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Friday, December 18, 2020


Low Carb Grass-Fed Steak Sandwich On Paleo Bread™

everyone this is dan from primal for life com with my newest creation the grilled steak and goat cheese sandwich using only the best ingredients like Julian bakeries coconut paleo bread grass-fed beef fresh tomato spinach sauerkraut goat cheese this sandwich was a hit to save time I apologize I had some leftover beef but if you're going to cook it up it really doesn't take that long just add in about five minutes for you know some grill time with with some fresh meat but please try this out let me know how you like it ingredients we have two slices of coconut paleo bread feel free to try some almond in there let me know I used about a four ounce piece of grass fed steak I had I of the round worked out perfectly a slice of nice goat cheese preferably bra thick slice a tomato quarter cup of sour kraut some salt pepper a handful of raw spinach leaves and grass-fed butter if you aren't into dairy feel free to use some coconut oil and just take the cheese out so how I did this i toasted the paleo bread until it defrost I like to use the broiler in my toaster oven about three minutes on high and while that was going I had steak just heating up in the microwave for literally a minute and once that's done throw that in a frying pan with some butter just like you would a grilled cheese and then throw on your you got the beef the goat cheese some spinach and sauerkraut and tomato on top little salt and pepper in there let each side sit for about three minutes two or three minutes depending on how around you like the bread flip be care full rides going to be hot and then after about six minutes of cooking time in the pan remove it and enjoy it so hopefully you enjoy the sandwich obviously with paleo bread it's that much better and healthier for you and I look forward to making another great recipe for you real soon and while you're here please visit Julian bakery for their latest lineup like the coconut macaroons which I happen to try the other day and I have to admit they are the freshest tasting macaroons that I've ever had so this is dan signing out please visit my site primal for life calm and primal for life on facebook and have a great day you .

Video Description:

Hey folks, this is Dan from Primal4Life coming at you with yet another tasty meal. This here is the "Grilled steak and goat cheese". This is not your typical Philly steak and cheese, but a much healthier version! To simplify things, I used leftovers. In my honest opinion, leftovers make some of the best meals and save you a ton of time. The steak, which is an "Eye of the round", was last night's dinner. Building from there, I asked myself what I could do to make this eye of the round that much better. Normally I am all about meat and veggies. But sometimes you have to stray, and add to the plate for more taste. I also had the craving for a grilled-cheese (Diary is discretionary when it comes to the Paleo/Primal community, if you can handle it, go for it). Well, I decided to go with it, out come some healthy ingredients from the fridge, and on goes the gas burner with a frying pan and some butter!


2 slices coconut Paleo Bread™ (1 Impact Carb w/ 5g Of Protein & Fiber Per Slice)

1 4-6 oz piece of organic grass-fed steak (your choice)

1 slice goat cheese

1 thick slice of tomato

¼ cup sauerkraut

1 handful of spinach leaves

Salt & Pepper to taste

Butter (preferably from Grass-Fed cows, coconut oil could be used in place of butter).


1) Toast Paleo Bread to defrost. I personally broil the slices for about 3 minutes on high in my toaster oven. You can also add leftover steak to toaster oven, or slightly nuke it. If you are going to cook a fresh piece of steak, I would do that first and add a few minutes to prep/cook time.

2) While defrosting bread, warm up frying pan with butter (or coconut oil).

3) When fully toasted, transfer Paleo Bread to frying pan. Salt & pepper wherever you desire during this step.

4) Add spinach, steak, goat cheese, sauerkraut, tomato, and second slice of Paleo Bread

5) Let sandwich sit for a couple minutes

6) Flip to other slice, and allow to sit for another couple minutes, or until bread is cooked to your liking.

7) Remove from pan carefully, as the bread will be hot, and enjoy.

Prep Time:

5 minute (more if you are going are grilling/cooking a fresh piece of beef).
Cook Time:

10 minutes

This was a delicious grilled steak and cheese; sorry it offends anyone in the Philly area.... But this is a much healthier version and you know it! With Julian Bakery's Paleo Bread and the lack of a blood-sugar spike, quality grass-fed beef, delicious goat cheese, nutrient rich spinach, and probiotic rich sauerkraut, Philly's steak and cheese sandwiches never had a chance in the health department. Plus, I still feel good afterwards. )

Hopefully you agree with me, and feel that this nutritious and delicious sandwich is here to stay.

Thank you,

Dan /
Paleo Store:
Paleo Bread:

Friday, November 27, 2020


Primal Sandwich For Kids On Paleo Bread

baby which one did you get coconut or almond oh yeah man why do you like almond you think it cooks faster than coconut okay so what do we do next we know it's cold season we push it in and close it and I'll set this for you ok so we're cooking the bread no yeah we got to turn on the heat and then what are we going to make just push it in in there you go here daddy looking eggs what are we making with eggs an egg sandwich ok cool crack split ok get my hands dirty yeah good job throw it in the sink well don't throw it like Daddy Cool all right egg sandwich paleo bread so easy so easy a cave drill can do it right uh-huh what else do you like coconut Brad okay what's next do you have to get other ingredients to make your tail you a sandwich and meatballs cheese ham and meatballs it does sound pretty paleo to me nitrate free ham are gonna get goat cheese or sheep's cheese Oh sheeps Yeah right let's check on our bread I'll flip it for I don't want to get burned okay good job Ali so what are we doing now checking the bread how's it coming I already flipped it once but it's it's almost done does it look good of course okay let's get this stuff away from the grill here ray all right do we need any salt and pepper yeah nope we're good ok well let that cook up a little more we'll be right back pretty good ok you want butter on your bird grass-fed butter no no what this is grass-fed butter dude you want Kate's butter okay butters out breads out are you going to stack the bread beeps you want daddy to do it okay this is like ninety-five percent Ally five percent daddy okay then we're going to cut it I'll do the laser through wait hi why building alive I want to learn that that is ally sandwich now might be a good chef but you're not a good from agra fort okay here's a lee's sandwich what do you think how did it come out good good good and great okay yeah cavegirl cooking a real done yes okay we need a cup so paleo bread almond flavor with eggs nitrate free ham some cheese and that's it okay folks see you later this is dan from primal for life with ali peace this is filling in bakery you .

Video Description:

This is a proud daddy moment for me right about now.... My daughter, Alessia (aka -- Ali) wanted a ham egg & cheese on almond Paleo Bread™ made by Julian Bakery. Normally daddy would fire up the stove, oil up the frying pan, get the eggs going, and occasionally let Ali help out with a few of the tasks. Tonight, when asked if she could help out, I gave her the option of showing me what she was made of. And she made me very proud! This healthy meal was so simple; my four-year-old could make it almost all by herself! With Parental-Guidance of course.... 
Another thing that makes me very pleased as a parent is the fact that this meal was very nutritious. Ali is getting a low inflammation meal, fiber, Omega3's and Omega6's from the eggs and almonds, no nitrates, and of course protein. All of this information is important to me as a parent because I know my daughter is getting a nutritious meal that allows her to grow up healthy, prevent sickness, and she understands what foods matter most. I guess the only thing that bothers me is that she is tapping into my stash of Julian Bakery Paleo Bread™!!!!
Full Recipe Link:
• 1 slices of Paleo Bread™ -- Coconut or Almond
• Coconut oil
• 1 egg
• 1 slice cheese
• 1 slice nitrate free ham
• Butter
1) Melt coconut oil in frying pan
2) Crack egg in pan and cook to your liking
3) Place Julian Bakery Paleo Bread™ Coconut or Almond into toaster oven
4) Add ham and cheese to egg
5) Remove toast when ready, add butter
6) Add egg/ham/cheese to bread
7) Slice in half and create sandwich
Prep Time:
• 1 minute
Cook Time:
• 10 minutes
• 1
In the end, I was extremely pleased with how well my daughter made this sandwich. She is learning the value of home-cooked meals, and healthy ingredients. She realizes that our bread is called Paleo Bread and comes from Julian Bakery. It's special to us because it's part of our healthy arsenal of real food. It is on the same level as us going to the Farmer's Market and Health Food stores shopping as a family for special/fresh foods and ingredients. All of this creates family time together, education on what is healthy and what is not, and apparently this creates future Chef's!!!
Thanks for visiting this healthy food blog, I hope you enjoyed this episode of 'Cooking with Ali', and hopefully next time she will be working on her first triple-decker Paleo sandwich. Please take a peek at for more healthy recipe ideas, nutritional information, and reasons why Julian Bakery Paleo Bread™ is the healthiest bread you can buy!
Full Recipe Link:
