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Tuesday, October 27, 2020


Empowered by Paleo Nutrition for Women with Helen Marshall

welcome back to the on-track videocast I'm your host Karen Martel and today we're talking kind of all things primal but inspirational and law of attraction and just you know empowerment for women and I'm doing this today with my friend Helen Marshall who's all the way over in Australia as she's it's like first thing in the morning for her and early evening for me Helen Marshall is a certified primal health coach and founder of the grain free food range primal alternative Helen hosts the primal alternative podcast on the wellness couch which is the number-one-ranked health and wellness podcast station in Australia thank you for being here Helen so called the Hangout you again Karen yes I wish to start her podcast I was like I enjoyed the conversation so much we had so much in common that I asked town to come on to this podcast because she's extremely empowering inspirational woman and I just want to share her story with all of my listeners so Helen tell just tell me how like everybody kind of in this industry you were not always doing so well with your health were you know which was really annoying to be honest because I've always been really highly motivated when it comes to my health okay so um you know I mean I was a fitness instructor will actually robux teach you see it's like kind of telling my age and the death dates that I went to the do's you did you wear the spandex one-piece suits or definitely want a g-string you know you did they're not that old you know so my gosh I think I was more of a skid so I think my mum was wearing those clothes even though you and I are the same age I had a young mom and she was wearing I remember dressing up in those leotards with the g string up the butt so yeah yeah well I was teaching aerobics from the age of 14 so I guess Wow yeah I was just so into it I was very good at sports but I had to do like a sporty thing as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme which is like a English who could head in principle word scheme it's a very English program and there was no spot that I liked you know in netball I'd be like throw the ball to me throw the ball to me and they want to just ignore me so I always used to drop it you know so when I found aerobics and movement and music I was like oh my god this is my thing this is my thing and I went to the classes all like so safe there was like three classes in a row I'd go to the mall like I just loved it so much and when the the aerobics instructor Mandy when she went on holidays she said oh you know my routines because back in the day you didn't need to be qualifies you know my routine can you just use my tapes yeah my cassette can you do the questions from me while I'm on holidays so from there for another ten years I was a fitness instructor I got qualified right in the end I got insurance and stuff right super super motivated and you know so this men back then like in then in the 90s well even now to follow the conventional wisdom which was a low-fat high-carbohydrate diet I wouldn't so much as touch avocados because let's just pure fat right and I have much done on so many salads without dressing because you know yeah yeah like all of that wasted all those wasted vitamins because there was no fat to absorb all those beautiful Bittman so so yes so anyway and so then I moved out of the leisure industry because the areas were rubbish and the pay was average and moved to a corporate world because I wanted to see em to make a bit more money and so what worked in the corporate world for about ten years still going to the gym still following the law that message and then my thirties I went on to really test my system by having two children which was really just kind of I was really lucky actually to fall pregnant and have children because I think my body was in a bit of a wreck yeah so when I went on to do that and then just that constant this and all the mothers out there will appreciate the constant Liss of parenting you know it's just there's ever really any off time you're feeding through the night you're a bloody early and then when you do finally get that time to yourself in the evening you kind of collapsing in the heap and yeah I just had this over where I didn't feeling of nausea so I was just feeling sick all the time and I couldn't prove can sleep my default mood was one of just pure overwhelm like what's the point it's too hard how am I gonna get all this washing done like seriously I mean it's just ridiculous the look by now having any other washing done how am I gonna make for dinner tonight I could have done with some of your meal planning I think Karen because I just said no I was like seriously this was just too hard for me and you know became my worlds became very small like if you imagine you imagine you've got a hangover you don't feel like going very far do you right or if you've got a morning sickness you just think oh I don't really you know so I couldn't like commit to like a group event where it's going to be there for a few hours in case I didn't feel so good you know so my world's got really really small and I developed a fear of flying so I didn't go anywhere for ten years because all we now know the good brain connection but this pure absolutely terrified of flying so I'm from the UK my husband's from New Zealand we live in Australia so you can't fly anywhere you've been a bit isolated from your family you know so yeah look you've just got to be a really horrible small not even in existence and just this this voice in my head all the time I see this isn't me like this I'm a positive bubbly person what is this an dinner and my husband was just passed himself here it's like what's wrong with you girl you know Kiwi what's wrong I killed just want you to be better aid they're like seeing you like this girl you know in a desperate attempt I was just said to him look I feel so so crap I think I need to go and see in that path and that pasture so expensive she's probably just gonna tell me to go gluten free and it just kind of like came just out like I never had considered going go ahead and free I didn't think that was what I needed to do and I was like huh hmm where's that come from it's like okay well maybe I'll just gluten-free I don't need to go to a naturopath to try that you know so I went out there's like this is easy you just went out to the shops got some gluten-free pasta gluten-free bread going free everything else that we had gluten him and I was like oh I can do this but the food was absolutely disappointing it's poison like this would all right yeah and and yeah so I was like a kid so as I put it on Facebook you know it's like right I'm gonna go going free to hold myself accountable like you do and one of my girlfriend's said why don't you try paleo I've never heard of this pilio before right we live in the country and not much of that going on other is now of course so Google did not like no grain it's not gluten melaku no sugar no dairy no alcohol I was like what the hell like that's what I've survived on for the last terrible it was so crap I was like you know I'll do it I'll do this I'll do this paleo six weeks right it's a hot thirty and I'll just go back to eating what I was eating before because he can't eat that high fat food for too long anyway obviously it wouldn't be laughing and probably relating I couldn't believe how much better I felt just like there was that horrible detox period I was like I'm feeling worse than I was what's going on I'm like feeling worse than I was feeling before I feel more sick I've got worse headaches but then after popped out like day five I was like oh my god is like somebody just gone he had lifted and everything kind of went like the colors were better the music was better my mood was better and there's still a little bit of underlying nausea it turns out had Sieber yeah but but then it's just kind of like that sort of went away and the fatigue lifted and then it's just sort of I don't know you you just sort of goes a little bit better a little bit better a little bit better a little bit the same a little bit better you know like it's just you know honest journey of just getting more feeling more amazing so that's my sorry Wow so when you look back on it how long do you feel like like do you know now what was going on and maybe prior to pregnancy why was it that pregnancy do you think was kind of the breaking point because I think it is for so many women it was for me it was like I could looking back I knew that I was not doing great before pregnancy but I was it was easy enough to ignore and just think well this is normal and it wasn't till after pregnancy that it was like oh now I can't hide from this like this is bad cuz I kept gaining weight and just feeling worse and worse worse so looking back on your life do you see that you were not like healthy before and then what kind of happened that made that the breaking point well you're not thought I was healthy I thought it was healthy I really did and because I was doing everything right I mean we were buying all that organic vegetables so like you know I was eating all kind of vegetables but eating you know pasta and all the things I'm definitely I haven't been tested for celiac because once I've given up photos no way I was going back to it you need to have the bread to be tested yeah celiac but I know I'm definitely going intolerant like gluten is my kryptonite but I didn't know that before like I remember when I went to a nutritionist sorry a dietitian to lose some weight and I said I mean I'm just I had just like intuitively started buying gluten-free pasta don't know why I think I thought gluten Troy was healthy you know and she said oh no no you don't you need to have the gluten in it because gluten is a protein and well it takes longer to digest so that's going to help you lose weight so like all this just crap you know this is crap I say that I think I was just confused I didn't know and you know looking back I've had mental health issues I've had acne like in my when I was 19 I had a massive childhood of lots of antibiotics you know and when you when you look back now when you know what you know you can say okay I can see now but at the time I really thought I was giving it my best and you know all the way through my pregnancy with Millie my second child I was taking like pretty hardcore antacid tablets because you know the hurt less yeah and the hobby was horrendous you don't you don't know um what you know until you know what you know if you know what I know I know what you mean do I ever yeah I feel like it's Iran in Westen child's book no non-western child what was it what's the night prize yes thank you there's Western a child was erased his book the children wine did you read the baby and children anyways they it was the first time I had read that women should be waiting for years now between children because we are so nutrient deficient that we're so wiped out now when we have a kid we should be waiting to replenish those stores and I thought in it for say it that hit me so hard because I think of how many women have these kids right now back to back and then go through this you know period of being very sick afterwards depressed and anxiety and weight loss resistance and hormone dysfunction and I think it's just like you we were even if we were eating healthy because I was too I mean I had abused my body a lot in other ways but I was actually a very healthy eater and yeah that pregnancy it was just the tipping point that just wipe me out so I just think I must have been so nutrient deficient same as you including intolerant and it was just this tipping point of going down then that pathway of illness which is great because this let's let us here and now we can help other women do what we did right that's right yeah but you don't think you I think when you're preachin excuse me we've been talking so much this weekend we've but and then Melbourne for the Wellness Summit which is like that probably the biggest wellness event in Australia and just being like a whole three days of talking on the stage and talking to customers and network here with amazing your wellness people and yeah hanging out with all the Prime Minister's so sorry if I'm a little bit yeah you know like there's nowhere to hide when you book here because you can't just sneak off and have some quiet time really because you know as soon as you try and you know I think that that kind of just really exposes any areas where you know like where you were previously probably just struggling through and and you know and get him by but you know I had everything that you've mentioned just the weight loss resistance hormone dysfunction oh just everything just a real nothing you do you nothing that you could go to the doctor's with and they would say oh it's this you know yeah oh your cortisol is way too high and you need to relax and right yeah because I felt so crap I was like I must be dying of something horrible like she can't feel like this and to be honest that film I felt so crappy I think if I was told I was dying of some awful disease it would have been a relief like and so went for everything I had like a full body scan million blood tests all sorts of stool samples and the doctor just said to me there's nothing wrong with you like you might have a bit of irritable bowel syndrome but there's no drug for that and you're probably just depressed so go and see a psychologist and see you later basically that's what it was I got the antidepressant and it just didn't work of course right yeah the other way around so tell me about how your journey then came about inserting your business tell us a little bit about your business because it's it's amazing thank you well when I turned actually ended up I didn't go primarily sorry I didn't go paleo I ended up finding marks system right at the beginning of my venturing into Google in paleo journey and primal just really resonated with me because paleo can be quite dogmatic and quite black and white whereas primal was very much like it wasn't just all about the food you know there's a lot of you know it starts with food but it goes into all different areas of your life which you known so mark offered a lot of amazing advice around sleep I mean I didn't know rest was important at this stage of my life you know because you just kind of told to be productive and go-go-go and and so yeah all of the things around like sunshine and nature and connection and sleep it was kind of like mark was just telling me something that on a deep cellular level I already knew you know it just totally made sense and his primal connection book as well I was like oh my god yes you know yes this totally totally resonates and aligns with me so because I was feeling so much better I really felt like I wanted to go back in time and mop up all of that shitty advice I'd given so all those women who wants to see me to lose weight and tone up because that's what everyone wants to do and you know I love the crappy advice I've given around calories in calories there and all that so I just felt like if I could just have one woman who feels like me if I can just help her to get better then I think just it was compelled you know I needed to do this so qualify that so just talking you know people I said blogging because he doesn't matter less like needs to get this stuff out there people would stop me in the street and put their hand on my arm and say Helen I've been taking on C nausea tablets for five years like what can I do what do I eat it's like what do I give my kids you know so I started having primal chats with people and organized like primal chats at my house and we'd have bone broth and make some stuff yes and then and really it was it was really to be honest there's me just boring people to tears with everything that I knew about probably videos like I must tell you this I must mention the barefoot walking on the beach and so they basically basically go away like oh my god I couldn't possibly do this lifestyle because it's just so much stuff like so overwhelming I thought I need to to qualify so I can actually need to qualify as a health coach they can actually coach people and not just bore people to do a lot of this information but the primal health coaching course microsystems course it's fantastic really gives you amazing tools to be actually relevant to your to your to your client which is which is great so I started to do that and soon very soon start to realize that the had got the best results when I brought women together in a group so and now only run online group coaching courses because sisterhood is I don't have any real sisters no real siblings but there's something about sisterhood and women coming together to hold it to they're accountable celebrate success support one another in a non-judgmental non-competitive way that is probably the most primal thing of all you know it's really amazing just an amazing energy I know you know and the most people listening to this to be like yeah yeah so so I only do their online group coaching courses now but and I've got a lot of kickback from my clients you know they were like look Helen like staff good on a Monday I'm chopping my spread free vegetables that I've got from the farmers markets and I'm slow cooking my grass-fed meat it's being kissed by angels and sit down from the monks you know do my kombucha I've got my bone broth in the slow cooker and I'm going good but then by the time Friday I kind of I'm a bit tired I've got a full-time job I'm in a few and I find myself reaching for the takeaway menu and then I feel a bit crap because I'm doing that so I think well might as well finish off this bottle of wine and I might as well just go and polish off that layer of ice cream in the freezer as well because I've totally fallen off the wagon and then they kind of spend they'd be kind of like you know unravel a bit of the weekend then feeling all that remorse lead back to it on Monday and I was just like this isn't you know lame doesn't have to be like this all of this you know guilt and self-loathing and deprivation you know like if you say to people you can't have bread you know like there's something's sake all about bread like even in the Lord's Prayer it was this day our daily bread comfort it's comfort it's so sacred bread absolutely I don't think right away from me but so what I decided to do is I was like well well how about if I bake something fierce I'll make you some pizzas so you don't need to get a takeaway on Friday I'll make you some bread so you can have a quick lunch on the girl or just a piece of toast if you can't be bothered to do bacon eggs breakfast again and I'm gonna make some cookies as well so if you do want a sweet treat you can have something that's not got gluten and it's made of good stuff and I'm gonna make you some jellies as well cuz I know you're struggling to get all of that got healing gelatin into your system so I did and the my clients said that my products were life-changing like seriously this was the difference between them being able to stay on the wagon or fall off the wagon and it was something that the kids like too so you know sometimes you spend all the time making a beautiful meal and then the kids won't eat it like you know the pizzas yeah the pizzas the kids we can give so the Meuse leave ours the kids can have the cookies and you know say it just was really just adding that little bit of convenience and if they knew that I admit it was how maybe the love wasn't being pumped out in a factory so I did that for about 18 months and then I was doing some personal development work with a mentor and she asked me all these really annoying questions like what do you value is Helen and how do you want your life to look like I've never thought about how I don't want my life to look I don't even know what I'm gonna cook for dinner lady you know it's like I don't have time for these silly questions but anyway I'm a good student so I answered a stupid questions right at the table I wasn't thinking of anything at all and these like this idea is literally like I was like I had a little nest on my head right and two little fledgling birds were popped in I can say this to you without sounding weird because I know you'll totally get it and one of them was one of them was franchise you're successful baking business so that other women who are into this lifestyle can start their business and help other people as well and yet to do my group health coaching courses which I've already mentioned before so I was like okay like I don't know anything about the franchise industry like franchise I'm just suits me is really scary and you get ripped off and it's awful you know I was like but I don't know I just thought honey I need to trust this intuition so even I didn't know steps five six and seven I could see steps one two and three and I was like okay well these are the first things I need to do to get it started and I just trust the next step will magically appear as we go I was like wow I'm so lucky and I really believe like a sailor stripper warned these aren't my ideas and I really believe that it's the universe wanting to manifest itself and if I hadn't have acted on these ideas and brought them into form the idea would have gone to someone else and somebody else down the road would be doing primal alternative not me yes so that's that's my story and I'm 58 women have signed up to my franchise in the last 18 months in Australia with an online store it's just incredible like I just did a talk on stage in Melbourne this weekend and when I got off stage I was swamps like it was some kind of rockstars amazing you are well I love it and I love the little like that analogy of the little birds because it's true and I this is the you're right I totally get it because these things have happened to me and I always know that I can't have fear about doing it because it's kind of for somewhere else so it's got to be right like even this on track program it was it was like somebody downloaded it into my brain and there was no stopping me like I had to instantly start creating the program because all the information was coming so fast and then it was like what where's this gonna go where's it go okay I'll trust it I'll trust it because I can't stop I just got to do it don't know what's gonna you look like and in there right but it's an image right it comes from it comes from the universe or some people would call it God or you know but it is that you know that got feely that I think a lot of people probably ignore or at least not they're not opened enough to it and I think and you can tell me what you think about this being in touch with your body and getting to a healthier state inside your body makes you more in tune with that place with that intuition with whatever god whatever you want to call its spirit it's like you can almost get more in tune with it because you're more in tune with your body do you think that oh my god absolutely absolutely wait and wait and almost it's almost like conventional wisdom is almost like a form of social control like this is a little bit out there right but I know you'll get it it's like it's almost just like trying to keep us asleep beepers just stuck in a cycle of brain fog like when you're in so much brain fog and pain and depression you can't hear your inner voice as much I mean they were my the voice that said that said go gluten free like it was almost like gargling free just kinda like woman when you're gonna listen to me I'm in here amidst all of this organs and pain you know but yeah once you start to and I think it's because you align with the frequency of nature you're more aligned with your higher with your highest up it's a higher vibe and when you're there like oh my god I thought that's it you know Thank You universe so my two amazing ideas that have totally transformed my life like wow I seriously feel like I'm rocking the human experience in terms of you know my experiences that I'm having I mean I'm here now in Melbourne I've never flew anywhere for 10 years like I told you I've flown to New Zealand being home to see the family in England you know I'm travelling somewhere and it's really the big country like like America and Canada sits like a good five hour flight to places you know you it's quite scary if you're scared of flying you know but I'm doing it and I'm out there and just get it on stage and put about 100 people this weekend mask in holy crap I never never would have been dared to stand in a room for that long let alone he couldn't get on stage and talk in front of people like that there is no way and you know there's a woman Sandra Hart who's on my thrive program at the moment and this is her second round of thrive she's so she went primal at the start of the year and she's had some great results like weight loss and she's feeling better and all that kind of thing just this morning I read a poster and she was saying that um her joint pain is gone her she doesn't need to use sunglasses all the time because you know when you get that photo sensitivity when you're gonna get light-sensitive everything's like glarry and you think it's just because you live in a sunny place but it's not it's because you're so inflamed and your adrenals are so sharp that you just you can't handle the light and then you that sort of screws up your sleep because all day your shaded your eyes and then on the night you're looking at your phone and then you wonder why you can't sleep because your circadian rhythms like totally back to front you know but um so she was saying that she one thing she didn't expect was the personal growth so she's in karijini which is an amazing part of Australia it's all gorgeous and amphitheaters with like pools he construing we've got to like be good like I am do some really like seriously dangerous walks to get these amazing places and she said she's in her like forties maybe 50s she's a mom she looks like a mom you know she's just like she's an awesome awesome woman and she said she she never would have dared even contemplate doing these walks that make your knees knock and make you shake like a leaf and like they the pathway is down there like that sorry I'm in a hotel room I think that says keeping okay do you want to go get that join a press pause yes all right yeah so she was just saying that yeah like she never expected to to have this to become fearless it's like you know you just get braver and I don't know what that is that I don't if it's scientifically proven enough you know what it is I just want to just dare to do things that you would never do before and it really holy moly these are the this is the stuff that you remember forever these events these experiences you know it's just incredible yeah that's yeah it's gotta be like that you're aligning with your true self in a sense because it's not our natural state to be overweight and unhealthy and sick on the inside and it's like that's where your focus has to go so you know it's that and it's also that inflammation of the brain when your guts inflamed your brains inflamed which causes Ziya D and that's pretty amazing that you could get rid of you know a fear of planes nobody would ever put those two together that your health and your diet had something to do with a fear of flying never no no you know I googled so many podcasts looking at because you know I just thought it was a thing that I just had to work through and I saw a psychologist for help with it and she said you know you just need to try you just need to like face that for you and do it anyway kind of thing but it wasn't even a possibility you know until you think right actually now don't feel C okay my I'm not anxious anymore and I do think I can get on a plane you know like in in the time I haven't got it written in Diaries and I didn't even realize to look back and read it but look honest had Sam and I was in this a perfect life I was on maternity leave for a year had an amazing healthy newborn baby had a wonderful marriage a beautiful home living in Australia had a great paint job that I was going back to yeah everything was right well yeah I just felt so anxious like I felt like I've had like ten espressos you know that feeling you know and I was like so worried all the time and like if Sam would cry my boy like a jump up and run to him you know it's just like this just calm down I was going to say you don't have gonna fall over if you run around like that you're gonna hurt yourself just calm down but you just can't can you even that anxious it's this feeling insides just this going all the time and it's horrible and you just can't get rid of it so to be able to and I'm a member right into my diary I just want to just want to be able to who because when you've got anxious you can't poo right and I just want to feel pain in my tummy like please just let me feel that you know you can just sit down and go yeah feeling like and merits there it's there all the time and even you know Stan Jones you know standing in the wings listening to your introduction waiting on stage you can still feel that okay underneath all this sweat he comes in dry mouth and going on stage excitement it's still like that grounded feeling like it's there I'm still connected generally yeah yeah absolutely and when you when you were going through the healing phase you said you discovered you had SIBO so what was there other things that you did like you changed your diet and that definitely sounds like it was the base of the healing journey like it was mine but what else did you begin to do to heal your system well so as I mentioned before I really place an emphasis on sleep I didn't realize that I needed like a good 9 9 hours a night and I was really sort of getting by on 6 or 7 so that was like huge and when you when you've got insomnia and you can't sleep and then you start sleep in 9 hours all the way through and then you wake up in the morning like oh my did did that just Ana didn't go for five weeks in the night like what you know like that sleep was like oh my goodness like so transformational and then and then aside pooing right right so my body was I was sleeping and and did cooing I know I like and there's not a day that goes by that when I don't have a really healthy dirt in the morning like yeah yeah but I really excited to to spend more time in nature so I was really aware that I was spending a lot of time inside and then I was driving my car to go to a gym to come back home in a car and go back inside again you know so I really spend more time outside so do my exercising outside showering outside meditating I start to meditate to really it I really feel like intuition is like a muscle like we've all got it and but we think that we don't we think that intuition is just reserved for psychics at the fair with the ball you know like where you have it or you don't have it yeah oh yeah you need to go you know like I was going to see somebody who is accessing my guides mm-hmm I was paying her to talk to my guides and then when I realized I was like maybe I could just talk directly to them maybe there were some money there's money and it's just about having that confidence and and building that flexing that muscle you know and and all of that that intuition it's not reserved for amazing light bulb budgeting birds in this moments it's reserved for everything like what should I have for breakfast what dress shall I buy for this gala dinner I've got on Fri I can hear them the voice I'm head no no yes no not like it's there but it's a case of the case of flex in it I've really been committed to to to harness in my intuition and and really trust in it I've done you know a lot of like I said meditations visualizations work with mentors listen to a lot of MindValley YouTube videos and and things like that to really just kind of learn more around how we can ya be more intuitive and create you know we are the creators of our life it's like when I was there in my health crisis that was a result of all of the choices I've made up until that day like that was fully I take full responsibility for that it's not the government's fault of the you know whatever like that was me I made those choices but now it's just like you've got a clean slate of how you want the future to look and you can just you can make that look however you want which is soft looking exciting it is and I think you know when you said when that lady asked you you know what do you want in your future or whatever it was you know what would do you see what you want what do you value I always tell people you have to you have to see in front of you because you're if you don't you're not going to know where you're going you have to have that focus you have to be able to visualize that the body you want the health you want the way you want to see yourself eating you have to be able to see it feel it hear it all of those things all the senses get into it so that you know where you're going because we get so stuck in our little present world present and past world where it's like this mm-hmm you know and people get stuck with the way they're eating and their food addiction and and their body image stuff and they just feel like oh nothing's ever gonna work and they just are constantly looking outside themselves for the next diet for the next whatever it is exercise program and it's like go inside have that vision of what you want it to look like because if you don't you're not gonna know where you're going and quit looking for all those next best things and go inside people think it's so weird when I'm like telling them about how to eat they'll be like oh well you know caring like with my meal planning program they'll say oh he's really hungry you know and there's not a third snack on there and I just you know and they're panicking and it's like going intuitively if you need to eat and you feel hungry they eat it and like they said intuitive eating you know some people might say well my intuition is telling me to eat sugar or whatever right but the more cleaned up you are on the inside the stronger that intuition is gonna get and like start to go inwards start to focus on those feelings about how you want to eat or what you need to eat there's sometimes like before my period I've certainly need more carbohydrates and that's for good reason and I listen to my body and I'll feed it more carbohydrates there's days that I feel like fasting and do you find that as well like with how you eat yeah month my eating has been a little bit I guess a little bit hard to regulate or hard to feel that intrusive on because I had an underactive thyroid so it's something I've been working on with our mutual amazing friends Elvis yeah because you know I was I was having all I had all this amazing health breakthrough over the last four years but there was still a few underlying strangeness happenin like I was always really cold my hair was really thinning and I was again like 14 pounds in a year and even though I was doing quite low low carb quitar stuffs and fasting and you know definitely a bit more in the past of like I even you know quite like to get geeky on my numbers and stuff and just like to check it out so check my macros check my calories you know everything was everything was good so I guess you know from the intuitive eating point of view I'd love to be able to do more fasting and to skip meals but because my blood Sugar's been a little bit all over the place because of the thyroid issue yeah haven't been able to to you know every morning I wake up I like I'm hungry so I've had to I've had to honor that and not think yeah now I need to push through this and fast because of the benefits of our topic yeah and you know like to sack so but I'm hungry and if I don't eat now I'm just going to go into a brain fog that I will not be able to see live for the whole of the day because you've kind of like taking it too far but I just actually got some tea three less cheese there Karen when you're when you're healthy and your thyroid results on the scale okay they're at the bottom of the range well they're still normal and you have your thyroid results but even though you've got the list of you know symptoms that I reeled off before it's taken me over a year to not convinced but to I guess you know I'd like to get my naturopath and functional medicine doctor on board to say okay well we've explored all these are things that it could be you know at your liver we've looked at your adrenals and everything else involved you're good you've done so much healing and this this isn't this and you still have these symptoms so maybe we just need to try a little t3 and see how that feels well I've got to tell you Karen I took the first bit of t3 last Tuesday like a tiny like 11 micrograms just a tiny just need a little chopped-up you know and I was in bed and it's like what's gonna happen what's gonna happen you know I'm seriously I'm straightway like I felt the answer my fingers get warm I was like ah I think it's warm like I was freezing cold and so I was on my phone and doing messages in bed you know like you do and normally I hate all the wrong keys like because I've got really bad hand dexterity that's one of my symptoms so like ricey I have this charge like god it's terrible or somebody would give me a phone number I couldn't I'd mix up the numbers on paper and I use like dicks Lexie I was like yeah yeah yeah and when you want when you've got ID in your head you want to get them out I mean that's one of the reasons I started doing Facebook lies and podcasts because that was quicker to get it out then type in and hitting all the wrong Keys you know like so I guess it's got some benefits but yeah I just thought hitting all the right keys and then I woke up and I was like I feel like flipping some cartwheels or doing some handstands what's this energy but I've got you know and Wow like seriously for me that was the missing piece so I'm just really excited to see how I'm gonna go over the next year or so with this amazing vital hormone in my body and to see how that's gonna take my health to the next level oh it is there's so many women I mean look at you and I who are in this industry who are nutrition coaches and we missed our thyroid issues like so if we got it if we missed it think of the millions of women out there that are missing theirs and I see it in my office every single day where I just had my last client great example she's on medication but her temperature is rock bottom and so nobody's changed her medication and I don't know how long and she feels like crap she can't lose weight and I'm like you got you have to keep upping your dose every couple of weeks until you get to ninety eight point six in your temperature and nobody's told her that before right nobody told me that before I figured all this out on my own but it's very yeah it's it's it's a huge problem and I I want to know why don't you like I think it's a lot to do with our stress levels as women that we're seeing this rise in thyroid issues you know we're we're burning the candle at both ends right now is that not always but Ali like I don't know I don't know about this one you know because it like everybody says oh you know we'd never been been stressed we you know everyone's just stress or stress and I think actually I'm doing more in my life now than I have ever done before you know like a mother I'm running a business you know and I'm having all these experiences for myself so I'm you know before I was like struggling just being a mom you know like just being one but like that was enough like I was more stressed then like now I've got this growing business all these obtain all these are the things all these events every time you pick up the phone that's like 110 things to reply to but I've never felt more like I'm living on purpose I don't know I like I hear you yeah query that I'm stressed because I think stress is is when you it's a negative thing you know you feel stressed out but I think when you're living on purpose I think a lot of women these days it is the first he says it's the first time you know we've really been able to in in the history of mankind to really be able to have an idea and run with it and to get out there on forums like this you know we don't need to be on national TV to be able to blast a message to loads of people because we can just do it ourselves on Zune and put it on a podcast you know so I think it's actually a really exciting time I for women to to come out find their own message and blast it out there to the world so are we stressed I don't know I think I think if you stress it's a feeling that you feeling drained from something so there are certain things you know like in my life I have a great like a little filter filtering things so it's delete delegate and automate so what in my life can I delete delegate and automate to take some of those things like you know you do say oh man this is so draining on steam ahead in like that's the you need to get rid of right but the stuff that makes you feel whoo like this yeah like this is amazing you can do this I could do this all day I've got boundless energy for this you know so I guess on the stress thing it's just a case of tuning in as to what's giving you more energy and what's draining you and yeah we're not all so stressed I remember you listening to I think it was dr. Brian Walsh who is he's a really fascinating approach to cortisol and stress and he said this isn't the first time we've seen stress like think about what it would have been like when we were going to war or where there was hunter-gatherers there would have been so much famine and you know we would have been on the go all the time and the weather and you're living in caves it's not like we haven't had stress and our bodies are super super smart and his thing was a lot had to do with possible infection even that would raise cortisol they were starting to see that more and more that people will go in they figure out they have like e.coli or some virus or something they get rid of it and their cortisol level comes down within 24 hours right like things like that but I and I and I agree and a lot of the time it's kind of a rewording and I said this to a client a few days ago where I said you know are you stretch it's probably you're stressed and she was like yeah you know and she was kind of talking and I was like wait a minute are you happy and she said no I think here's the problem yeah right so yes it's the unhappiness that maybe is causing distress or that just lack of the blondness on the inside you know that needs to I said there you go you need to maybe not necessarily meditate and chill out I said maybe you just need to find something that's gonna fill your cup finally yes like yes yeah it was like by the end of it is she was gonna go rowing and that was her thing and go to the ocean that was like perfect that's what you need to do then it's just feeling your cup up right building a cookbook yes it's so important I think that now just now women are finally giving themselves permission to fill up their cup you know like I have like a list of things that I do every day to fill up my cup and you know I'm traveling at the moment in Melbourne and I am a home but I was like I love my home so much so when I'm away I've got to make sure I stay somewhere really nice and comfortable because that you know when you've had a busy day you want to come back somewhere and relax something quiet and it's always got to have a sauna and a spa and a pool you can that you can do you you can do your thing you know you do your stage thing and you can come back and get into the sauna and just go oh good and I'm feeling so relaxed so just to have yet to really get out there blast your message to world be the best version of you and and to have those beautiful anchors to keep replenishing you if you're just like go go go go go coconut burn and stress stress and that's not gonna be cool at all ya know and so where can I wish you had your product in Canada and the United States is that coming he said the never stab well it's the next obvious step because you know I've got nice friends in America in Canada and New Zealand's as well is an obvious like so close to Australia but I guess at the moment we're in such a growth phase in Austria my heart is hundred percent in this country to get my producers across Australia so that everybody can get access to the product so they're all you know made locally produced locally sold locally at farmer's markets and health food stores and things like that so my heart's here till box in Deer 2020 that's where I've set my vision I want to have 200 producers across Australia by then and then you know like it's really just a case if somebody wanted to produce primal sense it's just a case of tweaking the franchise agreement to suit the Canadian laws and checking the prices and see anything will you get the market price and then just yeah starting there I mean it's not hard to do I think it's a fantastic idea and I do see you branching out for sure it's like why not it's a franchise you're not shipping anything people can just start their own and use the name and you would give them the recipes I'm guessing right you give you yes yeah yeah so when you when you get a franchise you get all the recipes and resources of how to just start that business in your hometown and to get it in to get it and get it going so that's everything from obviously the recipes how to videos I show you videos how to make them labels all the marketing materials you could possibly want photographs to use for your social media a script what to say when you ring a potential stockist all the costings of the objection handling answers just everything close a community of other panelists or producers which is you know the place to go to get support great success and yeah hold yourself accountable so it's a super exciting and Mark Sisson said he thinks I will take over the globe okay so hey there you go tell him back tell him to get primal kitchen involved somehow skirt branch ah frayed a branch off of primal kitchen the premises definitely so are you on like this the one website the primal turn of calm yeah so primal tender calm is where you'll find everything about me my health coaching courses the products I make and the franchise is also heaps of podcast episodes on there and recipes so I do have a grain free Bridge recipe that I put up there for everyone to try if they want to try it I'm on Facebook primal alternative and also on Instagram primal Alton - easy peasy easy peasy well thank you I'm gonna go try I'm gonna try the Brad recipe I've got you I just know if it's if you're selling it out there it's got to be a good one because some of them are a little bit like me what about eight could I put it in my on track program and then with your name and your that's a great idea yeah it's a slightly tweaked version so because we couldn't put one of them it's slightly tweaked so it's called grain free hood right and it's a slight tweak on our zucchini bread delicious take it add can I tell ya Helen Marshall alright okay well thank you for the conversation I think there's gonna be a lot of women that are gonna relate to what you said and if you just have any final message to a woman that was maybe in the sim is in the similar place that you were in at that time do you have you know a one-sentence message for her or a place for her to start I sure do so my message to you if you're feeling like I was feeling and you relate into a message is but you're not on your own and your health journey and you too can reclaim your health the few dietary tweaks lifestyle tweaks and a good community behind you awesome that's a good place to start okay thank you Helen thank you Karen .

Video Description:

Helen Marshall is a certified Primal Health Coach & founder of the grain free food range Primal Alternative. Helen hosts the Primal Alternative Podcast on the Wellness Couch which is the number one ranked health and wellness podcast station in Australia.

Faced with a health crisis which included chronic nausea, constipation, insomnia, physical pain, headaches, brain fog, depression, anxiety and phobias, Helen returned to a diet of plants and animals to reclaim her health.

In this episode learn how Helen went from sick and fat to thriving! How she found the courage to begin her own business and how she is on a mission to help other women do the same!

Instagram: @primalalternative helping women find their weight loss code with hormone balancing, diet, stress management, and digestive health.

Karen Martel, Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach and weight loss expert. After a lifetime of struggling with her own health issues Karen is determined to bring her knowledge to other women. She has a bold new approach to women’s health and weight management.

Karen's passion lies in helping women find their weight loss code through body positive nutrition, correcting digestive issues, optimizing hormones and managing chronic stress. She is the founder of the On Track meal planning and group coaching program and host of the On Track video cast and podcast. She is a health leader and researcher determined to revolutionize nutrition for modern women.
