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Wednesday, January 6, 2021


It's Not Gourmet, Bro! Southwest Slow Cooker Chicken - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

hey paleo Nick here right now I'm going to show you the next dish in our it's not gourmet bro theory this is going to be a whole chicken we're going to cook it in the crock pot and if you're looking for a meal that cooks while you're away for the day then you'll want to stay tuned for this one first we'll just take a quick look at our ingredients we've got green chillies tomatoes sweet potato poblano peppers onions garlic cumin chili powder this is bacon you guys excited about that one and then a whole chicken well see you salt pepper and bay leaves and it only took like two minutes to cut all this stuff up right so it's going to be super simple but know this is how I recommend setting it up meson plus getting everything ready before you go to do the cooking so I'm going to start with the chicken and just get that out of the actually let's start the other way just to keep things safe I'm going to dump the bacon in the bottom of my crock pot spread that out and then I'm going to put the garlic right on top of that that'll provide the base okay from there I'll take one of my bowls put all the other ingredients in it onions poblanos or pasilla yams or sweet potatoes green chilies and crushed Tomatoes let's grab my spoon and mix this stuff up from there I'm going to take two scoops boom boom right in the bottom crock pot and then I'll take put my chicken the second Bowl inside the chicken is like the neck and the gizzards I'm going to drop that in the bottom and then I'll get a good amount of salt here start with the salt all the way around inside the carcass and pepper you can put rubber gloves on - if you're scared of touching raw chicken but I don't mind I'm just going to wash my hands well when I'm done here and then I have chili powder and cumin right here so we're going to blast the outside of fat to inside the bottom let's take the extra sprinkle it over here sprinkle a little bit of salt pepper on those guys and then I'll take this guy and couple scoops inside the chicken chicken goes in just like that these spices on top there right and we want to throw those away we paid for them and then the rest of our let me just pull this guy up here all the goods in there just like that you might have a good wash and I'll be right back all right so my hands are clean and actually got called out on touching the handle with the with my hand I had an unanticipated lift of the crock pot up to the cutting board and there's probably some Salmonella in this area so I'm just going to bleach that right here just so you guys know look at that boom I won't get seven teen emails that says spread something all over right okay last thing here a couple let's go with three bay leaves or the sneak-up kind of right on the side as the juices come out of here these will sink down I should have maybe put these in on the bottom but that's it let's throw the lid on plug it in and eight to ten hours so if you start this at 7 a.m. it'll be ready by 5:00 most crock pots are slow cookers have the warm features so as soon as they're done cooking they'll just keep it warm and so get home from work so I'm gonna plug this guy in over here so here we are ten hours later and you can see here I just scooped this breast right off the bone nice and tender actually it's not really ten hours later if you look right over here it's just but you know we're on video right the magic of TV I'm just going to serve this up quickly so I scoop this off one breast right in the bowl and then what you might want to do is render or kind of skim off some of this fat but I'm not too worried about it I'm just going to get a good you know good ladle full right there mainly a protein source there is some veg in there little sweet potato to add some sweetness wipe this little avocado in there maybe some fresh tomato cilantro it's all good let me just get a little mmm that's what I call not gourmet it just tastes that way I'm finna do Nick thanks for watching and as always keep it paleo .

Video Description:

The whole chicken! It's the true test of any cuisinier and, while I prefer it roasted, today's preparation shows us a no nonsense, slow cooker approach. While this is mainly a protein source, I paired it with some flavors of the Southwest and a few veggies to make it a one pot meal.

Friday, November 13, 2020


"It's Not Gourmet, Sis!" Beef Stew with Green Chiles and Yams - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

I got paleo Nick here I've got cast butcher bill me back in the house with their knives thanks for coming by haha we're going to do it our next episode and it's not your made fit it's going to be green chili beef day with yams and it's going to be quick though stick around I guess tapped at the helm I'm just going to give her a little guidance we're going to start off here with about four pounds of beef stew meat in the bowl and the ball two tablespoons of salt be able to let's go a half tablespoon of pepper from there let's go and now what I've got I have some frozen mirepoix I have some prepped out so I just add this out it's going to be easy half onions quarter salary quarter carat going with eight cups of that and then let's go with age going to be close to ten cup yam chopped up sweet yams are good they provide healthy carbs for fueling fitness but I will need guy give that a little Casa rubia how about if we go in with our green chilies you can actually oh I said red chillies and mix those in one 28-ounce canned ground Tomatoes I'll go with some fresh parsley about a cup of that see what you got I'll grab the school and use the bowl yeah let's go ahead in with our babies just kind of sneak those in the side while breaking them okay and then it's full but this is going to break down I think it's going to be perfect throw the lid on here go seven hours on high we'll see what happens check this out Wow dude look Wow so let's take a look here what do we got is our beef cold it's already flaking apart good salt on that whew nothing like a well salted piece of meat oh yeah mama when I cook down we're going to really catch the big fish uh-huh I mean riffs are packaging this up people probably get this is six quart so I'm thinking will get at least six ticket okay okay well be a healthy portion well that's it you guys not you are may remember we threw that together in a couple minutes we got cat the butcher Bellamy what did we make again I'm being chili beef stew with p.m. and as always guys we're here we're just hanging out cooking food do what we can to help you keep it paleo .

Video Description:

This is my favorite beef-based slow cooker meal. While they are all good, this one has the perfect mix of meat and sweet with a hint of heat from the chiles. I like to try to have one chunk of yam/sweet potato per chunk of meat. If you're looking for a great option for stocking your bank account, I highly recommend this one.

Sunday, October 18, 2020


Paleo Nachos with Chipotle Beef, Yam, and Avocado

other opilio nick here right now i'm going to show you how to make paleo nachos who doesn't love him not tonight right shooting a while back with my buddy Kyler and Vinny and Gus my buddy is I should say we we just threw together a little snack while we were kind of between things with some leftover food and since then it's progressed into this nacho concept so to get right into it I've got the flame on this pan here large saute pan I'm just going to get some oil in here and then some yams here red yams I uh you can pre cook these guys peel them but today all I'm gonna do order them this way this way and chop them across something like that and what I like to use is one yam per pound of beef we have a pound and a half a grass-fed beef here so I will do one and a half Y and we go three on this one two on that one so those are ready we'll also use one onion now these were similar size to our our yam chunks or sweet potato chunks so quick hack through this like this 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 he's got that so we'll start in here depende good and hot before you add the veggies and then hit it with some salt and pepper keep it over a high flame then just toss that every minute or so all right so it's been about two minutes it's gonna toss this give it a quick spin then we'll come back over the cutting board I've got three cloves of garlic and the garlic you can add this with the potatoes or the beef I'm gonna add this stuff to the beef this time if you pre cook the sweet potatoes and you just leave those out start the pan with garlic and onions and then go in with the beef right away so three cloves garlic and a half of these and if we do our math that's one clove of garlic per half pound of beef kind of a math guy you couldn't tell there we go so we got this other things that are going to go in there some Chipotle and then an avocado in the avocado you can make a guaca-- what I'll encourage you to do add this in at the end we'll fold this stuff in kind of heat it up a little bit and then this method here I'm doing this avocado no spoon it's not really working out so let me grab a quick moon that out we're cooking let's go back over here and take a look there we go nice and dark you know the pan is hot you give it a little bit more oil just to make sure I'm gonna say maybe three to four more minutes on these we're just kind of par cooking them and then we'll finish everything together once the beef is cooked so just stay tuned I'll guide you guys to all the walk you right through hand and head me and you all right let's do it all right so we're gonna call our potatoes good at this point they're nice and they're played ninety percent eighty ninety percent over gonna pour them onto a sheet pan here just let them rest in that same pan olive oil salt and pepper on our beef organic grass-fed beef and if you read my shirt here kind of in line with what's going on with this beef can make those decisions or you know whatever either gonna eat the conventional stuff and get cancer or you can just pay up now and have a lot more fun doing it so season side down and then as always we'll hit the top with salt and pepper right away so we know how much we're getting in there and then how's that going I'm gonna rock a little bit of this oil to the side or just some oil out on the side and we'll get our garlic in there then we'll just watch that garlic till it Browns a little bit then we'll start to mix it in with with the meat and that'll stop it from overcooking cool check back in a minute then we've got a couple chipotle peppers I'm gonna dump some of the juice in here and then pound and a half I'm gonna go one large one let's go too large and too small see that there's the one too small one too medium to large then we'll break that up kind of mix it in probably about 60 to 70 percent of the way on our meat so at this point put this over quick and then we'll dump our potatoes back in okay so I'm gonna pull a piece off here mmm nice salt the smokiness from the Chipotle just a perfect time to add our spinach and this is an addition I don't think it was in the first one that we did but we've kind of done one with mushrooms it's kind of whatever you have on hand that you think would go well with this this will bring some green for the more nutrients get those over as soon as you get the spinach covered it'll wilt down I'll give that a little fold to at this point we'll also cross my avocado the neck there's one last toss avocados and their spinach is in there got a platter now all right over here like that baby mmm spread our plantain chips on the top mmm here's the kicker this is the one secret ingredient want to tell your friends about this one but a little drizzle of maple syrup there we go then we'll finish it with cilantro right so they're behalf of you guys our paleo nachos if you've gone paleo it's probable that you haven't had a nacho night in quite some time so this makes that possible once again I'm paleo Nick there's always doing what I can to help you keep it paleo all right so you may be wondering how to eat this thing I'll show you how I do it grab a chip some meat sweet what else you want on the avocado gotta get a chocolate Otto ready me mm-hmm yeah buddy .

Video Description:

The evolution of this dish began in December while Vin-Diesel, Kyler Robert William Allison, G-Squared, and I were shooting some videos. We had tenderloin, chipotle, sweet potatoes, and avocado as leftover ingredients and this is what I came up with.
