minimal amount of exercise is the problem and it's no wonder why you know they're not getting any kind of results and I think what what Gary and I are saying here is that follow what we're saying which is a low sugar low carb ketogenic approach mix it with some exercise three to five times a week and if you want to go even into this endurance realm which is you no longer long-distance running and so forth it is ideal you just need to amp up your fat protein content and you're going to have a sustained energy while running I mean yesterday around 45 minutes straight beforehand I had some of our new beef protein and that's it I mean it's just I amped up my protein I had a healthy source of fats from coconut oil and that's it 45 minutes flat straight run and then I then I lifted weights for 15 to 20 minutes afterwards I mean I don't do that all the time but my body has the necessary nutrients in order to run a sustained period in and out of fast speed you know I'm running 67 miles per hour you know I mean that's it's it's a it's a nice nice nice little run there yeah and I'm a big believer in mixing it up I mean you just don't want to do wind sprints and high-intensity interval training three four times a week and that's it I don't get me wrong that's great I do it I implement it but I have one day that I commit to endurance training during the week and that's usually I ride my bikes cuz I can't run because of injuries and so what I do is I ride my bike I've written my bike up to six hours without a meal just water and it's because I'm a fat burn I I don't need to carb load up to a point don't get me wrong I work with athletes two and four super high endurance athletes first ultra marathoners you know triathletes ironmen that's a little different I mean you're gonna have to up your carbs because you need some readily available blood glucose to kind of replenish there's certain times it takes about two two and a half hours for you deplete your glycogen with some pretty moderate to heavy exercise people always talk about oh I just did 15 minutes of lifting I gotta go you know get my glycogen back up and I'm like what probably full you're done you know it takes quite a bit to deplete your glycogen levels so with that yeah it's a yeah that's an important point touched on is what we're saying here is Gary and I through eating carb ketogenic kind of fashion not taking in two min too much sugar or carbohydrates we've become fat burners and you can definitely go a certain distance with that but if you are going beyond you know what two and a half hours there's you would have to adjust your macros accordingly but how many people are actually and you know doing that short of endurance training many not very many and what we're saying is unless you're working out for more than two and a half hours following this ketogenic low sugar low carb kind of paleo template you're going to be in the optimal fat burning zone you don't even have to work out you can really work out in an hour I would say and get insane results you know and um you don't have to you don't have to work out that hard to see the results either your body is just going to start shedding fat because you're burning fat as energy all of a sudden and it's it's just too easy oh it's a big difference I think the the problem that most people do is when they get into health and exercise they instantly categorize themselves as an athlete you know they think there are obviously placing himself like in the Michael Jordan category you go no no no you're not even close to that the professional athletes and people who compete train at a far different level than even me and Heath I mean that you're talking three four times the amount of effort that we're putting in and when you do that you have to offset with some more carbohydrates but you don't want to be doing that in sugars and goos and gatorade and stuff like that what you want to do is you want to do it with food so you know sweet potato you know maybe some starch your carbs that you can get that aren't gonna ruin your Paleo far as grains and you know mess around with rice you can I messed around a little bit here and there with some people who just don't want to give up rice I tried but some of them they'll use it as as an endurance piece but those again those are athletes those are people that are burning huge amounts of calories that is not me and you yeah I know and that's important right there is that when you're I mean I used to play I played soccer for 13 years okay and I was skinny as a rail I he whatever I want and this is the same principle you have some you know there you have a lot of vegans blasting you know paleo people on the way they look well these paleo people are exercising very much but not practicing what they preach these vegans are out there they're actually endurance running they have you they can do whatever they want sure you can have all the bananas you want and you can eat whatever you want I mean the bottom line is if you're if you're an endurance runner you're running long distances and you have the time to do that and the optimal thing there is the time to do that then um you can you can literally eat whatever you want because your body is an inferno it's gonna it's just going to obliterate all the calories you're consuming and but what we're saying is you can have a much better you know foundation for your body to utilize you know healthy fats and proteins and the right the right carbs and have far better success with less inflammation of the joints by following a paleo template and sure you can adjust your macros for those long endurance runs or whatever it is that you're doing because what you're going to have less joint pain you know and for me I used to play basketball also back in the day and I used to have bursitis you know and I was consuming grains and I was consuming rice I'm sure i was skinny but i was having these joint pains i was also really young so when i say i was playing basketball this is back when i was 18 and you know i was eating healthy but I was definitely consuming inflammatory you know sort of grains and I paid the price and I was like I'm young why my highly enjoin panjaa not until I was much older I understand what was actually happening in my body but um there's something to be said about having you know doing crossf
it and not having joint pain afterwards and and avoiding a lot of these injuries can be really upset just by consuming a low sugar look you know an anti-inflammatory diet like the Paleo diet but you just have to adjust your your macros accordingly yeah and you can do normal that you can do some pretty long endurance I mean you can go out there and really pound and not have to carb load and I think that's another part of it is they're going against the carb loading and doing that as opposed to you know looking at it because I'll do it and you know the over consumption of carbs and carb loading again an endurance I i we think people get discouraged from endurance because like said I think people are teaching that primal or paleo that humans were more short bursts of speed you know in that day only in a walking traveling that instead of they wouldn't jog which i think is completely incorrect when you look at the human body we're not geared for speed we're actually pretty slow I've never owned a dog that I could ever catch when it takes off or get anywhere close to it you know yeah um you know we would have to were upright you know in being a bipedal five petal I can't even remember how you say that but you just instead of being on all fours animals have the ability to go faster they're more aerodynamic because they're lower to the ground humans are upright standing straight up so even if we could run and go at a fast pace our aerodynamics are horrible I mean it's like a big mac truck you know trying to go you know 50 miles an hour there's good much more wind resistance than a sports car and you know how would we you know far as prey well we'd have to chase animals in order to eat them and the only way we could do that is we either had to outthink them trap them humph them with the devices for Spears bow and arrows and we didn't have that technology till fairly recently so they've shown that we would you can run run animal for about four or five miles till their internal temperature gets to about 105 degrees and then they got to stop well that's because they don't have the cooling system that humans have we have the most efficient cooling system of all mammals I mean we're geared to be able to go out and heat and survived run jog walk an animal gets to 105 they have to do it through their lungs they have to bring in outside air in order to cool themselves down into their lungs and cool through capillaries and through blood vessels and like dogs in their tongues and so run him down and what they do is they actually will tire an animal it'll just collapse well yeah and understanding how that was a hunting technique there was no Spears nothing involved it was teamwork tues people would run and take you know turns running and chasing animals then someone would fall back and we've lost that I mean most cultures don't do that anymore they found a few that still practice it but it's very uncommon but it makes sense right yeah animals are built like a cheetah cannot it is faster than a rabbit but a rabbit has muscles around it around its waste and around its lungs and diaphragm to where where it can actually bring in oxygen quicker than the cheetah so the cheetah has to be faster than the rabbit in order to catch it to eat it if it has a certain window if it doesn't catch it in that certain window it's over forget it and it's you know you'll watch they'll stop when they chase and I've got you grew up hunting too and I've watched coyotes go chase after rabbits and stuff even my dog and they'll chase them for a little bit but if they can't get to a certain point they stopped because they know they can't catch it that that animal is faster than they are and that they can't continue to pursue it so that's was a long-winded explanation but understanding endurance that humans are geared for that I mean our sweat is you know it has salt in it sodium well that is based upon making it sticky so if we just you know if all we did was excrete pure water it would roll right off our bodies because the oil well with the sodium in the salt what it does is it makes it sticky tacky to our whole bodies become like cooling machines so it's pretty interesting to see that so I'd never discourage people against doing any endurance like said one day a week I focus in on endurance I go out for a couple hours at least well I think you know the endurance comes into play and you'll start feeling like you can go work out for longer periods of time when your hormones get adjusted when your diet is in place you know essentially i'm especially you know after the age of 30 our testosterone starts to decline or if you're if you're carrying extra weight your estrogen levels could be peak you're not going to feel like any sort of endurance and you're going to be dealing with all sorts of inflammation of the joints so by following a low carb low sugar in our ketogenic approach keeping your blood sugar and check me not consuming too much sugar in a given meal you can have sustained energy you're not going to have the inflammation the fat will start disappearing because you're burning it as energy and you're going to feel like going longer distances and you can adjust your diet accordingly if you're going to be expending more calories you can take in more calories it's a very simple process and you know it at first you're not going to feel like it and you know optimally you know when you're first starting out really try to target like 20 minutes of cardio be in the optimal fat burning zone you know do 28 30 minutes of weights and you're going to see great results when only in combination with getting your diet and check if you don't fix your diet you won't see the results bottom line yeah there's guys I've seen at the gym year after year and I'm just like wow like what it were they doing we're actually what are they not doing I mean they're not they're not fixing their diets what they're doing it's very simple it's like they're working out hard through their way longer than I am and if they don't get the results and it's it's because of diet I mean you can do all the p90x you want to but if you don't adjust your diet then you're not going to see you're not going to see this kind of results those people and those before and after pictures they change their diet yeah exactly or they exercise to death for like 60 days or 90 days and then you want to see their photo today and it's probably much different than it was because then their body adapts they burn out but yeah I mean I think with endurance what it is tues I just don't like to cut anything out and say it's no good I mean especially luck said the way the human body is built I mean it doesn't mean you go out and do endurance every single day but it also doesn't mean that there are people that don't and are totally healthy they have the right diet you know it's different for everyone but even those people who do endurance the the guys who are at the top though men and women who are at the top of their sports they mix it up it's they just don't do endurance all the time they do sprints thank you resistance training then they have their endurance training you know they mix it all together and no matter what you're doing what what sport you're in whether it's soccer basketball baseball ultramarathon e you want 20 at the top at the field will always mix it up it's always a variety and I well I like endurance training too is you know what it is now it's a great way to clear your mind that's what i use my rides for I you know Friday today is my bike ride day you know i love my bike ride day it's the day where I get to go out forget about everything quietness I go on trails where no one is at so i can be alone and i sit and i just either i either think about things and come up with things ideas or i actually zon
e out that's what I do well I think there's something to be said here I don't think you've ever seen a long-distance runner that's overweight that does not exist and there's a reason because they're burning more calories and they're taking in and they're bought their their optimal fat burners they can go the long distance guess what they can eat whatever pretty much whatever they want and they're going to shut it right off and that just goes back to proving you know if you're over consuming too many calories your body is going to store it is fat if you're burning you know taking more calories and your body's burning it's going to get stored so take up running it rings tough it is it's really tough in the beginning but your body adjust and as you lean down and you shed the extra weight your body you will naturally get more endurance but it's got to be coupled with with a diet and running I it's one of the most challenging things for me I love it but you have to be in the right mood you can't have any inflammation you got to have a clear head I guess some of the best ideas after run you've got a great amount of endorphins pumping right after you workout running is amazing and it sure it's tough on your joints and stuff like that but if you're eating the anti-inflammatory diet guess what you're not gonna have those issues well that's the thing you know everyone talks about you know how running is bad for you it's bad for your joints and you know well if that was true then all animals would be hobbled around with tendonitis and you know bad sprained ankles and swollen knees and it's the diet yeah you don't see animals in nature with those issues even though nature obviously takes care of its own through its own ways for week but but that's the thing it's our diet that's killing us and you watch runners and who have been doing it and they've got their diet all squared away they're now finding that remember it used to be what 27 was like the peak for a long distance runner and then by 30 they were toast done well they found in other cultures that do endurance training and that do run and then they play games that involve endurance training that the better runners are in their 40s 50s and some in 60s because what happens is it is they've maintained their body yeah you know through proper diet they're eating their traditional cultural diet so I know my endurance is far better than it was when I was nineteen twenty it's far better and you know I'm in my 40s well it's because I changed my diet and now it's you know I don't have all the inflammation I wouldn't have to take I remember taken got three four days off because I just hurt just ate you know and it was like yeah this mean I think there's something to be said when LeBron dreams who's already professional athlete athlete and is dominating decides to go what on a 67 day you know no sugar no carb kind of paleo diet he shuts the way he's lean in his life he feels great and he's guess what he's gonna dominate it and you know whether he's going to continue that he'll probably you know drop in and out of going that extreme but you know what he knew that that's what it was going to take to keep him at the top of his game I mean he's one of the top players and there's a readers there's so much so much there's such an advantage to being lean and light and the thing is is to be lean in life but very strong look at Bruce Lee this guy is oh I would he's just shredded he's very light but extremely strong and you can be that way when your hormones are at peak performance if you have a low estrogen level your testosterone level is high and you've shed your body weight by eating proper diet or doing the amount of cardio to shed the weight you all of a sudden become very strong and you know if you can't get your testosterone level up and you've lost the weight cool there's great natural supplements to be able to do that and and and if your hormone levels are high with testosterone you're going to get that natural endurance and drive and not only your workout but in all areas of your life yeah and I wonder if that's part of it to you brought up a really good point and Bruce Lee's was amazing I mean just amazing I guarantee wasn't eating paleo muffins and quest bars all day um that's another topic for another time but you know he had it he had to have his diet in check you do not look that way you cannot perform at the level he did by eating garbage you know but I think that's part of the point you bring up is I think possibly that the the kind of group that's against endurance training and part of that is they're not following the proper diet so that the endurance is really difficult for him you know because it does to do endurance training you have to feel good I know you did it I did endurance training not feeling good and it was misery I don't hate it it I'd have to psych myself up to go for my runs and get out there I'll earlier to have put myself in a totally different frame of mind yeah go out there now when I look at endurance training it's a totally different mindset I actually look forward to it you know cuz I know it's not it's gonna be painful but that's anything in life a challenge but it's not going to be excruciating to where I want to die before I even started it yeah I mean it's it's interesting because it really does come naturally but your if your diets on point and most importantly your digestion is a huge thing if you're not over a civic and your you really need to keep our proper balance within your stomach and your body's digesting your food well meaning that it's it's really getting the full value of the food you're consuming then all of a sudden everything else falls into place you will naturally have that ability to go longer in terms of in running or whatever it is that you're doing and digestion such a huge thing because as we age like if you drink you're drinking you're killing the enzymes in your stomach you really are killing good healthy gut flora you know take a good probiotic take digestive enzymes you know if you're having problems with acid there's so many great things you can do just go really green in your diet consume more broccoli kelp spinach I mean all that stuff that you know you don't want to eat you should be eating and you know what you just do it throw it in a Vitamix blend it up throw some lemon or are you make it taste good I mean Vitamix is great it's way better than a juicer because I'm juicing you have all this leftover like stuff that smells from the vegetables if you throw it in like a mixer guess what you don't have any of that it liquefies you drink the entire thing you're getting way more fiber way more nutrition or whatever mixture you want to use doesn't have to be Vitamix but yeah you know the thing is it's out there you know and just if you're if you don't want to eat something that's probably the thing you should be eating yeah matter of fact that you bring up a good point is we probably should talk about juicing sometimes soon because there's a lot of misconceptions on juicing and it's a big MLM / marketing ploy jus scenes been around forever just exhibitor sees a pain juicing is a huge pain and I'm actually gonna start probably bio Vitamix and start juicing more myself I typically eat a lot of greens anyways I try to eat a lot of solid so but that's in route so important you know you've got to keep your your acidity level low in your stomach and guess what it's going to allow you the extra endurance in the gym it does yes so important and you're going to have more energy to if you're overly acidic you're going to be you're going to have inflammation you're going to be dealing with all these other issues but we'll save that fo
r another show we want to thank everybody for tuning in we've had just a tremendous outpouring of support and emails and wanna thank you all you can email Gary or I at Gary at the primal show com or myself heat at the prime will show calm make sure you hit the subscribe button and you've got update updates and notifications every time we launched a new video visit Gary side at the Prime the primal see you're doing it now do it's folks yes the primal power method power method now see I got a primal power method and myself at Julian Baker ecomme forward slash blog we have over 600 recipes and how-to videos and we'll talk to you all soon thanks so much .

Video Description:

Episode #29 "Heath Squier & Gary Collins talk about the endurance training while being on the Paleo Diet." The Primal Show with Former FDA Investigator & Author Gary Collins & CEO Of Julian Bakery, Inc. Heath Squier talk about how endurance training is a natural part of human movement, and some of the incorrect information being given when it comes to endurance training and the Paleo/Primal lifestyle.
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