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Friday, December 25, 2020


Our Paleo Family's Paleo Fish Sticks

hi there I'm Alisa Hines from our paleo family blog and you are watching our pivi o cooking show today we're talking all about budget paleo and you are watching on kid cast make sure you like the kid cast page like the art paleo family page and visit me on the blog to you please and last time we're going to show a couple weeks ago and I introduced you to paleo what it means why we eat that way and I talked about my kids and here they are I thought you might like to see them so kiddos introduce yourselves I'm Luke and I'm 11 I'm Kate and I'm 9 and you love all of my paleo cooking right every single thing I put on the plate they are big fat liars tell tell everybody what your favorite thing is that I make this Balian cookies cookies yeah ribs ribs my little carnivore okay and we have somebody else in our family too and who's that daddy daddy otherwise known as Kris Heinz and he is running the camera tonight so if I click I'm looking off to the side that he's probably making faces at me and I thank you faces back at him but he's gonna be following along with the comments since I can multitask but that pushes me just a little bit too far try to do this and talk and what they comments at the same time so he'll be following along if you have a question he might answer it so if you see it a response from Christine's that's my husband helping me out and he might actually speak out the comments if I'm not seeing them haven't you want to stick your head around and wave and show your show your face areas area when it's normal size okay off to bed everybody bye thanks for helping me out so it's not really just me I do have a family so our family of family if you're interested in just what is paleo in general go back and try to watch that first episode which should still be up on the kid cast page because I'm just not going to get into all those details tonight somebody asked in the last show is the paleo expensive and then the short answer is yes it can be and the long answer is going to be the whole rest of this show so he's going to talk to you about how you can really do it on a budget the first thing I'm going to do is turn my oven on because we're going to need that so tonight I was gonna make several different recipes for you I'm gonna make some fish sticks which if you have some fish heaters in your family you can really pull this off as chicken if you want to call them chicken nuggets and we're gonna make some homemade mayonnaise and can use that managed to make a tartar sauce and we're also gonna make a kale salad so not only are we doing budget cooking tonight but I can't really plan it this way it's the way it worked out we're making recipes with foods that oh how do people don't like or kids in particular don't like fish and greens and I think that I've made both of these recipes really tasty and my kids eat them and enjoy them so hopefully yours will too so the first thing I'm doing is draining my salmon this is my first budget tip or you is that well hop fish is really expensive my doctor wants me that you I'll caught salmon two to three times a week and the cheapest you can usually find wild-caught salmon is ten dollars a pound and that is that's really high we can't afford to eat that way three times a week so can is the way to go this is wild caught Alaskan salmon this is a whole foods brand but usually I used to be able to find this without the bones and the skin off you can see that little circle right there it says bones and skin included if you really have a fish hater in your family do not let them see you doing this because it's kind of gross you can't see this at all and a little bit there we go but okay one good thing about buying this with the skin and the bones is that it is cheaper and you can just see the skin is like just loose in there you can just pull the skin right off and there are two types of bones in here there are these little pin bones like you've totally cut my head off honey um white you've probably seen and anytime you've eaten fished and then there are these round bones that are like the backbone these little circular ones and I pick out the circular ones because they're kind of big but the the little pink ones they're soft because this is salmon soaked in water and they'll I'm gonna put it in the food processor and it'll chop right up and no one will know they're in there and though I calcium honey my head is still totally chopped off no does it look okay for everybody else okay so I can't see my head so it's like a big bird or something flies in and lands on my head I'll say that in the comments let me know I need to take cover or something because it's looking a little strange to me so I'm just pulling this skin off and again I'm gonna put it in the food processor so but there are little bits in there nobody's gonna know I remember my mom making salmon patties when I was a kid and using canned salmon and I remember seeing the skin and the bones and just being totally grossed out and of course I didn't want anything to do with eating that dish so maybe this would not be the best one to have your kids help with at this stage but once you've picked all the skin out and those big bones then they can certainly help if your kids like to get their hands dirty this would be a great recipe because we're going to form these into little balls or like a fish stick shape in a couple minutes and they might think that that's fun I think I've got one more section of those backbone and so I'm just gonna kind of fish through it I don't see any so there's my fish okay and I have a food processor here with my shredding disc attached I think it's recipe a few times and I'm gonna respond yes real quick and they were kind of dry you know that's the one problem is cooking with canned fish is that it's already cooked they're gonna it does have a tendency to get kind of dry so I have to do something to keep it moist I don't think I have this on properly and so I put in a squash and yellow squash you could use any vegetable you do buy carrots or zucchini when it's really well mushrooms would work really well but they're a darker they're going to show up so if you're trying to hide vegetables from your kids I would use a light colored vegetable I like onions I haven't had a lot of green onions right now so I'm going to use the green onions but a white onion obviously would be disguised a little bit better this is a really big squash that somebody missed in the garden for a couple days so I'm not going to use all of that because that would be a little a little too much and it would make my mixture too wet so I'm gonna just cut the end off and then use my power tools here so pardon the noise for just a second super easy if you don't have a food processor they're really not expensive and it's such a valuable tool I use mine all the time I resisted it for a long time so I didn't think I would need it but anytime I need to shred a lot of carrots to me carrot muffins or carrot cake sometimes I'll use it to me like a meatloaf or for meatballs I just don't want to get my hand in there and let the food processor do it for me so I'm just switching out the blade and I'm being lazy and not taking the squash out and just trying to fit that around so then I'm gonna put all my salmon in there you could use tuna as well I like the flavor of salmon a little bit better and it does have more I'm 83 which we really want because they're so flammable which helps with I mean mental health cardiovascular disease with just muscle repair if you're an athlete so we really need our omega-3 that's why my doctor wants me to eat this fish two and three times a week so I am trying to get the salmon for that reason so in goes my green onion I'm going to put all my fish stick ingredients right in there we really like dill again it's going to show up and it's not going to taste like chicken so if you're trying to pull these off as chicken nuggets for your kids then I wouldn't I wouldn't put the deal in but it does taste really nice with the salmon I think you can get away with it so in there I have that would be like one small medium yellow squash and one can the large can was about 15 ounces just under 15 ounces by the way that is almost a pound of salmon for about 250 and the cheapest you can buy it fresh is usually $10 a pound so that's really a bargain and I have my green onions and my dill and I'm going to put it in egg eggs are really good inexpensive source of protein so we'll stretch our $13 just a little bit with that and I want some garlic powder that we're y'all following along and a little bit of almond flour mixed in I'm gonna put about two tablespoons of almond flour and 2 tablespoons of cassava flour like this is a Lyon flour and the route just perfectly acceptable in the Paleo diet and it's cheaper than almond flour I'm going to mix the two it does in my opinion it has kind of a stronger taste I don't care for it my people are making cassava flour pancakes and cookies and muffins and that kind of stuff and I think a stronger the flavor for that but it's my personal taste so I you see it a little bit it'll be disguised and in there with all these other flavors so we go some salt and pepper just whatever you want to make sure working on and when it's not I don't want to I hate this baby kind of like the McDonald's chicken nugget where it just looks like plain white meat chicken on the inside so I scrape it down and that's what's really yummy doesn't it trust me it looks good in the end and it tastes really good ok then I take it out of here just because I think it's kind of difficult to work with it in the food processor so it in my bowl and I can tell that this is kind of wet I want to be able to pick it up with my hands and form it into either with a nugget shape or a fish stick shape so that looks a little bit wet to me I'm going to add a little bit more almond flour it kind of varies how much you mean because sometimes the fish is just wet or sometimes it's hard to drain all the liquid out and my squash was kind of wet I want to get it all because we're not going to save mochi if we waste our food right while I'm adding a little bit more flour and I'm going to just give you a couple more of my tips for paleo on a budget and one of those I just want to believe it to you which is don't waste food I don't remember what the statistics are but you've probably heard them to you how much food Americans waste all the time we buy and then we don't eat it especially produce we just let it go to waste that's still kind of wet I'm gonna add a little bit more I need more up but cassava in the next time so plan the way you don't waste is that you plan I sit down every week usually on Saturday I go through the family's calendar and I figure out what sporting activities we have what meetings in the evening we have how busy my day is cuz if my day is super busy then I'm not gonna want to cook supper and I have to be realistic about that so I think this is see it's still wet but this is kind of tricky you want it you want to be able to hold it and form it into a shape but it is still really wet if it's super dry it's gonna be dry in the in the end and I don't want a dry which thinks nobody's going to eat that so I am gonna make the ready and that is going to have some more almond flour I'm gonna have the rectum I have the recipe up for this one yet but I'm gonna have it up tomorrow so he goes a little more almond and a little more cassava it doesn't really take too much for the breading routes and then some salt and I think this adds great flavor is some lemon zest I think I did this last time isn't my microplane grater it's on my favorite tool so I'm gonna get our layer of zest off of my lemon so yeah I plan out on my meal by plan out breakfast and I plan out lunch or breakfasts and lunches we all you know what's the same thing every day but dinner we eat obviously something different those days so I'm just realistic about planning the number of meals and how many leftovers we have I don't eat leftovers very well they make me sick typically so we make enough leftovers for my husband to have a lunch occasionally if it's something like ribs the kids favorite food my son really loves barbecue I'll make sure there's enough left over for a whole nother dinner for them but typically I'm cooking something different each night and I'm gonna plan the vegetables I planned the side dishes by plans everything and that way I'm not wasting anything so I have wait cameraman can I get you to move the food processor to the side I have my sheet pan here I have my oven on 425 and I'm gonna spray it with coconut oil spray sea sprays are not the best I still have one school oh the cameras going bye everybody okay so I'm going to use this tray right here so I'm gonna take my spray it with me coconut milk spray I'm gonna I'm not measuring because that just it takes so long to cook anyway I don't want to take the time to measure something like this because it doesn't really matter if you have little kids you have little hands and they really want a you know bite size and by all means make bite size but I don't want to make bite size because it's going to longer so I sort of halfway form it at first and then put it in the breading and then I can finish forming it on my tray I'm gonna make them kind of big that way I can get through it kind of fast while I'm doing this I'll tell you more of my favorite tips this one might not be popular with a lot of people and it might not even be possible where you are but where we live in Raleigh North Carolina we have a lot of grocery stores around us so groceries are expensive here in my opinion but at least we have competition between the different stores and I usually shop at three stores a week might go to an extra one if there's a really good sale but I go to Kroger which has a pretty decent selection of organic produce and some of the specialty products that I use like to carry an almond flour that's really nice they carry the best chocolate chips which are called enjoy life they're dairy-free and soy free and obviously they're gluten free so they have a few things like that so I get some stuff at Kroger they do have gluten free products I buy my kids gluten-free waffles and occasionally gluten-free pizza something like that and they carry a really good selection of those things the same brands that you'll find it at a Whole Foods or more of a specialty grocery store so I go to creditor and then I go on to Whole Foods which thankfully is close by and I get just about all of my protein at Whole Foods canned fish I wouldn't usually get that there but I just happened to be there when I needed this that's where I picked it up all of my fresh me they just have a really good selection of good quality me and you want to you runner really prioritize your dollars when you're trying to save money and still eat healthy and if I had to choose I would say prioritize the fat and the protein that you buy buy and the reason for that is we need good quality fat in our diet Our Bodies Ourselves are made up of fat or rings are made up of fat so we really need a lot of it we need a lot of good omega-3s the animal will store all of the medicines that they're treated with they store that's doing a little dance for you there they store all of those hormones and antibiotics in the in the fat so if you're buying a fatty cut of meat like bacon which totally gets you know an A plus and the Paleo diet you want to make sure you're buying bacon from a pig that was not treated with any hormones or antibiotics and then you want the meat to not be preserved with nitrates and nitrates so that's what I mean by prioritizing your your fat buying good quality fat I'm something like salmon would qualify as well because it's a very it's a very fatty fish fish farm-raised fish are fed corn and sorghum and soy and fish are not supposed to eat corn it's so feature supposed to eat other fish and other things that grow in the sea so those fish are also treated with Mormons antibiotics and so if farm raised fish isn't not going to have the health profile that you're really going for gonna mate might end up with one kind of teeny one and then protein you want your grass-fed beef because again it's like fish cow's bodies were not designed to eat hey cows bodies were designed there's a thing on there honey if you'll just hit done cows bodies were designed to eat grass that's why you want to buy cows from cracks be from grass-fed cows because cows that are fed grain are not healthy and then that's why they're treated with all the hormones and the antibiotics and whatnot because they're they're just naturally not healthy a cow that is fed grass allowed to graze on pasture it's going to be a healthy animal and they're not going to need to be treated with the hormones so okay just kind of accident ended up with this one little and so I'll make it little sort of nugget okay so this sweetie can use pan the camera over there and share that why so that one can of salmon and that's enough for my whole family one meal and then one lunch the next day and admittedly my kids are not big eaters and so if you have obviously a larger family or kids and a lot you might need to make a double batch and actually I would probably make a double back to anyway just because it's kind of a pain out like getting my hands dirty like that so I've gone to the trouble to make it I'm gonna go ahead and double it because then you can after they're baked freeze them and then pop them out just like fish sticks but missus pulse okay so I'm gonna put this in the oven I'm up to 425 a minute and then I'll flip them give you ten minutes more so I'm just gonna clear this mess away and the next thing I'm gonna make is a sauce to go with our delicious fish sticks and my favorite sauce to be a tartar sauce if you want your kids to think these are chicken nuggets you could make a honey mustard which would just be mayonnaise some mustard and honey it's really good it's better than any honey mustard sauce you can buy but we're gonna make a tartar sauce and I'm feeling like I look different so we have to start by making homemade mayonnaise now mayonnaise I guess you kind of love it or you hate it I love it and you can buy mayonnaise that's made of avocado oil and it's healthy and it tastes really good it's about ten dollars for I mean maybe this this size jar this is a pint where's that at court hey that's important it's a little bit smaller than that jar has any court weight it's a point says my mathematician okay so ten dollars for this amount versus this is going to cost me roughly a dollar a dollar fifty you've probably seen olive oil mayonnaise and then grocery store but if you read the ingredients it's still mostly canola oil we want to avoid those vegetable oils because they're full of omega-6 fats which cause inflammation we get way too much omega-6 and our diet we get it from eggs and chicken and just about every product that comes in a box or a package just full of Omega 6s we need to make threes and our fish to balance that out so I don't want to make the mayonnaise full of Omega 6s so I'm gonna make some olive oil this really is my favorite I'm experimenting with different oils i buy avocado oil in a big bottle at Costco it's really inexpensive this one is from Food Lion it's just it's extra light and taste olive oil which is what I like I think it makes the most neutral tasting mayonnaise just make sure you read the ingredients this ingredient is olive oil it really is just olive oil there are some on the market that are that say light and they mix them with canola oil which is very sneaky and you don't want that homemade mayonnaise is super easy if you have an immersion blender this is a great way to use it but you know you don't have to have an immersion blender you can use a food processor I have a little mini one that's sort of like a blender and you can also use the winter so anyway this is just what I like because I'm going to store it in this and I can make it right in this jar and this is gonna make a lot of noise but I'm going to show you how easy it is there's one trick and the trick is your ingredients have to be at room temperature so I got my egg out if you forget like I almost always do and you don't get your ingredients out it's not a big deal you can just run some hot water hot tap water in a bowl and put your egg so it's your egg and your lemon in your new jean mustard that are going to be refrigerated and my mustard is cold but because my angus is warm and my lemon is warm my whale is warm it a little tiny bit of mustard that goes in it's not going to have an influence but I did try it one time with having mine drinking it's cold and it did not work I just have a big boilie mess at the end and that was no fun because it was a big waste so I'm going to start with my whole egg in there and my mustard and about a quarter of a cup of oil I'm not going to measure I just know that this bottle will make two batches of mayonnaise for me something to eat I already used about half of it so I'm going to use almost all the rest of it and then at the very end we're going to put in a salt and lemon juice just to taste it again my lemon juice is spring temperature and I'm going to use lemon again in my community I'm going to use lemon in my kale salad I'm going to make in just a minute and this is raining let's go this flips I be doing okay so this is gonna be Wow the trick with this immersion blender is you see these little holes right here you have to make sure there's enough liquid that it covers those holes or it'll kind of sputter and splatter so here we go so you want to blend that up really well and then the second trick sighs having everything room-temperature is then you drizzle this in really slowly like you're about to fall asleep slow until it gets really thick and then you can put it in a little bit faster in here I wish second thing as you you want me to be my favorite I'm telling your husband how much money you spent shopping while your recommenders and all my son can tell there is nice and thick I'm sorry little bit faster now listen to all of this really and when I need to know everything to know I'm gonna go like this and let that boil kind of sink down to the bottom and then can you see it really looks like mayonnaise it looks like that yummy so if you get in the store if you use a okay we're gonna stop there it's really nice and thick you can see it's SuperDuper thick it will stand up in there I'm lying it's not gonna stand up in there now here's something super important make sure you unplug it before you stick your finger up in there but just come and clear it out that's the only thing that's kind of a pain about this blender is getting getting it all you have something thick like this I use this blender when I'm making one of my spaghetti sauces the tomato sauce because I put tons of vegetables in it and that way I can be really lazy and not have to cut them up really small and after it simmers all day then I stick this blender down in the pot and I blend everything up and my kids can't say are there onions in this did you put my shirt doing this they won't have any idea it will just be red it'll look like tomato sauce so I'm gonna get most of that out of there because I don't again I don't want to waste it right okay but I'm gonna take quarters time doing that alright so let's move this out of the way you can't wash that thing in the sink just don't put them motor down in I didn't get myself a bowl for the rest of my tartar sauce let me grab a bowl that wasn't supposed to happen I don't know what that was another bowl so to make my tartar sauce some mayonnaise freshly made you know what I can do is I forgot to add the lemon juice someone adds some in here I'm gonna have a little bit in there and then I'm gonna add some salt and you just taste it if you want to add some more you can add some more if I got a look I think I've got a little too much lemon juice in here but that's fine it would go really well with my tartar sauce if you like a more traditional rim and lod sauce is very similar to tartar sauce usually it has capers or something like that in instead of pickle relish so we're just kind of playing it simple if we have so here's my mayonnaise and I have this is zucchini relish because I've had an abundance as you can on my garden the last couple years it's just like pickle relish but it's made with zucchini actually I shouldn't say it's this way because it's actually a lot better made with onions and they'll various colors of bell peppers and you make a brine like you were making pickles and it's really really good and the other thing I want to add to this is Old Bay seasoning which I forgot to get out and my timer to speak so it's about time to flip over my fish sticks old bay is primarily selling salt and paprika pepper so if you don't have all day then you can substitute with those spices you'll see it's good I went a little bit more it has it must have some red pepper in here it must be the spices because it's a teeny bit spicy heat my kids don't typically eat it just my husband and I knew so I can make it a little more spicy sometimes I'll put in a couple shots of Tabasco and that is really good and then I just saved my old jars from I don't know what this was denied eat and then I'll use it to store my sauces in the fridge I use that mayonnaise to make home and salad dressings - it's so good you always have a healthy sauce to put on your healthy meat let me get out of fish I'm gonna put it right here they kind of puff up egg in there that makes them tough can you'll see so let me find the right size spatula they should be nice and brown on the bottom can you see how pretty quais brownness I was like then maybe should have left him in for a couple more minutes that one's better now and not round at all what's wrong with my oven today okay so we didn't just put them over a couple more times till they're expand as you want you know what I want to spray a little bit more oil on this side it'll help them have a nice sort of fries look it's actually I meant to tell you this the first time I babies I did fry them and they're really good fried you just put a little oil in your skillet I'm surety for this real neutral and taste and it's fine to cook at a high temperature but I don't like the fry it's really a pain in the neck you've got to stand there at the stove and it splatters and makes a big mess so this way I put it in the oven they still taste really good and it's a lot easier on me which I like I'd like to make these easier on me okay so there's our charters for us and like I said if you wanted to make good mustard you could just mix the mayonnaise with some mustard and some honey and that's a really good sauce and it goes it would go great with the salmon patties any questions the questions out there sweetie no comments okay alright so I want to remind you who I am I'm Elizabeth minds from our paleo family calm and you're watching on kid cast and make sure you like kick-ass and please go to my site and check out I've lots of recipes out on paleo family calm I'm getting ready to make a kale salad the kale recipe is up there the mayonnaise recipe is up there the fishsticks recipe is going to be there so check back for that and actually made this kale salad recipe from my dad he said he did not like kale and I said well let me make something I think you like and it's really simple and I love it I will make it sometimes a whole big batch of it for myself and eat it for lunch so I'm going to start with my kale and this is the end of what's in my garden and so someone that is not looking very nice we have some kind of bugs and I'm just not real picky I it's really clean and so we're gonna use anyway I'm gonna turn on my stove to about medium and I'm gonna put some bacon fat in here so this is another one of my tips just saving money using everything so you're buying good quality bacon by all means save the fat because there's a lot of flavor in there and I almost exclusively cook with my bacon fat I cleaned most of these that I saved a few that weren't fruit so I could show you so you just sort of peel down from the top a little bit and rip that stem right out some of the smaller ones and I bother to get rid of the rib in there but the bigger ones it is kind of tough I'm just giving me some trouble and then I'm just gonna sort of roughly chop these you can buy a big bag of chopped kale at all of these that was another grocery store I didn't get that far and it's I mean two or three dollars for big bag of organic kale since it's a really economical choice in DL actually has a lot of protein in it for a grain for a green sorry so roughly chop these and you know it's just like a regular bag salad where they're washed already it's super easy but I happen to have this still growing usually the lettuces gonna conk out and the garden as soon as it gets high and it's still going the puffs range when eating it but that's a gay I'm still eating it do alright so in my bacon fat Mel's I'm gonna grab about a couple teaspoons of it and put it in my salad bowl and I'm going to use that to mix up my dressing and then I'm gonna wilt my kale kale is one of those greens it stands up really well to heat it will keep some of its nice texture and it's actually better for you when it's cooked so let that finish melting sorry I poured about half of it you don't have to measure when I wrote it this recipe I think I said put a teaspoon in here but it's all getting used up it's all going into the same recipe so it doesn't really matter how much you keep in one place or the other I'm going to bring this over to make it easier on myself so in goes the kale and we're just gonna wilt it so that was a bug it's a piece of salmon off of my board okay so then goes the kale and it just needs to get tossed around it will take a few seconds I'm not going to salt this because I find that the soap gets kind of trapped in these leaves and then you'll end up taking a bite of one that's really salty in that song that's not very pleasant so I put all of my seasoning in my dressing and usually washed my hands all the time and I'm trying to not constantly wash them because I would not be very interesting to watch and I started me crazy having my hands dirty okay so I'm gonna put my web page over here so I remember what I'm doing so I've got kale and bacon fat and I'm gonna put some of my fresh lemon juice in here about two teaspoons so it's like a regular salad rice Niwas got the fat and the acid and a little bit of honey just for a touch of sweetness you can leave that out really because they're not too much acid in there and I'm gonna put in some apple but I'm going to use green apple tonight so that might you might want it a little bit sweeter just up to your taste and they put in a little salt we had this pepper for every well almost a year anyway you can't just the grind and it grinds really baby sometimes I get a real spicy pepper I'm trying to use that thing up so I'm not wasteful but don't like that pepper let me give it a taste it's really good it tastes really baking me that's gonna be perfect it's always easier slice when you're on a flat surface if I get myself down to something like that I'm gonna stir my kale real quick so you don't want to totally walk away he ever has a fence finish salad with a hot bacon dressing that that was sort of my inspiration for this is very similar that is just another minute or snow I just want this a nice bite size pieces I like white my stuff is all chopped up spend all my time cutting my salad now my head hole in the bottom because that way it's next to the lemon juice and it don't keep it from turning around normally when I'm making a salad all the pretty stuff like eat apples chunks I would put on the table but in this particular case I wouldn't I went back well there at the bottom work with my almonds up on the top so it looks pretty cause the truth is if 840 we're not going to eat this tonight we're going to eat this tomorrow and I know what my apples to be all brown I know that this is ready I'm gonna bring this over and let it sit right here you see the friends it's still bright dreams is how it still has some texture to it it's just a little wilted we want to finish top this is this was a big hole you should I wouldn't use quite this much but it'll just be better it'll be better and I have a little less kale than I would typically have but this was all that looks decent out in the garden today and I say didn't have any more I could add some spinach to this you can put any hardy green in here and it would be just fine would be really be really delicious with spinach so I'm kind of talk about Graham and guys my kale I want to get it all I'm gonna tell you all about Aldi what I'm chopping with nuts you have an Aldi near you I think I mentioned this in my last show Baldy is owned by this thing here oh I forgot this with my timer that one is Trader Joe's you'll find a lot of similar products here they have a great selection of organic reviews they have wild caught salmon in the freezer is a great so it's something like 369 for a count but it comes from China I bought it for a while but then I thought you know I just don't know about buying this from China it's so far away so quick but buying that but they do have they have really delicious orange juice lots of produce that's most of what we buy there even though it's ER from Aldi and one thing I love about them is they have nuts that are roasted with salt they don't have oil on them which is believe it or not is really hard to find this bag is 12 ounces and it's $5.99 which is a really good price so we saw a couple of that kind of stuff lots of snacks for my kids and the old eat in Raleigh is right by my church so we go to only on Sundays after church together and those are my three stores Kroger Whole Foods and Aldi and that really helps me save a lot of money I could certainly go and buy everything at Whole Foods but wait maybe not last very long if I did that I used to be the coupon shopper and I would the store with that except food shampoo which he face and all the stuff that I got for free so when we switch to eating paleo and I was spending I mean someone has $500 a week on groceries it was really shocking because we weren't just changing our food we changed our all of our health and beauty products to to take out all the ballots and the parabens and all those sort of hormone and immune disrupter ingredients and all that stuff was so expensive I do have one more store where I shop when I show you my spinach salad it so it looks some wimpy oh my oh my candle just shrunk away so here's another tip I'm gonna leave it like this not tossed if you're ever taking a salad someplace make your dressing in the bowl just leave it in the bottom how all of your ingredients on top it toss it when you get there in that way your greens don't get all soggy no my greens are already saw because I wanted them that way but this will also help to keep my nuts nice and crispy until we eat this tomorrow night my fish is going to come out in a couple more minutes but I wanted to tell you about thrive market and thrive as an online grocery store that's kind of like Amazon and Costco and Whole Foods all rolled into one is a membership service you pay thing at $60 a year but the savings are crazy the very first time I place an order I saved over $60 so it's really been worth that cost I really highly recommend thrive they don't just have food but they have the toothpaste and shampoo and baby cater they really have everything so I order all of our soaps and I'm in a toothpaste that I'm using now that my doctor recommended is like eight dollars and hopefully he did that thing again the toothpaste is about $8 the Whole Foods and I think it's like 365 from thrive so it's a lot cheaper it's a really amazing bargain so check out thrive market if you haven't already let me clear this so I can guess I do have a link to on the sidebar if you're looking on a on the desktop computer or like an iPad and if you're on a phone then it'll be if you scroll way down to the very bottom you go nice and brown that whenever I see that that's what you're looking for I'm gonna put all these over and maybe let them go they're gonna be coked remember the salmon is cooked already the vegetables weren't cooked so they're gonna cook really fast and there was an egg in there so it's totally cooked by this point so you just want to get it as as brown as you want so it looks good how much I can smell it it smells really yummy I'm gonna have this for lunch during this G day have I already served before my family once this week I can't eat them several days but they would not enjoy eating them off so doesn't eat now me and I have a couple more tips for you but of course I can't remember let's see oh don't pay for convenience unless you have to I'm wrapping it up just like one more minute you know when you walk them in the grocery store they have all this pretty boxes full of chopped melon and cut-up carrots and stuff you know sometime you're gonna have an emergency your husband's gonna say oh my boss is coming for dinner I need you to serve 12 people that night then you go by the convenience stuff but on every old average Wednesday night was soccer practice don't mind the convenience foods eat them at home you know I do I splurged on two things chocolate and coffee I buy Fairtrade and shade grown and organic and all that kind of stuff because I love my coffee it tastes really good and my chocolate and I want the people that grew it to be paid a living wage so that's really important to me but it's still a lot cheaper than going to Starbucks so I make my coffee at and even though it's good quality it's cheaper than what you would buy out someplace so those are my main tips I wanted to show you my sweet potato because I showed you last time we talked about gardening and how just this one teeny little leaf and see how much it's grown now I think I had 12 cut like this in ten of them rotted no idea so don't think I'm some gardening genius and a great big success because it doesn't always work out that way so I've got some more sweet potatoes back here and I'm going to start some more of it this will go I don't know a couple more weeks and these leaves will get nice and big and they'll just break this little thing right off and plant that in the ground and it will miraculously grow sweet potatoes for me which is really I mean I do think the gardening is miraculous keeps me show on my tomatoes I have been here but you can plant this one little planet or one little seed and you get this abundance if you even have a pot and you can stick a pot on your porch you can get a lot of produce and then I'll save you a lot of money too I'm gonna get my fish out and show you one last time yummy it looks break one open and let you see the inside which nothing is gonna jump out or anything is something amazing but they are nice and still moist on the inside lots of flavor but you can cover up a lot with sauce if your kids will eat fish and you have to put ketchup on it then put ketchup on it that's it for today thank you for watching again i'm alyssa in hinds from our paleo family calm please visit the blog I have tons of recipes I have tons of information but lots of this information about budget is on there in different articles and be sure to like the kid cast page and have lots of great content there for you thanks so much good night you .

Video Description:

Elizabeth shows how to make Paleo Fish Sticks, Tartar Sauce, and Kale Salad.
