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Sunday, October 4, 2020


Paleo Crabby Pancake Stacker - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

hey Leo Nick here pretty pumped up about this meal that we're about to make we're going to highlight Peggy chefs lemon herb tomato sauce by making some crab pancakes so we're about to get crabby stick around you don't want to miss this one all right guys here we go I've got one egg when i crack into this mini mixing bowl I'll beat that up quickly and then we're going to add one cup of crab news right here one cup see this cool little this is an owl measuring cup all right get hook hook up with some of these and pretty sweet one cup grab me going in I'm just going to fold that in mix it a little bit of salt and pepper there we go so just enough egg to kind of coat all that crab over here we've got our hot pan we're going in with some olive oil good amount of olive oil grab right on top nice sizzle okay a little bit then I'm just going to spread this out cover the whole base of the pan while that's cooking take a look here we're going to mix up some lemon stick with the lemon herb tomato sauce theme right a little bit of lemon on some mixed greens put that much pinch of salt pinch of fresh pepper and you can just kind of toss that with your hands a little olive oil in there and that's good that'll be our bed and we go to play fun hey come on so this pancake doesn't take long you can see our goal is just to get the whole bottom surface sacked or cooked so that we can flip it now if you need to use a rubber spatula to kind of help yourself flip it do that but I'm going to go for it here without any help boom just like that okay you can see the whole bottom side looks really nice at that point I'm just going to cut the heat the residual heat from the pan will finish cooking that and we're going to come over here and pull looks like that's about five little sprigs of cilantro one two three four five okay let that set aside boom life we're done with spoon we'll use here then this is just masago a little mini caviar and get this at the Asian market they do carrying and a lot of grocery stores now you don't have to use this and we'll just kind of give a little bit more Flair at the end a little pop and some color for to make a nice picture right you got to keep the pictures pretty so now I'm going to take my my greens and make a little bed right here get one one is there this is kind of your platform read a couple more there will be our garnish sermon we're done with pick this up check our so there you can see I could get it to shake again that means it's set all the way through I'll bring my pancake over here when we cut it into four one two three four and then I'm going to pile it on top here just stack them all uniformly little lemon herb tomato sauce pretty simple right so there we have it the crabby pancake featuring paleo chefs lemon herb tomato sauce I'm panseo Nick thanks for getting crab be with me and don't forget keep it paleo .

Video Description:

If you're like me, then you're starting the new year with 96 pots on the stove. Which ones to bring to the front burner, and in what order, is the game we call life, no? We don't like undercooked things (except for sashimi) and no one likes burnt food. So, what do I recommend? Learn how to make my crabby pancake stacker in order to properly fuel your pot juggling efforts. I actually had a version of this for breakfast this morning.
