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Tuesday, March 16, 2021



hey friends christmas is just around the corner and with that is the endless amount of food festivities and of course your family so here is a recipe then you can do that will support your whole family make them happy and you do it all in one pan this is my one skillet chicken dinner and it's got a number of things I want you to take away from today but just most notably how simple it truly is so I've got our oven preheated to about 350 400 degrees Fahrenheit it's about 180 degrees Celsius to kind of pinpoint it right there and cool ingredients sorted and set it up now first thing to know this is all about timing to make it even quicker first thing you do is actually sear off our chicken so we've got a chicken thighs here just got them from local supermarket and I like to keep the skin on and reason for that is it allows for a beautiful crispy golden touch to your lovely chicken savory goodness let's talk about cooking your chicken you want to have a medium to medium-high heat a lot of people do go warm away the extremity of a high heat and actually chart or start to burn the outside edge again before actually tenderize that beautiful flesh on the inside so we've got our pan here we've got a medium to high heat in there I'm just going to add a little Evo olive oil and then I'm gonna grab it without my left hand our chicken okay she's gonna have the skin facing side up a little bit of salt to that now it's gonna laugh an extra crisp finish on our surface take that me cold chicken the office is going on we can actually stop peeling away faster this I feel this I have some talk and I like this here you guys want we're getting close they're losing I leave the pen so look inside you when one does and remove repent a lot of the time go away and your chicken is still sticking to a pen but stop but not it doesn't one of your roadie jet so when it's golden and crispy you more likely to have it easily release process brass come close it will get a seat guys see my bow so was a matter of buddha Bhishma pen let me pull this and you want to keep that that's what you gonna get one of the extra fly ball it's going hot No sit them aside and strike the pen I'm gonna hide anymore we'll put the flame is off the chicken the olive oil all that in there already I'm gonna turn that heat just slightly gonna get four ingredients in there what's gonna get into an onion come on the red the red sweetness I want the keys ended on to the home to the yellow put in right and the veget of autonomous is Russia that softness just comes apart and this beauty this to do it now has a nothing swing well well onion you'll see it's always generally speaking at the spot of lesions they can stay up an squats that's still gonna mine is getting that got it so in case you're not gonna keep this whole little well you're gonna spread that it simple as that so you're gonna hear the chicken juice you've got your onion you've got your sweet potato Brussels sprouts of course like garlic get out of this sometime we will not spread of that just like that and you can really start to smell the plant is developing so here's what I want you to take away how simple it is to do in one pan but also about doing any one man all this Christmas smell in your house is gonna have all these flavors developing on the top cuz hooked up the chicken fat left flavor in the pan now you go up the sweetness from the onion you put that bolster to tender flavor and then grassy brain creepiness all the Bronx sprouts combined with jolly and time back to our chicken we cooked it skin side down so one side got cool the other side still raw we're gonna put the skin side that was cooked on top and then what's going to happen is when we put the other the insides get cooked in the dry heat around it so everything is getting roasted but the benefit to keeping off the crispy skin firstly here the flavors like in the pan this is exactly what I was telling you that why series in first you're gonna get this beautiful crisp to the touch skill of a chicken I just have to show you this my friends look squish soft soft as the juices of this chicken cooked right I love the name of his flavors just goes together the team that is what you call a simple has option fit this Christmas and your family table so if you like this give it a thumbs up if you want the recipe you can see it down here or you can head to my website we have plenty of these goodies and other Christmas options for you too and as always if you want to see more my friends hit subscribe because I want to teach you more super easy weeknight dinners Christmas feasts and all-around healthy options for you to enjoy by yourself with a friend we think your friend boyfriend or of course give now check your next week my friends you .

Video Description:

Friends welcome to episode 1 of our Christmas recipe countdown. With Christmas just 20 days away, I know you're all beginning to think about putting together your winter menu. With shopping days and pantry stocking just around the corner, I'm bringing you one recipe you won't want to miss out on: the one pan chicken dinner.

I often get asked about how to build a flavorful and delicious dish all in one pan without having to dirty up the entire kitchen. This is the ideal recipe to showcase some of your chicken cooking skills, knife work, and easy veggie prep. It all comes together in one skillet (make sure it's oven safe!) and you're done in just the time it takes to sear the chicken and roast the whole thing off in the oven. Check out the recipe below or on my blog!


Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 1 hour

Skill Level: Medium

Serves: 4


4 bone-in skin-on chicken thighs
2 medium sweet potatoes, chopped into 1″ pieces
3 cloves garlic, smashed
2 cups brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved
1 medim red onion, sliced thin, leaving root end intact
1 small bunch rosemary, fresh
Salt and pepper (plenty of each to season)
3 Tbsp olive oil


Preheat oven to 425F. Pat chicken thighs dry and season liberally with salt and pepper.

Add 1.5 Tbsp olive oil to a cast iron skillet or other oven proof pan. Heat over medium, then add chicken thighs. Sear for 3 minutes on the first side.
Remove chicken to a plate. Place veggies, garlic, rosemary, and an additional 1.5 Tbsp olive oil in the pan. Return chicken, raw side down, to the pan. Drizzle with a bit more olive oil.
Place entire pan in the oven for 35-40 minutes or until chicken is completely cooked through.
Serve chicken family style with roasted veg.

For more healthy recipes like this one, check out my Healthy Cook: $5 Meals Ebook here!

Get the recipe here!


Monday, December 28, 2020


Paleo Cooking at Home: Fast, Cheap & Easy

hello there thanks for coming in my kitchen my name is Camille macri's and in a moment I am going to share with you how eating paleo has radically transformed my life and the lives of millions of Americans from really serious health conditions like heart disease diabetes obesity high blood pressure I mean the list goes on and on just by eating the way that our ancestors ate you know by rewinding the clock pre Industrial Revolution when processed foods and grains and sugars began to litter the shelves of our store do you believe that what you eat can affect how you look how you feel and how long you live I'm really hoping your answer is yes and if your answer is yes then you have definitely come to the right place now you may actually be in a couple different areas or places right now as you're watching this video you may be totally rocking your paleo lifestyle know what to eat you know how to prepare it and you may just be here because you would like some new tools to add to your toolbox you may be somewhere sort of in the middle where you're able to eat paleo sometimes but you may have a hard time eating out eating on the run and you may be in a rut with the kinds of things your you may really want to try the Paleo diet maybe you've heard and have friends who have done it before our family and they've experienced really great results and you would like to see you know what would be possible for you but you just don't even know where to get started or you may have never heard of the Paleo diet before and you have stumbled upon this page because you want to be empowered in eating healthy Whole Foods meals at home so wherever you are in any of those spaces I want you to know that you are in the right place and I'm gonna talk with you today about how really taking on eating a paleo diet following a paleo lifestyle you know when you can really sustainably bring it into your life such that you have the time for it you have the budget for it you have the skills for it you know that it becomes something that is really adding to your life so you may intuitively know that by giving your body the right kinds of foods that it just knows how to heal itself and that there's something just sort of off and wrong about giving our body prescription medication to you know to suppress symptoms of illness and you know going and getting a surgery to cut something off that isn't working you know I'm not dealing with the underlying cause of the things that are going on with you I read this quote last night as I was preparing to talk with you today and it really summed up what this is all about it was from a woman named Ann Wigmore and she said that the food that you eat can either be the best form of medicine or the slowest form of poison now I think that you know we can see that intuitively when we just you know you walk down the street you see some people who you know have almost no life in their face are walking as though they're walking through quicksand just to get through their day you know have lots of extra weight or in a bad mood who just now you can just tell are slowly poisoning themself and then on the flip side you have you see someone who is just so vibrant and full of health and you know they have you can see almost like lightning beams shining out of their eyes and they have beautiful skin and and the toned body and and just vibrancy pouring out of them it's a lot easier to stay healthy than it is to to have to bring yourself back from being really sick that you know that can take people years and it's so much easier to to stay on the right track as opposed to having to like pull yourself back on to it I want to go back and tell you guys a little bit about working as a private chef so for about eight years in Montecito California it's one of the most affluent areas in the entire country so I was working for you know a couple wonderful families who had pretty unlimited food budgets and if you had to break down what the the perk plate price was of that dish of food it would have sent you running you know it just it really it was it just it was not an economical way of eating for most people and I knew that and so I said how do we take the best of all of what I know about you know fancy kitchen techniques and how to layer in flavor foods and you know using all of these amazing life-giving ingredients and and how do you make that accessible to the average person I'm spending about a hundred and twenty-five dollars a week on my food bill now that might sound a little bit to some of you I will let you know that one almost everything that I buy is organic it's about 90% organic - I drink 32 ounces of green juice almost every day I would take five or six days a week so that's including my juicing budget and I am eating all but about two or three meals a week at home so when I did the math on all of that what it broke down to is I'm spending five dollars and fifty cents a meal on my food and it's taking me less than twenty minutes a meal to prepare just look at that you know you have on the one hand working for a family who per plate cost of food was probably $40 and it took an hour and a half of labor to make and now utilizing virtually the same ingredients but taste let me tell you it tastes just as good because it's still my food we're able to bring that down to less than twenty minutes and five dollars and fifty cents I mean that sounds impossible right it does even sounds impossible to me but I assure you that all I've been doing is using this system but I'm here to talk with you about today in my own life and these are the results that I've gotten it's it's really pretty extraordinary over the last five years I've gotten really interested in how to empower people to eat healthy meals at home you know meals that are truly sustainable to make day after day year after year that are not only gonna provide an abundance of health but be delicious work inside of your budget you know that you have time to make and you know that really work for you I want to share with you the the story that has most shaped why I do what I do so some of you may be familiar with with Jamie Oliver he's been making chef and he had a show on ABC for a couple years called the food revolution and Jamie was amazing he was going in and just really want him to get kids to be serve different food at school at lunchtime so Jamie went to the home of a single dad with his two boys and and they weren't doing very well dad was just barely surviving you know they're and they're eating out fast food two meals a day and and Jamie comes into their home and he brings his production crew and production budget and their team purchases two meals a day for an entire year of fast food so 700 fast food meals the crew purchased and just brought into the house and laid it out everywhere and oh the look of horror on this dad's face like you could just see how painful it was for him he didn't want to live this way and nobody just said Jamie I don't know what to do you know I don't have any skills in the kitchen I'm barely staying afloat you know being a single dad and this is just all I can do is get something to just feed us and get us by each night and so Jamie said alright here's what we're gonna do with less time and less money then it's gonna take you to go get your you know your your nightly fast food run I'm gonna prepare a meal totally from scratch at here at home with with the boys and I'm not even actually going to do it the boys are going to do all of the work and I am just gonna stand alongside and tell them what to do so sure enough dad goes along to do is run and the boys make an entire amazing meal from scratch you know they make some pans here's your chicken breast and tomato sauce in a food processor salad love the food processor and they finished the meal must be 30 minutes it took the dad 45 to get to in fun and Jamie's meal costs $21 and the dad's meal cost 35 which also I will remind you came out of some greasy paper bags and some Styrofoam containers and didn't look appealing or appetizing to any of them and and so I'm just unball it early you guys tears are just streaming down my face and I said you know that's the difference I'm here to make this is where if you impact people's cooking skills in this specific area you know by helping them to shift the mindset that they do have the time they do have the skills and they can have the skills and they do have the money to eat this way they just need to shift the mindset you know they just need to have a couple skills that you can truly purchase the highest quality health insurance with the foods that you're eating every day and that it can be delicious it can be a time for your family to come and sit around and eat together you know all of that this is all coming to me as I'm watching the show and and and you know that's not what I've committed my life to is providing those skills and so in paleo cooking at home fast cheap and easy what I have endeavored to do is give you the very very best of what I have and what I know all right here comes the good part this is where I get to tell you everything that is included in paleo cooking at home so the most awesome part of this whole system actually is the system you know it's it's not all the individual pieces which are cool if I'm gonna be telling you all about those it's the way that I've brought them all together and I'm showing you what skills and what recipe and what information you need at just the right moment in time with nothing extra nothing added just hacking how to eat healthy delicious paleo at home it's it makes it so easy and so fun and just straightforward and awesome so that's really the value of it is taking all of my years as a chef and all of the conversations I've been having with all of you for you know the last couple years and and the way that it's all been brought together and organized to deliver a system for you that truly can fulfill on the promise that you can eat paleo meals faster cheaper and easier than eating out as I've already proven to you that I do so you will be getting 15 professional cooking videos you're going to be getting 20 recipe templates now the difference between a recipe template in an actual recipe once you really understand that template you can go on to adapt it to make lots and lots of different kinds of recipes taking the combination of having you know these specific skills and understanding what the foundational structure is for most recipes and then how to layer and balance flavors all together is what allows me to really cook with in with no recipes you know I cook and I create recipes but I haven't really cooked much with recipes to start because I don't really need that so in addition you'll be getting 24 daily action plans to use if you so desire which tells you exactly in black and white these are the things that you need to do each day in order to you know in order to fulfill on being able to eat faster cheaper and easier and you know on many days there's only gonna be a couple little bullets because you will have been preparing on other days of the week but it just makes it really really simple so you'll be getting four pre-made shopping lists as well as a shopping list template where I'm going to teach you how to plan your shopping list such that you can get in and out of the store really really fast it's really helpful I'll be giving you the essential kitchen tool list with all of the links to all of the different appliances that I use in my kitchen the different tools even ways that you can get them a lot cheaper I will be teaching you how to stock your paleo pantry having your pantry set up and having a couple essential cooking skills both of those together are absolutely fundamental to you having success in the kitchen how you prepare is having a system and setting yourself up is key I am going to teach you how to shop for your produce I am going to also teach you how to store your produce so that it stays fresh the longest something that I time and time again from simple that really frustrates them as they go and they buy all of this produce at the store and then they don't really know what to do with it and it ends up going bad so not only am I going to be showing you exactly how to use when to use the food that you buy I'm going to be showing you how to store it so it stays good you know sometimes twice as long we are going to get into one of my favorite topics which is creating the mindset around your success you know for me this is something that is really important to me and I like to write about is is the mindset that goes along with being empowered around your diet and it's very important to set up for yourself and know why you are taking on eating in this way you know for myself I have created such a big lie that I absolutely can't even think about going into a McDonald's it's really really important to understand that and to create that really for yourself at the beginning of this journey and I'm going to show you exactly how to do that we are going to talk about shopping on a budget that's one of my favorite things to actually talk about I have become quite the ninja at the supermarket and like I said you know I am eating all of this amazing delicious organic food and doing it for cheaper than most people eat at McDonald's each day I am going to teach you how to grocery shop in half the time and where you need to focus your time of course how you even plan your shopping with the time that you should go to the store there's lots of different little things that you can do to actually cut down your time in the supermarket in half and I can imagine for most of you the supermarket does not really want where you want to be spending your time I will be teaching you the secret to 10-minute meals but you'd really like to understand exactly how to do a 10 minute meal when it's you know 6 o'clock and the kids are screaming saying we're hungry right now and you're just on your way to hop in the car and go through the drive-through even though it's really not what you want to do I'm going to show you how to never be forced through the drive-thru again would that make a difference for you I think that what we are going to talk about slow cooking and batch cooking 101 the two of these together are very very powerful in in helping you to make paleo fast cheap and easy one of my favorite topics we will be talking about how to layer and balance flavors like a five-star chef I don't think many of my chef friends would probably like this very much if I told you that I can teach you how to make food taste the way it tastes when you spend $100 a plate at a five-star restaurant it's actually just a set of pretty basic things that you need to know in order to layer and balanced flavors very important for most parents is how to get your kids to eat healthy food we're gonna be talking about that I'll also be talking with you just about how to get your whole family on board you know when you maybe have decided that you'd really like to eat paleo but your husband or your wife or your kids they are just not all about it we're gonna talk about how to get your family on board so this is something you cannot all do together and all reap the benefits up this is not one of those late-night infomercials promising you the world and during another gimmick these are really like their keys to the kingdom and and I just know that and believe it so much in my heart and I also want you to know that if you follow the system it's really very simple and that you absolutely can't fail by watching these videos by by taking the steps in the order which I have laid it out that you absolutely 100% will be successful you will have acquired a new set of skills that is truly the best life and health insurance you can ever give to yourself or you know or to your family you know for many of you I know you have young kids and you know one of the reasons eating this way is so easy for me and does come second nature is because I grew up cooking this isn't about really the food even though the food is delicious and it isn't really even about the techniques though the techniques are really gonna help you this is about giving you the skills and the foundation the platform that you can really live a life that you love that you can be the contribution that you want to make to the world that that you can live the life of your dreams and make a difference on this earth and I know that with the surest way to do so is by having the tools in this program in your toolbox to empower your health and empower your ability to cook and you know so that you can have a life that you really really love and a way of eating that does empower you and what you're doing I feel like the world's foremost expert on how to eat paleo really fast and really cheap and really simple and and this is really what what I want what I want to offer you through this program is how you can really have it all and and for you to really really get and know and be empowered and in that truth that you can do this it's not that hard but it's fun I love cooking I love being in the kitchen I love sharing with friends that all of this even though for so many of you it may seem so daunting that it is so within your reach and through using the system I am taking away literally stripping away everything that you don't need giving you exactly what you need when you need it and that you know that this can become one of the biggest blessings in your life having the skills and being empowered to prepare food this way for yourself and your family and that you would look back on from where you are you know from this future place to where you are now and just be so proud of yourself that you know by taking on this couple weeks of learning that you provided something to yourself and your family that would really last a lifetime so you know that's what I'm really excited about for you and in embarking on this journey okay so all of those things that I just listed all of these different components of the program if you price that out individually it would be worth over a thousand dollars and that doesn't even take into account all of the many many years that I spent getting to the place where I could even package that information for you it doesn't take into account all of the time and the money I spent on testing recipes and having things not turn out that well and you know keeping some things in getting rid of others and you know not to mention all of the books you should see how many cookbooks I have I probably have a thousand cookbooks I've been to you know different trainings and have spent the better part of the last decade cultivating all of the information basically that that I'm gonna be sharing with you so um you know and you really could you can get this information elsewhere I think you probably know that if you've been in the paleo world you know you can go to lots of different blogs I'm not sure if you could get the videos you may not be able to get the videos but you can get a lot of this other information and you can piece it all together for yourself you can test recipes see if they work and they don't I you know by all means but you know what I'm offering you through this system in just the way that I put it all together and the ease of just having everything you need without all the things that you don't you know you don't have to really test this out to see if it works we know that it works I mean that's that's really the value that that this program that this program will provide so my invitation to you today is is to just get started you know today is the best day of your life this is the day to make a change you know this is the day for you to learn the skills that are going to empower you in the kitchen now this is the day to truly take your life and your health into your own hands today will be the beginning of a brand new journey for you for your health for your career for your family for your energy for your waistline I mean it's there's no limit to the benefits that that you will see in your life through to really being empowered in and taking on this way of eating and so that is my invitation to you that you take action for your life for your health and for your family's health today thank you so much for being here with me in my kitchen and I hope to see you again bye .

Video Description:



Would you love to prepare delicious paleo meals for yourself and your family FASTER, CHEAPER & EASIER than eating out? If so, this is FOR YOU!

Learn More and get your FREE Paleo Starter's Guide: "How to Eat Healthy Everyday and Never Feel Deprived":

Thursday, December 3, 2020


Paleo Double Chocolate Bread


Video Description:

This flourless take on banana bread is seriously so delicious. You won't believe it doesn't use conventional flour. It's full of flavor just like your normal banana bread recipe. It's become a staple in our home.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


How to Make Sheet Pan Teriyaki Salmon (Whole30, Paleo, GF) LIVE From My Kitchen! | Nom Nom Paleo

hey guys it's michelle cam with nom nom paleo and it's Wednesday so come on live show you how to cook something today I'm cooking a recipe from blogs my cauliflower chicken fried rice which is a tasty whole very friendly low-carb version of your favorite takeout chicken fried rice and I actually don't think there's a big difference sometimes all in the children Cohen and I'm the children they are like Omar but really I think it's a pretty good pass for rice and I actually like it cuz I don't get all I don't feel all weighed down afterwards and so today just like every Wednesday Ali's in front of the camera helping me out Owen is manning the camera and who will be reading questions out whatever you guys have some guys have any questions while we're cooking this dish just hop on and make a comment to say hello Angelina our operations manager is behind the scenes typing answers to all your questions so lover this is a very easy question so the only thing the original recipe that on the nom nom Gala blog and the iOS app it is not totally a whole dirty because I use um green peas in it and I think technically it's not whole sorry friendly but the way to make it whole thirty family is I actually got some French free beans you can get regular green beans or snap peas and then you just cut them up really small like this and it's a perfect substitute and this will make it pull through because all the other seasonings are whole 30 we use my pop from stir-fry sauce as the sauce so it's hole 30 compliance and so the first thing that we're gonna do is we're going to scramble eggs because one of the ways that we like really um fried rice has always been a leftover makeover and so you know Chinese mom's and grandmas Napoleon's used it as a way to stretch whatever leftovers they have so there's always the leftover rice and then normally whatever leftover protein or some vegetables and it's all seasoned elicit a flavorful but a lot of times they don't have enough meat to kind of make it a full meal so you always supplement it with scrambled eggs so what I do is I have three eggs in here and then had a little bit of fish sauce which is my way of making families taste really yummy and in fact all I eat scrambled eggs every day and I always season them with fish sauce and if I don't be doin fish sauce and I just your salt huh Wow Wow good job ollie so everybody's saying that your hair looks really pretty today cuz narrow down which is something that my parents are down here you've done I have to go get my hair colored okay so I have Frank in here I'm gonna put in some high well I'm kind of my preferred cooking oil for eating food because there's no flavor and a good fatty acid profile and it has high smoke point I don't really like my eggs super super hard scrambled for you know cauliflower five eighths or fried rice some people even will make their fried rice and then push you know it all over and then crack the eggs in there and you can do that sometimes I do that when I'm trying to like I don't want to dirty like another container because usually when you're making fried rice you don't make it exactly to the recipe right it's just mostly improvisational I I did I did write up this recipe because people are like how did you do it and I'm like it always changes it all depends on whatever left everybody happy he didn't know that nice yeah yeah that's why I finally like maybe keep a breakfast every day it's fast healthy and super so if your pan is not super dirty many videos like if the egg is really sticking you can kind of wipe it out Oh excellent why did you do I'm going so I have here about a pound or 3/4 pounds of chicken thighs you can also use chicken breasts that I've diced up into like a quarter inch dice you can also totally use cooked protein if it is put protein then you don't need to see that because it's you know supposedly already seasoned when you originally made it and you would add it at the end just and heat it up but because this is raw we are gonna have to cook this but we're not gonna cook it just yet all I'm doing is I just added a little bit of salt and just a smidge a little bit keep it from sticking to each other well you know what I need to get I need to get some sesame oil in the fridge you go get me some Holly should be in the door set a little it's like a little bread change so if you're making far grace with real race would you use day-old race for sure you should definitely use a old refrigerated right yes number one that has resistant starch to it which is better for it helps feed your gut and it doesn't stick together so it's always best to not use fresh rice okay trying to see if I doing anything different in this recipe no look it's that toasted sesame oil wait so I'm eating it up i seasoned the chicken with a little bit of salt and a little bit of oil which I will throw in after I throw in I can't I need to fix camera sorry we're all right yeah I'm gonna sprinkle a little bit softer they just make even a little bit sure I'm not too crazy not worth incorporating there's nobody can find to put this new oil yeah I don't know if we have any where see this is Oliver pal cooking show Wow and find everything you like shoved your arm way in there in the door if you cut them small and uniform you generally take a few minutes to kind of get them a little bit soft and I throw in grand is a hard vegetables to cook together okay like a carrot I don't really like them to be super crunchy in this I like them to be a kind of tender and if you wanted to make it easy you can just get the pre chopped frozen peas and carrots and you just saw it before you so could you use a plastic no I'll find things like in you know baked goods you can't eat regular eggs but I wouldn't just eat it just to eat it like if you can't eat eggs in fried rice you add more protein like from like more chicken like you know you don't have a black thing um also could you tell us what brands of pans that you have I don't know the exact ran but it's on the link that Angelina will put up and but I like the only way that I'm use the Sun gears because it works on the induction cooktop it's okay I don't know that it's my favorite pan ever I have some other band they like better but if I'm demoing it for you guys here is what everyone if you have raw chicken if you have cooked chicken and throw it in again so um someone asked or actually a lot of people this question when using sesame oil do you always keep it in the fridge you just cook this until the chicken is no longer pink but again if you already have two protein you don't need to worry about this part it's already cooked you just so someone said that cauliflower rice tastes bitter to them is that something that they're doing or is that just something that can happen I mean that's it shouldn't and a lot of people have said that they've tricked their veggie hating family members until liking it like though say hey is this fried rice and then they're like okay I'm gonna buy it which I'm not I'm not quite convinced but that is what people tell me and maybe some of you guys can jump in and say if that's true so and the reason why I'm not wrong in the cauliflower in here is because you know you there's no room so um are you using chicken legs or chicken thighs and usually you'd make fried rice in like a bigger pan right lieutenant like most people don't have like dying at 12 inch or 14 inch I even if I got a 12 inch I probably would still take it off cause it's not it's just a small thing yeah lego star you guys I mean guy is part of the chicken leg I mean you can buy chicken legs but then you have a lot of self adrene for yourself to do that kind of wrap and mulch like cubes so it's easier for something bit if you have boneless skinless chicken thighs they're gonna skinles
s chicken breast personally I don't like chicken breast a bit and fried rice like this where it's cooked really fast and doesn't get it you know overcooked and dried I don't mind it um so somebody um okay so I have a pound of rice flour you can use fresh or frozen if you know frozen we do it straight from the freezer you don't buy it and you kind of cook it off until all of the excess moisture it's kind of a creative bit you can also use the fresh stuff so someone says that they see that you're using a frying pan instead of a walk so is it worth it to purchase a walk it doesn't make a difference or just a good quality frying pan is fine I have never know that's not true we had a wok station in our kitchen that was slipping everybody previous owners we lived there 10 years and I never used it like exactly very complicated thing like you have to season your wok it isn't not that complicated but for me it was just too much work to figure out how to even but even my mom Jesus a walk sometimes yes she has a walk yeah yeah yes yeah use it don't they at her house fine I see we're doing this thing okay oh great all he made a face a little bit they just do it my way I want to make you that I'm fine the way I do it and someone said walk gait and that is what this is we're officially at war I don't know how to use that or maybe it's just walk station and not just like all clad like European yeah I mean that counts that know that not know it's not a one if it's called Oh walk then it's so walk okay uh someone says am i correct by saying that this would be low-carb using white ready but you know my offer mr. McConnell fired like for this recipe I am using a quarter packages four tablespoons so the whole cards for that is 14 grams of carbs for the whole dish the 14 divided for about 3 grams great um let's see someone says how do you keep it from getting mushy and I gave from the recipe on blogs cuz I use them dice French green beans or instead of you know you know 30 days and then you figure out what you tolerate and that is the really sweet okay so I see even from getting super bitchy by taking off the pepper and then just kind of prying it open I'm gonna put a quarter cup of all-purpose trip I thought I know you guys thought it was like a bottle of it they dont sell it anymore but being sold as a whole food on the west coast and the Rocky Mountain region but it was only a one-time thing and so I ordered it myself and I bought all of these you can leave yourself the recipe is on the blood in our you know are everywhere all right so I'm going to stir this around you want this to get absorbed into the cauliflower Wow so it's actually okay to have it's a little bit al dente before you add the all-purpose stir-fry sauce you all prefer summarize if you make it the way I tell you - yes 4:35 okay so this is the point I'm gonna add these green beans because they probably do need to get cooked a little bit these mother I don't care if they're crunchy like a carrot I don't love it they're printing here a little bit you can see that most of the liquid has already been absorbed right that's when I'm pushing it away you can see that it's just a little bit on the side that's pretty quick the other ingredients back in and it's okay put in here I put it all in and yeah it'll get all soggy you in you know kind of cook off any extra liquid but it just seems good I don't know and it's imagine people are just wage I mean obviously I shouldn't say that because I am very picky about my food taste but sometimes I think people use the whole excuse that something's not perfect and that's why they won't do it and that's not how you should poke cook it you just you just practice practice practice and then eventually you'll get better at it just like every other you can't just you know think that you're gonna just do it one time it happen alright so and once you put it in like the eggs and the chicken I don't I turn off the heat because the eggs are already cooked chickens already cooked you just kind of want to make sure everything is hot this is the point when you would taste the seasoning a little bit toasted sesame oil and um what is the shelf life of this in the fridge for leftovers yes yes you can add a little bit of fish sauce you can add some salt whatever just try it make sure and because tested sesame oil is very empowering I always do it very slowly on to my spatula so that if I accidentally add too much throwing into think alright um someone asked if you would change the recipe at all if you had trip sure I think so or for um both I mean you would just you cook it really quickly just like this raw chicken yeah you'd add a little bit of salt you might not even need to add salt and you strip on its own and actually pretty salty just cuz it's like you know been in salt water its whole life but you would cook it and then set it aside and then you throw it back in at the end and it I bet it would taste delicious alright see home with that that was a really fast rate and so the only thing the only advice I've asked you guys if you're making this at home is to do like I did and prep it ahead of time so if everything is prepped and ready you can just go boom boom boom and then fry it all together but if you're like chopping and frying like things will burn they'll be fresh grated they'll be a big mess how we made this on Facebook life because I feel like we have let's see it's very high a popular the way that I used to find ices kidding whether I buy oh yes that is good it's like the Japanese thing right where they yeah yeah so but it is a very Chinese American thing like how is it see even my feet then okay all right so here is the final dish I take if I write even faster if you have leftover protein like leftover roast chicken or steak or anything kalua pig makes an excellent fried rice there are lots of fried rice variations on my site kimchi fried rice I have an Asian aisle I prouder of my rice with bacon and then this one right here that's it thanks for tuning in and we will be back next week hi guys .

Video Description:

This Whole30-friendly Cauliflower Chicken Fried Rice is a simple, delicious, and low carb replica of the one-pan dish my mom used to make for me when I was a tiny, rice-lovin’ fiend!
I go live on Facebook every Wednesday at 5pm PST/8pm EST to show you some of my favorite recipes.
Get the recipe here:
For more recipes and Paleo food ideas, follow me on Instagram!:
To watch me cook live on Facebook every Wednesday, like my page!:
#whole30recipes #glutenfree #paleo

Wednesday, October 28, 2020


Paleo Eggplant, Zucchini and Tomato Bake


Video Description:

Paleo meals are meant to energize you, to fill you with beneficial nutrients and the joy of life, and sometimes they should lean towards the vegetable end of the spectrum. This eggplant, zucchini and tomato bake fulfills all three requirements. Try it, you'll love it. Serve it at a dinner party and your guests will adore it too!

Find the full recipe here:

Friday, August 14, 2020


How to Make Hot and Sour Soup (Paleo, Whole30) LIVE From My Kitchen! | Nom Nom Paleo

hey everybody from Shelton phenomenon video and they I am back this is West Pico wasn't here but everyone take on my live here from my home kitchen just show you how to cook something so today for a lot of you in the last day of your whole thirty hello and so what my line I was posting every single day and today was my last post for January so I'm thankful to because now I can actually take a breather and just go back to my a regular me bi-weekly or once month posting or whatever whoever it is that I normally do but the thing I posted about today with Asian soups and all 30 Asian soups because to me that is the most comforting and hearty one-pot meals that I like to eat and for a lot of you guys who are watching this through we pull their vortex this is a perfect food that you should make a during this time I mean from wondering where is my little sidekick today while she is sleeping on the couch because he had an overnight trip and she was fine up until 2:00 p.m. when he said mommy I don't feel so good he's just been sleeping on couch but my friend Bo who is camera shy is here behind the camera and she will be like the person in the audience asking questions since you're not are you an experienced cook no not at all oh she can be you if you were at an experience ago but today Owen is still here such as me and Owen work in this little Facebook live oh yeah and so I'll read questions out loud that you guys type Lauren Wade our master builder behind the scene will actually type answers to all your questions and one lucky viewer who is watching this live broadcast and asked question or says hello why don't you will be randomly kicked and I'm not - way which will be a sign by your house a book signed on my paleo original cookbook is not my sausage can't buy anywhere with perfect for the floorboard head mushroom powder which is amazing and you can buy and actually that's why I won't be for next week because we are gonna be flying out on Wednesday and Colorado to talk magic mushroom powder co-packer whole foods so that's why we won't be doing next week you'll win a mini Michelle action figure as well so today I'm going to show you how to make one of those whole thirty Asian soups that I posted about today on nom nom paleo calm it is my hottest our super exactly a recipe are ready or not cookbook what you can win if you just say hello and make comments all I'm doing here is that beating up this pot this recipe is also on the blog so go to not on sale in Assam and I'm sure Warren because he's amazing is already posting the post love the recipe Mike guess some of you may already have a job and it's also seeing a redesigned and it's also on our iOS app so if you look on the app it is also there so I'm just heating up a large saucepan I'm gonna add a little bit of a cut of oil in terms of what my turns down in terms of cooking fats I do like cutter oil or my agency's because they have a high I mean I don't think it has any frog flavor but I say the whatever is put in here and so it's what you put in that I just had one that medium we write for one large week just the weight and the late yellow part and that I julienned into the you can't buy it online yet in fact one of the things that I want to talk about in our meeting next week how do we get it online all of you wonderful folks out I need to inflate the salt it almost every single recipe except for I don't know that you can necessarily in a lot of much you can recipes but any of my not a genetic design use it in place of salt it has a bunch of recipes that use it especially this last month I have a bunch of like my new mommy books chicken but I think my meatball marinara sauce I use the magic mushroom powder to season the broccolini oh my new easy pay meal which is crammed with vegetables and seasoned with magic Russian powder and my kids love it so that's just one of them so I'm good spotting this and they smell like you have to make a Billy brown and then happen the minced ginger garlic and both Venom's tell me if I'm basically is a junior in the garlic I add near the end is when you can throw up which is why it that's when you add your mess insane right that's alright alright so what I have here they have a quarter pound fresh shiitake mushrooms and I finly sliced you can totally use dried stuffed mushrooms in fact those taste better but I don't have any I didn't have anybody so I'm just going to suck at it am I supposed to put supporting yet or do I wait install separate put the pork in because I can see that there is John ginger and garlic that is sticking to the bottom and I know that my adding the pork liquid in it and so many question pattern is available only in brick-and-mortar Whole Foods stores for now they may be in different places like in Northern California they're really good to me and they have it at the meat counter you have in the spice aisle and I've also seen it next to the fresh mushrooms and produce there all over in the Northern California story my sister who lives in Florida told me that she found it in the Asian food section because like you know to put some powder doesn't carry information food but I would say for most people it's a spice aisle but if you can't find it just ask customer service and they can find your for you if it's in some weird place or they can order it for you because they can definitely order it without any problems okay so I'm just stirring this around and again actually now would be the time to add the ginger and the garlic because we don't want it to stick to the bottom but luckily I think the pork juices have kind of lifted that up and it's okay it's okay if you don't we think and just luckily it's not baking baking is when you have to worry but this is a pound of ports that I finly place there's lots of different options you can use I use boneless thin boneless pork loin pork chops because they're already sliced thin against the grain and then I just end up into matchsticks so I think they're put in the bamboo shoots now all right so this is just canned bamboo shoots that I drained and I rinsed and I just bought this dynasty brand this is always in the Asian food section of a regular grocery store but you can find them also at Asian grocery stores this one the ingredients are only bamboo shoots in water so there's no weird stuff there's no and when I actually tasted one that after it's been rinsed and drained it actually in this case and normal it's a plain evolution which actually has not that much flavor so a bunch we thought of ask if you could sub something for the court yes and in my recipe I technically the toe to use thinly sliced I like chicken thigh better than chicken breast but you can also use like sliced beef sirloin so yeah you can use I mean vegetarian people this is what I'm supposed to pokin aminos and the minced garlic and ginger but I put in the garlic and ginger a little and the reason why I don't advise doing it early is because you can burn the garlic and the ginger and if you have burned a garlic or ginger it can totally ruin the taste whatever you're making and so if you add it at the end you don't normally burn it but you cook it and after that the aroma kind of permeates everything but I all right so now is the time when you add the broth so the pork is basically all done and I'm cheating because I have a sick kid I don't have any extra bone box so this is a bone broth I bought I really like this bone broth they're not sponsored it's rolling road cheese butchers bone broth it's organic chicken super thick which is great okay so you put in six cups oh and if you buy this at Costco I know at least at the the Costco in the cow like San Francisco Bay Area you can buy Twiggy's for like nine bucks which is a really really really good price for bone broth that's organic and you know gelatinous because this is super gelatinous okay so this is three cups so thi
s is three cups so you're going to use two of these or use your own of course um but what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna pour half a cup into this measuring cup because we're going to use this to make like an arrow root slurry to thicken the soup because a lot of people are used to hot and sour soup being really thick and goopy because that's how to make it in Chinese American rs5 and so I'm also thinking it for you with some Arabic powder and what's really funny is this with soup like Tripoli oh did you work drinking hot and sour soup like no it's actually not like necessarily a traditional you know Cantonese dish because of my parents your Cantonese but it is a popular Chinese American dish just like a lot of other dishes like egg foo yung Moo goo gai pan what are other Chinese my opportunity chop suey so these you know and or all those different chow mein where they have those crunchy like noodles like that's not traditional Hong Kong style or whatever no they actually had these deep yeah and so I actually I actually tried a lot of these foods once I started dating Henry coz Henry's family ran a chinese-american restaurant called Falls in Castro Valley and so what I would go with him to visit his parents restaurant since he actually had to work I think every weekend when we were you know going to Berkeley together I got to try all sorts of Chinese American food that I never got to eat because my parents always insisted on authentic Cantonese food and so we never got to eat like Chinese right with it right Bob I agree yeah and so when I first tried that stuff like it's young and I'm sorry I was like wow that's actually pretty good but it's not something I grew up having so what i'm doing here i'm just i put in the bra so it's 5 1/2 cups of broth and i just want to bring it up to a boil so I've turned the heat up so it'll boil as fast as possible but everything in there is already cut place the pork is cooked the vegetables are already cooked I just need to bring it up to a simmer because I'm gonna be adding you know this arrowroot powder slurry I'm going to add the eggs and then the rest of the seasonings so people away learn about the stuff that makes the hot and sour so what makes it hot and sour is white pepper is what makes it hot and people that really it's not some sort of pepper or something no it's just white pepper and it's specifically white pepper I suppose a black pepper you see that's what is traditionally used and if you smell it it's really different selling the black pepper and hey what I just searched about what it is like white so black pepper is unripe berries from a pepper tree that they dry until they turn black and then they grind that whereas white pepper are those same berries but they let them ripen but then they take off the outer layer of it and they ferment it or I think they're fermented and the outer layer comes off and then when they dry it it's actually white but it actually has a much more like complex flavor it's not as sharp but it's definitely like a very unique very like hot sour soup type of flavor like if you use a different type of used black pepper or a different type of like chili if not you taste the same and then in terms of what you use for the sour cuz hot and sour soup traditionally is a type of white vinegar which is a black rice vinegar call the King King King vinegar or something it's whatever region in China that it's from but that traditionally is fermented with these and so it's not some for you if you actually buy the black rice vinegar at major market not only does have wheat me but it also probably has sugar and some other seasoning so I was experimenting with different things that are old 30 friendly and so friendly and regular old rice vinegar works just as well can't find rice vinegar use apple cider vinegar and it is pretty similar obviously your puree right that is not the same but and I told you before this is not actually an authentic Chinese dish so it's okay it can make it with real food ingredients and it'll still be delicious and that bowl here does not like traditional hot and sour soup I said maybe if you own this you might like it but you might not like it and that's okay people can have different opinions right correct okay so this is coming up to a boil I have my half cup a bra it's reserved here and then I have one and a half tablespoons of arrowroot powder this is just in place of corn starch or corn starch is what's normally used to thicken you know almost all things in Chinese food but it's not considered paleo and so I'm gonna plop it in and the reason why you don't just plop this bait in is because it'll form clumps do you want you have to mix it in to some sort of liquid to so then it'll incorporate well but the problem with air would compared to corn starch is it can break down if you keep on feeding the broth and so I as soon as it's boiling and then I turn off the heat as soon as the end but you know doesn't actually help with anything it's just kind of a texture thing and if you want to avoid starches you can just leave it out like some people say oh would I eat my leftovers it's not a thing anymore and I'm like that's okay it's not a big deal but if you really care you can just add some fresh air routes or you can just mix some with little water it's normally like a 2 to 1 dilution like you can do like a little bit of every powder and then 2 times the amount of water and then you could dump it in and make it so this recipe is in the app and it's spicy from the white pepper and it's not actually super important spicy it's just oh like the spiciness from the white pepper but if you want to make it odd eaten at jalapenos you can add Thai chili you can add whatever you want to make it super hot but if you want it the way serve at a Chinese restaurant it's actually not bad spicy right yeah it's kind of like a little bit spicy and a little bit sour not crazy sour and not crazy spicy it's balanced all right so this is almost boiling and so while I'm waiting for this once it boils then I'll put in the reserve Brock and the Arabic slurry and then I'll also put in the 2 is eggs so I have eggs here and I'm gonna whisk it up and if you saw I didn't crack it on the side of the bowl that's how you can get eggshell in to crack it on a flat surface it doesn't normally cause that problem and it was so why do i arab-arab you instead of perfect and this whole foods Terry Road rookie is it sucks table shelf-stable are ridiculous okay so that was a lot of questions the first question was a route Aaron okay so pork side is not considered a yolk with corn and not paleo we tolerate it you can use corn I make up to you but if you want to keep it older your family and your family you would use arrowroot powder mochi is available at Whole Foods but it is way cheaper at Costco so can you get it awesome cuz I think ok so it's like for something at Costco um I think at Whole Foods it's like $6.99 or even higher and I've seen in other grocery stores for $9.99 ok at Cosco it's like two for one and I was like a child of Chinese okay that I I like that sale ok so you can see here it's bubbling and boiling so this is the Oh slurring and I'm just gonna do this in and again I'm whisking another that's always just gonna make a suspension not like a true solution sticking it obviously if you like victory we've had more later I don't like it super thick so I'm just gonna put it into it again actually kind of how much I might take it how do you feel about the ginger-garlic paste that comes in the jar about the gingerbread piece that comes oh they cut the ginger paste and garlic paste I think there's always people always taste that great to me like I am totally cool with buying pre peeled garlic like full garlic cloves as a time saver but certain time savers don't actually taste gre
at and I think that the minced garlic and minced ginger that comes in a jar don't taste great but I've actually had the ones that are frozen in cubes and that's not bad but I think fresh ginger does taste really well and what I do is I keep it I mean those of you who follow me a lot I talk about this stuff all the time I just keep ginger in the freezer and then I use a microplane to grate the frozen ginger and it becomes like ginger snow and all of it like the hairy part is like trapped in here and so it just melts into the soup are you learning laughs up throw away a lot of bad ginger yeah and it goes bad so fast if it gets wet how it gets moldy and say you should just keep it freezer that's a green city grounded me instead of the park yes yes you told me oh can you found partners about these brown chicken there's really no way say let them take this I'm have adapted to whatever so this is it's coming back to summer because when I added the air with slurry in it was cold and so you want to bring it back to a simmer and it is thickened a little bit I don't want it super goo because I think that that's close but once it comes up to a boil and I can see it all here and then I'm going to too much eggs I'm gonna just I'm gonna be stirring this as I pour this in and it should become little clouds of eggs upon contact yeah also obviously this was just simmering so it's still super hot okay you can see it's all kind of this wispy egg stuff but I gotta put in this evening so I got to put in this stuff that actually makes a hot sour so this is the white ground white pepper no nevermind we need a little more so just half a teaspoon and you would be surprised how much a spoon is a foam and then a quarter cup of rice vinegar and I like to do this off the heat because I think if you cook it with all the vinegar I think it actually changes the flavor and it's more kind of sharp and bright when you add it at the end and then I'm gonna how to taste own toasted sesame oil and then you should taste it for salt because depending on the broth that you use this one is an unseasoned one and so it I may need extra salt shelf-stable go this is in the refrigerator section I've also seen it in the freezer but it's in the refrigerator section it is super gelatinous also I do you peel the ginger before or after using and how long did your be frozen I'm really lazy so I just throw in that bowl on top of ginger like unpeel and you can keep it in the freezer for if you keep it like tightly like tightly sealed and there is no freezer burn you I'll keep it for a few months I'm gonna put some fresh chopped but see it was really simple and it was all done in less than 30 minutes yes the chopping can take a little bit of time at the beginning but not that much timing oh this is hot and I'm burning my head does this reheat well that's a good question it's I definitely think that it's not quite as hot and sour when you reheat it and then it's not doesn't kind of have the thickness that some people like but I definitely do reheat it cuz I always have leftovers when I cook stuff but you can't keep it in the fridge probably more than four days because it's a soup and soup is always a really great media for you know bacterial growth I don't freeze it because I think it doesn't I think freezing definitely makes it not as hot power and it takes so little time to make then I think you should just make it fresh and then it's okay in your face and what bread sesame oil do you use Oh lot orange oh these are all things about myself so I'm gonna so there's really not that many vegetables in there except for like the bamboo shoots which I don't really count as vegetables and so I actually roasted it very roughly we can have a good and you can also add like baby spinach or some watercress in here if you just wanted to make you a one pot meal with vegetables so I miss slicing - stop scallion and on diagonal it's not super hot and it's not super sour so much think your kids will be okay and even adults like both your buddy can try it and it's okay you don't like it you can be truthful to try okay I have leftover cauliflower eyes for her if she doesn't want it I can hear always sniffling yeah now that the bread is off how are you feeling try it a little - Owen thank you it's actually gonna be your dinner so I think if you made like a my Asian cauliflower rice would taste delicious with this because there aren't a ton of vegetables I would just make a vegetable side dish but there's like pork in here huh how many winners oh one minute when winner is gonna win both of my cookbooks that I will sign a personalized a mini Michelle action figure how is it though it's very good I like it very much better than restaurants because it's not as sour and it's not bright red like when you get it at a restaurant they put food color in it like a little bag I would drink this any time compared to restaurant Wow why I need to pay you more no this is very tasty I like the balance and not extreme spicy and it's not extremely sour thank you every Wednesday okay now you have good audience okay so Lauren is gonna pick a winner from all the comments and questions are there any other questions and then I have oh I know it's things so because there aren't that many vegetables in here making vegetable sides are super surprised um bok choy or spinach or do what I did and throw the winner yeah but this is good for colds I think it would taste good if you're not feeling well or at least that's what I'm gonna do I'll be like oh yeah you want to come drink soup you don't have to be on camera if you don't feel you don't wanna say you have to be anyway and you feel bigger window no you don't really like it no no I can I can add more to the smaller people I just know one less dish to wash Wow white pepper to make it's already great right and it's not but if not the crazies I bought you a drink anymore but they're definitely like a there's like a kick to it right don't underestimate weight in African and white pepper oh very yeah that's why see it's not that spicy but there is like that but there's a longer angle there in early it's very personal to Hobbs our soup like this is the former like if you didn't have that pepper something is missing naval Witter there's no do you guys have enough meat nurus because there's all this meat at the bottom I give you both me don't hack it and tell me they're sending a direct message oh it's so small I'm gonna burn you I'm gonna send you send me a message to tell me who you want the Box made out to and then I will send it out but thank you for tuning in cause our super super simple as you can see here there's no crazy ingredients recipes on my blog in ready or not cookbook and on our app I won't be here next week but we will be back the following week and I will see you then bye guys .

Video Description:

Hot and sour soup is a mainstay of Chinese restaurant menus, but you can make a Whole30-friendly one in less time than it takes for the delivery person to drive it over!
I go live on Facebook every Wednesday at 5pm PST/8pm EST to show you some of my favorite recipes!
Get the recipe here:
For more recipes and Paleo food ideas, follow me on Instagram!:
To watch me cook live on Facebook every Wednesday, like my page!:
SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel for more paleo recipe ideas!
#whole30 #paleo #chineserecipe

Monday, August 10, 2020


How to Make a Paleo and Gluten-Free Mug Cake | Nom Nom Paleo

you only have two minutes and you're cramming desserts and you should make one of my paleo mug cakes matcha chocolate or vanilla and no microwave no problem you can also make it an oven or an air fryer to get a measuring cup and three tablespoons or 21 grams superfine almond flour and the other two dry ingredients hearts put in a teaspoon of salt and of course the matcha how could I forget put in a teaspoon of matcha I like to use breakaway my child culinary reserve not anything super fancy but you want a high quality matcha if you want it to be nice and green when it comes out so whisk it until it's all uniform then to this you're gonna add a tablespoon of hot oil or melted ghee or melted coconut oil it's up to you tablespoon and a half of maple syrup or a tablespoon and a quarter of honey quarter teaspoon of vanilla one large egg so there are no labs super uniform the egg is fully distributed there's no almond flour and corners it is unmixed should be a little bit ribbony when you're whisking it and be aggressive don't just use a spoon and do it like definitely use a whisk if you've got one cup 5 to 12 ounces just make sure it's microwave safe in make sure there's nothing there's no almond flour in the corners I kind of see some so I'm using my whisk I don't get anything with unblended mixed in pour that all in see can see some in the corner so just make sure you're making sure that everything was well mixed that can be the difference between a nice spongy light cake and something that kind of pops up and deflate you take this to the microwave so we have an older microwave um it's 900 watts and at 900 watts a minute and 30 seconds is a perfect amount of time just accordingly of course stick your cup right in the middle because that way it hopefully will rise informally like it's pretty deep and it did surprise the microwave but it has a really great lift especially if you've got a little six ounce cup let it cool for a little bit so let's say you don't have matcha no big deal and totally make a vanilla or chocolate version of this mud cake same base semi tablespoons or 21 grams of almond flour 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda and salt and then depending on what you're making you can add a tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa for the chocolate version but just like the one before you want to whisk together your dry ingredients and the vanilla version same base almond flour salt and baking soda let's get together no other dry ingredients because you're gonna add vanilla extract sometimes it's lopsided and that's okay you can eat your mistakes so for everyone who doesn't have a microwave you can totally transfer the batter to an oven-safe ramekin like this and you can bake it in your toaster oven 350 degrees for about 18 to 20 minutes this one I dated my air fryer but it kind of exploded a little bit 325 degrees for about 30 to 50 minutes the texture is a little bit different like I'll show you and watch tape we made earlier it is super and it pops right out of the cup it is super nice and spongy and it's tender and delicious so you guys should totally make this chocolate vanilla or matcha you can top it or not it's delicious .

Video Description:

Want to whip up a single serving of homemade gluten-free cake in just minutes? This paleo mug cake is a delicious sponge cake that you can bake in your microwave, toaster oven, or air fryer!
I provide 3 delicious mug cake flavors: matcha, chocolate, or vanilla!
Matcha cake recipe: 00:24
Vanilla and chocolate cake recipe: 4:07
Full recipe:
For more recipes and Paleo food ideas, follow me on Instagram!:
#paleo #glutenfree #glutenfreecake
