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Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Celebrity Chef Pete Evans Interviewed About The Paleo Way

welcome to the primal show with today's guest chef Pete Evans all the way in Australia very glad that you're on the primal show you have been basically all over the news lately I really wanted to have you on the show kind of discuss what's going on down in Australia as well as what's going what what's going on with the Paleo diet specifically in Australia because there's been so it's been under I think major attack and I wanted you have you on the show to let everybody know what's going on down there and I also wanted to have you on to discuss all the different books are putting out because I'm a big fan of yours you know I like the component that you're putting out there of eating healthy and mixing that with Fitness because I think it's definitely a lot of people are missing the boat when it you know comes to combining both of them so you know welcome to the show thank you for having me thank you tell us a little bit about let's start off with your books you've released two or three I think this year kind of focusing on the family and paleo everyday and it's called the paleo chef you have three different books out right now tell us a little bit about what they're about and you know what you're you know what yeah just tell us what they're all about sure I love writing cookbooks oh this is probably by 12 or 13th of dunno for last 10 or 12 years as a chef it's it's something that I am very proud of to be able to share recipes that people can put into their cooking repertoire and this is this is what we're trying to do basically I've been cooking professionally for over 25 years and cooked over a million meals with these two hands yes so what we try to do is chefs and what I understand our job to do if you're a celebrity chef or a chef that puts out books is first know your market first and foremost you know you look at many cookbooks that are around and some aimed at chefs you know some of the three Michelin star chefs and and as a home cook you just like wow that's a beautiful coffee table book that there's no though possible they are probably ever gonna try to replicate that into my home cooking and I learned a long time ago that for me what I wanted to do was educate people and how to cook beautiful home-cooked food that isn't scary that is accessible that is just absolutely delicious and that they can gain confidence in the kitchen learning how to combine flavors together how to use really simple cooking techniques and and really start exploring the globe for spices herbs and and really making beautiful flavor combinations I mean and that's that that's my job and that's what gets me up in the water every day with a smile on my face and you've done a great job of that I mean I didn't mention that you have literally cooked for some of the top people all around the world I think Oprah I read about and many others I mean that's quite an accomplishment and it is such a great feeling to cook and and to not only cook but also to promote optimal health while you're cooking you know and that that's really what the Paleo diet is all about optimal health I think in consuming foods that are you know inflammation free I like to call it so yeah so sure and and that's where my focus for the last four years my part of the color Robinson introduced me to the paleo lifestyle basically she was reading noreagaaa goddesses book which I still think is probably the best on on the topic of primal and paleo lifestyle which is called primal body primal mind and I read that I was like wow this this actually makes a bit of sense let's let's test this out ourselves and and the results were remarkable and I thought and I looked at what was out there on the market as far as paleo cookbooks and I realized there was no real I guess professional chef that had delved into this market indulged into this lifestyle and I thought that this this has the potential of of redefining my career and it took me a year before we basically came out and said paleo because I've been working for a long time I've been in TV and media and I was like if I come out as the paleo chef they will be back there so I knew they'd be backlash I didn't know that there'd be this much sure but it was I was compelled to do it I thought you know what it's it's no point keeping it a secret anyone really wants to shout it from the rooftops and tell their friends and family because so many people are benefiting from this as you know and people watching this show know and I'm gonna quite a unique position especially in Australia to have a large I guess profile over here that we can release a cookbook or spread some messages and some information through our social media sites or websites or magazine interviews or newspaper interviews or radio interviews that will get people thinking and then hopefully it'll get them researching and studying and and really trying to try to delve to the bottom and and and and understand why this works and and potentially why there's such a backlash against it you know I mean I totally know what you mean I mean there's really no better feeling than to spread the word of paleo into mainstream society and I do that personally by putting out products that have paleo all over them because I'm proud about our products in seeing our paleo bread was on dr. oz last year was like one of the best things that I could have ever asked for and then seeing our we have this new coconut flakes cereal on the shelf next to Cheerios it's kind of like it's such a huge accomplishment like for myself personally because we're really helping to change the way people eat and we're doing it by giving them foods or recipes in your case and a message that's really simple for them to understand but we're giving them foods that can help them transition from a mainstream way of eating to a paleo one and we're doing it we're making it easy for people and I think that's the biggest fear it's like paleo isn't easy or oh my gosh I have cook all the time when there's really things that every grocery store you know in the world that you can easily be paleo and you just need to know the guidelines and and I think people really get you know caught up and is this is just too difficult I can't do it you know what what about when I travel you know and and giving people you know tips and tricks for when they travel or you know showing them how to you know make paleo food choices when they're eating out it's it's just because it kind of the light clicks on for them it's like oh my gosh I can do this you know and not only can I do it I can make this a way of life for me you know and I don't know about yourself but once you explain it and the basics of it it's like okay you can't have cheese but you can have more avocado and you know bacon on occasion and you can have all the fresh fish and you know small amount of berries and nuts and you know you can't have beans okay but you can have delicious you know organic grass-fed steak you know it's like okay which one do you want beans or or steak you know it's it's the trade-off is it's it's very easy what do you what do you think about that well everything comes down to a choice each and every time you decide to put the next mouthful of food either onto your fork or between a chopsticks or onto your spoon or a new class and it all it all comes down to a choice and I think that's it's just it's a wonderful time I mean 2015 I mean paleo has hit the mainstream and there's a plethora of books that are there in the top 10 best sellers in the United States in Australia my books with the number one sellers now what that says to me is that people are embracing this lifestyle there's a hunger for so this information people are buying these books for their friends and family to say hey listen this is what it's about you know because generally the media has has a very
distorted view of what paleo is is always a picture of a caveman and slabs and slanted slabs of meat and the old Paleolithic man died at the age of 25 or 30 you know the same old same old crap yes in every time and never do they really talk about what it actually is now my definition of it which is the same of many others it's it's about embracing the foods that our bodies have evolved to weed and basically removing any foods that that may cause inflammation and each and every generation we're finding that we're reacting to these these food groups that were once touted as healthy not in a great way anymore and I don't really bang the drum too much like you shouldn't be eating this or you've got to be eating this all I do is is take the information that I've like yourself worked with some of the best minds in the world from cardiologists and neurologists to science writers to medical doctors to whoever they are and they're all basically saying the same thing they're speaking the same language my job as a chef is to take that information and put it into exciting recipes for people to try at home I am NOT the expert I am an expert as Burger Chef which is why I'm very confident that I can release cookbooks on this subject or get up on stage and and show people how to cook this food and also then bring in the scientists or the doctors or the nutritionists or the dietitians that can talk about the science behind it I mean I've studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and become a qualified health coach but first and foremost I'm a chef and teaching people beautiful recipes is is basically by purpose and what I enjoy doing yeah and one one area though of confusion I find with a lot of the Paleo books out there and this this isn't really so much within any of your books but I find that they're just over inundated with too much sugar and what happens is these you know they're like paleo cookies and brownies but they're putting all this sugar that does need to be in there and once again paleo really should be an anti information diet and when you're adding sugar in there all of a sudden you're getting inflammation back into a diet and there wasn't this overabundance of honey and maple syrup and we think about the caveman it was probably long long periods in between the time he could gorge on honey but it was this it was a very long time in between these you know basically binge feedings on on honey or maple syrup or anything out there I find that it's kind of a disservice and I see why the media can sometimes really harp on Palio's because people some people aren't getting the results they need with paleo because it's not being given to them with it's been given to them with all the sugar sure and what I can talk about with it with what you're saying there is that everyone comes to this at a different point in their life everyone's journey to paleo so to speak will will be very very different you know some people it might take them two to three years to transition all the way through and you will find that potentially some recipe books that do have the honey's or the maple syrups or the date so those things is the thing that actually gets these people from one lifestyle to the other and it might take them three years to get there you still by putting the bliss balls or the the cookies or this but at least they're making wiser choices to get to where they want to go whereas some people like instance for me I could do it cold turkey you know I never really had a sweet tooth so I wouldn't be too critical of of that because I would rather someone take three to four to five years to get to the place that they need to by doing it gradually and still incorporating the foods that gives them that pleasure if that's what they need to do for their journey oh I couldn't agree with you more but I'm going to disagree on the fact that giving them foods with sugar is a sticking point for me because we have great ingredients as you know like organic stevia leaf monk fruit we have maple sugar we have these like coconut nectar and coconut sugar things that are very low glycemic that can keep the inflammation level down yet they're choosing honey and maple syrup which is a better choice than refined white sugar but it's still sugar and what happens is I find that these recipe books are being given to like family members right and they go off eating paleo and they start gaining weight or you look at the Paleo author themselves and this is this isn't new by any means but you look at the Paleo theater themselves and they're heavy and it's like they're not and the vegans are bagging on these other paleo authors and one of the reasons I wanted to have you on the show is because you practice what you preach and I find that that to be so important not only in food in consuming the proper amounts of food the proper calories but also in working out you know - yeah but you live a very active lifestyle and to be honest with you I'm just tired of vegans beaten up with honest you know you got guys like durianrider and and all these different nutritionists who are picking on us for being paleo and living a lifestyle that leads to optimal health and these nutritionists you look at physically the way they look and they're not practicing what they preach they're not living a healthy lifestyle and they're consuming grains are full of inflammation I mean and it's just sad and it's it's it doesn't need to be that way all we're trying to do is give people a way of eating that doesn't promote inflammation and to that point I herniated my l5 s1 disk okay and I did it moving a bag of green back in like 2010 which is kind of ironic if you think about it this I run the julienne bakery and we started off as a traditional bakery and thus bakeries handed off to me and before we went grain free I was literally moving this bag of grain kind of to the side and hernia in my back and I started looking for ways to guess what get rid of the inflammation and I ended up you know looking I ended up finding it with paleo basically you know I don't take any Advil I take any you know drugs I am completely pain-free I've completely recovered and not only that I lost almost 35 pounds so and you know I'm in the best shape of my life my goal was always to have a six-pack and and with paleo I've been able to achieve that I mean I'm sure you've seen the results I mean you know firsthand actually the results can you talk a little bit about some of your you know your followers and the results that you've seen sure let's step back a second as well I mean what you're talking about the vegans or the nutritionists and stuff you know what don't even worry about it that's my advice you know focus on the positives and look the negatives we've got a we've designed a 10-week program with noreagaaa garrison my fitness coach Luke Lyons is a beautiful man as well and in our 10-week program we don't have any paleo treats or paleo cookies or hardly any fruit except for the for the good quality fat ones like avocados and olives or the low sugar ones cucumbers zucchinis tomatoes for instance and in that 10-week program we teach people that you know for Ted weeks we want to get your body into the the best place so we can reduce your information and we have seen I mean with tens of thousands of people that are doing that the this program all around the world and then the post program and it's it's remarkable the changes and I share a story each and every day from somebody that's adopted the paleo lifestyle whether it's our program or whether they've read a book had just adopted it and it's astounding that the changes that people go through it's some are small and some are quite large and I've never ever said that it'll cure anything but what I will say is it has the potential to improve your health and we have thousands of on thousands of
on thousands of emails and success stories coming through over the last few months of people that as saying it's improved in type 2 diabetes autoimmune issues that behavioral issues in their children you name it say that it is helping them you know and and I find that fascinating and and you know it's it's powerful and it's what I love about it the most is it's getting people back into the kitchen to cook real food I mean we saw Jamie Oliver do this around the world by getting people to to try to ditch the fast food and get back into the kitchen to cook now where I see paleo is the next step you know it's the next step in the evolution of beautiful cookie because now they're cooking for health before they were cooking for flavor and taste but now you know we can still include the flavor and the taste but now we can start educating people about how food can be medicine or a form of medicine absolutely and as I say to people as well as paleo is is wonderful but it's one part of the package you can eat all the paleo food in the world but if you're at a you know relationship that's not working for you or you're at a job that isn't fulfilling or rewarding or you're not doing it eat any movement exercises or you're not taking time out to do things that that nourish you very holistically then you may still suffer disease or information or unrest you know so I always say paleo is as from a dietary point of view of this it's the first step in potentially opening up a big up yourself to some massive change and usually when people change the way they eat they have the renewed energy they have a written you'd focus or a renewed passion for life to then be able to achieve or chase down the dreams that they once thought were possible probably impossible because they didn't have the energy to do it and that's what excites me about this whole movement is all of a sudden you might have people going back to school you know they might be in their 50s or 60s and they're like you know what I'm ready to go back to the universe and study the thing because I've got the energy to do it yeah well I want to start create writing music called painting or whatever it may be you know that's what excites me and I think we're with we're in the midst of a fantastic movement I couldn't agree more I mean personally I when I was consuming gluten and grains I would have it my energy level I would actually feel like I would want him to fall asleep right after my my lunch you know I'd have a sandwich and I literally feel like I wanted to pass out and I had been that way all throughout school I had kind of cloudy brain fog and come to find out it was all related to gluten now I'm not a silly AK but I am Lea intolerant once I started doing an elimination diet by removing the things that were not paleo out of my diet all of a sudden that brain fog went away my energy level came back I had energy all day I felt like working out and the fat dropped off easily and I wasn't gorging myself on too much fat or you know going I was following a low sugar low carb approach but I was still moderating my calories and I had tremendous success and the energy was sustained all day I didn't have these spikes and and I'm probably some a lot of that had to do with also my blood sugar levels were a lot more consistent because I wasn't spiking my blood sugar with grains so tell us a little bit about what the nutritionists are saying down in Australia because I know there has been a little bit of controversy you know and obviously people attacking you and I love to kind of hear what they're saying because I think it's interesting because I mean it's also being said here in you know in the United States but what's happening down there in Australia it's a same old same old it's it's it's media creating a sensational headline story yeah once you know how it works it you don't even worry about it it's because you understand why why it's happening as far as people like different organizations coming out to to slam this I mean you only have to read books like today smokers just by third period you only have to peel back the cover us a little bit to understand exactly why the backlash is happening and at the end of the day I'm an easy target for for a lot of people to take a swipe at because I am a chef I'm not a I don't have a PhD I'm not a having baby University for four to six years to get some letters after my name but you know and that's fine the more the media and the attacks happen there more that this is pushing it out into the mainstream so I am I am happy that this is happening and each and every time it does it I sort of have a bit of a bit of a chuckle going you guys are actually making this their the catalyst for this they're the catalyst to get it into mainstream and they're doing the work that I couldn't possibly do by myself so I also understand that they're coming from a place of fear which is completely understandable because Morrible research is coming out and you do it every day there's there's a new study that that backs up what Loren Kinane has talked about one more good good Galvez has talked about what Bob wolf has taught me about what dr. Amy Byers what I'm after here but is talking about Gary Todd's all of these people and I could list off hundreds of these these these beautiful people from around the world the trading people that usually this is a form of a form of one of their tools for creating life-changing change yeah in people they know this works and well they have the results the back Ed's here you know I always loved Tom Dorrance wisdom of crowds talk and if you haven't seen it I think fascinating and I encourage everyone to watch it goes for 40 minutes and he talks about the anointed and he talks about how the wisdom of crowds and with social media these days that if you want to get some information and actually get the truth and it's not that hard to find yeah so I'm happy to be the punching bag at the moment or for this movement some people might say that I'm giving paleo about now but and I never I never engaged with the negativity to really I might just point out a few of their inaccurate accuracies and maybe poke a little bit just to stir the pot just the analogy that I have is and I taught this to my kids is I'll teach them how to serve and I was stationed to jump off the rocks into the ocean when the waves are coming in and when I was doing that with my kids the first time I did it their first instinct when the wave was coming was to turn around and run and and and I said he can never do that and I said what you need to do is plant your feet firmly stand your ground and the wave will come and then it will retreat and then you take another step forward and another wave will come and you you you stand stand firm and confident and and finally they do jump off and you of the ocean if you catch the waves and and I have the same philosophy when it comes to anything negative you know I'm not gonna run away and I'm also know quite a fight but I was very happy to stand my ground because we know this works and then it'll disappear like at the moment it's it's dissipated for a while just keep moving forward keep sharing success story after success story or recipe after recipe and there'll be another wave it has to come and then you just stand tall and hopefully and I guess the proof is in the pudding after our program is selling like hotcakes cookbooks are selling like hotcakes we're getting emails from thousands and thousands of people and they're sharing the success stories do you know how many people I've heard that this worked for apart from the the general detoxing phase over the two to four weeks where they say they might film Norma's yes or they might get a little bit lightheaded or they might feel get a cold or some sort of symptoms come up during that detox phase which we which we talke
d about through through the education process anywhere but the amount of people that I've asked or for anybody that this hasn't worked for if they've done it for six to twelve months and they've done it 100% yeah no I believe it I I think you're right though I think you're right you know to bring up the fear factor because these people that are going against you are basically afraid that what they've been teaching for years is wrong and if it's wrong guess what that means that they're probably going to go out of business then people are going to start looking to them for advice or they're going to convert over and start helping people properly but the smart ones are switching over and and the it is society to see but it but I've got a friend who's a GP medical doctor here in Australia he's been using this for fifteen years as one of his tools with conventional medicine to help treat his patients and he's busy because people are sending their friends and their families to see this man I've got dieticians that are registered in Australia under their organisation is attacking but they're standing up and say you know what we're using this because we're actually getting results we're getting better results faster results more sustainable results from the people that we're treating using this as one of our tools and I always say paleo is just one one tool that people could use to increase their health or improve their health and it's it's a it's a wonderful time because this is business melting pot and and there's a massive change happening and it's super excited it's super exciting so you're actually so you're about three years older than me so 441 looks like I'm 38 and looks like we're both family men how many kids do you have to Go's girls okay yeah I have a three-year-old baby girl has your has your motivation changed since you've got kids cuz I know mine has like just I want to I want to spread the good news about paleo like everywhere basically you know and I am I Drive for helping people reach their their goal has never been more than you know and I'm doing it through food just like yourself but has never been more since I've had a child can you talk to us a little bit about that because I see you released a family food book which I'm sure you know the motivations after own family but talk to us a little bit about how maybe your drive has changed and maybe any philosophy changes or sure my oldest daughter was born with a tumor when she was first I have a border she had an operation when she was two weeks old had it removed and her systems been compromised the disease is my second daughter poppy a year and half later it she seems to have a stronger Constitution a stronger immune system and we've had with both girls tested and and very have issues with dairy and also gluten which got us really fascinated about this this this paleo movement and and by adopting this into their lives both of them are thriving especially our firstborn chili is a surname and it keeps us keeps us moving forward and and my passion is to choke itself in the coming generations and we know that more and more children are being born with learning difficulties allergies or and more issues and and I don't think it's normal the rate of the escalation of these is not normal so what what can we do to to to give these kids the best possible chance of reclaiming their health if at all possible and I noticed that every single basically family or a children's cookbook on the market especially in this country is usually sugar filled Derryfield white flour field you know it's it's it's basically it's disgusting it really is you could say that and it's an easy sell because that's what they think children need or want to eat it's disgusting because of what that foods doing to them you know we're bombarding kids at such a young age I mean my daughter's favorite thing you know she loves little pancakes you know she was like you know I want pancakes so I started making you know little pancakes out of you know almond flour coconut flour and egg whites and you know throw a little stevia in there BAM you know you have pancakes and they're fluffy and they're just like the ones that are in the store made by Kellogg's or whoever you know and it's just unfortunate and you know you talked a little bit about the rise and these birth defects and all the health issues that people are having and I really think it's because a majority of it is we have a prescription drug problem that's out of control we have GMOs being saturated all throughout the market I know it's a little bit better in Europe and I don't know how it is in in Australia but I mean it's it's extremely bad here and we you know as a company Julian bakery we do so much sourcing to make sure everything we do is GMO free and I just I feel like it's one of the most important things we can do other than obviously following following like a paleo guidelines of how to eat but tell us a little bit about how GMOs worked over in Australia and is it a real problem well let me rewind a little bit because the children think is so important and that's why we released a book last year called family food it was to put out a paleo inspired book that didn't seem like it was paleo you know what I tried to do was it was reinvent or paleo if I all the family favorites you know from from from toddlers all the way through to teenage years the whole family happy and what was brilliant I mean the most popular recipe and there is butter chicken where we don't use batter we use coconut oil and there's about eight eight or nine different spice is it there or not and I actually contemplated should I put this recipe in in the book or should I take it out because has it got too many spices in there and it's the most popular book and I get photos sent to me from from parents of their two year olds at three year old saying they love the butter chicken and we serve it with cauliflower I said you just see this picture of the kids all the food over their face and the empty bowl and then we took it a step further than we've just released a baby and toddler book called Bobby yum yum and I co-wrote that with two beautiful beautiful dear friends of mine Helen pattern and Charlotte car Helen pattern is a naturopath and she's been working for 15 years in clinic as part of the mine foundation and mine Foundation is is an association on for-profit that is committed to helping families with children with behavioral issues and learning difficulties maybe HD autism dyslexia you name it and it's a brilliant organization and we've taken all the most the concepts from this and put it into the book and also Charlotte care who's who's the co-author and it created by the young yeah she talks about her journey with her own son willow that experienced issues as a youngster and how she used food as one form of medicine to help your little child a little boy reclaim these health and it's a remarkable story so we've we've put that out there as a as a nearly like a handbook or a guide for for parents when they've stopped breastfeeding or when they're going on to solids we always promote breast breast milk is best for as long as possible yeah that but we noticed that there's there's very few books out of the market for for babies and toddlers after weaning that aren't filled with cereals aren't filled with dairy and filled with sugar ease substances and we're very proud of the book and it's available online through iBooks all around the world in 51 different territories and we're releasing it in print later this year which is which is stoked as far as GMOs go we're pretty much like the rest of the world we've had a major law case happening in in Western Australia with a with a farmer that's neighbouring with the GMO I mean similar stuff that's happe
ning in the USA and I don't need to repeat what's going on yeah obviously these companies have a lot of money and we just we've seen one sample the dr. oz as well Andy's a dear friend of ours as well and I think people just need to be aware and I think with correct labeling I think then people can make the the choices that they need to make and I know there's a lot of people that they're flying the flag and and really trying to get correct labeling happening all around the world for GMOs and I think if that can happen then at least people can make an informed decision on whether they want to again it all comes down to choice whether they want to include those type of foods in their diet or whether they'd like to eliminate them completely I know which way I see it oh it's just scary because so many they so-called health companies are now inserting what seemed like you know good ingredients like you know you think corn fiber sounds healthy right well what's the corn derived from is a GMO corn you know and there's so many of these unknown factors out there that you know if simple labeling could could resolve it all and it's so sad and it could be so easily fixed because you're right I mean let people choose you know why hide it and at the end of the day it's really just to save a buck because GMO ingredients are much cheaper than the real food ingredients you know grown properly secret cigarettes are always going to be available and itself it's it's a choice if they don't want to do that no Angie you know as we go it's it's there I don't think we'll Redick ate it so let's just make sure that they're labeled properly and then people can make informed decisions and people are going to the farmers markets or organic stores or places like Whole Foods where they can hopefully have the right information then certain people will shop there other people choose I don't I don't have this data anybody's throat I think I think the key is education you know I don't always eat paleo because I travel nine months of the year and I cannot always get grass-fed and wild court and organic but I make the best possible choices with what is what is available but I don't I never beat myself up and talking to you go oh my god you know but I don't want to live in that world either and III don't think people people probably should either but but I think if you have if your foundation is correct and you you're aware and you understand and then 90 95 percent of the time you make the best possible choices that you can I think that you you will hopefully a healthier lifestyle and somebody that just eats whatever they want to without any thought that goes into it well really it's about choices you know because at the end of the day if people are properly educated they can make choices or paleo and make them easily because I don't know about you but now that I'm armed with all this information it's so easy for me you know I mean I could be not that I eat at Subway or in in any of these places but if I had to go to suddenly guess what they have a salad and they have chicken and they have some you know you could probably choose a you know oil and vinegar dressing you know if you had to so I think it's it's sad when people go it's too hard to go clearly because it's not you know it's just it's really about being properly educated and that's what I love about what you're doing so your new movements kind of called the Paleo way and that's what you're doing with Luke who focuses probably more on the fitness and you're doing more of the food which i think is awesome because it's so needed the naturopath I talked to talked to you about before we've also got Trevor Hindi he was a ex seven-time world champion I am man who talks about mind body spirit connection and again what I was talking about before it's a package you know we've got this we got the food or the diet we've also got the movement we've got the science with Norah we've got the I guess the spiritual journey which we have with Trevor and and we've got the natural path or the natural therapist with just heaven and we've also got wonderful Indian from from people all around the world we've got shopping lists and meal plans and exercise routines and and it's a beautiful program and and where we keep evolving it we were just about to release an autoimmune protocol version of it classic gapps version of it as well we're constantly trying to that whether you've got to alex is in america got around the world which makes cooking apparently easier but we're always trying to try to keep evolving this program and keep it really budget friendly for people to be able to adopt because we know that if one person adopts this lifestyle they're going to tell five five or ten of their friends and maybe one or two of them try it out in the next year and then this is a grassroots movement and I understand how how how the ripple effect is going to have and I've always said I believe in 10 to 20 years time this will be considered normal and it will it has to be because the science is going to be irrefutable and I dare say within 5 to 10 years if our government dietary organizations do not adapt to the current research then there will be class-action lawsuits and once that starts happening we're going to see a quite a dramatic shifting there quite amount of dramatic adoption of this and it'll be considered normal III have no doubt about it and and and the thing that we need to talk about with paleo as well which which often gets put aside and the way that we promote paleo and I'll define it for anyone wants to understand what we're promoting you know it's a small amount of well sourced meat you know palm of your hand it's an abundance of beautiful above the ground vegetables preferably it's including some familiar vegetables hopefully daily into your into your diet for good gut bacteria it's about having some bone broth hopefully daily maybe a cup of it again through the gut health and it's about including really good quality facts into your diet whether that's from land or sea animals or from plant plant base and that's it's basically a mint just eliminating any foods that can cause inflammation and as we know the biggest the biggest triggers for people is dairy grains legumes and of course refined sugars and that's it in a nutshell and it doesn't have to be any more difficult to to explain that and because we know how important the gut health is and it's all about repairing our guts so that we can absorb the minerals properly so that so that we so that it's doing its proper job so that the pathways are all working as they bid - it's simple really simple oh I agree I mean I think it really all I mean it starts with proper gut health and by eliminating these inflammatory foods that's your debt starts to be less inflamed and guess what your stomach starts to shrink because there's less inflammation you start in taking more fiber from vegetables you start being cleaned out a little bit more and once again your stomach keeps shrinking you know it's it's just it becomes so easy at a certain point to kind of maintain your ideal weight with the Paleo diet because of the foods are consuming and I think you know it's it's something to be said to really stay away from the diets that are endorsing an overabundance of too much fat which leads to too many calories which can lead to weight gain it's really about moderation you know and not over overdoing any one thing you know and and not too many carbs not too much sugar not too much fat but just eating a well-balanced Paleo diet I mean for me I always explain paleo as no gluten no no grains no dairy and no legumes and that includes like soy and peanuts no no beans if you're gonna have potatoes have modern lamb of sweet potatoes and you know just keep the sugar to e
nrollment you know minimum and you're gonna have awesome success one site that I always use I really don't usually endorse sites but a little secret that I have is the site called nutrition data itself com it's a really neat site and you can look up corn or beans or any ingredient that is known to man on this site and it actually tells you the glycemic load the inflammation factors how good that ingredient is for weight loss and it's a great tool for people to affirm what we're saying is true because the ingredients that we use in the Paleo diet are not inflammatory and this once again proves it by showing you the actual nutritional the macros of each and every single ingredient and it's just such a useful tool especially when you're trying to lose weight by knowing what ingredients to to consume and is this one more one piece of evidence and what I'd like to say is always work with a healthy health professional that understands how the body works because what you tapped on there as well as some people with autoimmune issues they need to take another couple of steps they might need to take out night chains we might need to take out nuts we might need to take out eggs from their diet see if any of these are causing inflammation as well which you know these can cause information a lot of pimples so it's it's a journey for people to work out and for them to heal their gaps first and foremost and then potentially reintroduce some of these foods and make that may have caused issues or leaving out all together yeah I mean I I think that there's different templates you know where you have a paleo autoimmune protocol template I think you have paleo template for weight loss I think that there is even a template which I hear is being called pekin which is for paleo vegans that's being introduced and I I would say that is okay believe it or not if you do not feel like you know harming animals is something that's right for you because we both know that the Paleo diet is the best way to eat but although it could just be a life choice where you feel like hey you know what I don't want to hurt any living you know animal and and and I think it's okay to include these sort of people's but to give it its own name you know to not try to to change or alter what paleo is but to just give it its own a my kind of like this whole pekin thing I it's kind of it's kind of fascinating to me it's kind of incorporating what vegans believe in and also following a paleo template because then you really have something for everyone you know because we make all these you know paleo products all the time and all the vegans are like hey what about me you know I still want to eat this way I want to have it in that time from the nation diet but you don't have any products for me I'm like alright well these are the proc products that you can have and we actually started labeling our paleo products paleo and vegan on the front because you know we don't want to exclude anybody and we you know we totally you know understand that you know a Leo isn't for everyone well I think I mean anyone that's vegan or paleo or vegetarian whatever it may be definitely has the same the same philosophy or all or similar philosophies where we want a healthier population we want a healthier planet and we want better treatment of animals and we can all agree on that for sure and then it comes down to the potentially religious beliefs or philosophical beliefs and everyone means entitled to their own opinion and belief system and I never have a becomes the other a personal choice and if that makes you happy then go for it and work out what works best for you and what you're happy with and we have a beautiful life to live on this planet and it's all about connection and education and evolution and and it's been an honor to work with you today yeah it's been a great talking with you everybody can find you at the paleo wacom and I really love what you're doing definitely practicing what you're preaching and thank you so much for spending this time with us it's been great thank you so much all right .

Video Description:

Episode #44 Guest Celebrity Chef Pete Evans interviewed by show host Heath Squier. Pete Evans is Captivating in this 50 min interviewh Pete provides an in depth information about Paleo and how he has cooked for celebrities around the world teaching them how to achieve optimal health through Paleo. Pete Evans discusses all about recent controversial subjects happening in Australian news. Pete also talks about the launch of his new company The Paleo Way and how people around the world rid themselves of inflammation and extra weight.
Pete Evans shares his secrets to making Paleo easy and how it provides ongoing energy for your body throughout the day. Pete Evans shares his concerns of how many recipe books over saturate their recipes with too much sugar causing people to gain weight. Pete’s approach to Paleo is one of proper diet, exercise and mental health.
Hear how Pete Evan started it all and how he runs a business called “The Paleo Way” which offer detailed plans to help turn around peoples health from weight loss to auto immune issues: We also talk about the controversial subjects of how many in the nutritional field and new media have attached Pete Evans for offering healthy recipes for kids.
"The Primal Show CEO Of Julian Bakery, Inc. Heath Squier”
Check out Celebrity Chef Pete Evans at:
Heath Squier's Exercise & Diet Plan:
Heath Squier’s Links:
Online "Real Paleo Food Store"
Check out Heath Squier's complete diet here:
Heath Squier:
Visit our sites:
The Primal Show Site:

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Building Endurance On The Paleo Diet Episode # 29

hey this is gary collins and keith squire and i am the owner of the primal power method he is the owner of julian bakery we want to make that clear again just in case people are confused since they send us nasty hate mail to the wrong people all the time I'm just kidding but we want to talk about some topic that there's a lot of confusion in and it has i've noticed it over the last couple years and that is endurance training and paleo and primal lifestyle there's been a lot of articles written about how severe endurance can cause ventricle damage of the right ventricle and in that it can cause heart problems and heart attacks down the line and all the studies have not been done with a proper diet it's the problem they're not differentiate between a healthy diet a standard american diet which is highly inflammatory but i think some of the Paleo community and primal community has picked up on this as don't do any endurance exercise all you need to do is wind sprints and that's it if that I think some people are lost on the exercise portion don't you because there's a lot of confusion with exercise right now yeah and it's it and if you're not following a kind of ketogenic low sugar low carb approach you're gonna actually um you're gonna have problems you're gonna you're gonna start being puffy and if you follow a low-carb ketogenic approach you can actually get results with with with a minimal amount of exercise these people aren't even doing a minimal amount of exercise is the problem and it's no wonder why you know they're not getting any kind of results and I think what what Gary and I are saying here is that follow what we're saying which is a low sugar low carb ketogenic approach mix it with some exercise three to five times a week and if you want to go even into this endurance realm which is you no longer long-distance running and so forth it is ideal you just need to amp up your fat protein content and you're going to have a sustained energy while running I mean yesterday around 45 minutes straight beforehand I had some of our new beef protein and that's it I mean it's just I amped up my protein I had a healthy source of fats from coconut oil and that's it 45 minutes flat straight run and then I then I lifted weights for 15 to 20 minutes afterwards I mean I don't do that all the time but my body has the necessary nutrients in order to run a sustained period in and out of fast speed you know I'm running 67 miles per hour you know I mean that's it's it's a it's a nice nice nice little run there yeah and I'm a big believer in mixing it up I mean you just don't want to do wind sprints and high-intensity interval training three four times a week and that's it I don't get me wrong that's great I do it I implement it but I have one day that I commit to endurance training during the week and that's usually I ride my bikes cuz I can't run because of injuries and so what I do is I ride my bike I've written my bike up to six hours without a meal just water and it's because I'm a fat burn I I don't need to carb load up to a point don't get me wrong I work with athletes two and four super high endurance athletes first ultra marathoners you know triathletes ironmen that's a little different I mean you're gonna have to up your carbs because you need some readily available blood glucose to kind of replenish there's certain times it takes about two two and a half hours for you deplete your glycogen with some pretty moderate to heavy exercise people always talk about oh I just did 15 minutes of lifting I gotta go you know get my glycogen back up and I'm like what probably full you're done you know it takes quite a bit to deplete your glycogen levels so with that yeah it's a yeah that's an important point touched on is what we're saying here is Gary and I through eating carb ketogenic kind of fashion not taking in two min too much sugar or carbohydrates we've become fat burners and you can definitely go a certain distance with that but if you are going beyond you know what two and a half hours there's you would have to adjust your macros accordingly but how many people are actually and you know doing that short of endurance training many not very many and what we're saying is unless you're working out for more than two and a half hours following this ketogenic low sugar low carb kind of paleo template you're going to be in the optimal fat burning zone you don't even have to work out you can really work out in an hour I would say and get insane results you know and um you don't have to you don't have to work out that hard to see the results either your body is just going to start shedding fat because you're burning fat as energy all of a sudden and it's it's just too easy oh it's a big difference I think the the problem that most people do is when they get into health and exercise they instantly categorize themselves as an athlete you know they think there are obviously placing himself like in the Michael Jordan category you go no no no you're not even close to that the professional athletes and people who compete train at a far different level than even me and Heath I mean that you're talking three four times the amount of effort that we're putting in and when you do that you have to offset with some more carbohydrates but you don't want to be doing that in sugars and goos and gatorade and stuff like that what you want to do is you want to do it with food so you know sweet potato you know maybe some starch your carbs that you can get that aren't gonna ruin your Paleo far as grains and you know mess around with rice you can I messed around a little bit here and there with some people who just don't want to give up rice I tried but some of them they'll use it as as an endurance piece but those again those are athletes those are people that are burning huge amounts of calories that is not me and you yeah I know and that's important right there is that when you're I mean I used to play I played soccer for 13 years okay and I was skinny as a rail I he whatever I want and this is the same principle you have some you know there you have a lot of vegans blasting you know paleo people on the way they look well these paleo people are exercising very much but not practicing what they preach these vegans are out there they're actually endurance running they have you they can do whatever they want sure you can have all the bananas you want and you can eat whatever you want I mean the bottom line is if you're if you're an endurance runner you're running long distances and you have the time to do that and the optimal thing there is the time to do that then um you can you can literally eat whatever you want because your body is an inferno it's gonna it's just going to obliterate all the calories you're consuming and but what we're saying is you can have a much better you know foundation for your body to utilize you know healthy fats and proteins and the right the right carbs and have far better success with less inflammation of the joints by following a paleo template and sure you can adjust your macros for those long endurance runs or whatever it is that you're doing because what you're going to have less joint pain you know and for me I used to play basketball also back in the day and I used to have bursitis you know and I was consuming grains and I was consuming rice I'm sure i was skinny but i was having these joint pains i was also really young so when i say i was playing basketball this is back when i was 18 and you know i was eating healthy but I was definitely consuming inflammatory you know sort of grains and I paid the price and I was like I'm young why my highly enjoin panjaa not until I was much older I understand what was actually happening in my body but um there's something to be said about having you know doing crossf
it and not having joint pain afterwards and and avoiding a lot of these injuries can be really upset just by consuming a low sugar look you know an anti-inflammatory diet like the Paleo diet but you just have to adjust your your macros accordingly yeah and you can do normal that you can do some pretty long endurance I mean you can go out there and really pound and not have to carb load and I think that's another part of it is they're going against the carb loading and doing that as opposed to you know looking at it because I'll do it and you know the over consumption of carbs and carb loading again an endurance I i we think people get discouraged from endurance because like said I think people are teaching that primal or paleo that humans were more short bursts of speed you know in that day only in a walking traveling that instead of they wouldn't jog which i think is completely incorrect when you look at the human body we're not geared for speed we're actually pretty slow I've never owned a dog that I could ever catch when it takes off or get anywhere close to it you know yeah um you know we would have to were upright you know in being a bipedal five petal I can't even remember how you say that but you just instead of being on all fours animals have the ability to go faster they're more aerodynamic because they're lower to the ground humans are upright standing straight up so even if we could run and go at a fast pace our aerodynamics are horrible I mean it's like a big mac truck you know trying to go you know 50 miles an hour there's good much more wind resistance than a sports car and you know how would we you know far as prey well we'd have to chase animals in order to eat them and the only way we could do that is we either had to outthink them trap them humph them with the devices for Spears bow and arrows and we didn't have that technology till fairly recently so they've shown that we would you can run run animal for about four or five miles till their internal temperature gets to about 105 degrees and then they got to stop well that's because they don't have the cooling system that humans have we have the most efficient cooling system of all mammals I mean we're geared to be able to go out and heat and survived run jog walk an animal gets to 105 they have to do it through their lungs they have to bring in outside air in order to cool themselves down into their lungs and cool through capillaries and through blood vessels and like dogs in their tongues and so run him down and what they do is they actually will tire an animal it'll just collapse well yeah and understanding how that was a hunting technique there was no Spears nothing involved it was teamwork tues people would run and take you know turns running and chasing animals then someone would fall back and we've lost that I mean most cultures don't do that anymore they found a few that still practice it but it's very uncommon but it makes sense right yeah animals are built like a cheetah cannot it is faster than a rabbit but a rabbit has muscles around it around its waste and around its lungs and diaphragm to where where it can actually bring in oxygen quicker than the cheetah so the cheetah has to be faster than the rabbit in order to catch it to eat it if it has a certain window if it doesn't catch it in that certain window it's over forget it and it's you know you'll watch they'll stop when they chase and I've got you grew up hunting too and I've watched coyotes go chase after rabbits and stuff even my dog and they'll chase them for a little bit but if they can't get to a certain point they stopped because they know they can't catch it that that animal is faster than they are and that they can't continue to pursue it so that's was a long-winded explanation but understanding endurance that humans are geared for that I mean our sweat is you know it has salt in it sodium well that is based upon making it sticky so if we just you know if all we did was excrete pure water it would roll right off our bodies because the oil well with the sodium in the salt what it does is it makes it sticky tacky to our whole bodies become like cooling machines so it's pretty interesting to see that so I'd never discourage people against doing any endurance like said one day a week I focus in on endurance I go out for a couple hours at least well I think you know the endurance comes into play and you'll start feeling like you can go work out for longer periods of time when your hormones get adjusted when your diet is in place you know essentially i'm especially you know after the age of 30 our testosterone starts to decline or if you're if you're carrying extra weight your estrogen levels could be peak you're not going to feel like any sort of endurance and you're going to be dealing with all sorts of inflammation of the joints so by following a low carb low sugar in our ketogenic approach keeping your blood sugar and check me not consuming too much sugar in a given meal you can have sustained energy you're not going to have the inflammation the fat will start disappearing because you're burning it as energy and you're going to feel like going longer distances and you can adjust your diet accordingly if you're going to be expending more calories you can take in more calories it's a very simple process and you know it at first you're not going to feel like it and you know optimally you know when you're first starting out really try to target like 20 minutes of cardio be in the optimal fat burning zone you know do 28 30 minutes of weights and you're going to see great results when only in combination with getting your diet and check if you don't fix your diet you won't see the results bottom line yeah there's guys I've seen at the gym year after year and I'm just like wow like what it were they doing we're actually what are they not doing I mean they're not they're not fixing their diets what they're doing it's very simple it's like they're working out hard through their way longer than I am and if they don't get the results and it's it's because of diet I mean you can do all the p90x you want to but if you don't adjust your diet then you're not going to see you're not going to see this kind of results those people and those before and after pictures they change their diet yeah exactly or they exercise to death for like 60 days or 90 days and then you want to see their photo today and it's probably much different than it was because then their body adapts they burn out but yeah I mean I think with endurance what it is tues I just don't like to cut anything out and say it's no good I mean especially luck said the way the human body is built I mean it doesn't mean you go out and do endurance every single day but it also doesn't mean that there are people that don't and are totally healthy they have the right diet you know it's different for everyone but even those people who do endurance the the guys who are at the top though men and women who are at the top of their sports they mix it up it's they just don't do endurance all the time they do sprints thank you resistance training then they have their endurance training you know they mix it all together and no matter what you're doing what what sport you're in whether it's soccer basketball baseball ultramarathon e you want 20 at the top at the field will always mix it up it's always a variety and I well I like endurance training too is you know what it is now it's a great way to clear your mind that's what i use my rides for I you know Friday today is my bike ride day you know i love my bike ride day it's the day where I get to go out forget about everything quietness I go on trails where no one is at so i can be alone and i sit and i just either i either think about things and come up with things ideas or i actually zon
e out that's what I do well I think there's something to be said here I don't think you've ever seen a long-distance runner that's overweight that does not exist and there's a reason because they're burning more calories and they're taking in and they're bought their their optimal fat burners they can go the long distance guess what they can eat whatever pretty much whatever they want and they're going to shut it right off and that just goes back to proving you know if you're over consuming too many calories your body is going to store it is fat if you're burning you know taking more calories and your body's burning it's going to get stored so take up running it rings tough it is it's really tough in the beginning but your body adjust and as you lean down and you shed the extra weight your body you will naturally get more endurance but it's got to be coupled with with a diet and running I it's one of the most challenging things for me I love it but you have to be in the right mood you can't have any inflammation you got to have a clear head I guess some of the best ideas after run you've got a great amount of endorphins pumping right after you workout running is amazing and it sure it's tough on your joints and stuff like that but if you're eating the anti-inflammatory diet guess what you're not gonna have those issues well that's the thing you know everyone talks about you know how running is bad for you it's bad for your joints and you know well if that was true then all animals would be hobbled around with tendonitis and you know bad sprained ankles and swollen knees and it's the diet yeah you don't see animals in nature with those issues even though nature obviously takes care of its own through its own ways for week but but that's the thing it's our diet that's killing us and you watch runners and who have been doing it and they've got their diet all squared away they're now finding that remember it used to be what 27 was like the peak for a long distance runner and then by 30 they were toast done well they found in other cultures that do endurance training and that do run and then they play games that involve endurance training that the better runners are in their 40s 50s and some in 60s because what happens is it is they've maintained their body yeah you know through proper diet they're eating their traditional cultural diet so I know my endurance is far better than it was when I was nineteen twenty it's far better and you know I'm in my 40s well it's because I changed my diet and now it's you know I don't have all the inflammation I wouldn't have to take I remember taken got three four days off because I just hurt just ate you know and it was like yeah this mean I think there's something to be said when LeBron dreams who's already professional athlete athlete and is dominating decides to go what on a 67 day you know no sugar no carb kind of paleo diet he shuts the way he's lean in his life he feels great and he's guess what he's gonna dominate it and you know whether he's going to continue that he'll probably you know drop in and out of going that extreme but you know what he knew that that's what it was going to take to keep him at the top of his game I mean he's one of the top players and there's a readers there's so much so much there's such an advantage to being lean and light and the thing is is to be lean in life but very strong look at Bruce Lee this guy is oh I would he's just shredded he's very light but extremely strong and you can be that way when your hormones are at peak performance if you have a low estrogen level your testosterone level is high and you've shed your body weight by eating proper diet or doing the amount of cardio to shed the weight you all of a sudden become very strong and you know if you can't get your testosterone level up and you've lost the weight cool there's great natural supplements to be able to do that and and and if your hormone levels are high with testosterone you're going to get that natural endurance and drive and not only your workout but in all areas of your life yeah and I wonder if that's part of it to you brought up a really good point and Bruce Lee's was amazing I mean just amazing I guarantee wasn't eating paleo muffins and quest bars all day um that's another topic for another time but you know he had it he had to have his diet in check you do not look that way you cannot perform at the level he did by eating garbage you know but I think that's part of the point you bring up is I think possibly that the the kind of group that's against endurance training and part of that is they're not following the proper diet so that the endurance is really difficult for him you know because it does to do endurance training you have to feel good I know you did it I did endurance training not feeling good and it was misery I don't hate it it I'd have to psych myself up to go for my runs and get out there I'll earlier to have put myself in a totally different frame of mind yeah go out there now when I look at endurance training it's a totally different mindset I actually look forward to it you know cuz I know it's not it's gonna be painful but that's anything in life a challenge but it's not going to be excruciating to where I want to die before I even started it yeah I mean it's it's interesting because it really does come naturally but your if your diets on point and most importantly your digestion is a huge thing if you're not over a civic and your you really need to keep our proper balance within your stomach and your body's digesting your food well meaning that it's it's really getting the full value of the food you're consuming then all of a sudden everything else falls into place you will naturally have that ability to go longer in terms of in running or whatever it is that you're doing and digestion such a huge thing because as we age like if you drink you're drinking you're killing the enzymes in your stomach you really are killing good healthy gut flora you know take a good probiotic take digestive enzymes you know if you're having problems with acid there's so many great things you can do just go really green in your diet consume more broccoli kelp spinach I mean all that stuff that you know you don't want to eat you should be eating and you know what you just do it throw it in a Vitamix blend it up throw some lemon or are you make it taste good I mean Vitamix is great it's way better than a juicer because I'm juicing you have all this leftover like stuff that smells from the vegetables if you throw it in like a mixer guess what you don't have any of that it liquefies you drink the entire thing you're getting way more fiber way more nutrition or whatever mixture you want to use doesn't have to be Vitamix but yeah you know the thing is it's out there you know and just if you're if you don't want to eat something that's probably the thing you should be eating yeah matter of fact that you bring up a good point is we probably should talk about juicing sometimes soon because there's a lot of misconceptions on juicing and it's a big MLM / marketing ploy jus scenes been around forever just exhibitor sees a pain juicing is a huge pain and I'm actually gonna start probably bio Vitamix and start juicing more myself I typically eat a lot of greens anyways I try to eat a lot of solid so but that's in route so important you know you've got to keep your your acidity level low in your stomach and guess what it's going to allow you the extra endurance in the gym it does yes so important and you're going to have more energy to if you're overly acidic you're going to be you're going to have inflammation you're going to be dealing with all these other issues but we'll save that fo
r another show we want to thank everybody for tuning in we've had just a tremendous outpouring of support and emails and wanna thank you all you can email Gary or I at Gary at the primal show com or myself heat at the prime will show calm make sure you hit the subscribe button and you've got update updates and notifications every time we launched a new video visit Gary side at the Prime the primal see you're doing it now do it's folks yes the primal power method power method now see I got a primal power method and myself at Julian Baker ecomme forward slash blog we have over 600 recipes and how-to videos and we'll talk to you all soon thanks so much .

Video Description:

Episode #29 "Heath Squier & Gary Collins talk about the endurance training while being on the Paleo Diet." The Primal Show with Former FDA Investigator & Author Gary Collins & CEO Of Julian Bakery, Inc. Heath Squier talk about how endurance training is a natural part of human movement, and some of the incorrect information being given when it comes to endurance training and the Paleo/Primal lifestyle.
Check out Heath Squier's Exercise & Diet Plan:
Gary and Heath's Links:
Online "Real Paleo Store"
Primal Power Method Book (Amazon) (Gary Collins)
Primal Power Method Meal Guide By Gary Collins (Amazon)
Check out Heath Squier's complete diet here:
Get your questions answered on air. Email us:
Gary Collins:
Heath Squier:
Visit our sites:
The Primal Show Site:

Saturday, November 7, 2020


Eat Clean & Train Clean w/ Author & Paleo Diet Writer Casey Thaler

welcome to the primal show with your host myself heat Squire and today's guest Kacie Baylor and he is a certified personal trainer on nutrition coach author and writer for many different sites out there like greatest the pale of paleo magazine the Paleo diet the list kind of goes on and on very excited to have them on the show I don't know probably not a lot of people know about you yet but I think based on your busy schedule I think they're going to know about you very soon and I'm very glad to promote what you're doing here on the primal show tell us a little bit about yourself and kind of how you got into the Paleo diet and I'm with what you're up to right now sure thanks for having me all I really appreciated about folders left for a long time so it's honored to be here and I've got watch them the other shows so it's just kind of nice to be on so um well man I have I guess a pretty long interesting story i'll try to sum it up as quickly as i can so i was a certified personal trainer National Academy of Sports Medicine I was really into that i have about 85 personal training clients at the time and i was really in a nutrition all right i thought i was really into nutrition at with he's and i got my certification for that to become a fitness nutrition specialist and all of a sudden I found out that everybody in the world has questions about nutrition and once you get like something like that or you move into the well as soon as you're publicly like known as the nutrition person you end up getting like the floodgates open like everybody and like the relatives and everybody had questions for you so sure um I actually met the person i started my first business with who threw that Avenue because she was going to the same gym that I was a training out of and she is a molecular biology PhD and she was very deficient in CrossFit and all that was like a certified CrossFit coach and everything and we just sort of branched off into our own adventure and did like our own company and the personal training nutrition website all that's left writing and from and I just kind of we were both kind of control freaks so we we actually ended up going around separate ways because we just there was almost like too much too many things we wanted to do separately and like it was hard to agree on a lot of stuff and I'm sure you know how it got his loan oh yeah and I actually just started by writing to the editor of paleo magazine and said hey do you guys want any writers are you hiring basically asking for a job because I was doing my own website and training people still a little bit and but I was really looking to branch out and I'm thinking oh there was no way he'll reply and like that it would be a nice thing but that not really gonna think that's going to happen in like less than 20 minutes later he would fly with like a really awesome like interested email and I was kind of just like taking him back for a minute and i guess i just started through there and um you know the same thing sort of happened with dr. Cordain where i just wrote like a guest piece for them asking if they wanted any content and they loved it and they asked me to write for them every week oh uh yeah i've gotten sort of like out of nowhere i went from being like somebody that like nobody knew who I was like it all to like now I have all these amazing opportunities and I've written like actually five books for and we're going to come out and it's just been incredible and sort of like mind blowing up fast so this happened and like I haven't had time to really process some of it any time off or anything and so it's been really cool but um I guess I found the pillar dive through my old business partner and i was already eating you know with the standard american diet like bodybuilding diet which everybody thinks is like super healthy and was really lean and i'm pretty good shape and everything but um I was just blown away because like little things went away like my allergies one away and like I was sleeping better and like I was performing better and I got even leaner and more muscular so it was great but I wasn't a believer at first I actually was pretty skeptical so um and then I read some doctor burnings papers actually and that sort of changed my mind a little bit too if you have the diligence to sit there and read through all those papers in detail I think it makes people appreciate what's going on a little bit more so yeah I always I always say you know just because you have a six-pack doesn't make you healthy but you know cuz a lot of guys there you know we're just bombarded with muscle fitness magazines a lot of bodybuilders are using steroids and so forth and they have extremely high blood pressure so even though they have this great anabolic look to themselves you know they're extremely unhealthy and sure they cycle off and they give their body a break but there what I'm really into nowadays is how do you boost your testosterone level into the seven and eight hundreds and and which is really that ideal kind of anabolic rings you know I would really say the high end of 800 830 something like that and how do you do it naturally sure you can exercise and you get rid of the excess fat that's going to help boost your testosterone but how as a normal guy without supplementary are taking you know hormone replacement therapy which is so prevalent now which is really just do to people being overweight i think it's like oh I'm overweight my testosterone slow but that's because your estrogen levels through the roof and you have excess fat and so you know I actually met with the head of endocrinology at kaiser and I was like actually I love bouncing questions off of the endocrinologist because they're always really lean and really uh just fit and because they know how hormones work and what this guy said is is you know eat broccoli you know drop the fat your testosterone level is going to come back up and I started doing some research on how to push down the estrogen level and how to naturally boost testosterone and I don't know if you have any experience with this but I found two things right now tongkat Ali which is lone jack which is a root horny goat weed is another one to really push levels up and then there's things like in doll three carbon all there's just some great natural anti-estrogen to push down the estrogen level and push up the testosterone and because the reason this is so important I i feel is because people lack motivation to get in the gym and the fur place I mean wait what do you think about that because I just feel America is such a mess with with our hormones and he and I look at people and I was like man only if that guy knew how easily he could get rid of his his man boobs and it would feel so much better you know and I don't mean to pick on people but I legitimately want to help people you know because I found this out for myself and I found it out because my dad was overweight he carried a lot of weight in his stomach and his hormones were out of whack and that really sent me on this path well what do you thought there's so much there I want to tackle so personally one of the I wouldn't say he was an early client but one of the people i had like fairly early on was actually really interesting guy I've had so many interesting people to work with and that that really helps you learn a lot of things quickly to seeing it in real life I used to play professional baseball for I won't give his name obviously would like to really big teams and he would tell me how like the first thing I did when they got it from the minor leagues to the majors was like okay you go down that hallway and everybody basically just gets injected like it was just steroids and the mid-90s I was just like what you did so he was able to get away with like he may look a ton of money and all this stuff and he blew through a lot of it because his lifestyle was so poor but he was able to get away with it because he was on s
teroids so basically anything he did he would still be relatively okay and then what happened was when he retired and got off of the off of stairs and everything his body just got so out of whack and like went into this horrible situation and his cholesterol was really high assessed ostrom was like a 15 year old girl and like if you just see kind of came to means like I don't know what to do and I made him get more panels and everything made sure everything was like relatively like workable and yeah he just had no idea how to eat which I thought was so funny and like I was able to work as somebody that was like you look at this guy you'd be terrified I mean he's like the 6 foot 6 like 300-pound guy all muscle and you just had no idea how to like make a sandwich or like a salad or any like anything at all i was amazed and so is caboose really great to work with him you're talking about testosterone that sort of thing and there's so many things that can go wrong with the body right and you said endocrinology it's kind of funny i was looking at medical school to be a pediatric endocrinologist and also if you know what that is it's basically working with really obese like four and five year old kids and they need all the help they can get and it's sort of the same situation where they have no idea how to eat a lot of times it's poor you know economic situations where the parents can't for good food or there's just no food around them and once you understand like endocrinology even at a basic level like you can do so much more with helping people with their diet and realizing they're not sleeping enough they're not drinking enough water they're exercising too much and there's like a million things that can go wrong a technology wise so it's really interesting and I think that may be the biggest thing would just be that I see in the Paleo community a lot still is people that try to go to low carb and also do like CrossFit at the same time which is like a recipe to like that your testosterone like solo you can't even function and there's this thing actually called the free testosterone and cortisol ratio and if you over train which crossed with on very low carb diet would be over training and you have no carbs you're going to feel so out of whack and going to be so stressed all the time but eventually you basically just collapse I've had those people to where they just come to you and they have no testosterone at all and they're stressed all the time and if if their lifestyle is already stressful it's not a good idea to partake in that sort of experiment in everybody's life style I found these days is so stressful matter what they're doing unless they literally remove like everything except like sleep and work and that's so rare these days it's like the media cell phones you know how it goes so yeah there's so much there i would love to expound on but i won't you i mean it's so you brought up cortisol and free testosterone levels and if you haven't had the chance to google some of the clinical studies of tongkat ali specifically it reduces cortisol so you end up getting a very lean midsection you boost your free testosterone levels and it was actually the clinical study was done on a hypo gonad hypogonadal patience so it actually improved the testosterone level despite it and that's usually hypogonadal go now it is amiss a something that happens when you do you know testosterone usually and so it's actually able to counteract it and end up reversing it so I've really I actually you know started giving this to some of my friends and stuff and they've seen tremendous gains and it's something that's all natural that really I've seen a big increase and then you touched on you know kind of doing low carb CrossFit I think a lot of people you're right you look at the sedentary lifestyle of a lot of people that are preaching the low-carb diet and that's just it they want to lose weight and they don't want to be very active and or if they are trying to be active then they don't have the energy level to do it and what I started doing because I do follow a low-carb diet and it's a paleo one at that I started implementing carbs directly after a workout which is some people like to load before I like to load right after during like I call it the anabolic window phase which some people may or may not believe exists but personally I found that I've gotten leaner stronger and more defined muscle while loading like sweet potato mixed with egg whites right after that and I'll do that directly after really intense exercises and when I say intense like eight hundred thousand calorie kind of workouts have you done any research on that specific window and is there a kind of opportune time to take in carbs because we both know low carb diets work but I think they have to be done properly yeah I should have specified to I meant to say very low carb diet so I mean ketogenic diet I don't mean like 150 grams of carbs i mean like 60 grams of carbs like at type like atkins level of carbs that's where you crash and burn when you're really trying to do like glycogen demanding work and you don't have any like carbs it can really be bad on but yeah there is it's sort of mixed as far as the anabolic window goes some researchers will say yes this definitely exists and this is how we showed it and some will say we're not so sure that it exists I think what generally works really well in real life for most people is just a consistent die and whenever you're taking in the carbs stick with that time no matter what day it is even if you're not working out I think for most people works pretty well unless you want to get in and really and some people do like to do this where you start to maybe become more cognizant of wine exactly you're eating and what exactly you're eating but for the people I've worked with because it's such a wide variety of people that have like really stressful jobs or like two or three kids or you know crazy schedules just getting them the off like processed food and just getting them to like even eat like real food even if it's not paleo just getting away from like lunchables and that sort of thing it's really like the big win that you want to get you that can take like six months to get some people just off that stuff and then you can start tweaking it a little bit and I think the pillow community does sort of get lost sometimes because they just disregard all calories and you know calories still definitely count and you can't ignore like your hormonal response to food obviously but calories still count and I remember some of the first people I had that I try to do like a paleo diet they would just load up on like two jars of almond butter after three meals and under like why am I not losing weight I'm like well if you still need to count like I still haven't like the old school and track your calories and you oh my God thank you for validating that point we did a whole I've done numerous episodes on that fact and and people don't like to talk about calories they will come up with all these other observe things and at the end of the day as you know it's really calories in versus calories out because you can lose weight on even a twinkie diet although you wouldn't be healthy you could lose weight and the guy went out and did it you know we don't know exactly how I did it but in theory it can be done and what I what I see is these other these people in the paleo industry that are actually pretty you know well-known there's only a lot of books is they're selling a lie and the lie really is that hey you can reach your goal by consuming like maple syrup honey and and and I've had my personal family members go out and buy these people's books and they end up gaining weight and it's like they're there are trying to lose that baby fat and stuff like that and yet these people are givi
ng the recipes that are setting people up for a disaster and and it's like and I personally get my company and me personally we both get attacked because I go after it offer these people and one of the things is is like practice what you preach you know if if you're going to be in the a diet movement which you know Paleo diet is a change in your diet right a change from the mainstream way of eating to a paleo one sure there is autoimmune protocols and things like that where you're doing it for health but if you're doing it to lose weight and you're out there pushing losing weight then you need to practice what you preach so if you are a gaining weight by what you're recommending then you probably either aren't following your own advice or you're consuming too much sugar and it's just sad because you you see at first hand these people are confused and actually I read your site which is awesome by the way and so many people that they're dealing with the confusion you speak to that on your site because they're like well I thought honey you know paleo cookies we're gonna get me to my goal haha oh there's so much I want to touch on there that's like one of my pet peeve questions so I've had I've been really lucky to have the perspective maybe that work with people directly so like real life people which are never ever like scientific studies right there so complicated and complex and everything's changing all the time day to day even and I've been able to go into the research to an extreme level of detail so like I know pretty much I would feel comfortable saying almost every answer like scientifically to some degree um but getting that in practice is so different than people that I feel like our keyboard warriors where they just sit there and they type stuff out day after day and they never interact like an actual person you're like praying an athlete to get really close to their competitive goals because there's so many different things you have to do and there's so many things that can go wrong but really all the matters is like food quality right at the end of the day you could be eating whatever diet you want to call it but all it really matters is food quality and not too many calories basically if you're talking about weight loss and time and time is the one thing that people never ever want to give it and that's really frustrating from something that's work with clients is like compliance and patience is so hard to find but yeah you're right there's stuff I got attacked pretty vigorously for that honey post that you mentioned particularly and the bottom line is if you look at the science of it's not very good for you and it's mostly fructose and your body doesn't process fruit to us like it processes glucose and it's not all that complicated actually but you wouldn't believe the kind of feedback I got for that that was negative that's the only one I've ever gotten as a really negative vibe oh man I think i retweeted that was great love because they were like that's exactly correct with the people that wanted to eat like cookies every day didn't you know dr. Cordain was on our show and he said fructose is fructose you know sure I mean honey is a better option I think in an extreme moderation because if you even think about the caveman which I usually don't reference the caveman because we're in the modern day society but if you were to think about how often I got honey it would be few and far between and that guy was living a long time off of what he gorged himself on to the point where you you then start thinking about intermittent fasting and how often caedmon probably did in internment fast between his meals and that's probably one of the reasons why he was so shredded and then you start thinking about well captain died at 35 years old and I was like yeah but um there was no modern medicine there it's like I really just avoid that that all together and to say look we live in today's time and you start focusing these people that are stuck in this old way of thinking into a modern one and how do you transition a person from a modern way of eating to a paleo one and how do you make it easy now I've know you I know I've seen that you've I interviewed people from the whole 30 which i think is a great very extreme plan for people for 30 days one of the problems I have with the whole 30 is not nothing wrong with the actual eating style it's that it it only sets people up for 30 days and everybody I've talked to you that's been on it's like I feel amazing and guess what they it up reverting right back to the the way they gained all the way back and they went right back to the way eating what I preach is a way to maintain paleo every day for either moms or dads are on the go and it gives you the foods that you're used to you know without them being bad for you without them being packed with sugar you know things like organic stevia leaf and monk fruit are now among the great you know ingredients that we get to choose upon and it's like people are fighting it's like why are you fighting something that is like it's good for you you know it's like and then people start getting it confused with sucralose or splendas like oh my god it's we have such a great array of ingredients nowadays that we never used to have and it makes um eating a healthy I would say a healthy carb kind of a healthy low carb diet very easy um what is your take on the ketogenic diet and matching that with paleo because personally I love being in the ketogenic like have fat burning mode constantly and outside of anabolic Linda I wouldn't consume carbs that would spike my blood sugar outside of that window and when I do it's a strictly sweet potato or resistant starch like you know something like that so what are your thoughts and there's so much there so firstly I have to say that it's really been awesome to write for dr. Cordain it's a really big opportunity there is definitely stuff that I would disagree with him on but I tend to think maybe I don't even use the word paleo very much I don't have it in my title of my sight or anything like that I really just help people eat real food right because at the end of the day getting them away from like McDonald's and processed food is really what you want to be doing and then so like I would direct people to Matt lalonde I don't know if everybody knows him he's a PhD at Harvard University in organic chemistry and he doesn't have a book he doesn't have a website he doesn't have anything really to sell and he just gives you I mean some people would say it's a really too detailed tific analysis but who'll say like these are the foods it'll probably work best for you here's what you should probably do it's not going to work for everybody but you know you have to figure it out for yourself but here's like a pretty good starting place and I he's a really good guy that I think a lot of people should start referencing or looking to I know some people do robb wolf obviously does and Rob's awesome too but then for the whole 30 I guess to the roundabout way to get to that would be you have to meet people where they're at right so some people if they have a history of like disordered eating should stay very far away from stuff for its really restrictive because it can sometimes worse than the problem that being said some people do really well in the whole 30 that used to be you know really bad with eating disorders so it's a very much like N equals 1 you have to figure out where the person is what their history is what other stressors do they have in their life what kind of personality do they have it's it's one of those situations where it's you really do want to work with somebody one-on-one for the most part yum like you said one other thing off to tell you from having been in nutrition world like in them in a big sense for li
ke just over a year now is that people are so silly with some of the stuff that they argue about and if look my mind I'm like a regular basis like I remember thinking when I was working with only with clients all day I'm like I never got any of these questions this is insane like these people are debating most of it doesn't matter at all like right up so it is kind of annoying I've got saved from time to time like I don't spend very much time on social media just because can't really stand a lot of it um I know it probably helped my business and all that by that and it just feels like people are arguing about things that don't really matter at the end of the day and the key to Jack diet to get to that question uh I've seen some people do really well with it I've also some scenes in people totally destroy themselves on it so it's very much like individualistic people that have a really hard time with sugar if you can get them to actually like follow really good like well thought out well tracked by like a medical professional ketogenic diet and they feel okay doing it they usually see a pretty incredible turnaround um but there's also like long-term questions I got to interview dr. Perlmutter when his came out last year and everybody I kind of asked around like to my friends Melissa Hartwig was one of them and I said what do you want me to ask him like what do you think would be a good question asked me was one of my first interviews and I really had no idea what people wanted to see I know what I wanted to see but it wasn't necessarily what would be like the general question and everybody across the board said how do you do this kind of diet for an athlete I don't think it's really maintainable in the long term and he kind of just danced around it and actually he's a really cool guy and like it was a really nice interview but he definitely didn't have an answer to that question so I would say the key gen diet you have to be very careful if you're you want to be somebody that's doing a lot of glycogen independent activity or you have a pretty high stress lifestyle or you don't have time to adapt to like a five or six day period of just feeling really kind of not great I'd be careful with it because you can definitely screw yourself up like a lot of different ways with the Cajun anxiety if you have like micronutrient deficiencies if you're not getting enough vitamins and minerals somehow like a lot of people do it after getting really psyched about reading like a blog post and then they destroy themselves like three months later and they come to me and they have like no cortisol they have no testosterone you know there's like terribly across the board like read it out and like terrible so I'm not shut it out like the Arnold's life well that's that's the problem is there's a there's another area of confusion where people are consuming too many calories well way too much fat above and beyond what they need to and then there again you have people that are from you know preaching ketogenic and yet they're gaining weight on it and these are the authors of this movement I was like oh man this is crazy like they're here there is a limit you know in in nature you know you really don't see anything with more than fifty percent fat anyway so that being said I've really gone on to the premise where um I do follow a paleo diet like firm from an allergy point of view from anti-inflammation point of view but even in my own diet with just to regulate my lean asst I do my adjust my fat level and I do this because body building 101 states before a show what do you cut out you cut out the fat and it shreds at emit tremendous amount of weight from your body and all of a sudden you become defined in lean and it's almost like I wouldn't I don't really do in intermittent fasting but following a low-carb low-fat diet really leaves you with fiber and high protein and carbs from vegetables so all of a sudden your calories drop way down your protein and fiber increase fiber therefore to curb your appetite and the protein to actually will still give you the energy you need I've actually gone to a 3 day like paleo low-carb low-fat diet followed by a four-day kind of a higher fat version and I never have to think about weight again and and I feel great and I'm constantly revving my metabolism by doing this because I'm not over in inundating my body with too much fat or too many calories what do you think of that approach well there's a lot going on there um so you're definitely right in the traditional sense the body builders would always do like a cutting phase right before a show that sort of thing and what I could tell you just from working and having friends that are bodybuilders too is like they have some of the wharfs eating patterns across the board like in general so many issues with food now that they don't admire their doing because that's really amazing dedication and that sort of thing but yeah they I mean I've seen crazy quote-unquote refeed days where it's like 40,000 calories and it's like pizza and like all kinds of stuff so like I from the general client I guess I sort of steer them towards like basically I was going to say to is like more vegetables and you're not eating nearly enough protein they're definitely not eating enough complete proteins you're eating like chickpeas which aren't really I mean some vegetarian people will say it's a complete protein is really not if you look at the data and that's like the best protein they're getting and it's like 16 grams a day or something it's like first of all the reason you're probably overeating is because you're getting like no protein at all so you're not going to feel satiated and you're getting no vegetables or fiber so of course you're not going to feel full so they end up eating like three boxes of cheez-its and they're like I'm still hungry and I'm also like malnourished and I'm like I'm not surprised because you're even like nothing so across the board that's what I see like not nearly enough protein not nearly enough vegetables and all the data by the way I later found out backs all that up what i was seeing like anecdotally from working with people so um what does in terms of the concept though of you got to give it to bodybuilder so now given they have you know a lot of horrible eating patterns and i don't really believe you have to bulk up that much and all that they do but i think the concept of dropping the fat to drop weight quickly can be applied to the paleo diet or one that is looking to lose weight specifically while increasing protein go ahead walk you mean dropping fat or dropping car dropping fat because you're dropping so you know before a bodybuilding competition what did what all these guys do they they start eating egg whites the chicken and the vegetables do you mean like the 80s dropping fattening yeah yeah ok so now and they're doing that to why drop their calories which in turn drops the fat and it drops it fast too so what i started doing was playing around with this three days of a low carb low fat diet high protein high fiber still no sugar and followed by just a regular paleo diet with regular amounts of fat but still keeping the sugar low and i just noticed a tremendous improvement in my metabolism I really never have to think about gaining way or my way at all and I'm maintain a six-pack year-round by eating in the style and it was simply from that that concept of dropping the fat and why they do it and once again it goes into that calories in calories out and it works guess what every single time but can I and I and I feel great during the day I have you know when I talk about protein I'm I'm about 190 pounds right now so I'm taking in two plus grams of protein per per pound that I way and I'll do that through protein powders chicken steak I like to rotate my proteins have y
ou played around with that at all by dropping the fat levels to basically drive somebody to like a weight-loss goal uh depends usually for weight loss you see dropping the carbs is a lot more effective as long as you don't drop them too low and again like you said ultimately it's really just getting them off sugar or as low as you can make sugar and be like a piece of fruit or something but that's such a struggle for most people but they'll drop you know really quickly that way a low fat I've only seen like you said with bodybuilders where they're really dedicated and able to control their diet really well and are very disciplined already so for them it's like you said not much of a change and they can easily stick with it but for most actual people that are like not bodybuilders oh man there I think it would be extremely difficult for them because usually what's lacking is like a focus on like steady disciplined habits with eating right so um it's it's very tough usually I recommend for those people just to go lower sugar by proxy lower carb and just getting some healthy fats in there usually people are lacking in healthy fats like almost completely to not only deficient and protein and too many carbs when not nearly enough healthy fats they don't even know what healthy fats are sometimes depending on who the person i'm starting with is so in the brain is what sixty percent fat seventy percent fat a member the exact percentage but you need a decent amount of fat just to keep things going and you know cholesterol people worry about cholesterol but it's it's actually if you're eating really healthy fats like eggs and that sort of thing you're going to do fine and dietary cholesterol has very little to do with the serum cholesterol so there's so many like misnomers i'm constantly fighting on a daily basis with people and they have bad information or incomplete information and you know it's a struggle when you working with real people it honestly is um but the animals oh that some of the best clients I've ever had because they'll do exactly what you tell them to do and they'll be very interested in knowing why it works and they'll listen to you go on about the mostly new detail in the world and they're very receptive and I just worry sometimes because some of them are like super into it and they're not professionals they're like going to be amateur or whatever and that's really great but I just worry I'm like go outside and like do something fun for a while like it's okay look after chicken breasts or Stefan almonds instead of six it's alright like so you know that's what I've seen I mean as as as person busy as I am in and you know a a daughter and everything that I got going on my life it's really about when I go in to train and work out and I think imma like a lot of people how can I get the maximum benefit from my workout and one of the ways is keeping your estrogen low your testosterone high naturally if all possible and following this kind of paleo approach that that is lowering carbs or consuming the carbs in the proper time frame so that way when you do workout you actually see the results because so many people year after year or working out and they never see the results and they just they're eating so they're working out so they can eat what they want and I'm sure you see a lot of that and if they're just cuz constantly stuck in the circle and it's like they have no idea how good they could really feel that's what I think the we're talking about the whole 30 earlier and I'm you know there's definitely things they're somewhat not great about approaches like that but what I think is amazing for a lot of people is that they like you said they don't realize what they're missing out on until they get to like day 13 or something and they're like oh my god I feel incredible I haven't felt like this since I was like 12 years old or something and like you said we go back to endocrinology their hormones are usually so far out of whack their stress is so high and like you said also a lot of the time you only have 20 30 minutes to get a workout in and you have to get the most you can out of it so um I think if people just refocus a lot of their discipline on to like just getting a good diet going and like stuck with it for a month and like didn't worry too much about the details or like falling off the wagon once or twice they would start to feel a lot better and there's really nothing to obsess about on that approach and then they could start to fine-tune and if they wanted to but a lot of the times people just want to feel better and like you said lose a little bit of weight and so many people are stuck in like the I need to lose 10 pounds thing where they like they'll lose it and then two weeks later they'll gain it back and they just sort of repeats for the rest of their life and it's they just have no idea how to actually lose it like steadily but slowly and really in like a healthy way where you're gaining muscle and losing fat and the long term be able to stay with it so um yeah there's just so much there that is that can go wrong and a lot of its advertising to like advertising like hyper palatable foods right so this is a fun thing I have people do all the time count how many times if you drive to work some people don't drive to work anymore they bike or whatever but count how many times you see an ad for fast food a processed food or soda on the way to work and I guarantee you if you have to drive more than 10 or 20 minutes it's going to be like over a hundred times just on your way to work to and from work every day are you so there's no ads for like spinach there's no ads for like kale there's no ads for broccoli and people have usually pretty blown away by that like I never thought of it like that I'm like well duh like what do you think's going on oh it's so bad I mean I recently just went to SeaWorld and Legoland it's like they have nothing like you walk into the market and they have chocolate covered marshmallows right like the first thing with sprinkles on it for your kids so of course they want that first and it's like they're not even trying I mean there's really no options there and it's like you're forced to eat this unhealthy food and so much of the food you know really is packed with antibiotics and and um I started doing a lot of research on basically enzymes and our our gut health and how important it is especially as we age to really improve our enzyme consumption are probiotics as we age because so many people let's say let's face it they all everybody drinks maybe you know once a week you know sometimes people drink a lot more or even it's every now and then or maybe they used to drink a lot in the past so drinking is just a part of society and it's going to be there but as we age what we're really doing is we're killing off those good bacteria in our stomach and what I found was by replacing them and really you know taking like an HCL beating I have this HCL activator which really helps break down even more and then followed by some enzymes I use apple cider vinegar sometimes Swedish better is even and I've paid special attention to my digestion I've noticed more definition in my six-pack I've noticed more energy and instead of using like you know like a colon cleanse and stuff like that to constantly flush stuff out which a lot of people do they're not actually digesting their food they're not getting the energy out of it and that's when you notice that they're not you're not seeing any sort of definition in your muscles because they're not digesting so I read a couple of your articles on digestion and you talked about apple cider vinegar and also HDL betaine and I had an issue where before I read your article even I had too much acid you know and for whatever reason I started taking
HCL beating mix with a digestive and it went away and I had been using apple cider vinegar up until that point and it was kind of working but nothing worked as good as as the HCL betaine which is you would think you're you're actually adding more acid into the equation but you're really not that's interesting I work can you speak to to digestion overall and kind of I think it's a real way to kind of increase your metabolism and it's something that a lot of people don't even even think about and you have any thoughts on that oh sure there's there's so much there so firstly I have to give credit to rob wolf for discovery of the betty-ann hydrochloride back this is way back when not I got introduced to the Paleo concept i literally just went through every single podcast and I think I even read the transcripts for some because I liked reading it instead of hearing it Rob finally goes off on tangents which are entertaining but you can get lost in what he's actually saying so I remember reading that and I'd never heard of it before and I was like that's interesting let me try it myself and it definitely improved my digestion it's really easy to recommend to anybody it's not very expensive which they're really also a nice thing for people um but the gut actually is become sort of like the trendy thing in paleo right in 2015 is like the gut microbiome all that stuff and there's so much research that's already been there for like 10 or 15 years that people just haven't paid attention to but if you talk to scientists they've been discovering this stuff since at least like two thousand and how much the gut can actually affect your mood you're thinking your appetite depression all kinds of things so all of its there and what's interesting I guess to most people is that you can literally change what you want to eat how hungry you are what foods you'll crave whether or not your body can process calories more efficiently or not just by changing your gut population right so probiotic is by far the most widely recommended thing I tell people to take when I first start working with them because you know usually they've had a lifetime of antibiotics right and broad spectrum antibiotics to where they're just killing everything indiscriminately so you're killing off all the good stuff to you do that for 20 30 years of course you're going to have like no good gut population of bacteria left because what are you eating that's going to repopulate it no one's eating sauerkraut on a daily basis like they should be I know because I'm talking to them yeah so it's a it's one of the things they really turned people around really quickly a lot of times and I actually have a relative with crohn's disease and I have been begging her for months like probably yours at this point just try like 30 days do like a whole 30 whatever and you have to follow it a little bit more closely because you have an autoimmune disease and take like a probiotic and she just won't do it for some reason that blows my mind and I'm seeing your gain weight I'm seeing around all these medications but it's bearable and it's just like you know your family's the hardest to convince right so but um yeah I think in like 10 years it'll just be common sense and like the scientific community and you're sort of seeing that go from like fringe this could be quackery to like obviously this has some benefits to like standard accepted practice in like 10 years I would say so but the gut health stuff is really incredible and the I wish I had all the time in the world to read all the papers to come out every day nowadays like it used to be once in a while you get a really good paper and like there'd be like a three-month wait and now the gut stuff it's like every day and like a mind-blowing paper I get to read the abstract and that's it but yes it's really cool stuff and digestion is a thing with people don't even know do they have poor digestion a lot of time until they correct it so now it's it's a it is very trending right now and in fact we we've started to infuse like probiotics into our protein powders like our protein bars have prebiotic fiber so always to keep your stomach really healthy because i think it is truly the key to optimal health so it's very interesting so I want to encourage everybody to go to your site eat clean train cleaned calm and you have a great just all sorts of different articles on all sorts of different topics very cool site very when are you books come out uh well I just got the covers back from the designer in San Francisco for one of them I'm in washington DC right now that's we're still going back and forth in the title but it could be called the complete bone broth cookbook there's ten chapters of all the science for bone broth and then 50 amazing recipes for that one so that's going to be like in two or three weeks sigh amazon barnes & noble etc and then paleo packs actually commissioned me to write two different books that have been done for a while now but all the editors have to go in designers all that fun stuff so it's going to be one of them is actually 30 day fat loss program which everybody listen to this would probably be interested in and the other ones Bailey occurs so it's like a chapter on a condition how to fix it like if you have thyroid problems as a whole chapter and how to fix that if you have blood sugar issues there's a whole chapter on that and then the fourth one is what I've had done for a year but it's at rodale publishing right now they're seeing if they want to buy it they do men's health women's health all that stuff and it's on why we're fat so it's like 10 chapters of how what we just talked about in great scientific like 500 scientific references and all that stuff so very soon is the answer to your question hopefully within like a month or two for most of them so yeah that's one thing I like about your articles is that you always use great graphics you know and you make things very easy and simple for people to follow so you're not really you know going too far off but you're backing it by actual evidence and and that way people get really good results so yeah kind of look at it like I'm a bridge right so like the science people are here and they can't talk to the public and public doesn't understand science so I'm like the middle ground so let's get the flagons to the people and like you said like everybody loves graphics and like if people want more information they can always go look up the references so but that's that's really nice to hear that thank you for that compliment no problem well I just want to thank you so much for coming on for all of our followers and new followers make sure you hit the subscribe button keep up to date on all of our upcoming videos we're going to be launching our first ad in paleo magazine I think in a couple months for the show very excited so very cool thank you so much for coming on today sure no problem .

Video Description:

#49 Contributor to Paleo Hacks, The Paleo Diet, Paleo Magazine and owner of Eat Clean Train Clean Casey Thaler (B.A., NASM-CPT, FNS). This is an awesome 45 min interview by show host Heath Squier CEO of Julian Bakery. Casey Thaler is an up an coming author and has contributed to many of the top sites discussing how to achieve optimal health by offer detailed nutritional info to his followers. We discuss, weight loss with Paleo, Ketogenic Diets, Gut MicroBiome Health, Digestion, and achieving that six pack you have always wanted. Caey Thaler background is ideal as he literally practices what he preaches by implementing his knowledge first hand with his clients. Check out Casey Thaler site at:
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