hi I'm Dana with Whole Health Dana calm and today I'm going to teach you how to make super easy raw brownies in less than five minutes so the first thing that you're going to need is one cup of walnuts and you're just going to put them in your food processor try to look for organic and raw walnuts if you have them available to you in them we're just going to put them on our food processor and write them if up into like a flower it's only going to take about 15 or 20 seconds and it'll look something like that when you are finished okay so next we're going to want to add in dates you're going to need eight to ten fairly decent sized medjool dates and if your dates are hard Michael might often get hard because once I open the package I put them in the refrigerator what you're going to do is you're going to heat up some hot water and you're going to put them in the bowl with your dates I've already done that that's why mine are so soft and you're going to let them sit for about five minutes and that'll make your dates moist and soft again and so you're just going to take out the pit and throw them in your food processor and you're going to do that for all eight to ten make sure you get the pits out after you have all of your dates in and I use ten you need half of a cup of cacao powder this is the one that I usually purchase and I prefer to use kakao / coco just force nutritional value it has some good dietary fiber plus iron and magnesium and then you're going to need just a pinch of salt now to me a pinch of salt means about an eighth of a teaspoon so now once we have all of that in our food processor we're just going to pulse it until it is completely combined and makes a sticky brownie like substance okay so I post that for about 20 times and I guess I should be more clear what I mean when I say that it should be a sticky substance it's not going to be sticky right now like you can see it's crumbly and comes apart there but what you are going to be able to see is when you dip your hand in there and you squeeze it together it will pull together you can form it into a ball okay so once you have the proper consistency you have a couple of options first off you can add some stuff to it you could add some almond slivers if you would like almonds in it you can also add some cacao nibs they are the same cacao that you put in there but they are in a little form that's more like a chocolate chip now and so you can add those in stir them in in them what you're going to do is you you can form them into balls if you want like little brownie bites you could press them into like a silicone mold if you wanted something that was perfectly shaped or in our case today what we're going to do is we are going to press them in to a a tray I just say you're going to pour it on to whatever your surface is and then you're just going to press it flat you can use your hands you can use the backside of a spatula okay so once you have it all Preston it looks something like that and now you can just put it in the refrigerator even the freezer if you wanted to speed it up they're great they're easy they're raw they're gluten-free their paleo they're fabulous so I hope you have enjoyed this episode of whole health data and how to make raw brownies if you would like a printable copy of this recipe visit my website at wwlp.com and if you would like to follow me on social media check out the links that are below I thank you for joining me today and we'll see you next time .
Video Description:
These brownies are a great healthy alternative to an unhealthy dessert. There are raw, vegan, paleo, grain free, gluten free and fabulous!
Visit my website for a printable recipe: www.WholeHealthDana.com
Follow me on social media: www.facebook.com/wholehealthdana www.pinterest.com/wholehealthdana www.twitter.com/wholehealthdana www.instagram.com/whole_health_dana periscope.tv/wholehealthdana
hi this is Amanda Torres from the curious coconut comm and I'm going to teach you how to make a Puerto Rican dish Espaillat today all right let's dive right in you're gonna be working with parchment paper and or banana leaves and in this case you can see I've got parchment paper and a small piece of banana leaf you're first gonna oil it that's some lard that's been dyed with annatto which is optional you'll see that on the recipe on my website then you measure out a half a cup of the dough from masa which as you'll see on my recipe it's made from green bananas a tropical squash called calabaza and a tropical root that's called malanga so you spread it out with the back of a spoon into a thin even layer then you scoop out a couple of tablespoons worth of your meat filling mixture this is chicken and it's smooth with sofrito and also has capers and culantro then you add olives and then the fun part is wrapping it and that's really what this video is about I'll just let you watch because it's easier to see you fold away from you up if you're using paper you're gonna have to fold a little crease on the top you'll see that in a second but what you're gonna do as you'll see that I'm doing in the video is you know kind of forming the shape that's supposed to be a rectangle and you do that with your hand this is where you're kind of feeling the top with a 1/2 inch or so old and then you fold the top over and try to meet the edge where you folded it initially you see it's a little shy here and then me and then you so you kind of shape the sides and just be careful not to press too hard because if you do you can kind of push it out the opposite edge its gentle movements with your hands if so you'll really feel it when you're doing it yourself then comes the tying which is a little tricky so you really just have to watch this this is why I made the video because I don't know how to explain the tying process on words it's really not that hard once you get the hang of it but you'll have to play around with it a few times and maybe watch this on repeat a few times and it's like wrapping presents though these really are like food presents they're so tasty a lot of work goes into making them and they're just a real treat to eat and there you have it so now I'm going to show you how to do it just using banana leaf now this is the more traditional way it's exactly the same but you know I understand parchment paper may be easier it's certainly a lot less work compared to rinsing and drying all the banana leaves and cutting them the banana leaves do give it a flavor and of course it is the more traditional way that my in-laws great-grandparents would have done it using banana leaves but as you can see it's exactly the same process you have to be a little more careful when you're working with the leaves because they can tear but you can see you you just it's exactly the same process the only difference is that you have to use multiple leads to really get a firm feel because it is a leaf right so there can be small tears and you want to at least do two leaves and sometimes three leaves to make sure that none of your precious dough is going to leak out during the boiling cooking process again here's those tricky tying see you just got to watch it and wrap it around tie the pretty bow and then you move on to the other 37 Estella's that are left to bake and that's it you can find the full recipe on my website the curious coconut calm and I hope you enjoy the recipe and then I see you around the blog take care .
Video Description:
Pasteles are a beloved traditional dish from Puerto Rico. My mother-in-law, from the island, taught me her family recipe that has been passed down for generations.
Pasteles are naturally gluten-free and grain-free and are a wonderful, fun addition to your healthy paleo lifestyle.
You really have to watch how pasteles are made before attempting to do them yourself. Watch how to assemble and wrap them here.
If you need help peeling the green bananas, check out my other video:
okay so today I'm going to show you how to make mayonnaise in about two minutes with your handy stick blender so all you have to do is get one egg I'm using two because my eggs are pretty small and put them into a wide mouth mason jar you get about two tablespoons of lemon juice I'm using vinegar I don't like the taste as much but I don't have any lemon juice so I'm just gonna use some vinegar you get about a teaspoon of salt I'm using the fancy pink Himalayan kind because I'm fancy that way about a teaspoon of Dijon mustard you can use on the kind out of the jar or the spice is kind and that's brown mustard and then I take about one cup of any kind of light tasting oil that I have on hand and I'm using grapeseed oil and you just put a little bit into the bretton to the jar and you just blend it a little bit to start the emulsification you can see it's a little bit creamy already then I take the rest of the oil and just dump it all into the jar and start blending so here today in San Diego it's like 100 degrees outside so all my ingredients were a little bit hot and the first batch that I made turned out really watery which no problem I just used that for salad dressing but I really wanted mayonnaise and not salad dressing so I put my ingredients in the refrigerator to bring the temperature down to about room temperature and this is working much better so I'm just blending it with my stick blender as you can the other thing is that making mayonnaise the traditional way requires you to drop by drop by painfully drop the oil into the mixer or you know mix my hand and it just ends up taking forever and it's painful and I'm an instant gratification person so this works really well as you see I've been blending for less than a minute and I already have this beautiful homemade mayonnaise that doesn't have any preservatives in it and I did it in less than two minutes so give it a shot it's super easy and I hope you try it .
Video Description:
How to make mayonnaise with a stick blender in less that 2 minutes. Have everything room temperature or just out of the fridge.
1 large egg or 2 small eggs (cold, out of the fridge) 1 tsp Dijon mustard 1 tsp salt 1 cup light-tasting oil (avocado, LIGHT olive oil (not extra virgin - it will taste too strong and bitter...)
Put everything in the jar with only about 1/4 cup of the oil. Blend until creamy. Then add the remainder of the oil and blend for 1-2 minutes until thick. Will keep for 1-2 weeks.
hi guys it's Dana with Whole Health datacom and today I'm going to teach you how to make plantain wraps and first thing you might ask is what is a plantain wrap well plantain wrap is an alternative that somebody especially somebody that has gut issues leaky gut or other sort of autoimmune issues where they should be eating no gluten or grains this isn't a bread alternative basically so I use it in place of like a tortilla sometimes you just want to be able to wrap your food in something or you want something that is kind of bread like and this is perfect it's really easy to make the hardest part is finding green plantains now when they're green they are not ripe as they start to turn yellow and brown they start to get sweeter and a lot of people compare them to a banana because they look like a banana but really that's where the comparison ends so what you're going to need for making the plantain wraps is you're going to need three green plantains if they start to turn a little bit yellow you can still get away with using them for this that's not going to be a problem the first thing we're going to do is we're going to peel our plantains and I already started this one but I'll show you with the next one exactly what I did so I take the plantain and I cut off the tips of it and then I slice just all the way down the edge so that there is a section where I can get my fingernails underneath and slide it through because I'm going to you know basically I'm going to pull it off okay so we're going to just kind of dice up our plantains and I'm going to do all three of these it should make approximately if these were cubed about four cups of diced panting okay so after I've diced all those I'm going to pour in 1 cup of water I need 1/3 of a cup of organic extra virgin olive oil I need 1 teaspoon of sea salt all right so at this point we're just going to put it on the blender on the base and we're going to run it for a minute or two depending on how creamy it's getting and I'm going to I'm going to run it on high if it is too thick use your tamper to push down the contents until it's moving smoothly on its own okay so once it's been completely processed you're going to pour it out of your picture into a pan that you have lined with parchment paper now I'd say this is probably I don't know a 13 by 17 pan and it's going to make six rafts now today you can see it's it's a pretty thick consistency probably a little less than a paste and if you think that it is too thick you can add a slight bit amount of water it might have just been that you had some pretty large plantains but it doesn't really seem to affect it much after you bake it and then we're going to spread it out flat this turned out super creamy and nice today and then I've already preheated the oven but you want to preheat the oven to 375 degrees so here's what it looks like once I've got it all completely spread out so you might be wondering what you're going to do with these wraps once you have them and really you can use them for anything that you would use a normal wrap for you should understand though that they're not going to be as thin and as bendy and they're not going to wrap completely around like you would like if you got something as a a store it's going to be more like a bent-over taco shell but what you can do with it is put some meat with some cheese some vegetables maybe make yourself a BLT an avocado in it sometimes I just put some honey and some sunflower seed butter on it just anytime I feel like I might need something kind of bread like so be creative you can do anything you want with it okay so I left that in the oven at 375 for about 28 minutes so when it's done it looks rolled in is soft what you do want to do is while it's still soft take a knife and just score down the center and then go twice across the other direction basically what you're doing is you're making six wraps you just let it cool off and you can use them whenever you want for a wrap I actually you can see what it kind of looks like so when you pull it out kind of hot but you horse won't be if you do it properly so anyway it's going to look something similar to this and then you can just put whatever you want on the inside of it and you know wrap it like a like a taco around it so if you would like to see more recipes like this like this YouTube channel or you can also look for me on WWL health.com if you like to follow me on social media you can check the links out to below and we'll see you on the next round have a great day bye .
Video Description:
Paleo & AIP Plantain Wraps are a great gluten-free alternative to tortillas. They're also vegan, dairy-free & grain-free.
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If you’ve been following our website and Facebook page for a while, you know just how awesome the Paleo diet can be. One way to make it even better is to have a plethora of delicious recipes at your fingertips, ones with mouth-watering pictures and easy instructions. Now there’s a collection of Paleo recipes from the folks over at Paleo Grubs that is catching on in a big way. The Paleo Grubs Book contains over 470 Paleo recipes so you’ll never wonder what to make. Click here to download the Paleo Grubs Book
so for those of you who don't know me i'm michelle tan with mountain on paleo and today i'm gonna show you how to make my cocoa nutty dark bark which is the simplest candy that you can make for people with a paleo not really oh my god not on paleo read my journal message yes I I read all of these if I'm paying attention to the screen um so I had a few questions already one of the big questions is is this a paleo treat and the answer is no because there really is no such thing as a paleo treat but I do eat chocolate on occasion um probably more frequently than just occasionally um and I think this is a super easy treat to make for your friends um and it's tasty and it doesn't have a bunch of junk in there and so someone had asked what kind of chocolate I use I link to the chocolates that I use on my blog so I do have a post on nom nom paleo calm but what I'm using today is I have this 70% green and black dark chocolate and the reason why I'm using 70% because to people who don't normally paleo so it can't be super dark like if I were making it for myself I would totally use 85% or 91% because I like it less sweet what is the brand this is green and black I also like ultra eco I think Theo's makes great chocolate Maddock ass makes great chocolate you want to find something that's like Fairtrade and you know sourced from you know non-slave chocolates farm so I've already cut up a whole bunch here so in my recipe I put on some toasted unsweetened coconut flakes and I just toasted this my toaster oven over there give me 100 degrees I like to put it on affection because that way the hot air circulates if you don't have a convection I've been 300 is fine just toast it for five minutes this takes about four minutes um so you cut off like a minute and you like it so that it's nice and toasty on the edges you see that and coconut can burn in just a second so you do have to make sure that you're keeping an eye on it I have a quarter cup cranberries I just have this bigger bear stuff they have these organic dried cranberries it does have a little sugar in it but I'm not sad about it because we are making chocolate and it has sugar in it already I can also cook coconut flakes in a pan on so yes you could totally do that um I have burned it before though so you do have to watch it carefully I actually saw an America's Test Kitchen that you can toast coconut in the microwave I've never tried it but they said that it's a good alternative and you don't burn it and then I also have half a cup toasted and salted macadamia nuts and the key is I like these salted I know a lot of people may not like or thank you why why would you put salty nuts on it and it's because it tastes really good like the contrast the tangy cranberries the sweet chocolate and the salty nuts and you know crunchy coconut flakes is perfect so one of the tips again the step by step recipe is on my blog but I wanted to different squares I actually don't break it up in these squares because I don't think that it melts as well what I do I don't know if you guys can do this but I just cut it on the diagonal and I just make you really then I flip it and I do the other alright here is all my chocolate it's all shaved I'm gonna I love it because it also has like you know inches on the bottom I don't know if you guys can see that so whenever I'm doing a recipe I need to figure out how big my my chunks I just use this bowl scraper the scraper will scrape it right into your bowl and you have two choices on how you want to melt the chocolate you can melt it in the microwave I know some of you don't have microwaves or you don't like microwave I think microwaves are okay and they're perfectly fine for stuff like melting chocolate so I can tell you both ways you can do it alright so scooped up all the chocolate and it put it in a glass bowl because you want something that is either microwave safe or heat safe because you can either do it on a double well would this be considered dairy-free for those allergies uh I think so this is dairy free chocolate um and I don't have any other dairies in there so yes I'm not using milk chocolate I'm using dark chocolate and the chocolate I'm using has no dairy far as I know it doesn't but it does have soy lecithin so if you guys are against it away then you probably shouldn't pick this brand um and so the way that I melted I'm gonna show you really quick so right behind me I had with simmering water and you don't want the water to actually like reach up and touch the bottom of your bowl that you just slowly melt your chocolate or that like a double boiler or you can that's really fast Holly do you want to say hello to people while I microwave so they don't think it's boring no and then when I take it out I'm going to stir it really well yes it is much easier and faster and you don't have to wash next pot and so now I did that as a prop and now I have to wash that later which is kind of a pain um but basically this is the hardest part is just melting the chocolate and chopping it the way I did to show you guys before but otherwise the super simple rusty okay so the first 30 seconds doesn't really do too much um you can see the bottom is melted how sweet is it so this is a 70% a pound of 70% chocolate and that's because I'm gifting this to other people who are not paleo and 70% is as high as I can go with most people okay so I'm gonna stir this a little bit it's not super melted about melting chocolate is you never want to get water in there because it'll seize up so you just have to be careful not to get water in there you have to make sure it doesn't burn you just cut it up in Nice shards and you should be set I already have a baking pan set aside with some icing on top and then once everything is melted I'll just pour it on top and I will use a spatula to make it all smooth and then we just put the topping on and then we work for it and I'm breaking it up into 30-second intervals because you really can because the microwave doesn't really heat evenly you can totally burn parts of it and a little bit really does go from this day to life all melted by the next time okay so I only stove yes so that is the problem with microwaving chocolate is you could potentially burn it because every microwave has different you know wattages and the older ones are different from the new ones I missed the first part I am making yeah I can actually read your comment I am making my cocoa nutty dark bark that I put on the blog just now well thank you and actually it's super messy and I've put all the messy stuff on the floor where you guys can't see it and that is my you know my pressure cooker little piggy for dinner okay just keep stirring it almost done so normally I'd use 30 seconds times three and then I will do another 15 seconds and then I'll just do a lot of stirring afterwards and it should melt I love melted chocolate you like it all I don't know he doesn't like 70% it's too and it's actually too sweet for me I like I remember when I just think 65% was um too dark but now I like like 85 and 90% okay so I'm gonna just do it for 15 more seconds in terms of toppings the one that the three toppings I'm putting on this one are my favorite your bagel bacon burgers oh thank you that is one of our favorite recipes um I love toasted coconut salty macadamia nuts and cranberries but I don't like people don't like coconut or they like almonds so you can make some majid however you like and it'll work out so I'm gonna take but there is there's like the peppermint bark 35% knew it was delicious thank you did you do the slow cooker or the pressure cooker because I almost only do the pressure cooker version now because it's so dang easy and so fast and I think the texture is better just shredded coconut work also uh yes I think it's hard to buy unsweetened shredded coconut and it's hard to toast it so if you don't care that it won't be toasted or you can toaster you just have to be careful that you don't burn it and it's easier to burn I'm not supposed to bring a dessert for Christmas is here but I think though make this anyway you totally should bulk up here need to get the instant pot yet the ants the pot is amazing we use it like several times a day that might be a little unusual for most folks but I have to do a lot of recipe testing Twitter just had someone sweet that's great and that's where that's where I got almost everything like I bought my cranberries of Trader Joe's I bought my a meanness of Trader Joe's the baked coconut flakes I didn't get there I about this let's do organic coconut flakes Oh what is your job this is my job I used to be a drug dealer so was 30 times 3 and then I did an additional 15 seconds all laughing but it really was a drug dealer professionally I was drug dealer and I dealt drugs in the middle the night I did that for 12 years all right now I do pour it right into right onto the parchment and I like to kind of form it into like a rectangle but again you're gonna break this up and kind of uneven chunks so if it's not perfect it doesn't matter you see this and again as I said before this is super easy and super it's super easy and super customizable so you can customize the with the kind of chocolate you use you can use you know higher cacao chocolate you can use lower cacao chocolate you can top it with whatever you bonds and the reason why you see so many bark recipes all over the place is because it's so dang easy like you just saw right here so you just use a rubber spatula I don't know like between 1/8 and 1/4 inch it is the easier it will be for you to break if you have it to thicken parts you'll have to break out a knife to cut up your bark and I remember when I was a kid and my mom my mom is a really good Baker and she still is really good Baker every time she would use her spatula to like there's something very soothing and meditative that's probably why I'm not stopping all right that's good so you want to just use a rubber spatula you can use an offset spatula that's even better but then I'd have to wash something else and so I'm just gonna need to use the same rubber silicone spatula that I was using before the chocolate I'm not like you must spoon as my kids things I think it's my fav lat surface of melted chocolate my chest in the way you work and your kids crack me up did you hear that someone likes you better on the podcast why would you smash it alright so this I'm Justin now you just put the the toppings I like to put the coconut flakes on top I mean if you're gifting someone you know you want to make sure that you have like the nice make of coconut flakes and not the stuff at the very bottom that's all powdery because it looks prettier but I think the people I'm gifting this to don't really care put it on top and if there are some that aren't actually in the top plate you just kind of push it down says no we don't you're real you're a real boy right Holly that is coconut I'm gonna put in these salted macadamia nuts and these I like have like there's a whole one but I'm just not gonna break out a knife for that but the Habs I think fit really well they're really pretty and I I just stop them all over the place just throwing them and then sometimes if you throw up and they like get all brown and I think it looks prettier if it's the toppings were just on top okay cannot see all your comments so if you see me you like looking down and I miss your question and you really want to ask me make sure my hands were so looking so lean I am not that lean but thank you um I'm working with my trainer once a week and like today I went to the gym my big goal is to get an unassisted pull and I have an unassisted chin up but I kind of jellyfish at the very top so it's not I don't think it's an actual chin up but I'm working on it and then eventually I'll have it with the overhand grip and that is my goal by tomorrow yes oh and the way I figured out how I would be motivated to keep on you know trying to get my pullet is that I came up with a negative consequence and I learned that from Steve cams new book you know if nerd Fitness he said the only way that really that you'll be motivated to actually reach a bowl is you have a bad consequence that will happen if you don't do it and so I figured one out and I've been practicing cuz I don't want to tap in I need people to work and medical studies honey and lemon Oh is someone sick I'm assuming that's why those comments are so I'm just gonna then I dotted with cranberries cherries are also great apricot is a traditional french fried apricot is a traditional topping for french chocolate bark I like to drop this yeah pistachios and dried cranberries I think are a great combination I really like um coconut and macadamia nuts how long does the chocolate stay melted for um depends how cold your house is um but it you know it's still totally melted I some people they'll harden in about two hours depending on how how cold your house is I pop this in the fridge for 30 minutes to harden completely before I break it and then I actually I have one that I'll show you that I made yesterday and I just kept it in the fridge alright so here it is again the proportions are 1 cup of toasted coconut flakes 1/2 cup of macadamia nuts and then like a quarter cup of dried cranberries here is the finished product this isn't what I made yesterday and so you can either just break it up with your hand and if you do that just make sure your hands are covered by the person you don't want all your fingerprints on here unless you're eating it yourself and then nobody cares I have not mailed them before just because I'm never sure if it'll melt or you know sometimes especially during the Christmas season you know thanks get jostled around I'm trying to send a package to a little girl in the UK and I was supposed to have gotten there by December 4th but when I was looking at the tracking it went from like the Scoob area to LA and I guess on a plane to the UK and then instead of going in like you know a mail van or whatever in the UK it went back on a plane to Portland and so now it's back to LA and it's floaty thing okay again so if that's what happens with that little package I would hate to see what would happen to the candy you're sending okay so basically I just kind of stick a knife and jagged pieces whatever you want to do now I'm just using the same knife that I cut the chocolate with so I don't have to wash another one I basically just and about 1 pound I think will make about 4 generous gifts give them you give your friend the whole pound if you want and so this is all ready I'll show you guys it's delicious it's easy and you can package it here I'll show you how I attacked it this these are some these are called little Baker bags you can buy I went to one on my blog post they're lined inside Henry actually created some really cool stickers that you guys can print out does this need to be refrigerated yes I think so because like right now I think it's around 65 inch or 70 and it's already kind of melty so I refrigerated I'm eating it myself I will put it in like a sealed container and I'll refrigerate it for up to a week means I'm going to distribute like right after I'm done and then I will tell my friends put them in the fridge if they don't eat them Suvir here are two labels and you can download and print from my site they say nom nom Coco nutty dark bark and so this one is the one you use if you actually use the labels that are the two and a half inch circles because it's printed a little bit over so that you know for sure run read all the way to the edge but if you're just gonna print them out and cut them out yourself then this is the one you should use and it's clearly labeled as such in my post so just you know there are two different labels depending on how you're gonna cut them out and that is it um super easy peasy and you should totally make these for your friends so I hope you guys have a happy Wednesday any last questions before I sign off No thank you for the hearts and that adios people .
Video Description:
Watch how I make Nom Nom Coco-Nutty Dark Bark while I answer viewers' questions on a Periscope video.
Here's my recipe for Coco-Nutty Dark Bark:
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Get the James Beard award nominated and New York Times best-selling cookbook for over 100+ recipes like this!
hi everybody good morning I'm gonna tap this oh hello Tana and Alicia and all these other people coming on and let me there hello good morning this is my kitchen um and this morning I'm gonna do a really quick scope on how I make my cookie old husband a turmeric tonic oh look hello Katie Oh see this is perfect so after watching a bunch of scopes its flipped but have you updated your periscope after lean because I'm filming it in landscape and so what should happen is if you guys are looking at it in portrait mode my widescreen video should be on the top and you guys should be able to read all of the comments on the bottom without a blocking anything in the screen yes going you need to update your app doc so anyway this is super easy and the reason we were doing this is and I'm sure dr. Jolene Brighton can also can tell us more about this because she is a doctor and I'm just a drug dealer but basically turmeric is supposed to be a really great anti-inflammatory superfood and my creaky husband has been complaining about neck and shoulder pain for a while and so oh your connection is sketchy I gotta see it's so nice to see you guys this is super simple um I've been making this every morning for him he says it makes them feel better I don't know if it's placebo if it is that's okay too so all I do is I get um like about a cup of frozen mangoes I like frozen because it's already cut up and it's cold so it'll keep the resulting juice cold you don't have to add ice um I've got some fresh turmeric root here and so this is about it two and a half inch piece and you can see that it's bright orange it kind of looks like a finger see doc says is not a placebo it actually works and so I like to peel it off I just use a vegetable peeler I'm not super happy about it because it's all gonna be blended up in a blender and you know um I thought this was gonna be more ginger because ginger is really sharp and spicy but it actually is kind of charity it smells kind of like a good that's why you need the mango yeah it's good for its anti-inflammatory I think they're actually studies that show that it works as good as NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and then I throw in a little ginger so this is about a one-inch piece this is a piece that was in my freezer I took the skin off so I do about a two two and a half inch piece of turmeric and then about one inch piece of ginger and I pop those in apparently turmeric the the absorption is better if you add some fresh black pepper you know not really like them like a smoothie smoothie it's like a health drink I just buy these on Amazon I like them they're stainless steel I used to have glass ones but then those would break really easily actually they don't break easily but then when they do it's a big mess um and so we like these stainless steel straws and I can stick them in the dishwasher too I'm gonna put in about quarter lime earth this is a quarter of a lemon that I'm gonna squeeze the juice in I bought it at Sedonas which is a local grocery store here but I've also seen it at Whole Foods but it was a lot more expensive Whole Foods but I think the difference was the ones from Whole Foods are actually born in California and then the turmeric root I got from Sedonas I think is from Mexico so I'm just gonna squeeze out and I really like these because you can really squeeze out a lot of juice yeah I think so I think they're fresh is supposed to be better um in terms of its bioactivity but I don't know what the I think you can Google what the conversion is um so then I add about six ounces Oh baby I know who 3b is he's a good friend of mine okay they have a little brush that comes with it so I quickly brush it and then I stick it upright on one of the little things in my dishwasher I don't know if it really does get clean but I assume it does and my kids haven't gotten sick so I think they're okay okay so you guys can add honey if you want um but I don't and Henry doesn't like things super sweet and then already a cup of mango in here there's a lot of fruit here and eventually I'll put a recipe on my blog I just haven't yet um but I thought I'd show you guys because a lot of people have been asking what I've been making initially I didn't add the mango and I was adding some honey and then I would strain it because it was more of like a a juice consistency but I think once you put in the mango um you don't need to strain it and you know all the fiber and the ginger and stuff is good for you tada doing it try it honey sure it's not sweet and it is kind of spicy tasting but um how is it good all right so I can recap really quickly what's in there I put in a cup of frozen mango one cup frozen mango six ounces of coconut water a two inch piece of peeled turmeric root that I cut up a one inch piece of ginger that I could have I cracked in some black pepper to help with the absorption of the turmeric and then I put in the juice from a quarter of a lemon or half a lime Oh see your aspiration I don't know which one chance so if you guys see that um stuff is going by and I'm running powder turmeric okay I think so but you need to check on the conversion because I think powder turmeric is pretty strong tasting but it'd be good if you have the flu maybe but I won't actually take like anti-inflammatories when I have the flu but I mean I don't think there's any bad stuff in there so it wouldn't hurt you oh people are saying hi to the double O's yeah any substitute if not eating fruit um well I have made it before with some honey I don't know if you're not doing food means you're not doing honey and in that case I might strain it because then you get a lot of the fiber from the ginger and the turmeric and if you don't have a really great blender like if you don't have a really powerful blender you may want to blend it strain it and then blend in the mangoes after because I think oh here and Reid's letting me try wow that actually changed you know pretty good taste like a mango smoothie it tastes like a mango separation mango smoothie that's kind of spicy but it's not as sweet as like a mango lassi it's not a mango lassi it's not like a smoothie you buy at the store but I think you know you feel better already my honey yeah so you can see it alright that's it Oh so I'm gonna be posting these so on periscope you guys can watch these frightening 24 hours and then I also have them saved on catch which is ka tch dot m e / nom nom paleo and I'm also gonna be uploading this on to my youtube channel if you guys would like that where they'll be forever but the quality won't be great and will be kind of rambling because it's just like this but if you guys want to I've already uploaded three videos on my youtube channel and it's I think if you search michelle tam on youtube or if you google nom nom paleo you'll find it but I'm under Michelle Tam and then I have a little channel called periscope videos and that's it have a great day and I will see you guys I don't know when the next time I make something I'll hop on anyway I'll talk to you later bye .
Video Description:
I've been making this anti-inflammatory spicy and tangy drink every morning for my hubby because he's old and creaky. Watch me blitz it up while I answer questions from folks who watched my live broadcast on Periscope!
Ingredients to serve 1: 1 cup frozen mango cubes 1 2-inch piece of fresh turmeric root, peeled and coarsely chopped 1 1-inch piece of fresh ginger root, peeled and coarsely chopped ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 6 ounces coconut water 1 teaspoon honey (optional) juice from ¼ lemon or ½ lime
Directions: Blend until smooth!
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for kids what what about like supplements for kids cuz my kid doesn't eat properly at all like I will constantly try and heat a music bar for the whole day sometimes just activated almonds give them all day that's what all the cool kids are having paleo Armagnac inactivated our poor guy I mean I feel sorry for him really do you yeah I do you know why poppy Devin's I do feel sorry for him like everyone's just absolutely flogged even like they've given him an absolute caning and we've all got religions for example right do I come and give you crap because you're a Roman Catholic no that's your beliefs yeah or do you give me crap because I'm Greek Orthodox probably know but you Nanami that's his religion so if he wants to preach it you know we don't we don't bash the Jehovah's Witness guy when he comes to the front door do we you say don't no thank you George religions different than food I know to you maybe not but but I am not even to be honest totally across all these active activated almonds and things like that but when it affects people's health and preaching it when people listen to what you say is can be dangerous I agree totally but you know what so is that that um you know that place with a certain color on it as you're driving along people are pulling in and eating at that place I don't want to name it yeah I know who shoot me in the foot later on you know what I mean yeah so you know I was listening to some garbage on the radio talking about you know at the Royal Children's Hospital that place makes the kids happy you know yeah but but it's not making them happy within yeah any name happiness for a second thanking me wrong all these that place does a lot for kids you know puts a lot of money into kids and that but you know are you telling me that is healthy yeah and it's got the right nutritional values no it hasn't have your kids ever ate no mine mine haven't yet I just reckon there's only so long you can hold them all no no I cannot end though one James went to a birthday party there right and took his own lunch sure yeah of course um that there my rules yes no I don't think people would still have birthday parties at places like that now because so many people like I would other people were having it but obviously we didn't want him to not go because of that reason it wasn't fair on also the kid that was having the birthday party for their eating their burgers and his eating his kalamata olives yeah and lovely I'm loving it and I've taught him it's okay for anyone says anything just smacking .
Video Description:
George Calombaris talks On The Couch about Pete Evans and paleo diets. Follow us for more! Website: http://www.showandtellonline.com.au Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/showandtellonline Twitter: https://twitter.com/Show_And_Tell_ Instagram: https://instagram.com/showandtellonline/
hello everybody okay so my kitchen I do have to leave for an appointment at 9:15 oh thank you for inviting us our Sam so what I have here is my pressure cooker bone broth which has been cooking all night I threw everything in here before I went to bed because we're running low on stock and then it kept warm until now until I'm ready to strain it and so I have done a periscope flow for those of you don't know me I'm Michele Tiamat nom nom paleo you can find me on the web at nom nom paleo comm so I think I'm into pot on Black Friday which is the it was the most amazing day like $78 is a steal this is actually I have to instant pots I have a six and one and then I have a smart pot alright have the the older yeah six and one cooker which I kind of use them interchangeably when I make soup just cuz it's whichever one is clean so if you look here basically filled it to the top I put in an onion I think I cut up a carrot and I threw in like a giant shiitake mushroom there is no kind of set way that I make it I do have a recipe on my blog if you look up quick pressure cooker bone broth or just pressure cooker bone broth and non non paleo and now it's ready for me so when it's ready so it's even though it's warm you can actually kind of um still take it out with your hand I think my hands are kind of um impervious to pain at this point so I have this big pot bra oh yes someone says the oxy one so this is how I normally used to store them which is still a great method I think these silicone folders are fantastic the only thing is if you use them to store broth they start to smell with broth but it's okay I don't make cake from them so I but the only issue with these is that their floppy and so you have to put them on a tray and you have to have a freezer that can accommodate whatever tray you're gonna put in but then there's no lid and so there's if it's not super level it can spill and it's kind of a pain in the butt so I discovered that oXXO has these cool people so I'm gonna try this out for the first time today but it has like a little base which is cool and it has a lid so hopefully it doesn't spill and you can stack them on top of each other so I'm really excited to try these out but I did have one leader because I had mentioned that I wanted to try these out and I saw on Amazon there were like no reviews I think there are two reviews now but some people have said that it takes longer to freeze when it's covered which makes sense but I'm actually ok with that because I kind of just leave them in my outside freezer for a while and then someone else it says if you freeze them or if you sold them too high it's hard to take the cover off which makes sense because when liquids freeze they expand and so if you put them way up to the top it'll freeze with the lid stuck on top so we don't know to caveat that you need to remember but I'm gonna try to that and I think they'll turn out pretty well so I'm gonna show you how I actually strain my bone broth really quick right I can't answer all your questions a lot of times when I'm doing these by myself it's hard to you guys can't see this properly I'm sorry umm so actually I'm gonna run and just put down the shade alright I'm back to show you guys here and this thing I have a Vitamix container your biggest pitcher but this happens to be my biggest picture I have two one that I use for you know everyday cooking and then one when I have to take pictures because this one is totally speckled and Henry gets really mad that I use a speckled blender container it seems like all that mentions Photoshop to clean it up so this is the one I used to straight boom bra and when I'm just blending things for our family so then I'm gonna use my big pot no bone broth here oh this is the most amazing strainer I don't know what brand this is but if you go to my blog post about how to store and freeze bone broth I linked to all these things so if you want to know which brand I use this is the one I use it's super sturdy I've been using it forever after I'm done straining stuff I can throw this into the dishwasher which is really cool and it's a really fine mesh so basically all I do hopefully I don't spill and make a big mess is I just put it in until it gets to the top see if you look in here there's still a bunch of bones the bones I try not to kind of dump in the first pass but then what I do is I my first bat that I pour off normally has most of the fat on top and so I won't put that in a big container that I will store in the fridge this is the amount that I can use in a few days um and this way most of the fat is on this in this container and I can like scoop it off really easily I don't like to immediately put it in the pour it into the ones that go in the freezer because then there's a big fat cap and you know sometimes you don't want all that fat and stuff you're quickly defrosting can't wait to get cooking with my inspire yeah I mean or any pressure cooker pressure cookers are amazing and I like beans to pot because it is programmable and you know it can cook while I'm sleeping so if you see here there's like a layer of fat on the top hopefully I'm going to just try to pour that all off in here this will be in a refrigerator and it'll Harden and if I don't want the fat on top I can scoop it off once it's hardened I don't know how many cups of it but this will make a nice soup later in the week and if you've been following me on instagram i'm at nom nom paleo on instagram I've been making a lot of super lately and basically I just use a few frozen cubes and whatever leftovers I have I throw them in a pot and that is soup because I have a bunch of making stir fries and soup lately and you can make young by combining your leftover stir-fry and your soup so the boat they have in here are pork neck bones which I like a lot because they feed on it well first of all they're very cheap these are all pastured um this is awesome pastured pork and i get this i ordered through eggs and because they have a bunch of really great farmers itself through there and I come right to my house um okay so if you look here oh and the other thing I like about neck bones is that the meat is really good after you've cooked it for a long time it's really um super tender and yummy and not dry and powdery um so I really I really like that so I'm actually gonna reserve these bones and pick off the meat later and if you look here all the stuff that's reserved in there I have like my giant just talk too much dream the carrots hands and the bones cause I won't eat the vegetables I'm just gonna pick the meat off the bones and keep them in a separate container and that actually might be one of our quick soups as I'll have all of this leftover pork the broth and I'll throw in some vegetables and you can throw that into the instant pot for super fast soup I think depending you you just time it based on whatever whatever vegetable takes the longest to cook that's how long you time in for me normally carrots say the thing that takes the longest so why I love using this the the Vitamix container is it's it's perfect for pouring I'm just gonna fill them up my name is never perfect and I'm gonna just fill them up about 3/4 full do they know that liquids expand when you freeze I think that if you saw here these Vitamix containers are double check but I think they're like 7 cup containers like 14 cups of super I think awesome I think I will have three trays have soup that will be frozen and someone asked me how i reheat this I just throw the frozen cubes and then the extra I'm gonna put in this extra alright that's it so let me just double check so there's eight cups in here but I think I probably just felt it to the seventh cup mark so I made about I don't know 15 cups of soup and it all cooked while I was sleeping how much is each cube cup wise huh I don't know I can measure it later I know these ones are 1/3 cup so I'm assuming these are about 1/4 cup or less I can measure that later but now it's too late but this one will go on my fridge once it's cooled and I will hopefully use it up in the next two days and then these ones I'm gonna cover and freeze and that and so that is how I do it it's super easy umm so I'm telling you if you guys have a pressure cooker or an electric pressure cooker you should definitely make soup while you're sleeping because then you can do this and I have time now to go to my apartment that's all I hope you guys are doing well thanks for tuning in umm subscribe if you haven't I just hop on and I do these helpful cooking tips uh the kids and I are gonna do a giveaway on periscope either later today or this weekend so if you follow me and you get a notification you can hop on and we're gonna be giving away like cookbooks and dolls and socks .
Video Description:
Watch how I store and freeze bone broth while I answer viewers' questions on a Periscope video!
hello my name is Sam feltham and welcome to expert in to use here on smash the fat with me today is paleo food blogger and cookbook author of Eat Drink paleo irina mak ray how you doing Irina I'm going hi Sam thanks for having me not a problem not a problem at so I'm now as I just kind of mentioned there you are the author and blogger of eat drink paleo I'm like which one I think the printed rod right there I so good it's coming to you but you probably haven't got it yet so I'm not quite yet not quite a bit so good and as you can see here I've got the kindle version and well the PDF version and it's a beautiful book as you kind of sort show it showing there oh absolutely beautifully put together and you're also as a paleo food blogger at eat drink paleo calm ayee where people can kind of check out all of your info right there but before we kind of get into all of that first I wanted to find out how exactly did you kind of get into this paleo world and start kind of blogging about cooking food and things like that yeah sure um well I guess I started out the best way to tell the story is I mean I've always been interested in food and cooking that's something that's been a passion of mine since I was a sort of little girl so I've always known that at some point in my life I will I will do cooking as a job or as a career I mean it took me about 30 years to get there but but I did eventually and so I used to work in a digital media space sort of in media and corporate for quite a few years and you know how did the typical career climbing you know from one world to another and getting pretty sort of running the rat race and sort of fitness and wellbeing is there's always been a passion of mine and a hobby you know I've always been interested in that and a few years ago I got interested in the 4-hour body a book by Tim Ferriss which is not paleo primal but it's it's about sort of low carb aging and I mean it just made me a asked questions about my health and well-being and how I eat differently and so that was my first introduction to the low carb way of eating I suppose and at the same time friends of mine were experimenting with paleo and on the background of all that story is my mom got sick and she was you know fairly healthy laid in she's an herb sort of like fifties and she had two cancer's back-to-back and you know had a bit of a wake-up call of you know what what can I do now to forget to bulletproof my health and well-being so that I I can prevent what lease prolong my my health into the future and you know luckily she's in remission now but it has made me question my own choices and Kayla came into my life right at the same time and you know I am very curious by nature so I read lots of blogs and books about it and a lot of it made sense to me because it was just it's just a natural way of eating and I was just like bingo wow why haven't we thought of this before and and so yeah the more research the more read about it I've kind of tailored the framework to suit my own lifestyle and my blog became a documentation of my own journey as a cool and also as a paleo enthusiast and an advocate and I guess I started it because I wanted to show people that paleo is not meeting sorry bitch you know it's not what people have this kind of preconceived me an idea of what matter is it's not just me and you know I basically photographed what I ate and I just wanted to show people actually it's just about eating really good food made with fresh produce with herbs and spices lots of flavor you know not being afraid of using different ingredients new ingredients um and that's how it started out yeah absolutely and as I said before you kind of put together this beautiful and creative culinary cookbook because as you kind of mentioned there it's not just about kind of meat in three veg and things like that I'm you can get really kind of creative and experimental with real food and the kid of um you know relates to a paleo kind of lifestyle now for those that haven't heard of paleo or even prime or anything like that what exactly does this mean okay so KO refers to a way of eating and leaving I suppose that is inspired by our ancestors or hunter-gatherer ancestors it's not a way of mimicking I just wanna make that really clear it's not about me making our ancestors you're not hunting for for animals we're not fishing and we're not foraging in the forest although that's part of the lifestyle and it's very highly encouraged that you try and you know go get your own food but it's basically looking at what our ancestors did right you know because they're a lot of the current diseases that we were experiencing from cardiovascular and obesity and diabetes Alzheimer's they're all modern diseases that didn't exist even 10,000 years ago you know so so how it did we leave for millions of years without them and and what what contributed to us developing these new diseases and so well of our ancestors to see what they ate and how they lived how they behaved about how they slit and we then apply the chiro research and and studies and sort of combined that into a framework or set of principles that is called paleo and as far as the diet is concerned it's going back to the way we used to eat and the way our immigrant grandparents used to eat maybe not the hunter-gatherers and so things like excluding the you know processed industrial oils for example so the canola the soybean vegetable corn oils and all the foods that they contain because there are so many things it's amazing and it's you know and refined grains too much sugar and carbohydrates it's going to going back to natural way of eating which is protein so animal fish and seafood lots of vegetables and some fruit and berries some nuts and seeds lots of healthy fats from from animal fats as well as you know olive oil avocado oil coconut oil things that are less processed you know the cold-pressed so it's basically an just excluding processed food that's probably the easiest way of saying it if it comes in a packet and has been refined and processed that's certainly something that our grandparents wouldn't recognize and so it's not necessarily good for us and so paleo basically is that framework and it's it's something that people can then adapt themselves and your question was before yours mentioned primal for example and primal is sort of a deviation of failure which which was just coined a different name for the same thing it's like same same but different right mm-hmm so some people in primal which is a little bit more flexible and allows them to have a little bit more of dairy and those sort of the healthy kind of dairy now whether it's raw dairy full fat and sweetened fermented some more natural sweeteners you know a little bit of rice that sort of thing but essentially it's just it's just a way of eating Whole Foods real foods that came from the ground from the sea from the trees from the air absolutely yeah I've seen that that's kind of like the consistent message kind of through the Paleo primal communities that it's about kinda real food and as he kind of eloquently said there it's not necessarily about mimicking and it's a well it certainly isn't about mimicking and what our ancestors did cuz you know they didn't necessarily have broccoli or anything like that no no no but the whole point is is that it's kind of a real food approach which is what they would have had to have done and back in back in the Paleolithic era and so with that in mind kind of like the background about what paleo and primal is and what and what does the diet kind of include and what doesn't it include kind of specifically okay specifically so and when we're talking about paleo sort of one hundred percent clean polio it's no grains and by grains we mean wheat rye barley millage corn lentils are no lentils and no grains and though beans they're lentils legumes of any sort of type of form I do you want me to talk about why they excluded yeah yeah sure let's go into it though so grains and legumes I mean one of the things that we're trying to avoid is is to cut down the level of carbohydrates we consume we're not we're not trying to cut out carbohydrates because we do need it's just that we eat a lot more that we can actually we actually need and so carbohydrates then turn into into that truck with red so we're just not we're not using it and it's it's a very inflammatory way of eating so all too much sugar and specifically refined sugar not the natural kind from honey or maple but refined sugar refined carbohydrates omega-6 a high Magus x files which are soybean canola corn vegetable rapeseed sorry grapeseed oils lots of the seed oils which sort of known as healthy oils actually if consumed in higher amounts and very inflammatory because they have high amounts of omega-6 pro-inflammatory fatty acids at the same time we don't need enough fish to counteract that so so peleas about excluding foods that are supposed inflammatory really in the kind of essence since the grains and legumes because they are really high in carbohydrates and also they had contained anti-nutrients which some of them are lectins which can irritate our digestive lining making I guess causing malabsorption leaky gut you know poor gut flora and things like that and the other one is a fitting acid or phytates and that can bind to minerals in our body and again prevent their absorption so um they're the main reasons to exclude those and mainly because we didn't really used to eat these foods you know many would argue that we need grains and legumes because you know they contain nutrients that are essential but but actually you can get all of the essential nutrients from from meat and find based diet so so grains and legumes are the two things then the processed oils which I just mentioned and sugar dairy is excluded as well mainly because gary with any mammals that drink milk from another mammal essentially I think genetically some cultures are better suited to dairy than others are my cranium you know I'm from the sort of Central Europe where cattle has been cultivated for a long time we've been you know we've had dairy around for very long time so i can probably digest it better than say Asian cultures or maybe some of the South American cultures you know if you go down to some of the African tribes they've they eat drink a lot of milk so so so dairy is one of those sort of gray areas where in the clean pelo it's excluded mainly because um it is a little bit inflammatory and it can cause some issues for people so they're the main things dairy grains legumes process it in oils sugars things that are included and advocated are lots of protein and again from really good sources so we're talking about our meat from grass-fed cattle free-range eggs and poultry pork sustainable fish and seafood wild if possible vegetables lots of vegetables are lots of starchy and non-starchy vegetables so you can be more low carb paleo or more high cut failure in which case you'll eat more bananas more tubers such as sweet potatoes in your parsnips lyrics beechwood current etc and so lots of veggies i would say probably seventy percent of the paleo diet is vegetables unlike the popular belief mmm and it's kind of like a side of meat basically and then you know some fruit militant season berries some nuts and seeds here and there and lots of healthy fats you know we're going back to eating butter again how fantastic is that you know cooking in duck I mean that's the taste amazing avocados coconut oil coconut milk coconut cream you know I no longer go to the restrooms and get off Harry's and so much fat in that you know now I just embrace it now so all those things included and you know things like alcohol and coffee and little treats and chocolates i mean that's that's kind of a that's a personal choice i think and you know we'll need to live a little bit so you know it's fine if you have a little bit of red wine or you know black coffee if you like that and some people prefer not to have that at all because they feel better but um i think that's that's a personal framework i suppose yeah it's very much kind of personal choice and in your book there as well you kind of go on about your 8020 philosophy to this approach is kind of to some people that might sound really restrictive and things like that stay kind of tell us about your 8020 philosophy and your your philosophy about putting this this paleo framework into a modern world yeah the easiest way to think about it is um I always say to people that if you try to be too strict and too dogmatic about being paleo and it's not very sustainable long-term you know at some point in time you will fall off the wagon and then you will make ourselves feel so guilty and stressed about it that you're going to cause more negative effects on your health and then by eating well so for me you know the twenty percent is that eighty percent of the time I eat pretty clean paleo you know and I cook at home a lot so I find that when I'm at home I will eat paleo way of eating because I can control what's in my pantry what's in my fridge and what goes into my food when I go out that's when I make certain exemptions and you know often when I travel or when I'm going out with friends I will allow myself to have white rice so sushi is a great option for when you're trying to set up eat in the road you know i will have things like pina maybe corn chips and salsa if i'm going to mexican restaurant and i will have a little bit a little bit of gluten-free desserts so maybe creme brulee renowned then you know and certainly no enjoy glass of wine with my with my dinner and I love trying new things so for me it's more of a you know if that twenty percent is is things that I know that in in small amounts are not going to affect my health very much and I have to put a cab it there because i'm not you know seriously allergic to things like gluten for example or casein in milk for some people they have to avoid those at all course all the time and so you know that's a different situation but for me that twenty percent can include things like an occasional slice of sourdough which is you know once in a while which i think is is fine because for me as a cool i need to try those things so that i can then somehow recreate them in the you know in the in a way that's paleo-friendly my with two different types of flowers so i'd say it's for research as much as for pleasure that's a good way to look at it good what about the twenty percent so think everybody has to make their own choice you know some people can't afford to eat grass-fed meat all the time so you know it's fine just go for the best next choice that you can get it's the same with vegetables and fruits you know some people can't afford organic fruit and vegetables and so you know they can use the Dirty Dozen where there are certain fruit and vegetables that are that are worse off than others and then make sure that you wash them within a little bit of apple cider vinegar and water so um I think that that twenty percent is something that it's a personal paleo code as priests press important it's something you have to define and the best way to do it is to do maybe like a 30-day paleo challenge or 30-day paleo plan where you that I've tried to be more or less one hundred percent clean paleo and then you may introduce certain foods back and and you see how you feel you know because you might you know I handle dairy really well as i said before so we've got butter in the fridge i often have you know just plain Greek yogurt alaska fee and things like that so i include a lot of probiotic foods and so in that respect you know cheese and things like that is something that i can have with problems but for other people it is a problem so I can understand why they can I have to go everything or nothing so mm-hmm absolutely and and that's kind of what it comes down to again the paleo kind of lifestyle is in an individual quest and as kind as he said there Chris crecer kind of goes on about your personal paleo code is that you kind of start off with this base foundation and that helps you kind of discover what works best for your health and that's kind of the major thing with paleo it's not really just about fat loss or anything like that it's about health and having the healthiest body possible absolutely yeah I think and and the other thing that I always said to people to me palu is all about keeping the inflammation down and I i always keep reiterating it because people often associate paleo with weight loss or you know trying to get must therefore CrossFit or you know some other reasons but to me you know I've seen I've seen people heal with paleo diet I've seen them sort of you know reversal of the conditions that they have chronic conditions for me personally I know that when I eat more or less paler you know most of the time my boy inflammations low because I don't get as many colds and flus or any other sort of regular things that I would normally get and they've just become almost you know extinct for me so I know as soon as I get a flu or cold I know that my immune system has been compromised and it's because I've been eating in stress ignore I haven't slept enough and it's amazing that since I've gone pehli I've become so in tune with my own body and I think from people that I've spoken to they experience the same kind of transition is that you really start to feel and kind of understand how your body feels absolutely absolutely that's kind of one of the biggest things is starting to be able to listen to your body because the fake foods that are out there the sugar refined carbohydrates in the and the highly processed oils and kind of almost make your body and hard of hearing that's yeah it kind of switches off your senses I stand when you start taking a real food approach it kind of opens up your eyes and ears I'm in a metaphorical sense in terms of your body senses and you start to kind of feel where your body should be going at that moment in your life and and and that's kind of yeah one of the good things i think the Paleo community kind of give and to the health and fitness industry and now again people might kind of sort of feel that it it's really restrictive and things like that but as you can sort of see here and you've got some really beautiful kind of photos of food yeah of meals and things like that it's kind of absolutely wonderful like to see these these nails they beautifully photographed but then they're also kind of really wholesome and wholesome and nutritious meals so kind of what does your day and daily diet kind of look like yourself okay I'll well I'll tell you what I had this morning that might be they might be the easier so yeah this will probably be representative of most mornings but we usually have I'll have to pan fried eggs and I usually pan fry them in coconut oil or butter or ghee and we'll have a side of avocado and I like to ferment my own pickles sort of sour crab or by kimchi from Asian supermarkets and so i'll have a side of kimchi or sad crowd um you can have some bacon in the house again I know paleo people go crazy over bacon and I and I love bacon but we don't have it every morning again that's another myth so we'll have some bacon if I heaven but otherwise I often do this really good cool t-shirts called sweet potato rosti and your grade sweet potato and you pan-fried in butter or ghee for about ten minutes five minutes on each side and I season it with you know garlic and onion powder and salt and pepper and some green onions and it's delicious and sort of gets caramelized on both sides and it's it's a little bit of a you know a good source of carbohydrate in the morning for people if you're quite actually may use a little brain power during the day so oh and it's yeah its eggs and sweet potato and avocado smoked salmon sometimes it's just leftovers from the night before which is also fine I think people then breakfast needs to be you know toast and cereal and it's often sweet but it's actually a breakfast can be dinner or vice versa um and for lunch I usually usually have a salad but I like to be a rage and my salads are quite again quite creative and do a big rainbow salad like to see lots of colors from different vegetables I get lots of fiber and i will have either salmon or sardines i love having settings for their mangastream today i had prawns and fried and garlic the garlic chili and onion um and you know make my dressing and usually salad as my lunch that's quick and for dinner tonight we're having and making a bolognese ragu sauce with some porcini mushrooms and I'm making sweet potato noodles with the sort of spiralizer and we're going to bake them in the oven quickly and some zucchini levels as well but that's going to be our spaghetti bolognaise month buster um that's probably quite a representative sort of day I think I try to include you know three four times a week I try to include fish as much as I can whether it's lunch or dinner and I very protein as much as possible so it's not just me or just chicken and and the same is fruit and vegetables I try to get what's in season because then we'd sort of get her a variation of stuff and yeah I'm quite lucky i have a greengrocer right next door to me and I just pop over and get what I running for the meal and and and make that on the day oh goodness girl get his gold um and that's kind of another thing about the paleo lifestyle is it's about that variation and seasonal variation trying to yeah get vegetables and fruits in season so then they're they're most nutritious Oh amazing yeah yeah absolutely in candy ideally from his local farms as possible as well yeah and that's that's actually another cool thing about paleo is again it's pelo is one of those things I have a dilemma with the name every now and then because you know it really shouldn't even be called pallu it should just be a normal way of eating and living you know and we used to eat and live that way now when I was little we used to go to the markets and and yet fruit and fruit and vegetables and meat that was brought from the farmers that morning and we used to grow a lot of our own stuff so to me that was quite normal you know now like years later I'm in Australia and I'm eating a lot of commercially produced food then the eating decision alee and organically locally becomes this novelty but we kind of we used to eat that way all the time and so in a way of palos is is is a movement that is reintroducing it back and which is fantastic and I often say to people who think that Bailey is not sustainable because we eat so much meat or you know they think it's anti vegetarianism almost but in a way you know we advocated me that is sourced from grass-fed cattle cattle that's been raised humanely and it's been treated really well that's had a very healthy and happy life and same with pork and eggs it's all free range and and pasture fed wild sustainable fish and ce4 as much as possible so I think in a way Paley is actually very eco-friendly way of eating of that makes sense it's kind of nice ethos behind a nice philosophy um then I think often gets misrepresented and confused but but but yeah it is it is a really nice way of getting your life back into that you know the way we used to eat absolutely absolutely I'm fantastic well thank you so much for your time today I've arena were there any kind of last wise words that you'd like to part with out with our listeners and viewers oh I think don't be alienated by the name paleo because if you've always wondered what it is and you've read in the art in the media that paleo this and that you know don't take anything for granted i think try it for yourself try and see how you feel because it's all about your own body nobody else is like you and see how it makes you feel how it changes the way you leave and then as I said you know create your own tour 8020 rule if you want to if you want to keep it 100% that's totally fine but you know adapted to your own lifestyle if you're busy if you have kids if you have a family to feed if you travel try and make it work for yourselves and and it's all about making just small steps you know better you know it doesn't have to be a huge leap transition you can just sort of take it a little bit at a time you're not exclude just try cooking with butter and game coconut oil to start with you know digital processed oils and then maybe exclude the wheat and then maybe eggs with the sugar and slowly slowly sort of get your body back in tune with itself um and yeah don't be afraid about what other people say anything it is your body it doesn't matter what other people say if you think you're crazy there are hundreds of thousands of us if not millions of us eating that by now so um just give it a go and you know there are so many great resources my book is and my websites like one of hundreds and add there and it's really fantastic that it's growing it's becoming more mainstream and yeah it's becoming more accessible and approachable I suppose so definitely give it a go see we think you know and you don't even have to call caeliar than of the day just eat real food yeah absolutely absolutely and people can check out your book by going to smash the fat com ford / eat drink pee that will forward you yes straight until there you go yeah absolutely I'm it's a beautiful book and people can kind of check it out on your website there they can either get an electronic or fully printed version as well and then I believe there's and there's a there's a program that you're kind of running as well yeah so um on the back of my website which is entering paleo website I've partnered up with the nutritional medicine practitioner back in Australia Claire yet and you know she brings in a lot of nutritional wisdom and then you know degree in science and I bring my cooking kind of you know tryouts so too other we put together like a 28-day program um it's not necessarily paler it's more just clean eating and toxic free living it's called rejuvenate program and we've got a website that we we're running together on the back of that called rejuvenated for live com and it's a website where we move away a little bit from paleo and just cooking and will focus more on just sort of healthy leaving and and well-being and we'll talk a lot about the foods and ingredients specifically what nutritional value that have how to make your environment more sort of toxic toxin free and so it's not it's not just cooking because cooking is something I love but I'm also chicester than the other stuff and and so clay and i wanted to try and introduce that lifestyle to the mainstream maybe two people who are not necessarily interested in Taylors specifically but it's just our way of spreading a message via on the Paleo community so yeah check it out it's rejuvenated falar com and it's got lots of fantastic interesting in-depth articles and recipes as well fantastic fantastic highly recommend everyone to go check that out um and yeah is there any way that people can kind of get in contact with you by Twitter or Facebook currents oh yeah I'm a social media hora yeah absolutely no I've got so I've got a facebook page obviously for entering pelo it's just if you search for a drink later you'll find it on twitter i am at Irena mercury and on instagram i'm a drink pelo I've got a Pinterest account as well so I'm kind of you know him I'm floating around between social media platforms all time we can shoot me an email just Irina and a drink telecom that are you and I'll George matter answers as soon as I can yeah absolutely absolutely I was he said we're all kind of like digital nomads these days I'm sorry very very busy folks but yeah highly recommend again we're going to check out eat drink paleo bio Rena at smashed fat calm for / eat drink paleo um and yeah I really thank you again so much for your time today and there we hope to see you soon absolutely and I'm really looking forward to see where I guess the Paleo community goes in the UK and just around the world and so having these kind of interviews is great because we just get to introduce some new concepts of people so I really appreciate you having me no worries are in my pleasure my pleasure all right take care .
Video Description:
Irena, or Irey to her friends, was born in Ukraine into a family of doctors, engineers, economists, athletes and very good cooks. When she was 16 she moved to Australia with her mum. After her mother, an otherwise healthy and active woman, went through two cancers...back to back...Irena wanted to find the best nutrition and lifestyle to sustain optimal health and a long, happy life. After doing lots of reading and research she grew to understand and love Paleo philosophy and approach to eating and living. Now her mission is to provide inspiration and tools to people who want to achieve better health and wellbeing through Paleo nutrition and lifestyle; to showcase the diversity of Paleo diet using her beautiful fresh produce and flavours inspired by many cultures and cuisines; and to help unleash your magical powers in the kitchen. ---- Website & Blog - http://www.EatDrinkPaleo.com.au
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