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On this episode of the CrossFit, Strength and Conditioning Podcast Barbell Shrugged we discuss why the paleo diet isn't always the best for CrossFit performance and what you can do about it. For more episodes of the podcast visit
hey folks I'm Nick Hawks with paleo treats we get asked the question a lot what is paleo and so I thought I'd do a quick video for you just to give you an idea of how to have a perspective work so paleo is this idea that over the course of about two million years of human history we've evolved to eat a certain way we're gonna pause for 30 seconds on this two million years idea let's say that this whole line here represents represents two million years all right it's only in the last 10,000 years that we've started to eat the products of Agriculture like gluten grains and dairy so how long is 10,000 years and I think this is a kicker is if this is 2 million right - then half of that is 1 half that is 500,000 half that is 250,000 half of that is 125,000 half of that let's just say it's 60 and then 30 and then 15 and then right here maybe this last little bit that's the ten thousand so for this whole period we were eating this certain diet now it's not like there's just one diet that every human age because every human came from a different place whether you were way up north and eating mostly protein and meat or you're down there the equator and eating tons of carbohydrates there's a lot of different diets that evolved but all of them had something in common or at least it's something that they didn't have in common and that was no glutens no grains and no dairies no dairy now the last pieces I show you how small this is if that's ten thousand let's just expand that little thing out to this whole piece okay it's only in the last hundred years that we've started eating processed foods sugars preservatives things that nature stabilizers all that all the stuff that you can't pronounce when you open up but when you look at a piece of packaged food so if this whole thing is ten thousand years let's do the same thing again so 5,000 2,500 1250 let's just call thousand five hundred two fifty 125 again this last little piece that's when we started to eat this stuff here sugars preservatives stabilizers all those chemical additives to food so you can see that over this huge course of time we haven't evolved to eat that food now humans can eat and live on just about anything you live on shoe leather if you have to but if you want to be eating the optimized diet for you as a human you want to really think about what was available to my ancestors and that'll be stuff like meats does not to be lean meats can have plenty of fat fruits vegetables nuts and seeds so stuff that as you cruised around the Savannah the forests the mountains the Arctic tundra in the summer winter whatever it's stuff that you could find maybe you drilled it up maybe you did it for a huge portion of time we didn't even use fire so you think about what the Paleo diet is is it's an acknowledgment that humans have evolved to eat a very specific or on a very kind of specific set of guidelines and most of the food in the supermarket so that you can buy right now is outside of those guidelines so we start with this idea let's eat the way we evolved to eat let's eliminate a lot of this other stuff gluten grains dairy sugars preservatives stabilizers because all of those things have an inflammatory effect on our body now they don't have the same effect on everyone some of us can eat dairy pretty much no problem some of us can eat gluten no problem we all evolved to eat different diets around the world but overall if you're looking for a great place to start and you're wondering what does paleo mean and how does it kind of how do I understand it this is a really good way to begin understanding the Paleo diet thanks so much for watching catch you next time ChaCha .
Video Description:
We get asked about Paleo all the time: What it is, what it means, and why gluten, grain, and dairy aren't on it.
It's important to start with the timeline and understand just how long evolution had to develop this diet.
Our focus in this video is on perspective.
We've spent an extraordinary amount of time living without gluten, grains, dairy, sugars, preservatives, stabilizers, and the thousands of chemicals and synthetic ingredients added to every day food.
This perspective is one of the fundamental building blocks of understanding Paleo.
Sugarless crystals here your Keto Paleo food with you we're slowing things down the speaker on something serious So what is the paleo diet exactly now before I get started I do want to say Even though we all we have a lot of fun in this channel You have to remember while we're all here if this is your first time here. We have a lot of fun What we do with Keto and Paleo Foods, and I think you should join the team subscribe buttons below see Paleo diet was born in the Low-carb Movement and When Low-carb first hit the scene I guess people started redefining it and coming up with new ways well coming up with different ways To make something good even better now paleo comes from the paleolithic, era. You've heard of it as the Caveman diet It's based around what we would have eat in fact when we were hunter-Gather Anyway, no sugar no alcohol No Dairy products the lagoon no processed oils no salt coffee and grains now things that are ultimately of course are Things such as vegetables Your meats of course root vegetables root vegetables of fire now I guess is debatable where you can have potato or not, but potato is a root vegetable But depending on where you want to go within your diet that is up to you completely your fruits your nuts Now pina is a legume to my understanding. I could be very wrong if I am wrong Either way if that's what you want to do personally I hate the word diet Because you know I'm growing up everybody when you think of diet you think of oh?
I gotta be hungry tired - hey get diet doesn't have to be a death sentence man Don't look at them in the diet. Look at them look at them as lifestyle changes even before you consider doing them understand What your life will be like?
How much better it is I understand tea days.
Yeah me myself I I'm not going to say I don't have them, but I have over the years. I've had them less and less and less and less That's something because I've found other options I found healthier options It doesn't mean you can't go out to eat anymore these restaurants are catering to us now set Snacks I Can still have cookies?
They're not as sweet, and they're always tasty They're cookie recipes are there. I've done blindly recipes. I've done cupcake recipes. I've done I've done brownie recipes and really that's what singles Christmas is all about it's all about not Generating a diet because it's not a diet.
It's a lifestyle doing what I do now on YouTube here I've come across some amazing recipes that I never thought that our even that back even tastes well I'm not a so-called diet, and I tell the truth. I mean I'm not Gonna I'm not gonna lie to you guys because of our lot And I lose my authenticity nobody wants to watch a liar Well there might be another story, so if you found yourself here You definitely came to the right place people like yourself same recipes in for me to review and make on my channel I also make sonic bloggers recipes I know as someone who's trying to live a healthier lifestyle myself the last thing I want to do is constantly just go through hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of websites trying to find what I'm going to eat that Night because guess what it's a lot easier to drive down the street and go to Wendy's I want to keep this video short Paleo diet is a lifestyle when you choose to eat how they say we would have eaten in the paleolithic, era So until next time is as cigarettes crystals here and here. We are making new recipes. We just need the food You got to stay healthy I?
Sent a young age I chose to live a healthier lifestyle. No because it sounded well, but I watched my elders You know I had someone very close to me.
I watched her she just died over the years and By seeking answers trying to help her I learned myself and I said you know while I'm young let me do this now and I can possibly change I can possibly change how my future will be so clear diet and proper exit So having a healthier diet and a proper exercise hopefully, I'll age well you know it's still a little too early to tell but you know I'm I'm getting it please consider taking care of yourself .
Video Description:
What is the paleo diet exactly? I go over a brief explanation of the diet and why you shouldn't dread eating a better way than what we typically do.
Video over at 3:30 bonus footage afterward
Paleo Cupcake:
Paleo Chipotle Recipe: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submissions: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: I don't own any of the recipes I review. This channel is strictly for entertainment purposes. I wish nothing but the best for any of the parties I work with and I only can hope viewers feel the need to seek you on their own will. These ratings are simply of my own opinion and nothing more. I am not a chef nor a legal doctor so any information you may receive or products/recipes you try use at your own will.